Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 7, 1890, p. 4

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v j afe jiriim m frees thursday august 7 18c0 sljc fjomu 3folks the bfildes thovght t tiiei shall t tell xoo dour what l uioajbt of when i tbe nog tu on tad the prtycr ni said thoy were afc in their flying caxtiage two lovcn just sovly cdi not of the poac that ondod ear votirf the var we hope to kuo bat i onfj thocfihi oh torpto uie dctu of tic 1tbn who loved uie so your friend who stood by my bride 5 side at the iters rafliogfur chowat-two- ue bad longed so dearly to call aie bride bet darling y6a nerer fcnev and i only tboujhl boir it amoflered vim and glad repliea aii somehow tbe lighted church looktx throogh the tears that filled my oyes thai lagbing lifihtjr thns tnsverbd be j tis very btranpe how these things oc yxom bridsmaiddear was in love with t bnwi nerer thought of her mary and per little lamb a very fat tod goodntared bat ex tremely dull german boy tos a pupil in a school i taught ia a country neighborhood some years ago the lads name was jakey siefert bat nis mother who came with him on the first day called him sbakey and as shakey he was known from that time forward t to be as dull is he was rood- na in fact although he was tec yean he was still enable to read we were going to close the term with a little exhibition at the schoolhouse in the ercning nearly all the boys and girls were to hae ehort recitations or parts in dialognes while other would mij or read jakey had not been able to attend school daring jhe last week of the term bat he appeared at the exhibition and early in the ereuiug cazne op to me his ronod face all aglow with excitement teacher oh teacher he saidie hai a piece itonld like to speak too je haf been a veek learning it very well jakey i said yoa shall speak your piece and when uveal bobtxjat his own age had spoken i jakey siefert he came quickly forward and sleppei upon the stage a cooncal picsdre of grown boyhood and childish excitement his fat body was clad in a pink calico waist and around his neck was a huge embroid ered white collar such as used to be worn by obtgreaigxeat grandmothers has face was shiny as boap and water could make it after a jerky little bow jakey j mary jhad yon leeile jamh tjien hu stopped short and began bwitoh- iog at ins trousers legwith the tham a and forefinger of either hand maryhad voti leedle umb he ctopped again and fell to twisting aronnd on pne legt his lips mored rapid ly but no sound came from them some of ie other boys began tolacgh then jakey cried out you need oat geegle like dot it yog so mary did haf von leedle lamb it says m in thfrtookr m everybody laogbedat this and jakey recovering his good nature said in a corn ically load and shrill voice j j r i cannot dink how u vas in boetry ii vaaaeexadn mine head but it- vas like dis mary had a leedle iamb it vnt to school mit her wich the teacher be did not like ie children dey did all holler and yell dofmade de teacher mad h yoort got after dai lamb i bet yoa dot vai goot inn i vish i vas dere to see it he made de lamb git ond iwoold langh to u e dot yen de umb vas oat it vonld not go avay if laid ironed oing baaa p- dill mary did come ond and den it run np to her yoossoogiad as never vas de lam 3 did jove mary because she was shentle mid it i like dotlamb stoty goodbyl jakeys recitation was tbe saocess of the evening andirisiace shone with pride as he took bis seat amid shoots of laughter and applause voutiis companion a wifes prayer a wifes prayer nearly aa besotiial as the prayer of naomi is expressed in these words lord bless and preserve j that dear person whom thou hast chosen to be my husband let iis life be long and blessed comfortable and holy and let me also become a great blessing and a comfort onto him a shfer in all sorrows a meet helper in all his accidents and changes in the world make me amiable fox ever in his eyes sxid for ever dear to him unite his heart to me in the dearest lovft aod holiness and mine to faim in all sweetness charity acd compliance keep me from all uogentlenees anddisoontentedsest lod unreasonableness and make me h amble aid obedient useful and observant that wje may delight meachotneraccordnjg to thy blessed word and both of ns may re joice in thee having oar portion in the love and eervice of god for ever anren people wonder xhk tly find bow rapidly with v v la restored by taking ayertj 8r- apartua the reason is tits preparation contains only tho and most ivrertal alleratlve tonics to i liousands yearjy it pi vbritablocllktrorufo mrs joaj ik brocvway oeutre mlcuwrius uver complaint and indigestion jinailo my life a burden and camo near ending my existence for more llhu four years 1 sttftertd tin- told ttgonv i was rwlucml almost to a skeleton tutd hanlbluut strength- to drag uipwle ivbout all ktuds of food diitrcssml me and only tlio most defl- catc coti m j tlgvsted at all within the tituu tittmilgnctl several physicians treated iuu vyithuut giving relict noth ing that i ttok sevuieil to do any per- maiimit gootl mitil i began the use of ayers sariojmrilla which has pro- unced wouderful rosulu boon after commencing to take tho sarupajllla i touldsoeaa invovement id my condition my appetite began to totnrn and rlili it came the ability to digest all tlte food taken my strength improved each day and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions t found myself well woman onld to attend to all household duties the medicine lias given me a new leawtof life and i cannot thtnk you too nfuclu we thej undenlgnod citiwns of broctway centre mich hereby certify that the above statement made by mrs lake is true in every particular and entitled to full credence ix p chamberlain g w waring 10 a wells drugflst j my brother in england was forn long time unable to attend to his occu pation by reason of 6oxes on his foot j sent him ayers almanac and the tes timonials it i contained induced him to try ayers sarsaparilli after using it a little while he was cured and is now a well man forking in a- sugar mill at brisbane queensland australia a attcwell sharbot lake ontario ayers sarsapariha dr j c aycr l co lowell mass price mil boujo j worth 5 bouje sf riaissowea adaptedtonaltisnathat i 6atoria curw oouc oomtipatlon lrtooinacnjumsmjeitetoanvmmqridtkbi i bour stoinach dlartbaw eructation lusooiiordbl bnokljir t i wltsos tajnrlpui medloatloa urn canadian printers oefead can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to be had in this country and at lower prices- than jbr any other new cylinder press hsm cokbto hcton hnd bb our improved country pbuty press ht workj the root oljerll dbpepaa and eouahraptioq are tbe soqrces ol tarioni diseaiee bat root and branck may be removed by using bardook blood bitten according to direotioor it ieendorsod by tho preujthe pablioand the profeaaion and cannot tbe exoelled for the care of coaatipation dypepaia and all dia- eaaei ariaior therefrom a child saved that distention of he stomach which many people feel after eating may be dae to improper mastication of the food batv in most cases it indicate s a weakness of the digestive organs the bes remedy fpr which is one of ayers pills to be taken after dinner sell farm ad- r notes here and there items of general interest to free press readers f only a sitter my sister and i each tried a burdock blood bitters with great aaficess for bilious headache we rccommedd it fo all as a specific for headache i miss cjlkeie scheeho baden oat hard to- beat carpets it can da no harm to try freemans worm powders if your child is ailing feverish orfretfol i we arc prepared to ruvc that imperial cream tartar biking pow der contains no alam ammonia phosphate or any imparity or adulterant bat is made of very best crystal cream tartar and english sicuo soda j how beaatifally that woman aings sdsone lady to another who was ia gor geous attire and blaring with diamonds is ithea mezzo sopraojo no i guess not i think she is a swede replied the other the man who weut to the tailors for a dove cote didnt jet it all ages and j conditions of people may use national pols withoat injury and with great benefit history of 15 jears for fifteen years we have used dr fow lers extract of wild strawberry as a family medicine for trammer eomphunta and diarrhoea and we never had anything to equal it wq highly recommend it sjjtcelwebb corbett ont the loveliest flower seen at this season of the year is said to be the shad roess a single scratch may cause a festering sore- victoria carboiicsalve rapidly heals cuts wounds bruises bums and all sores the attorney j who makes a specially of admiraliiv cases mast know all aboat the party politics j when party politics run high bad feeliug and bad blood are often caused but- all parties agree that when bad blood arises from ordinary causes the only sausfactorr care it bar dock blood bitten natures blood purifier recommended by the medical profession a financially weak citizen said the other day that he was overlooked bythe public nobody took any note o him j i t purity of ingredients and accuracy of compounding make mxlburns aromatic qainine wine the criterion of excellence when the architect spoke at the great nave there was tote put in the new church a pious old lady said that she knew to whom he referred troumcntlfeuta- a boys enemy once upon atirae to tetf when and where would be a breach of confidence a brighteyed wdwed wellhoused boy told me thathe believed it was easier for a fellow to really amount to something if he had rather tough time of it than far us fellows who have everything so outrageous- lyetfay right strbight along my boy is not the first one who has found ease and softfaving hard giants to fight very sleepy glow giants they are but hard fellows to i yetfdoea u require very amch grit and grace to fight them than to fight xtnihrirt fnttripryp bideous unromantic we most ainu- ttatj the nicest and iisiniigjaitw aswrtsdawrand raw be had at mrs w h brown n melita man states that two at her children and two others belonging to aneighborj were cured of the worst form of bummer oomplaint by one bottle of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry natures snecific for all summer complaints- i marian said a vainyoung man to his cobsin can you tell me what a fop is ob yes she replied 1 a toy is one- f ho takes great pains aboat everythins except lis b 1 1 is there anything more annoying than having your com stepped npon is there anything more delightful than getting rid of it hoiioways cora care will do it try it and be convinced the proverb never speak jof tbe gal lows in tbe hoose of tbe hnngjgrew oat of the unimportant natare of the event- it is nothing to speak of hlaardft lfntmcni far iale crerrniiere chronic cough now j for it joa io nn ft ninr beenmo enri- j j ninptle ft cmmuupllott frrafitfet omrrmi drtidlfjf jahj tfajftinq viwximx there is nnbinc eto mulsion of pure ch i liver oil and j hyp0ph08phite8 j it is almost bettor than ottie a vooderfal neat scotts is put up in a mali tare tud get tits denier at soe a bcott isi lolatable as milk far boadicd emulskras j producer emt7lsiok j on color wrapper jj j tjaiuiu biid by a j id 1jq i t bowke tt0erme if you want to bay or vertise in the toronto eddy mail that paper roaches 10000c farmers homes every week and yoar ad verusement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chasej advertisements sorted in the toronto wceily mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada ily little boy was taken very bad with diarrhms he was very delicate and got so low we had no h6pe of his life bat a lady friend reoommendad dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry and although be coald only bear a few drops at a time he got well it saved myohild mns wir stewibt caropbellville oat a refreshment bar on a northern railway is kept by a veteran bakct a uprightly yonng traveller complained of one of his pies the other day the old man became angry yonng man bo said severely 1- made pies before yoa was born yes responded the traveller i fancy this mast be one of those same ptes ctansma uou cured in the cause ofjharasnlty mr p gaathier montreal says in the interest and cause of humanity i con sider it my duty to testify to the excellent results i obtained by the use oc yoar nasal balm after e offering several years with that loathsome and distressing disease cat arrh a friend of mine whom i placed a great deal of confidence persaaded me to try a bottle of kasaljbalm which i did with such happy results that i am now pleased to have all soon sufferers know it and you are at liberty to ase thistestimon aj in any manner you wish hoping thai it will be of as mack benefit to some poor sufferer as it has to been to me an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for- tbe speedy and per manent care of consumption bronchitis oatarrh asthma and all throat and long affections also a positive and radical cure after having tested its wonderf ulcarative powers in thousand of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to his buffering fellows actuated by this motive aod a desire to relieve haman suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe ingermaofrenchor english with fall directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp namirjg this paper w a notes 620 powers block rochester n y advice to motnxes4are you disturbed it bight and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows 6oothing syrup for children teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is go mistake aboat it it cares dysentery sndjdiarrhcea regulates the stomich and bowels cares wind colic softens the gams redaces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing syrap for children teething ispleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout j the world price tweniyfive cents a bottle be eure and askfor mns wtsslotssoormxc stbtp and take no olheriincl j h earl west sheffocd p q writes i have been troubled with liver com plaint for several years and- have tried different medicines with little or no benefit until i used dr thomas eclectric oil which gave me ifllmedate relief and i would say that i have used it since with the best effect no one should be without it i have tried it on my horse in cases of cutti wounds etci and i think it equally as good for horse u foe man for the thorough anil speedy cure oc all blood diseases and eraptioos of the skin take northrop fc lymans vegetable dis covery mrs b forbes detroit had a running sore on her eg for a long time commenced using nofthrbp lymans vegetable discovery and she is now com pletely cared her husband thinks there is nothing equal to it for agatf or any low fever for all such and drity the best safe- the vicissitudes of dlimate are trying to most constitutions etpecially to people having impure blood they constitute the m guard is ayers sarsuparrilla the ase of which cleanses the blood and strengthens and invigorates the system the coughing and wheezing of persons troubled with bronchitis or the asthma is excessively harassing to themselves and annoying to others dr thomas eclectric oil obviates all this entirely safely and speedily how can it be said that young men are rushed through college when everybody knows that they get through only by degrees 1 rest and comfort to the suffering browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures prin in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth- ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sarely quicken the blood and heal aa its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the greai pain believer and o double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy far use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the btomch od paiua and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cent a bottle dialogne in a boudoir what lovely hair she has i i soppoae is is her awn oh yes of course it is no doabt if yoa ask aba will prove itfor she told me only a few days ago that she was careful to keep all her receipts c c binriims 4 co gekts my horse was so afflicted wit4i distemper that he coald not driuk for four days and refused all food bimplyipply- ing minakds liniment outwardly cured him feb iss7 cxit hceeoit cisx c c hlchidrrf co gextc i have used your mtnakds liniment for bronchitis and aslhmii and it has cured me i believe it the beat lot 5 p e i maa- a livtscstox i want a dogs muzzle saida little fel low entering a hardware shop js it for yoar father asked the cautious shop keeper no of coarse it isnt its for oar dog the shopkeeper his resolved to be more guarded in the f attire when he asks customers questions mr john anderson grtssmere out writes the vegetable discovery you sent me is all gone and i am glad to say that it has greatly benefited those who have used it one man in particular says it has made him a new man and he cannot say too much for its cleansing and curative qualities are you going tofollow the suggestion of the railway officials and adopt the mean time asked the watchmaker of mr btebbins v mean lime 7 no indeed 1 my watch keeps mean time enough now for coughs colds bronchitis and all lung and throat troubles there is no preparation of medicine can compare with bickles anticonsumptive syrap it neverfailsto afford prompt and permanent relief it removes all soreness and heals the diseased parts it immediately sooths the most troublesome cough and by promotiog expectoration removes the mucous which stops up the air tabes which causes diffi culty in breathing thereby gives relief to that depressing tightnke experienced in the chest public speakers and singers wftffindbicltles anticonaamptive byrup of inestimable value j as it speedily and effectually allays all irritation and iiuski- ness in the throat and 1 rouchial tubes and gives power to the voal cords rendering the voice dear and soiorous if parents wish to save the lives ol their children and themselves from maci anxiety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bickles anticonsnm jtive syrup and whenever a child hai taken cold has t cough or hoarseness g ethe syrup accord ing to directions maps and full information rates etc over any north west or the weajteru had attbe grand trun hloxntt liniment tor mite fcvctyvrlierc the key to health grand trunk rail express tttanirt gftftes 1amrl mj 1104 iml int exprwa ssatn passenger rjj ss ttooaheip6xpinlfali ftovji 1 aeeomt10ropjnacmld i p- 21 tocaoioxdawaiuim m oolbjwestosoanianasaorn 1 qoinseast losoajnaiidiainiu this time table went laub jjjj without a plate best jeeth oh a tltalired air forpatols extrj chmg98 tat yoga urf the free press is printed on the above press and the rk illustrates its merits np 81500drum cylinder press can do better- newspaper or poster work we hare ran the prooty lor elht years and the longer ire ran jt the better we like it it ii simple easy to ran easy on type easy to handle oosts little for repairs and is easy on the printers pocket boos we call it tbe beat press to be had in the world oday for the money come and see oar press at work if yoa desire samples of work send for them and we will gladly famish them we can give yon yoar choioe of a namber of different sis aad styles of presses at all prices 11 coocennng rotate to manitoba the states may be station acton ni the third jiaiie f uau is noted for wat if you want to bay or yoa waut a situation a ness machinery lodgii or pond anything or ii oritwpere anyoueis unto jhuy mall and mention the third the c large istivo cext sertion address the ada buirdi ualoteat hf sale eterytrkere toronto ivaiif t advertisementa ell anything ii mechanic a bnsn s if you have loss you want to find mjvertiso in tbe toi the advertise of that paper a word each in- toronto can unlocks all the clogged arenaes of the bowels kidneys and liver currying ofl gradually withoat weakening the sys tem all the imparities and foal hamors of the secretions at the some time cor recting acidity of tho stomach caring biliousness dyspepsia headaches dizziness heartburn constipation dryness of the skin dropsy dimness of vision jaun dice salt rheum erysipelas scro fula fluttering of the heart ner vousness arid general debility all these and many other similar compjauifs yield to the chappy influence of bubdock blood bittebs for sau by all dealers tmmlm0propiletiisiomto coloured nasal balm isad pigt ho a certain and speedrcnre fen cojd in tbe head and catarrh inallussuges r eootrmo cuamslisor heauhc errant relief permanent cm fahire imposslbfa j many socalfcd diseases are simply symptoms ol catarrh such as headache partial- drsawesi losing of smell foal breath luwlting and spitting j meral jealinf of debility etc if you are troabled with arty ef these or kindred symptoms yon hare catarrh ilia siwiimiom no time in proconng a bottle oc haul balm lswtrjua in tinu neti aoju bead resolts in cantrrh followed by mbstnnpuoaand death nsl bit is sold bj ajldnanntsof will baenti6stpaidpfttscehhof price50mmsaml8ijjbyaddreioe t wfmzotoomizwr i3 bewart of imitations similar la eanw rfo think of it a new 8 col folio or5 col qto press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from 1 h p m00re agent for canada acton ont r- johnnie gbet your gbun blow gentle breezes blow to kelly bros store ill go a bat a tie a shirt a collar ill ret tbe lot for aboat a dollar a pair of boots udstockiogs too my poor old toes are looking bine ill fio a five for a new suit yet tenmjid cat aa overcoat ill be a dade i wih you bet l city swell aristocrat 1 hold oo that aint all yet an undershirt aod pants 111 get 111 bay a pair of gloves unliued li they dont show a better kind a pair of braces in theyll filve for im the itnfi thats going to live to travel the country oer and oer and recommend kelly bros store some groceries too im going to bay for my dear wife as well as i tea sugar and other things ill get we intend to live till we have to quit they sell so cheap it is really funny what a lot you get for a little money they sell for cash and bay goods right because they say to draw at sight other merchants cant bay so cheap because they dont go io so steep they sell on tick money is oat and theyve to mind xnat theyre aboat aad do yoa think i hare the staff of which few if any get uougb to bey a suit from head to toes ii oot im here as grab for crows if i aint goodlooking i have conceit that i can pay for what i wear aod eat for credit is one of the greatest cone ill tell you in the next two verses i look like a man thats chased by dogs oh worse than that thy were really hogs they charged two prices for therrgoods they chased me to the very wooes because tbe bill i coald nt pay my grain was poor and cheap was bay im honiest boys yes im a dandy wonld rilve them the money if i had it hiindy before i left ill tell you square while the wind is whistling through my hair i happened to pat in my lets hip pocket twentyin cash in there i socked it thats ll thave not one cent more bat it will buy moat at kelly bros store and aitsff this i intend to bay ai kellys store until i die yoa think this rhyme contains no sense well let you say so without defence bat to buy goods cheap and to save a loss pay th cash and deal with ni kelly bros the great s4ri clothing house jclojl semirnnuhl we will commeuce our summer semi- annual sale sext saturday morning to- last for thirty days during which we will offer to the public one of the largest asaortmunts of bargains we have ever shown them i we have gone carefully through every department iu the store marking down prices re morselessly as our tables on satmday and the following 30 days will convince you we give you a veiy few of our prices as an illustration of theiuducements woare offering to the economical purchaser f dress goods 100 yards all- wool albatross 10c worth 18c 350 stripes and granite pattern challie 10c worth 15c ioo reversible serges jrrand valae at 124c 315 plain serges grand value at 12jc 125 allwool serges new tints at 18c for mer price 25c and 80c 100 it in wool chillies at 29c worth ioc 350 striped lama cloth at 35c well worth 65 cents the same redaction applies to better goods hosiery special lines rednced from 15c to 12jc special lines rednced from 10c to 25c colored and black rednced from 50c to 35c lisle thread rednced from 75c to 50c fine cotton rednced from 11x0 to 50c colored silk ndnnsd from f 100 to 50c a lot of misses cashmere hose at 25c wcro sold at 0c and 50c childrens hoso redocod from 15c to 5c i liaces 2b doz torchon laos 15c reduced irom 20c 3- pieces oriental flovncing at 15c worth 50c t 20c worth 60c 1 1 piece of lace flonnciog at wcworth 65c 1 valenciennes laoe at 50c worth 75c i i pieces embroidered scotch chambray floarcings at 35c formerly j100 4 pieces embroidered sootoh chambray flonncings at 50c worth f 125 j white embroideries from 5c to 4125 flouncing from 60c to f 250 1 l piece all over wool lace at 50o former price staples red loced 5bo yards fink print with borders at 5c i from 10c kioe scotch chambrays at 5o worth 10c and 12c mine ginchams at 8c worth 12jo e triped shaker flannels at 8c worth 10c and 12c eeersnckers at 5c i cersnekers at 8c aid 12 jo for further particulars see large bills g b ryan c guelph rush of customers -to- the right house special bargains in every department li ts t to olear ont the remainder of the spring and slimmer dry goods many prices and a genuine clearing sale of these is now io full blast at tbe right u the house well made serviceable goods at low prices the order of the da per yard checked ginghams at 5c extra good quality while cotton at 5c chambray jc per yard extra wide fast colored prints only 5c per yard be tare to tea them fancy bilk cape at reduoed prioes- a special lot of co lot of black silk mits at 25c and wo per pair theytare slijhtly damaged ao at 10c per pair some of tnem formerly sold at 25c fanoy ribbon reduoed tc hosiery at 6c 7c 8c and 10c per pair many of which were formerly sold at black cashmere hose at 40c per pair- white muslin embroidered ties at v furnishing department see the unlaundried shirts at 10c each for 1240 is a great fatorite ton should sen them geots bilk tits and bi bargains be ion to tee them trimmed millinery at reduced prioes off at 60c per spray formerly sold 1 and 1125 each ladies sailor hate onl cheap goods a lot of remnants at bargain prion curtain poles from 35c spring rollers bom 60c hundreds of otheb bargains to be and bee them be 8tjre tod get into the rlghi house window foe the name which ib- hamilton julj itsth 1830 ifesr tomagki summer tour pslacc sirtt- l lour trjptl wk detroit mackinac 0 et7 xreaias brtwaa detroit and cleye bpuir 0tjl i our illustrated pamph j batm add bumwiea tldwla win bj fm e b wkltcomb o- p onaarr the detroit ciaelaid steam kaf- lal tbl uirwbial wefam tit mm akpctwwtif7 fiklb hdlrtlmt fl j filih ci i ilialor oxamvwfa toolrirna iw nplnu thine u oa know it 1 ti vntl lkr 10 s i i2l mm bwa iso to 0o v t dr fowl irsi ext 1 n curi holera and all summer comp and fluxes of the b0wbls it is safe jho reliable sor chlldretl or adult r wl he largest sgaiiwprigi in canada over qo styxe or hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales impfloved show cases honey drawers v l and bjthess sspputs aooarss ix 7llt j wi c wilson ft 6 o esftanade streetekst toronfcaont tfe tins paper c7 time too writs jkmni bakllsic j thec001csbestfrieno h purest btrokcest bel contalksno- t- alum ammonia lime phosphs or aai injorious naterlalaa arr tv gillett jssis sua tost a of goods haveheen marked down to very low hoase attractive babgain8 all over read abrnit thi secnockfrt it 4jo and 5c per yard flannelette at 5jo fast colored parasols telliug ofl much nnder regular prioea ore 1 silk ltoe u at 17c per pair aiwiher are muuh uuder regular pricet a lot of gloves low prioea a large lot of childrens louble the prio- see the specisl lot of i worth mnch more bargains in oem a special unlaundried shirt at 871c or three mooh under regular prioea milliner garden hate ouly 15c eaoh a lot of flowers telling 30c io the carpet department yoa will find nbward painted window shades complete with i throughout the house comb before entering look on the 10 u iad tholtai3 o tbelttf ttoaalnrtax one of tit bestivf reot in iho nuria t x5i4la ktftwr prxtd n a tooxctiumiaihj ksslxna obii fctotih trtf hiaioly mom l to how- oomvltatsu tn4 iiivartdl jtablbfr ttifc csi fltt ifa r pyim mt t taitik mn tl b0x- u u m j ma mu from t93 to s 1 0 dr u wi m wt ailt luttlr rtf it addrom il iuuxjt a co- hirsfsp i rp0utmycuifi p3pjii bosjreicociptaliiidlf r an iiar i sumiercompunps 1 keep a bott 1 thghqijr sotdbyaluq jvl 05rjfe

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