Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1890, p. 1

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igfafatr m jteab5ih v-v- i owioy t t til m volume svrk0 7 acton ontario thuesday august 14 1890 peice thbee 5bnts f ijt rtoffj rtss is rrbli hzi every thuksd k morning ljinliugobo actox oxt frw vtai sttin mtlx street if slid in advance or with i ibim nwntb from betinning o rear p f wjjft the dattto which every bsciiptiod is pud li aeuoted by the dele oalbo address laoel antnmsrsa kl meets 8 n per soaftteil w m aertfon j cents pot lino tot cadi lauoqooat insertion- t r coxtuct runtlic following ttblo sbo oar rates far tec insertion o advcrukmenu or specified periods ij spicc l ra 6uo i ka lie- clcu ss0t iuuj nw jito m jixi 3d3 uoo w 1 inch ub l50 uk a4xrtimmcna witheat specific directions will be inserted toi foroid and charged crd- inglr transient 4dtrtiscracatbart be paid in advance- vdvertasements vui be chmgedjonce etch month ii desired for chances oftoncr than oooeamontlitiie composikoa mast be pajd for at regain rites change for contract advertisements mast be m the office bv 9 ajn oa tuesdays i ouierwise th ill be left over until the olloviac reek ephooee editor and 1 roprietor ttitus5 strtdflr ywt h lowbr it b ifcpfi- vrh gradual of trinuvcdueceembotot coseceof phywciuio4sarcoonk offloe tad residence the ueod ol treet acton d r 6prixger pfftslciiv ecogeqk office ixn hesmescr dr bouse cantor jiul ind frederick i accocajeutt c jw esticey iltt cjtftla itari5 396 conoco st toronto telepbona vo2158 t f halsted 1ld tl a pgnrtrris sctgcox ere rzhdeyce ixodbtg store out door to wtqiuos boot end tboo slfl bennett ejs pej tist le i gtottgetotnt 0xt12i c mckiklaytds tic sceiieox dexttst geoiusetofy vljitt aolm 14 agnevi hotel on ad foarth wedneadiy of each montl offloe la georgetown first door soata t church m cleax 4 itclein l buristart soliciton koufiei tc frinta hmdi to lon offloe toirn hall actoa vtx k mcln jxo lu j amowxt euuosizx boucrtoe koxist monej trfljoajk omen du taeaj ud sitifrdir rncz ufttthers block actoc street tore second ot bp- contcyinccn sfclntx qhiltokallakibaird brtiftert soli iters t toaosro ixd- geoegztots offleei creelmaai block georgetoi a tad 8c cine stnot out toronto w t illit i 6hilt0x bx j lliiss bu patents sectjeed foe iktkmtioxe hesbt gbist ottawa cauda twenty yean poetic so patens ko par vjctm- hemgtbeet llcexezs acctjoxeze yoz the counties of wellioston aad orders left at ha fszz fezes office at mjrretldenoe to acton will be promptly tt- leaded to terms reaaoaahle alao tnooer to loan oor the moit ftomie terms and at the lowest ras of lakrest in aams of s500 and apwards john day aechitect 0rncxiu6eat hotel block jtarfctt halloa acton or gceipir osr f eangis nunax saccemor to t fchapmaj booebdtdee stgeorceisqiuro gauiplioouno acootmt booil of i hod nudj to ordor periodicau o uterrdelcriptioi earalalltboond buliorneturaadpromptlf dooc n rphe hanlanbaebeb shop mnx stbzzz axior iiiyilito u eiluliaitlnsilimpooaiwtrgiteh boned and put la ftmdaii eondiuoc 4nd children t hair uatijf cut vhwosdex goodfbant eoxora udiei toniorlal a rtit bisjfoiiey -fai- aleuts t v0 rir ao capital reqnirod an boaorable l and tiriuswcrthj cosiness- wiihoct acr possible chance of iose steady eojpiojtaeet snd control of tamtorj hsredone liasiaess in canada 33 years liberal pay to the right man to sell out nnexeeued karscrr stock facd for terms chase bkothees cosfpaj x korscryicfnconorncdnt agents wanted in etery township to sell the pictorial cyc iopedla of live stock and complete stock doctor the most completeind coajpreheaiite work ererpnblished- its arilhors stand at the bead of their profession and hare a coatinntal repc- tatioavorth its weight in gold to any ooe hanaghots sheep cattle swine poultry pogsor bees a grind oxiportonity to make money secure territory at oscc andxeis e n moyee enbubhet 120 yonge si lumljerj latli r shingles saytr6irhnttsbnrcja hunowto stock about a 1000000 font of dumber inolodtng allkindi naeaetl for imildiu paipoaea this tniuhaiawtll tsubllalied repuuuon for flrtt- elaaasttihbar i4daaobablertee xath and shiuglea on hadd vo ar mepaxed to supply overy want in our line i f prter baveb8 kaisafiwaapo wellington steaia laundiy ouelphj shietfiloc c0lubfc cuffs e family wsih ng witlibul irquliic a5c per dot family wash ng with ironiag c per doi geoucmins wuhinj and llepairing fioc pec dozen all work guaranteed host a canada office and works 56 quebec streets goods left ffllh kelly bros pur agents at acton will be fnt lo the laundry and returned to tlioir sroro frwj of charge at shore prices 1u hackxfv proprietor frank burces8 house painter paper hanger sign writer jetc l pjanja to eiccald orders fa any of the ibore lines ia the best manner and at reasonable terms ererv job haring mr personal attention i can assure customers comploto uusfactiou graining ia all woods a rpecialty cxdersleltattny residence will receire prompt atteatiou jxsln eu actoc gruelpli ibusiaesj college g0elph xj achleh vacijlox stadcnta can enter at anrftinie with equal adrtnlagc tfci most comp3c5c equipment and the best methods for firing a tjborouffh business odacatioa terms moderate apt satisfactory circulars girinpfullinformsiioa mailed free to any cddross if xfaccouif ick principal w barber i bros paper makers i georgetown ont 1ux a srectaltv of machine finished book papers high jiull weekly vews tbe paper used in his journal is rom the above mills wh barber beos actokj pump factory planing mill thos ebbage man t bare renamed tha mahxfcmcnt of the- pamp batinss in acton and vuold rmpectxojjy mfornali partec ia int of pbnps tbat to are novprepared o scpply them rem tie old style wooden pnfflp lo the beat force pnmp made pmnpa for wind mllla or eodr weill lappued on anon notice- deep wella a special fricesriaht evert time j 1 our planing mill lamlr dressed while yon iwait ifocldings ate made to order we hare iloa quantity of lumber for sale suitable for building purposes orders by mail will receive prdmpt and carafel aticntiou j shopfltfootofrlyer street i i thos ebbage hanacer mutual fire insurance company i or tuz i coetnty op tolrikgtok iestabushtd 19tf0 head office jcuelph inaresbraidingxircrchacdithaii zuclones and all other description of inferable propenj on tbe cah and pretnicni xota sritcai f wstone chas datrdsolti- bresident j manager johk taylor a3eht i nevy planing mill i -atd- eaah and door factory john cameron contractor h nited cp the hnildicgon sjjucfifreet lately occupied as shrunk factory widi new machinery and is prepared to famish plans specifications and estiintce for all classes jaf buildings and eiecate all kinds of j j dressing i i ifatchxkg 1 acdsfouldisg i kaez all styles of sisaes door and windowb and door framea anddrecsed lumber and keep a stock 02 hand all orders promptly attended to j j johk cameron toronto welliiigfoumarble works qcebec sveezt gcelpe ctark ix carter dr3bct importers or qranit abajfartle mot amenta and headstones of jail shades and from the newest desigus ah work aai ma- lrii warrantaj nrsvelam parues isisbing to purchase will please gire as a call a nrfnsiioct our stock aud prices ase are coafldbnt we can competa with ny establishment in oatario harfossold out my interest to the i bortrnrm i respectfally solicit the patronsfie toany frionds and tbe pamic on their behalf j j jrhhaialton tacton r livery bus line the aadenlgnedrccpectuhysoucfumjeitatroa age of the pubhcand inionns tfami that wu equipped tsnd btyliib hips cn wsji be secnrm athii stables a eimforthle bn stains between b an ndj pm carjtfnl at4eotidn gf ran to erery order thewsatsofminierdsjirej- i 1 bars folly met a coal wood wall paper ix you want your rooi ts to look nice with bor dcrs and ceuini decorations of llno soft ooloriifes sod blending i and proper shading days bookstore ootlph is tho place to oayb cause day has ten times the assortment his iainaro tiowprand bet ter selected alany if tbe best manufadturori sell only to him and t lerefore behasthetexclu- slre sale of their hoods in goelph doing almost the entire psier trade of the city and paying cash for his goods bo can buy the quan tity at the lowest olio price enabling him v undersell all competitors day can give yon better paper bordersicelling docoratfons and lower prices than an other store in the city boo his papers and lrice before parting with your money j day sells cheap 200000 lbs having compfctod contracts for io ckr losds of tiriuc of the following uraadi escfilsior red cap com mon sense red star anchor we are now in very lowest a position to qnoto cash figures phris h pure t- green a specialty john m b0xd cxj 1 guelph direct eardwue inporterx lardine macliiiie oil j v kannawins mill st a little kt- talk about shoes james brown lis oa hand a larc quantityof cxccllcat coal which he wilt promptly delirer to any part of the town at rensoaable prices iirdwood iad slabs cut stotc length always 03 hand relephone communication- waters bros w the picotre gailehy quelph klialtkb k rictlbb noot jwmimffl st i1cturks mouldings a mouldings j corvice poles from 35c buas8bodst banner 110d8 from i aetistfe ilatekialb pigores may he aud facts distorted be p ct seeing is bclicying come and see the peekaboo boot and shoe store is just no showing a number of new lines of shoes and kippers specially adapted for theseason these new goods are being sold at pnees as low or lower than those asked for old styles and shop- worn goods elsewhere everybody can he eiiet ia gents wear lafldiea wear r suited for we have all youths wear children 1 wear special lines good goods newest style and best value ior the money at w williams vactoh custom work and re tion trunks pairing given careful attea ad ralises in variety ageub wanted if yon want to e ell our choice time write us at one maybe wanted pu a it 1 lacce s eellalllerrashin stock compl opportunity offered men hare good sc to 900 per week lals agoodpushjnan liberal terms and trie writa peed ol 1 colors ter colors chilli colors brushes etc eb heady mixed paints aspeo- namela hordf wires is chains hoota etc obobqeb tjafi salesmen to sell warranted ftrstt profitable positions and einonsei itflt daeement torjecdnii enee necessary oatfl clringgo i ohabjoes uentlon this paper babys wear foeitj us didnt amount to 8hvck8 there was illjah ben and bart who war smart bona of old abijah blander see his house way over yauder i war ye see that fongnocked gauder on the oartf bat bill the vounges watched the docks because he didnt smount to shucki i tell ye liljab baa and bart did their part wy yo neror see slch bustlers notor see bich tamal bustlers they wui roglaf roarin rustlers they war smart but bui he uster loaf ta stop auldllanlallycagand gap tfcein fellarsbijsh ben and bart made uimgsitaxt sot a chap eonld boat their showlu plantin harrosun or mowin or at tatorin or hoeln thoy war smart bat bui loaf od roun and watched tto ducks because bo didnt amount to shacks an bill was laxy so thoy said an half dead kcrer utterlaugh an holler nerec tried to make a dollar bat he wis a fait rate icholar a great head hed take tome tamal books and shirk an lot his brothers do the work an thoy scot bui to general court curus iport an he with thorn sir iegfslalers jfoqispose ur similar natars tio thort be was some pertalers held the fort his speeches war so fuller snap they struck eui like a th under clap ho tiifcod io well and know to uiadi books an lach tuet he now lives way up yandcr in the state house quite a gander an folks call him governor blander its too uioch the chap who uster watch thollneks bccaasc he didnt aiuoant to shacks but what ur uijah 13c q and bart i who war smart never fear thet theyll fortako us bigu an lieu are good shoemakers bait he drivu josiah bakers butchers cart an all three brag about the ducks an bill who didnt amoant to shacks jitbrt 3ftrmiiit juairinj tfiose good yoang iden sit uau tvu dallas there is to be r prixe offered for the handsomest crazy quilt at fhefair said miss keziaii pruden and its a prize of twentyfire dollars i know i could get it if i had the silks for ive got a real danger ous maniac idea about one bat gracious me nobody wont give you no scraps nowadays and as for bavin em why i could nnnunore afford it than a cat be sides there woojdnt be no objec tve got sewin silk enough samanthy sprfggs the djessmafcer that boarded hercited to throw her ends of spools and skeins kilto paper box that she left when she got marriedj said i might ha ve em but i cant get pieces well ive got to give it up thats all though it would give me charch clothes this fall poor sflss keziah was old and plain and poor and her boose was not well furnished or her style elegant professor vernon boarded with her out of pure charity for he might have lived where he chose bat hiss ftwinli did her best to make him comfortable and he knew that now all the summer boarders had lerwier he stood be- money take hold and erystock now is tbe for terms 3 nurserymen rochester n t men to sell choice nursery assortment splendid spring work my sales- many selling from 100 id for proof and testunon- mso wanted here at snoe best goods in the market young ntj rseryman uocbester n y wanted iarserr stock all goods pr paid or theright reekly liberal in no pretious exparj- free writ for terfns there was a little boy to be taken care of miss keziahs grandnephew and the little house stod on half an acre of ground which bore nothing but oldfashioned flowers and an ancient graperinc that gave promise of plenty even summer bat was given over to evilminded worms long before autumn came the professor sat eating ins breakfast as the old lady talked and being kindhearted fellow with a real friendship for the poof old woman he paid attention to every word she said things do happen better than we ex pect miss keziah he said perhaps you might manage to do it after all bat poor old keziah shook her head and he saw her wipe away a tear with the corner of her apron as she turned away and it occurred to him that men had ac complished much more hopeless things than the procuring of bits of silk for a crazy quilt a woman would have known that they could be bought but he being- a man did not know how or where a number of small pieces of various colors might be procured he knew enough ot crazy quilts to see that these were necessary and he pandered long and deeply finally he went to bis room and brought down two cravats a blue and a pearl color and laid them oa the old ladys apron as she sat shelling pease on the doostep would that sort of silk do he asked j could like me you can have these oh how lovely said miss keziah just perfect bat dont you deprive your self ko well thank you ill get a bit of black and start sort of pretend to myself ill her more any way and the professor- with a smile caught up his hat and started for the college on the way he purchased a box of delicate note paper and envelopes and in a oozy den of i his own at the college sat down and compos i ed the following billet tmust of course conceal uiynauc and give you no clew to my identity you will see that when you have road what i am about to write i am a young lady of seventeen belonging to a family of hftfh aodal position and i may say sfneeyqadonot know mc that i am not only rich but handsome i have had many offers j but since i have seen you i can think of no one else your appearance your manner the intel ligence of your countenance all thrill my very soul and i think of yon night and day it is foolish perhaps but i long for something you bare worn to treasure next my heart as miser treasures his gold you wore on one occasion a cravat of delicate tint that became yon well will yoa send me that r you cannot dream what it will be to me to hare it for my own my very own yoarsrer unknown but ever loving leokd address l post office bjvmgrnariifolded this letter the pro fessor addressed one to every student in the college and arranged for their delivery and waited result they wero satisfactory a fln 1 tickled vanity rested on the cheek of every youth under the academic roof that day the bait was swallowed t the little boy who was employed for the purpose brought a bagful of envelopes to the profeseor each evening for three days he opened them in his room bach con taineda loveletter more or less tender vivaciobs or sentimental acoording to the character of the writer and a brand new inclosed photographs and begged an inter mew some professed to remember- that lovely face to feel sure they knew it well the professor packed away the letters and photographs and tojak the cravats to miss keziah the college boys ssnt you these he said will they do dor cried miss keziah why they are beautiful i i couldnt dream of nothin more boothln than the colors i cant believe im owake oh them good young men may they all get the first prizes and honors and as for you jest show them cravats at tho gates of heaven and youll get lot in theres a goodness in this that tant got no words for who else would care whether a poor old maid- old enough to bo his granma had nothin or not dont you think id orter go up to say im obloeged at the college they dont admit ladies said tho pro fessor but ill take your message that evening ho enjoyed himself greatly over the letters and the photographs while old miss keziah with dovelike murmurs of joy designed her crazy quilt even onehassometalent misskeziahs certainly wan for quilts she concocted of the delicate cravats a very marvel of beauty that reminded one of the leaves of wild flowers cast down to gether she had the advantage erf perfect material and at lastwhen the exhibits were presented to the committee and she laid hers upon the table it looked really lovely amongst the garish colors of its rivuls miss keziah had never had a triumph in all her life before bat now she heard praises of her quill in all directions and the professor one morning brought her a local paper in which appeared a paragraph to the following effect the moat admired of all the exhibits at our great fair is a crazy quilt the work of miss keriah pruden an old resident of oar town it is certain to take the prize miss keziah pasted this notice ou a card and framed it in a little rustic frame xo operatic soprano ever rejoiced more utterly in her press notices and moreover an offer was made for her quilt would she sell it fora hundred dollars wrote the committee if i was rich id never part with it said poor keziah to the professor id keep it for remembrance of you and them good yoang men bat the professor told her that they would rejoice in her good lack and she wrote a trembling consent to the sale blotted with tears of happiness the prize was hers when tbe fair was closed she held in her hand a hundred and twentyfive dollars and in her heart the happiness that a little flutter of tickled vanity must give one unused to it moreover she had several orders for quilts from wealthy ladies who had desired to bay the original and the professors idea had really made her life easier besides now that miss keziah pruden had become a little famous one or two boarders come ta occupy her vacant rooms that crazy quilt was a pivot on which fortune turned for the mild old woman the profeeor kept his counsel enjoyed his faugh alone and was not spiteful no- body eser made any confidences concerning those letters except young grub young grub was very plain and not vin and very fond of the professor before he left col lege lhy sapped together and afterward eat smoking in the moonlight on a balcony it was a romantic moment professor vernon said young grub if i tell you something youll not laugh fltme oh no said the professor its fcolish said grub you know im an awfally fellow trough and all that no hero for a love tale but i have one do you know a girl has fallen in love with me coald any one believe it a handsome girl i never saw her id give my life lo find her id worship the ground she trod our she wrote to ask me for a cravat i had worn to treasure really im ashamed to tell yon bat if any one writes to ask where orlandogmhhasgoue youll give my address id come from the end of the world she wouldnt tell her name couldnt you know in modesty said the professor kb said grub she might have trusted me im so thankful for a little love its not as it is with a ladys man well i suppose 111 never meet her the world is a small place after all mqsl people meet you may have met the writer of that letter without knowing it ko said grub softly ko i should liave known her the professor would not have told him the truth for all the world nor did he feel like smiling when on parting grub said you know i shall be happier all my life for that letter i did not think any one a modern isaac golden thoughts fqr every day monday above tbe sullen mistbanks pray the sun doth shine and watohing oer lifes varied way is love benign and blessings numberless dnj mark the path i go whether the day be bright 0 dark calai trust i know upon the rugged road doth tjlooui heartsease divine to those who wol the shadoknd gloom tho light be mine ajionymoiu taesday there li a gruaur difference both in the euges of life ird 10 tbe seasons of the year than in the oonditi a of men yet the healthy pass brooch tho seasons from tbe clement to the in c emeriti not only unrelactantly boirejofciru ly kuowiog that the worst will toooflnith md the best begin anew snd we are destroi s of pushing forward into every stage of i iff excepting that only which ought teasoqatjly to sllace os most as opening to as the via sacra along which we move in triumph to our eternal country we labor to jet through a crowd bach is oar i raps tie nee inch oar hatred of our procasti nation in every thing but the amendment of oar practices and the adorn meat o oar pat are one would imagine we were drgaing time along by force and he as jf s lander wednesday wisdoms self oft sock tho sweet retired solitude where with her best muse contemplation she plumes bcr feathers and lets grow her viags that ia the virions bustle of resoft were all too ruffled and sometime impairod join atutan thursday at oar eutrauo iuto the world when health and vigor give us fair promise of time sufficient for tho regular maturation of oar schemes and a long en joyment of our acquisition we tore eager to seize the present momeuc we pluck every gratification within oureach with- oat suffering it to ripen in to perfection and crowd all the varieties of delight into a narrow compass bat age seldom fails to change our conduct we grow negligent of time in proportion as we have teas remain- iog and suffer tbe last part of life to steal from jus tn languid preparations for fata re undertakings or slow approaches to remote advantages in weak hopes of some fortui tous joccureace or drowsy equilibrations of undetermined counsels dn s johmon friday faith is that childlike temepr of the soul which submits implicfty to everything which god orders bat not to that which he can better if we give up to headjwinds and hard blows whin we ougnt to battle on against them or if we submit to the absence of rich spiritual blessings with out an earnest wrestle for themj then do we dewrve all that we saner- infinite love presides at the celestial end cf this tele graph if we do our doty at this end how of ten has the answer come back in sucks shape that faith roads on it vbeituoto yoa even as ye will p dr cuylcr saturoajw j guard well thy heart lest passitn sweep the chords and gods sweet xnelody be lost lest from the ruins leap v spirit of the anrest set free i and oer thy life dark chaos fall guard tell thy biart rest not content with visions fair unweariejridok tin thou hast found the true love sent 23y him who watcheth oer the weak who heeds the supplicants call guard well thy heart its throbbing life protect with jealous care be not luamsyed though bitter grow tho strife and dark contention mark thy lot fear not he ruleth over all j anonymous i how tocook onions lohaen s r a little boys heroism was tested not loog ago through a mistake the editor of a contemporary relates that a gentleman in in a kew england town proposed to drive with his wife to the beautiful cemetery beside the river beyond the town calling his bod a bright little boy some four years old he told him to get ready t accompany them tbe ohilds countenance fell and the father said dont you want to go willie tbe little lip quivered but the child answered trustfully yea papa i you wish the child was strangely silent during the drive and when the carriage drove under the wide archway he clang to his mothers side and looked up in her face with pathetic wistful ness the party alighted and walked among the graves and along the tree bh ado wed avenues looking at the iasoriptiona on the last restingplace of the dwellers in the beautiful oity of tbe dead after an hoar so spent tbey return ed to the carriage and tbe father lifted his little son to his seat the child looked sur prisedand drew a sigh of relief and asked why am i goiug back with you of course yoa are i why not i thought when tbey took little boys to tbe cemetery they left tbem there said the child many a man does not show the heroism in the face of death that the child evinc ed in what to hi n bad evidently been a summons to leave tho world he fbo can look up to bis he veuly father when the bill nye reed8 bran mtny theories have been advanced by editorial farmers for tbe hard times among agricoltaraliiu but i incline to believe it is a falling bffln the use of bran i have a piquant little uffycolored jersey cow do toy country seat who was a ytr ago a mental and physical wreck she suffered from insomnia and life seemed to her alto- gather unlovely her only remitnfng off spring bid been kidnapped ana was said to hare been in the soup the monk tattle soup she pined and fretted t good deal and this preyed upon her ritality impairing digestion and threatening her with hollow horn and early death i got her a large quantity of bran and made a pleasant sod soothing mash upon her by means of it at first she would insert her nose in it up to the top of the loer eyelid and then looking far away over the purple hills she would blow tbls bran mash across this state and what did not go up the sleeves of my overcoat would clink opthe barn and freckle our family carriage but after awhile she ate it almost greedily and soon the birds sang again in her sorrowing heart she forgot her grief had no more acidity of stomach flashes of heat or sinking ring ing in the ears dizziness or tiredfeeling add now she is perfectly well lost fall she ate not only her three meals a day but also a scarlet geranium belonging to my wife a mackinac straw hat of mine two yards of brocaded ribbon from tbe costume of a yoang lady from chicago who was pattfogber on the head four dollars worth of gladiolus bulbs a childs shirt aud wjdjsh of blanc mange which was cooling on tnrainwater barrel for the pastor oems of thought the moss of trifles makes magnitude if women lost as eden such as she alouo can restore iu the sweetest tbiug in life is the uncloud ed welcome of a wife v tbe angriest person of a controversy is the one mo3t liable to be in the wrong the life of a true man cannot be a life of mere pleasure it mabt be above all things a life of dutj the one who will be found in trial cap able ov great acts of love is never tbe one who is always dokjg considerate small opes the foolish and wicked practice of pro- tone cursing and swearing is a voice bo mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it industry is essentially social ko roan can improve either himself or his neighbor without neighborly help and io belter the world is to set the world to work together ko mas can say whether he is rich or poor by tfrning- to his ledger it is the heart that makes the manrich he is rich or poor according to what be is not accord ing to be has labor isjife successful labor is life and gladoess and successful labor with high aims and just objects brings the fullest truest and happiest life that can be liv apon the earth call comes and sa will be done has in answer to a correspondent wbo ap preciating the wholesome quality of the onion desires to know how to mske the most of it mrs whitaker says in the avtr- enghind fanner tbe simplest way of cookiog an onion is to roast or bake it spread a clean paper in a bakingpan lay in the onions without peeling and bake from half an hour to ao hour or more a wording to tbe size be sure they are done before taking them op then serve them with the a kins on let each person at tno table seasotj the onion with a little salt and a bit of butter and you will think an onion never tasted as sweet cooked in any other way this is a very old fashioned method bat deserves to be kept in mind k pining in tbe way of food is better for a cold than a roasted onion bat core should be taken about exposure to a chill after eating tbem another oldtime dish is fried onions fry several slices of sweet pork until crisp take tbem up and if too machjfat remains in tbe fryingpan turn out a part then fill with onions peeled and sliced cover closely sod cook until done j many people find the omen a to be the most digestible when boiled plain but it is perhaps tbe most common way of cook ing them they should be boiled in 1 sited water an til tender drained and seasoned with pepper and batter the water should be poured off when tbey areaboai half done and fresh boiling water added this takes away some of the strong f e scail oped or baked onions are prepared by boiling them as described above drain and put them into a deep pe plate or a hallow pudding dish make sj white sauce like that so often described in the cooking- school reports bat which i will repeat melt a tablespoonf al of butter iu a sauce pan and add one tablespoon of flour stir together until well mixed and babbling have ready ooe cap of hot ipilk poara little on to the butter and nofcr and stir until smooth then add the remainder of the milk gradually poor this eaaoeover the onions sprinkle on a layer of cracker crumbs add a few bits of bath r set in the oven until tbe crumbs are urown the white sauce may also be poun d over plain boiled onions or the onion ma be chopped after boiling and then the white or as it is sometimes called cream 1 aooe poured overhem mrs whitaker also suggests that the simplest way of serving an oni mis to slice it raw add a little salt and ioegar and eat it with bread aud butter this she re commends as an excellent sup er for cho dren strong varieties should not be eaten in this way bat the mild lermudo the sweet spanish and fresh youi g onions are alftgood eaten raw how to measure wheat about the time that dauiel jdcew began hi wall street career he was tip in the country one time to visit some friends and two formers called upon him to decide a case ooe bad sold tbe other fivbaiaois of wheat and proposed to measure it in a half bushel and sweep the top off the measure with a stick the other objected and uncle daniel was asked to decide well legally speaking a bushel is only a bushel he answered and can the measore be swept off f i thjnkit can what with well if i was selling wheat i should probably use half the bead of aftourbarrel which edge of it t xrentlemeo that is a point 1 cannot now decide on sighed the old man if iwas selling to a widow or a preacher i am certain that i should sweep the measure with the straight edge but if 1 was selling to a man who pastures his cows in the road aad his pigs in his neighbors corn im afraid i shoaldt use the bircalar side and scoop a little to boot- wall street daily vrws athreeyearoldmissionary froro bis heart thy received the kingdom of heaven as a little thild lake ivii 17 well 1 declare its to bad claimed a maiden of the berj nth presby terian church r what it it tbat young pastor of oat 1 while he ww preaching on trial he nev r breathed a tbe secret of tl e sooaued locky mans look will with sojne exceptions of course i word about being engaged bok as soon as ibe found iu something he lt trumsjwnlly tha ohnrch called taim be ent right off alettogy omb and jtoitolmytod nnii hed jrond thats awiy asooidents v what be is t a jittld child shall load them meau more ihan a bald interpretation would admiv a littlo child for example led a carfal of people the oborday into gonialitv oat of that apprehensive bewaroofptck pockets look and attitude which we aebnci- ate willi streetcar passoberr a boy of three- years entered tho oar with the cbeer- fol enquiry can yoa jtaess where ive been ive been to teal even the most stolid passenger looked op and smiled tho prattler kept on wih his remark abont his experience iohipli life and thia set everybody to ulkinc as ha left the car he rave the ocenpanta a farewell nod and said good afternoon friends i this city missionary of three had thus in a few minutes cooverteda silent and mutually auspicious company into i croup that look ed u if life were a jolly picnio and every nan a brother for thia occasion ctiria- lian unhn j avbatkutiriiii ill a farmers uje il mine by bala joilv farmer gray am b lenghed with a lend and thatobaaedmyuaeaawar far from tb noisy marts the envded eltys din i labor aef and dndlsmajea until be llgrt begins to fad when tbapuoors of rest begio jolly w jtoolly i ani indeed and youll jolly too watching msowlng and lurootins ot aead that wls w two hungry wtadjiofeaj tbe old ajtolkas the now lxxk et mf fjoadowiend rlcb with golj l tho gold of the rlpontog gritn v where la the mine that can unfold both llfeglrlng waaltb u tbe rasndir bad lilgbtpcru bis lite to gain f ijt a broad tuiilo ligbteoed the farmers fade r it ripplod from brow toebjn r- as bli stoat baad spread eoa4 in asub aa to tako ill tho undfupe ios yon cltyfolk never can feel at ease ko wonder yon hare rbe bines while temtendwg my cattle end and corn and wheat and beana and pea yonre neglecting ronr fa and qs my stocks ad peace yoar bolls and beara in quarreling spend their days r tbey bother abont the worlds affilrsj uyenlyaubldiiaryeare j aietonchfagthacropelraise their constant taak it is to quote tbs stockboards shifting ranged wbflevi have no change to note and save at intervale remetej have haidly a note to chani a j so life ia very sweet to me toll wins me wellearned n if v and i am jdlly for yon see of all tho happiest lives there be ths farmers is the best li i i sot he p notela hilt not c a boy rbtnrnejdfrord school cue day wjub- a report that hie aoholarahlp hadv farwa below the oaaat average well aaidthe father yjbuvo fla behind this month have yon 7 yea sir how did that happen dont know air tbe falhnr knew if the ion had observed anomberof scattered abont the boose thbacht it worth while to aayj anythhur until a fitting opportunity ahtold offer itself a basket of apploe the floor and he said j empty oat those apples ani take the baakef ind bring ft ta me haufill 61 chips suspecting nothing the son obtyed add now he continued abosw apples back in the basket whenibalf the ppwwere wjlwfi ibi son eeid father they roll off any more v put them in i teuyod bnvfaher i oaalt jmtjtkanj ij put them b 1 no of opi pat them in do joa expexefta ket half lull of chips and then apples 1 von said yon did sot yoa fell behind at school in you a your mind is like t willed hbld more this here yoa kare been the it np withjchip pibt the bojf turned oq his and sxid whew i see th p bribed with pot 1 the rev ecertotl yoangjj be missionary eayi t-r- wbeq my station i introdooed the potatoes and la the coarse ol from foar potatoes whlob x me from hamilton there ductiou the iodiansbeoams very cod of tbem to ranch so that giving wsja ujjjt natural improvident habits ib wjf have eaten their whole onpav witboot isw- ihgauy teed potatoes for nat season 8j i had to get them to brinv some tome to mind for them bat i did no set leart to keep them quietly by every possubl rjssfibe they tried to net tbem from me 6aan- pleading the illness of a friend or atsiaatra at this particular tiros my stock tot job toes haa got vecyldw wbea srbsasdol trading indiana visited my tribe iheicrses the first news i had was from christian chief named raodall who mtmlnfi to me said oh miasjoaary there is s mad of pagan indiana here inline with is far sains and they say weiaahetrdofth potatoes and we want toimake a bussia with yon if you get yo inisetonsry to give nsono svnare meal ofiotoeajssbil come aud hear htm preach- three- aimsja my stuck of potatoos waa indeed ion set i did not think i was jutifjed iu rofaaiobo take advantage of atrohan oprerttinjtaf proclaiming the gospel to menwho bid never before heard it and sought oetef again come under its inflobs6fl sdl to- i is cepted their offer thes4jiant had wonderf ol appetites and it twinges to see the inroads mysmall reserve of potal their side of the bargain to hear me nreach three ti make tho gospel plain and ableto etate test from this without oorrultioo ireji oon versions 8o the lord to work for hit glory and ment ol his cause m m method of preparinq but termilk as given by excongressman wlrjcott my new orleans friend who told ipe he was eightyseven years ob and has set oat a formila for preparing the riiilk you put the battermuk in a pan which is set in hot water the milk is brongut to the boiling point bat not allowed to boil then the heavy part is skimmed off tho whey whins remains is set aside to cool i drank a glaasslit three ti tries a day as hot as i oould bearit in my throat after you get used tq it you will like il belter than champagne it hata delicious acid taste i have been a great sufferer for years itb inflammation of the muoojis membrane which caused my dytpeptot and this k the oily thing that has nit permanently helped me e york prat tats i tried to j isxltobe iloribey v not sjbnr all thing ad vinos cbicigo child look at thtnimy n mamma rvhatmakes him sobwlegged slamnia i presume my dttaxv be- tivss in st louis ani got that mi trying to avoid being knocked over by ihepigs a teaoheriothe aenteoae jljui misguldedrwretcii was taken to prisob what part of speech is poor v johnny poor is an tmnoceanr word mom tbereaintaoy misgmded wreaohes t ever taken to prison speaaing of wife beaters rssrutrked upcorkle mccrtsckle beat his lsstt evas- ing very badly- t- yon dont tell me il mnilairaed mrs mocorkle yes beat her four games ol checkers a kiss what ia a kiss a kiss is as it iwero a seal expressing our sincere attachment tho pledge of our future dnioo idamb but audible language of a loving heart a pres ent which at tbe time ttet it is given is taken from nj a crlnson balsam for a love- wounded heart an affectionate pinch ing of the month delicious dish whioh is eaten with scarlet spins a sweetmeat which does not satisfy onr iranger a frnit which b planted and gathered at the same triumph ol ur pi morneot tlje qeickest lezchange of qaes- 1 discoveryu reatoring tioas and answef of two lovers modern miracles a singer for breath was distressed and tbe doctors all saldabe ttrast rseti butsbetookq md forherweakangstoasm and now she can sing aulathlte gave out oa and bo feared his career ail d pray uavo back bis lost and now ho can lift halt a writer who wrote for a iviaa hsdbeadaeses andpafs ta tbi lavs omd wasttsssbsu tbatanada htm quite and klarj before tome are only al- wuted titeoitjr jbbia

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