Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1890, p. 2

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tj- bqsh hlmsaui atumtboosooutbistli august tbswift ot btebart marshall el e jf4rjued fswustuisruon july h ti vr bev john p watta jowph fbii eftum- barter to parmwt elisabeth yonngortdatlgn tar of f related md- 01 acton wis cikxmntn goelpb on ibemh august euu camberlesa oil of davis kentmr contrac tor mi mother of aid john kennedy aged h years and 11 months t- ljt juton rtt fta tht1r8tataugu8t 11 1j80 notes and comments reports from ottawa indicate that in some quarters an early session of j perlia roent is expected i the report of the secretary of iho johns town flood relief commission shows that ibe total amount received from canada for the relief of the sufferers by the greet dis- aeter of mat 3lst 1889 was 8s54 acton mu council the mmiyimm u first stoo taken towards the striking of the rate coined met on monday jveoing me mbert present the llesve and coun cillor lowry keuney and smith the minatea pt but meeting vera read andoofrmed tie committee oa finauce presented theli twelfth report recommending payment of at sounta at follows j edwi rd dynes wferk on strocu cook gravel and bsuling coming an going visitor to jktld ft- aoton and i various afar pjjional not is mrs 1 today vhnrllat nhum to tsetwater f tsra ill r 19 85 england and france ha ve so a j london cablegram suales demandedindemnity from the argentine republic lor the property of subjects of those countries to the value of 10000000 destroyed bythc reeenl bomb ardment of buenos ayrcs by the rebellion navy the combined fleet of england and france it is stated are to assemble at buenos ayres to support the demand if necessary lutb ir lyman on amount street lamps h e moore printing i sim moved by w s lowry seconded by w e smith that the report just read be adoj ted carried account from luther lyman giving a statement of account for the pat eighteen months was presented showing a balance in his lawir of 11707 up to july 32nd 1 was laid over tor coutidrttion the plan ot em ploying four or five men to work together at repairing sidewelis etel was complained of and condemned generally by members of the council 1 1 wu stated that ratepayers complained thai while two men were at work the three others were usually putting in their time in giving directions the reeve tell youj gentlemen until the municipality will employ i paid street visited the fall il woi the council to have a street 7- j after many respites and legal fights jus tice bad its vay in the kemmler ease and that criminj has suffered the penal ty of his- vile and strocioiu deed and if there is any credit in being the first to die a judicial death by electricity hejbas obtained it from the account of ti electrocution to iliad it is difficult to decide u to the rela tive ments of death by hanging and by electricit 4 the gnelph council is about to paa a bj law whereby after the present year the school board will collect their own taxes ibe object of this change is to arouse a more general interest in the business and expenditure of the board k being thought that 3 the people aid their school taxes separately and were thus made plainly aware of the amount asked for that purpose they would become more alive to the im portance of educational matters and their mftnyttmnpti t the population of canada is estimated at 3000000 an inrrnw of nearly 700000 in ten years a hundred years ago the popu- lation of the united states was 929000 that of canada 156000 inl8gxbritiahcol umbia had 6000 people in 1881 the popula tion numbered 49459 these figures show that canada has grown proportionately at a taster rate than the united states she has mcreaeed thirtytwo fold while the united states as increased sixteen 1 j with whiskey at 10 cents a drink who will say this is a cheap country to live in three and a half glasses of whiskey for a i bushel of barley the ron heel of mono- poly is being placed upon the neck of a good many funnels the demand for open trade with americans would now be declared 1 good only that whiskey is 10 cents over there too and not as good whiskey- either as u is a good many of us will have to exist on half air much of the necessaries of life as formerly 05 else do with less potatoes flour and meal which latter plan we doubt not a good many will adopt whitby ckrtmku the judgment delivered by mr justice sacmahonin the common pleas division of the high courtf of justice op saturday removes all legal impediment to the con templated change of the location of victoria u from cobourg to toronto it is not improbable that legal proceedings will now end and that the matter will be left id the final decision of the general conference 1 should that be the case the methodist church is to be congratulated ujsdtcrancefrom a disagreement which if continued must have iiltnnafelyresulted in unseemly heartburnings and weakness to the body corporate the cry for postal concessions by clam ourous applicants in rations parts of the world is still heard- theyre acrw asking 1 for ocean fenny postage mr raikek the british postinastergeneral has declared the present loss on the colonial postal j service at 254000 of this however no less a sum than 167000 nearly two- i thirds tffdue to the east and west india j packet service it is estimated that universal penny postage would cost great i brittfa 400000 annually but such a i reutation coulilnot but give a fresh stimulus to the commercial relations between the colonies and the did countrv i the propertyholders of toronto voted e last week on seven money bylaws aggrega- ting 172953 only two were carried one granting 920000 to the establishment of a girls industrial school and the other grant- ing 20000 towards enlarging the boys industrial school at ilinrico the defeated bylaws were toronto unherslty 8200000 howard memorial 110000 parks improve ments i79i waterworks i229j80 and general improvements llfiq233 the feel ing is strong here in favor of a more en- and 3iberaf policy towards the children of the city many of are growing up among the criminal in a recent lecture in london hr stan- ey made a somewhat remarkable state meat ifhaa been supposed thai in establishing christian missions in africa the trfeatest opposition would come from the arabs who have carried with them the religion of mohimmed and made the work of the missionary difficult mr stanley 1 boverersayi tbat such ft not the cue he claims that christian millions hare nothing to ear from the mohammedan quarter r but that the strife between protestant and roman catholic mission- ariea will form much greater hindrances to the advance of the christian faith among the native tribes of africa khled by the bfnoer a welland farmer kuiec by labor saving machine the welwxu aug 8 mr fred bounds son of mr o h bounds one of our oldest and best known citizens lost his life today in a very peculiar manner the last seen of mr bounds was by hr j phelps who was talking to him at 11 oclock this morn ing at that timeshe was engaged in cut ting oats with a self binder after the dinner hour his wife becoming uneasy went out to the field and to her horror found the crushed body of her husband inextritv ably fixed in the binder it is supposed the nnf ortunate victim was thrown backwards by the breaking of the seat and retained i his hold on the lines the horses then backed the urge wheel wetf him killing bitu instantly the deceased was well known and nmrersally liked in ibe vicinity leave a widow but no hummi id pay oemmisaiooer pay him afair remuneration and rush the work throagli in two or three weite j coaucillor kenney well u the coancil would give me and mr bralui a u00q a year ed soon make tha town thine councillor smith i was dawn to milton yesterday and itheir streets and sidewalks are ery bad they should come up here and take a look at oars actoa is in lunch better condition die business of the evening then proceed ed quietly fori few minutes when conn cidor smith addressed his fellow member oa the street and fide talk committee as follows t bh what had we bet er do about getting imtbem new street blips mr kenney mr dynes says hell pc t thetu in tar fifty cents each l councillor kenney-j- we 11 pay no such money far that job ill get them in for five cents apiece if i have to dig the holes myself im not coing to stand round and see the town robbed iti that way til do my doty i dont cars wherein it lies or who dont like it and be ieady to step oat when mytime come u j the keeve its a pity we couldnt ten some fellow around peddling post holes i 1 councillor eenueypweu theyll be put op for five cents each and 111 be there when the jobsdone cooncillor jjkithl jyes and i want to be there too amtll see theres not a lamp touched withojisjmy consent after tins uitiejaxry business was again jiumed i i the council spent considerable time in s preliminary work of mslp the esii- iaaies for the carrent year council adjourned ataboutelevenoclocki new chur at milton 1beseverr cornej- stones well and truiyjlalct the corner stones ct the new methods c lurch milton wera kid kst week by messrsj kidaton macdocald henry el mara w e h masaey and dr j b wolj r iottof toronto rueucol eerns m p 3 burlington dr bosebnrgn hamilton j justin wtllmott mflton their initials ere cut in the stones laid by them and a b liver trowel with name iriscribed thereoa as presented to each kev john wakefield barlington con- i ucled the ceremonies briei addresses bong c elivered by the different gentlemen taking part i i the ladies had prepared a sumptuous re past in the large rink which was gaily ecorated for the occasion after the did- lier rousing addresses were delivered ty lev dr briggs book steward and kev t- j maxwell d tihe central methodist 1 burch toronto theaffairwas nnagiufi- icnt success both ntimerically and finan- ially the proceeds of the day and evening leing about 800 j the new church is expected to cost when lomplele f 13000 jit wql join the old 1 hurch which will be used for the sunday chool the entire church property will be rorth when the new building is complete ibout tlttooo the church trustees are ratified with the success of the day it ras an occasion long to be remembered in he town of milton the following donations were laid an the lifferent stones r messrs mcdonald mas- iy dr wfllmottiuid mr mara 103 1 ach dr rosebrugfa 75 col kerns m- p 100 1 and lk5 was uid on mr itillmottb stone j john waldie m p ould not be present but generously sen t 1200 to add to the building fund mm maggjo nlckudottoroototy home for her holidays master willie campbell of oaejph is visitiog friends here mr and mrs w i brown returped to toronto on monday mias ea thoma o smiths fialli is visiting her pareula here miss jeaaette gordon of erin friends here on saturday miss rocdan of toronto is viiiung her frieud miss carlisle this week mrs arch campbell returned from portage da fort lut thursday mr j c hill attended the band tour nament at hamilton this week j mr and mrs win cook of toronto visited acton friends ihii week mr james a mcmillan visited friends in arthur andprtoeville this week mrs w b bragg and misses tina and maiy blair are visiting friends heri mr and mrs d henderson are expected home from their b c trip on saturday misses ellen and maria stewart of hamilton are the guests of friends here mrs bolman of toronto was the gueat of mr a f lamb several days this week i mrs jahn lambert and her little son of toronto are gaeits at the parental home mm g w and david cook of tor- oato visited friends in their old home this week mr charles t moore of monroe mich is here on a visit to his friends in limehoose and actou 1 mr james g hdl and his htth daugu ter of detroit are guests of his father mr c t hill j mr cbas falkner and family ihsve re turned to acton and will make this their future home miss carrie bowy er ot carholme is the the guest of her sittet mrs john lsing bower avenae mrs dr giflw left oa monday to spend a few weeks with friends at strat ford and forest misses janet and bella canniighain of st catharines were guests at the manse dariagthe week 1 mrs win jelley aud mrs j street of ehelburne speat several days this week with friends here hon a and hon w stanley sons of the governorgeneral arrived at jaebee by the parisian on saturday mr mecarmck of maple spent several days in town this week the guest of mr jno anderson and family mrs t blair of kilbride returned home the first of the week after spending a couple of weeks with her daughters here messrs c c speight and thomas ebbage are attending the session of the grand lodge of foresters at gaelph the many friends of miss lena dorland will be pleased to learn that she j has mc- cessf ally passed the examination for second- class certificates many of oar readers will regiet to learn of the continued illness of dr winn of camp bed vult- his medical atteudaats give no hope of recovery rev jos philp ba of waiford was in town on tuesday evening and the young people at the meeting worth league of the methodist church mr alex c cunpbell formerly of the feee phes has left the government print ing office ottawa and now occupies a good position on the dally tdtyram vanwuver b c the big shows- and tht uttla ones h ssesr f fjllowlu s a hit tar of fairs to be battels fat in nhgbour readers ars lu- tsfialsxl woretstlsi will pleaas forward uotloes of others the lutustrial toroolo sept 640 14 t ml 1517 1018 1819 1827 use iiaj umland orattal kluptou i easteru tovnaulps bherurooas southern brautlord kortuwsstarn u soutberu couutles 8u thomas llstowol llstowel western loudou qreat cootnl hamilton central causda ottawa central- rotarboro canadas internal 6l john k ibs oett central qaelph bapt959s lincoln county bu catharines 99octl e blnicoo orfflis baortt soalorth k rldlut ol oxford woodstock county peel brampton northern walkerton qreat northern colllufiwood vorkcolonj yortston nwtocl aneaster e fismboro c baikatchewau bsakatoon rsnlnsulsr chatham kyork newmsrkil dufferln 8hfllburne north perth btrslford acrov lxios acted north draut paris ccntrsl coboure esstyork lfarkham ealton ililton central wellington elora weil york woodbrldse utchell llllchell j0 so 30 30 30 tfi t6 fi10 910 no 2121 acton market me eiirron like many of my brother anners i was pleased to see our remarks n last issue of the fktx pe concerning he above subject 1 endorse 5 our words lnd feel that very kid of iue could idded h acton business men will exei hemselves to induce reliable wide awake train buyers to take a place in acton we armers w0i sell far the market pricee re cannot be expected however to sell our jrain at home for so great a redaction from jrices paid elsewhere as has sometimts wen offered in the past i have accepted your invitation to sdj a vord in this matter merely to show my ippreciationof your interest in the subject 3nt if all uie farmers are as busy as i am his week 50u neid not look for tnaoh etter writing until after the first threshing s oer i 1 am yours etc a fuaitr who waxts biol rx actov- esquesing ang llth 1990 mb eijiiob your remarks oa the qaet 1- ion of fryuig to build up a better rain anarkef in acton have created more or lets talk among thef farmers hereabouts i dont think you need trouble ourself about getting acton merchants to interest them- jelves in anything pertaining to farmers rhey want our wheat money bat are gen erally without enoagh enterprise to indnce 1 good man to jcome to town id rather ell in acton than drive elsewhere but to all jou the truth i can generally do bettir kith my money over in kassagtiweya than n acton 1 i- hietuj t hem- addressed of the ep- rev dr gifford left this evening oa his vacation he will visit friends at forest and chicago and will then proceed on a trip to the mammoth caw in ken tucky i bev w s and mrs mctav ah of st george have been speeding their vacation at the old home in kaaaagaweya mr mo tavist preached for rev a- blair but sabbath at the quarterly meeting on the ofiicial board of the hespeler methodist church held last monday it was anantmoasly re solved that in view of the success of the past year and the encoaragiw outlook of the present 1100 be added to the salary of the pastor bev dr cornish mr david hendersoa exm p for hal- ton co ontario is in town sod will remain until monday morn lug mr henderson is thoroagbly well known as an ontario poli tician having been the conservative standard bearer in halton a opnstitnency which is contested by the two political partiee about once a year calgary herald the domtniom alliance l 1 the annual convention to be held at montreal this week the call of ibe dominion alliance cou- ventioc which will be held in montreal to morrow and saturday says it is prob able that the present parliament of canada will hold only one more session before its dissolation the action to be taken at this seeeioo and the action to be taken by our friends at the following election are matters that demand the most careful im mediate consideration and will require prompt and definite action on our part to secure results that will hasten the attain ment of the object vre have in view members of the coancil are therefore urgently requested to let nothing interfere with their participating in this very im- portant meeting amnnghe subjecuthat willbepsresentedforconilderafiion will be political action to bo introduced by w h howland of toronto parliamentary action by j h- carson of montreal local option by w w bnehannan of hamilton other important questions will be dealt with methodist sisterhood justly punished vvubtox aug 9 the other daj ih 0 roung men invited a young women to get nto their buggy near maple hill when ihd declined one of them jumped out and ried to force her to get in her brother ippecring oa the scene the scoundrels dfi- mped but were chased to walkerton aken before the magistrate and summarily nnlcted in fine sod costs to the tunc tff 2- anorderof deaconesses to be es tablished in canada at the general conference of the metho dist charch to be opened at montreal on september 10thdr donglass will push his motion in favorof the establishment of a sisterfiood or an order of deaconesses deaconesses are an old institanon they did good work in the early che rth bat in the fifth century disappeared in ibssthe order was revived by a lathers a pastor iu prussia and in 1875 there were in europe no fewer than 1700 sisters 8 luce then the presbyfriaos and the mithodigtf in the united states and the ai glioani the world over have employed eaconeases the duties of a deaconess an namerous she it ait be able to narse b teach the scriptarea and to persuade si mere the new york ctiurtluuaa truly saw the re- viva of deaconesses is oae of t re surprises of modern church history ne of the heritages of the charch has bee 1 recovered a lost arm has been restored the brea at th sault cost to the country of tha damage and delay sinr src mnrr aag 9 the greatest n amber of vessels that congregated here at any one time is 182 the total number of vessels delayed from the time of the break at i oclock pm of thursday ot last week until 0 oclock am on thursday of this week when the lost time wu fully made op 2g5 the lock wu impassable for jait 88 hours the total cargo of the 265 de layed vessels amounted to 248- tons and the number of passengers delayed is 1362 of which 1303 were tourists and go local the greatest number of vessels locked through daring any 24 boars is 92 the average time for which the total of 2go vessels were delayed is 1 day iti hoars and 32 minate the delay has rcanlud in the saalt canal becoming a household word for the time and will no donbt exert a powerful influence in the direction of bene- fical national legislation the loss to vessel owners alone will be tmdooo per day of course when the loss to the coantry in general is figured it amoants to something over 1300000 per day executed with electricity william kemmlerktled in the chair of death at auburn ny acbrslt k y aagust c william eemmler wu electrocuted at g30 oclock this morning the current wu kept on for foar and a half minutes- the first con tact wu fifteen seconds- the carrent wu kept ou the second time aatil the body famed and gave oft unpleasant odors after the first contact kemmler appeared to revive bat the doctors say he had qo coascioainess dr spifzka the celebrated expert aaid after all was over the experi ment wu a failure and that this woald settle electrocution there will never be another electroctftion he said the doctors unite in the belief that the death wu pain less and that all coascioasuess wu destroy ed at the moment of contact the sight iu the executiou room wu eickeping at 730 the witnesses left the room under agreement to return at b1j she autopsy will be performed at 830 kemmler dis played great bravery and helped to adjust the fastenings that bound him to the chair no one knows who palled the lever which turned on the current british columbia salmon extraordinary catches by the can neries this season ottivti aug ll the minister of ma rine and fisheries has received a telegram from a departmental officer in british col umbia which states that the run of salmon this year is of a most extraordinary char- acter being folly equal to iastyear twenty thoasnd salmon were iaken by three can neries yesterday this j ears run upeets all the theories previously held in regard to the salmon heretofore oae good season hu invariably been followed by two poor ones last seasou wu the best the salmon canneries ever had and if the total pack this year im u large the old role will not apply the only teuou that can he assigned for the increased ruq this year is that the effects of the good work done daring the post foar or five years at the govern ment fishery hatchery ou the fruer river are cow beginning to manifest themselves mr wilmot superintendent of fish culture insists and with good reason that this is the case talk 0fthe day an epitome sf thsworlds dolnl during th wss-kli- winnipeg population eiwajfrwwo portage la prldf bad 7000 blare lut nesk tbe lite ltobert hsyi estate ii valued it 100000 siradoipbe caroa has joue hohda lnfl st rnir da loap important territory loath of zanzibar is to be oeded to italy tbe french nill bnim a railway eorosi the desert of sahara americao capitalists are said to be buying up fort william lota german emigration to canada is to be encouraged on a large scale silver ore valued at 34000 wai shipped from port arthur yerterday the school officers juit elected at south stockton n y are ill women hugh cairns a veteran o 1837 has just died at kingston aged 03 years this years output of ooal in capo breton beau every previoni record mn moginty tell down on the sidewalk at belleville and broke her light leg an indian at belleville hu been sent to gaol or four months for drunkenness burglars stole j 1000 from eipremier harrisons bank at neepawa manitoba robert pearson a st tnomu tailor committed suicide byswallowiog arsenic gen kfiddlelon throws the responsibility ol the bremoer fur thefts on hsyter keed albert oliver a grand trunk brakeman wu killed at woodstock on saturday even ing prinoe george of wales dined with lieutgovernor daly at halifax on thurs day glanders is doing much damage among horse flesh in manitoba and tbe north west mail matter postedin any part of eng land is now delivered in victoria b c in u days t j kennedy a tailor of tborold took his life the other day by jumpiog into a stream macdonell i- sons flour mill at colling wood wu burned early sunday morning loss 33000 lordbrusey it coming to canada in the sunbeam and will cruise up tbe lakes to port arthur a loss of 20000 hu been caused by the burning of a pullman sleeper near acton- ville quebec tbe government intends connecting autieosti with the mainland by cable at a cost of 15000 charlie bailey a fourteen year old bo has been drowned while bathing in tbe machine canal three petrolea hotelkeepers have been fined 20 and costs for haviog screens in their byrooms the run of salmon in the british colum bia rivers this year is of the most extra ordinary character the lut spike of the kegina and long lake railway is to be driven by sir john macdonald next month manitoba will this year export two mil lion dollars worth of oats the province hu usually had to import there were 126 deaths from cholera at jeddah yesterday and at mecca the deaths from that diseunumbered 108 emperor williams visit to eogland barf been one ot much msgnifioeuoe he left in his yacht for heligoland on tuesday judge obeiily of hamilton died yes terday he wu the oldest living barrister in ontario having been called to the bar in 1830 cardinal kewman wu recently attacked with pneumonia and became so enfeebled on sunday night that the last ntea nf the church were administered he died on monday at the age of 39 years theobnbbaltjqnference i 1 i the revularoufdrannlal session in montlfcsunaxtmonth hojrturii am 12 the third general conisttecefftbe methodist church in canada wbienwill open in this city on the 10th of next month is already the absorb- log topic is methodist circles both lay and clerical the general superintendent rev dr carman win call the conference to order in a building the magnificence of which would have mode john wesley stand in awe that is the new bt james on 6t catherine street which has been desig- nated by the rev mr douglas as the finest methodist church on earth i 1 jhildren cry for pitchers castorit rhea baby was sick rftehercaatorta then s8 tu child she cried for castorfa then she became kiss she clung to castorfa hea she bad children she fin liiem cutoria the mormons defeated bilt like utah aag 11 the election last week resulted in the liberals electing their entire ticket by majorities ranging from 300 to 000 the city gives 995 liberal majority over the combined mormons and labor tickets the mormons are badly broken up as the result means their eer- lasting defeat ab a body the dominion illustrated the holiness hitherto carried on by the dominion illustrated bab listing company limited hu been parchaud and will be continued by the sabiston lithographic and publishing company of which mr richard white is president and mr ales sabiston is managing- v ieector it is hoped to add to the interest and value of the paper both from a pictorial and literary standpoint and to extend and improve the basiness in its various departments the basiness will be carried on in the meantime at the old premises 73 st james street montreal ander the management ot mr j p edwards to whom all commanicatioas shoald be addressed the united states crops storms have destroyed a iprgc areaof crops iu bohemia vtashixgtox augmq there is a redac tion in condition of all careols as reported by the statistics tion of the department of agriculture the decline from july i to aug 1 is from 931 to 733 in corn from 944 to 832 in spring wheat from 816 to 701 in oats from 883 to 828 in barley the condition of buckwheat is 901 and of spring rye 868 the condition of irish potatoes is reduced from 917 to 772 chicago aug 9 the hot dry wfealher has hod seribas effect on the potato crop as well as on grains inquiry elicits the in formation that prices ordinarily ruling for potatoes in j a iv have advanced from 350 to 9375 per barrel to 9325 recollections of con qrant ill go a five for a new salt yes ten and ret an overuoat jll be a dode i will yoa bet the foregoing is the title of an interest ing little volume by george t childs of the philadelphia ufa mr child m ty t for many years an intimate mend of the general and the tone of his article shows f l iff tint he was an affectionate trienrj as well the many generous acts of mr childs have endeared him to the people and anything from his pan is certain of popular reception his princely gifts to institutions aiming at tbe elevation of inankfnd have shown him to be the soul of boneficence the proprietor of the dominion hotel at grand valley wu fined 140 and coats for selling llqnor to one brownies sn eut lnther farmer while the latter wu already in a state ot intoxication teuly called tbe greatest medicine eworld ihulitah hatutatd u claim mossy nfmdsl j pimptusts tsftuusiau etc hu w sap1x hicbobb kiixeb co ua 120 gins 8t w toronto qnt lols aunufarturtn for the dominion itsswars of impositions 8a our trsdesurfc special notice about our great summer clear ing sale as we intimated ta oar last advertise ment we would try a new plan to red ace our sumber 8tock in order to make nom for our large importations which are at present being selected by oar mr bollert in the foreign market well the plan has proved a grand sac- cesi and has more than exceeded our ex pectations the stock in each department has been wonderfully redud and is now in good shape you all know that clean stock is an attractive one and one that purchasers most readily go to for their requirements in order to keep a clean stock each seasons goods mast be thoroughly cleared off the shelves before another season com mences and in order to do this it sometimes requires a sacrifice of profits and a specially strong inducement to get people to bay that is jast where we sra doing at present and we must keep up the boom we have now decided to have what is called bargain days and on those days there will be something special now understand ns right in this matter goods will be bold each and even- day at priceathai will stand tbe keenest compe tition bat as we have already said that on bargain days there will be something special and yoa can depend on it that there will the days will be monday and saturday of each week until farther notice now we do not disgust people with uadae pressure to bay tbe pablic know the pleasure of doing business in store where they are oot bored to bay from tbe moment they enter until they make their escape our aim is to make people feel at home whether we sell to them or not and if we do not sell to them one day we make it a pleasure for them to come vgain and remember this that you are llwsys welcome to come and inspect oar stock also remember this that we strictly mind our own basiness and no bodys else hence we never fiad time to ran down oar neighbors note if j oa hear one basiness man run down another make up yoar mind he is both jealoat and afraid bear iu mind tbe bargain dsys will be monday snd saturday of each week e e bollert co 25 27 lower wyndiam st guelph semiannual p earing sale i at the mammoth house georgetown we beg to announce sweeping reductions in several lines of summer goods millinery reduced mantles reduced parasols reduced dress goods reduced prints reduced beadymade clothing reduced carpets reduced cloths reduced mens straw hals rednced in fact big piles ot goods rednced below we quote a few specimens ladies hats 85c regular price l00 mens felt hats 2oc regular price mx dreu goods 5c regular price 10c printed dress muslins 6c regular price 10c colored dress silks 2jo regular 60c black drees silks 50c per yard regular price 75c a lotof dress trimmings 5c per yard regular pnoe 25c per yard up great drhe ginghams 6c regular price 10c striped zepher ginghtms 10c regular price 15c checked shirtings do regular price 10c factory cottons sc regular prioe 5c tweeds 25c regular price 50c mens top shirts 10c regular price 75c a jab line in regatta shirts 50c regular price 1125 dont forget our millinery department our dressmaking department our ordered clothing department they are second to none in the country for turning out stylish wellmade and reasonable priced goods we re still giring the great silver and book presents to them thatpur chase tjo00 3000 and 11000 just re ceived the adjustable neck white shirt no buttons fit anybody newest thing out this is the time to get bargains and pres ents we respectfully crave patronage w mcleod c georgetown rush of customers -to- the right house special bargains in every department to clear out the remainder of the spring and summer dn goods many lots of goods have been marked down to very low prices and a genuine clearing sale of these is now in full blast at the right house attractive bakgains all over the house well made serviceable goods at low prices the order of the day read about the seersuckers at c and 5c per yard checked ginghams at 5c extra good quality white cotton at 5c per yard flannelettes at 53c fast colored chambray 5c per yard extra wide fast colored fnnts only 5c per yard parasols selling off much under regular prices be sure to see them fancy silk capes at reduced pnoes a special lot of colored silk lace hits at 17c per pair another lot of black bilk uits at 25c and 30c per pair they are slightly damaged aud are much under regular prices a lot otglove at 10c per pair some of them formerly sold at 25c fanoy ribbon reduced to low prices a large lot of childrens cotton hosiery at 5c 7c 8c and 10c per pair many of which were formerly sold at double the price seethe special lot of ladies black cashmere hose at 40c per pair white muslin embroidered ties at 10c worth much more bargains in gents furnishing department see the uulaundried shirts at ioc each a special cnlaundried shirt at 671c or three for 3i0 is a great favorite you should see them geotsjsilk ties and braces much under regular prices millinery bargains be sure to see them trimmed millinery at reduced prices garden eats only 15c each a lot ot flowers selling off at 50c per tpray formerly sold 1 and f 125 each ladies sailor hate only 90c iu the carpet department you will snd cheap goods a lot of remnants at bargain prioes curtain poles from 25c upward painted window shades complete with spring rollers from ooc hundreds of other bargains to be had throughout the house come and see them be sure you get into the right house before entering look on the window fob the name which is i i hamilton july 10th 1890 telomas o watkinb johnnie get if our gbun blow gentle breezes blow to kelly bros store ill go a batf a tie a shirt a collar ill get tbe lot for about a dollar a pair of boots andsteckings too my poor old toes are looking blue an undershirt and pants 111 get ill buy a pair of gloves nnlined if they dont show a better kind a pair of braces in theyll give for im the stofi thats going to live to travel the country oer aud oer and recommend kellybroe store sorvgrooeries too im going to buy forjmydear wife as well as i taj sugar and other things ill get we intend to live ull we have to quit they sell so cheap it is really funny what a lot you get for a little money tiiey sell for cash and buy goods right because they say to draw at sight other merchants cant buy so cheap because they dont go io so steep they sell on tiok their money is out and theyve to mind what theyre aboo and do yoa think i have tbe stuff of which few if any get enough to buy a suit from head to toes if not im here as grub or crows if i aint goodlooking i have conceit that i can pay for what i wear and ea for credit is one of the greatest oursss ill tell yonin the next two verses i look like a mad thats chased by dog on worse than that they werereally hogi i they oharged two prioes for their good they chased me to tbe very woods kelly bros because the bill 1 couldnt pay my grain was poor and cheap was bay im honest boys yes im a dandt would give them the money if i had jt handy j before i left illndll you squsre j while the wind is whistling through my hair i i happened to nut in my left hip pocket tveuty in cub in there socked it thats all i have not one cent more but it will buy most at eellybros store and after this i intend to boy at kellys store until i die yon think this rhyme contsjns no sense well let yon say so without defeice but to buy goodsoheap and to save a loss pay the cash and deal with ns the great ttlothing house aoton ittiq jmkrtisttiuttts foe sale afintclass piano american make on reason able terms apply to uks ikdabvl acton for sale a house and tdjstt a situated onftta ji church strerts hajw bardjnfl j rait tree etc on the premises tat l ian address pj job hunting tkclupiko bool vmwsjssfl si x heads clrcolsis e o su ind ou best itjle ot the art at moderate pricee ano on short notice apply or address b p boobe i faxs fbiss ooee aetoo 0t8 jl snd m youngs 6urvey main street j aeton address a kfexkedy 18 eljui street hemutfflk foe foe sale or exchang for oth property trstera the tnemue or bv letterto at premie- r w h ogsjwkw acton voice culture violin piano and organ dbof llaitlend of qnelpb rtnjtf a r on friday with a view w lesson tin rolci culture jloun dvsan ajlwno deaire to meet pro tfjfl jiested to leave tbelr names at jv kannawin jfttls 610 acton lodge no 204 looj vteets in the oddfellows hall msbf m block every vjsf brethren always welcome for copy oonssi tutlon and laws apply to the ondeitujnm ap of tbe mimberi t vi williams h h women n g secretary dr a wllford halls health pamphlet disease cored without medicine jas matthews acton has been appointed agent for the drcnutlonm dt halls celebrated health pamphlet which be keeps on band the pamphlet claims it treatment it advises sure core for disease witt- ont medicine tbe prlee for the pamphlet ts four dollars and a guarantee is given that it the purchaser is not satisfied after putting 1o treatment into conscientious prattfceforqoe death to refund tbe moneyon the return of the pemphletvltb a pledge never again to see the treatment or allow it to be used in hiafamils- picket wiee fencds0 the best and cheapest op aj farm and garden fehce3- f highly commexnled ana ktded diplou gnelph central tud utctii tornsliipfatr band post cjd or price list gftiog loll p ln addreu j m dooley co cuelph o civic ikolida requisition to w h storey jssq huzt of the village of ap we tbe nddenlgned nteptjer of this clpltty in otordnoewltii the honored recpecu ally petition yoa to appoint and wednead- tbe 90tn day of angmt holiday for the preaeut year signed by geo hndt j v kaonawln twentynine dtherv pboflsamatiox p to geo hyndi and other i lj gxtlearin conformity rid your re quest i hereby proclaim the 20th day of auipstv a civic holiday for the village of acton i respectfully request all good citizens to obsew the same w hstoktts 1 3 lil wh r h to i i l e c bj h vtiters list 1890 for the unnidplity of the village op aoton colsty of halto j otice it hereby etn that 1 have tajiutlttr v jl ted or delivered to tha persou menttojed- in the third and fourth eeotiontof y the total list act the txip req nlred by laid lectio- to leo transmitted or delivered of the liitnx- sonnant to taid act of all penoniappemrind ic tait bermd aneatment bouof q municipality to be entitled to rot in tha jo cipality t hecttona for member of the leg tire aawmbly iqd at honioipi sections that aaid lut vaa flrat potted ap at my offlc acton on the elarenth day of afnst b9q remain there for inspection t elector tre called upon to nritn ifl lut and if any omfawloqi or any other exttitikre found therein to take fiaeat ptrtoeedinsu to have tbe taid errors corrected according tola thos t moobe municipal clyrk dated at actou tbit uth day of augmt tan i valuable pe0per1 i por bale the undersigned osen the following l of property for tele upon reasonable terms esguestko perjcj no r the west half of lot 17 akt eouwgs3i acres timbered land- m parjol no i put of lot 16 con 2 esqi ttf 1m ses about m acres under enttttetmu dwelsng boose shingle sun and heading i lill on tbe premises tuli mill hasdone a pro its we business for many years parcel no spart ot lot 14 coc a eur being acres on this property is sltaateaa sbl barn mxfio shed 91x60 another 11x60 cotuf jrt- able dwelling boose and orchard and nevftr tail- ingspring parcel no part of lot 11 eon a eaqsesing ssjeres j l ko p property u a lot of about s30 cords of hardwood cut and dry t acton f rarcel no6brlcvhousc and blaeasnjjth 4bop in the village of acton two and a halt vmawlouoesfthaoreiach thujmiptki is attested on main nreetln a good location tbe farmjif not sold iijwu be tented- jmtpartieulersmeytbednpon applications- issonallyorbyleneru j 7 h bayeks byilde lj off industrial fair -avi- is agricultural ekpoitioi toronto k sept 8th to 2qtli 18901 1 i- the peoples aivaualholidi canadas qeeat i the mbtand l4bozst exatlsl tiok in hb dominionx op ossiar and attended annuahy by ova 250000 visitors the obeate8tbitobjvdi 0- tb khnt 50000 foe prizjes ttracuous attainable otandtlnl ternatioualdogsbowetotl tbe best time to visit thf metropolis i cheap excursions anft low rates rauwaisistc totrumpstutstyqjteattjnjieu for all inforxoatlon drows post eat 1 1 ji witheow tall- t preauant vatanac 1 r-

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