Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1890, p. 3

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w wm tvr flodtstchurck fwwasflowarllwnm alt oomuuj invited 8traaajra aasyudtors always welcomie teemraoabsnatthsdoor iitttnci interna apply to h fe mc ywvstevard a bank f head omas of hamilton- hamilton ourulpiis up 9uooj300 hunnfira atsoodoj j tttbkbbiii b s bteyer- assxciaithui dtrectorsjorrs btkwlkt presldw a q rurtt yleepies jobs paocron que ocaxsy gkoboach a t wood a b la8 oeoboretown aqenot note discounted end advance urede onj i mittble seeaxium deito on j1 mrti or tfcix- lruth uxttkti states gtuutjlbmix kud t ooxmacvt or ecnope boacbt uid told collectxok dlkdo oq til icowslble pointy aiott urorblft tums savings depakthekt ocfosm rewivwl of l ud npwirdsand lii- lent tuoved from dtie of deposit tadia of withdrew special deposits also nceited tt current nis of interact no qoum of itbdrij wquiwd h mwatsox acnt ill sign of the bigjwaitch fuii from a eeatt to l50 each we uk the pririlece of mlune yoo on cloaest urine muglsi the finest styles and qual- tties thst motwy- cn bar in the line at wttdhes qoekt jewejit spec surcmre wedding wd birthday pmetc inspect oar goods qoui- nk of wall pftjirt fane goods spcu- acton ont pan our prion a neritock of wall window blinds butionery p ins oac dire di a call geo htkds si ttonfm rfs thursday abg0st 14 i890 little local grieflets which caught the eyes or ean of free press reporters this weel the bcrd of edacatioa met last e ren in the public school ynu reopen atit moodiy the toters list for this municip jity iflu been posted the presbyteriu charon at lime- boose 11 being repaired the frame work for beeve sto eys newdrmng bouse is up the farmers are busy threshin the fill wheat ii turning out well a number of our citizens took ii i the t excursion to toronto lift thursday civic holiday has been proclaimed by beere storey for wednesday 20th inst quite a number of local sports took m the lacrosse match on tuesday afteraoon at georgetown j mc henry bayers isoffetiog for sale his property in esqaetisg st speyride and in acton upon reasonable terms the district council of the lioyil templars of temperanoe will be he id at georgetown on friday ihth lost mr james a slnrray is making -pro- cress with his new dwelling on mill s zeet the frame is up and partially enclose l report of lacrosse match at gi prge- town on tuesday recerrod too late fi ir in sertion the tnas defeated kulon by 2to l the ladies- aid of the methodist ghnrch announce a haxtest home festival to be held in the tark on thursday september ber r b coot preached in thej gregationu church church hill on uth con- sun t day afternoon ber mr uecormack was at newmarket he jameg matthews is agent fat dr a wilford halls health treatment with out mtdidne he wol be glad to give you full particulars if you cau the bams which were wrecked by the recent cyclone which passed throngh thlit section are now pretty generally tebailt and nut into proper repair again an excursion to grimsby ar c and niagara fall is annonpoed for next toes- day the return fare jfrom acten lo the falls is 110 to grimsby park 1 capt clarkes calisthenic with their friends in all 263 pclbods passed through acton e4rly monday rwiu to kingston and the thousand islands- copies of the london eog telegraph have kindly been sent to this office fay mr e b bollert of gndph who is at present visiting the british and foreign markets the new crop of wheat joes into the market at 9 to jo cents i per boshel higher than the crop of a year ago and in ontario the yield will no doubt be larger and finer than last years t a spark from a passing looomo ive set fire to a field of oats belonging to mr joseph anderson on toesday aftirnoou about half an acre was burned be rre the flames were extinguished y the next meeting the directors or acton union agricnltoral society will held on saturday 23rd august to finally revise the prize list and complete arrange ments for the coming exhibition j rtwo bylaws one to raise i125j000 for the construction of waterworks in tl te town and tbeotber a local improvement bylaw were voted on at gait last thursd y and both carried the former bya inaj rity of 356 and the latter by7 burglars entered the cellar of r jno franks at bayers mkasamgaw tya be- tween bstorday niht and sunday pothlug the news at home yester and took away half a pig a large of preserves and some butter tjlk cellar is an outside one and the burglars jaoconjp- 4ished their work tfithout arottffng the family we most admit that the n dest and cheapest wiodow- shades are tojehadat kellt baos they also have try fine assortment of boys and children s sprine suits altsizes and away down in irices 1 all ages and conditions of people may oae katiodal fills without iojary find with great benefit mostly of a local characteh and every item interesting the unto s si pictc tbe anion sunday school pic nic day was a pronoanced success tbe feather was lloe tin attendance large a fuller report will be given in next issue ctvlc holtdayscxt iredneadaj- in compliance with lte number o citizens reeve storey h ia clainjed wednesday next tbe sou civic holiday excursions to tot sulo at less than single faro for the round trip will be run from toronto the boats way bo takpnoauy point hmiiw j the pn e smitl pupadhe itethodisstcuroo1 uxt sunday- it will be rememberhd that mr smith was iu charge of the church here in the abscuca of the pastor fc r some months in the sammcr of 1679 when he ministered to the congregation wit i groat accuptauc dr tmlme at grimsby a big excursion leaving acton by he l22 am train gtc lolinj8jbyp rkf ill take place on tupay anvd rh cture by the rev dr tannage at 21 0 pm probably tha last chance to hear tl e great preacher i in canada doable oarney tickets from acton u00 or incladuig trip to kiagara falls 110 ticket g od lor two days rales from other points e st and west equally low successful candidates the following candidates from yeorge- town rich school were g access a 1 at the reeeot tachea examinations jtikd cuss thartell brown kate evan j b godfrey t hilts annie mcgee 3scoxo cuts ged black lizxie coulsoo e davy flora mcpherson mira marray itr c c henderson son of david hen lerson exmp j was buccessful m the junior matriculation examination borne ftomthe aort6mcs kr arch campbell returned last week from his trip to manitoba which he t njoyed very much he sailed from owen sound in thefihe steamer a ffcrti and arrived m win nipeg tha third day here the orujgemen were having a big celebration it being the 12th july went oat to manitoa tfa e same day andj met eeversi friends wait ng for him- and a hearty welcome for an ontario man mr campbell says the crips in general look well at the points ha nsited bat in some places the hail totally d stroy- ed the crops he attended a pic die at cartwright where a large number of people were gathered among whom were many former residents of this vicinity tall cf whom were delighted to meet tbe r old friend while in the west he atiedded church on four sabbaths and fonac good congregations in each case the col ection plates woald have put octtrio congre gations to blush for in no instance was a copper coiuto be seen mr caropbdil eays he enjoyed his visit very iaacb bet was glad to see acton aam tie leather mens strength and sicul a tcgofttf f vrif pnbftd in the park on saturday evening between the employees of wh- storey son and beard iore cotiueepjillsrwtrs necessary todecide the contest which resulted in favor of the tannen meti tremeadoo3 apclausa greet ed tbe efforts of both parties from the ex cited- crowd of bjsectitors present and several htothaded friends of theoincest- ants wersjn the verge of indulging in hand- tohand encounters bat upon the adtice of more even tempered men the row subsided a foot ball match by teams representing the same firms followeduha tngofwar and continued till darkness eet in neither side scoring the combat was renewed on monday evening and resulted in u draw each side having scared a goal frcm the skill jj displayed in the game and the language used by a number of the players the game is not likely to become a popular one for spectators at least it is u be re gretted tharfrnnidly contests of si ni and endurance of this kind can not be ij dulged in with good feelinihroafbaax the games onr sirtfrs fi 1taiij the wnr otthe street and sidewalk committee of this municipality is now about completed for the present year the committee has spent a large sem of money between 1200 and l300bat he im provement effected sre numerous land the members were longheaded enough to spread the work to almost ever- part of fte town some good work was done opposite the hotels oa main street and also in the west end above the g t e on the same street the needed coating of gravel has been given to mill street and the filling in of jguelph mill and young streets at the g t e crossing accomplished while tpe new switch was in course of excavalira is a much appreciated piece of work the willow street eewer was a great necessity and the committee did theirdutyin having it put in new sidewalks have been built on bower avenue wilbur and elgin streets and apiece on mill street the sidewalk to fattview cemetery was commenced and run as far as aherns hill it is toped the the council of next year will complete it to fairyiew avenue at least taken altogether a good lot of work has been acco nplished some ratepayers complain that the work has icost an unreasonably iargi araoam but councillors smith and kem ey boldly assert that tfce work done is all lrst class and that street and sidewalk work was never performed more economically it will be hard to persuade the- people of the truth of the latter claim when the rate for theyearisfiiedat abont 23 mtllfl as our reporter believes it will be the xoki- mft i ii dominion line of steams rip mr peter mcgill has n old bay horse in good ooodltion which 6rftnesay evening a lardehjljsirtywl heiftaudtbihe adsniose t thexav a socjaty of urnilcharch ct ffi m fir wood a grand picuic and ei tertaloment will- be held at credit forks oouneolion with and invidof the english church tomorrow mrs hyaardfrora buf alo is visitinaat hermolbetamrsp mil oy mrs alex mocannel i nd her daughter irora port elcin are vis ling at the home of her father mctrapbel eq miss m ttoberlsou ot hillsburg left oa tuesday to visit hr brother iu argyle dakota daring her hohd ys allan mcdonald au 1 john fraxar arrived in townlt w iduesday with six indian ponies whicu the secured at wal- pole island tbeyv rage aboot two yewtcb look tery bar ly and fall of life and are valued at 100 a pair advocate the country around nowa items supplleb by corisi- pondento end etjohnkfes erin pftsps wsm wb m mm3i mmimmsib mm mm tur 1 j v- t- 1 i vscultor the burlinoton oi the fortyoigit codidates who wrote at the recent examioatipofl at waterdowo twentythree were nioceaatol ot theae eleven were papila of barliogtoa fablio soolavl 1 i lv u 6 swwart rceeised iloo for h recent earrey of the village for1000 pr week brint st water st and ontario st to barliagton avenao are prinkled daily in digging the postnolea for the new enoeon the lake bank an indian grave wag discovered the akall and other booei were exhumed bat no farther search tru made the first threahing of the season in this sectioq waj ioot for ool eeroi on lutur day last when levi zimmerman thruhed 100 basheli of barley the field waa cat by thos foster on friday and next after- noon the grain waa in the warehouse the kelson township council are extend ingthe fence along the bank of the lake on water street southyiq trootof uieresidepce of joa 115 feet it ia stated that the council are not going to give the lake a chance to wash awaj this fence but will build three cribs out into tbe lake to pro tect the bank budget georgetown jln guelph du ihe ttb itut the infant sou of frederick jones died aged about aeven nontha the remalds were interred irjthe ebaneter cemetery on the afternoon of the following day a harveit home picnic for the sunday schools ot the township is to be held on tljo attefnonn of the 87th angn i eajmniuusi grovfcta jkrlummw bsafbaaofcied maksf thaytiaathary ntetontat iyevontfis ittedtjjbe pteaent and aood time la looked for the thresher btoam whistle awakens tbe boys at day break onoe more tbe tall wheat is averaging from 16 to 20 bushels ptr acre and barley about 85 basbels per wcre farmer era giving the oat and pea crop a tussle these days the raspberry picking is about over the fruit has been large and plontifnl this year j stoves that were oocl with the ther mometer staudihg at 90 in the shade on sunday before last had to be warmed up lat sunday i r r rixjiisn t departure without gootfojjes some two months ago a you jig woman tantit who gaveber name as vivia bcynolds and stated thst lier home was fn the vicinity of syracuse n y came to- aston she secured employment as servant i r the home of mr alex lasby and rema ned there for a month complaining lal farm work was totihwiqqty tdvra anclftjlew weeks ago was- given work at t ie canada glove works and went to hoard et mr john lalngfl wool sooolbp wanted tie highest price in cash or merchandise will be gives for good dean merchantable wo 1wk mcliona co geofrgetown- oo evto one sbonld call and see i200 sed f h00 tbry axebetter value thao canjbe gost soy other place in suit inspection invited essairbsos a single scratch m ado suita made anr i100u to ordfr jtownbylhre dollaria fit gi arasl may cause farterl victothaoiicrwtetajhiybi wounds brnujee burns ina all aoi sheseemed a tuiet and modest yjjung woman and waa tery regular io br- attendance at the services of the methodist church last thursday kr and urs iiinff were ftwajf jrpnjhome and feigniorjllie skelofihei feutwboarflers elie nodldjoot ftonkjvorkjn ttitesternooti ttat afternoon the quietly jdijappeared taking with her a df oa of mtjlaings a quantity 7f udderciolhiog belojigiogtoeaah of tbe ladies of tbeiiouse aod h300 from the purse of miss bambhak a fellow boarder the following oote was left in fi pilfi rio miss ewsfliwl tool the money out of tout inrse but you will get it again it a day ot two ills loacau oney berxbniw anrnils mr and miss mcgee of chicago at mr j langans mrs haghes end daughter of smithvilie with her juster mrath gulp mr b watson judi wife of burlington calling on friends mr david harjey from western penn visiting hia brother john mrs dr g eowe tfiegnestof mrs pm eowe- miss mabel parker of toronto at w h beeseys mr john cnmmings of hamil- ton spending a few days in town miss vanatter of erin spending a few day with friends miss smith of brampton visiting her sister mrs sparling miss susie campbell of toronto home for holidays misa granger of toronto at mr b baileys mrs j t moore and miss v bennett spending a few days at mrs g lyons mr h mclachlin of brampton spent sunday with friends iu thipivicmity- ha is not a hnflylmari v so we may expect to see him often mrs dr forstcr of palmerbton ia at her brothers mr d williams mr w hamilton and daughter of london at mr j il bebeuy- miks emma bobinsoh is home from toronto mrs geo lyoup from chicago where she spent week depizttees mies minnie watson for hec home in- barria mr chas crawford and mrs professor howard for parts uq known cash aliened to be taken 250 mrs h and miss maggie matthews on friday last for stayner and collingwood mr f c gochriese gone east for some holidays the misss csrrique for aylmer and hamilton to visit sisters mr and mrs j r barber for muskoka missj ella gane for cooperstowu dakota she left on tueeday and we understand she ib to be married to mr gimlett on her arrival miss violet williams gone to her grandpas at hattonvrlle r miss vara nixon is caking a course of instrumental music in toronto mr b e harmon was in toronto yesterday as a delegate at an assembly of oddfellows mr h iredale of the bescue dnett that visited town last spring has left the ranks of bachelors and joined those of the bene dicts he has gone to british colombia for the honey-moon- wasp wishes him and mrs l a long prosperous and happy life mr j a tracy of stewarttown had his face badly burned last week by the nipple blowing out of the gun while he was shoot ing a crane report says that mr e b biggar of the biggar house has succeeded in getting the clark house for the next license year his record since coming to georgetown has been each as to give people confidence in him and if he goes to the clark house we predict for him a euccessfal business as mr r a lyons was driving a colt down norval hill a few days ago it began to kick and he was thrown out his leg was very badly broken and he is suffering great pain from his bruises john clamdge of cheltenham waa brought before the magistrates last week charged with cruelty to animals he was fined 1995 or 40 days he hired a horse from mitchells livery apd drove it nearly to death those who witnessed his bratal actiens think a lashing wonld be bis just ddserts j bennie snllivan was sent down to stand his trial for stealing a watch from thos bose this is not his first appearance in the jock- nat brown of glenwilliams was also sentlor trial for stealing wood he says the wind1ew the piles down and the wood got mixed tbe presbyterians of georgetown and limebooee had an excursion to the beach the day was fine hoi the turnout was small notwithstanding the heralds report to the contraryi some unfortunates missed the i train and had to remain in hamilton- till ub i j i c j dujtcioti played two with the glen last week the first was i 1 tbe second was 10 in favor of the glen mr john hardy of the 6th line esques- iog tort a fine cow a short time ago while feeding io the swamp her ioofhecama fast the milton board of trade met last week and elected officers for the coming year they are as follows president w h lindsay 3rd term vicepresident j a ffazer treasurer i carlmer secretary h jjbolliorake john a dam i had fits hand hart on tues- diy evening at mrs sproats farm where he was catting grain the needle ot tbe binder passed through his right hand and dr mccall had u pat eight stitches into tbe wound a milton youth might have been seen on monday bearing in his aims a dressmakers sign and on his pountenace a rather pensive expression he bad carried off tbesign as a practical joke but chief constable landsboro bad ordered him to replace it or take the consequences and he was doing so the joke was spoiled mr h bonltbee of the bank of hamil ton here received by telegram last week the sad news of tbe death of hia father rev arthur boultbee of waterdown bev mr bo alt bee was toenmbeot of st eotgeharoh alfieorgetown some years a public meeting of the terra cotta and limekilu employees was held at the brick yard monday evening the object of which meeting will be- seen in the following reso lution mr murray occupied the chair andfw hqjlinrake acted as secretary it was moved and unanimously carried that we form curselvcainto an association forthe promotion of religion education sod social improvement the purpose of the association is to erect a building with ample accommodation for public services reading rooms etc champion mrs w paniou and miss mackenzie went to masfcaka hut thursday and will ipendacoapbf wjeksjljera the cornerbtone laying ceremonies at the site of the new methodist church were eminently qooeasfahnoionht you will receive a special report of the proceedings the successful candidates in the teachers examinatwo harewere m follows tmai cuss c colling l colling mcouisoti bena henderson lena lindsay c lcs combe j sherwood a wales 8kcosi ecphail i r c w juioiaiiiiiiin rockwo0d wkiii prudwms foaitiildi7tj rocmndfwitb was un to the mi itaj and is very low f nor eat mpi ia oromto luiabwll4hts weaflttr ertry hoof onlysi oau be given for his rub eet is that ha baa been despondent for some time at not getting work the victoria university inluriotlon toboxto auk lojudeomomsliongava judcemeut on saturday iu llw violoila university iujunotioo cae hu disaylved tbe injutictiuif reatraiulug the board of regenta from nioviog tbe oollege to torontc he aets forth that cobonrg aubsunbers to the food sbould have their money refunded j lieut stairs at halifax ilium aug 10 lieut w 3 stairs who was stanleys right hand mau in hia expedition for the reacue of min faaha arrived bere today on two months leaveof absence mr stairs received a great many callers today he will be tendered a pnblio weloome in tbe city hall where did yon get that elegant sail bat fits you so well at kelly bbos hfaards liniment for sale everywhere quelph markets flour ltollerl floor stood fiprlnf wheat fall wheat bran- barley oett gre peas hay straw wood per cord eggs per doaen butter dairy packed butter rolls cheese potatoes per bag apples p6 larobaklnx pelts bide costs wool pine wool turnips aueiphaueuthiego 2 so to j 75 i 9 80 to i 60 o to o go 0 85 to 0 85 11 00 to 11 00 0 is to 0 0 0 to 0 u oiotoosa o as to o t 6 00 to too 1 to s 00 4 00 to i so 0 13 to 0 u 0 11 to 0 13 0 it to 0 16 z 0 li wj 11 0 ts to 0 so 0 75 to 1 00 i 00 to b 60 1 00 to 1 s3 0 40 to 0 b0 1 so to 3 03 0 90 to 0 xl o a to o ia 0 15 to 0 90 of baltimore aliys aycrsmut on tho beat cathartic and aperleut within tho natch of my pn fee don dr john vf brown ot oceans w vs writes i have prescribed a cra kill n ruy tjsmctloe aid dad then ex cellent i urge their general ui in families for a number of yesrs i ia athi rted with buloosneas which almost dcatr yed my health itried varloos remeilea but nothing afforded me any relict mtli i began ts take ayers pills- s wanderlich ficranton pa i have used ayers pills for tho post thirty years and am satisfied i should not be allre today if it bad not wen for them they cured me of dyspi psia when all other remedies failed and heir occasional use has kept me in a bet ithy condlusn ever since t p briwn chester pa earing bees subject for yeaii to constipation wlthont being able to lind much relief i at last tried ayers pills and deem it both a dnty and a pleasure to testify that i have derived great then out from their use for over two tears nut i have taken one of these pills everynlght before retiring iwouldnot willingly be without them of w bowman 20 east main at carlislei pa ayeri pilla have been used is my family upwards ot twenty years and hare completely verified all that is claimed for them in attacks of piles from which i suffered many years ithey afforded me greater relief than any med icine i ever tried thoroas f adams holly spring texas i ayers pilljs ruriurt br dr j c ayer co lowell klasa bold by all pnizsisu otul ltealcrs lu uckim a great spring suits boom at kxut bbos in prices catch everyon fllsanls llnlmrai for tale evrrjrlter uy clothes arc all bore and luljy uf wasliine is at urs keep them till i senfl you your pa i could nov help it diligenteuqoiry was mad by mr laing a poo bis return home but no information as to her whereabouts was obtained it seems that she took several books off the study table ofdri springer jone day when she called in bis ahsepre a amoking cap was slio obtained at the faojoy goods etore of miss freelaod upon the jpromse to pay for it on saturday night enquiry elicited thp t act 4 fo trjnk 4 lashys anil the cjbfhes she left wwje worthless liigfhtre andshe jfej over a log andij broke her leg 5 real preparations have been made for civic holiday sports here tomorrow toe park committee have spaced neither trouble nor expense in fitting up the grounds the ring is in firie condition and if the weathjar ts favorable uia people will be treated to as good an exhibition of trot ting as has eve been seen id tbeobuhty a number of good horse aw expected other jnaafimsota will be qhsljy fiood ud ire cah goarantm is sauiftctory dsyl sport to all who come come early and see twmamiiimm aoum the inuuani an acton 6port returning ou the mid night train on thursday last from the rs sare he was not at bit- journeys ew luat that information given by a friend was received with a srink and gnn of unbelief it ws by a close- snavatbat he got to bed at all as tbe landlord of the rockwood hotel where he spent tbe ret of the night is a very sound sleeper i misses maggie aod polly strachan re turned on sata rdayf rom the mineral baths at preston miss mand lundy after a prolonged visit iathvneighbjphocdgi gooi hack to her homvat niagara fallih j the keg of shingle nails supposed to have been stolen from pas more bros was found under a woodpile across the street the reward of a can of salmon was enjoyed by five or six of the small boys mr chas strange left town the other day for toronto thence in a few days ha goes to suodridge moskoka where be in tends residing for the fature sorry to lose you charlie mr r hewat and family of norwich are in town t mr patrick fahey for the past live years the clever correspondent of the goelph iercary lefton tuesday morning forsnn- dridge moskoka where he assumes the editorship of mr b hewats paper the sundridge edio that will appear as vol i ko 1 about the 1st september mr fahey is a newspaper man of large exper ience having been connected for years with journals in the hamilton district before his removal here his withdrawal from tbe ifercvry is much regretted by the pro prietora of that paper who say that his writings as their correspondent are evidence enough to dispute the title that toronto saturday uight gives to his distinguished i brother mr james fahey of canadas greatest pstragrapher by an unfortunate misunderstanding of tbe date of mr fabeys departure many of tbe citizens were deprived of the pleasure of sitting down at a hanqnetthat they intended giv ing him rockwood congratulates son- dridge upon its accession of suoh a talented gentleman as mr fahey misswetherald tbe wellknown elocu tionist of toronto and miss taylor of the same place are the guests of mr j r norris misses bradleygeorgefowo and bowes pinkerton are visiting miss lena hamil- the congregation of the presbyterian cnorch eden hills is erecting a handsome iron feooe around the oh arch grounds mr jus p collins formerly of this village was given a farewell dinner upon his deartormilrtaawb australia to sydney n8w mr collins was princi pal of tbe publischoola at the former place apd kos sesknatiijp was much deplored by tie ppopje nerapy the death of one of arwntdrsrwdins children by diphtheric croup a short time ago axd the serious illness of another has elicited much sym pathy for them in this community mr jas hamilton has sold and delivered j hia crop of this years barley amounting to t appposepifjir holiday goelph gheat i clearing out saw v j- cloves and hosiery embroideries and muslins millinery and dress goods this month li cj7s 1 this ir t k b jekmyns startling reductions will be made our fall goods are on 1 the way and must be made room for trimmed millinery for half price untrimmed straws for quarter price dress goods at sweeping reductions embroideries at wholesale prices muslins must go at any price gloves and hosiery have taken a tumble 1000 mens straw hats at 5c each now is the time cash will tell 40c tea for 20 if this tea is not equal to any 40c tea you ever tasted we will refund your money i ladies requiring real fine kid boots should examine our stock every pair warranted f rb jermyn jfott1xid xw aoton in the old glove shop j h matthews best place to deal for pine whips ply nefs smadjinbters specially good value in trunks and valises is you mat a nice set oflight of team harness i can suit you in prices and matlrtal repairing promptly and neatly dontk fej jhmatthews mr vfm fianntbe young day ran analnst a sbarp pi door anacnt a oleati holi cheek dr dryden put a fei the noijnd mr lobiiuona son had a finger badly orushedon monday aftarnoon in some machinery that ho was bavin some fan wifhf or dryden found it neoessary toi amputate the injured member and full intormauon oonoernicg jfavtfbbfl rripaiftnta to manitoba tb horth eiiortif wesfbot 8 majr be hadaihegraoairnjiachaaopq m uy presaatstock of labies gold and silver watc i is at present partially well selected sold watches from 82500 up silver watches from bevxe4l second hind ones on handoheaj geo d prinlejaj -the- golden fi guelph white checked muslin cream seersuckers colored seersuckers striped and brocaded lres gfoods i plain challis dress goods 124 pieces lovely prmtsj brocaded sateens i- 40 pieces 8c ginghams scotch chambra ginghahis another 335 pieces flanrmetft chambra doubl4 widths printed delaines 50 cent goods colored parasols 25tt lid j d williamson c and 7 wyndham st guelph 84 oswald st glasgow guelph oloth wnlinet cokts sl ueiiffe williams greene rome fancy flannel terni boating shirts shaw grundy merchant tailors im and spectkgles i have purchased a stock of thfjcelebrajted j it- lawrences spectacles and e ai 50c on the dollar and will clear thrn out very cheap b sayage watchmaker acton rjbbonvcj lid threshers fbnly the wellknown peebles oil 9 mlnatj4 avel bean awarded it during the lait three year wafsonsabdhorwpowbrs thtmous farm ouelph farmers ask forthetn i matfacorejit1miiy oa enaedandhisbly rewmmenyemthemode iootber felrocers k covf orontp speicht son actonj j a speight manager canrapidy yon with lolthifnnutiire require hu nd i otto rtpuiitb your boms if httledone in hit itylemt the tery u thertunosmlotlbniwwwecirmotrapplt 013 fi vwonsraliiitl ouit j v wjnptrtaking tbtrtravttwri expeiweliithiawliinbaures ccniiiilicig tin uxu man oommqnlty that w ropply flrtlrdm wprlt in ulorfgttkaa in 1 r whtohobmp with tliom 01 u city tonbmlci r uriharsev- i- i vl- ts an eleelleatone and our team always preset atxjcomingoppearaoe u wathtianii suiajlo layittai tba imuio tojafl ou i tor aaytquirojredojuflli

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