Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1890, p. 4

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r jetton ra fries thus8day atjatjst 11 18j0 she nrmji jolks iuvtog cojip4jff the letter reed itr dearest sae tieittharaai i will spend with oa iw1efljoyidrieitthoasli h my trouble i bestow oh rm bo clad cried v while orcampantisaoch delimit bat lookjng round bar in djstnaj tiiiastfiet ready ribtkmj armed with a dostpta and a broom ebaweottoworklaererrroccu sia oiled and polished cleaned and rubbed and toeuded scoured washed and scrubbed nn aji the kitchen she began while pdrspfaationdon her ran m podding cakes and bread m ifkn jarmr most be fed he tailed and trotted cooked and baked m harried worried stewed and echedv tosn thursday camesbjimr dead jon managed to crawl out of bed and un c came too 1wrkiaadandhageedlikewoieenikc and then began tired mntohita to nnjob exeasee nererrigfat m dear my honte then waan clean is moat too dirty to be aeep so abut your e you looking atoot talee off yomthittgarmjbet worn out ton must excuse my cooking too m isnt lit to eta joo twaa nt for kittgil too bad you come jofci when rmupaide down at home and thus she welcomed and distressed of her guest wvhowiabed eh badnt come to he a tired womans company sdapd the hetort outtjnc seated in a street ear near two sweet jhogiiim who were full at the beauti ful ingenuousness of girlhood the following poajoii of their conreraalkm reached roe iaji a writer in the boston sabtrdag got- u amy i have i frightful rip in my- ridirip and forgot to have it mended lean ne yoora tomonow viuyou yea indeed dear with emphasis and teatmott bat tra awfully afraid youll find- it too tight i weai aautjcsiei co jocrfcnow seai ashght but rery impressive pansej j think perhaps i can get it to- geiherthougn i wearanineteen ltwaa deancut as the stroke of a razor herutihjy given and neayttf njjy taken b6pepiobs ut their calm and pood cxnnwbqn a new topus of oonvrsa taori fcaaaierted instantly and i leaned back in my cornexand marveled at my own sex pic-nics- almost any boy or girl can tell yon what ar jaenic is like bat i wonder how many know why it isso called or that the cus tom is ajd to date only from 1803 not a go fsgwvwben aneh n entertain- 6 arranged for it wasenstdm- ry that those who inteoded to be present abotdd supply the eatables and drinkables originally the plan was to draw up a list of whit was necessary which is in ezcel- h fodow for often when there has bull no pieikinsagreernent undiscovered top lite tint jhere is too much of one kind ofkoob ad not enough of another xhejbtjsrai pasaedjoond and etch per son picked oat the article of food or drinkhe or she wis willing to furnish sad the name of the article wis then nicked off the list so ft was from these two words ptfked and v thai una form of ontdoor enter h first became known as a m pick arjjavtiri lien is 1 pisdie the old- tiadtniai far tbe basket parties of to-day- barprri yang papk m i a bttle girl wis potting a needle in her month when ner aunty aaid dontdear j might hurt yourrelf ind beridee it will mike theneedlee all rarty and tbenl cant sew your little apron 7 whyrephea the little damsel has my ooog6i justin it tt flrich state has two capitals boy kew hampshire capital h and capital h f the thorough and speedy cure of all j uooddiseaaes and eruptions of the akin uieortitofj laymans vegetable du- cowerjktrsib forbes detroit bad a nnfiaoteoii berjek f or s long time ooeurneoeed using hortirop lypisnb vetfewiwpiaootery and khe iinow com- r4aely coreov her husband thinks there ielsssiiiiigeqnaltoit for ague or any low 10y4sv a little boy who was carrying eome eggs m thsfrore dropped them- bid fanvciiea ms mother ho said he bat the shells came off aosmolliiem ji yon want to buy or sell s farm ad- iliar in the toronto ifahy jfoii that aper reaches 100000 farmers homes fftef week and your adrertiaement should efcaml w ib the t ipeefcf vail for five conta a vrordh insertion or twenty cent- i word fprne inaertioni addross tz1atorpwcaaaaaj verycwshould call and see oorllcoo irioo and uj0 iufts made to order lilwrflbil can be got at say ohrilaoe in itown by three dousrs a cwkptjonmvitod yitosranteed- txwmiiz r 1 the highest wflibsivon wootiwii oni jl70etrj knowtag u that mood dl t eaet7hlqh oil other ranodlesfal h caps yield to aywi sononarllu froth oonfirma tins of una itlto meat oom01 t handdouy evoi such docpscatoi and srabborn com pliinta is bhcu tnatlsm bhounuv tie gout and tin ukoaro uiorougii ly eradicated b thotuooltlnswoaf dcrful ilteiulve mrs b inlnj dodgo 110 wcs 155th street jjev york certifies about two years ago alter enfferiuj 1 1 nearly two years from rheamaue 1 at being able towulk only trlth groat 1 isoorotort and having tried varioua r medics incluilln mineral vatcni t luiout relist tsatr hy an auvertisa- t ant in a chicago paper that a man had t ben relieved of this distressing coui- i lalnt alter long suffering by taking 1 yer seraaparula i then decided to 1 like a trial ot this mediefce and took 1 regnlarly for eight months i am leaaod to say that it effected a com- i lets cure unit that x hare since had nj 1 turn ottho disease j mrs u a stark kashua n hi tltcs one year ago 1 was token 111 1 rith rheumatism being confined to mr 1 ouse six months i came ont of thj f icknees very much debilitated vith nj 1 npetlte and my system disordered i reryway i commenced to nso ayer 1 arsaparilla and began to improve at nee gaining iu strength and soon re- otering my usual health i cannot say t x mncu in praiso ot this xrcllknown ipedlcino i i hato takau a great deal of modi- oine but nothing has done mo- sb much good as aycrs sarsaparilla jl fblt its beneficiai effects before x bttp quite finished one bottle and t can freelv testily txat it is the best blooc sdiclne i know of lw ward sri oodland texas- iyers sarsaparilla pbjtpaaxd bt jvc ayer it co lowell mati prtcn tortialbuk wm i 0tes here and there litems of general interest to free press readers a oertain amount ot opposition is a great h iip to mid kites rise iiuast and not wsith the wind e ran a bead wind is better u tan none no man ever worked bis gass sge anywhere in a dead wm only a sitter my eifiter and i each tried a burdock blood bitterb with great kaccesa for biiiona headache we reoommend h to all as a sipocific for headache f hms cuuu schxbiicb baden out we think it hlffh hme tihat people came to their senses j and topped using the cheap trashy injariooi health destroying baking powders im perial cream tartar baking powder is pore reliable and the best article it can do do harm to try freemans worm powders if your child is ailing or fretful all ages and conditions of people j national pflls withoat injury and at benefit tauy with why pat for heavens sake what is matterl well borr i swaqied a pertater bog and although sorr 1 took someparros sen within fire minutes after ter kill th te fchtfll hes just raising the devil in e o me sorr history of 15 yean far fifteen years we have used dr fow- jers extract ot wild strawberry as a family medicine for gammer complaints and diarrhea and we never had anything to eqnl it we highly recommend it bjuirixweeir cotbett ont a single scratch may cause festering re victoria cubolicralverapidlyiietils pate wotmds brniees boms and all sores party politics when party politics run high bad feeling and bad blood are often catised bat all parties agree that wbeir bad blood arises from ordinary caoses lhe only satufsctory pare a burdock blood bitten naiores hlood purifier beoommended by the jnedical profession parity ql ingredients and accaracy of oomponnding make khboms aromatic ptunihe wine the criterion of excellence jji five minutes a woman can clean trp a mans room in inch a way that it will take five weeks to find ont where the puts s trouble at mellte mrs w- h brown of meliu ian nates that two of her children and two pthers belonging to a neighbor were cared pf the worst form of brimmer complaint by one bottle of dr fowlers extract of i strawberry natures i soeafic fotj hammer complainte j mach distress and sickness in children is caused by worms mother gfave worm exterminator gires relief by log the cause give it a trial and b con- vinbed wfld all worth beronmi ndin leis mrchani r wfc- i feel the have tf hgaher berviejont ayi it my doty to write to yon and report reaultof my utihfr ratal balm jj been a severe inffsrer team that lotusome duetae catarrh snd tried several remedies but got no reuef till i purchased a battle saaalbalm iused it according to tioniandhasit completely cured me greet pleasure in recommending it offering from catarrh who come in hop teacher how is the earth dividel eager scholar by earthquakes vrr- for infi nd children caitoruwsoiaiatoilkbwataat i oaatorucurmwlc oonrtpatloe luendtuay kaowatome baaioiiiks i isr llbooilortbbrookltult aftteoiv lajurloua me taacatioaooatijrrtlarrarbtroth y rr w jl-i-l- gssat o iireo- itake toau lo my jnvttsjpinfr stage i palatable a ml be sure you get jlorwrapper sol or and wa u s1t hjwne geninnein yalldrnggis a prisoner seconded the motion j 1 heard a pretty good story abjmt a oer tain ignorant justice who does boftdoeai dp infaltou county this jortioeu elected over an able but very unpopular lawyer and hit first case war that of i prisoner charged with vlolatipg the fishery law the oomplaintaod warrant were defective and this tbe defendants auqrney took ex oepuons to in a masterly jrgaoieot wind ing op by moving tbe prisoner v discharge u u the motion seconded v asked the jostioe it ii replied the prisoner gedtlemin continued the judge v it is regnlarly moved nct seconded that the prisoner be discharged all those in favor of the motion say aye aye came from the prisoner and his ooansel op posed no silence followed and after a short pause the scales holder said the motion is carried and the prisoner is dis charged thereupon to the gurpise and amusement of all court was declared ad journed c- c riaubds 4 co j gckte my horse wjs so afflicted with distemper that he could not driukjfor four days and refused all fod simply apply- ing lonards liniwent outwardly coxed him peb 187 cam bjhujert cjlkx c c richjlbm co gests i have used your iitnabdb ttv for bronchitis and asthma and it bas cored me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i mas a lmsostox- tbe root of evil a chud ijaved my little boy was taken very bad with diarrhoaa he was very delicate and got so low we had no hope of his life bat a lady friend recommebded dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry and although he ooold only hear a few drops at atimehe got well it saved my child mrh wu stewibt campbetltille oat g a dixon frankritle out says he wa cared of chronic flronohitis that troubled him for seventeen years by the use of dr thomas efllectrio oil wo are bhowing great bargi consumtlen cured i an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent oure of oonrompttod bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections also a positive and radical care after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases has felt it hit duty to make it known to his buffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve bam an buffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or eoglish with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notes 820 powers block rochester k y dyspepsia and oonsnmptioa are the sooxces of virions diseases bat root and branch may be removed by nsing burdock blood bitters according to directions it is endorsed by the press the public and the profession and cannot be excelled for the cure of constipation dyspepsia and all dis eases arising therefrom l hallo hardup whats the matter r you look glum pre reason to i was obliged to make an assignment today v weill i dont see why you need to be gloomy about that if some other fellow had failed and yon were- one of the credit ors youd have reason for despondency pi save my sympathy for the men yon owe money too i guess youre right i didnt think of that no medicine in tbe world is in better repote or more widely known than ayers sarsaparilla as a safe and certain remedy for all manner of blood disorders leading physicians and druggists every where recommend it hr preference to any other customer see here the snif of clothes i bought yesterday is full of moth holes dealer das is all recht my frient moths defer eat cotton an yen ladies an shentlemens see does holes dey knows you vears only high priced all vool goods hocli injury is dooeby the use of irriu- tingigriping compounds taken as purgatives in ayers pills the patient bas a mild but effective cathartic that can be confidently recommended alike for the most delicate patients as well as the most robost abvtce to uothxbs are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick chad suffering and crying with the pain of catting teeth if bo send at once and get a bottle of tilrs winslowg soothing syrup for children teething its value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is do mistake abont it it cures dysentery and diarrhcea regulates the stonuudi and bowels cures wind colic softens the gams red aces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing byrop for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sod is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyuve cents a bottle be sure and ask for hs wikslowb soothxxg sybup 3d take oo other kind when you notice unpleasant sensations after eating at once commence the use of northrop lymans j vegetable discovery and your dyspepsia jwill disappear mr tames starley merchant at constance writes my wife has taken two bottles of northrop lymans vegetable discovery for dyspepsia and ib has done her more good than anything she ever nsed rest and comfort to the suffering browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cores prin in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power la wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as- it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in tbe stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle hlbants llmiaemi far kale tresv where swearing off is slang for making r good resolutions and this end of the ycristhc tiajcgciienuf cbacen u being tho most luitaiile and sppro- priaul for tnrning over a ncvr leaf during 1890 we have resolved tojcakemoro photographs than we did in 1889 r to make better photographs ban we did to 1889 to please every body better than we did in 1889- we nave the facilities for photographing your babies jjjt tux instantaneous process brine the rosy little cberubs to us and get a cbarming picture one that will boonc of roar dearest treasures in after dayi pictures are ai low as good work and a living profit will allow rams haw the oooghuir and wheezing o persons troubled with bronchitis or the asthma is exoessively harassiog to themselves and aonoyuig to others dr thomas eclectrio oil obviates all this entirely safely and speedily photo artist acton for coqghs coldsbroochitis and all long and throttronbles there is no preparation of medicine can compare with bicklef asticonsamraivesyrnp it never fills to afford prompt and permanent relief it removes all soreness and heals tbe diseased parte it immediately sooths the moat troublesome congbv and by promotidg expectoration removes tbe mnoons whioh stops np the air tabes whiob cause dim culty in breathing thereby gives relief to that depressing tightness ezperienoed in the chest foblic speaker and lingers will find bicfcles antidohsampttre syrnp of inestimable valne as it speedily and efiectnally allays all irritation ind noisi ness in the throat and bronchial tubes and gives power to the vocal oords rendering the voice clear and sonorous if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselves from mnch anxiety trouble and expense let ibem procure a bottle of bickles autigonsnmptivb byrap and whenever a child has taken oold has a cough or barasoessglye the syrup accord ing to direction the third page of the toronto joatt uam is noted for want advertisementa u you want to bsyfvwajy any thing j- it you want a sitnaiion a mecnanloa boai j ness machinery lodgjuks if jyoo hive lo or found anything or if yon want to find oovwheauyone ia advertue in tbeto- ronld bovy joi and read the advortiae- mentaon the third page of titat paper the charge is two centa a word each in aertion addrass ta jfoiitorbntocao aaa iy burdock b loop vwul cure or relieve biuoubnbs dyspepsia indigestion wnthcl ilpetas dizziness dbopsvv fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin rary tpteus otdistua uimbst tram iitoksend iav uwhxy3 8tojulchsowxlsob blood tmburn cd si saitmalfi headachl cataruead wf uilneil far aale every rerajl 1asal balm a certain and spetdrcure lot cpld in tbe head and catant allitiitases fitwthhiocuawllw hptwtretlrf rvnnamctcrni mtrlnpcilbio mtt tfntdlt wtnptobui 01 paniaf dafce ljiaif summer dres ww im fiji y- boraoiisr- fiusll thro- 1 teootf jo p- t aoeonmj- irjne ofoxoania sfw o3neas0ajnandnjb thbumvubll want into hmjjf vol uljii without a plategj i brttbtffrrttajpfyia yitallieiufwrsuiuifl3traaofi c h rigqs coia y09 ud i01 from eight cents per yard up irtetr4f ym are wactafsbeafa1aftred have catarrh sm shcjildlwebo tuaein preenrw rbaufiilhltsou ilaihrl t colored muslins at coat and under gr00d8i all remnants ot dress goods and prima at cost we havejust received a large range of 7 i nessrprint ia all this new patterns new embroidery shirtingsj stents per yard parasols fr 2 largeassortment of 1 glotes and hbsilery see our low lines of readymajrie extra value in the boot freih stock of groceifies remember our 25 and 50c ts are the eveev rnti ultt stbse ooxraicrl oarsmesfoi spsefsadp summer tour8r pustmm ta bi lowtrlpapavwasijkwma detroit maokinatvisjia i t akin detroit and clevewjnd oh our iuo8thate0 pmphit3 the oetmit a cukuwstea jtfcjcfc ai low pricai lbthidg shoe department alwaysijjori hand best henderson mcrae co kcton our ways r of lbusinesa i have been told many times but they need toj b told again and may have to be told many times again we buy and make various sorta of merohand at possible wetell the truth about it all we the very least prices and every time we are as li or lower the business is simple as can be the distinctly for each article and anything thereby is youra not ours sfeu lo yott you are perhaps accustomed to read the reckless talk of se just as cheap i everything at as the market price is named make or save thoughtless or unscrupulous advertisers that y 1 statemhnts ot careful merchants you know of need to remind you again that nothing is printed aud prices that will not bear examination every word is iropor tant v od discount the ojir waye but we about our goods we havejust completed another series of out our different departments and the most be pleased and surprised at our prices to givd are offering our all wool french delaines at 25 per yard reductions through- economical buyer will au instancewe 80c aud 40c prints sateens rem nante dress goods etc at correspond ingly low figures a glance it these goods will convince you of their value and cheapness other goods at proportionate reductions g b ryansc om sihwomr stock co guelph novelty quantitjy vpiriety quality zor tbz klhey bro domisioh bpof i shoe stphe and have just qpenejd up some extra iine lines shoes and btjier novelties for spring an gator and calf balmorals in new sty i our regular lintis will be found complete wi take noti tttetub going to give the that can beootaiijed anywhere f fsmw gs trtn inchajnge for goods ssssassi in ladies shoes slippers tan 1 summer wear mens alh- ies and of the bestmatenal h firstclass goods lnfreattarlatj lit bargains in boots shoes ytelscptrrjtjfbrcash inney osi acton fvivii- he urcest scale wofefe i in canrp4 j -p- 6 v e r i o o s fy e si b f hay scales it grain scales farm scales tea scales impfioved show cases laokey drawers umtcnopjier amd botciias sbfrtik fkoonas n rcii write y c wil8qn t son 6 0 espwnade strctt east tor9nfconl dunn otai oboea oraa jv vlalfci j aid fa 1 oses stelin m thecooksbestfrllnd vaaff alias avnwwjji rwa 5tse ninmfiwainiiftij tmr far uwk fm t swpnwteinairnit frrr uu4m a box 3 1 b pertlmm s te yorfl purest 8trqnges1ybb8t tpntainb no alum ammonia lime phosphati ortblariooibjitsrials a e w gillett tq 8tq bitt etwp i r f jdtkiwooaliffill t uoxbmtoxlmtvcklotmltt jb0t klstjtkww4awltl touat amftar jmto1 uatttt bvt ufittlmlk it at mpc urfw n u ml wa amk from 43 ta at ipcdcsc blw trtt t ooct w tj txarwai ll i pvt ofittlwlk it tea tmmlm w ututtvmnrwi rij1lmtml7fctrr7w 13 i otjr atknt torn uwaffewk drfowijeri extofvj vwilof mm cures awl and allsummei coml and fluxes of we b it is safe and mltablef children or pts hirsts pasn extmulaiqr wroapvarsire tlconriili j

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