Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1890, p. 1

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volume xvl no 8 ictott impress is pceussed bverv thursday mobnikg t at toe rrttprtmstcanutinlliisoihw lultystbekt actox 6t tmm or 8cbcnntiov0cdouar ttrey if osta ivssor withfak months torn biotas rear t ls psff visd u tsaalia to hicn evurr sotacrirtio a it rii t deootod br the dale on the address ubeu iimarrrsrsd rartstnmlent adrwtitc- traata e watt per xonparoil ltne for ant la- aerhon j casts per line for each sobswjnimt i m h oranuurr ealtstne rolloiinj table short oar rata for tiie insertion of advertisement tor pacified periods faec al inch lolochm 5 inches itmh 6010 so xo 603 mi 03 nop 63300 hot ertu 100 sj0 100 adrerttamants ritboot rpeeifici directions u1 bo inserted tfll forbid and fhtrred aord- inglr transient sdrertisenrents alcst be paid in advance f i mtertiaenieiita will be changed once each month udesiwd for chances oftener than one a month the composition most be paid for at rccnlai rates- j chances for contract advertisements mast be in the office br 9 ajn on tuosdars otherwise they am be left orer nnul the following cfc htii00jte editor and proprietor siisnuss birofnnt yt7- h lovtet itvlb accps oradnataoftrinirjcoueceatembeiof oottege of physicians and snrmorsj 0oandresidencelttseheadaf frederics treat acton i rk- spbisgek i psrsxcux scnceox accortnteun- omcst asn brjsmrjrpe dr i vfeaarrins x hona corner uu1 and frederick streets e stacey jldcilftjlcucjltsa 395 college su toronto telephone vobs j jf halsted 1ld t phtocux scineoy ere hzstsexcz axb dbcg btobe sfni street near door to williams boot and shoe store l beksettlds dextifjt a oxoaorroinr oktabio c mcklylat scbctox destist geeagrraws- visits acton it agnews hotel co the second and fourth wednesday of each moatl offiea to georgetowti llrit dosrsavh oc bap- t chnrciu i i m clean mcleax i btzriststtri solieitozx kotsries conveywoot fee private ftmds to loan- j i offimitowuluilacioa weahclxis jsoj k hcleix t a howtr blhbtttt soucitok kotabr pcbllci uocey to doaa- 0mckdintnesdiyuid5titnrtur- ticaluithewi block acton trptalrs s i htltok axlan fc b a vrt i bazrifteixsoliaitors it toeoyro asd geoacncry officei cnelnuuii block georgefota vnd 8g fwit itzeet eut toronto w 1 1ll1x x ghxubr bo j btnto ba patents seclfiaed for ixyejitioxb acton oftaeio thxjbsday august 2 1 1890 lumber lath fe shingles qa atrs villi xafmchrtvftiu now in stock u tboat k toooooo fct of liunbeta inclatuns m kind docdcd tor baudlne purpoiot tbli lain hti tcii etubluhed repautfou or ftrtt- dtus lumbor tud roooible iieei lth n sliofilwonhwd wtw prtpirod tojopply stt tint in our lln4- i eteejaaykbfi uuetwoykpo steahi laundry qubljph sftffitslcct colaksfc ccffsic funinr washing without irtjnlnk i5c per dor fueut wuiiingwitli ironing 35c per do gnucmuib wtlalnc ind itepiiring s0tiper doxim 1 jah ttorfc cuinptwd boet incnda office lad voits 56 qncbo strete goods left wiih kcuy bttk om ifitnta at acton will be wqt to the tiiidrt ud retorned thcix srotr tjre4 of charge at above price k 1l hackkew proprietor frank burce8s house painter piper hanger sirni wnterf etc crdtn prvrxul to ewento crdfcn in anj- of the abote ba in th best manner ndatreaaonaaiie tfenas etctt lob baring mi personal attention 1 can aanre custamen complete satitfaetioir graining in all woodi a specialt j ordcrtleltatmv residene main sl acton will receive pronipt aluntioa gruelph- business college gueleh 0ktari0 x0 scjimer vjccatiok students can eater at any time witli cqnal vicatagc the most complete cqtifpment and lie best ccetboda lor giving a usaronjfa boiinesa idactaon terms moderau and tatisfactory circclars ticg full information nulled t oany addrete it iticcoimck principal w barber bros paper makers qe0raet6yn ont ttlex i spetultt of machine finished book papers i vttlghgkadl teeelt xews the paper used iilliis ioarual is rota the above milk wm baebee bros eekby gkist ottjti caxisjl twenty tflr practic4 ko patent xo par tjptl hjbmbtbeet ijicksszo accnostat ll for the counties of wellington and hilton ic otdflnlenattbcpekpbem affiee acton oi km t myreildence in acton will be promptly at u tended lo terms reuonable alao tnoney to loan on the tnoct farorablc i 6exmand at the owesxtea of interest ii lnmjof u500 and npwirdi i johhjat j aechtteot gzzlsk oft omci- qneoni hotf i block jharket squara tjteancib jtukah- succeawrtot fchapmanj bookbnrpeb st- georgsi square gaelphonurii aeeonnt booka of ill kindi j made to orddr atiodiinliofeteitdeftcriptionaxrefnllybonni kulinr netltad promptly doe fphk haxlaaktbabbeb shop hm stbizt actos an eaarahate a tyliab haircut s good ceafoani anexlwlazmtlngthampooaiwafagiticn eaaon honed and pqt in nritclasc condition ldf aadchudraaihairtactilf enty i 4hw0edetontoriaiartiiu wanted rliablepnshingnjen to u choice nnrsery stoek compliie assortifient splendid opponnflity offered for spring vorfc- my aalev- men hare good anccea many selling from 100 to ixo per week send for proof and testimou- viala a good paawncjiian wanted here at tc uberal tenni and the best goods in the market write r v fbedre youkg snrbcrymat eochester kjy agents wanted la every township to seu rr pictorulcyciopeiia of live stock and complete stock doctor the most complete and comprehensive w itfc eterpnblished its anthers stand at the bpd of their profeacion and bare a continental rapn- ution- worth iu weight in gold to any- nc htlng horaea sheep cattle swine ponj xy dogs or beea a grind opportnnitr to qj lke money secure territory at once address actox pump factory -asdy- planingf- mill thos ebbige man- i i i bave rcanicd the msnsterjept of the nuiap bosincas in acton and tould respcctfcllr infornt all parties in vsnt of pcr that are are ncra- prepsred to seppir them from the old style wooden punp lo the best force pomp ffiicu pump for wmd wss or- eoct wells strpphed on short notice deep wells a bpedalt- esices eight eteey time our planing hill lcrnber dressed while yoa wait- xfoaldicgs ic made to otdct we hive also a qcantilj- of lamber for sale suitable for building parposes orders by iiiaalwiu receive prctnpt and carefal attention- shop at foot of hirer stieet thosebbageliaaafier wall paper 11 jou want your rooms to look ulco with ijor- dors and celling decorations of floe boll colorings and blending and proper shading days bookstore quelph fa the place to boy becaase day baa ten timet the assortment- his papers are newer and bet ter selected many of the beat niannfaetnrert ell onlr to him ana therefore be has the exclu sive life of their good in qnelph doing almost the entire paper trade of the city and paving cash for nil goods bo can bay tie qaaa- tity at the lowest inside price enabling hini u undersell all competitors day can give yon better paper borden ceiling decorations and lower prices than any other itore la the cfty see his papers and price before parting with your tnoney day sells cheap ii 200000 lbs having completed contract for lo crr lokbs of trine of the following brands excelsior red cap com mon sense red star anchor we are not in a position lo qnoto very lowest cash figures i a pure pkris green a efeciaitx john m bond k co guelph dlitct haidwaxe importers mutual fire insurance company j- or tbz- cookty of wtttkqton estjlzusbzd 10 head pff obelph insarssbuildingfiaferchacdisc ifsndfsctories and all other descriptions of insnraijle propcrtr on the cash and preminm kote syttcn f w stoke cttaff d avtdsok president j manager jokk taylbft agent b k motee pniuaher i 120tone st toro ito welliugtou maible woi1 l quebec srarztigczlpff clark carter dibect importcia of gxaniw and marble uonnmenta an headstones of ail th i and from the newest designs all wort and serial warranted firstclass psxtfea srishii jiirehaae will please zixense call and ina ar stock and prices as we ore confident we compete with ny eriablubiuenl in on uric hatioiaoldootnif inierest to the abora ireapectfnlly solicit the psiroazge to my fr vand the public on their behall jh hahiltck acton livery new planing mill iso sash anddoor faclorr- john cameron contractor huttedcp the bnildinff on main street lately occupied as a txqnk tactorywlth nawmachinery and u prepared to famish plans specifications and estimates for til claesec of buildings and eiecnte all kinds of ebe15sikg matcsccg and mouldexg kixe lul sttxs or saaherfj doors and windows and door frames and die used lumber and keep a stock o hand all orders promptly attended lo john cameron lardine machine oil -vr- jvkannawin mill st acton f jtforhbjt9 ki88b8 dont fear to spoil the children mothor by loving hem too well ajnother uaaes have a iwwer that fisan cannot diipfll the thonght of a mothers loving worts bavea many a man from sin and inouiflri prayerttwlll bring a bkulng that dothlng else can win the little baby laogba with pleasure at mammas loving talk while her dear hand to gontjy toclics his faltering feet to walk and scarce a baby hurt bnt mamma can kin and make it well throngh youth and manhood mothers kisses still hold their potent ipell and when at last the tender mother from earth baa paned away the impress of her sweet careues doep in their hearta will stay and children she ha loved will treasure tho memory of her imtle her loving kias and gentle guidance be with them all the while tis never too much love that spoils thout or makes them disregard their parents wishes children seldom feel any task too hard that mother in her kind way gives thorn with kisses when its done and the iwoet guerdon of ber praises cheers many a young man on unwise indulgence angry scoldings whippings they dont deserve do more to make them disrespectful and from our teaching swene than too much motheriovu or petting it is not hard to prove too much neglect may spoil the children bat never too much love do not be chary of your kisses the great love of your soul will serve to keep your children near you and more in your control than any panlshment you give them lotc i power do jjprdi can iwl dont fear to spoil too children uiothcr by iovingtbem too well aoof ktnne dtd familg juamttg a irasl angel iiv luet e1xe iiilluc it utts in an old artists studio that 1 saw the picture called a lost angel kear it bong a head which was catalogued a cherub in these two works the extremes of human expression were depicted the larger in act merited the name bestowed upon it the emaller seemed too sweet for anything bat heaven a mother might have said thus my child must look in paradise j but it was almost impossible to believe that such n di ine creature actually exisied on earth i everyone say something like that said the old artist whose work it was i saw that face m florence years so a woman and child sat together at the door o the little vinawreathed stone house the woman was sweet simplicity itself the child far more beautiful than that at tempt lo reproddoe its features i felt that i should never again have so angelic a model and advancing requested the mother o allow me to sketch her child i will pay you well i said la yoa think yoa can periaade him to be quiet v she gave me a bright smile o assent yes she answered little isidor shall pose for the fiignor artist it is time he began he mast earn his bread as a model it was his poor fathers business before he died he was said to be the handsomest model in florence they painted him for their lovers and little isidor resembles his father his mother also i said she laaghed bat answered in business like fashion j oh im well enough bat they only- engage me when hey need peasant women lamnolfine like my poor husband be- oertaln ransom was not pud this was only the beginning he was captured at last on a visit to his sick mother whom he seems to have been fond of my dear fellow i gm ym my word ho is the most hideous creature- hvlng if yoa want a hideons villain for any of your fine pictures here he gave toe a complimentary italian bow- there is his bead for you he would very much like to have you point him he believes himself a hero come i can admit you to the prison i went with him the proper cere monials were accomplished as an ameri can artist who wished to transfer this doomed italian to canvas i was permitted to pass into his cell he lay upon his cot asleep when we entered but started up at oar approach the most fiendish coun tenance i had ever beheld was turned to wards us a wild black beard hid the lower part of his face his- eyebrows grown long and shaggy flung a shadow over us eyes that glittered like black diamonds and were immense and long lashed but in expression eyes of satan a great scar crossed his forehead a deep scam lay upon his left cheek his nose straight as that of a greek statue had nostrils that while finely cut had an ex pression of contemptuous cruelty past all bearing an expression that mast have in furiated an enemy and horrified one who was in his power campani said my conductor this is an american gentleman an artist who would like to sketch your head he is a celebrated artist your face will be in all the great salons you will pose for him will yon not v t have a taleutfor that said campani with the air of a monarch receiving am bassadors from a foreign court and shall rejoice o oblige he eignor artist i will look as terrible as possible the signor will kindly not perpetuate the scars upon my face which i do not wish handed down- to posterity as without them i am remark ably handsome instantly he assnmed an expression for which i have no words and with a word of thanks i fell o work as the head grew beneath my fingers i found that he was right the scars and his expression alone made him hideous liis features were perfect his hair glorious i like it he said approvingly pocket ing the money i gave him bring me some wine and some cigars you there i will drink the signers oealth ko thanks it is a pleasure to pose once more for a true artist great heavens said my friend as he examined the picture in an outer room you have made a lost angel of our great brigand campani i never added the scar i felt that the brigand was right in his request from an artistic point of view a few days afterward he was executed florence was astir with the excitement and the lottery people made a fortune from the losses of those who bought numbers which were supposed i do not know why to have become lucky because of the execu tion of a brigand terrible stories that made the blood run cold were told of him he had bad no mercy no pity no honor no decency but he seemed alwaystohave been posing as a terrible hero to have done everything with a view to effect- an improviaatore repeated the story of ins life in the twilight streets and women crossed themselves as they listened a singer sung an impromptu song to his guitar in which the murder of a lovely english udy by the cruel campani was vividly portrayed a man at a corner sold fragments of his garments aa charms against ballets and drove a thriving trade the air was fall of campani leaving the crowd i wandered away to a quiet portion of the city where stood the little stone house where i had sketched the angelic isidor usually peace lay upon it and its the life of man kan bora of woman is of few days and no teetb and indeed it would be money in hit pocket sometimes if he had lei s of either at for days he wasted onethirdof them and u for broth he has convulsions when he cuts them and as the last one comes through lol the dentist ii twitting the first one out and the last end of thai mans jaw it worse than the first being full of porcelain and a roof of plate built to bold black berry seeds stone bruises lion his pathway to manhood his father boxes bit ears at home the big boys caff him in j the play ground and the teacher whips him in the schoolroom he nseth early and sitteth up late that he may fill his barns and storehouses and lo 1 hit chil dreni lawyers divide the spoil among themselves and say ha ha 1 he growleth and is sore distressed because it rainetb ind be beateth upon his breast and styeth my crop it lost because it raineth not the late rains blight hisj wheat and the frost biteth bis peaches ii it be so that the sun shineth even among the nineties be sayeth woe is me ton i perish and if the northwest wind sigheth down in fortytwo below he crieth would i were dead v if be wear sack cloth and bite jeans men say he is tramp 1 and if he goeth forth shaven am clad in purple and fine linen all the peoplt cry shoot tho dude i he carryeth in luranoe for twenty years until be bath paid thrice over for twenty years and then he leiteth bit polioy lapse one day and thai tame night fire destroyeth his store he boildeth him a hcow in jersey and bit first born is devoured by mosquitoes he pitcheth hit tents in new york and tramps devour his substance he movetb to kaosas and a cyclone carryeth his bouse away over in mittoori while a prairie firfa and ten million acres of grasshoppers fight for his crop verily there is no rest for the sole of his foot tod it be hadjt lo do over again he would not be born at all for the day of death better than the day d ones birth who knows the thought of a child a little talk- absut fshbs figures tnay he and facts distorwd be j bat seeing is believing come and see the peekaboo boot and shoe store is just now showing a number of new lines of shoes and slippers specially adapted for the season these new goods ire being sold at prices it low or lower than those asked for old stylet and shop worn goods elaewhere everybody can be suited for we hvu all siicahi gents wear ladles wear coal wood james brown has on hand a large quantity of excellent coal wbichbwillpromptlydeliver to any part of the towasat refocahlc prices hardwood okd slabs cat stove ifccgth always on hand telephone conununicatiou bus line yshe undersigned respeetf ally solicit the i f f of the public and informs tbem veil equipped and sitrlun higs a ways be secured it bis stables a comfortable bos mt trains between 9 a m and 818 p careful atteouonlf4 tb wattu of commercial travel- lers folly tnet ipj tron th it j0hk williams waters bros the pictube g allebt quelph yoalka wear children wear babys wear special lines good goods devest sylfi and best value for tfae money at w williams acton custom work aod repairing givoifearefal atten lion trunks snd vsjises in variety hermit kow a crowd surrounded the door on ilsootekirts i saw my own servanl antoine he bowed and spoke there is somethingthe signor should tec ft is the house of the mother of the brigand campani there he was captured within is his portraiiwhen a child i give my word that it is angelic i will see it i said i joined the crowd and paid my bit of silver to a greedy old crone who gathered the coin into her apron two candles- burned in sconces near the object of interest and as the peasant who had been before me crossed himself and retired i saw hanging beside a gilded crucifix over the head of the little bod my own little sketch of the baby- isidor et is like him said the old hag at the door that was my son isidor compani at the age of five he wab like that only lovelier a great signor american painted it his father was the handsomest man in florence joe and jenny picket wiee fencing the best and cheapest o all pasm and garden fences eugnlycotnuiended and aaardod diploma at jaefpu centra and several tcrtrosalp fain b9 fliftles ttilctluhs llctqkk molijdlvgs ljooh mouldisgs cqltnicbpoiksironimc bums bods uakxkr bodr from 13c abtistn- 1uteiuals h oil colors wtr colorn cliloa color brrise etc etc heady mixed paints aspen- walls ennmels cnrdu wires kalli cbalus itooss etc j watebsbroi 1 viuy st oeoecbs square send post card for price list giving fullvartiea- lars address j m dooley co l cuelph ont agents- wanted if yon want to male money take hold and sell our choice nursery stock now is the time write us at onoe far terms may brothebs nurserymeo j bocbeater n y wanted- t o alkbmkk to sell nursery btock ail goods o warranted nrstelaas fonnanentpleasanl uons f or the right moo vooa irrofltahle poall systoles md expenses paid weekly uberal in dotemints to wtnnti nopreyions experi ence necemry outfit free wrlw for terms giving age f j charles h chase nawarynwm mention this paper jtoetotter ny sides vouth is quick to go hold- up your head isidor show the signor poin mi h the rf a that you know how to pose the little italian instantly threw him self into on exquisite attitude his eyes uplifted his cartoine lips slightly apart an ineffable sweetness in his eyes tell me then if i am right he said altera moment nndtnodded an affirma tive instantly he seemed o have forgot ten the world and to bojistening to the harps of the angels olje might have fancied that he would vanish like a beauti ful dream he seemed too fair too holy for earth i painted nim with rapture but at my second tatting decided to make a larger portrait than i had at first mtended i presented my first sketch to his mother who received it with delight and fastened it to the wall on which a gilded crucifix aad a print of the virgin already hung and i worked many days over my picture when il was completed i paid my models mother liberally gave tittle isidor a handful of small italian coin that made him feel as rich as a king and departed sorry to tarn my back on tho quaint stone house the jrindlv handsome woman and the beauti ful boy wherever i carried little angel people exclaimed over the beauty of the face i think no woman ever saw it without crying oat upon the moment what a lovely child v i often thought of the boy in all the years that followed i never forgot him they were many for i am an old man 1 now i was twentyfive when i left the little stone house with the mother and her beautiful boy standing on the high steps under tho shadow of a great vine that clung to the old wall i was sixty when i saw it again a man with his life be him i had achieved some fame my name was well known but i was no longer a bright- haired lighthearted young fellow with all lifes prizes towin one or two graves lay across the path i bad trodden many disillusions i thought of the man who had pointed little isidor almost its of some other whom i had known and been fond of i stood before the house where little isidor had lived with his mother it seem ed unchanged a vine grew over the door springing doubtless from the same roots the door was fast locked and in any case it was foolish to fancy that those two dwelt there still i walked away wrapped in a revery stumbled over the ioes of an old friend who was a government official and whobeized me by the arm with a light italianlaugl i well met he said i thought of going to findjyoa there is something in the town which an artist like yon must see it will not be on exhibition long for it is a fine specimen of the geuus rascal and he will be executed in few stays he is awdit a murderer everything that is horrible he has out off the ears and fingers of his prboneni and sent them tq their friend with intinwtiona that tf a to the thoughtful observer of childlife sayt the sunday scliool timet nothing u more noticeable than the sudden and aeeoi ingly unaccountable changes in the childs mental and moral altitades hit interests bis motives bit hamu and hit desires u a single day there triay be a wholly change of front toward all that to him has been essential and familiar we smile at this if we do not seriously oppose it we call it spasmodic fickle whimsical but the path of a childs life is a path broken by sharp angles childhood is a period of startling revelation o expedition of dit- covery almost daily the child is a voy ager on the challenger an agassiz in brazil a faraday in the laboratory at a result of a little boys first day in a kinder garten he exhibited to hit father a birds nett on a branch with a little bird beside it all modelled in clay see be ex claimed there it the birdie there is tjbe nest and there are three little eggs for the birdie to eat that childs only idea of esgt wat an article of diet but when hit father exclaimed 0b not for the birdie to eat and followed it up with the facte in pe case that ohild had turned a sharp ankle in bis onward way here was a wholly pew direction for thonght that wap a larger discovery a longer stride in jhit little life than a new species would prove to the naturalist or a new star to the as tronomer or a new element to the cheixut sach revelations in the varied realm of truth pour in upon the child- mind in volleys ko adult mind could stand tlem without reeling in oonfasion yet how little do we dream of this multitude of iew vistas daily opened to a child how utile do we realize the working of these secret forces whose surface outoroppiogs we some what impatiently condemn as mere insta bility as fickleness and whim the children are taught to respect their elders do their elders snoiciently revereoce them 1 5 s tlmu pbice theee cujtcts odds and ends norte see willie you have two little brothers aient they pretty willie remembering the ututl difootal of surplus kittens which one are we going to drown the spire of the brunswick me baptist chnroh was torn flown recently instead of falling on the ground as waa- expected theapire went plump into the cistern below the sidewalk rabtitt to the last i was the quiet remark 4ta bystander jadge and it lis the sentence of court that patrick mag in ms for the murder of hit parents be handed by the neck until he be dead and mayheaven have mercy on bit 8001 mtginnw wnll all i have to say yer hooeris that its mofchtyhard on a poor orphan toftrate him intke that at mitt dcdif cpokiog lecture lady soliloquizing not that she hat got it cooked i wish shed tell as how to use up cold mutton next lady overbtears and remarks ibatelsomeiofalliblerecipes h pencil and note book favor me second first lady alert wi will you pleaie lady six boys a very effective and cheap system of dentistry bat been discovered by a man who tied one ebc of a string aroand a painful tooth and he other end to the rear of a train th at was bout to leave the station when the train started ne ran behind until it acquired headway when he dropped on hit handt and knes tbe train carried the tooth upwacd of a hundred mdes fliet want to rokke tpectaclea of tbem telves when they ijgut on a manfs nose llsto cqd a little girls ppstil to her mamma in heaven a postal card bearing the singular and touching inscription my dear mamma in heaveu was found in the 12 oclock mail today of course it went to the postmasters desk on tbe other tide was the appeal of a little girl to ber mamma in heaven it wst in a little cramped tremulous hand as though the little hand that guided the pen wat nervoat through suffering or tears it read as follows dear uammatj am so lonesome sins ou went to heaven 1 waatto go to you tbe time seams so long yoa said i could come to yoa mrs ciuk is kind to mebut she is not like yoa yoa sho this to god and send for me since my arm hurts me so and you sad it would be well in heven i send yoa a kiss from your little doax postmaster biiey said i with i coald learn who the little writer is it it one ot the most touching little appeals i have ever teen evidently she it an orphan for she speaks of a mrs jclark and she mutt be a sufferer for tbe speaks of her arm hurting ber so tbe little thing has been pining fox ber motjberand perhaps some one hat told her to vrtiej or maybe it hat been an inspiration of hjer own quite likely it would seem that there ought to be some reply to that it certainly isvery louch ing ctncinnitsi timetstar j the little swedish girli a boy btlbp it isnt mnch fan aliving if geandpa says wbats true that this ts tbo jolllest time life thai im a patting through im frald he cant remember its been o awful long im sure if bo could recollect hed know that be was wrong dulbeoverhaveiwondct asisterjnstlakemine whod take his skates or break bis kit or tangle up his twine f did be ever cbop tbe kindling t or etch in coal and wood or oiler to turn the wringer if be didbe was awfsl good in summer its weed the garden in winter its shovel snow yet there isnt a single season buthaaita work yoo know i- and then when a fellowi tired i andhopeanemayltutsitstill its bring me a pail of water aon from the soring at tho foot of the hilt how can praodpa remember a fellows grief or joy twcen joa and me t dont belibve he ever was a boy is this the laiiect time o lif e bellet itl uevercaa nor tbat its as nice to bo a hoy as a really grownap man ivii a parrot in a deacons meeting rules for a clear s tiln fol have any of our young readers noticed an odd difference which there is between the generosity of boys and that of girls joe and jenny for example are walking to school and pass a cat which has been hurt or a bird with a broken wing in almost even- case the girl will stop to pet and care for the hurt creature she lavishes time and tenderness upon it while the boy with a shrug runs on and thinks no more of it it is jenny who will bring ftpwers to the invalid at home who will hang over her couch trying to be qsefnl who will gladly sacrifice play or sleep in order to help her joe as a rule hates a sick room shirks the sight of pain and has little sympathy to give to any misfortune or grief but if joe and jennyhave each ten dol lars to spend it will usually be the girl who will hoard the pennies or who will be hard and sharp in driving a bargain who will be unreasonable in expecting too mnch for her money from tradesmen yet if you probe the matter to the bottom you will probably find that naturally joe is not more liberal than bis sister or tbat jenny really is more allectionatfi than joe bat their training has been in spine respects different the boy had been given money and has formed a habit of naing it more freely into the girl8 indoor life havei been brought leisure and habits of h each give of that which previous training makes most easy and natural tbe boy his loosely held money the girl her time and sympathy tho defects in joe and jenny would be lessened were their education in whso re spects the same if gentler and kindlier infiuenoe were brought into tbe boytj daily life and if the girl were taught tin mn and buw of money the ladiet home journal gives the lowing rules for a clear skin you want to keep your skin nice all summer well then here are some ules for you dont bathe in hard water soltx with a few drops of ammonia bt a borax dont bathe your face while it islvery warm and never use very cold water for it dont wash your face- when yod are travelling unlets it is with a little alcohol and water or a htuevaseliir dont attempt to remove dust with cold water give your face a hot bath losing plenty of good soap then give it a thorough rinsing with water that has had the chill taken of it dont rub yoar face with a coarse towel jaift remember it is not made of cast iron and treat it as you would the finest porce lain- gentlyand delicately j dont use a sponge or a linen rag for yoar face choose instead a flannel one dont behove you can gat lid of wrinkles by filling in the crevices with powder instead give your face a russian bath every night that is to bathe it wiihj water so hot tbat yoa wonder bow you can i stand it and then a minute after witn cold water that will make it glow with warmth dry it with a soft towel and go to bea and yoa ought to sleep like a baby while your akin is growing prmer and coming from out of the wrinkles and you aw reacting walking leaves i a little swedish girl eleven years old was taken to a hospital where after an illness of sevenal months she recovered she was a homely child but being very kind and thoughtful she endeared herself to all around her there was brought into the hospital a3ittle girl of peevish and dis agreeable disposition who was very sick the swedish girl at once- took her plooe by the cot of the little btrangerand assumed en tire charge of her in fact added the port of a little mother the little girl grew rapidly worse and at last she died when the little mother as she was called was asked by the matron why she had treated the sick baby so tenderly the looked be wildered and said do not all the people in the world help one another you have helped me but why did you choose that baby the matron insisted there are many others here prettier better tempered more lovable i yes replied the litth swede with tears in her eyi s but she had nobody but me to take car of her madam the kiss ngspot on note paper a fad in wri iug paper is what is called lovers stationery- it is find note paper delicately tui d the most fashionable shade being lij ht pink the watermark to be detected by holding the sheet up to the ligbl is a hlei ding of two heartb pierced by an arrow ii the lower corner ofjeach fourth pagea ipears what at first sight looks like a blemisl but this is the charming feature of tfca novelty it is the kissing spot forhcrejtho correspondent presses his or her lips and thus o salute is wafted to the absent lover the kissing spot u about the size of a twentylive cent piece and is covered with a thin aromatic gum thut im parts to the lips a pleasing odor and taste a more ingenious bit of maudlin senti mentality could hardly be devised yet we must all ccdmss that it is of just such inno cent follies that the joy of human life largely consists j the missing saw mill who ever heard of green leaves falling from a tree and after lying on the ground for a few minutes cfawl toward the trunk of the tree ascend it and resume their former position this was a spectacle which greeted tho eyes of some inglish sailors thirty or forty years ago v bile on the island of australia and in regai d to the very tree under which they were resting they fled to their vessel at if panic struck and did not stop a moment to investigate the matter j subsequent explorations taught them ljowever that these leaves were insects they live upon tle trees their bodies are exceedingly thin and their wings form leaf like pro jecons when the wind disturbs them t ley fold their legs under their bodies male ng their shape exactly like a leaf stem and all complete they bear a brightgre color in summer but change with the 1 3aves in the autumn to a russet browc when frhav to the ground they lie still tor a few- minutes as ii dead but presently begin to crawl toward the tree which the cead tbey very rarely use their wings t hence the nanie walking leaves 1 fiat the other nay t g met an old friend who was formerly a prosperous young lumberman up north bnt whose habits of drinking resulted as they often do how are you baid t g pretty well thank you but i have pust been to a doctor to have him lookat my throat whats the matter 7 well the doctor couldnt give mc any encourageihent at least he could not find what i wanted him to find what did you expect him to find for you t i asked him to look down mv throat for the sawmill and farm that hadoue there and did he see anythingof it j ko but he advised me if ever i got an- othor mipito run it by water 1 ooce upon a time it does not matter when or where the deacons of certain church met together to consider tbe atalf of affairs in their little zion thingfireiw going wrong there were few conversion maoyeropty pews and grumbleri mogh to stock a dozen churches even theool lectionplate was getting black in tbe faot and wbeo tbat is the cute it is time to pan tn ecclesiastical reform bill go tbe deacont met in solemn assembly in the houso of one of the brethren toutf vestigate the cause of their troubles and to find a remedy great waa the talk lengthened waa the conversation and alas i they fell upon the poor minister the root of all evil one amid thai b preached tooloug and frightened thepeemje away another thai be did not tuni eobugh and another that be lacked unction fire and force well tinoers must have a scapegoat and who it to fit for one as the minister tbey resowisd therefore to approach him and tel him their minds this was a sad bosineaifor they prayed before hit settlement that god would send them the right man tq the right place and had bey not thanked bftn for guiding tbem so wisely iu the choice of a pastor now it seemed tbat their preeemv purpose showed clearly that the lord bad made a mistake and that they- were the men to rectify it t at last one of tbemmoved tpit retain- lion whereat tbeatate oi fttfairijin tbe church is so lsmenlabe we feel bemnd in the interest of the cause to suggest to our pastor tho advisability olwobing the leadings of brovideuce and to accept whatever call the lord mar be pleated to tend tbey passed this resolution with a hearty unanimity and went on talking now in the corner of the room theri hung a par rot cage and on the perch withla stood a fine green parrot lately arrifed in tbe country it knew no other language than that which it had learned at tea it was evidently puzzled by tbe talk of the brethren and held its head on one aide as if it wished to matter tbe tubject under consideration one thing wat certain h meant to have its say irithe matter u toon tt an opportunity offered the chance came a lugubrious brother in ft long tnournful tpeech was ttia wailing their unfortnnate circumstances and coming to the close said wall brethren i am sorry things area they are out miniatar may be a good man yet think of it a i will i ree no remedy but- work you lubbers work work yoi lubbers work r so said tbe parrot and abruptly finished the lugobrious brothers tpeeob and started the whole deaconate ipto a state of abnormal activity- horrified it the tin timeliness of the pirrots remark the good brother who owned the parrot sprang up in- anger he waa but a man and made dash at the cage with a fell intent of tach ing tbe poor creature tbo dumb alphabet by twulingiuneck stop brother ttop cried one v tbe brethren yon may wring the parrots neck lot you cannot wring the netk truth tbe bird i a right and we are wroo work it tbe remedy after all down they all tat with- the cry ot the parrot ringing in their eat and con- science dear good men like most of at tbey hid mayht the easiest way out ot the difficulty andhadlmade a mistake the ministers failiagiiihad to fully occupied their attention that they could not think of their own tbe parrot had put them face- to face with themselves and their own aoolt and they were obliged to tee that if tbe pastor bad not done hit beat neitber bad tbey this waa the conclusion thfij ba4 reached and like honeat men tbey tore np their href- resolution and wera wite euough to make another thejyjthen went homeandiu a few weeklheehurcfo began to flpwish every man bid anrind to work some went out to the highways and hedges and compelled the wanderer to dome in some took to the task of visit- ing and others helped in any way thej could even tbe collection plate lost iu gloomy looksit looked brighter and aa- a natural exception a small girl three year old mind fyoo they are brilliant in boston at three yeare wen i to a obodf ens party the other after noon after she bad returned borne she said to bjtj parents at thej party a little girl felt through- a chair to the floor all the other girls laaghedgbut i didnt well why didnt yoa laugh caoui w the one that fetltbroufibl itwuthe tame little girl who altera trip in tbe country remarked wiatfnlly i 1 wish i bad a bouse out of doors boston auwripi for the pastor be plucked up heart od went ahead for all the world knows that tbe leading horse must put on tpeed when the horses behind are pulling witha will a for the parrot it lived to a green old age and like iheyouthin exceltiot re peated its mottoto the end with a con vulsive croak and a merry twinkle of tbe eye it left it as a legacy to the world work you lubbers work work yon lubbers work krcatuffe a ha cor the age of 30 is a bard corner for woman to turn aad 8i is still harder she feels that the it fatt leaving her yduth be hind her- but there is- no reason why ft woman ahould be fadedand jxiaftt 55 or even at i5 tie chief cause of thejiarly w ing of american womenit found ik the net that many of tbem tuffer froib iefoiny of female weakneat or disease 1 jr the ace of ita bloonv drat dttt fwly about theeyei brings early irridtlm 9fi aallowoesti and tamp the laceipd flff with eigut of ulheauh dr fipo orite pretrptfou witl ctifw trouble will brm ifv and reioore the painaaad tdliwntowfaj make women grow oid ltteif guaxainteedto totiafftoon lw jfpe ctmprsoqjfpndeav v

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