Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1890, p. 2

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m bous n totrmto on the hth anceit the x butt ebb of a dauftnter tvxa at tawn county of lambtdn on the ish iiwibs wife john trier of a soo married aclftiuithsir at the residence df the bridviraothvotbt istb aurast by her tliot gm dr loehu auw to mist matthews both ol georgetown eujottfirtiokt at urn tcsldeuce ot the brfdvs lather oo wednewter evening august tthbvthtter newton hill urjohu elliott standard bank oumlnstoa to brta eldest daughter of v b speight etq- uarkham kfcoaayrtiaikii at the rcefdanee o the bride father wauaeebuit on ani hth by rev mr milliard utiitwfbyjkt jjrcurrie j f kennedy editor of raiuukkcotu wallacetumtominnieouiigeft daughter of charles fraaer esq coltator of customs biixatchtircbtilleoii6addjaaeqit 10th upq umoo hijl brother of all bill acton tfiod t1 rein k y joksstox ju hi hatne tot 31 cars j ksqaes- lnc on the 19th august richard johnston aged f 4 roar teste at crewtoi corners on the 19th aujust bmmt daughter of aaron teeter aged 5 montha bowxa at the reddeooe of joeeiili w doves trafalgar on wedaeedaraiututuieso wui f bowes teed sprout s tooc and day mcmillan- at hie rmidenc 31 high park arenas weal toronto junction in the t3rd rear ot hi ace cha mcmillan caq jf late of the vocagfl of erin talk of the day a kn epitome of the worlds dolnff during the week tit rtmt fitt ttss thnrshat august 21 1890- notes and comments cardinal mannings aversion to strong drink in even form was bo great that tvrice in artiatio norfir he refused stimulants and he alludes in his diary triumphantly to the fact that he got welt each time as proof that stimulants are never necesaan exxjuugu an exchange ays canada seems to be doing pretty wef thank yoa crop pros pect in all the provinces trere never bright er the 6almon ran in british colombia is the largest ever known canadian railway a are cutting into the business of american road and altogeter the son of prosperity is shining on this fair dominion col walker powell adjutant general of the canadian militia has beenin command o the dominion forces since thereaignation of 6a- middkton and if the lav requiring that thechief of the militia shall be a british army officer is repealed col powell wdl probably oetbe first canadian ap- pointed to the generalship for more than twentysix years c6l powell has been busy at headqaaxters aiding in the development of the existing militia system at the hewl of the great oddfellows procession last week three flags were carried the- american the patriarchs militant and the canadian jthe former was on the right the second in the centre and the foreigner on the left qf the line it is not the first tune that the canadian emblem has been seen ina parade here but itnever before occupied so prominent a position sot was it ever previously held aloft by an anglican this is a point worth noting truly was it a great brotherhood that for gathered here jast week chicago paper all tears of a potato amino lu ireland afe at an end montreal it uoing to put all its electric isjiree underground a keen demand continue for farm hands trouyhoot manitoba onlv mo feet ot the st chtir tunnel rjmans to bo oompleted a larfte number ot waterloo farmer are going to settle in manitoba a louisville distillery was barued down lut week at a loss of fug0o0 a company u being formed to work up t m coltf mine deposits in halifax rockwells tannery at warren pa has ooe up in smoke at a lot of 5100000 nearly all jhe- cmployw macbiuiau in ittaburg hava coaoeded the ainehoar day the cencut ia expected to show that the iopulatioaot the united states ia g4000 00 v kvauderbill luiclu wooq to a ooni man who was bitten by one of hit t hounde the towu uajlatcouingwood reoeouy i rected at a coat of 2o0o0 was rutted by ire last thursday another natural gas well with a capacity it 3000000 cubic feet a day has been dis overedtawelland j twenty five million dollars ia the modest ortune to which a mauitoban named henry ftood has fallen heir john d rockefeller eaya he is not going to endow a national university atcew lork with 120000000 aaatria ia going in for an entirely new issae ot postage stamps each bearingie jffigy of francis joteph a niece ot sir francis knoiiys his obtained 5pi0c0 damages againit her fickle sweetheart tor breach of promise i the russians are pleawd with emperor williams declarations that the possession ot heligoland completes the german empire the steamer hyitery brought 150000 worth of sealskins from behring sea to victoria and they are now being prepared for shipment to london while alighting from an express train at coboorgvon wednesday night hon wm macdougald clipped and fell sustaining a rather painful iirjury to one ot his beps there was a cold ware in the northwest on saturday night and the thermometer went perilously noir the freezing point hat manitoba reports say there was no damage the country around news items supplied by correi- pondentt tad bxqhngm oakv1lle the pbblio sohool board has oontraoted or 50 tons of coil at 440 per too the ronuisfuoa ot the board of edac tioa to tue towu couaott uki for 13916 tor itbool purposes tor the current year a number ot oitiseoi t sited grimsby park ontueiday to hear dr tfctmage chas bradbury wu fined w93 last week for running t billiard table without lioense the school buildings ar nodergoing re pairs and ronovatiods preparatory to the opeuing o the fall term the streets and sidewalks this jear cost the towu 1131500 rockwood mrs j f farrish li yisitios friends in georcetowu the theft ot four of mr m p barrys youor hounds the ouier day proclaims the approach of the huntiug season miss mary e mcfarlane who has taofiht very acceptably for two years in 3 8 no 8 erin left od tuesday for rat portage where she takes charge ot the public schools miss mcfarlane was on the eve ot her depart a re presented with u ad- dress signed on boh alt ot the scholars by bertha leslie and teua carrie and a beautiful cabinet photograph album mr james 8 black has succeeded mr fahey as correspondent of the gaelph ifacurv mr black is a clever young man and rockwood j terns from his scholarly pen will be very readable school reopened onmouday much to the regret ot our small ooy during the holidays the school ijoqse has been re fitted from top to bottom a fine maple floor replaces the old one the wood work both inside and oat has been thoroughly pain tod iron gratings have beea placed in front of the windows and the walls have been stained a delicate bine a color sop- posed to be the easiest on the eyes mr wm morrow superintended the carpenter ing work while mr t edgertan attended to the painting oar school is now one ot the best in ontario mr john strachtn captivated a moss boro a a die dcc with his elocutionary effort on thursday night last the several acton yoang men who were in town the other night and some ot their rockwood friends seem to be very fond of thetecenllypopulsxeong annie rooney the financial meeting ot the guelph district was held here on tuesday in the methodist church report of proceedings next week i buruqrtn henry foster collector of custom offers ia reward for thai rstnrn of 4102 lost betsmn gradys ito and the ooatomi hbote at the rtosnt pria oompeutiorj for the best essay on any torile used on 0ndian hutory the montreal rwii has awarded the ooanty prise to hisa nellie emory t popll ot the teoodd department ot oat sohool todeysut iostjoiyio hnliday the oitieei will teke in- an excursion to the fells mr b genby hu found pork very profitable lately since 1st aug 1680 be ha realised 41000 cash from feeding his barley to his pig mr ganby hu besides u hogs left which ere being fitened for the boston market this all mr miller who wis so badly injured in the recent accident is slowly recovering campbellville the inquest at eden mills t the gatherings of prohibitionists can always be induced to resolute about matters touching the temperance cause but when u comes to practical politics the temper ance vote is seldom heard of at the meeting at the council of the dominion alliance in montreal on thursday senator tidal and mr jamiesan- mp supported a resolution denouncing the con duct of the dominion government innnllify- ing the northwest prohibitory liquor law bnttheae gentlemen will continue to help maintain ip payer the men tf ho aredirectly responsible for the evils which they profess to deplore ottawa frte pros the toronto telegram gives away doddstille toronto method of ijt prints a specimen tax bill tn which assessment of reel property is 1050 ant thexmte mj mills mf the dollar the taxes on this rate amount to 41523 bui th only about half the taxes for then ia ah additional sum c tulsi added for soci improvement rates one yoa see is ratevf and the otheris rates in this way toronto is enabled tq announce to the world that her tax rate is iq msis ad the doflar while the fact is that it is very nearly doable that say about 27 mfllg on the dollar and this enormous rate doee not jndadfl the school taxes it costs money to live in doddsville a pamphlet has been issued by the de partment of agriculture at ottawa giving information about the exhibition- which will be held in jamaica in january of next year our government has accepted an invitation to participate in this exhibition and have undertaken to pay freight of all approved exhibits entries mast be made not later than september 30th next and the latest date at which exhibits can be sent foward from ttilifst k s- or st johnnbis the middle of december forms of application and general informa tion can be obtained on application to the honorary commissioner mr w brown or to s b small secretary de partment agriculture ottawa the following letter guelph dauy uarsrvat saturday to the editor of the hzaccxt hills sib we voold like to fcnor on jrhat antlority dr herod came j here to hold an in- quest on the body of the late urs geddcc ax the law does not provide for holding an inquest until ft hax been made to appear toihe coroner that there is reason to believd that the deceased died from violence or nnfair meanxror culpahle neglect dx see chap 80 ee 1 rso1 which coold not be in this caae u she met her death sarroended by ber persooal friendi and the whole community feel that it was an insult to a respectable family to hold an inqaest under thi eireemstasees it has been staled by one ot the jurors that the coroner said that he bad been ordered by the county aterney if to it till be in order for him to rise aoi explain uat 1 am tare he would not do so if he knew how the accident happened and i think bad the attor ney done to the coroner vonld hate been justi fied hn refosing to carry oat his inctnictionx when he got here ind heard the partieolars another qneition is thiii has a coroner for the county of weuingtonftower to hold an in- qaest in the county of hilton or to send his officer there to summon iuran u wai done fn this ease if so theuwho pays the coat i am tare saltan will refuse to waste its money on such a case and t am ofjthe same opinion as many others that the whale thing wai unlawful and nnneoeaaary ears hills eden uhii ku tith 130 the coroner has failed as yet to answer the questions contained- in the above accident to pres withrow the industrial exhibition devoid of a president this year there has just reached the department of castoms at ottawa the annual report of the foreign trade of the empire of japan puhlisbed by the bureau of customs it shows that in 1889 canada imported from japan goods to the value of 4826961 and exported to the vatue of 4209970 the principal items of export were musical in- etnunents butter cheese flour chemicals amjlnmber while it is impossible to form any estimate of the rate at which our trade with japan is increasing as in our trade and navigation returns jpon and china are bracketed together at the customs department it is learned that there is the beat reason for believing a steady increase is taking place canadian manufacturers aie just beginning to realize the immense possibilities of trade with japan we will give you policemen if you keep twaalerf uot off the grounds isprac- tically what- the police committee told the knights of labor committee who want pofioe protection for 4heir annual picnic it is astrange thing that such a suggestion was readered- iieceasary by the experiences of last labor day the attitude of the xniite hap always been decided on this gnbjeet as a rule the men who follow mr lowderlyls lead recognize what be de nounce as their worst enemy to be so then have been many varieties of strikes dningtbepae years we should like 0 tee a grand nke and boycott organized aainet the aalooiw- and uqnor manufac- tt t brewer and the distiller fatten largely opon the woikmgmen who suffer pjco at their handa than richer drinkers wbodo jk to toon beootne tattered and fofn and cwwren do not ioija ueofwrlw of life let the kjrfau of ibor now organixe a great itttfaat flrgavhw keep iionor not sslway ftob tbo faoano- groonds bat tosorro aug- 1l mr johnj with- row the popular president of the industrial exhibition is fond of j a lively horse and knows well how to manage one but acci dents whfc sometimes hagpen mr with- rowisuow laid np with ia very seriously fractured knee cap due to his frisky horse he was driving in the west end on tuesday evening when the animal tried to run away bat found he ha to go whither mr with row directed him and eventually be was brought to a standstill in a corner near the log cabin in exhibition fark finding he coold go no further the horse began to kick and in a twinkling the dashboard was des troyed and mr withrowj received a blow on the knee he was rescued by the park superintendent the surgical examination showed that the knee cap was broken in five pieces and the bone underneath was injured recovery will be slow aedit is doubtful if the knee will pver be very i ser viceable- mr withrow has the sympathy of the entire community killed in firs barn john catder a glanford farmer crushed beneath a load ofwrjeat hixntox aug 15the tragic death of a highly respected young farmer of glan ford mr john calderi occurred yesterday from what can be learned mr calder had been haulingin wheat and getting towards evening he had driven ia load into the barn and was descending frpm the load to the whiffletrees when a couple of sheaves be came dislodged and struck the horses they started forward mr calder fell in front of the wheels and fhey passed over his body it is supposed that death resulted instantaneously his ribs were crushed in and penetrated the lungs dr farewell was called but of course could do nothing deceased was 3a years of age unmarried and ownedthe farm upon which he lived georgetown a quarryman killed beaatftox angf h this morningas the quarrymen were movinga- very heavy stone with the steam derrick at chisholme quarry the engineer started the engine rather suddenly whiah broke one of the heavy wire cables that holds the derrick upright this breaking of the guy let the heavy structure fall instantly killing man named murphy and breaking the back of a horse murphys companion saved himself by drop ing by the side of a heavy block of stone u xra which fhey were working hljrh court off leers i of grtxpb aag 15 u the high court meeting of the iudepei dent order of for esters here the following officers were elected h a bj f pftharsofa qc port perry h v c bpavfd milh r toronto h secretaryv b hall ett otuwa hlgli pbyatdan geori e h groves md carp high con e 3 roarn jtottenhain auditon uantd bote jtorouu w g ullur tonmto misces tyndal are enjoying holidays with their sister near fergus mr jas mccandlesa ot hamilton call ed on his brother last thursday mr and mrs gee ot toronto are the gaestsof the bev t gee of town mr edutyndall of chatham it home visiting his mother mrs powell ot toronto and miss edith powell ot stratford are the guests of l l bennett mr m sclark has returned after an enjoyable trip to dakota mr ed davey spent a few days in town on his way from hamilton to his home in mirkdale he intends going to owen sound model school this term two fine cows belonging to harrison bros were killed on the k n w near stewarttowu last week on wednesday of last week a young man named henderson had his hand badly crushed while coupling cars at the gravel pit on the k lv w above town dr sutherland dressed the wound and found it necessary to amputate the first finger laird bros of hramptoa have purchu ed eabt mcculioughs entire stock of timber they report it first class material the b t of t are making preparations for the district council to meet here on theiotli the meeting will be open to the public in the afternoon at i oclock when the thief orecermr w w bachanan of hamiltoa will deliver au address all friends ot temperance are invited to attend onsaturday night last a man named watkina came and pat up at the biggar house and on sunday morning he was fouead in his room it appears he had been suffering from some disease which caused his death and the doctors consider ed an inquest unnecessary the deceased who had no friends had lived for a number of years with mr mccartney of the boyne and his remains were sent to milton on monday morning for interment r bcdor on the 3ist july the wife of j seuddy jr of a son atisaieiv- by the bev t gee on wed- nesdaythel3th inst at the residence ofthe brides mother draald to miss matthews both of georgetown the happy couple accompaced by the brides brother mr h matthews went on a trip to the north shore via collingwood wasp extends to them her hearty congratulations and best wishes latzb dr and mrs aold have retamed from the north and have now settled down to the stern realities of life oar cmc holiday was grand sneoess the weather was all that could be asked for and the crowd was large the chief attraction was the horse ring where some exciting trots took place all the contests were close and bets were even the prises were won as follows open trot by grey tobeia2jjl tfareeminate trot by fly ing dexter in 251 greeatrot by nettie newman in 3wandhhe ponydog trot in203halfmtfe the foot races were also good knight carrying off first money in all the race and johnson second the lacrosse match was simply a little sport for the etqaswho won by 52 in a short time the bed man is no match for the white as to the dor en wend troop they were simply a fraud their clowns attract- ted some of the children who followed them round as they would a monkey on the street we were surprised to see that the authorities licensed a number of sharks to run wheels of fortune etc on the ground such performances do not entertain the public therefore should not be allowed our high school hai dooewell at the recent department examinations having passed thirteen candidates five 3rd class five 2udcia6sandthreematriculanui the staffof teachers is of the best although mr clark is leaving auother man takes bis place who is well recommended and we have uu fear but the school interests will be as well looted after in the future as they have been lutlie past mr barron ba otweluudhas accepted the position here as head teacher thos maw and w alexander both of this towu are now lebiud the bars charged with steal fox a quantity of brats from the paper mills alexmrler was beoasht before the uiajiitriieoii afouday evening and tout to milton to await his trial maws case w postfiomcd for eight days till further endence can bt produced iti ailegejlhit be had shipped borne of the itolen property to toronto x lawn eicial will be held on tuesday evening next at the home ot mr cook under the auspices of the ladles aid of the methodist oil arch the seasons refresh menu will be provided about half past five oclock last friday afternoon a freight train on the c y r line telescoped another on the gtade went of cimpbeuville several cars and the con doctors cab were smashed and the wreck formed a barricade sufficieut to bring all traffic to a stauditill till it was cleared away th engine of the freight train which ran into the other train was derail ed and an auxiliary train had to be lent out from toronto for five hours a torce of men worked to clear the track a bon fire had to be made of what was left of the con doctors cab at last about eleven oclock the train from the west which had been knpl waiting since half past six oolock proceeded on its way to toronto the montreal express on the ontario and qae- bee line was held two hours at west toronto junction to enable the passengers on the train from the west tocoanect with it the train which left toronto for the west at half put five t was held over at milton till the way was clear the domi a moxtbjul aug 10 at the meeting of the dominion auunot ia montreal yeitir day hon senator vldal ef barilla wai elected president mr bpuctv of toronto corresponding secretary and hob j c aikidi and w h how land vice president for ontario the resolutions adopted were these that the ewcotite committee of tbs council be instructed to appoint a deputa tion to the approaching session of the general conference ot the methodist church and the next session nf the general assem bly of the presbyterian cbarcb to lay before these bodies the fraternal greetings of the coo noil and to call attention to its princ pies and work that the executive be instructed to enquire into the possibility of securing an identical petition to parliament from the general courts of the various religion i icoonty peel the the biff showst and the little ones herpand there following is aut to far ot airs to be held thai fill in which our readers are in terastad secretaries will please forward notices ot others the industrial toronto sept 890 midland central kingston eastern trwnshlps fiherhrooke southern brantford northwestern qoderlch soqthern counties bt thomas llatowel llitowol western great central central canada central canadas iiitarnatl central lincoln county e blmeoe sesiorth london- hamilton ottawa petirboro st john k usehocu quelpb 8pl 156 st catharines m ocu 10 u ml 1517 1818 1619 147 siao ip k orlllu beaforth i k biding of oxford woodstock 80 80 bodies who own8 manitoul1n another dispute between the do minion and ontario governments milton mr j a ballard who until lately acted is assistant with bev rural dean mac kenzie of grace charcfa hu pused his matriculation examination at trinity college toronto dr w f freeman and mrs freeman of walkertoa who hive been on their wedding tour for the last month arrived hens few days ago on their return and were the guest of the bridegrooms father dr c freeman daring the week daring their toar the newly married couple visited new york philadelphia washington and other american cities rev r haddow of knot church re turned last week from a months visit at bis old home in new brunswick mr eercs election expenses weret 17801 and mr robinsons d27007 after a term of forty years duringwhich time no eh arch of any description has been erected in milton the town is awake to it duty and with the intention qf being up to the times the congregations of the metho- dist and presbyterian churches are now engaged in erecting fine new edifices which will likely surpass anything in the county inaomeirespects erin dr mcrie and family of toronto spent several days lut week with friends and relatives here married on aug gib at the residence of r w brock esq belfounuin by rev j ball of the methodist charch eria mr r m brock fa miss ajmes frincey mr j h collier was a delegate to the grand lodge loof at- toronto lut week mrs grulay and family lately of bel fountain left last week for the northwest to join mr gruley who it farming near brandon the orangevilie presbytery will meet on sept 9th when the call of hillsburg pres byterian church to rev d megilivray will be considered kev j weddell ot hillsburg hu sever ed his connection with the baptist church of this village the baptist church ot this village pur chased a new organ recently the recent special services in connection with the erin centre disciples church closed with seventeen additions to the church dcocaix mr chas mcmillan formerly of this village who wu severely injared by fall ing down a flight of btairi at west toronto junction on wednesday morning died on sonday morning at nine oclock at the advanced age ol 73 years his remains were taken to gatlph oa monday and the funeral took place to the union cemetery there canadas great fair a great lfstof entries and many at tractions for the coming show the success that has aitended the great industrial fair which is held annually at toronto has been remarkable and it is evident that the exhibition for the present year which is to be held from the 6h to the 20th of next month will again surpass its predecessors the entries which have already been received from all parts of the dominion the united states and great britain are sufficient to fill all the buildings on the grounds and they are reported to be of a much finer quality than any heretofore exhibited a large entry list is generally a good indication that it will be followed by a large attendance of visitors and as very cheap fares and excursions have been an nounced by all the railway and steamboat lines from all parts of canada and the ad joining states this indication will doubtless be fully verified on the present occasion the governorgeneral and prince george of wales will probahlyrifiittheexhibition several more new buildings have been erected this year and still there is space to spare special exhibits have been entered from spain british columbia manitoba and other sections of canada and large displays will be mode by the dominion and ontario experimental farms a long list of special features have been provided in cluding a large wild west show grand displays of fireworks concluding with the magnificent spectacle the last days of pompeii edisons wonderful talking dolls a great dog show and a multitude qi other features that cannot fall to entertain the many thousands that will doubtless visit the great fair full particulars of all that is to be seen will be contained in the official programmes which will be issued in a day or two over two hundred and fifty thous and people visited the toronto fair last year and as the attendance has been gradually increasing each year it is prob able that this number will be exceeded this year a large number of conventions and meetings are to be held at toronto during the fair among iwhich are those of the stock breeders manufacturer ontario creameries association central farmers institute inventors the canadian medical association dog fanciers etc and visitors to the fair will have anupportahity of at tending these meetings ottawa aug15 a claim of peculiar in terest is likely to be ventilated in the courts before long theindien department con- tends that the governmentof canada on behalf of the indians under a treaty made with them many years ago not only own the manitoulin islands of lake huron but also what are known as the thirty thous and islands including la cloche which lie between the manitoulins and the mainland the ontario government however insists that the smaller islands come within the jurisdiction of the ontario crown lands department and the question to be decided bythe courts is as to which contention is right it is probable that a friendly aarangement will be reached for the pur pose of determining the question of title 90 brampton walkertoa collfugwood 30 yorkion xwt0ct e flamboro saskatoon chatham newmarjttrt she borne stratford acton paris coboorg markham hilton central wellington elora west york woodbridge mitchell mltcheill northern great northern york colony ancaater c saskatchewan peninsular kyork dnfferln north perth t acre uxips north brant central eut york halton m 81 t 9- 23- jl swept over the falls kugajll fuxfi out ang h two un known men were swept over the hojjeshoe falls uwlay they had been out in a row- boat above the rapids and the current proved too much for them one leaped oat of the boat and attempted to swim ashone bat was carried down by the current anil the other made the fatal plunge clinging tp the capsized boatr mlairdi llatmeil cr sale ever nacre where did you set that elegant so t hat fiti you to well at kznibuos thbtflbrtiiroijv ocdliy ayei cherry rtctorai ci ida cuugla croup anil bote throat i re iu moat cases im mediately rroitcd by the use of this trontlerful- remedy it streliftllcns the vocal urjui ulls irritation and 1rii irmtt the lurooilvf goiidiiiiptlitai ln i cvcry stago of ihut dread dlscaso aycrs cherry pec- toral relieves oineli- ing and liidii j refreshing rest i hare ud ayeri cherry pectoral in my family for thirty year and alwajs found it ftlio best remedy lor croup to which domplant my chl wren invo ikcn nweitcapt uxorlor unwklyn s y from an experience of over llilrtr vcars in the sift of proprietary medi cines i feel justified in recommending ayes cherry pectoral ono of the- beat recommendatlonaof tho pectoral theendnrlng quality of lu popularity t betog mora salable now than it waa twentyflve years ago when its great success was considered marvelous it 8 drake m d bellol kans my little sister four years of age wai m 111 from bronchitis that wo had almost given up hope of her recovery our familv physician a skilful man and of large experience pronounced it use less to gite her any more medicine j saying that he had done all it was pos sible to do and we must prepare for tne worst aa a last resort we determined to try aycrs cherry pectoral and i can truly sav with the most happy resnltt after taking a few doses sho seemed to breathe easier and within a week was out of danger we continued giving the pectoral until sstlsued she was entirely well this has given me unbounded faith in the pteparatipn and i recommend it confidently to my customers c o lcppertdroggist fort wayne ind for colds and coughs take ayers cherry pectoral mrijutd t or j c ayar it co lowell mils trie 1 isu bcules ti wonajalouh aantelaas plaio american maks on reason- able terms vapply to rgg ucoabus aeton foe saxe lot8jlaadatonajsburray main strwt aetonl address 1 i a kbnhkdy 18 s11j street h fob 8ale i of acton fllow and a bouse and two mam vlrisjil7si situated on the cornea of wfllow and roreh tster baring hard and eoit water gites2o ttetpremlae for parllen ian address box twblcbmondhni ont job printing i 1 ikcluduio books pamphleta posters ml hndlrenlan e e executed ln th bt price and on short notice apply or addreea bp moobb faxat pbxss offlu acton a fnbho berries j sabodlsj0il i pastor i between and i ttnllv nabars at lislttlnparffd few steward bank head13p a eutuv i ocijfr oio foe 8ale or bxohaoje tot other property lies bart and soft water good ajrdtn with ssuarbvann small fruits faquir on i the premises or by letter to dsroattsr teseat allowedlt thharavsl alsereeejti notkeotwlti voice culture violin pif no an ofea pbofmaluandof oaelph will jlait on fruay with a new to firing lons ln rolci culture vlotaoan all who desire to meet rrol mawand quested to vesve their names at j drug 6tore aeton ixxlge no 2t looj iiteetb in the oddfellows- ball ml m bio tauonsdlawiappirto the nhd bkts ln tne uaoieuow omti block erery wednesday eveningvi of the members wwtliiiabo n a bhwoede large shipments of new autumlsf goods at v the right h0use a gnat lucoew has been secured at the closing out sale of summer dry goods at greatly reduced- prici daring this last week thousands of purchasers have supplied their wants at this bargain bale idany ban had come and see them before the special sale oloaos fresh arrivalsall new goods at the bight hoot are still to be e now ready for inspection study this k and colored velveteens black and colored ins new shades in twoyard width felta large assortment of new goods purchased iu europe have been opeoed up and i list of new goods new cream poogeea cream surahs black bengaline silks bu brilliantines and lustre drees goods italian cloths iu black and colored black mi for fancy work a choice assortment of black chantilly flouncing and fish net foedresses uew patterns in blaok chantilly laoes new black silk velvet ribbons cream and white watered ribbons new irish point curtains large variety ot new cashmere hosiery a choice selection of novelties iu neck frillings new black crapes uenilk warp henriettas black cashmeres and serges large assortment of white muslin goods novelties in ladief feocybabdkerchiefs see the bargains in new handkerchiefs selling at lo each or six formc in the household departments are shown a large variety of white and colored quilte eoglish sheetings bleached aud unbleached pillow potions window hollands colored oxford shirtings gelateas table linens russia crash towelling towels and fancy towelling see the beautiful gloriae silk and wool mixed costume goods in the carpet department for the balance of this month special bargains are offered remnants of all kinds of carpets cheap new desijns is allwool carpets be sure tou get into the right house which is on king street corner of hughson before entering look on the window for the name which is i hamilton aug 20th 1690 tbzqtvt a s o wgvrkhats johnnie get your gun blow gentle breezes blow to kelly bros store ill co a hat a tie a shirt a collar ill get the lot for about a dollar a pair of boots and steckiogs too my poor old toes are looking blue ill go a five for a new suit yes ten and get an overcoat ill be a dade i will yoa bet a city swell aristocrat hold on that aint all yet an undershirt and pants ill get ill bay a pair of gloves anlined if they dont show a better kind a pair of braces in theyll gite for im the stuff thats going to live to travel the country oer and oer and recommend kelly bros store some groceries too im going to buy for my dear wife as well as i tea sugar and other things ill get we intead to live till we have to quit they sell so cheap it is really funny what a lot you pet for a little money they sell for cash and buy roods riflbt because they say to draw at sight other merchants cant buy so cheap becaase tbey dont ga in so steep they sell on tick their money is oaj and theyve to mind what theyre abont and do yoa think i have the staff ot which few if any get enough to buy a bait from head to toes if not im here as grub for crows if i aint goodlooking i have conceit that i can pay for what i wear and eat for credit ia one ol the greatest curses ill tell yoa id the next two verses i look like a man thats chased by dbgs oh worse than that thy were really hs they charged two prices for their roods they chased me to ibb very woods because the bill i couldnt pay my grain was poor and cheap was hay im honest bbyses im a dandy would give them the money if i had it handy i before i lift til tell yoa square while the wind is whistling through my hair i happened to pat in my left hip pocket twenty in cash in there i socked it thats all i have not one cent more bat it will bay most at kelljbros store and after this i intend to buy at kellys store until i die kelly bros you think this rhyme contains no sense well 1st you aay so without defence bultoboygoodscheepend tiasave afoss pay the cash anddealwithus the great 4- clothing house xvcuoh canadian printers read i can furnish you with the best presses for country news country and at lower prices than for any other and job work to be had in this new cylinder press coke to kcton knd sie our improved country prbuty press these meeting 60000 jbsv wool 6o0oo3bs wanted the highest price in oash or m will be given for good olemn cafeehknuhle wool wu alclaobd co georfbtown ouk j wante tinners control of territory bare dot aessln canada so years weemnloy on and commission write jar terms to cba8b bbotbbbs ookpatv nurserymen colbornb ont valuable peopebjfy fob balk by tinder tendebs will ee received by the undendgoed up to the first of october for the pgee of the property known ea the teaelwl beet- dene situated on willow street opposite the town hall the propertr la in an emsuant location the residence is ln good condition and the lot has abundance of small fmita pears and apples the highest or any tender not neces sarily accepted 1 hp uoobe t secretary board of trustees of acton public school wo hamiltons marble works halatltons block formerly batchs block the gore corner of woolwienand norfolk seeta cuelph ont john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer and direct importer j aad tuannlactarer ol all kinds of granite audi marble uonnmests tombstone etc barloc t had an mtenslvc experience lor the last 16 veen the public tost rely on getting all superior articles at a cheaper rate than any other lealer in the west kb 15 per cent off on a direct order re eelted for the next 90 dajs- signdij thus ilrnte dr a wuford halls health pahlet disease cored without hedioine 4 jas matthews acton j has been appointed agent for the circulation of dr halls eelebratettsealth pamphlet which be keeps on band the pamphlet claim bribe treatment it adrtsoa tore cure for disease with- out medietas the price for the pamphlet is four dollars and a guarantee is givenlthal u the purchaser is not satisfied after putftng the treatment into consdeotioaa prawee tor one month to refund the moner on tberetaap of the pamphlet with anledfe never again tooae tbs uov it to be usedinhiat treatment or a lumllr- vomers list 1890 for the municipality of the village 07 acton coltv of hilton vtoticb is bereby alven that i hare tnmanthv- vi ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the voters list act the twpto required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list nude pursuant to said acijofuu persona appearing by the last bertsed ihisi t roll of the said mnnidpaluyto bvenuued to vote in th mani- eipauty at elections for member of the legisla tive assembly and at municipal elections and that aamijn was tlrst posted up at my office at acton on tho eleventh day of august usd and remains jhare for inspection electors tre called upon to ttt1tt said list and u any omissions or any other emus art- found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to 1st thos t moobe municipal clerk dated at acton this 11th day of angus boo j3 valuable property f sal v j thj gnderajgnad offers the following parcels of property for sale upon reasonable terms w- ebqceskg parcel no 1 the west half of lot 17 en esqteaing53iacrea timbered land parcel no apart of lot conrs baqui iso acrea abotrt s acres under coluvi dwejiidr house shiagle stave aid hea on the promises thiamiuhasdbnea bnaineo for many years parcel no 3 part of lot 15 eon esuui 98 acres on this prop ia situated a barn 88x60 abed sixbo another lixflo coi able dwelling bouse and orchard and n irigfpttng paroel no 4- b acres muli matt- part of lot h con a eseueb jf n oieiproperty is a lot of a utf 850 cords ot hardwocdjrat and dry fp jurros paroel o 6 bri shop in the tillage d village lou onefif o u situated on main the farm u not sol full particulars mj personally or by 1 boose and blacksmith- eton two and a half weach tblaproicn tlnacoodlocxtiou it 1u be rented f be bad upon application i to t hayebsbpeyaide p6 the free press is printedon the above press arid the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work we have ran the prouty for eight yean and the longer we run it the better we like it it is mmple easy to run easy on type easy to handle costs little for repairs and is easy on the printer s pocket book wejcall it the best press to be had in the- world today for the money come and tee oar press at work if you desire samples of work send for the to aud we will gladly furnish them we can give yon your choice of a number ol different nixes and styfes of pressps at all prices the peopleganuamtoliday oanadaib ohkat industrial fair agricultural expositicjn toronto sept 8th to 20tb 1830 ths best and laroest e and attended annoaly by over 250000 y vlbtofljg the abs5atb8ybrfflc8tj think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col eto power ipressfor only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from hpm0ore agent jfor canada actononr 50000 for pfiizbs attraelsoiuuauiti toaudlu truaikjialdobhoc 1 brighter andter than irer the best time toilalt fee laetrot clmpbieunttosiudlowl jjwithmw aiihnlij 1 lrwdanl hftl iv l iwttij

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