Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1890, p. 3

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bfshpfe rse jiethodistetjrck acjton est a qirroed ta5bjd pmtor i rros borer arnne fsbllc wriw 1m0 im md fcjo sand acnool fcjo bible classooadactsd by the puter alltnrtiurtnrlte4 6trmri and rjaitws ilxvri lmo a- tsnutmsneriatuisiloor j r hdwnmardiia ptrt tori p llodrk rev buttn i jloekl qh4cter and bank of head qffiok hamilton halatltok cirrrtc pan ct kit fchj ilooocox sumoo tukbdll cuhouu h 8 8tkves iasrr caum i boi m the j dtrectoekjoirs smut president o kotuyaleeptei johx phoctob can q qso boacs a t wood a a lm okqraetown aoency kotee discounted and advance made on ill wltanle eecuriuca dum on all parti ol cik ana the iwid 6tira gut lhuranc jia tw oojcttsknt or ecaorn bffaiim and 5kl ooiucrjosiniade ouall accfaaible points moat favorable terjis savings department- daosrra wceited ol l and apwardi and in- auowod from date o deposit to data lot ytthdrant j j spequ depostts also received at current rates ot interatt ootits at ttlhdraaal required hltvfatsox ajcnl i the news at home mostly r- evf v jrrr to appreciated vtt ret a e smith bt moorefitlj oocapled hhe pafpil of the melpoditt charcb on ban day morning andetcmaf hit lermooi wore earnest practical ant pointed expositions otthe word nl god itfao many irienda ol mr smith ltcro aorrjptoiacd tptafo him with 1sm walilinc tanay sign of the big watch t fans fromscente tofuocsaefa we ask tho pririleee cf selling yon on- due closest urine margins the finosl styles and qu il- fuas that taoaty can bar in the line ol witch clocks jevelxy specs fcavtnrare weddingi ad bmtaturfnsentx inspect our goodatco ptwoarnriw amy stock lot wall pape r wlndo blinds stationerr fancy goods sn n- ing out gite us a cjlu i geo hynds ac ton ont fc rfott jfm ts thursday augost si 1890 little local briefless which cuffht the eyes or ears free press reporter this week ortersth lhe dv tol i the brick worl otsfe storbyg j- dritiog booes is in progress the ttnitew of acton pnhlaq scijool offer the teacherabesidence for gale by tender j the sondty morniog shower laid 4 datt for diy or tyouidt needs i foubw- ed acceptably the atnoant asked for year by the board of education is some h3 less fhsn that of last year f j i the rural schools were reopened en monday acton public schools commence the fill term next sfondayj the board of directors of acton ci ion agricaltnrsl society will taeet in- the town hall on sstarday tlternooiu i l the young canadians irent to gecnp- town on saturday and played a lacr wse match with the almas mating s score 1 1 i tol i v the coaacil meets next konday e en- ing the prinapal business will be the striking of the rate of taxation foi the rr- j the intamn assies and chancers dt- tings will be held at milton on wednea lay s2nd october- chief jastice armour will preside 1 ptoceedingr have been taken by ghas ellis editor ol the stratford tiaus agi iost hjbqtler editor of the stratford san for criminal libel j in brderthatthefaxpcesiiguffnight enjoy civic holiday as well as their fe low- citizens the feee press for this week printed early on wednesday aioroiog it is statedthat the american go tknt wants aew design for the tilver dollar some ohe suggests aweathervane it very etsiiy changes to foor qaartenl mr anson smith haduite aiitinex- pected sport with his colt on monday afternoon the damages were not serious bat the carriage ii nndergoing repairs voting on the bylav for providing waterworks and tire protection for pece- ungnishene took place on friday and the bylaw wss carried by s good majority a it was foand impossible to bear dr talmagetf lectore aod retnro home the same day the excursion to grimsby park jjo toesday was not very largely patronized from acton i the bricklayers are at woriroa mr h h vtoniens new dwelling on park avenue terra cotta brick is beiag osed with oraa- mental trimmings and the effect is very satisfactory t the general cry of the average eoontry newspaper these days h u do paper neit week that tgoe has neverbeeh sang by the fkee pness in aa existeacc of over fifteen years people who think newspapers can be run on complimentary ticketr need to be told that the london ttmu paid 830000 the week before last for its cable news from the argentine eepnblic cn yon tell me why young fellowi and old ones too who carry canes are foreter catting off the foliage of trees over hanging the sidewalk giving them a ragged eppearance no can you ko lost od monday afternoon between c c speights shop and ramshaws photo gallerr a d locket with a red stone on one side and picture of a building on tbe other finder will oblige by leaving at fsxe pbess office j a novel record of daily calls is made at the grand bapids mich telephone ez- change beside each operator is placed a cigar box with two compartments each time a connection s made a pea m dropped into the box and at the end of the day the number of connections is thus determined borne young men in chicago have formed an antitreitm society they have no officers and j hold no meetings members pay no dues and assume no obligation beyond the simple oneof refus ing to bay drinks or agars for others the badge of membership is a bronze bqtton fashioned after n foarieafed clover-ro- bbly to imply the wearers good luck ifesvrs beardmore co have pat in a new improved steam blower for the drying rooms in their haroes- leather tannery tncteftd of the aaalsteattn pipes galvsuizd iron pipes are used and ihs- hot air is coa- l xyl fa leading pipe 30 inches in diam eter to twentyfoor inch pfpea which run the length of tbe building on the several fist- mr george eaviu put in the gal vanized iron work and his contract atnonut- ed to about 8300 j cajudiia adtocvlyi that hfa rf a newspaper i jn wewi by f wnbers if y w a prosperou ioc paperpayyoor subscription promptly it is eay- to- neglect paying for a psper and to v imagine that ywi are the only our wf does so but there are handreds ike yourself in arrears tbe fii teenih volame of the fara phw was completed with the ut joty and srith that datej the subscriptions of several hundred of our subscribers eiptred i beaewals arej now la order kindly call his on all sides during also addressed the his visit mr smith young people la- the morniog and the sabbath school in tbe siterooon if atort election expenses the election expenses incurred by the candidates iu the rent provincal election iathie county as per tbe pablished state ment of tbetr respective agents were aa follows col kfmsk telegraphing 8g2q bent of balls mod livery bills 8m0 printing and adtvertisiiig stll5 personal peaes839toti1739i hexr rou- dcsov pcdegrsphiog 8560 rentot ialls 33 livery 3l priming and adver using 510k77 personal expenses i this content ia said to have been one of the most economically j coudactedt that the coonty has had for some time would ensure prosperfrj- every one should aim to improve the town in which he lives and the only way to do this is to build up every man woman or child in the placcl people are sa con nected socially and dependent upon each other thit- it is impossible for one to pros per without all his neighbors directly or indirectly being benefited this being true it follows i that those who are envious of others and seek to poll them down an not only enemies to the place ia whichthy live bat etand itrthe way of their own prosperity v chief ltlvrson xhbct them aboat a year ago paul son of barber gant ot geogretown ranaway from home la4 week he returned and without his fathers knowledge mdace4hu yoabger brotterboberf f d1atre home ontlooaay chief la wson was requested to be on the lookout for them- he arrested robert here that afternoon and his father came up and took him home on tssday he got oft the track of paul aud followed him to elora where he found him and brought him home wiii him that evening the young man was charged with abduction but the family settled the matter among themselves when they got together 60ming and going visitors to and from acton and various other personal notes ilis hsttie thurston is visiting friends in grimsbyl mr jicksoa of ortngeville is viriticg friends here mr g e henderson af seaforih- was in town on saturday mtss lottie hemstreet visited friends at kincardine the put week rev lames broley of ferqs made acton friends a short visit this week l rev bryon liing of eistwood was is town a couple of days last week mr john laiog returned to his school at scndriige mcskokaon monday mr and mrs hunter were guests tt sunderland villa daring the week the misses zimmerman have been visit- friends in ballinafad the pastweek t mr acdmrsijohnxhowson cf hornby isrere guests of friends here this week t celii stafford of toronto speut a fcw days this week in her former home mr jnob cameron visited friends in the vicinity of loroe park over sunday miss maggie breniner of tilsonburg is the guest of themiaees ahem this week col otter and capt schullc was in town on tuesday on military matters miss annie agnetv left on tuesday even ing for her fathers home at brandon man mr c williams has returned from bowminville and will settle down at home again mr mexajj of princeton college x j was the gupst of mrs james anderson this week mlf and mrsrobt kannawin of shei- bume wire in town for a day or so last week eer j j ete of havelock made his brother qevl j w rie a flying visit last week j mrs wright and children of backdate were in towntbis week renewing acquaint ances miss minnie morton retarned last week after a niocths visit with walkertoc friends- mr and mrs john brown of toronto have been the guests of mr g h brown this week j mrs clark of rochester has been visit- the family of mr robert akins ijassaga- weya lately beyrdr ladkw of hamiltonhas been enjoying a part of his vacation with friends in this vicinity mr george heoutreetaud family of milton speqt a couple of dayi with friends here daring the week mr david jackson of gnmsby mrs a wilson of hamilton and mr and mrs wjlson of australia were guests at the home of mr wra jackson iu kasssgaweya this week tbe editor of the star left yesterday morriing for a trip to montreal and ancient quebec where he will spend a codple of weeks taking in the scenic beauties of these two canadian cities oakrille star mr andmrs henderson retarned on friday from their visit to british colom bia the trip was very interesting and tboroajjhlvj enjoyed on the way home they visited a number of former residents of acton at cartwright man and spent a day or so very pleasantly with them the years prospects the people of this dominion have rensou to cocgratclate themselves this year- upon the success that has waited npon tbe labors ofjthe husbandman la ontino the crop now being gathered in the majority of district w very cood the maritime province- also give a good report while manitoba and tbe territories have excelled themselves tbe prefect are that our good fortune will not be counter balanced this time by poor price for in europe thereeas been no wmmer while in some of the western states there have been misortanes cranrf podge officers ioof toiiosrti ont aug 18 at the grand lodge i6of of ontario held here last week these officers were elected grand master ijohn ormiston gananoque deputy grand niabter p e fitzpatrick hamilton grand secretary j b king joxonto grand treasurer wm badenaeb toronto ixmtbk0ej 3 bbfrtjion 1 the union 83- picnic a great success rev or pott address appreciated by all ths stindaiy school plonic last iwodnos day afternoon was a compete lacoets the various schools went into the enter prise heartily and the result was most en couraging each of the seven schools which united tho disciple baptist pres byterian of acton and dublin methodist ojiaton oud the brick and tha con- gregational of church hill turned out in large numbers the acton schools especially being present almost to a scholar tho weather being unusually fine many parents and friends ot the children participated in the festivities and the attendanoe was con sequently very large and numbered well up to a thousand at half past one the vari ous schools having mustered at the hall the procession wivs formed and to the exhilarating music of acton comet band marched off to the grove by way of willow mill and main strefcta immediately fal lowing uie band tbe infant classes of the various schools were arranged behind them the intermediate classes while the adults and friends brought up the rear there was a plentiful supply of flags of various colors and with the bright holiday attire of the children the sight presented was a pretty one indeed a happy lot of children were they when they reached the grove rev dr potts arrived by the 230 train and at 3s0 the large gathering assembled at the platform and with a fw- elltimed and compumenury remarks rev j w rae who occupied the chair introduced the speaker of the afternoon in opening his address dr potts said never before in the history- of the church of christ were the churches so near together while it is right and neceesary that all should have a church home it is good far as to mix to gether as often as wc can and i am glad to do anvthing i can to draw the churches closet to each other and thus glorify the master in introducing his subject u is the sun day school worth what it costs the speaker expressed himself as anxious to send the audience home with greater in terest than ever in the sunday school the question is a practical one we live in an age when if is asked will it pay and the question arises is the s s worth what it costs this question he answered in the afiirmative it costs a good deal more than it did twenty years ago but we rgard the moneyst costs as the smallest item the governing bodies of the churches should pay what is required there is no reason why the superintendent and teachers of the s s should raise the money needed the work of preparation was considered those who go into the work withoat pre paration do not understand their duty the reasons given for the conclusion that the s s is worth what it costs were as follows 1 it is worth what it costs because it pro vides forthe moral training of the children and youth qhildren have their spiritual wants aswell aswe they need gods bene diction as much as any other the s s is calculated to meet thewants af the yoath and is set in motion with that end in view are there not sermons preached which will answer their wants some say many of the sermons hive little in them for theboys and girls the s s is worth what it costs for what it does for the children ioa ought to regard it as worth more 2 baoseithas supplied the most popular chrisiiin literature of the age a chief factor in intellectual and moral progress a bock may be the best or the worst flung that can go into the hands of a boy or girl we are not half enough interested in the books oar children read a bad book becames a companion before the s s- eru there were books of divinity history etc now wherever you go yon find books- we owe the- popular literature of the day to the s s but s s officers have great responsibility in their selections we can not fail to rcaliz the good done in reading popular christian lifexuturc 3 because it lias made the biblca familiar book it is supreme in the sunday schools of canada there are boys and girls here today who know more about the bible than graduates of oxford and cambridge taking holy orders before the days of tha sunday school the dr then explained- the work of the international s s lesson committee cf which he is one of the- two members for canada he ehowed that all denominations were represented and that in the selection of the lessons doctrinal questions were never introduced the ripest scholars of the age are at the disposal of the sunday schools in the preparation of helps for the study of the lessons and it is a banctified scholarship shall the work be lost 1 oh no it will tell on the home and on the nation f because ithas trained if not saved the large majority of the rnembets of the church ofoday veers ago we talked about securing the additions to our ranks in the churches from the world now we look largely to the s s for increase in the membership of our churches 5 the sunday school is worth what it costs because it gives to the church its best and most reliable church workers the grand laymen of our church today are in touch with the sanaa v school the best bruin heart and character of the church is identified with the sunday school 0 it is worth what it costs because of what it gives to the workers themselves the workers get mote than they give 7 because the sundayschoolhssfarnisli- edits quota before the throne and the lamb thank god for the sunday school and that its workers are not doomed to perpet ual ssed sowing there are times of sowing and times of reaping k because it is recogniziug childhood piety why should the children be expect ed to have old heads on their shoulders the time has come when the church should j recognize childhood piety in concluding his masterly address dr potts said sunday school workers you are doing a glorious work be true to whatevefchnrcli yon belong to parents send your children to the sabbath school and bring them to the morning service with you dr oits was listened to with rapt at tention throughout and the sabbath school workers of all the churches apparently felt that he brought to each of them a messag of special encouragement and interest revs j w rae dr gilford w norton and r b cook each spoke in the highest terms of the address and of their pleasure and profit in listening to it i speeches at picnies in this vicibuy are unusual but the innovation is now con sidered a great success and future pic- nits will no doubt partake more or less of the character of this one after the address the large company as sembled on the grasy hillside where the edibles were dispensed the childrens wonts being first attended to at six oclock tlie procession reformed and a happy noisy throng marched badk to town evidently well satisfied with tbe afternoons enjoy ment special services are in progress in the metbodiit cburcb limebodse rev the gee and his estimable wifewho ii a help- tofr ygfa which are ofa tery interesting cnartoler board of education the estimated expenditure for the currtntyearls si9q0 tli bjarolfeoiteei of acton pablio ohoolmet on wednesday evonlng 18th aagaitat8pm members present mr a e nicklin ob airman and messrs w h storey goo hynds i francis aud t h harding the miuutea 6 last meeting wcro read sflottfmflf yj the principal of the public school ad dressed the board stating that having built a new dwelling for himself hv would like tobe relieved of the teachere wldence moved by w h storey by geo uynds that whereat the principal of tbe school ia desirous of vacating the teachers residence and whereas it is nod in the interest of this board that the said residence be retained by it be it therefore resolved that the secretary advertise for tenders for the purchase of said residence up to the first day ot ot october next carried the committee on finance presented their estimates ot receipts ot expenditures for the curreut year as follows sajiries toacbcrf itij 00 do lcifvtreaarcrv do caretaker do callilhenic teacher ratorott fael i lie pairs 1 incidentals t19o3 00 moved by w h storey seconded by thos h harding that this board through its secretary request the municipal council ot this municipality to provide the sum of nineteen bpndftjd dollars far school pur poses sneb sam being the estimated re quirements of ihe board for tie current year carried moved by t h harding seconded by i francis that the accoaut ot paul godfrey of 150 for cleaning chimneys be paid carried moved by w r storey seconded by george hynds that the salary of the princi pal be 8000 per auuam in lieu of his vacat ing the reeidence hitherto provided free carried tha board then adjourned manitobas splendid crops toiiokto august 10 a j mcmillao the manitoba jooreroment lmmlgrajlon commissioner has jut retoraed from a motithi visit icj lhe prairie province and reports tha crops allover that fexlue laud to be in a flrsj class condition in every respect the demand for firm bands mr mokliun aeya is exceptional this year in more than oie dutrtrt the armew have had to go to the indian reserve in order to obtain farmhands to help in harvesting the crops trie manitoba government feud the c p r intend sending east a very big to all the principal fairs in ontario and it is expected that it will ear- pass any thiug jot shown to the ontario people he shot his wife husband drunken georgetown attempts murdar oar georgbiowa correspondent sends as the foljowink our town was thrown into a state of excitement last monday by the jeport- that joseph slater had ihot his wife and on in vestigation it was found to be only too true for the last week slater has been drinkiug very heavily aud tbe result it that today he languishes behind the bars awaiting the lenience that will either send him to the gallows or the prison he was down street ia the morning and people noticed that the continued aseoc alcohol was leaving its mark upon his counteaance bat little did they think he woaldwitbia the nvxt few hoars commit such a cowardly and brutal act he went into his own house and ia few minutes his wife came out screaming and ran down streef where sle fell exhaosted the doctors were immediately called and they found that shehad beenshot three times once in the left side the ball pacing through the body and oat the at back a second entered her her right side and is still lodged in the body the doctors being as yet udabie to locate it and thj third shattered her right wrist the woman it liven bat very little hopes are enterlainedxct lier recovery daring the straggle for life mrs slater seized the revolver and tamed it from herself and aa she did so it was discharged and the con tents passed through her assassins fore arm he left the hoase now and went down street to give himself up but was met by constable harley who took him into custody he told the constable that he had shot his wife ani he hoped to god he wouldt hang for it the whiskey fiend his fall control of him as is shown by such expressions as i hope to god she will dia my arm is sore bat it is not as sore as my neck will be before im through with this thing of late the use of intoxicants has been quite apparent iu oar town- never in its history has there been so many men staggering around the streets as has teen during the last six tooatiis and ere long we may expect to hear ot mom cases such as the one we have joat reported drs webster and aud are attending to mrs slatefa woands very little can be elicited as to her true condition but it is the general opinion that she cannot live forty- loads of hay curefdr the best c0u6h medicine1 sou it stsmiri children cry for pitchers castor willi babr iiw put ber cutou wbraabawajaoifld alortjtorcatou wh sbt bssuoi wo e due to cute a wutifali4chlldait4iarathm0a a great boom il kzlm b4 in spring bait frlom caleb everyoot map and lull information obnoertinft rates etc over any roots to manitoba the north west or the western bute mat be had at the grand trunk station aston wixrrd one thoaiand cnltomento purchase killr bnon 1250 pants mti e to order ninarda llslmenc rr title everywhere consumption y semiannual c3 earing- sale at the mammoth hoxjse georgetown we jbeg to announce sweeping reductions in several lines of summer goods millinery reduced manilea reduced parasols redaced dress goods reduced prints reduced readymade clothing reduced carpets reduced cloths red need mens straw hats reduced iu fact big piles of goods reduced below we quote a few specimens ladies hat 25c regular price m00 mens felt hats 25c regular price 1100 dress goods 5c regular price 10c printed dress muslins 5c regular- price 10c colored dresa silks 2jc regular 50c black dress silks qc per yard regular price 75c a lot of dress trimmings 5c per yard regular price 25c per yard up great drive giugfaams 6c regular price 10c striped zepher ginghtrca 10c regular price 15c checked sbirtiogbgc regular price 10c factory cottons 3c regujar price 5c tweeds 25c regular price 50c mens top shirts s0c- regalar price 75c ajoh line in rezatta shirts 60c regular price f 125 dont forget our millinery department our dressmaking department oar ordered clothing department they are second to none in the country for turniog oat stylish wellmade and reasonable priced good we are still giving the great silver and book present to them thatpur- chase 2000 83000 and uood jas re- oeived tbe adjustable nock white shirt no buttons fit anybody newest thing oul this is the lime to eet bareaia and pres- eote we respeotfaljy crave patronage w mcleod co georgetown special notice about our great summer cuar- lngsale as we intimated iu our last advertise ment we would try anew plan to reduce our summer stock in order to make foom for oar large importation wbich are at present being selected by oar mr bollert in the foreign markets well the plan has proved a grand cess and has more than exceeded out ex- pectations tbe stock in each department has been wonderfully redaed and is now in rood shape j yo a all know that a clean stock s an attractive oue and one that parchasers moat readily go to for their requirements in order to keep a clean stock each seasons goods must be thoroughly cleared off the shelves before another season com mences aud in order to do this it sometimes requires j sacrifice oc profits and a specially strong inducement to get people to j buy that is just where we are doing at present and we must keep op the boom we have now decided to have what is called bargain days and on those j days there will be something special now understand us right ia this matter goods will bs sold each and erery day at prices that will stand the keenest compe tition bat as we have already said tbjat on bargain days there will be something special and yoa can depend on it that there will the days will be moodayand saturday of each week until further notice now we do not disgust people with undue pressure to bay tbe public knoy the pleasure of doing business in a store where they are not bored to buy from the moment they enter until they mate their esoslpe our aim is to make people feel at j home whether we sell to them or uot sndiiwedo not sell to them ooa day we make it a pleasure for them to come gain and rernjember this that you are xl trays welcome toj come and inspect oor stock also remember this that we strictly mind our own business and no body s else hence we never find lime to run dovn our neighbors note if yoa hear one business man run down another make up your mind he is both jealous ani afraid beariu mind the bargain days will foe monday tad saturday of each week ee bollert 4 00 25 27 lower wyndhani8tr guelph specthcles specthcles i 4 guelpli clotli unlined cokts zk vests williams greene rome fancy flannel boating shirts tennis and shaw grundy merchant ta1lor8 cuelph to farmers and threshers oseonvourmaobunervonly the wellknown 9 gold medals waggons aud horse powers these farmguelph farmers ask for them use no other manufactured qu660ittoll vorkl y useless 0i have been awarded it during the laslthrelyear try also our fooruss azl gmaaic you ils are used and highly recommended at themode 8 a paalinch farmer told methb other day that- he had drawn iu forty loads of hay off his farm this season and i expect there are plenty of yoa who have done the same oi4f tool jqhave egood many loads any- hov ena 1 jeer grains and roots look a though they woald pan oat fairly well and that means to me the sale of a good many watches and a great deal ot jewellery and it also means lots ot repairing therefore we are getting ready for yoa by enlarging oar store just as you will have to enlarge barns i dont intend that any of the money which yon purpose spending in a jewellery store this fall will gat past me if i can help it and i am laying mylt odtto pay greater attention than ever to your needs i have ttiedja former writ ings to create in yoa a confidence in my ability and desire to do your watch work well and you have very generously respond ed until our work benches are fall jf jobs and i mast make more room to spread oat that i may be able to do it all jast ice- some people say it dont pay to advertise well i dont think it does if yoa do it like some people do all i know aboat it is that it pays to let people know what you can do especially if yoa mean to do it but it is folly for a person to advertise that they have the largest stock in the city or that they can sell cheaper than anybody else when any one can see and find out that it is not so and that they are lying yoa never cah catch the same person twice with buch yams now my idea ot advertising is that a business man should never mis lead in hirf advertisements iu anyway whatever for when yoa once get a reputa tion for want of truth ia your advertising any more money spent in that way will uot be like oread cast upon tbe waters bat yoq will n eve rsev sight of it again what i want h a reputation for good workani honorable dealing i may gel too old and lazy to work myself sometime bu ill never get too lazy to make my workmen do it right and if i have been doing it well all my younger days the old habit will not leave rne because 1 am old be potation and habits stick to us wheiher they are good or bad aud l am trying by best to form good one if advertisinc does noth ing else it ahows a hmu is anxious about bis buainea and i ass are yoa i will do my best to give satisfaction if you favor me with your custom come and see my stock tot yoarflfllf g d pbxxiiu watchmaker i have purchased a stock of the celebrated j lawrences spectacles and eyeglasses at 50c on the dollar and will clear them j out very cheap i b say age watchmaker cuelph speight son acton j a speight manager can supply yoa villi all the funiliure required to luruish roar now and cosy little home or to replenish your borne ii a settled one in auv itylo at tha very lowest prloes there u no article ot furniture we oanoot supply and further we deliver our turaitsre and you have no arranging freight charges and run no risk of breakage we can suit all undertaking our thirtyfive years exixsrieuce ia this business lias resaltod iu convincing the public of this entire community that we supply firitclaaa work lu all orders and in styles which compare with those of the city at one half city prices j our hearse j i ts au excellent oue and our loam always present a becoming appearance wo have plea sure in inviting the public to call on us for anything required in our lines irtocriisra isr acroisr in the ola glove shop wej mutt admit that the nicost and chespu 1 wiodow shades are to bs hai at i 3uos thay also ban a very boe satoi boys ani ohlldreui iprim a 1 sizes and away don in prioes j h matthews barvlaae ta deal or pine whips ply nets and dwters specially good vaue in tnrnksand valises if ion mint a dice tot ouight or teai harness i can tult yoa in price and mat arlal repairing promptly and neatly done jhmatthews acton samuel rocer8 co toronto -great- 1 clearing out sale cloves and hosiery embroideries and muslins v- w this month millinery and dress goods this monjth kugust h r b jermyns tv startling reductions will be made our fall goods are on the wav and must be made room foi j trimmed millinery for half price- untrimmed straws for quarter price dress goods at svqeping reductions embroideries at wholesale prices muslins must go at any price gloves and hosiery have taken a tumble 1000 mens straw hats at 5c each now is the time cash will tell 40c tea for 2s5 j if this tea is not equal to any 40c tea you ever taxied we will refund your money ladies requiring real fine kidlloots should examine our stock every pair warranted rb jermyny if s st the golden guelph white checked muslin cream seersuckers colored seersuckers striped and brocaded dress goods plain challis dress goods 124 pieces lovely prints brocaded sateens 40pieces 8c ginghams scotch chambra ginghams another 335 pieces flannelet 6c chambra double widths printed delaines 50 cent goods 12ac colored parasols 25c 5c 5c 5c 5c 1 5c j f3cr j d williamson- 5 and7 wyndbam stquelph 84 oswald st glasgow 0 m

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