Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1890, p. 4

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v fe irton tm fres tht1rstuy iujgubt 2v ifeto- slit omtg folks veurfi pdfc fjto thx photogiuraest voatecuraititt wr broocht baby gnce wa want you to oop her deu- little face a doien good picture wetrwit by tooichi nowpleasc mr artitt do roikb em jost right not tune s each other lk those joa once took bat a difleftnt fictnra for ererj met loot luke one vbea ehfi bppr anplanevithsvbooy and one when biai sober and visa tunovl luke one when the creeping and ooe vhedtha stands attdrboe vben shes marine with both little hands and on when shes sleepy and one vbeiribfei proud and one when ibeterovliig andlioghing out load and jdeoemr artist fefl mnjtaihmre oat this dear little giggle rmipeakins ahoat i nqr all her toft cooing dada and fioooo i ibavt tike tbejietares one bit if you do ammonia is goopfor ispirit oi- ammonia wfll often relieve tcra hf harhf it the oior lias been taken oat of silfca by trait atatna ammonia will usually re- atom the coke to brighten carpeta tripe them with warm water in which hu been poured a few drop of ammonia one or two fehlbbpoonfiiis of irimni added to a pail pf water will olean window better than soap a few drop in a ctqtfol of warm water applied carefully will remove spots from painting and c grease spot may be taken oat witff weak ammonia in water lay soft wfiite paper t orer and iron with a hot iron when acid of any kind geta on clothing trwrita of y will ml it apply oidor to restore the color keep dickd aver ornaments and mounts bright by robbing with woollen cloth ata- srtsed jn apiritaof ammonia ofeaat may he cleaned to look like newbyponring itrnng a on it and crabbing with a scrub brush rinse in clear water equal parts of and toxpentine will tab paint bat of clothing even if it be hard sad dry sataratrthe spot as often as necessary and wash pot in soap and put a tesspoonfnl of ammonia in quart of water wash your brushes and combs in this and all grease and dirt will disappear rinse abate and dry in the- son or by the fire if those who perspire freely would use a tito ammonia in the water they bathe in etery day it would keep their flesh clean and sweet doing awsy with any disagree able odor tlannek and blankets may be soaked in a pail of w ffinfsining one tablespoon- fhl of iyitt and a little suds bub as tle as possible and they will be white sad deu and will not lhrink he knew him there iia certain glasgow physician who is noted alike for his extreme thinness and tailrmfbs the other day his wife haiing rnn short of mstrhpw called in a boy who wss shooting m wax vestas r wjfefliehitention of purchasing some of hb stocv the boy obeyed the summons add tiie lady taking him into the surgery gorebased several boxes the money was m a waucnpooard in the surgery ifi which cupboard ah articulated skeleton was standrog at full length a drcumstanee which eeoaped the ladys memory until she hatpopened it as soon as the door was opened the grinning skeleton was disclosed to the new of the horrified urchin who gate one wild long shriek of dismay- and fled terrorstrickeu ahandonidgboth money and matches in bis hurry when the doctor came home the iocidentnras related to him and about a fortnight afterwards the sains boy wasseen passing the noose on the doctors being informed of the fact he wait- to the door and called to the boyi instead of answering the call he losfcna timenn patting a good distance between the doctor and himself and then shouted back at the pitch of his voice nae fear im toflai yon you mnckle auld skeleton i ken ye although ye hiv got yer claes on noor- a33d mrjrt powerful kwrt- is ayers b4raaprin tonngand old are alike bt ncfltotl liy its asc for 1 iho orupuvodts- 1 eases peculiar to 4 children noting euo u bo c cctlvo uuiia mcuirlnc while rs ireca- blo flavor makes u easy to silruid- lt my little boy bad large hcmiu- llotu ulcers on his ineck ami tlirost from which lie suffered terribly two physicians attended lilro w liogrcw continually worse under their wire and evcrvljdy oosfwicl licwouhlthe i bod brimlfif the remarkable runs tftccted by aycrs sanmpadlln ami dajlded to have my boy try it shortly nftcr he began to take tlil mwlfrlnc the ulcers com- inentfkl lniilltinniliifieruriiig several ttottk ho was vutlnty cured h is now ilh health v nml troiig aa any boy of his age william f donghcrty hauiptun vo i- in mo last m4 youngest child fourteen montlis old bepnn tu have sores gather on its houd aad botty we ap plied various simple remedies without avail the sorw lncreaed lu ntmiler and discharged tropfously a physician was called butiho aorus cbutfnucd to multiply until in a fett mom lis they nearly coreretube childs head aiid body at last we began the use of ayirx bar- saparllla in a few days a marked change fur the better was manifest the sores assumed a more healthy condition the discharges were -gradually- dimin ished and finally erased altogether the child is livelier its skin ix fresher and its appetite better than we have ob- servedibr lnoaths frank ii- griffin long point texas j the formula of ayers samara ritlc presents for chronic diseases of almost every kind the best remedy known to the medical worldtdjl wilson u d wiggs arkansas ayers sarsaparilla or 0 c aytr k co lowell matt pp i jftn j i ouiorihnntlitaatoekunatkt i omurk earn arte inooffimesilltuiiiperlirtourpnmriitta gg taoiratoaa h a axcm il d 1 lil8ooxa48lbnou i emouuon and promote dl tu omua owin n murrv bomt n y a pimctatert iiiflnuin i bad a vory leven attaok oe bloody dianhma and perjnaded by mjr daugbksr to try ur fowler extract o wild strawberry wtioh i did with great itiooeaa a less than two bottle qarod me it ii worth ju weibt la cold uss ulbiiltet wcjx pembroke oat i there are gome men who are so caatloai aboat taking riiks that uiey will not eveu hasard a remark four vean in mnterrlllc for fobr year i hid plmplai and aorei braaklnk out on my haodi and faoe aanied by bad blood hediolne from the doctor u tried without avail bat after nalng two bottle ol bardook blood bitter i am well hiainutikllrsdty f sawyerville qae c cricuiais co grxtj my hone in to afflicted with distemper that he coold not driuk for foar day aud related all food simply apply ion kinaildb liniment outwardly cared him feb 188t curt hiaaibt cixx notes here and these items of general interest to free press readers a man said to his aged mother speaking of his wife i do wish i could keep mary from exaggerating so r get her to talk aboat her own age responded the shrewd old lady it can do no harm to try freemans worm powders if your child is ailing fererish or fretf ol 1 a ifiluon cooks wanted is canada to use imperial cream tartar baking po w der it is perfection and far superior to all others overheard in madison square garden hjelio old man you look thin in train- iner yes strict what on what for on soup for a new set of teeth juss helen rsiaciair of ninette mao writes that she has used burdock blood bitters for loss of appetite and h with the greatest benefit and heartily recommends it her experience is shared by thousands b3b is a specific for headache when a lawyer is in danger of starving in a small town he gets another lawyer to cotneand settle there v and then they both make a fat living purity of idgredients and accuracy of compounding makemubnrns aromatic quinine wine the criterion of excellence why is a dead hen letter than a live one because she will lay wherever you put her that wonfd be a good coeraudruni u the grammar were not so bad it geu there just the same p k newton druggist ttweed oct writes i have sold nasal balm for the last two months it has given general sat isfaction by its use a number were immed iately relieved of bold in the head several cases of catarrh received very much relief and the partin are confident of cure in no case have i had single complaint a contemporary mentions a case beyond the ordinary oculist it is that of a yoang lady whoi instead of a pupil has a professc in her eye holloways corn care destroyes all kinds of corns and warts root and branch j who then would endure them with such a cheap and efiectual remedy within reach how to reduce the temperature j1 the house bring home a party of friends to tea whenyour wife wants to fix up early to go tci reoeption j the sleep of the jost for sleepless nighu depending on worn vexation indigestion etc burdock blood bitters isvremarkably efficient cure i have used burdock blood bitters for sleep less nights and now sleep well all night i recommend it to all suffering from imper- feet rest geo h burs stooey creek ont beauty is admired talent adored but virtue is womans crown with it the poor are rich without it the rich are poor it walks through life upright and never hides its head for high or low ayers sarsapariua by purifyingand en riching the blood improves the appetite aids the rusimilative process strengthens the nerves and invigorates the system it is therefore the best add most horougbjy reliable alterative that can be found for old and young how to m qo wives it is annsfimiihle fapt that a due degree of importance has not daring late years been accorded is the education of ameri- esyjypnng women to a practical knowledge of tlotie that will devolte opon them themiffaen they assume the cares of homes of their own their grandmothers cer tainly sod probably their mothers learned lh science of hcsekeoping hut to an mjurioos jexient the education of the sftseajoa girl of thtena is generally either wltooyttilojparety orbimenta or at best jpsfe od imotacucableas to be of hkbe lo ufng her to fulfill ber datiny as wif e and mother if she is not tanghttosilectfoodin use market for it family fitie unr to prepare it well how to mrrejft wfiriy od by an infinity of the diy acrful vets and bits of fr knede shoot housekeeping to make lerthom brig3rt ntumctj ve and ha sh will faflfa short of what will ft if not dsefsaary thas when she marries awatfisi tfceie t gs barself but if aij t il qbonb jjow they sc aairct the doing rasibewble to be do you ever gamble 1 she asked as they sat together her hand held in his he replied ko bat if i wanted to do sor now aadoubtedl would be my time how to because ii hold a beautiful hand the engagement is announced c c ricaums fe co gcvrsi have used your kunabds ltkiment for bronchitis and asthma and it has cured me i believe it the best lot 5 p i mis a lrvrsgstos the billposters have a rale that work bjth ways they make their bill boards pay their board bills it saved his life gcvixxs can recommend dr fow lers extract of wild strawberry for it saved my life when i was aboat six months old we have used it in our family when required ever since and it never fails to cure all summer complaints i am now fourteen years of age faiscis wiuar ualkeith ont the latest case of singularity of conduct recorded is that of a man who dyed for the benefit of his hairs aimer to mothxrs are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering andl crying with the pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslowb soothing syrup for children teething its value is incalculable it tfbl relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is do mistake aboat it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wlndcolio softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system airs winslowb soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for has wesslows soothixg stscp and take no other kind it is a proverb that yon cannot give a thing and keep it still if you give your promise you are expected to keep that you know guddenl prostrated gextlejiex i was suddenly prostrated while at work by a severe attack of cholera morbus we sent at once for a doctor but he seemed unable to- help an evacu ation about every forty minutes was fast wearingme vut when we sent for a bottle dr fowiersextract of wild strawberry which sa ved my life jios j k vax nxtteb l mount brydges ont hands off 1 is tbe rule at american fruit shows hot in germany hans aufl is not allowed this will be understood by those who know tht wgersjen anf and on are the same ihiiig s for coughs colds bronchitis and all 1 ung and throat troubles there is no preparation of medicine can compare with sickles an ti- consumptive syrup it never fails to afford prompt and permanent relief it removes all soreness and heals the diseased parts it immediately sooths the most troublesome cough and by promo ting expectoration removes tbe mucous which stops up tbe air tubes which causes diffi culty in breathing thereby gives relief to that depressing tightness c experienced in the chest public speakers and singers will find bicavs anticonsumptive syrup of inestimable value as it speedily and effectually allays all irritation and hnski- ness in the throat and bronchial tubes and gives power to tbe vocal cords reodering the voice clear and sonorons if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselves from much anxiety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bickles anticonsumptive syrup and whenever a child has taken cold bas a coagh or hoarseness gie- the syrnp accord ing to directions gadlxon frankville ont lays he was cured of chronic bronchitis that troubled mm for seventeen years by the use of dr thomas eolectrio oil 60 you are married at last charlie i heir that your wife is a- very energetic woman and keeps things stirred up 01 course you married her for love no said the husband bracing up i married her to cure my dyspepsia mr wthayer p q hsd dyspepsia for 30 years tried many remedies and doctors but got no relief his appetite was very poor had a distressing pain in his side and stomach and gradual wasting away of flesh when he heard of and immediately commenced taking northrop lymans vegetable discovery tbe pains have left and he rejoices in the enjoy meat of excellent health in fact be is quite a new man ayers hair vigor restores color and vitality to weak and gray hair through its healing and cleansing qualities it pre vents the accumulation of dandruff and cures allbcalp diseases the best hair- dressing ever madevand by far the most economical the people of this coantry have spoken they declare by their patronage of dr thomas eclectric oil that they believe it to be an article of genuine merit adapted to the cure of soreness or lameness harts of various kinds tumors throat and lung complaints liver and kidney disorders and other maladies laants ijalneal ftr kale tverr where tsu1t called the greatest medicine world abjohttely guaranteed u cuisicd or moary rtfaaded pamptota tfhhnimtsk etc fees ww kadax miaone iuuek co 114 120 tnng st w- toronto ont sole ttuinntetuxars ibr the dominion ttbcnn of imparuonll sao our traavmark swearing off it elng for making good resolutions and this end of lhe year is the tiao generally chosea as beinc the inost suitable and appro priate for turning over a hew leaf during 1890 weriavelresolved to make more photographs than we did in 1889 to make better photographs than we did lnl889 to please everybody better than we did in 1889 1 we nave the facilities for photographing- your babies bt tbx instantaneous process brra the rosy little cherubs to tw and get a charming picture ono that will be one of your dearest treasures in after dart pictures are as iot as good vork and a uring profit will allow ramshaw photo artist acton i took cold i took sick i too emulsion i eesult i take my meals i i take my best alid t ah vjgokobs ctough to take ajivthixo i cam aayj kx hands ox setting fht tooj foe scotts emulsioihof pure cod liver oil and hypophospnitesoflimeand i soda kot only cured uy illcip- lent consumption bet built i he up and is now pujtlsg flesh om my b0ne8 atfrhjjeattoj a potxd a day talulticstas easily as 1 ix milk sootf eraolslno li pnt nn nnlr in fjilronn oilor wraiz scl i boll drucelstl at mcnndtlib scott rowve imlmltt the third pace o the toronto daily mail is noted for want advertisements if you want to bay or sell anything ii yoa want a situation a mechanic a bosi ness machinery lodgings if yon have loss or found anything or il yoa want to find oat where anyone in advertise in the to- ronlo daily mail and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address tu hail toronto can ada- if yoa wantto bay or sell a farm ad vertise in tbe toronto wedly mail that i paper reaches 100000 farmers homes pr f extof- wild trvwberry cures holera holerambrbus ralvlps iarrhcea ysehtew and all sumner complaints and fluxes of the bowels it isfsafe and reliable foh children or adults e every week and yoor advertiaetnent should meet the eye of someone who wants to pnr ohase adyertiaementa of this class are in serted in the torontj weekly mail lot five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address t5 mai toronto canada a single scratch may cause a fettering sore victoria carboliobalve rapidly heals cats woandf jraises barns and all soreb when yoa notice nnpleasiuitaenaatiotjs after eating at once oominence tbeuas of northrop lymans vegetable disooyery and your dyspepsia will disappear air james starley ilerchaot at cocstanoe writes my wife has taken two bottle of northrop i lymans vegetable disoovery for dyspepsia and it has done her more good thaitanychiifg tbe ever used cociired tyjasalpal nasal balm caprh aeerujla and spbedvenre fot icold intht heij and csorrt ittalllttstafea saothlho cuan8ixc j reauw llirtutfltlitf permanent cire blur s ijafaew tar sale erernrkera haoy socalled rusoatu catarrh soph as neadic aeose of smell fool bceat- natsevcaaeulaauiui of trotiblrftrill iryorui i lncutmmsiilxa a bottle of ui sa neclaetnleax la ixad rem liyceiisinnpaonand death all dnanbm or wfll lw seal price so cesa and lup bvi 19b 9twsn of talf rlellf rmore e stioplt symptoms 01 panjardetltvefa losini hawklas sod spitunc iulltyetc u yoa are indred symptoirts yon mo tlmoln procenro jl vrnnti 11 fata t id catarrh followed tasal blm fssold by paid on receipt of esstog sstmuavblt ataibailiinami jvttaicjlij litlimms kennet brq have just opened up some extra fine lines in shoes and other novelties for spring and s gator and calf balmorals in new styles our regular lines will be found complete with oustftm work and rtpairiag always oaitrally dona itw- take notice that we are going to give the best that can be obtained ariywhere fresh eggs taken in exchange for goods lladies shoes slippers tan simmer wear i mens l ind of the besi matenal f rstclass goods wtyav- bargains inppots fy shoes liberal discount 6or cash kenney bijos acton -qreat- baiiwavftl crend f funk i sontaatut r taiajb- inlotoliotl i f a i lutttne we are showing great bargains in summer dress from eight cents per yard up colored muslins at cost and nnder all reninauta ol dress goods and prims al goods cost we harejust received a large range of new prints in alt the new embroidery shirtipgs for 5 para80ls from 20c large assortment of gcloyes and hosiery see our low lines of readymade qlothidg extra value in the boot fresh stock of groceries shoe remember our 25 and 50c t s are the best henderson mcr ae kcton new patterne cents peryar at low pri e dep always lit r ment n hand- cp our ways of have been told many times bat they need to be told again aud raav have to be told many times again we buy and make various sorts of merchandise just as cheap at possible we tellthe truth about it all we selli everything at the very least prices aud every time we are as low tjis the taiarket or lower the business is biraple as cao be the price is named make or save busin ess distinctly for each article thereby is yours not ours and anything you you are perhaps accustomed to read the reckless talk of thoughtless or unscrupulous advertisers that yob discount the statements ot careful merchant yon know our ways but we need to remind you agaiu that nothing is priuted htnut our goodi and prices that will not ibear examination every word is impor tant we have just completed another series ot reductions through out our different deportments and the most economical buyer will be pleased and surprised at oar prices to give ao instance we are offering onrall wool french delaines ut 25c jjoc and 40c per yard prints sateeus remnants drs goods etc t correspond ingly low figures a glance at these cheapness other good goods will convince you of at proportionate reductions m mm ao cm i tl eir value and without a plate 71u1 tod air m tit w i chris6smtarpnil1 3ummefttour8 pautec sruattaa- towb detbottjskissundj dtrrrottanls ooll iuu8tbatep paaaphlets e b whttcoiib o p a dtraoit m the oetmit i obfom i tou1 ul pure8t stuohce8t best contains mo alllu ammonia ume phosphates orsijinjoriomataterislt w glllettf amcaoarui iter t tftsi cnnuid tataxtxutcim he urgest scale works in canada over oo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales syproved show gases note drawers iteatckoppere aho botcrets sophies toa w toll write he tenna i c wilson ft sow 6 o espuanadc street east torontc oni tsentkm tnu papa e err ime yoa write dunns thecooicsbest friend -r- ftjiwiwiiii wticacl batnr wri mtc ltullbttaoou 7 w o jwhvwm the key to health unlocks all fba elogged atames of tfcai iwwels puieyi andijttoeantingc off gradually vitc it traateimg the sjiq tern all the unpm uea and fonl immoa oltha becretions l tthnsaihs timo cop1 mating acidity of the stomaen coring bulpniness dyspepsia heagaehes jmasl befif constipation dryness of the wi dwpsy dtaniess of vision jwin- dteeaat bheum atslpaakseio- fulamtterlnitoftner tonsness and gene these and many other i yield to the happy infl hl00d bitrers arsotol tklbsbico aiiiaartkxo i imts 8 eeata i saruqas oabti uerilan space solnebas uinebm 5 iaehas lincb adnrtisamai ub lnsaluill i i inaatanoa month if di oqoeamonthtl atngnlautatt vntbgm iot c in the afflar tori vast h ld d ibshi biooipfoonifav la b sta s9c telslxhonsf fj aaztdportowi m e btx vuktv acton andfonxttaac offimlng it ebmnh tyrceeamj banii b m wia1 bittibxxkj bazxiitflzasol c prftataft hiltoh offioas w x p ajjsaur hesbtl twadtj tsturk jw riftincisi si 3a jaiiiuhiaratmriiw artesiss e ih cu fcpetaw ttu hirsts pain wu rtkititay cure cilrf15iitee5ttmjc bowel cogqitalnls jmirrboea -ipaui- l sumhercomplaints tmt lters1 itifjiiiisa gsss bjibyw

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