Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 28, 1890, p. 1

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mt ttmt ftti foss rspcbusntfr etery thursday mobniko it the imprest steam ranuw office jtlllstbsbt kcnjx 0t tkworfciiaumosonc dollar wr r u pawu edranse a wftma u 3 ixhonins ol rear mso rr rr s vr t denoted by the data on the addreas laoet amrarrerto- ritestransieiit fj mtiatseette p konparell too for tat in- 1 isruon j centi ror lino or esci subsequkit insertion oar rites lor the insertion of idvwisemcnu lor speeined periods wirr 11 tr 1 b ko li mo inn inch js0o jo jioo u0q 1j 00 aw li00 fiuj 300 iso 1 inch iso advertisements without rpecinc direction will be losarud ill forbid sn injlj tnadn m ak cnirced scoord- tnnsient advertisements mart be paid vanos advertisement will be chijigea onoe c monthll desired for chanp onee month the composition must be piii lor at regulat ratea cnances for contrrtt advertisements most be tn the office bt tp on tncsdsri otnerrtie they toi be left over until the follottnff wect hfuoore editor mdproprietor tashuss fiirictorp txt h lowry m b m c p s- vf oraduata of trinitr college uemboi octuefe of physicians and sargeons office and residence at thebeadof frederick treet acton d r springer phtsicux scaexox accocchecti omcx lira bssmcirce dr meganins bouse corner kqil and frederick streets ri estacey l ild cjlftlo ilopitsj 396 coiiecb 6- toronto telephone so s45s jv p halsted mjx pirtsacux scbgkut etc bxuszxcx jlsd daca store 1121 street next door to williams boot and ahoe store l l bennett hd6 dentist otoaaetots ostikio c mceiklatlob scbgeos dsiinst georgetown visits acton at agnewt hotel on the- second and fourth wednesday of each month office in georgetown first da jt oati ol bp- it chorea m cxeak mclean barruters solidtora notaries conreyanceri ttc pritata fnnds to loan qffirvi ttrnti hsjl acton- wc a mcxxii jxo a itclejlsx a- mowax tsixaxsitbi soucmja koriix prmic uoaertoloan pmcz diitneadar and saturday mee 3tatthev block acton uptair qhiltok allan baird barristers solicitofi tooxttjsd gzobaxtottt offls creelmanibloctgeotgetotii and 8g sins street eastt toronto r t- ittk ipntt nj j hiisdbj atent5 secubed for istkstiass hesbt gbist ornvi cisadx ttenty yean practice xo patent- ko ear lumber lath shingles savers tllll kassaeateva hat cow n atook about a 1080000 eet of lumber lnoladlng all kinds needed tor building nurpoaet this mill bu a veil ettabliihed reputation for fint- class lumber and reasonable luieea lath and shingles onliand we are prepared to supply ererj want in oar line tkteb sayeb naaiagaweya po welliustoa steam laundry otjelph shirts 10c collab6 sjjsks cuffs ic faaiflr wsshlns wiihonl ironinc 15c per doi family waahlag vith ironing sic per doz qeauemana washing end repairing 60c pel dozen all trcrfc iiarantced beet in canada office aad works 58 quebec streets goods loll vith kelly bros oar ageca st acton vill be lent to the istmdrr and retrjned to their crore tree of charge st above prices v b hackxey proprietor schools open all the school books ased in the public school and collocute institute slhtes exercise books drawiha books 60h00l baqb ac frank burces8 house paintet paper hanger 4 wnter etc la prepared to execute orders ia sny of the abote lines in the best manner and at reasonable terms etctj job baring my personal attention i can sasnre customers complete satisfaction graining in all woods a specialty orders ieit at my- residence main sl acton till receive prompt mention guelph- business coue gueleh oktakio ko snthee vacation stndents can enter u anj- time with wjaal advantage the most complete equipment and the best methods f pr glring s thorough business education terms moderate and satisfactory circulars giting full information mailed free toanyaddrok t if iuccorlflck principal w barber bros pasermakee8 gborqetown ont iuxe i speculit of machine finished book papers ixc high grade weekly xews the paper used in this iotmal is from the above milk wtdbaebbvbeos rml hehstbeet ltcxksed accnqxetb for the countier of wellington and halton- orden left at the fbe pkess office acton or at my residence in acton toi be promptly at tended to terms reasonable also money to loaji on the most favorable terms sad as the idnet rates of istarest in f- soma of 4500 and opvards j ordf dat aechitegt gctlshokt omcs queens hotel block ksxket square ctbakcis kuhak snceeasor f chapman booctkdee stgeorgessquare uelphontario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of erery description earef chy boond solinr neatlt and promptly done rnhe hanlanbaebebshop j hlllsterztactos an east shave a stylish bairat s good lesfoam an eihiliarating shampoo al ways given bazors honed and put in nniclass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cat j 4 hwobdestoasorial artist 4 wanted rttabtppnghtnfr men to tqlschbicc knrserr stock compleu assortment splendid oppor offered for spring wort uy sales- m ha good success many selling from 100 to 9300 per week send for proof and testimon ials- a good pushing man tinted here st ence t and the best goods in the market- liberal terms write feed e youxg surieryman eocheeter k t- actok- puitp factory -ixd- planing mill thosbbage man i hive restned the miztciszeat of the ptnap business in acfan end onld respectfully inform k pertics in txnt a psmpc that tin nor- prepred to ftpply them from the old style 77000x531 pump to lie best force pimp made j pumps for wind usos or rock wells strppllflolori short notice i deep wells i specislt peices eight eveby tttrtk our planing mill lumber dreued vhilc ycu silt uooldicgt ac giade to order we bare also a quantity of lumber for sale ratable for building purposes orders by mail ti receive pronptand careful attention i i siop at foot of biyer street tiiosebbage hananer has every book wanted no waiting for stock we giro the best ttjae it days bookstore l quelph day sells cheap 200000 lbs baring completed contracts for 16 chr lords of trine of the following brudi excelsior red cap com mon sense red star anchor we exe qowiii t position to qaote very lowest cash figures h puretf- prris green a specuitt john 3l bond 00 guelh direct hardwire importers lardine machine oil tbb fasmbrs wife l thasbsdotfs lengthen on tbo uffn tbeday is almost done the weary wife from early dawn a steady course has run faithful and constant doing all within her vomaai power to let some rayi of gladness fall from her own scanty dower she cooked the meals with ipoelal care her husband st in silence grim a word of praise a treasure rare- had saved her eyes from being dim bui tears will all im ao alone tn plaintive tones she laid ive tried to win some praise from john i might aa well be dead j ait then her chicks came chirping up her reveries disturbing she gives them grain sod fills their cup their inward sorrows curbing with merry click they crowd around greeting with frantic joy their true appreciation brings pleasure without alloy with grateful sense of needs supplied the panties lift their heads heceiving showers by beavon denied from her whocamo instead the welcome of her feathered friends the sympathy appearing in flower and beauty nature needs her aching heart are cheering but brother fanner is it true that hearts within your home ktisi the outspoken cheer form you and long for it to come do birds and flowers usurp the place that god designed for you f 0 quickly now your steps retrace and give the praise thats dne dttt afftmurj fiinliiitrj sister barbara by jwy bajowlptt mutual fire insurance company coctnty of v7ellingtok established iho head office cuelph insures b afldiags sf erchandise icxnzf aeiories and all other descriptions of insurable property on the cash and premium kdte system p wstone chas davidson- eregidenl manager john taylor aoekt agents wanted in every township to bell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock anclcdmpiete stock doctor the most complete and com prehessite work eterpsbsisbcd iu astborx stand at the bead of their profession and have a continental repu tation worth it weight in gold to any one having hones sheep cattle fiwine ponjtrf dogs or beea a grand opportunity to make money seenre territory at once address m e n mote2 pnlfliiher i20tonge5t toronto new planing mill sash and door factory john cameron contractor ha ctted up the bundingonifainfitreet lately occupied as a tnmk factory with new machinery and is prepared to furnish plans specifications and estimates for all classes of bofidinga and execute all kinds cf dressefgi jfatcbxsg andltoulddcg vtrrr ill stsxes of sasbeg doors and ylndows and door frames and dressed lumber and keep a stock on hand all orders promptly attended to john cameron coal wood j vkannawins urrrt st actok ia littfe talk about figures may lie and facts distorted be but seeifljjis believing come and see the feekaboo boot and khoe store jf just now showing a number of new lines of shoes and slippers specially adapted for theseason these new goods are being sold at prices as loiror lower than those asked for bid styles and shop worn goods elsewhere everybody can be suited for we have all sires in t gent s wear ladies wear i youths wear childrens wear babya wear i wellington marble wotki qcebic sieerr qztxstu clark carter dtbbct importerf of granite and lierble uonumeats and headstones of all shades and from the newest designs all work and mi- terial warrshted nrstrclaai panies wishing to purchasevill please gireuat call and inspect oar stock and prices as we are confident we can i competfvjtii ay establishment in ontario ktlac 1i tmc myinwbirtt to the above firm 4 respectfully solicit thetatronage to my friends 1 and the pallie on their behalf acton- livery bus line the undersigded rospectf ully solicits the natron- age of the public and informs them that weu egnipped and stylish bigs can al- ways b secured i at his stables a comfortable hut meet all trains between 9 am and sos pm careful attention given to erery omer i l tbemuiu of conunereial travel j las fully met john wdilialib james brown i hai on band a jarge quantity of excellent coal wlrichbewili promptly deliverto any part of the town at reasonable prices hardwood and slabs cat stove length always on band telephone canning n f tkilho aters bros gilleht guelph fbaticks s nctcteh pictcke mocldtxofi boom mouldings cobxice poles from 3jc ubirsboob bakkeb bodb from i5c abtibts iiatebials sperinl line good goods kevattstyle tnd best rslne for the money st w williams acton custom work snd repairing gltenesreiat sttea tioa traukx ud rsjises ia vsriety picket wibe fencing the best and cheapest of all farm and garden fences highly commended and awarded diploma at guelpb central and several township fain to rend post card for price list giving lull particu lars address j m dooley co cuelph ont oil color water colon china colors brushes etc etc j ready mixed patflu aspen- walls eoanjeln cords wires nails chainshocki etc watebsbrqs niji r- vsi oiobqsb square v hamiltons marble works hamiltons block formerl bstolis blockl the gore corner of woolwleh and korfolk streets ooelpb ont john h hamilton proprietor- wboleaale and retail aealor and direct importer and maonfactflreraf all idnds orjjiiaaite and harble uonnmetita tosubetoseetne bavins had an extenaive eaperienoe for tbelan lfl years the publittiqay rsf on gettinf all superior artielm atacheawrateuianacyothtrdeaaati vbljwim v dirutiikw eemdfor tfi neat 30 dsya and theres nobody here o meet me after alii said felix coortenay pulling disoonlentedlyat his long aqkly beard the huji had set in a mellow mist of gold and a little brook which tumbled over the rocks at the back of the solitary shed which bote the appellation of railway station made an almost human plaining in the silence the ticketagent who oat wood in the forests when he was not on duty came cat and scratched his head as he looked around the glowing landscape there aint nobody sent from blossom vale farm to the depot for this ere train thats certain said he calculate they wasnt expectinvof you squire ch i sent a telegram said conrfenay sharply oh that explains it said peter pod- field the station agent the telegrams they goes around by puddle basin i they wont be fetched up afore this evenin at eight oclock heavens and earth man v cried courte- nay tuxning abruptly around you call that accomodating the travelling public v wal remarked peter podfield there aint much travel this ere direction anyway silks they ainf used to strangers and is it far to walk unceremoniously interrupted coortenav- to blossom vale j eight miles complently answered the station agent and a dreadful stony road- hold on though whats the matter v said courtenay impotiently if its got to be walked the sooner i get started the better theres lotty with her donkey cart said mr podfield ef shes a mind to take yon lotty whom what on earth are yon talking about said cooxtenay turning sharply around to follow the direction of his interlocutors eyea why lotty blossom to be bure said podfield from the farm kow i come to think of it she came down yesterday to sell the eggs and butter for her mother and stayed all night with sarah ann hale guess likely therell be rqdm for you in the donkey cart if yon sit close lotty dont take up much room hullo i lot lot lotteeeeee and making an impromptu trumpet of bis donbledup fist mx podfield hailed the equipage now dimly visible coming up the road a curious little urnoat itr coartenay thought an odd twowheeled affair un pointed and guiltless ql the ornaments commonly appertaining to village carts and drawn by a stout mousscolored donkey in it there sat a woman wrapped in a gray cloak with a scarletribboned hat tied securely under her chin- she looked around at hrfodfields call whai is it v said she a little impatient ly a new boarder for you folks said pod field can yon take him up to the farm oh yes lotty answered lightly if he dont care for a little jolting and per haps walking over a bridge- or two take care she added as mr courtenay stepped into the wagon dont break the new bluaedged plates- and be very careful please not to disturb the basket with the little gray kittens in it that sarah ann hale gave ma areyou comfortable now then go on keddv by the waning twilight ir courtenay could see that his fair charioteer was a rosy country girl with large longlashed eyes masses of wavy- hair and a dimple in her chin come said he o himself this isnt half a ba4 adventure i wonder who my fair boadicea is 1 and by way of beginning a conversation he spoke out carelessly are they expecting me at the farm oh yee5said lotty blossom carefully guiding her donkey past the beetling edge of a precipice whoa neddy whoa but not quite so soon your room is quite readyj though we whitewashed it yester day morning and kell will have the carpet down today nell kell is my next sister explained lotty with a degree of selfpossession that amazed the city visitor barbara is the eldest there are only three of ua oh 1 said mr courtenay and barbara is the prettiest too solemnly added miss lotty she is almost engoged to an elegant new yorker isshej courtenay could eel himself blush in the twihgbt hip a schoolgirl lotty nodded at the same- time en deavoring tb quiet the discontented wail ingt of thaj small feline captives in the batketi t- ob it will be a grand match for her t aid she j but barbejaisnt like kell ana indeed said mr coartenay and a sudden inspiration entered into his brain iiuppose this pretty sister of yours la very much in love thats the strangest part of it said lotty in a meditative manner she dont care for the man a bit no not a bit repeated lotty now nell is sixteen and i am fourteen bar bara says we are only children and cannot understand such things but nell is very sure that she wouldnt marry a man if she didnt love himtcot if he were as rich as arcrajausl and so ami butbarbara says her city beau is old and wrinkled and has gray hairs in his mustache dreadful remarked mr conrtenay rather chagrined isnt it chimed in lotty though of course as she says the older he is the sooner be will leave her a rich widow dont you think she added suddenly that the kittens would be quieter if you were to take the basket in your lap- and then she began to chat about other things the distantglowof the iron foundry against the sky the song of a far distant whippoorwill iixihe glen the name of the huge picturesque crags which stood like sentinels along the road i suppose she said presently the children are coming up in the next train whki children said mr courtenay with a start why yours the four little ones said lotty i think said mr gourtenay after a few minutes puzzled meditation that you are under a false impression you are perhaps taking me for arent you mr rodney ualston mam mas cousin from dakota ahe asked turning abruptly towards him not at all said our hero my name is courtenay felix courtenay lotty gave a little shriek and nearly dropped the reins then she cried yoa are barbaras lover unfortunately yes he answered with something of bitterness in his tone or perhaps it would be more correct to say that i was oh cried lotty checking her steed within sight of the cheery lights of the fassjl house what have i done its just as mamma and barbara are always telling me my horrid hateful tongue has run away with mc i thought yon were our cousin and tbat you would like to know all the news of the family and- now apd now stop my child said mr courtenay l touched by her genuine and evident grief there is no occasion for all this trouble we will keep our own secret you and i i am not engaged to barbara and probably never shall be but you and i shall always mind always be friends i like you said lotty shyly because you were so good to the little kittens and your beard is cot so very gray after all and im sure you dont look old but youre certain youll never tell barbara or mam ma yes quite quite sure he answered laughingand the two went in thetioose together the big sittiagroom was empty but the fair barbara screamed from an adjoining compartment lotww lotty turn neds head around quick 1 drive to the depot as fagt as ever yoa can that tiresome old coart enay has telegraphed that he will be up on the live oclock train and nof a soul there to hush barbara said lotty with a composure that astonished herself he has come already he is here barbara harried in forgetful of her curl paper and general dojialillc yoa little goose she began you and then she stopped with a small shriek j oh mr courtenay what a very very- delightful surprise this is v but the simulated sweetness had come too late mr felix courtenays eyes had been effectually opened by this time the innocent country hebe with whom he had fancied himself in lovcwasonlyabchemer after all j he who bad steered his little bark so cautiously among the ahoals of fortune- hunting daughters and manosuvring mam mas had come perilously nigh himself on these hidden reefs yes he said carelessly i was going on up to sky top mountainand thought i would stop here on the way i hope you are pretty well and ba was gone the next morning almost before daylight thanking providence for his lucky escape miss barbara blossom never knew why his- admiration had grown so suddenly cold and little lptty kept her own counsel but i never never will chatter so fool ishly to a stranger again she inwardly vowed away among the bills of northern n4w england were two infidel neigh bo a who had grown up to mans estate tinrnjog and blaspheming against god one of them heard the- gospel messajte and heating beuevtd udto eternal life short time afterward the converted rr an went to the house of his infidel neighbir and said to him 1 have come to talk to yoa i have been converted yes 1 brd tbat yoa had beea down there and had gone forward for prayer i said the skeptio with a sneer and i as surprised for j had thought yoa w ire about as sensible a mad as there was town wevsaid the christian i havi a doty to do to you and i want yoa to slop talking and hear me i havent slept mich for two nights for thioking of it i have got four sheep that belong to yoa they oime into my fold six years ago and i knew they had your mark on them but i took them and marked then with my mark and yoa inquired all around aad coald pot hear anything of them but they arej in my field with the increase of them and now i want to settje this matter i havo lain awake night and groaned over it and i have come to get rid of it and now i am at y oar option i will do just wjhat yoa uy if it is a few years in state prison i will suffer that k it is money or prop erty yoa want say the word i bate a good farm and money at interest and jvoa can have all yoa ask t want to settle ibis matter and get rid of it i the infidel was amaied he began to tremble if you have got them sheep you fare welcome to them i dont want anything of you if you will go away a man who will come to me a you have something must have got bold of you that i dont under stand yoa may keep the sheep if you will only go away no said the christian i mast title this matter up and pay for the shee i shall not be satisfied without and you must tell me how much well said the skeptic you must pay for them you may give me what the sheep were worth when they got into your field and pay me six perceut interest and let me alone the man counted out the value ofj th sheep and the interest on the amount and laid it down and then doubled the dose and laid as macb more down beside it went his way leaving a load on his neih- botrt heart almost as heavy as that vtbich he himself had borne the full result of the scene is only known to god ooe thing is certain tbeinfi lei was seen to frequent the house of prayer and we may be that he afterward believed there was some power io the gospel and that all christians were not hypocrites the christian and a travellers experience in england j there are all sorts of tricks to earn about railroad riding in england ahdpome of them tnve a third class passenger greater privacy than a firstclass one secures j for instance having met two friends at liver pool for the purpose of journeying bak to london with them i was told by a sirewd englishman to take a thirdclassjji part- coent and make it right with the gt ard so as to have the box all to ourselves we purchased three thirdclass tickets and promised the guard who showed ns tn our seats foar shillings or one dollar if wi were not disturbed by strangers on the jonrney to london he entered into the spirit of the unjust arragement heartily j two of yoa be lookiu oat of the win dows as if it was crowded said he j and one of you stand before tbo door oh the platform we did so and he ran off to retain in a minute with a long narrow strip of paper dripping with paste this he put j upon one window of our compartment it was a printed form that be had filled up with writing in pencil and it read as follows engaged fromzirerpoo to london julq i9 1 tiled for aqol of excellent and was engsige drove the famjly drove misi this came con jeqences bella entei morning witl manner and red william at once he makesj loije to me is most offenjve a nic mr barley adding thai old anthony boggs- was if 1 s able to drive his spirited hofsoi pe isioned him off afed adver a spracej young fellow lanners presented himself at once and thereafter carriage sometimes he barley alone in it and of her fathers study one noshed face and angry nested him to dismiss she said he i will never enter the casriage while he drives again never mr barley looked up from his books and papers wijthoat that indignation which should have characterized his manner at such a moment yoa are right in telling me this he said bat cone now if be was not your coachman vhat wqoid you think ef him f i suppose i tnould think as i do now papa said bella he would be a detest- puppy anywhere he u an insolent due dow very well bella said her father do mc a favor you will understand why i ask you this after a while let bim suppose you not quite the girl you are aud see i he will follow the example of these gentleman who figure in tbe newspapers and offer his hand and heart trust me to punish him bella looked jit ber father wonderingly finally she smiled yes papa bhe said ill do it a week from that day she brought her father a letter elegantly written on the best paper it was au offer of marriage and a proposal for an elopement tell him to meet you tooigbt in the garden said the old gentleman papa cried bella instead he will meet me said the parent nodding his head v and i shall have that with me he pointed to his ridingwhtp bella wrote opoo a card these words v at tjbimitfiiliis dont like to wort 8he hateii bhe aaysrtfcej never can be itesssheurian- cheating the conductor a conductor on the boston and maine i railway tells this about a mouth ago a middleaged well dressed man entered my train at a way station and began talk ing with a fellow passenger- after a short time he asked the gentleman if be could look at bis ticket a inomont after looking it carefully over mr sharper returned the gentleman bis- ticket bul before doing so slyly tore off one corner of it soon after the fellow went to the forward end of the car when i asked mr sharper for his ticket be said he had given it up i thought differently however and after considerable talk the man took ome money from his pocket to pay for his fare but said prodac a small piece of pasteboard that he could pjove having given up hu ticket for he remembered tearing off a small piece and that if i would only look my tickets over i would find one with a piece torn off of conrae i looked found a ticket with a small piece torn off and i- thought the mans statement was true the real owner of the ticket afterwards informed me of the deception biddffrdilt j journal some one sent a person in msacha setts a package of infidel publications he responded at the same time if yoa have anything better than the sermon do the mount and the parable of the prodi gal son and that of tbo good bitnaritaij or if you have any better code of mows than the ten command menta or anything more consoling and beautiful than t twentythird psalm or oh the whole aiy thing that will make this dark world mdpt bright than tbe bible does anything umt wilt throw any more iiht on the f o and reveal to roe a father roow merciful and kind than tun teatatcent l aeniit to ini and he turned people away until the train started and ktood guard at our door at every station except one then hie was basy elsewhere and oar box was invaded by a man and wife and a second oman and foar children the guard saw them soon after they had entered the compart ment and he shooed thqm all oat much the same aa a woman drives chickeqa in a barnyard the firstclass fare for that 2pcmile ride would have been 735 but our tickets cost only h12 j afterward i never saw men filling tbe door to a compartment tbat i did not think of the guards instructions to ua at i liver pool and indeed two months later while in devonshire an acquaintance i had formed in tbat earthly paradise bade me stand beside him ia the door of an j empty compartment so that we might seenre it j all to ourselves as we didtnlian ralph in harpers weekly only a collection whats to be done whispered the janitor of a building livid with terror the balls are cracking the floor is about to fall aod yet if you tell those people the building is going to collapse there will be bond reds of them killed in trying to get ontl ill attend to that whispeed chairman of tbe meeting in rep y friends he said taming to the aidience i am requested to say that at elusion of the next featare of the evsuings entertainment a collection will be for tbe oenet of te grant mi fond before the orchestra had fiuiibed tbe selection which followed this speech the hall was empty the chairmans of mind had saved a thousand fioraniffe 1 aken up i moment presence lives should and would sir richard grant white says 1 do not know in english literature another passage in which the distinctions between shall and will and would and aho ild is at once so elegantly so yarioualy so iredsely and so compactly illustrated as it the fol lowing lines from a song in 6 r george ethereges she would if 8b could 1704 how long i shall love bite 1 can a more toll than had la fever when ishonjd well uy passion shall kill iuo before i wl show it and yet i would give all the wo rid be did knowtt but hi bow i sigh when i think shoold he woo me lomnrtwiusewiiawwweiadenwr the garden under the elm tree eleven oclock and despatched it leaving it unsigned that night however she did not go to bed she peeped from ber win dow wrapped ia a dark cloak and hood and at eleven oclock saw tbe door of the coachmans quarters open and the young man enter the garden in a moment more i a much larger figure emerged from the shadow of tbe elm tree and abe could see that something was about to happen it was impossible o restrain herself longer her dread lest her father should be injured overcame her pride she left her room fled down stiirs and appeared on the porch papa she cried in terror but in ao instant ehe saw that papa was in no danger william was at bis ufcrcy hetejd him by tbe collar and was hog ging him much as an oldfashioned fct4f- master used to flog bis larger boys while wiliiam roared for mercy finally having quite finished tbo old gentleman set his victim up agninstta tree and regarding bim with a polite sarcasm remarked 41 well how do you fell now i this is outrageous 1 faltered wil liam then turning saw miss bella upon the porch l 7 the time has op me for explanation he gasped miss bella do you not under stand i am not a coachman at all i am reginald moutmoreoci of tbe camjllo japonica club i belong to the old mont- morenci family and i am v member of tbe four inhand club have striven to win your heart a long while you would never glance at me and so since coachmen are generally buccessiol with the young ladiesbf he family i aainmed this disguise you see now what i am yoa understand all noia coachman but your devoted adorer reginald montmoreuci sir i forgive you you did not know me i have won yonr daughters heart the reparation i ask of yoa is her band mr montmorenci slrack aa attitude and really considering what he had endured was somewhat heroic hiss bella however was not overcom bhe simply sat upon the porch w5f laughed i 1 f dear me she cried t remember you now you used to visit the fragnapannis and never danced dear me yes and those side whiskers were false i might have known it charmer you see that i am worthy of you cried montmorenci you have given me your heart you would have been mine hamble as i was kow now papa dictated that note he knew everything said bella jlnd really you are more of an idiot than i thought you i felt angry at you us a coachman now 1 simply consider you absurd she entered the house mr barley you si least know now that i begad montmorenci as for that interrupted mr barley i knew you all along and of all the an mitigated puppies i coo aider you the worst an honest coachman i might have respect ed you a fortune- hunting dandy i only desire to kick out of ray presence go before i do it 1 he unlocked the garden gate mr montmorenci looked for his hat but mr barley r boots loomed large and heavy before him ho felt tbat prudence was the better part of valor aud in a moment more the found himself in the street with the night my as i went down the street today i saw a little lad v whomtecovasjuttbokhrioffaee j to make a person glad it was ao plump and rosycheeked so cheerful and so bright it made ine think of applethoe atih ollod ma wlibdaliibt i aw him busily at work while blithe u blaekbirirsona ulajnerry mellow whistle rang the pleasant street along i ob thafi the klnfl of lad i idrar i thought aa i passed by these busy cheery whistling boys uake grand menbyandby jut then a playmate came along add leaned across tbe gate r k plan tbat promised lets of fan and frolic to relate tbe boys aro waiting for o ncn sohurry up ho cried j uy little whistler shook his head and cant come he replied cant come why noti vd like tkkavw what hinders r asked the other why dont yoa ier came the jttply t im busy helping mother v shes lots todo andsollike j to help her all lean i bo ive no time for fan last now v said this dear little man a i like to hear you talk like ihai i told the utile lad x help mother all you can and maks k her kind heart light and glad it does me good to think of bim and know tbat there are other who like this manly little boy take bold and help their miitl tts- qoidai pay i obeying pleasantly on the laid his io ride him little harry had seen some olt er bqjv fly their kites from the tops of the bonsesv and hetboaght it would beniceii nil hij could do so too so he called to liaaant and said aunt mary can i go op to thje top of the bouse and fly mykite v his auot wished to do everything thai was proper to please him but she j hbaght tbis was very unsafe so- she said no harry my boy j think that ii very dangerous sort of play id rathe yoa wouldnt go all rights tbeanvgo out bridge baid harry his aunt smiled aud said she doped hi would always be as obedient as thjsvt harry what are yon doing f mother on one occasion spinning my new top mother cant yod take the baby out get out the carriage and ill brjt down t all right shouted tbo boy aa he put his top away in his pocket and taitenad to obey bu mother uncle william may i gooyxjtothe store ibis morntug said harry i at breakfast i want to see those aainl was looking at yesterday t v o ye harry saidjiis uncle shall be glad o have you bat i cannot spore you to day harry said his mother i want yon to go with me you shall go to the store another time all right siid harry and went on eating no matter what iiarrywaj asked toido or what refusal be met with whin assffeg for anything his constant answer yju all right he never asked why cant i or why mustnt i harry had vft only learned to obey bat he had learned to obey in good hamor jedet new england undertaker we extract the following from the last issue of tbe arirona aicter we would not advue yoa to come west under the i4ea that yoa can make a carl v load of motley in yonr business in a year v otltwo there are not only plonyl undertakers our this way but owing- to certain peculiarities the business is not ti flourishing as it might be oat peopedont make much of funerals the idea is this after a man is deadheient good for maoh and its wonderful how cheap you can cot the figures if yon so desire for instance the last man we shot figured on us aa follows drinks for coroners jnry 60 box for remilins 95 digging grave ii sp headboard li j5 services of dray j l total lm yoa cant get things much below this figure while the people here wont stand much of a raise oa it wed like yonr society and wed like your aid to help bttild up the town but when you ask ut for facts and figures we have gut to give them to yoa straight f a brave u1ttle girl w a ten ma u before him the watchman was faithful he did not recognize the ooachmao without the side false whiskers llod montmorenci ended his night in dar- ance vils ander the roof of the station house he has never tried the coachmans trick again though with such a grecian nwe as his it might be successful with many heiresses the following iricidehfctelated of a litjfcw heathen bengalee girl shows what childsjen in tbese faroff cuootriea sometimes nfef for the sake of their religoo j a little girl came to school a few da js ago with a severe bruise on her forehead and on being asked by mrs m what had caused it gave no answer bat lobked ready to burst out crying bat auothfr chudy relative was not so reticent andsaidrvt father having observed that she had pt done puia for a great many dajs asked her why the had so neglected her devotions to which she replied father iharesot neglected my devotions i have prajed every day to jesus 1 do not pray to ioxils because i do not believe in them v tliia i j enrage j the father that be m her b the neck took her before t aad first bowed reverently before it js self forcibly beot the childs head i times striking it so violently cm tbeg tbat it bled profusely tbe child bitterly the whole time bat she s happily enough when this was relate school and said she did not much r adding vl c oot believe that tree fc wood and stone will uve mej fleatfit woman t friend a ad iriihma ffu odtj6 heard berating tbe united slate government a friend who knew bim well remarked ah fat i know whets be matter with yez yeve stolen a uis blanket thar ive not aaidfal r the blanket i have bae my initials on it howithatr why ye oan see the u 8 for yenelf in tbe corner and u stands tor dennis an 8- for mccarty teacher now children any thins that crawls alovg the ground instead of wapringj u called a j reptile can yoa give me an example d a reptile f ina a worm teacher j yemnalwiiltirv cjui any one give another example- long silence finally fajgy bright speaks p i oan teacher well peggy what u it i peggy ujiunplnatly nolber wotm tbey are never alone tbat are aooonrdan led by noble tfaearht the more people do the raarehey ban do he sho does nothing renderihltneif incapable of doing suylhiog whilstinara etecating oue work we are pmparibg our selves for undertaking anotber 6ar doar litue dsncbifflf m rrlbb lick her boaou were bioatod as hard ujibricv we feared abe- would fiio till ve faabpeaed to try ptaroesfeusu tbeycoreoerrenflrltabiykk sever be without pierces rfclbtatn tin honsb theyare gentlflanda4eebttsj1n aotlon and give immediat of iriiestion bilio tbey do their work there rfo bad effect smallest to made x-

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