Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 28, 1890, p. 2

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haw la eiqoeslog oo the mb august uie wile of mr thorns mow ot a ion kcoob at umeboew on tin nth inst tho wile of stir join ueoill at toujour hiurdkooxllq eaqmotag on the brd inst the wife of hr uobert henderson of a dough- tar i hoaarao at 464 spodinaarwae toronto on the jrd aofciut ui k o v a morrison of a briqht business outlook died mouukkate61gjnjlniiivtnirton the brd aqm tbclnlaet ton of v a atorrteou hactkoatux charlotte rt wlnninaa ana rath chrlttinv beloved wire o urvjo h hecting aged it yeoro unuulov at aft bpodlna ovenne on tfa frith anjjbt jmnie tbe dearly beloved wife ot w a uorriaon aged b yean ij ctmt jfm flrtss thtirrtjay aogcst ss 1890 y hoisio 13601865 iw3fi190 5697t07 16juro i3j8m88 i657i61 6w16301 li090jm ujwb c3qs9l1 8t38ju notes and comments great britain still rules the seas re cently published statistic of the shipping of all the own time nations show that of a total net tonnage of 18310191 tons 8735- 683 tons or nearly 45 per cent carries the british flag the jetroit house of correction earned by the work of its inmates 1 15000 over and above expenses last year if the central prison did that organised labor in ontario would at once howl for oliver mowuts scalp ttlfgram lord salisbuxjjhas certainly placed the behring sea question on a perfectly sound basis by his offer that if the united states govenuuent continues to differ with great britain artp the legality of the recent captures her majestys government is ready to refer the question with the issues 1 dependent thereon to impartial arbitra tion mr blaine can hardly refuse to entertain this wise and statesmanlike sug- gestioiisfts chinese ingenuity in copying the- works of western people has often been noted but the achievement of wong ching wan otherwise w g young a highly adacated frhinftwian of gan francisco is perhaps the most remarkable he has invented a tele phone which does not infringe any existing patent and worsts as well as the best should he break the monopoly america will owe one debt of gratitude to the chinese- star the people of the korthwest are properly taking a decided stand against allowing polygamous mormon settlers to come into the country it is saidthat the government has been deceived and not only is polygamy practised but owing to the close proximity of the settlement at lees creek with the biackf cot indian reserve their influence upon the indian population has been de moralizing ths polygaroists will have to stop the practice or go it appears from the published report of the interstate commerce commission that there are 7m743 men employed permanent ly in the railwa j indus of the united states according to the usual family estimate this would put the bomber of persons dependent on the railways for a livelihood at about three millions or one- twentieth of the total population of tbe states this shows to what an extent the railway enters into the life of the nation the ptojpects for an active years busi- net are brighter now than they hare been in many years ontario has grown to be an important mandaoturing province bat the basis of tti prosperity stilt rests in agriculture and the agricultural interests being in an unusually good position com merce which depends somoch on them is certain this year of a great stimulus ac cording to the latest bulletin issued by the ontario bureau of statistics tho crops this year in ontario will result as follows as compared with last year 1890 188s fall wheat bqsh 8pring wheat bush barley bash oats bosh rfc bath ipombaih- hr ud clover tons it will be seen from thisthat there will be a falling off in barley and oats but this will be overbalanced by the increases in wheat peas and hay the latter is no un- important item it indicates that there has been abundant pasture and that par great dairy interests are in a satisfactory condition the crops in manitoba too have an important bearing on the business interests j of older canada and they are unprecedented the total wheat yield will ba about 22000000 bushels as compared with 7000000 bushels last year large crops is an important fact but within the last few weeks a fact bos developed which is equally important it is now definitely knownthat the united states wheat crop is greatly deficient his fully 100000000 less than last years the corn crop too is minions of bushels under the average this shortage in the united states and in europe also bos sent prices of wheat up over so cents a bushel and indications point to still higher prices ruling the crop situation then is this that we have enormous yields and that we will get high prices for what we grow the increased yield and increased prices have fully doabled the purchasing power of the fanning com munity another condition exists which gives as much satisfaction to the trading public as good crops and good prices it is the receptive condition which merchants all over the country are in the questionable prosperity of the last few years has induced careful buying habits among both whole sale and retail merchants which results in there being no overloading to amount to anything throughout the province- farmers will be in a position to buy merchants are in a position and disposition to buy wholesale men have been buying largely ancl manufacturers are looking with zest 6nj the active demand for goods in fact we take it this is going to be a for iaying aid selling the thebu trtt councils bi i the whole tendency of our system of education is to drive the youth of the country into 6ome one of the learned pro fessions it never seems td enter the head of those who lay out and managethe system that a young man mayacquire a thorough education and then become a carpenter or a machinist or a cooper or cabinet maker he can do so if he wishes but society tells him in so many words that it is not so respectable as to became a lawyer or doctor or civil engineer society however is not always the best guide in such matters h the- railway companies are becoming alive to the mutual advantages conferred oy cheap exclusion rates and both of oar great companies are inviting people to travel at hitherto tmheardf rates inall directions thiyis as it shonld be bat too often in canada excursion rates and a crowd of passengers are allowed to inflict grievous discomfort upon ordinary travelers ex traordinary receipts warranted extended accommodation and an extra car is not iu- frequently needed and not supplied bye and by we shall havall these things better ordered and in the meantime we welcome one step towards the attainment of that cheaper travel which is bound at no dis tant date to facqitafe art interchange of visits between inhabitants of the many cities that can thos learn much of each other to the advantage of all the two centamfle rate is in the near iufore ex mr adam brown lp commissibner to jamaica will find some interesting in forms two regarding the foreign trade of that colony in the official reports of u s consols for may just issued by the state department at washington during the twelve months ending september 30th last jamaica bought 12641100 worth of goods from the states these incloded many articles in which we in canada- should be able to compete namely bread and biscuits 63y500 butter 103000 cheese 39oo0 dried aad salted fish 182000 herring mackerel and salmon smoked or pickled 3t000 wheat flour 7k000 boots and shoes m6000 peas and beans 810600 soap fmooo white pine 78000 shingles 129000 shooks staves and headings 50000 the exports from jamaica to the states daring the same period amounted to 3860000 the principal items were cocoatuts 63000 coffee 810000 ban anas 1426000 oranges jmsooo ginger 30000 pimento tlujok rum 18000 logwood 430000 and sugar 858000 there i an export duty on eugar of 42 cents the municipal council has paid pretty dearly lor overlooking negligence on the part of the municipal assessor in thematter of taking the animal census of the mnnici- paltfy i i now found that this careless- nees has cost about as much in the re- dnction of the legislative grant for this year the salary of the assessor amounts to the inm voted by the legislative assembly for the support of public schools ii apportioned annually by the minister of jdocation to the several municipalities ac cording to the oopnlaton in each as com- pared with tbe whole population of ontario as shown by tbe it aniual report received from the clerks of tbe reective municipal- ties in tbe yeil888 the assessor succeed ed in iconpiling a ijr census of onr popula- uontbotgheraleitianwellvrsedinihe abject claim tt waa then at least a couple of hnndred below the actual population a xwat li v itive grant tern to 1 the ieor of1889 fell erer hnndred abort of the previous year kin to juton tblsyeirionly 114 jjseeensu- of the moniipality could iweto ont10 perwrnad would ftiiisfllswitt itindependent of the t presented itaatod ftoottpti and expe for 1800 the h 82 mills council met fa monday evening in what was probably the most important meeting of the year the reeve in the chair members all present the minutes of- last meeting were read and confirmed the commit toe on finance presented heir 18th report and recommended pay ment of accounts as follows w campbell itwet lamps 4c john uulicirv taamlng ronald mann cutuajf weeds cc speight election booth f bargon painting lamps tame atattbevt itreota a btopbtmson itono htm men t t uoora itatioaery 4c ultcemhreapirk john speight bon ill o an b u 400 00 s i iso 11 100 great year world j burchells tkial at hand i preparations for the event there will be a big- legal combat i v aug 25 the woodstock assizes open on sept- 18th and the bur chell murder trial will probably be taken up the following tuesday by arrangement in all it jurymen have been subpffinied 2i more than usual thi presiding judge will be mr justice macmhon the crown u represented is the working up of the casebylcounty crown attorney bill of orforfwho will sppear also at the trial as the regular crown counsel at the assizes mr b b osier q c whose reputation as t criminal lawyer is unequalled will be senior counsel the attorney- general who u officially the rep cesenta live of the crown in the waives will be specially represented by hir deputy mr john r cartwright the working up o j toe detjl1x5 of the case is intrusted to provincial detec tive john murray a man of firstclass ability and long experience mr murray has had valuable assistance from chief young of the provincial police at niagara falls and he has had working under hit direction surveyors and others making ac curate meaiurementa of distances and otherwise completing- the knowledge of the case in possession cf the crown counsel on the other side the case was entrusted in the first place to mr hellmuth of messrs hetlmath it ivey ot londoa the defence is cow represented an the ground by messrs finkles mckay fc mc- mollen of woodstock and the senior counsel at the trial will be mr georga t blackstock of toronto 1 tee coixecnox of pilexce in the interest of the defence has been undertaken by detectire bluett of toronto burchell is taking things easily in the jail ko person it allowed to see him ex cept his counsel his wife and his wifes sister mrs jones watson tbe order against visitors beiog admitted to the prisoners cell has been issued from the attorneygenerals office the fact that be is being well treated can thus be known only at second hand those most interested in bimj however make no complaint the line of defence so far is a secret bat it it alleged that no attempt will be made to prove an alibi tbe evidence will stand on its merits t guelph district meeting the financial meeting fn rockwood i last week the financial meeting of guelph district of the methodist church was held at eocfcwood on tuesday of last week rev dr hannon of guelph occupied the choir and the iiistrict was fairly well represented bv ministers and layme the arrangements for the annual mis sionary and educational meetings were made as usual the amounts collected on the various circuit for the general conference funds was paid in to rev james brolsy the financial secretary the appropriations for the superannua tion fund were made and accepted as fol lows gnelpb norfolk st s119 dublin st tilii paisley st hi ponsonby w0 j eia 5c fergus 51 marsville 31 bel wood ml eramosa hi nasaagaweya tj81 acton 5q georgetown 91 erin and ballinafad 67 it was decided to arrange for revival ser vices throughout the district on the plan adopted last year the various minieters of the district will assist eachother in the special services the next meeting will be held in george town uj may 189l a sunday school convention will beheld in the evening of the first day the following brethren were appointed a committee to arrange for the convention revs dr hannon thos geej r turk dr gifford messrs w gv smith and h p moore after a vote of thanks to the rockwood people lor their hospitality the meeting adjournfjd withtlic benediction moved by v e smith seconded by john kcnney that this lath report of tho committee on finance just read be adopted carried councillor kcnney well i think all our bills are in now for the work undertaken by me and brother smith councillor smith the street lamps were to be put up for five cents apiece werent they mr kenneyl but they cost 15 cents councillor kenney yes the painting and all cost that but the man whp did the work didnt make much out of that job the reeve you made a good job coun cillor kenney and painted tbe posts beautiful color too councillor kenney yes we have a fine lot of lamps now the debris of the park buildings was again the subject of discussion councillor smith charged that some one had been carrying away tbe tables- which had been in use in the exhibition buildings about half the lumber has been removed it is claimed without permission it was finally decided to meet in the park as a commiitee of the wbole on sat- urdayafternoou to investigate dr halsted medical health officer ad dressed the council showing the necessity of adhering to the regulations of the pubhc health act incase of infectious diseases he claimed that it was repotted that a case of typhoid existed in town and that the medical attendant had not complied with sec 80 of the health act and given notice to the local board of health of- such dis ease a meeting of the board of health will be held tomorrow evening the budget fur the year was now pre sented it was accompanied by the briefest budget speech on record holding the estimates in his hand the reeve who is chairman of the committee on finance said i do not think it necessary to go into any elaborate speech over the estimates for the current year herepresented by the committee on fin ance they speak for themaelves the estimates iwere read as follows to the reeve act cocscn or i tux village or acrox i gentlenxy your commltlm on finance bee to cubtnit ths following ettimxta of expendt tcro and revenue for the village of acton for tbe current rear and to recommend mat the same be approved of by ibis council etti1cated extexijrrcae tom hall debeatun iz lat isho cemetery interest 60 00 park interest 150 00 interest on borrowed honey ft 60 streets and sidtmlki iso go salaries 500 00 insurance a 50 00 board of health- 5100 cotmijrate 163 ss printing 100 00 chariiies uoo torn haji eepain 15 co ceiaeierr fc cireuier ico 00 pxrfc improvement 100 00 current loan in part to 00 public school latio oo contingencies isss 9fit esttjcated ozvexce licensee 93 00 cemetery iso 00 tom hill 15s0o legfilatjte grmt uioa public put- 95 00 dog tax 60 00 statute labor tsx i 50 00 taxarrean i 15 00 fine fc remittal 16 00 em oo itxcitrrclatios erpsndiiures 6t seveune 990 00 bate of 22 milk on utcisincnt o 2ess 5038 61 3h6 5t councillor kenney cant we bring the rate down to about eighteen mills councillor smith if sir kenney goes on doing work about town as he has the rate will get up to 30 milk the reeve election day is aiming john j the bylaw to provide for the above was introduced read the required number of times and passed dr lowry in the chair the rate being fixed as above at 22 mills the several rates were fixed as follows village purposes 1087 mills public school 633 mills town hall debenture and interest 208 mills cemetery debenture interest 02 mills park debenture interest 7 mills the reeve this rate will pay us all up to the end of the year and leave us in good shape for l our streets and sidewalks and things generally ore in unusually good shape and very little expense will be necessary on the streets next year we can then devote our attentions to the re erection of suitable buildings at the park to replace those destroyed by the recent cyclone- it is my opinion that we can put up substantial andattraciive new buildings pay for them out of the current years taxes and do it at a rate lower than what has been struck for this year it was then remarked by some person at the board that hilton admitted that acton streets etc were in much better condition than those of the county town as councillor smith stated at last meeting the following in reference thereto was then quoted from the muton reformer what do our town council think of tbtt vt aro sorry to believe that what hr bmitb isjl is only too true then vbat is to be done to tbe matter wait until some accident bap- pens and tbe corporaaoa u lued for damages f better not councillor smith aha 1 look at that now i told you the council then adjourned dragged to death wixuxd aug u an accident occur red at forks ivoad list friday by which frederick barweli aged u sou of captain john barweli lost bis life the boy was sent by l travers to a blacksmitb ibop to secure repairs for a mower aod when the mending was completed started ou his return on horseback he sat stdewise on the horse aod when spproaching the peld tbe horse- stumbled throwing tbe boy who was caught by tbe feet lu the harness this frightened the animal which turned about and galloped back towards the shop with tbe boys bead sod shoulder dragging on tbe grouud tbe horse bad gonti about 80 rods before befog stopped and then tbe lad was picked op dead a0t6n uni exotlltfnt propot for the flr on th 7th and 8th october the dlttetort o aotbu union agricul- tnrajboolsty mit fa the town hall on satords afternoon to complete arrange- mints far ths annual exhibition ou tues day and wednesday 7th and 8th october hr john duff the president oooupisd lbs chair ths prise lilt was thoroughly revised and ths revision will be completed by a com- mlttee this week the ltdlu work and fine arts depart ments are to be modernised by a committee odmposed ol un c s smith and misses freeland and ferryman this work is not undertaken too early for msoy ol the artlolesbn the list long ago became obsolete the ladles named will perform their work well a competent committee has lu charge the collection of special prises and they report many attractive features the sale of membership tickets was re ported to be most satisfactory some of the director having exoeoded tlieir efforts of any previous year the giving of third prize money tickets is to be displaced by iotrodaciog highly recommended tickets instead some of the clauses in ibe rules and regulations were discussed and it was de cided upon motion of messrs john stewart and thoraucra8ron that clanse one be struck out tbe clause referred to reads as follows stock or produce entered for exhibition mast be property of exhibitor fit cattle and gneep must be owned by the exhibitor tbrm months previous to thow tbe destruction of the exhibition build ings by the recent tornado and tbe subse quent arrangement by which the drill shed is to be used for tbe inside exhibition gave rise to considerable debate as to the arrangement for admission messrs logie and cameron moved that tbe fee ba 10 cents each at hall and perk ah amend ment by messrs eirkwcod sod stewart that tbe admission to both be 15 cents was adopted children under 12 years of age will bo admitted for fen ceuti tickets purchased at the park will be punched and returned for entrance to hall and rice crra it was moved by a j currie seconded by thomas cameron that the ball be open to the public for tbe tint evening of the show at au admission fee of ten cents carried instructions were given to engage acton comet band for tuesday evening and the following day tbe different comtnittes and judges were then appointed the committees are as follows to superintend to decoration and arrange ment ol the hall j b pearson heavy horses a j carrie h dunbar and john stewart light horses james kirkwcod and william hemstreet cattle t talbot andr akint sheep and pigs thos cameron w jackson and a stark poultry and implements james logie and john harvey exhibits in hsll j b pearson g havil st p finish and r aguew the judges are u follows heavy hones james brown girt fraxa hugh morrison aahgrove james lindsay fergus a acheson sr elora- light hones e greensword korvsl t hirris oakville hj hall berlin w cowan v6 gait cattle p sfewirt everton w elliott milton d bee fergus w c beaty omagh sheep and pigs e parkinson eramosa w wilson edmonton a clark onnge- ville poultry dr skippen hillsburg jsa goldie gnelph grain and eoolat hollidiy guelph r noble norvol w fsfrisb rockwood geo eaeferbrook kossagaweya dairy w shattuck guelph w con boy erin mrs sinclair implements c h walker erin domestic caleb chase gnelph a harness b jones milton carrie hilliburg ladies work fine arts ind flowers- mrs w ferrish rockwood miss tollon eramosa mn cs smith actonandmr b- s williamson guelph the great success of the concerts held under tbe auspices of tbe society was re ferred to and it was finally decided to hold a concert ou tbe second evening of tbe how tbe same committee which arrang ed tbe dominion day concert to have charge alter iome informal talk over the pros pects of this years show which all seemed to think were bright and promising the directors adjourned the enthusiastic manner in which tbe business was conducted angen well for the forthcoming worlds fair a baby eaten alive horrible story of cannibalism re ported from buckingham que a horrible story of cannibalism comes from buckingham- ten milet up da lievre river live the families of jean cote and edsha kewton in the latter are two boys who are deaf mutes and lunatics snd who were known to be violent at times on tuesday mrs cote went out berry picking ieaviog her baby in charge ot tbe two boys and a horrible sight presented itself to the mother when she returned a few bnun afterwards the lanatics had actually eaten away both the babys cheeks and a portion of tbe neck and were be smeared with blood and revelling in fiendish glee over their horrible performance help was called in and tbe wretches taken away the child lived till tbe next day and was buried on wednesday fetal accident near llstowel lutowrx ang 20 on wednesday of last week meno son ot amos weber on the elma side of tbe townhnev aged 12 years was accidently killed john keeso hod left curtis form in the afternoon with bis new traction engine and was going along the boundary drawing the separator when the poor lad attempted to climb on to the separator grasping a cnain which proved loose and let bim down before the front wheel whioh passed over bis body he managed to crawl cut before the bind wheel struck bim he died an hour after the accldeot he remained conscious and talking until within a few minutes of hie death niurds luuneat far sale bvertwkere lk painful accident the listowel standard says on wed- nesdayof last week mr philip lorcb a well known farmer on the third of wallace was removing some straws from tbe knotter of his binder when the honei started and tbe needle descended and pierced two fingers of the left haod ths band being thai pinned down the discharging arm of the binder struck and broke his arm below tbe elbow hr lorch took oat his knife arid started to cut his fingers free of the needleibut being afraid ol cutting a cord destisted and did not get free until thocaat log woe broken off with cold obuels the ooddent must nave ien an unusually nthrfaoii 1 aje of thstday an epitome of the wortdi dolrni during the wk the orange grand lodge meets pot year in kingston to email prisoners escaped from sarnla jail yeaterday archbishop fabre of montreal leivss or rome oo wtdnesdsy next lord and lidy aberdeen reaohid qoibeo by tin parisian list fridiy night at brsndou men iro obtaining so per month for workings harvest fiild canadian exhibits to the jamaica exhibi tion will not be dutiable unless kid tbe general conference of the methodist church opens at montreal on sept 10 major bell of the famous indian head firm will have 60000 boatleli ol wheat the old deijardlni canal remains have been sold to a hamilton foundry lor 1300 harvest hands are getting as ranch u 50a mouth and board in parte of hani- toba the bank of england baa reduced its rate of discount from five per cent to lour per cent tbe thousand islands pork hotel fire is believed to nave been tbe work of an incen diary there havebeeu iboot 3000 cases of cholers in japan 00 per cent of which were fatal st thomas a going to vote on a proposal to gtve the grand trunk tssooo to form a branch line the panama commission is in favour ol allowing the company five yean in which to complete the canal twothirds of the business portion of the west side ol grafton dakota has been burned loss 90000 tbe excavation for the st clair tonnel was completed on monday and workmen now go through from sideto side it it tocpected that the vote on the me- einley tariff bill will be reached in tbe c s congress about september sth yellow jack hss broken out on board h m s buzzard and she has been returned from jamaica to halifax lor quarantine three itreet urchins of kingston ore to be whipped by tbe police for stealing con siderable money from a residents house tbe earl of aberdeen who it visiting canada has telegraphed his willingness to formally open the toronto industrial er- hibition mr richard white of the ffccrtfe aid clendenning mpp and the hon james mcsliaoe are running for the montreal mayoralty mr goldwin smith mr wiman and mr longley of koya scotia will speak on the question of unrestricted reciprocity at niagara today the fiveyearold son of john g wilson highgste was attacked lately by an infuri ated nm which butted tbe lad over and fractured bis arm george reynolds of the plains aid- borough fell off his reaper when cuttiug in bis field on fridiy the horses backed the wheel upon his bead killing him instantly stanley hughes a young man while working in a threaoher on the form of stephen haight two miles from belleville wis so badly mangled that he died two hours later the pitchfork of fate aiaos ohio ang ii in talmage township yesterday i farmers children who were playing in a barn observed a pile ot hay moving they called a farm hand to kill a supposed skunk under the bay the man thrust the pitch lork into the bay and struck a negro one of the tines enter ed the negroi eye and reached the brain with fatal effect the negro was identi fied u john williams well known to the police of all large cities is one of the most dingerout crooks in the country williimf bad killed two men and had served three terms in the ohio penetentiory from which he bod recently escaped after serving 15 years the model husband is tbe one who sometimes thinks ol his wifss pleasure and comfort as well as his own tbe average husband ii not very much at home and what of oomfort elegance refinement and enjoyment he receives there be owes to hi wife who spends ber time at home her kingdom when a wife asks her hnsband lor new furnitan greatly needed be too often repbes oh its good enough for mt i guess lean stand it go to thoa selfish wretch have yoa no thought beyond yourself just think that your faithful wife spends her whole time amongst rioketty furniture think how she brushes it up rearranges it and makes every shift to give it a respectable look think bow she blushes through and through as she sees her callers tilt their noses in contempt at the antiquated shabbineas yon think good enccgh for you shame oo you i make amends get yoor faithful hardworking patientwife the set ol iarnitare she wants and go to speight sons farnitare ware- rooms acton for it here yoa will find a good assortment ol furniture of every des cription and style and all of excellspt quality all made from thoroughly season ed wood and finished in the best style kow ye careless husbands make yoor wife happy make your home bright and cheer fol remember that speight sons is tbe best place and the only place where yoa can get anything you want in the line of furniture and at reasonable prioes act at once thbmjultairh the big shows nd tha l hie ones j hf and there foilow list so far ol lain to be heldttli all tn which our reai ere are in- teriiled secretaries will pi notion ol others the industrial toronto midland oratrol kiostton bostsra townships sberbrooaa southern brentford northwestern iqoderlcb southern counties st thomas llstowel llstowel western london dress central hamilton central can ode ottawa central peterboro canadas lutaruatl central oueipb 1 sept esqaesing qiorbetow i ls9e lincoln county 6l catbar nes s0ocu e blmooe orillia 30 seafortt geaforth n bldlnl of oxfordvnoditocv county peel 7 northern wolkerton great northern codlngwoti york colony yomdivj wtoel aneuter e flambo o c saskatchewan saskatoon penlnialor nyork dufferln sorth perth acrox lxlok korth brant central east york bolton central wellington erin ue forward sept 6m te u 9h 131t uu 1819 1sj7 3m oft mm st john h bsej4oou 33 so chatham newmarke shelbarnej stratford acton i parii j cobourg tlorkbomi vluton eloro erin i welt york mitchell woodbridoe mitchell literary 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 s 1 m 19 13 83 u s3 j8 is 89 410 j10 910 lili ua xm on accoaat of an unforeseen delsyin tbe presentation ol across the andes the fintoi an importint series ol papers on south america the publication of liar- per magazine tor september has been postponed to august 2glh j the south- american tour recently made by theodore child under the onipioes of hanxri magazine may bo regarded ss one of the most important journalistic enterprises ol the present year the series of articles molting from this tour will embody mr childs personal experiences and oboervs- tions and will contain maps arid numerous illustrations by tbe best american artists sontiisln tea without bit o nndcrgotle to ptisr leave no 111 effeeuj zzl vogemblo and ngamcated inodielm to old tid yoo v their natural and regulw action to tnas now i am in excellent bealfhmn c e clark tevkibnry tdayrwlhrsoor most rxble eneral remedies of o times tliev have been in tue in mj h nnv sections requwng pgrg- live bil have given unvarying oatisiao- o vu havo hem rcn ly for colds end light fevers w r woodson fort worth tas fror osreral yean i have reui uno avrrs pi that i upon anrthin evelu the medicine my bowels and those of the ihln 1 1 crew these pill a not icrore in the r ac tion but do their work wi j have used them wit h good the cure of rhcunmbwdisaeuer steamship felicia cw toft city i have fonnd ayers cathartic pflu to be a better family rood f 5 inou use than nny other pills within my knowledge they are not only very effctive but safe anil pleasant to take qualities which must make them valued- bv the pnlilic- jules haael perfumer rbihulolpbia pa ayers pills fftsrabzo bt c aycr co lowell mtfc ir all ikrilcn in medicines lena3a ageute want e write as ot once tort iuxbbutbebsiii foe sale s honmindtailfdfowisi a iltuated on tm eerbk ter v boi1 j bold and flow itbe a je- jobtbding rsmupwobeotarjeami rtatsodettpri fosten bill tabi oderateprioel aad on ikclu- baads circulars ttsiylerttbeart short notice an bphodbb poeitaamofflie acton dr j r mrs cbu lake 5th concession of sid ney monday while bunting efgs in a barn fell and broke his arm near the shoulder guelph markets flour roller floartstanel spring wheat roliwheat bran barley oitt bt peas j goeiphals2itbl890 i j t 60 to i 63 i i i 90 to i i 4 0 so to 0 90 j 0 85 ton 95 i u 00 to 11 00 i guelph business college guelph ontario seventh scholastic yeab six jean suror jark undktteiamoiuo- ceastal management has pueed this institution in point of scope thoroughness and practical resst in advance of all lu canadian competi- tosr for terms and other inlormatton addrem m hiccobllick prinelpal ph0t0geaphic views r 8tw wood pr corf eggx per doceo buuar dalry packed battt rolli choc potto per big apple pork laiq bikinii pelt hidet goazm wool fine wool tnniii 4- 037 to 0 ss 0 0 to 0 ii 0 55 to 0 87 5 00 to 7 00 3 50 to 3 00 00 to 50 0 u to 0 u 0 11 wo 13 0 16 to 0 17 0 11 w0 11 0 75 to 0 so 0 75 to 1 00 6 00 to 6 50 100 to 185 0 10 to 0 83 8 50to8to osotoojo 0 s3 to 093 0 15 to 0 90 rus foe sale handsome brick rwldeoce and croaodi in the yillge of acton ta roomi biui hud aad twit itater on the nretaits it i good itabla j tbii it one of tho most deslrxbjt- properties in the county d trill be mid i atababqailf s for full pattlcaian ddrtu j w j iioqne toira haji acton the wellknown photo artist of acton hi ioit parchaied fine new viewincmer and la now prepared to excat orderi for pbotographic tlewi of residences picnic parties lawn gatherings stock etc etc in aoj sttle dflalxed olral htuushawa reputation will ensara flntclam worliv i lere your order rhmshqifv the artist guelpli cloth hall large importation of scotch tweed suitings first opening- up shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph fotjilsrd i3st actoit in tie ola glove shop j h matthews ptae whips fly nets and dusters specially good value in trunks and valises u yoa want a nice set of light or tem harness 1 can init you in prices and material repairing promptly and naatly done j h matthew8 actdn johnnie get your gun blow gentle breezes i blow a bat a tie a shirt a collar ill net the lot for about a dollar a pair of boots and neckings too sly poor old toes ore looking bine ill go a five for a new suit yes ten and net on overcoat ill be a dude i will yoa bet a city swell aristocrat i hold oo that aint all yet an undershirt and pants ill get ill buy a pair ol gloves nnlined 11 tbey dont ihow a better kind a pair ol braces in theyll bive for im tbe itoff thats golnif to live to travel tbe oountry oer andsoef and recommend kelly bros store borne groceries too im going to boy for my dear wife aa well as i tea sugar and other things ill get we intend to live till we have to quit to kelly bros store they sell so cheap it n reiily fanny what a lot you get for a little money j tbey sell for cash aod buy goods right because they say to draw at sight other merchants cant buy so cheap because tbey dont go iu so steep 1 they sell on tick tbeir money is oat j and theyve to mind what theyre about i and do you think i have the stuff ot wbich few if any get enongb to buy a suit from bead td toes ii not im nere as grub for crows ii i aint goodlooking i hi ve conceit i that i can pay for what i wear and eat i for credit is orie of thajjreateet cartel ill tell you in the next tw i verses i look like a roan thats chased by dogs oh worse than that thv were really hogi they charged two prioes fr their goods tbey ohoaed me to the very wood kelly bros ill co becanse tbe bill i couldnt pay my grain wa poor and cheap waa hty im honest boys yes im a dandy would rive them tbe money if 1 bad it handy before i left til tell yoa aqaare while the wind is whistling through my hair i happened to pat in my left hip pocket twenty in cash in there i nocked it thats all i have not one cent more bat it will bay mbet at kelly bros store and after this i intend to- bay r at kellys store until i die yoa think thil rtaymq contains no sense- well let yoa say so without defence bnl toboygcodscheap and tosavesfau py thei cash and deal with as the great yvftvri clothing house lctuixi i2iiiii foe sale or bxohenge tor other property premlaeeorbyletterto vhcbewsof acton voice culture violin jpiano an orga i- pbopmoitlando guelph wffljwtadon on jrlday with a view moving itrom leoson ii voici culture violin piano andmson stwhodealre to m prof tfjslit qnua to leave their names ot j t hennawlns drag store 4 acton lodge no 20i looj meets in tbeoddfebowsjhall oabot block every wednesday ekenins vioigna brethren alwoys welcome vo tution and lowropply to the t of tbe members wwiltuats hhwobdek k g secretary a gents waited r sell specialties in our ee sompierrm with oumt peculiar focuitie to new be ginners control olterritcry hove done liiisi- oeu in canada years wo employ on salary and eommlsfjon write for terms to chase bbothebs coitpakt karaetypen colborne onl want stlebuex to sell knisetv stock all giods warranted sntcloos permanent pleasant leobtable poaiuons tor tho rfcbt men oooa soloriea and expenses paid weehy i liberolin- dnoementi t wmnara ko trevtoys expeb- enceneoeaoary oumt free writ terms clrinsa6- i chables h chase su hentioii this piper 1 fele eocbi ny valuable pflopebw yok saie bt tenbebi textjebs wul be received bj the undeniped up to tbe hit ot october fcr tbe ra of tbe property known oo tbo etearbers bejl- a sltated on wniow street oppbaltetbe denoe town location tbe hsidence to sl gcil the lot has aba ndaoee of amall fmita rie applev tbe mgtiett or any tendex ndt ne oorilyoceepd secretory batxi of trnsteeo of actoe public 8 eschool or awllfordllallis health paml disease cured wlthoutmi jas matthews acti hoi been oipolsted agent for a d dr holla eelohrotoa health pom be keeps on bond tbe pempjilete treatment it advises sure curator disease with oat medicine tbe price totvthe paaphlefto four doiloia ond o gnarantsijiu giveathatlf the poxchooeria not ootlafied mter putt treatment into conoeientiotwpzaetlee month to refund tbe money pamphlet with a pledge never treatment or allow it to be tr voters lit 1890 for the otuuidponwof tbo for tbe uunldpoufaroi village op acton i coritt of 41altos ktotice u hereby eiven tbott bow tronimi- 1 tedordouveredutnipeisoiiomentionoa in tbe thud ood fourth sections ol the voters idit est tbe copies rojuired by ooldoection to ba so transmlttesor deuvored ol the list made pursuant to oold act ol all persons appealing by the loot bevioed aoseooment boll ot the said sunlelpallty to bo entitled to vote in tbo hanl- polity ot elections for bombers of tbo legislo- uvoasoemblyondotunnlcipal elections and that said list was nrot posted op ot my otceoj acton on tbe eleventh day ot august ibm one remains there forinspectlon electors trojcalled upon u exowneoawijst and it any omisaionl or ay otht erroro are found therein to take 1mm diau rrciseedloa to hove tbe sold errors oorrec ed oqporduig to low s3st moobe i municipal oert- doted ot acton this lltb day etansust 189x- valuable peoieiity for sale tbe uodenignbd offen ths following parcels of property for sale upon reasonable terms esquesikg prcl no 1 the wesihilf of lot it eon t eqoelng 5h acres timltered land patcc ko i iart of lot 6 ion s emqesfr 15q acres about soacrefl under cdiutuoc dellinb booae shingle stair and heading mill on tbe premises thttniutiapidoate a prontable business for many jwv 11 pareel ko 8part of lot k ten s eaqcosing 36 acres on this property w situated a frame barn xjo shed 44x60 another liitkl couifort- ipdnerer fail ing spring parcel no l part of lot ii eott s esqaesing ij seres 1 parcel no s on tbe p 350 cord of hardkood cat f acto parcel no brick hoi hop lii the tillage of acttq village lots onefifth acre is situated on main street i tbe farm if not sold it full particulars may be personally or by letter to h say a lot of about- the peoples am canadas 0 industri as agricultural toro sept 8tli to a the bust and l- tion in thiil oroiha and attended ennui 250000 the greatest ent ofthjlp position itto dtfi 1890 tst exh1hi- rlon rtainmemt 50000 foeft prizes and edueotlonal instrncfve ond- enfayoblo pecul footarta the teweit and but attractions ottaiualjle iqroudtn- teruauonal dof si r tho best time to visit tbe u cheap exeuratano and ll baawayse trieeikurrrvoloee for au infarmouod drab itlbth rttb w min viftronto- o5bbf5bf

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