Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 28, 1890, p. 3

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4 lnm tsie mletaodlstfldrch aototj bsvoa gjtfobdjlaphj pator i parsonage bower atwus rirulfc brri ldcjo em ml l sunaar scboolsao blweclaasoondurtedtjiun paster ajlooraiallt invltea strangers and viators always trcloome at- teatlr ushers at toe door sank of hamilton head optics hamilton cimuiin it timtti lavart pran nsoox cashix h s 8tevbx asst cuuxa directobsjohx sttwutt president a g rumut viceprostjohx paocroa eat gcsxsr gao roacs a t wood xb le qeoroetown agency notm discounted and advances made on all citable seenritlea dairr on all parts o cix- tdi the cltrrto states aarar llamix and tu cosmrexr or ecrope boochl and told cotxrcnoxs made on all accessible points on most farorable terns sayikgs dkpautuext dnrosrn received ot l and upwards and in terest allowed trom date or deposit to date oc withdrawal r special deposits also received at current rates ot interest ko notice of withdrawal required hltwatsoxaont school books remember besitlm our ure stodcof vtcb cloeki and jeweucrj eury a complete stock of school book send the tildren to goo jjrnds or their school srappues envelope kot paper ink pencil evcrvthiojj iuth fuiioacir lu vary cheap at geo htkds acton oat sign of the big watch rtcnt jree f rcss thursdat august 28 1390 w limf local brieflets which cauijht the eyes or eare of free press reporters this week jr tsammei is pnveticsjly over picnics are boa played for 1830 civic holiday ta a thing ot the past feeding qperatioas will booa be com- menctd tha ioa business is cradaally drawing to a close honey is seliias lireoc ten cents pound retail inside of a fortnight toronto exhibi tion will be agon na the music of the school bell ia now regularly heard again theres now a scarcity of youngsters on the streets during school hoars sir t laseombe of gaelnh preached in the methodist church last sandy fanners clean your barley well and market it early if you want to secure bitis- factory prices the board of hesith will meet to- ujohw evening the members are all requested to be present the salvation army announces a i saved drunks demonstration m toronto oathel3th september in gcelph they fine men who abase their horses a little of that kind ot treat ment here would be beaeficial bgt john hart pastoroltfie methodist churchieockwood will preach in acton next sunday morning and evening f he forest free prat is threatened with a libel rait and the editor his can celled his order for a seal skm overcoat sir james brown is making prepar- lattoos for the temoral of his saw mill to his recently acquired property lkude fann the free peess aimed just a mill too high in reporting the probable rate of tax ation for the cttrrent year 22 mills is the rate struck- j the street and sidewalk committee have literally painted the town red the street lamps are now just a shade off carmine in color the painting of the new bud etand has been completed it reflects credit upon the painter and is the neatest music stand lathe country j the actodf bockwooderin and hijis- burj lodges of theaouw will attend a union service at ospringeon sunday the 11th septal at 30 oclock 1 the quarterly sessran of the district council e t of t wiu he held in george- tomorrow a good delegation will ilikey go down from acton- bct a b winchester of berlin will i preach the preparatory sermon in kcor church to morrow- sacramental services will be held oobonday mornlog i the protested georgetowukiltaa championship lacrosrie match will be jed in the park here next taesday tt promises to be an exciting match in the abience of the pastor who is away on vacation eer j b kennedy ot l vancouver b c will occupy the pulpit of the baptist church on sqnday afternoon i a gait lady teacher has been promoted l from a- 325per year position to a room j lately taoght fay a 5700 ayearmale teacher j at drurnbo and hec salary has been placed at the munificent sum of 350 the annual harvest festival and thanksgi ring service in connection with j st albans cfanroh will be held on friday sept 5th when an appropriate sermon will be- preached by eev bernard bryan of toronto the attendance at the methodist sun- day cboot last sunday was the largest id the history of the school thii when the picnics are over and no christmas trees ia the near future most beeocooxaging to the worfcerh of the school harveys soar mill anisurroucdings have been very greatly improved lately seme filieeti new windows have been put in k new roofand aeheiteraitbeenirance to protect men add teams while loading or y unloading during storms it is reported that barley merchants are making strecaoos efforts to pet this v years crop of barky into the united states- marfcet before the ifceocley bill pisses as by it a doty of io cents a baahel ia pro posed and this will materially red ace the price vthe championship match between milton and georgetown next tuesday afternoon promises to be a lively struggle both clabsliavtrblood io their eye sad are vter eich othsrsecslp a posse of special police will hkt be necessary it lavr and oriltr are to be preserved the merchauts are now considering the matter of rendering their account for the year it is wise for them ta prepare lor itie fall when people have money and pan settle op to render accounts having an atrrmctiie sppearance neatly printed tu beads are a necessity the faee ussii prepared q- supply all at short iotiti st titaiooable prices and in its own euknowd first- oun style the ne at home mostly of criotal character and every iterh interesting cfrc bolid acton annual civic holiday last wednes day n tery geuerally observed by our citizens busiuest being freely impended a considerable uambor cm braced thehap excursiooi over the q t k iarrii 11 the obliging agent mr h k holmes aa others epent the daj in variodi other ways calculated to bring pleasure and enjoyment the majority ot those who left town went to toronto j dedhaitcutcal rnro dsateyi d pa tehee givcie newi of lte death oathe 20th ioslo liiotciol bprott registrar at prince loectr w trwhich position he occupied since december 1ss0 he had been in poor health lately and was on leave ot absence at the time of his death the lata licatcol sproat represented the coastilueacy of south bruce in pariismeat for some ye in pre- viou to his apnoinimcql he was son ot the late adam sproat of ktquasioi iod brother of mrohfa srofct who reaides on theoldlhomeiteadiot c con o esquesing oucjanlor ifscrottse hoys ou friday a lacrosse team picked from the georgetown and glenwilliams juniors arrived m town byihe g pan train to play a match with the 1oung canadian the ball was faced shortly after seven oclock from the start the visitors were- not in toe game the home team evidently playing altogether too fast for them some good exhibitions of lacrosse were given and after 15 minutes play oar boys succeeded in scoring four straight games and adding one more to their list of victories this season the vpang canadians will probably play their return match with the junior olympics at milton on saturday st alhaas saaday school picaic on friday afternoon the scholars ot the above echodl held their annual ptcnic tu mr jl warrens tosh where an enjoyable time was spent the weather was some what chilly but he lively games ot foot ball and races which were indulged in by the children made it more agreeable than a hither temperatdre the tables were well loaded with very palatable provisions which received amnle jdstice while the teachers were most attentive to the juvenile wants before leaving the grounds a dish of ice cream and a bag of candy for each child were ineladed among the luxuries the ladles of st albans church fully sustained theirj reputation in the youthful mind by providing so liberally on the festive ocaatiom t theqlhcr side of the story a ferx pexaa reporter hsd an interview the other day with mr james hewer of mccre hewer who have been buying grain oa the market here through their agent mr j a murray for several years when that gecucxan did eoiue plsin talking cocoerning the farmers in this section tiie farmers complain to the fetx pres he said that we do not pay ts high prices here for grain as they can get elsewhere the fact of the matter is the farmers of this vicinity bring the dirtiest grain io actcn that is g3ered to ui anywhere and much of what we bought here last year hid to be run through afauning mill after wegot ittomite t marketable the same farmers clean their grain belter when they ukeittogcelphandotherpaints thecom- plaint that oar prices arc invariably lower than that of outride buyers cannot be sub stantiated if this were so how do they account for the fact that numbers of tirm ers have come right from eockwood to actoa with their cr in i can give instances where farme i received our quo tations and then teai ed their grain to guelph and soli it it a lower price if farmers have got less for their gram in actoa thin elsewhere they have uicaily- had themselves to blame for offering us inferior or dirty grain we have always endeavored to deal fairly with the fanners and we believe oar buyer deserves their confidence we are not mr hewer eon- tinned opposed to other buyers taking their places on actoa market with as we court opposition and can make more money if we have it but just here it is in order to explain that the business people of acton have a daty to perform if they will provide safficieut storage capacity the buyers will came and there will be no doubt aboat matters being more lively on the market ner unless buyers can be accommodated with storehouses they can not be expected to come here in con clusion he said tell all your farmers if they want the best prices of the season for their barley to clean it well and market it at the very earliest jpportanity the reporter then bid the grain bayer adiea aid pocketed his note bowk witn the feeling that there are two tales to this question and that the farmers and business men are equally responsible with the grain buyer or his egent for low prices here 90 fc ouf for kim 1 fromthe st thomssnmrtfwetakethe following account of the working of a fakir on the pockets of a few gullible people of thit city should he strike this town our citizens will now be prepared for him a fakir who looked like a- mexican and carried a regulation pop by his side suc ceeded in gulling a large number oa the market square on saturday night henrsi sold a wartmixture for 25 cents to a num ber oi persons finally returning them their money with tea cents additional to drink his jolly good health he wanted the good people to have confidence in him and and then he proceeded to sell a 50 cent mixture promising nothing but asking the crowd to have confidence in him he finally returned the 50 cents to each purchaser with 25 cents additional to drink his jaly good health he thee started in with a tl mixture and solicited a continuance of the confidence of the crowd and besides what hey were confident of receiving eyery parchaser was entitled to apresent which he held up it looked like a watch and he pretended to wind it and all thought it was a watch though the fakir called it nothing but a present after he had sold a great many bottles of the 1 mixture he put the presents jon envelopes and handed them around giving the first man a dollar bill back with his envelope and telling him to hold the envelope up high the others got their envelope minus the dollar and were also told to hold them up for a minute or two they did 60 expecting to get their dollar- back the fakir went on to sell more of the mixtarerbmisingto give them a doable present all for l once in a while a confederate in the crowd aouid have sufficient confidence fo come dp and bay e bottle and get a couple of dollars more than hegaveandthecrowdconfinaed 0 bite till the fakir had raked in about u50 when ht proceeded io give out the double prize which consisted rot the sup posed watch and a pen he then started to sing a song and the fellows who had been holding inp their envelopes lupeiied them to find not a watch hut a cheap snuffbox with a glass top which bad a printed paper watch face stuck on after che fakir concluded bis song he drove off leaving a badly sold crowd behind this shark whocaluuiniseli merican charlie mdgiph- fortune nunters oat of- aboat 10g last friday night dcmth of mrs j u hacjtiotf the wloiipeii fte pet ot the 90 init lays mra hackjutf wit of j01 h hacsiog ohhe fritfctu jot department diod last night at their residence 121 char lotte street after an illnetiof wme months duratioo the many friends of the family in acton will read this lad inltma tiouth deep sorrow i will be teroemuar ed that mr j h luckiutf efibliahad tw jearnaj in 1875 and for several years the family resided in otonmn hacking by her uniformly cheerful christian character won the esteem ot all oar cititeas daring their recent visit to winnipeg mr and mrs d henderson called on mr hacking and family and although they found mrs hacking ao invalid her demise was not then anticipated at so early a date schools opentd monday onmonday morning bright and early the hundrodi of school children in town might havo been seen preparing for the re opening of the schools promptly at half past eight the music of the first bell was heard and at nine oclock the various de partmenta were well filled with happy talkative yoongsters the majority of whom are glad vi get back to their school duties after their long vacation a little bird whispers j that the moat of the mothers hailed with equal delight the nogingdt the bell again j the teachers were all in their places tbe rooms were sweet and clean as 1 result ot the midsommer white- waahingand renovation and in doe time the routine ot studies waafully inaugurated and work commenced ia earnest tvo frets press graduates on saturday evening mr w hebbage who served his apprenticeship on the fare puess and who has for several yean occupied the position ot foreman ot the georgetown herald severed his conuectioa with thai journal in parting with his employer mr warren presented him with a handsome goldheaded cane bearing his initials at the same time expressing mm- self as well pleased with his services and wishing future success will is aow at home tor a f e w days rest before leaving for his new atutaliou in the west oa mon day- morning mr j m mtjorc another graduate jot the faeepurss was installed into the tacantpoaltiouinthe fmi office joe is a firstclass printer of good taste and will we are latisfied cater to the her- alit customers in their orders for job printing to their entire saialactaon kicked by horses dt thursday afternoon charlie eldest son cf dr lowry had an exceedingly nar row escape from a mest severe accident the dr had ijust returned from a trip to the country when his son after watering the mare undertook to lead the animal through the barsto the pasture field after passing through the bars she became playfal aud anxioos to get away and before the lad could loose the snap kicked him on the head indicting an ugly gash above and in trout of the left ear the wound bled pro fusely and required a good many stitches butthere has been uo difficulty since it was dressed and at present is doing well on wednesday eobert 6on of thomas ebbagej was leading their horse to water wheu itturued and plsyfully threw up its heels striking the young man a severe blow in the back bobhaa beenhavtug holiday ever since but will soon be at work again coming and going visitors to and from acton and various other personal notes mrs dr a h cooke is the gaest of st albans parsonage mr samuel mclim of point edward was in town last week miss maceichern of toronto is visiting her friend miss carlisle misses mabel and jessie brown returned to toronto on saturday eev dr gifford is expected home ajut the middle ot next vreefc mr e e botlertpf goelph has arrived home from great britain miss annie mahaffy of toronto visiled friends in acton this week miss aggie ramsey visited friends at milton and edeu mills last week mr john carr who has been very ill for the pastweek or so is recovering mr g b ryan of gueiph returned from his european trip on monday miss emma tubby of toronto was a guest at sunderland villa this week mrs mutton and miss annie williams visited friends in guelph on saturday miss eordons has returned to toronto after a pleasant visit with friends here mr and mrs taylor and miss gerty visited niagara falls and grimsby last week mr anson smith leaves on monday to take a course at the easiness college in hamilton mrs mutton of tyrone has been the guest of mr w williams and family the the past week mrs thomas eaatou and mrs anthony stephenson- visited friends at sarnia and pt edward during the week mr and mrs wt stone toronto mr and mrs r d warren georgetown visit ed at ceder creek farm this week a e cameron son of james cameron esq postmaster beaverton was in town for a couple of days visiting friends misses mcxab and mckenzie left on saturday morning for southampton to spend a month or so with friends there a telegraphic message called miss cleve land teacher suddenly to her home at thorold on v wednesday morning- her department will be reopened next monday mrs freeman worden of bower avenue was taken with- a paralytic stroke on satqr- daymorning while crossing the nwmand is not expected to recover hfcr left side is completely paralyzed miss mabel isroond left on saturday for st loais in which city she will finish her edacatidffjn one of the educational institu tions she will spend a week or so with friends at chicago en route eev w w andrews the late popalar pastor of the brockton methodist churcb- narbeen appointed to the professorship ot chemistry and physics in the university of mt allison college new brunswick- the country arotjnd nwt i term supplied by corres pondent md exohnge erin tin hyiermerit bere list neok lor her home la busalo eaobrpanled by her lister frieiblmaovliiuaf utt james white vtoefrlerdtt thomas last week knatchbull accidixt last thursday afternoon jennie the four year old daughter ot mr david agnew foil down a stairway break ing her collar bone dr drydeu set the bone and the little girl is progressing favorably mrs james sudoombe ot braoebridge ti visiting her relatives and friends in kaasagaweya several farmers in this vicinity have finished harvest and are engaged in ridging ap for fall leedinfl i flbokwood mr h e smallpieoe of the toronto itorw waa in town over sunday mr stromea prominent business man of brandon is spending several day with his brotherinlaw mr c j paamore mrs conway toronto- a visitor at mr p lees the good wrought by oar foreign missions was the burden of the lecture that mr tozo ohno a converted jap gave before an ever ton audience ou sunday last mr toxo ohnos espousal of chriitianity was the cause of his disinheritance by his wealthy father bathe cheertauy gave up everything to beoomea humble follower of his meek and lowly master owing to lie absence of revjtr hart the presbyterians and metbodiita will worship together next sunday in the morning at the presbyterian and in the evening at the methodist church eevd stmchan will officiate at both services several young men in this neighborhood have been for the past week or so outraging ail sporting proprieties uy a wholesale lesarnetlaci ofaftadges and rabbits nnder cover ot shooting woodcock threatening criticiamfi have beenheard in many quarters aud if these young men do not desist from their lawbreaking they may find them- selvesone of these fine days qnaiiing before the beak a mote than usually amorous pair of lovers were so annoyed at the guying of a conple ot uptown small boys one evening last week that they took separate roads home and have since done their lolly-gog- ging when do one was looking miss naomi wright ia staying a week or so with friends in toronto mrs peace ot hamilton is the guest of mrs joseph lister uim martha ramsey ot edenmfljsgave an elegant little party to her friends last wednesday evening mrhttghmccann oterambsa is mad his valuable newfoundland dog was shot on the premises of mr jok breeze oae day recently mr breeze says he knows noth ing of it but as the dog was hot within a stouestlirow of his house a luwioit il attempt to bring the destroyer to jastice geor6etown- mrgeo wrigglesworth ot gaelph js in town mr d mckechme formerly a mer chant here paidos visit last week miss beilaarser of toronto spent sunday with w h bessey mr and mrs warren and mr and mrs calp took advantage of the excursion to grimsby to hear the eev dr talmage miss nettie duffot milton is visiting her aiiter mrs evans mr w mcleod p the bank of hamil- toc milton is spending vis vacation at home j mrs tait of newmarket spent a few days with her mother mrscrriqae dr laidliw and daaghter of hamilton are enjoying the refreshing breezes ot the scotch block they are visiting friends there mr jaa hewitson of san francisco spent a few days in town miss annie standishotomaghandmis patau are the guests of miss stmdish mr jas taney of chicago arrived jjwrfe last saturday we understand he intends taking his mother who has been visiting here and has been rather indis posed home with him master joseph fallett of toronto ia holidaying with mr john wright near ashgrove j mrs eymal of toronto virited town last week mr j brownridge operator at the glen siding had to go home on account ot sick ness he is now suffering fron a severe attack of typhoid fever the misses mcleod spent a few days with friends in btreetsville mr mcmillan ot hillahurg was in town a few days miss atusjey of gaelph it visiting her sister wh fs eid millinerin the mam- mnth mrs t williams has gone to hutton- iville to spend a time at her fathers mr shepherd one of miltons merchants ras in town on monday dr roe and mr wheeler have returned com their camp in the north and are look jng hearty venison and fresh lake breezes seem to agree with them oar high and pablic schools opened ou monday the full staff of teachers for both schools have returned aud we notice a scarcity of youngsters on the streets mrs slater is still improving and hopes are now entertained of her recovery the doctors have succeeded in extracting the ball from her right aide slater has come to his senses now and is praying that his wife ttfty recover 7 he lays that whiskey did it all thob maw was brought back to town on saturday to stand his trial for stealing no material evidence was prod need bat maws gonnad j elliott of milton i said tbey were viflw to hfie the case go to allow lov p luuiple by eueh an action for these reanoui ijxherswna prom talked of wbe j ihtwa protested men played in milton am jmitton won b ibey jco- tested these t tsjdkmiriajttstat in ijbsarowij olub v- mclepdj j little and j hannankh area1w profeaisonati aniihat 4bebtor idu brash la debarred from playingal all whenj mutod rnotesled a player of thsf fr tortmiixwiirosjiftk w children cry for pitchers castoriai wbanlubywuslokwefanbefcaatcr by ioeruln rale of the loltij muton boy they cherished in their own when did yon get that elegant salt rank one wearing clothes of the aame hat flta yon so well at exllt boos pattern some one said why dont yon protest these mto in the olympics dab and the captain of the tnas replied no when we have to resort to such tow means in order la gala a victory well give up the game it ia to be hoped a good n amber ot our people will go to acton on tbe 2nd and qd courage the boys by their presence john ratclifle was broaght before tbe magistrate ou monday evening charged with being drank and disorderly he waa fjuedvdand costs on the same evening there were three men stupid from tbe effects of whiskey lying en main street with their faces tamed to the rain why didnt oar police ran them all ia t enoagh ii euoagh the methodist and baptist excursion to tbe beach was qaite a saocess there was a very good attendance and all seemed to enjoy themselves wisr palestine for the jews losiox aag 23 an association for the eolouiration of palestine has been success fully established by the jewish working mens club in whiuchapel the aoci- ationjn sending ship loads ot poor jews trom loudon to palestine and will provide them with fanda to purchase land and start homes one minute cure for toothache toothache the most common and one of the most paiutal afreet ion a is instantly cured by the application ot poisons ner- viline p olsons nervilineisa com oina lion of powerfal anodynes audit strikes at once to tbe nerves soothing them and affording in one mmatejioul relief from pain mothers try ithoc your childrens tooth ache nerviline is sold in 10 and 25 cent by all druggists won by hard work i mr t c doidge of 372 wellealey st toronto a fonrlhyear nndergtadaate of toronto university won the canadian qucact free trip to europe by making pver eleven hundred words from letters contained in the name of that magazine mr doidge worked over seventy boars to accomplish the task he sails by the paruiau september 3rd and will be abroad three months the publishers of tin queen will soon anuoaucc another free trip to europe word contest with 200 for expense chances of cholera ottiwi out acg 23 the acting idepaty minister ot agricahate speaking today ot the rumored danger of asiatic cholera coining to canada from japan by way of britiali columbia said the quaran tine fegalatioas were as strict at vancouver as at grosse isle and at the latter place they were all that haraan ingenuity could devise there was every danger however thit the plague woald visit this country next summer it might come through immigrants who having the disease in its latent etage it could not be detected at quarantine japan has 3000 cases a great boom at kctlt bugs in spring suits prices catch everyone maps and fall information concerning rates etc over any route to manitoba the north west or the western states may be had at the grand trunk station acton wixrrd one thousand customer to purchase kelly bros250 pants made to order wool 50000 lbs wanted the highest price in cash or merchandise will be given for good clean merchantable wool wit mclr00 dr co georgetown ont everyone should call and see our 1000 1200 and 1400 salts made to order they are better value than can be got at any other rlacc in town by three dollars a suit inspection invited fit guaranteed ketlt beos forty loads of hay if you want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto weekly mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yonr advertisement should meet tbe eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this claas are in- mrted in the toronto weekly mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a wordlor five insertions address tbe mail toronto canada sup biurets llalmelt far sale ererrwkere special notice about our great summer clear- lug sale as we intimated in oar last advertise ment we would try new plan to reduce our summer stock in order to make room for our large importations which are at present being selected by our mr bolleriin the foreign markets well the plan has proved a grand sac- cess and has more than exceeded oar ex pectations the stock in each department has been wonderfully reduced and is now in good shape you all know that a clean stock is an attractive one and one that purchasers most readily go to for their requirements in order to keep a clean stock each seasons goods must be thoroughly cleared off the shelves before another season com- mencea atid in order to do this it sometimes requires a sacrifice ot profits and a specially strong inducement to get people to buy that is jost where we are doing at present aud we mast keep up the boom we have now decided to have what is called bargain days and 00 those days there will be something special now understand us right in this matter goods will be sold each and every day at prices that will stand tbe keeoest com pe tition but as we have already said that on bargain days there will be something special and yoa can depend on it that there will the days will be monday and saturday ot each week until farther notice now we do not disgust people with andae pressure 10 bay tbe pablic know the pleasure of doing business in a store where they are not bored to buy from the moment they enter until they make their escape our aim is to make people feel at home whether we sell to them or not and if we do not sell to them one day we make it a pleas are for them to come gain and remember this that yoa are always welcome to come and inspect oar stock also remember this that we strictly mind our own business and no bodys else hence we never find time to ran down oar neighbors note if yoa hear one business man run down another make up your mind he is both jealous and afraid bear io mind tbe bargain days will be monday and saturday of each week e e b0llert co 25 27 lower wyndham st guelph 8eshanndal clearing sale at the- the gait carnival committee had a surplus over and above all liabilities of 1400 thus giving the hospital 700 the citizens band 23333 the independent band 23333 and firemen 23384 adieu to summer with its pleasant memories of picnice and outings and hail to autumn with its glories of crimson and and gojd when the country cousin gets back at the city relation wbodiu bead boarding with him daring half tbeeumrner tbo business man who never adver tises saves a great many expense he eaves clerks aalaries and deeds but a until stock to supply his few customers this nakes tales light and insurance a small item ot expense only a small capital is required and a small building is sufficient for proprietor and spiders tbe money saved by not advertising will come io bandy in bearing tbe funeral expenses of a dead buiiness c the assizes u maw were allowed bail it was settled 10 aud maw is now out oa 200 ot his own bail aud 100 each ot his brother and sister billy belt colored was brought before he magistrate on thursday evening last charged with stealing some linen shirts from wheeler and gslbraitb when airestedhewftb wearing a shirt with w galbraiths on it he was senfto milton to await trial the olympics of milton protested the game of lacrosse played here with the jstna on kag 12tb oa tbe grounds that j p bco valid j watson of the george town olnb sire professionals and jaa thbrq- aonot same club bad violated the rule ot the assodstiou in having played with more than one plnfa this season the protest was considered proveuind thegamewill be played over at acton on tuesday bept 2nd gate j receipts to be equally divided after payment of nsosntry expenses the costs ot ho protests to be paid by defend- ants milton uo doubt will feel asprodd of this victory as they feti tbe opposite 90 the lttli inst but laorosstfpu js say uy apcsiincfa farmer told me the other day that he had drawn in forty loads ot hay off his farm this season and i expect there are plenty of you who have done the same or it nocyoa have a good many loads any how aad your grains aud roots look as though they would pan out fairly well and that means to me the sole of a good many watches and a great deal of jewellery and it also means lots of repairing therefore we are getting ready for you by enlarging oar store just as you will have to enlarge barns i dont intend that any of the money which you purpose spending in a jewellery atore this fall will get past me it i can help it and i am laying myself out to pay greater attention than ever to your needs i have tried in former writ ings to create in you a confidence in my ability and desire to do your watch work well and yon have very generously respond ed until our work benches are full ut jobs and i must make more room to spread out that i may be able to do it all justice some people say it dont pay to advertise well i dont think it does if yoa do it like some people do all i kaow aboat it is that it pays to let people know what you can do especially if you mean to do it but it is folly or person to advertise that they have the j orgeat stock in the city or that they can sell cheaper than anybody else when any one can see and find out that it is nob so and that they are lying you never can catch the same person twice with bach yarns now my idea ot advertising is that a business man should never mis lead in his advertisements in anyway whatever for when you once get a reputa tion for want of truth in your advertising any more money spent in that way will not be like bread cast upon the waters bat yoa will never see sight -of- it again what i want is a reputation for good work and honorable dealing x may get too old and lazy to work myself sometime bat 111 never get too lazy to make my workmen do it right and if i have been doing it well all my yonuger days the old habit will not leave me because i am old reputation and habits stick to us whether they are good or bad and i am trying my best to form good onei if advertising does noth ing else it shows man ia anxious aboat his b a si new and i assure yon i will do my best to give satisfaction if yon favor me with yoov custom come and see my stock for yoswsejf g d pbotule 1 wsiebmsker mammoth house georgetown we beg to announce sweeping reductions in several lines of summer goods cleaning out saile cloves and hosiery embroideries ahdlvlueifine millinery and dress goods is mon x r b jebmyn8 startling reductions will be made our fall goods are the way and must be made foom for- i-i- on trimmed millinery for half price untrimmed straws for quarter price dress goods at sweeping reductions l embroideries at wholesale prices muslins must go at any price gloves and hosier- have taken a tumble 1000 menstraw hats at5c each now is tim cash will tell f 400 tehfor25q if this tea is not equal to any 40c tea you ever tastec we will refund your money ladies requiring real fine kid boots should examine our tocky every pair warranted b jebmynji 1 specthcles pecthcles i have purchased a stock of the celebrated lawrences spectacles and eyeglasses at 50c on the dollar and will- clear them out very cheap b sayage watchmaker cuelph i it i golden guelph 5ta we matt admit that u nieetjiui ohoapmt window iwas are tobslitdtt eua bkk thfy also bao ryfloe anortment ol boys ud ohlldtenv ipcltu iutaauilindwwyda millinery reduced uanuea reduced prasnls reduced dress good reduced print reduced keadymade clothing reduced carpets reduced cloths reduced hen straw hati reduced in fact big pilei of roods redaced below we qaote a few specimen ladies hats 25c regular price 1100 liens felt hats 25c regular price 1100 dress goods 5c regular price 10c printed dress maalins 5c regular price loo colored dress silks 25c regular c black dress bilks 50c per yard regular prioe75o a lot of drees trimmings 5c pet yard regular price 25c per yard op great drive ginghams 6c regular price 10o striped zepher ginghims 10c regular pries 15c checked shirtings co regular price 10c factory cottons 8a regular price so tweeds wo regular prioe 60o mens top shirts 0o regular prioe 75c a job line in itegatta shirts 60c regular prioall35 dont forget oar millinery department our dreumsking tepartment our ordered clothing department they an second to none in the oountry for toning out stylish wellmade and rewontwe priced goods we are stiu gi ring the great silver and book presents to them that pur chase 13000 13000 and m000 just re oeived the adjustable neok white shirt po buttons fit anybody newest thing out this is the time to get bargains sod pres ents we respectfully crave patroosge w mcleodco white checked muslin cream seersuckers colored seersuckers striped and brocaded dress goods v plaild challis dtss goods 124rpieces lovely prints brocaded sateens 40 pieces 8c ginghams scotch chambra ginghams i another 135 pieces flannelette 6 chambra double widths printed delaines 50 cent goods colored parasols 25c 1 j d williamson c 5 and 7 wyndham st ouelph 84 oswald st glasgow to jfariiierti andthresiiil ueaonvotirmaolaneryonly the wellknown i j f vi f p2eeless georgetown rd medals eeiiwrdcd it daring tlwil d horse powers these oil are used and highly teoommi fsxrosnasklor them use noetter t co

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