Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 4, 1890, p. 2

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f 4turjin eamw no the ard beitmnber the wife of lfrboiibuaumiof daughter jmltlcid halton royal templars swan axdim bvrev r cade oo the 91st august et tbe rrstdouee or the brides mother knnguuuiekuea daughter ot u lte j andr of bruce uloato j h6ann dj3 kn ol rev matthew brain ot olen- i- bnoiirat petacrttao on the sndscntembcr rt james broley peitcr uethodlst church fergus aged is yearn the quarterly district matting at georgetown last week tfoniafc5e6 thtrsdat september i ibm notes and comments in europe the average workingman inw little or no ambition to become anything bat a working man hi opporhmities for becoming a muter mechanic or too owner o a ehopure so improbable that he works on in a plodding mechanical doing the same to da r as he did yesterday and the same this year as he did last year with- oat making that progress which is inspired by the ambitions ot the canadian mechanic talk of the day an epitome of th worlds doing during hwik atfotr argument is advanced by the odvo- citthepplicauaaof the sobridypln to american ahippinf the caiiadiaif can als arebeinpeularged and it u stated in cleveland that the work is completcdf ocaon vessels will be able to reach the lake pork if subsidies be given throcgh lines from detroit cleveland chicago and dul- nth to liverpool will be established the project is a courageous one bat surely it oar friends across the line decline to use our raihras they will be too highminiied to tise our canals alaw came into force on monday inkew york state which is intended to have the effect of considerably reducing the number of these boys who smoke in public it pro- tides that no person under siiteen veors of ageshau be allowed to smoke in any street or other public place the penalty for in fraction of the law is a fine of two dollars or twentyfour hours in jail time will tell whether this wellmeant piece of legis lation will be enough to restrain the per- mcjous habit of smoking among juveniles a hataf which even the most inveterate smoker will not attempt to defend and whiejh is calculated to exercise a lifelong t blight on thetwy who is foolisli enough to practise it among the curious facts brought to light by statisticians in their studies of the united states census is the rate at which the population of the cities is increasing in comparison with the population of the country thus it is shown that one hun dred years ago the proportion df country to city population was one to twenty five this year the proportion is one to three- should the process continue for another handred years what a strange world this will be- but there must in the nature of things be a limit to the growth of titles perhaps it will be found in cheap and rapid means of transporafion cities will then become mere markets as the busini parts qf all great cities are now anil all will live in the country star i rev dr caven and profgomwin smith spoke at the opening meeting of the to- onto young mens equal rights union on monday night the former who presided took issue with fc the statement that the movement was riearing its tod and cimpd that it was vigorous still that its effective ness was being felt more and more and jhat the principles which it pro- claimed would be upheld so long as men hved up tothetruestandardof right pro fessor smith gave a comprehensive review of the matters to be dealt with by the association and drew a distinction between soman catholicism and ttlfn he objected to separate schools recounted the work already accomplished by the equal rightersi and declared the prospect bright and full qf hope the regular quarterly fowling of the district co an oil of the royal templars of temperance was held in georgetown last friday etch gounctl in the county was well represented and the session was character- teed with considerable interest district councillor robertson presided committees for the various departments of the work were appointed as follows diiraibunox op rkpoiit akntaaat bros brothers wliittajter and bailer aud utters uaubewt sod bonis tkutkiuxce woat bros bonncttwlrj his duties at ottawa foster h w kennedy and tillers rie and bpolghl ooaaesroxnesce axd mkmobuli bros k j allan c f qilcrfeu h r moore audsistenr lncr anderwc and un lloberaoa- apvbals ami decision bros ucyeg brother goodenow and flsters banu and broun j state or thk owut bros h p mooro dr robertson foster and aluaifil sister jiary anderson j fisjutce uror a s fcnlcr john kennedy and k f moore j opkkixg axo itcsrscmrtng cockcils btos baurvrauaaiz w kenuedy i l warden aadsistcn bams and tleirof -j- the committee on state of the work reported as follows respecting ihe coauctta ot the county i fidixm ko 59 burlington this council reported a gain of ten at beginning of present qaarler and continued increase since attendance good with great interest manifested total membership 147 the prospects for the coming quarter are very promisiug goliib rclu ko go oakvillecreporta a loss of ten at the last qaarterly report the present membership is 121 during the summer the cadet corps haa been closed but it is ekpected that early in sep tember a new commander will take cbarge and the work will be renewed with vigor milton council reported an increase of two at beginning of qaarter bet has done eery little since preparations are being made for retire work during the winter and it is eipected tbjit a large number of new names wilt be added to the membership roll present number 137 georgetown council ko 239 has been doing excellent work during the interval since last meeting the cooncii reported an increase ot 12 on joly lat with a f urtiier increase ot 5 since li members are now in good standing great interest is manifested and hopes are entertained for a large addition this quarter acton council ro 300 reported at the commencement of the quarter a decrease of 15 but has since initiated 18 members and reinstated 15 so that with the increase of 33 the membership at present is 92 much interest is taken in the council by the young people and during the summer morths the attendance and work accom plished have been very encbaraging ou the 3 1st july a successful pichic was held by the council which resulted in good to the council and we believe to the temper ance caese as well j the committee stated they were glad to report that the order in hilton has con tinued to make advancement during the summer months and the membership has increased some 15 since last meeting the temperance committee reportedits satisfaction in the fact that the several councils are in a thriving condition but rea that much remains yet to be done drunkenness with all its attendant evils prevails to a large extent throughout the county- and we should continue to direct all our energies to ultimately securing the total prohibition ot the liquor traffic the committee recommended that royal tem plars by example and precept do all iii selkirk iu manitoba reports lis first burglary ottawa is now connected with quebec by telephone there way be a tall session of the que bec legislature woodstock hat declared in favor ot a new waterworks system list week the emigrant arrivals in msnf toba o am bared 703 fin looe miniiter foster has returned to the new barley taftllfp hof it will affcwt h prfoe f the tlje adoption ot the o ante in the mokin- tbe rate on barley 10 oeoti to 9s oe its and on barley from 80 oenu to 41 cents is creating coming and going vlaitor to and from aoti varloua othtr partonaini v the catch of sardines on the bay of ftmdy coast this year is solarge that the price has fallen to a mere bagatelle and in many places the fih are unsalable the sardine industry on the bay is a some- what remarkable one- of course there is not a sardine within three thousand miles ofcthe stormy bay nor a gallon at olive oil within ten mitfts of the sardine canners a rid the contents of a can of sar- hate is supposed to be sardines and olive oil there is however any quantity of small h along the north shore and cotton seed oil can be brought un from the sopth in petroleum vat cars at a very low price exactly how the transmogrification of material fakes place unless it is effect ed whody and solely by the virtue of a label printed in french can never be accurate ly known to the uninitiated but this u certain that baby herrings cotton seed oil tin cans and labels are fed into one end of these factories and cans of sardines direct from the mediterranean come out of the other tjuue jf that case of typhoid to tie editer of the fan paass src in last issue of your paper i noticed that our medical health officer addressed the council charging the medical attendant in a certain case of- typhoid with not complying with sec 80 of the health and reporting to th local board of health now i have been the medical attidant in the only case of typhoid that 1 have heard of in acton lately and i pre sume his remarks concerned mi i find that sec fio requires that the physician shalfin the case of an infections disease notify the medical health officer or the board of health tn this case ipersonally notified onrworthv medical health officer he th said thenouse should be placard ed i ask him to point out thelaw which sajs to placard for typhoid- iu the interests of the community e t our afmfral health officer should study his duties more closely wmnex d sraxsoia- m d acton sept 2nd i8w their power to discountenance the use of tobacco the committeeou opening and resuscita ting councils reported as follows acton council has made some advances in the effort to establish a council at ballinafad in conferring with residents of that locality and will endeavor to secure an organization there next winter oakville has done nothing at drumquia as requested at last meeting burlington council has distributed litera ture at appleby and has everyprospect of instituting a good council there in a abort time regardingcampbellville and xassa- gaweya milton reports that the sons of temperance and the good templars have taken up the field allotted to them v ith respect ia the resuscitation ot nerval council georgetown report having com municated with influential members ot that place who advised no actiondoring te summer the work is expected to be accomplished shortly however believing- that the reflex influence of real temperance work will be beneficial to all the individual councils were urged tb work in the cause in conjunction with other tem- perance organizations with increased earnestnessin order that all may be pre pared for future campaigns the council pledeed itself to assist in the proposed introduction of the prohibitory clauses of the ontario license act in the townships of nassagaweya and nelson- daring the day interesting discussions and consultation upon theharioas phases of the work took place- i the next meeting will be held in qikvilifl on friday 21st november j after- a hearty vote of thanks to the georgetown friends for their hospitality and a few earnest farewell remarks by the district councfllpr in which he exhorted all to be earnest in their efforts in the great work ia which we are engaged during he term just opened the council adjourned mr w vt buchanan for some unex plained reason failed to put in an appear ance it a public meeting under the auspices oe the royal templars announced for four oclock mr bell grand cooncii lectarer and a friend came aonr on the evening train to take mr buchanans place but owing to the afternoons disappointment it was thought best not to hold a meeting a boy fatally stajbs another ruined by bum r south african natives fahingra prey to civilization and alcohol towvjjept l general jbubert the noted leader of the boers representsin an mterriew that terrible misery has been 1 caused among uie natives of south africa by the honor traffic the general says that to- 1884 hewaned king dmbaiiuxne of 8wup6v ihitjgtfld tmncessiods and arink woom destroy nis country um- bandme did not heed the warning and three years later be was a hopeless dninkard sfaetieuid drfaxuennfiss are tnakiag havoc the effort of tlie st winnipeg has been fauiry shot w tbesfioidental discbarge ohiis run as i4rfiortto on the coboreg sept l two boys named david smith and peter hanson had a quarrel sunday afternoon and came to blows- smith stabbed hanson in the breast with a pocket knife the wound which extended into the right lung proved fatal and hanson died tonight smith is only about 10 years of age and the deceased was but twb years his senior smith has been arrested thirtythree companies were incorpor- ated in canada dcriwthe past fiscal year the total amount of capital stock being 547t500 j mr j e seagram of waterloo sold hjs horse objection the winner of a number of races recently- to mr george waulbaa for the sura of 51503 the little daugbter of farmer richard lee at blenheim bnt drank some benzine from a boitlejjo saturday xxd died after wchoursagony farmers in western ontario pronounce the growth of the two-rowed- bsriey seed imported from england by- he dominion government a grand success lord stanley and his retinae have arrived at the citadel lord and lady aberdeen arrived at h ami ron on saturday heayyraiua and floods are reported from all parts ot switzerland the bills ot eichtupe act o 1800 came into operation on monday the customs dalles injussia have been raised 20 per cent all round tfaa union carpenters of chicago to the number ot 8000 are on strike frsuco is going to exclude foreign wheat from ill government contracts t drummie accused ot stabbing ran dallsmith has been acquitted edward yoang received six months tuesday for forgery in montreal mr and mrs h m stanley are going to cross the atlantis in the teutonic woodstock is to vote ou a bylaw or a new water supply costing 105000 john forahaw an old british pensioner has been drowned in halifax harbour the two shields of the st clair tunnel were successtully joined on saturday the government has received two tenders for theatlantic mail contract chief justios sullivan of prince edward island is on a trip to qaebec and ontario two carloads of cotton have been shipped from montmorency milufor china direct the soap manufacturers of ontario have met in london to regulate their price lists the queen regent of spain has chris tened a new ironclad jast launched infanta mana many people in some austrian towns have been drowned by the overflow ol the rhine old john wawbedic a cape crofcer in dian has been drowned in the bay at owen sound there are nine applicants for the office held by the late registrar rose of frootenac county s a higgins aged 80 has been stabbed to death in mexico by wm feltz during a dispute at buenos ayres the troops are kept under arms nightly as a measure of pre caution the rev george rogers of montreal has taken charge of the english church at brandon a child named wolf fell down a well u essex centre on saturday and was drowned father paradis of the oblits has taken a libel action for 523000 against lt qmadkn john murray aclerfc in evans seed store was drowned at hamilton beach last mon day nighl jfcfr stevenson ot chickasaw co iowa has fallen heir to an irish estate worth 13000000 an explosion oocured tuesday in a mine at boryslay galicia eighty miners were suffocated sufficient money has been raised for the reerection of the burnt chapel at thou sudiskndf bismark gets weighed every morning at kissengen he manages to turn the scale at 205 pounds the principal awards at the detroit international fair were taken by canadian sheep breeders thetemporary buildingc to replace the burntout longuepoot asylum are near- ing completion a disastrous prairie fire has devastated the region along the little missouri river in north dakota j boulaoger m charged with having prom ised to support a scheme to restore the monarchyin france j the guatemala cabinet has resigned because the president signed the peace treaty with salvador the signalmen at cardiff wales who threatened to go out on strike have had their demands conceded a sixyear old boy named b roomer was run over and killed by a montreal t street car ou saturday evening anjiyear old highway robber in mon treal was sent to jailmnnday for five years to learn a new occupation a confirmed miser named george gilbert at jyoungstown ohio has just diijd worth 130000 without relatives the dominion liner vancouver just ar rived at himoski has had an exceptionally rough and exciting voyage the gates of lock 18 on the wetland canal were carried away monday night by the toronto barge stimson two men have bwu instantly killed and others severelyshocked by stepping on live electric wire at wheeling va no less than seventyseven cases of typhoid fever were reported to the medical health officer in toronto last week emperor william has decorated dr peters after listening to a personal recital of his adventures in the wilds of africa brazil will agree to reciprocity with the united states on the terms set forth in the reciprocity amendment to the tariff bill no less than 1250 fathers who have twelve children living have claimed mr merciers free grant of 100 acres in quebec sixteen workman were burried in a brewery in germany by the collapse of a cellar floor and seven of them were killed h l stanley is living quietly secluded in a swiss village with bis wife he has by no means recovered from his recent illness tbe edison electric company of new york are going to build workshops in peter boro wprth 30000 where they will employ 300 hands a citizen of loudou exhibiting poultry at the michigan state fair held in detruit recently won 62 first 64 second and 21 third prizes there kemsno doubt that the missing lawyer brown of st catharines baa been drowned his bat has been found floating in tbe water the new c p ii steamer empress of india which goes on tbe china and japan route was snccef oily launched in england on saturday itas said the civic censos of montreal will not pan out a population exceedfdg 245000 this gives an increase of between 70000 au3 80000 in ten years wy tariff bill increasing frcin 1a 1- b malt a jcd deal of feellny among grain met seemi to be general thatjit will be disastrous to canadian bar- leygrowing but it will alio have tbe effect of paralysing the malting industry ia the eastern bute in an interview with mr w dmatthews produce dealer toronto yesterday a tele gram reporter gleaned the following infor mation the new mokinley barley tariff bill will have the effect of reducing the price of canadian- bsriey pro rata with the increased duty said mr matthews very emphatically of coarso the bill has not become law yet but there appears to be soohan intense antibritish feeling in tbe both houses that there is no doubt about it becoming law eventually tbe exact date though when it will go into force is dependent upon the temper ot tbe members if the farmers get their barley marketed before tbe new tariu goes into force it may uot seriously affect thorn this year but it will kill thabarleygrowiug in- dustryin canada after there is praoti- cilly no other market we canadians can de- veloplortbis grain and our farmers will just have to turn their attention to some thing else last year 10000000 bushels ot barley were exported from canada and the bureau ot industries reports that that amount will be redaced by 7000000 this year what effect will that have on the price practically none answered mr matt hews yoa masf remember that the barleyjcrop of ihejwestem slates will be large though apparently not so large as last year bat this years crop it all fit for malting purposes whereas last year about onethird ot it was so damaged as to be practically useless for this purpose its my opinion that there will be a large sbr plus in tbe western states and that the american market can be supplied without drawing a bushel from canada ijwflren c7m piters castofla speakto the people a visitor observes that our busi ness men are indifferent advertisers mr joe perils li bonufi vultlod min edith btorey vulted hook wood friends last week min angle hooann spent sunday with friend io qeorgetown dr springer and b b jermyn vliltm biulnifid f rlendi an sunday i hrotorge worden arrived borne from portage la prtlris on uondiy mr and mrs junes grunt of toronto hxe returned to acton to reside missminnie nelson left on mondsy to attend the model school at milton miss angaita kloklin has been visiting friends at bolton the past week or so min annie btoon ot peterbnro is a gnest st the home of mr v7m torten mr thomas momsokon ol qighgete is spending a few days with friends here miss cleveland retnrned on saturday and resumed her duties on mondsy morn ing mr and mrs w r kenney spent week very pleasantly with friends at kil bride mrs w biddeu of toronto wis the guest of mrs dickson several days this week mr ii e kelson end miss meda nelson of guelph visited acton friends here this week mr w buckley late drill instructor for company c mh bstallion has return ed to acton from glovenville n y mrs p tud mrs m mcgregor sod fsmily of toronlo spent seversl dsys list week with friends in acton vicinity mr w h ebbage left on tuesday for butte city montana the fbee paras wishes him success io his far western home mr snd mrs joel leslie retnrned on bstnrdsy after spending a week or so very pleasantly with friends at grimsby and nisgira falls n y j mr thurtell brown left last week to enter the drug store of his uncle mr r n thurtell teeswster thortell is a most exemplary yooug man and his many friends here unite in wishing him success whtrfttaisimirrtliercmtotu when six was a child she cried tor cselorla when she became miss she doo to castorla wwsnehed children shekanttem castorla ypssiis september 1st xb90 mammoti house georgetown the following from the kincardine he- rwriff may put some of our business men a- thinking james mccollum editor of the windsor quffl was in town last week ha dropped into the sevuvc office on satur day and the following conversation look place between him and the editor what circulation has the heeicv 1700 j 3 honest v weli thervs he list eramine it for yourself he did so andconclcdedthat there way that number anyway if pot more f the reason i asked you he began that i noticed the business men in kincar dine are terribly poor advertisers now the quill has only 750 subscribers which i think is pretty good considering the fact that it was only started last year but tbe people down there appreciate the advantages of advertising and my advertising patron age is away ahead of yours no they dont advertise much jast now but this is the dull season you know after a while they will make a spurt and hog the whole paper explained the editor yes thats all very well but spasmodic advertising is not nearly so beneficial as steady permanent advertising a busioes man should keep his name snd wares before the peoples eyes all the time now if i went to toronto and wanted a hat id go to dineens if i wanted a shirt or tie id go to quinos and so on j they advertise and they do it attractively every basioess man in kincardine should have an attrac tive yearly advertisement in yourpaper changed every fortnight oc month he should also have a few one or two line locals every week announcing any special articles he may have in stock now i was looking for those and i find that hy the grocer down near theqaeens there is the only one who has business locals this week in the eecuv- well mr mccallnm concluded the editor its just like this if the business men of kincardine do not wish to trade wjth ihe readers of this journal they lose more than the readers and when they dont speak through tbe columns of the rcvlac to its subscribers the inference is that they dont want their custom forty loads of hay a puslinch farmer told me the other day that he had drawn in l forty loads ot hay off bis farm this season and i expect there are plenty ot you who have done the same or h not yoa have a good many loads any how and your grains and roots look as though they would pas out fairly well axfd that means to me the sale of a good many watches and a great deal ot jewellery and it also means lots of repairing therefore we are getting ready for yoa by enlarging our store jast as yoa will have to enlarge barns i dont intend that any ot the money which you purpose spending in a jewellery store this fall will get past me if 1 can help it and i am laying myself out to pay greater attention than ever to your needs i have tried in former writ ings to create in you a confidence in my ability and desire to do your watch work well and you have very generously respond ed until our work benches are full of jobs and i mast make more room to spread out that i may be able to do it all justice some people say it dont pay to advertise well idont think it does if you do it like some people do all i know about it is that is pays to let people know what you caq do especially if you mean to do it but it is folly for a person to advertise that they have the largest stock in the city or that they can sell cheaper than anybody else when any one can see and find out that it is not so and that they are lying you never can catch the same person twice with snob yarns now my idea of advertising is that a business man should never mis lead in his advertisements in anyway whatever for when yptronce get a repnta- tionior want of truth ia your advertising any more money spent in that way will not be like bread cast upon the waters but you will never see sight of it again what i want is a reputation for good work and honorable dealing x may get too old and lazy to work myself sometime but 111 never get too lazy to make my workmen do it right and if i hays been doing it well alimy younger days the old habit will not leave me because i am old reputation and habits- stick to us whether they are good or bad and i am trying my best to form good ones if advertisinc does noth log else it shows a min is anxious about bis baalnest ansl i assure you i wilt do my best to give satisfaction it ypu favor me with yon r custom come and see my stock for yourself igjj pcdjole r watchmaker issrsv ualnsest firitle eresrwhere aftefeateriug to thejpublic of this vicinity tor he last 27 y just m llvel j m y ivra3 itiljfa jolt as anxious ndjjj look into our store and iyoudaearoelysur pared now than iver woo du81- raise that only a few weeks ago the place a ras crowded with the light fabrics of sum mer tbey have all vanished under the meeting process of a summers business nneqnalled in our history now the whole place has decked tbe moresombreandquiet shades of antumn pot the past two weeks there has been a steady flowing in of new goods as the goods arrive tbey are at once opened and pot into stock ave dont keep them back to mske a big showing by having tbem all hauled in on ooe day tbey are comiug in every day snd as they oome tbey are opened wet cough when a few doses of ajtr cherry pectoral will relieve you try it keep it in tbe house tou are liable to have a cough at any time and no other remedy la so effective as this world- fcrenowned prepara- ition no household i with young children should bo without iu scores of lives are saved every year by its timely use amanda b jenner northampton mass writes common gratitude im pels me to acknowledge the great bene fits i hare derived for my children from the use of ayers most excellent cherry pectoral inad lost two dear children from croup and consumption and had the greatest fear of losing my only re maining daughter and son as they were delicate happily i find that by giving them ayes cherry pectoral on the first symptoms of throat or lung trouble they are relieved from danger and are be coming robust healthy children in the winter of 1885 i took a bad cold which in spite of every known remedy grew worse so that the taiuily physician considered me incurable sup posing me to be in consumption as a last resort i tried ayers cherry pecto ral and in a short time the cure was complete since then i hare never been without this medidme i am fifty years of age weigh over 180 pounds and at tribute my good health to the use of ayers cherry pectoral gw rouker salem n j last winter i contracted a severe cold which by repeated exposure be came quite obstinate i was much troubled with hoarseness and bronchial irritation after trying various medi cines without relief i at last purchased a bottle of ayers cherry pectoral on taking this medicine my cough ceased almost immediately and i have been well ever since bev thos b bnssell secretarv holston conference and p e of the greenville district m e c joneaboroj tenn flyers cherry pectoral mr bollert wbo returned from k a rope last week has taken even more than the usual effort to procure oar goods in the very best markets besides the nana visit to the british centres of production he made a most profitable and satisfactory trip to to the manufacturing cities of the continent a week spent in germany resetted in the purchase of some of the loveliest goods that we have ever shown he spared neither time nor labor to gel everything as near perfection as possible with silks and velvets from lyons brefeld and vienna ladies jackets and mantles from berlin lace goods from calais and paris fancy goods from tbe various cities of saxony drees goods from rabao berlin and pans millinery from paris in addition to oor purchases in tbe british markets we have the greatest con fidence in inviting the inspection of every body whether oar customers or uot to tie elegant range of goods which we shall offer mr bollert is especially gratified with his purchase of ladies mantles and jackets iu berlin they are simply perfection in style and tbe prices will be found very reasonable we marked off no saturday last tbe first shipment of 153 elegant german tailor made long aud short jackets come and see them we commenced selling them as soon as they were opened our mantle trade is a large and constantly growing one we have now almost one flat of oar pre mises dovoied to these goods we buy them direct from several of tbe best makers that we know of and the styles are confined to us we ask every lady wanting anything in this line to see bur mantles before buy ing we have two farther shipments ander way all customers will have the best atten tion and services so long as nobody asks us for credit or wants us to redupa the very- close prices marked on these goods we will endeavor to the utmost of our ability to meet every requirement with which we may be favored no credit one price choice goods courteous attention and an immense block these are surely factors that appeal to tbe confidence of ail prudent and careful purchasers e e bollert co 25 27 lower wyndiam st i guelph cuelph markets fldtjr boiler floittstone spring vbeit flu wheat bran blley oatb rye peal hav raxrajied xrr dr j c ayer k co lowell mass be id bjall drosrirt straw wood per cord egss pr dozen butter dairy packed batter rol cheese petatoos per bag apple pork- lambaldnk pelu goelphsept 3rd 19s0 2 60 to 8 65 s so to j s 0 90 to 0 00 oss to 0 95 li co to is 00 0 j to 0 50 0 st to 0 38 0 40 to 0 45 j 0 55 to 0 57 6 ho to too s50uj sco co to 50 0 13 to 0 h 0 13 to 0 13 0 16 to 0 it price tlj 1 boule4s ness add woi id respectfully soiici t a continua tion and enlarge ment of the gen irons patronage bestowed upon si we have a et mplete stock of dress goods in lnding the latest novelties in plails combination robes 8ilks matins plushes silk velvets etc we have been busy opening oc t large importa tions and consignments iii all the dhteront departnents and wecsn snit and please both in price variety aud q lality in dress goods dress silks dress trim mings velvetee is mantles man tie cloths ulst rings millinery small wares of ill kinds ladies underclothing hosiery prints jingbnms chicked shirtings tickings denins cottonades tweeds suiting overcoatings gents underwetr gents shirts ties gloves hits cops ladles and gents ft otwear ready made clothingy readymade overcoats carpets oilcloths linolenm8 rngs matta cur taids etc it would fill a news paper to enumerate onr stock we will begin in dress goods and winceys at5c per yd we have added a new department to our ordered clothing that is fancy flannel aid tweed shirts made to order onr make up departments arte not excelled anywhere namely millinery dress making mantle making and ordered clothing we get the best superintendents and hands for the several make up departments that money and ex perience can procure ton an come with confidence and pat ronize ub w mcleod co geohoetowh sept 1st 1890 church streets il p3 oartieo fradt trees etc oirlhe premises ror paraco isr a4lr j jjuj mi j photographic views ha jutt purchased a fine new mewing camera i and la a now nnfisired to execute order for photographic views of the wellkncttyrr photo artist or acton idt fine wprtpartd photogrspt residences picnic parties lawn gatherings stock etc etc in an v stvle desired j bamahaws npntatfcsi will ensure nratclasi wort lean your irdsr a the artis- kenney bros ii i m i m ii i i i i l l l i l- li li ii i i ll i i m i iii i ii m i li where ou can get anything you want in footwear- dominion be of shoe j- store aton our was of business have been told many time but they need to be told again aud may have to be told many times again we buy and make various sorts of merchandise just as cheat at possible we tell the truth about it all we sell everything it the very least prices aud every time we are as low as the market or lower the business is simple as can be the price is named distinctly for each article and anything you make or save thereby is yours not ours i you are perhaps accustomed to read the reckless talk b thoughtleas or uusurupnlous advertisers that you discount tl e statements ot careful merchants you know our ways but v e dieed to remiud you again that nothing is printed about our gooc s land prices thto will uot bear examination every word is irapov tant we have just cojortpleted auother seriesot reductions throng out ourdifferent departments and the most economical buyer will be pleased and surprised at our prices to jgive an instance va are offering our all wool french delaines at 25c 80c and 40 xj uim write os t on o term maypbtrlhkb mtice boosolcm0onobldnkill 0 ir now ronnlnsrer da twr trade s peetloltrsoueltea wtbwoo booswoodsitlitl4 t 01 sale t a lli waited ths coi jafldgj wtowrt wrll for inir term and jjrucolar j fred e topkq mgserrman y fob sale or exchange tor otc property b the pramlies or by wtter to it w m cbbw805 acton tenderswanted he iffifflra iroceed to remore the boualns ir is accepted applj at onoe tp johh babvbr r at actoyjlooi mllla m tenderer most aa soon as tend awl not eel lot hp dsl i not i i stal 01 100000 bushbls 1 grainfanted foal delivered at the storehouses of 1 a mor- ray otb station acton uccbie thewke oaih lor hides endigheepskine li acton udge no 204 loot mests in the oddfellows hall llatthe- block etery wedneedayerenint yiaitl brethren always welcome for e touon and laws apply te the nndi ofthamfmben ii wwtllults bhwobdes i 1 n o i secretary if j lumber latli shingles ffl sayebs mu1 kaaaagiweya has now in sfcck about ijxofloo loot of lumber including j all kinds needed tor boiloins porposea this mill has awell established reputation for first- j class lmnber and reasonable price lath snd rj shingles on hand we are prepared to supply s every want in our line sfil pktee 8ayebs ri 5aaaagaweyafo wanted ds t id4i 4ti salesmen to sell knnerr stock all goods nmnted flnulw pamaaratplatssant inroflubla positions fax the tight men oood alariesandextwiissspaitwalr liberal in- dnoementi to dtwinnexs no previous experi ence decesiary outfit itm write far tms gitingsga chables h chase korserymont mention this paper bochsaterny wanted f3ellablepnshingmen to aau choice nuiseit iv stock complete assortment splendid opportunity offered for spring wdrk my e men have good sneceaa many sellins from 91d to em per week sendfor proof and testimof iala a good pushing man wanted here at enei libera terms and the best goods in tbe market- write feed etouno nurseryman bochester n y the at ribve i hi jog i mens gnelph business colleg45 gtjelph ontabio seventh schoiiastic yeab six years superior work under the same ane- ceaafdi managementhas placed this instltutiml in point oisoope tboronshness and pzmctiesj result in advance of elwts canadian competi tors for terms snd other mformatiofl sd m sucgofeiuok principal v it foesajle ttakdbome brick roddmee and grounds xl tbe village of acton ten rooms ltb hard and soft water oft tbepremises is a good table j this is ono of the most asirable properties if the connty and will be isold s t ata barjain l for foil particniars addaas j- w j moore i town hall acton fl change of business sines and 6ao sm ij char ill char hi wakefields meat marloef not tflhl toronb inothe having bought out tbe butchering business lately carried on by e matthews we hope by careful attention to the wants of the public and always keepinjt oa band the vcrr beat quality of beef klniton lamb veal- corn beef pork and sausage to merit a fair abare of your patronage j wakefield bkos v alu oljeimopebty tenders will be received bytheuidei up to thennt of october for the of the property known aa tho teach- denee situated on wdiow street opposite rhei town hau tho propertr u in an mcellentj locauon the residence u in good oondiuon sfl the lot has abundance of small fttdta pears anl apples tbs highest or any tender not neeeev sarily accepted bp uoobe seceesary board of trustees of acton public school per yard prints sateens ucmuants dress goods etc at correspond ingly low figures a glance at thesi goods will convince yon of their value cheapness other gcods at prnportjonatje reductions q l ryaf i co g uelph s m cook co lioensed auctioneers appraisers vsla- ators oollootors eesl estste irtd qeneral laud agantc fob ths coustzkb op hilton peel welilxlgtoii btoooe tork and ontstrio adtertisiligisof greet importance to parties holding aalea the mefflunu through which 5 advna and the help we give u ofpeat inl s xhatalngthebuojor the hberai patronage of tbe peat woraum solicit an early cab from smypsson wtos cowemplaong the sale of farm ffainwtockv im pujumuhouaboidfumiturer ta5a an thing bjrpnbue or private sale r es placing their sale or other business in our hands will have tho same pjoulitteudid to at moderate charges j m t isihl t- oeoiw wwib vru n ncnjxa ni town or address box mb m auctioneer bkxxch omcaa si queen sl onto box 173 newmarkut ont east tor valuable petpelltv for sale tho undenigned offers the f obowing parcels of property for sale upon reasonable termrt e8qub8ino j net lthe weathalf of lot ij eaquedng 5si acres thnberad land parcel no part of lot 16 eon j keoueain dwelling ho s smngls stave smbiaositolli ontbeprem lee this ndu hss done akostsbs basineas for nany years parcel no upsitof lotueon1 eantueinj x seres ol this property is altuateat tnfna ablo dwelling honae and orcbabd and uever flip ingsprlng r paicelnovpmrtoflotllconil bsdmi i srp iwperty is a lot of eioot ajocotdsmhardwood cutand dry r acton psreel no 6 brick house and blaekaaiiur shop in th village of acton two end 4 bilf village mtsonefitth aczeeaeb this raetierrr udtualodonmalnititmiuaiwrflocauowr the farm if ieo it win be rented v full puttenwieei hi had upon rpjlloattou persodslly or by setter to t jtt u sx1ebs bpeysldepo rs r i insri lie taken ifchot

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