Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 4, 1890, p. 3

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the methodist church acton rev o a arrrobd ma pod pastor parsonace bower aretiao the newsat home mostly of local cha intereatl public serricei ifcso tun and 6j0 enmity j school t biwaclweoodoctedbytbe 1 pastor tluewalallyintttod strmnpen and tifitaw always welctftno at- tebur uihwi m the door if ifttingaarc desired apply to h r moore pflvsmvinl bank of hamilton head office hamilton capital pud trr itksexvx rckt w5o00ck j tchsbdll cubikju h 8 8t6vbk arr guana dibetfrors joax stkikt prosidcuf a n kuixir kwpre john pboctob chav gcbxktgeo roach a t wood a h faiis georgetown agency x aotcf discoaateduid ftdruecf mdc on 11 raiuble wcnritic rdiurrioaallpartrof civ aiutb vxrreo status gmut nrriix aad lb coxtwzxt of ecots boacht ia sold coiijrcttoxs made on all caibl ixlnt on most fevvonvble tarsu sayings department deposit received of 1 and upatdi nd tn- tccps allowed irq date of deposit to data of rilhdrawal epeoal deposits also rvceitvd at entreat ratu of tntcrwt no mice of withdraw required h mwatsos afiont school books eomcmber berfdiss our tarfe stock of wstdiai oogfa u4 juerr w carry a complete stock ot school books send the children to gee hrads tor thu school supplies envelopes kola piper ink penciu evernf m xe stationer une very cheap at aeohtkds acton ont sira ot the bi witch l4nt fttt flress thtjbsdat september l 1890 ft utile lo b which caught the eyes or ears of fceo press reporters this week september gain is beginning to come in t ooancfl meeting next monday evening trout fis season closes on theloth toronto exhibition opens next tues day the dock sbootlnc season opened mon day there was a heavy frost on 6anday night ingersolls rate will be 19 nulls on the dollar the board of health met last fniav evening the hilton coaaty coancii meets 02 the 9th sept the sporting men are laving a lnh lime this week foot pleasure boats for saje apply j a mcmnxis the milliners attended the openings at toronto this week waterloo lat friday voted in favor of a public park by 235 to 22 mr j w darby vs tug settled in evertpn with good prospects r b jennyn announces a new hne of goods for the ladies in his adv space there are a number of cases of whoop ing cough among the children in town the prize list and posters for acton union exhibition will be ont this week dr halsted pftached at three appoint- j meats on rockwood circuit last saidsy xext meeting of esqoesing township council will be held oa monday gth october kote the local in another cola ten ia reference to the bankrupt stock of j s rogerson- mr joseph lasby had foar sheep killed and six others badly worried hy do 3 ou v snnday night the members of the gaelpli baptist church have had a disagreement and a new churoh will be formed mr john emilh bookseller gaeiph in another column invites a call from the people of acton and vicinity remember tie bankrupt stock of j s rogersba will be offered to the pablic sat urday next g b ens t co goelph toe animal shooting match of no l co 20th bart will be held at their range at campbelitille on 6atarday sept the 20th next t the price of bread will be increased in toronto today one cent per loaf bakers in other aiies are taking the same line mondays globe her mr madill ot toronto will occupy the pulpit at church hill on san- day sept 12 mr mccormacfc preaching at new durham and kelvin the harvest home entertainmsnt of the indies aid society of the metnodt chorea will be held on tharsday evening lith inst particulars later the young canadians went to milton on saturday and played a lacrosse match with the janiors there- the visitors were j defeated by four goals to two the sermon in knox church last fri day by rev a b winchester of berlin was of a superior character and is highly spoken of by those who heard it single fare tickets will be sold to acton union exhibition on the days of the ehow between brampton and guelph fare and a third tickets good for two daj s from five grains of tworowed barley sown this spring in a plot sir inches square mr thomas easton was rewarded with a crop of 2200 grains fully developed the mammoth hooee georgetown j comes up this fill for the 27th time as frpsh as a daisy with new goods crowding every department the announcement fn this issue is worthy of perhaal t messrs wakefield bros from gnelph have purchased the butchering business of lie e matthews and intend cond actio g the meat business in a first class manner they promise customers the best quality of all meats acton market opens with messrs mc- crae hewer guelph m their usual place as buyers mr 2 a motray has charge of the business of the firm here with in structions to pay the highest market for good clean wheat barley oats and peas the rev wm c mccotmack pastor of church hill and south caledon congre gational cfturcbes closes his ministry there on the last sabbath in september mr mcconnack has declined a second call gnenhiin by the coogregauonal church at newmaj ket a school teachers life cannot be callod a happy one at best r fancy the feelings of the new teacher nbo reads the following ukeo hs psper of this province dur school opens in september and the young emu hearts are qaherinjj fora newhoy ia take cbarge thejcoal ipyi ddbestoaiirefl commhuioveerlicp wthelfl xfc knox church laii badiy tin cmntxir of com muo ican w was vcrj largo rev mr rae the ptttor preached an earnest sermon appropriate to the occasion after which the lords supper was adtuinurtwod u must be a matter of great sacsa to tbjs pastor and his congregation to observe the eonttanuj tncreaing number of connnuni- cants as the quarters succeed each other aaimats aslrty v when a man advertises that a stray animal is on hi prenmes it gsnqrauy happens that hall a dozeu people turn op to see if it belongs to them this shows that at this ume of the i cat numbers of animals are astray but some men will harbor an animal for mouths before they will do simple justice to the unknown owner by adrertisfug it farmers could savo each other a world ot uorry aud loss by being a little more thoophlful in this respect home snrroundj wis bcaatlged ko atitau in acton has taken greater interest in improving his heme and eur ponding this seasou than mr jimes mc- lam blacksmith last spring he buiit a ucat and substantial stone retaining wall along two sides of his lot then filled in the declivity greparei a neat lawn and terrace the whole of which has had the effect ot very material euhaccag the appearance ot the property this week a neat ver andah has been adleu and mr melam has one ol the coziest homes in town thanksgiving sen lee the harvest festival and thanksgiving service in st allans church tomorrow evening will no dosbt be well attended the johuroh will bj appropriately decorated with fruits tlotrers and groins etc and those who have heretofore witnessed the worthy efforts of the ffienibens of the con gregation will naturally look for a very artisticaud attractive adornment rev bernard bryan of parkdale will preach the sermon and the service will be in charge of he gb cooke the incumbent engaging teachers for aext year the customary time for hiring teachers for the coming year is drawing near would it not be a good idea for ill trustee boards to go about this important work earlier than usual we think it would be an advantage to both trustees and teacher to have the matter settled several months before the efi cf the jeu if a teacher should have a class otadjicg for third class certificates for which the examination takes place next july the feicher will work with more erergy wha certain to be with his class right cp to dsie of examination than if kept indoubt until aboat christmas jin earnest straightforward preacher rev john hart of rockwood preache in tha methodist church last sunday to urge audiences he took for his text isaiah 3 10 11 taking the former vere as the subjects his morning discourse and the latter for the erenng the morning ser mon- was directed especially to the chliren oi god and at j illustrated the- jcv s of the ccrhtin in this world aci ths ueit the sermon a the evening was pamly annoaoc- edas beug preached for ue wicled with the prayer that they might b-i- induced to fiee from the wrath to cocse- the rev gentlemans remarks were earnest pointed and fearles utterances and depciei clear- h the fact hat according tojoas word it shall b ill with the wicked unless they turn- to tie lord hi harts sermons were thoroughly appreciated sadden death of rc- james eraley it was with deep regret that we learned cq taedax jnarcmg of the death of rev james broley of fergus he had been at palmers ton for a few dayn and got up about nve ndock irtendng tofkkfi ishe eariy train fcr his hone atcb kot feeling well la laid down aiiaicd ma short time breathed his last enrigia of the heart was the cacce of death rev mr broey wis in acton about tsn dnys 3 apparentlv enjoying excjknt health he called at the fmx pi- office as he usuaih did when m town and m nv ersatoa with the wriier spoke of rs 030 cood health and regretted the inaispostou g mrs erolej who rts been an mvald for some tme in pyin his sabscrigtma for tle year he remirltd i must hereof your oldest subscribers mr moore i think i have taken the fexx peec ever emce it was drst published deceased was pastor of the methodist church at fergus and was com pleting tle lart year of a sujcessfol three year term he was an able preacher and stood well among ins brethren and for years has occuped foremost positions in his conference at the time of his death he was financial secretary of guelph dis trict in 1s37 mr breleywis teacher of the public school in acton and the same year he entered the ministry hi first cir cuit being orangeviije mrs broley is daughter of the late abam matthews es- of this place mrs broey snd two sons and ttfb daughters eurvve him the manv friends 01 the firmlv in acton unite id heartfelt evmpathy with the sorrowing widaw and children ths funeral will take place this afternoon at fergus tyie bankrupt stock of j s rogerson of gueiph has been purchased by g b ryan l co sud is now being remarked and will be ottered to the public saturday next sept 0th in the store lately occupied bjj s rogeron at the same time will be oefedxhe winter portion of the stock of d k hogg co oi stratford g b rtax co guelph the eporth league in connection with the methodist church has arranged to inaugurate a series of entertainments to be hold- during the fall and winter with a fink and white tea on tuesday evening 30th sept have you talcn a look at thekstof special prizes offered forcompetion in acton i union exhibition open to the world the j list is larger than ever before and is the j most extensive special list ever offered at any eihlcitioo in halton rev mr kennedy of vancoaver waa unable tg fill his appointment in the baptist church on sucdav afternoon but rev mr cutbbert of mcmaster hall tor onto occupied the pulpit and preached an excellent sermon to a large congregation real estate m acton is not an unpro fitable commodity to invest in early in the spring mr jdhn william purchased the lot on the corner of mill and elgin streets from the rvder estate for what was coneuerei a very good figure last week he sold the property for cah to mr noble pmclamj at an advance of c per cent mr mclam has come into pogwas- 100 of a fine piece of property mb ewtotroar junior lacrosse club went to milton on saturday with the iu tentioo of placing a match withtbe janiors of that town but had to face a team much heavier than tbemselrea notwithstanding the act that the t several members of the seirfbr twelve ad tbaacton boya were weakened by the ab sence of two of their beit plavers they plajed a pi oaky game against their big opponent for an hour and a quarter when they were defeated by four goals to two a jcmoe the country ar0dnd 4ews ttma8uppllsd by corret- pondenta and exchahgei knatchbull the towmbip sunday school bio- n 10 held last wodnesdsy afternoon in mr geo eabterbrooki grove was a great suooett the day was pleaunt and aboota thousand peoplo wer prownt a lively football match was played between the moffatt and guelph road boys resulting m two goals to ooni in uvor ot the latter alter tea the base ball clubs of bells mills and campbellvlue weut out ou strike three innings each went played the score stand ing 6 and 0 in favor ot campbell villa mr jno v norm ia lying very ul at present suffering from tj phed fever mr jonathan adam son who hat been ailing now for sometime is gradually grow ing more feeble and infirm be is suffering from no particular illness but simply the effects of old age friends in nasiagaweva will regret to learn of the death of mr david little of guelph at the early ago of 37 jearfl- he was on a farm in nassagaweys till aboat four years ago when ill health compelled htm to move into the city he wis a son of the late peter little the first post master at moffatt ths remains were in terred in the presbyterian cemetery at sodom on thursday last jercury georgetown erin alex murdbth who has carried ou a bakihbnalnossto erin village for several years put baa ibid ont to two young men from elora craig broi7liif pjliyo stock this weak l kj u tbos bell proprietor ot the erin flour mills hat had a millwright engaged during the put few days adding more improve menta 8antjeuly tithe j4fiwraft return ed from the old country ou thursday last he repoits having found hia folks ell well and had a peasant trip mrnjaa murdoch hai leaaed the lower hotel belwood for a term of five years mr h boomer ibosy ercctinga restaur- ant on the vomer of his lot on main st advocate burlington jrli fine warm weather the misses carnque havs returned from heixholidavs mr r i creeliuau is now ia detroit ex hibiting his dollar knitting machmes mr j s deacon p s iwisjn town list week mr j g willson has returued from his trip to preston ont miss boomer of acton paid mr l l bennett a short visit on her way to stcuff- ville mr c rose of grand forks dakota an old georgetown boj paid old friends a fixing visit last week he 11 practicing dentistry ou our yankee cousins mr and mrs e c gucbriese returned to town on tuesday of last week from their visit to port dalhouie wei land and other points mrs hems tree t ot cleveland ohio is visiting at mr jas kennedys misscassie ballantme alter spending a weeks vacation at her home here returned to toronto on saturday last messrs w p moore and l grant represented our local shootists ac the ranges in toronto last week their names appeared several times in the lists ot prize dinners this week they are at ottawa our sports are oat in full force these first septembsr days the result so far is heaps ot hunting but no shoolin to men tion one party to hear from miss rick of berlin took her place as head dressmaker at tbe mammoth house on monday the 1st she comes well recommended a brilliantly placarded tent pitched in the rear ot the beanett house last week invited the native to come in nd behold all sorts cf freaks ot nature as wasp laatit a great veosration for rattlesnakea and the like the fauily was not represented at the show there were plenty of people gulled though prof hugh campbell phrenologist tc has been doing the town for a week past he gives very sprightly aud entertaining iectsrei and professes to tell you all there is 10 your bumps if you have any the garden party in aid of the methodist church held at mr s m cookfs waa a failure in point of attendance owing to the threatening aspect of the weather those who were there however report having had an excellent time our boys and brampton had a setto at cruket here on tuesday of last veefc re sult georgetown won by 2 runs this waa che5j owing to th fine scores of freeman 37 and gliss 17 no out and to the bowling of ijdous and the magnificent fielding of mckenzj the only n bowler of our team was away too which makes the result worthy c cote mrs mclaughlin who for some years past las occupied the position of book keeper for mers e w king l co left onsitnrday to jam the firm in montreal bv her invarable kindness and geniality ehe made scores of friends who join tvfp in wishing her a long and pros perous career in her new home high school opened on monday 1st with mij barren at the head of affairs and a goid attendance of pupils tnere is said to be but one fault with the head master and that is that he is tarrcu a wild- girls of georgetown do your duty and sapjlv the deficiency the district meeting of the royal tem plars was hed here on friday last see another coldmn for particulars miss agie mccsodless of stewarttown is visiting at alton and orangenue mrs d williams has returned home mr j granger is visiting his daughter mrs b bailey fidelity counofl r t of t tent a con tingent of members to the district couudil at georgetown last friday the budget fbiusi that since a compe tent engineer estimated that waterworks would cost oakville 126840 and milton boa paid over 21000 for hen that water works are therefore too rich for our blood the brant house pond is being filled in this is being donejby cutting away the bank and dumping it in the cestpool the annual harvest thanksgiving service in the church of england was held last thursday even log rev mr bland of the cathedral hamilton preached the sermon mrs r h sanl and mrs j p jaffray anj children qi chicago 411 are guests of their aunt mr w hfinrfemorc there is a rumor that a lodge ofl o o f will be formed here shortly budgt limehouse the farmer lerq r busy with their seeding mr and mrs john moore retarned on saturday from a visit iofrieuds at chesley and mooresburg the special services in the methodist church continue considerable interest is msmfssted and the attendance is good the pistora bevs t gee and w m fatten areearbest in their efforts to accom plish good and are ably assisted by mrs gee rtho is an excellent musician mrs thos speight of georgetown was the guest of mrs ellis on friday a party of the young people of the meth- ooist church acton eleven m number at tended the evangelistic services on monday evening the presbvterian church which has been undergoing repairs for the last mouth will be re opened next sabbath the ap pearance of the edifice has been very much improved milton the model school opened oa tueadav the corner stone of the new presbyterian church will be laid about saturdav sept 13 mr charles griffith of sydnev austra- fa and mm griffith otnew york have been on a visit to their friends mr and mrs w a lawrence the young peoples association of knox church milton are making arrangements to give a grand concert in the town hall ou the evening ot the second day of the county fair oct igh proceeds in aid of the organ fund of the new church dr and mrs stuart arrive home ou sunday last and jcdge miller on taesday evening altera two mouths trip to eng land they returned on the parian to gether with the earlaud codntesiot aber deen sir john and jltdy thompson sod sir alexander campbell lieutenantgov ernor of ontario a garden party will be held at the resi- deuce of mr richard corrigau lot 9 con 7 ns nelsou ou friday evening sept uth proceeds in aid o tue methodnt church milton champion rockwood the law suit on wedneajaj last between thos esgle and john bennett two farmers hnngnearcrewsons corners revealed a state of affairs that excited the disgust of all against both parties to the suit squire straoge has been eecvei with a notice of suit jfor damages for the arrest and fmag of an acton merchant last spring damages are placed at s100x on friday afternoon last ajauior cyclone lasting about a minute struck an oatfield of mr hugh i blacks and wmrled the sheaves around in a verybewiidotnog man ner but did uo further damage mr daniel talbot on monday shipped a arioad of hogs to toronto conductors hccpbel gtr and scan- lancpr with their wives were in town over sundaj sunday afternoon at 230 oclock aou w lodges from rockwood actsn hills- j bnrg and enu attend divine service in qsprioge the methodistf hell a harvest home festival taesday evening in the old academy grounds it was a great success and an enjoyable programme was listened mr and mrs t bailey jr have returnj fay attendicce miss minnie mcgregor who has been visaing in this neighborhood for some time returned ou monda to her home mb rant ed to town from mimico mr forsterof the oakville sir called ou friends in town and the glen last week the rev thomas harnson and wife of london ont are visiting friends in george town and alhston mrs t moore of acton spent enu day in town mr r e harrison and sou visited the ambitious city on saturday mr w mcleod returned to his duties at the bank of hamilton milton oa fndav miss nettie duff has returned to her ho lie in milton miss e tilly is attending the millinery openings in toronto this week licnosoe oar feapi visited toronto on saturday and were beaten by the athletics bv a score of 11 ctbis result was looked for as owing to the loss of three ot our best men miltons protest the team sent to toronto was not a representative one carboys very properly declined to play milton in acton on taesday as with the three men before spoksu of off the team and the loss of b irwin who was injured in toronto defeat would be almost certain on monday last the n n w dir of the grand trunk from port dover to georgetown came under thejoriidiction of the supt stiff and became a portion of the southern div the southern dtv now contains all the g t r hoes in ontario south of the main line between toronto and sacn ia camparisous are a all times odious but when mr herald endeavors to find a likeness between bro brothers and bob mcgaw be does ev en the herald discredit soaetimeshe will find his proper level though and then his true character comes out in all its petty insignificance wasr ford geo grieve a gtr brakeman who has his home in rockwood waa one day last week squeezed so tightly between two cars at guelph that his escape from death was almost miraculous mr john joche who recently bought mr thos masoq s store at eden mills has taken possession and commenced business on monday morning several of our city fathers started for the st helen black berry patch with two or three large pails each monday evening when they returned the fruit of i their combined efforts was barelv observable in a five quart pail list tharsday evening in eden mills considerable excitement was created by the breaking ot mr horfop s mill dam for tunate not much damage was done by the burning of the gaeiph laundry quite a number of oar boys lost consider able of their linen they however leave the fretting to the guelph dudes whose all a few high collars went up in smoke drreevbj of toronto spent sunday iib his brother the rev edward reeve miss nelhe barry left town on monday for toroato yvhero she will visit indefin- ately i a keen rivalry exists between the corres- pondeuta of the guelph mercury and her ald but open hostilities were not mani fested untd monday when the mercury man asked his rival if tho herald man got out a daily edition so one will regret to bear thai every twentyttent piece outside tbe oollecttoni of the coin fanciers has been melted down ti18 coin has a i way been a vexation to the pubficlondon advertucr be careful there am stray 20 cent ooina floating around yet g b ryau a- co have purchased the bankrupt stock of j s rngerson and will offer the same saturday next in rogersons stand a notie belonging to mr j bell of naiiagawoyicbeojhe fractions on main street on slikday afternoon hit boy was thrown out and had his head cot bat a few minute set things to rights again a great spring suit boom at ksllv bboi prioes catch everyone acton union exhibition taesday and wednesday specikl in sautlon to the m eomplam list ol tho boojetytht tollowltfg tunsullr horses to bl held p aotok 0 0et7th aiia m 1890 phizbs xmoa the y tiou lepertmenu by t of special prise 1 is airen 1 b cotiaidered driven by a 910 00 5 00 500 3 00 2 00 200 1 beat single driver style and spaed ladyby h bayera 2 best span driving horses on tho grounds by it agnow 3 beat lady rider kenny bros pair kid boots t best lady driver double team ada xn cabinet photos photos to be taken ot lady driving by h rumshaw 5 fastest walking horao once around track by dr lowry acton 6 novelty raoe to harnees hitch and irob once around track thea unhitch and unharness horse blpket by john h matthews 7 fastest trotting home mile heats best 2 iq 8 horses that never won money 1st by b wallace cash 2 00 second prixe by w e smith cash 1 00 8 best yearold colt filly or gelding agricultural or draught by chas walker erin potato digger value 10 00 l beat agricultural mare and two of ber colts mower value 50 by harrib t sons brentford per thomas johnston winner to pay w0 50 00 10 beat spring colt from young davy lad by adam cook acton 3 00 11 best rig with gentleman and lady ng to be owned by driver style and v aluo to bo considered by aj cook 2 00 12 best drawing team 1st prize farm right 100 acres of the russell fence 5 2nd prize farm right 0 acres of russell fence 250 by james matthews acton 7 50 13 fastest trotting colt three years old twice around track pair pants by archie mctavish value 5 00 cattle u best fat steer or heifer by r j holmes 3 00 15 best herd of grade cattle 4 females any age by beardmone a co 5 00 1g best herd of thoroughbred cattlctany breedlbull and 3 females by beardmoro a co 5 00 grain it- best two bushels white oats donor to receive oats bv j waldie mp j so0 18 best two bushels canadian barley donor to receive barley b j waldie mp 5 00 19 best two bushels carters prolific bnrlev by d henderson 2 00 butter 20 best 100 pounds butter donor to receive butter sett single harness by e w gollop norval value 30 00 21 best 25 pounds butter donor to receive butter 1 barrel churn by l g matthews value d 00 22 best 20 pounds butter donor to receive hotter by w kerns mp p 10 00 23 best 20 pounds crock butter donor 0 receive butter china tea sett bv th harding value i fi 00 it best 20 pounds dairy butter donor jo receive butter by alex hill guelph 5 00 25 beat 12 pounds butter donor to receive butter bv wordcu bros i 00 2g best 10 pounds butter m crock donor to receive butler h b holmes 3 00 27 best 10 pounds crock butter donor to receive butter bv w h deunev 3 00 28 best g pounds butter donor to receive butter pair kid boots bv thos agnew value 3 00 20 best 5 pounds butter donor to receive butter 5 pounds tea bv jno mcrae value j best 5 pound roll of butter donor ta receive butter nickel alarm clock by g hyuds value 2 50 the neatest and best pound of fresh butter the acton fuu pnes one year by h pmoore 100 second prize frle part six months 50 32 bt five pounds butter donor to receivebutter pair kid boots bj l s allison knatchbull value 3 00 miscellaneous 33 best collection fancv vv ork by d henderson 3 00 ai best barrel apples greening donor to receive apples b i francis 4 50 35 best jaundned shirt sett mrs potts irons b j c hill value- 3g best barrel northern spy apples donor to receive apples bv a johnston 37 best 1 dozen turnips grown from seed purchased from j v kan- nawin w best fancv quilt goods bv kclh bros 2 00 best pair raised woollen mitts donor to reoeiv e mitts pair kid boots bv w williams 5 00 200 30 31 w 2 50 i 50 5 00 3 00 10 best pair spanish black fowl bv john c nelson 1 ii best pen breeding of fowl 3 hens and 1 cock am varietv ibi 200 bv j harvev2nds100byj a murray 3 00 il best 3 laverjellv cake made with ocean wave baking powder by hamilton coffee a spice co dim silver butter dish value 5 00 43 lneatest made 6hirt bv single voung ladv by j a mcmillan one broach value 2 00 11 best pair homemade socks donor to receive socks by robert anderson t 100 ii best loaf home made bread 50 pounds floor b a f lamb 1 50 4g ladv obtaining greatest number of prizes in fancy work manufac tured and owned by exhibitor by w j king 47 largest and best collection of flowers 2 prizes 1st 300 2nd 200 b vc f lamont t 5 00 48 best collection canned fruit agate kettle bv g havill 150 49 best pair hand made woollen mitts donor to receive mitts bv dr springer 100 50 best patchwork quilt catdi bv fred second j 00 51 onehalf dozen largest apples anv variety cash bv fred becord 1 00 52 best plain patchwork quilt made bv an unmarried joung ladv cabinet of wedding cards bv the acton free press valne 53 best pair gents slippers donor to receive slippers cash b r b jermyn 00 3 75 00 for complete pnza list or anv information respecting the applv to the secretary worlds fair john duff president geo hynds secretary zfottidtid iust aotoit in the ola glove shop j h matthews best plsce u dasl for pine whips ply nets and dnstera specially good value in trunks and valises xx b we place on sale tlh week a big rajge of f beauty spot veiling i at 15 20 and 25 cents per yard tje proper thing you know ii fall goods are arriving daily looker announcement shortly r b jermyn speibthcles spectkcle i have purchased a stock of the celebrated lawrences spectacles and eyeglasses at 50c on the dollar and will clear them ty out very cheap r b say age 1 f watchmaker cuelptr thhe3 gulden u yoa viat a nlco set ol light or team harness i can salt yon is prioes and material repairing promptly and neatly done j h matthew8 acton guelph cloth ijlall large importation of scotch tweed suitings first opening upj shaw crundy merchant ta1lcr8 jcuelph guelph white checked muslin 3c cream seersuckers 4ac colqred seersuckers fcj striped and brocaded dress goods 5cj plaio challis dress goods pig 124 pieces lovely prints 6ev brocaded sateens w 5 40 ieces 8c ginghams scoph chambra ginghjams ancbherl35 pieces flannelette chsjmbra double widths 1cj printed delaines 50 cent goods 12 1 colored parsols 25c wxxted ooo tbohsand enstomen to purchase kelia bbos62 50 pfttita made to order wool 50000 lbs nantea the highest ptico iu cash or merchandiso wiu bo givoo for good olean merohaouble wool wx mclrou co oeorcotowo ont maps and all information oonminiog rates etc over any route to manitoba the north west or the wester1 stales may be had at- tbe grand trunk station acton everyone thoald 11200 and fl00 they are better any other rlaoe in bait inspection in kelly bios call and tee our i10jo suite made to order ue than can be got at town by three dollars hted fit koaranteed rev t albert methodist ohnrcb his nonthi vacation yesterday and delivered enexgerlo disooorae ol a christian btevfhamiltos j d williamson 8 co- 5 and 7 wyndham st guelph 84 oswald bt glasgow moore ol slmooe street ibo has returned horn occupied hie pulpit as usual u on the beaoty and joy sitctilot td farmers and threshers j tjebontontmaohineryonly the fellknown fflffsyfbfi j uwrj a t h hl k awarded dnrino the it lliitsyes3 hff nm pwr- liaaii rila km na and hlghlyjaanrawmimai mtt farm guelph farftefs ask for stem use noother v3t g at id manalfoturedatqutisoltyoli wortiiy i samuellocep8 4 0

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