Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 4, 1890, p. 4

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stxglimibbkkr new oaissss- iiilolii thhrsda78kptkribebl18m sljt lonitg folb the ixvetbratb borrower j vhsttrr john burr dsttred to aw hadofaassjabacbomn andriodtmthitbowoavlntani re sen rpan the morrow hedjbam rakes and speaei and host hsdlbotrot pkrasbs and harrows la short teddorrovenvttunty fnmsieeketowhaenjardws tnnpeshtm tbe house jatnliht after kit daily labors sett see abeuthiin right and left r of his nefajfabon hu see the borrowed canillttthi tfcatnald to bnsuoi taper hed lee upon the wtndowfu tlie borrowed book endpaper hom neer return the mttjr things nejaopwklpdlt lent hip one day he wished to ose a bone banllea abbey and satrlbs- to tet sgtin iltmers chestnut mire lad aooa john barr nt gome so bat by wareue ditch and free hathooght the wind ni blowing be oaad the hone be eooldat ttop be banned fast and teeter ed maee and mfies away from borne bemtwithadhaaur the wagon ran against a rock and vent tppteeea oaarirr irfd bm fait out upon the ground- aiat hint mmself severely awbentcraubabadtoiev she leasohcfms sorrow c was this that evucocnea to him that only uvea to borrovv l- t railroad strikes and the public ltintefiigent men who an employed in any canadty spon a railroad think thai tbey are justified in padnemg quasi- anarchy- in aay community beeanae they mayhate a jus grssjvdos they hold news et1 to alt social order they rnayrof eeerbilt what they propsee ai a remedy far an alleged jpievanoe is nr tbey do not defy a railroad company they chalfanflb the whole oornmsnity- of intelligent j iodnabioda and bwahiding crtbena who an the overwhelming body of the aroerioan people public sentiment hstjconiitry ie not pecuiarly fav to greet oorjorltiops or inimical to those who eve by wages tie tut majority ol the peonlelrre byrwages land upon any plain statement of wrongto railroad hands or any ouber wageworkers the uieesme of pehboaynrpaiiry ia with them bailroad rnrnpsnies have do right to regard them sesswana eng in an es3clsively private ousinosi they are botmd to act with regatdtd the probable effect of their action npobthe jdbfici from whom they have nust and wiwbom they ltttvemaaodnhaust xberois a similar ohngatioii npon the emplo of the road both ooinpeuy and employee of the road bavejf aestnned dntaea to the public winch they cannot honorably disregard tine i a troth which was never eo clearly ueiueiied as now and defer more empha- atadin the public vnjnd than by the late central btoaetfarpcrv reefy the- grand old man some time ego i endeavored to trice back thsseriexeaiuie request of sconeapona- est i cat the following paragraph from a page of thetorarto wai jit doee not cite isseuthority the grand old man is a phrase that is popularly supposed to belong to william e ghtdttame and to hare boon invented especially to diatiogniih him thii i not theoaee in a apeecb of the late dr hook made atmenrfyiater rnghmd abont thirty yjtere ajro and which wu brought to light a few weaki aiooe the rev gmtleman eaedihe pfaraae in reference to the oom- ptawrhandel he wee addressing a work ing dsaa gathering at t popdiar concert and here i the sentence in which the pfaraae occorred i dared et aunde to fheijeered oratorio the wnariah ai merely an entertaintnent and an anrnie- meet for i rnnemhrr that when the ora torio wu firat prodnoed in london and baadel wae oosgratnlated m having entertained the town for a whole week the grand old man in hii nasal ontepoken jrjanner eaid- idid not with to entertain jbe town i wiehd to do it good there yoo have at once an intereating anecdote and the preconor of the most famoni eohrignet of modern timee i comranion advertisement loit a ladye pnae imported eeal- brows in cote iolaid gold ornamenutioo gold chiep gold and enamel medallion on he with initial ahh finder can keep cooientaand will receive additional reward byreinmigpnre to lira a- hh 600 faatdon avenne focsn a ladye pnrae brown with ian trimmloge initial a h h con- testa one oaf ticket two pennies nineteen aamflm dry goodi receipt for removing warts list ot toilet preparations five corn plasters and a box of lip salre loser can have same by applying to the chore boy cbieao johns second band store 11 slop- shop street sod payieg for this advertiae- niest postmarjce on english letters london people have begon an agitation fai faros of the additftm of the hour and tnjnntetn tbalpomnark oh letters as js oone in jwdiir btteutm the knglialijioatmark baa had only the day ejordlthsyearndtbenanmoftbe orta knowtng k that hood dis oases rrhhi an oftirrcaiodlesfau to cnro yield to ayerjsflo t j fresh coaurma- hon ol this btato- ulcnt comoa to jhiujd dally even inch docisoatd tod stubborn coin- rjalnu as bhori- inauim bhentno- ftlo gout and tho i like are thorough ly oradloatod by theusoalthlswon- dorful altoratlve mrs b irving dodge 110 wot rata street now york certllles t abont two yeare ago after saserlng for nearly two yearn from rlicuraatlo gont being auto lo walk only with groat discomfort and having trie various remedies iuclddlug mineral waters without rcllof i saw by an advertise- meet iu a clilcaeo piper llist a nun had boon relieved ol tjili dtstnaslng oom- pklnt after long mflerlng by taking ajers sakaparilla i then decided to make a trial of this medicine and took it regularly fur eight months i am pleased o my that it effected a com plete curowl that i havo since had no rotnm ol the disease mrs i a stark niubaa n rf writes quo yoar ago 1 was taken hi with rheumatlim being confined to my hooso six mouths i came oat of the sickness very much debilitated vrlth no appetite and my system disordered in every wov i commenced to nse aycrs barsaparuld and began to improve at once gaining 4in strength and soon re covering nry usual health i cannot say too mnci in praiso of this well-kuovrn- auvdlclne i lmvo taken a great deal of medi cine but nothing hos done mo 0 much good a aycra qanaparilla i felt its bcncbclal ouccta before i had paite unisbod one bottle end i caa reely testify that it is the best blood- raedidnolknowol liwward8r woodland texas i ayers sarsaparilla nztaud t dr j c ayer 4 co j lowell mass priolli illtukti tvonhsjsboqk b xiiiuir i-r- j caltoria i recommend known to me 1118c for infant rw iskwodadartedtoehuraitkat i stetteemgoi ooesuwtoe oxterabkbrooklrnlt llloattawkninwdk4on tsosnlca ojwurrtt murray street wt tmm tib at n7 a queer leoal decision ill etiquette is roipodsible ipr a queer legal dedtlou a traveller on a german rail- j way train attempted loeat a lunch and j and while in the sot ol conveying food to hii month the train etopped suddenly and his cheek was bsdly cut on the edge of the j knife he was using the man sued tbs ooropany lor damages bat his claim wu detested on the ground that it was a breach ot etiquette for bim to eat with a knife the court recited unto him a chestnut that a man can not take advantage of his own wrong tfotes he an there items of general interest to free prose readers i going in debt icceptjug presents from people j freemans worm powders destroy and remove worms without injury to adult or infant j would we be happier if all our hopes werereslized regulate the liver and bowels by the judicious use of national pills tneyere purely vegetable doubt is that which makes man suspic ions of all his kmd as a healing soothing application for cuts wounds bruises and sores there is nothing better than victoria carbolic balvei the fairest faces are those which we have never tooclosely scanned a xosslde story ihsve used your burdock blood bitters and pills and find them everything to me i had dyspepsia with bad breath and bad appetite but after a few days use of b b b i felt stronger ooold eat a good meal and felt myself a different mairf- r w h y mossidi ont the meanest man in the world is the man who is good becastee he has to be guod jfilburnrs aromatic quinine wine is distmcuysuperior to any other as sn ap- petiting tonic and fortifier a bash kniglil hr senben ejiiglrt of inorris han states that be was troubled with s rash all over his body which was cored with less than one bottle of burdosk blood bitters he highly recommends it as ablood purifier of the greatest efficacy after spending an hour with a pretty fool how refreshing homely people are there are a number of varieties of corns houoways com cure will remove any of them call an your druggist and gets bottle at once when the admiration of men becomes necessary to a women she belongs to the devil buektothe eight bight actions spring from right princi ples in cases of diarrhosa dysentery cramps colic summer complaint cholera morbus etc the right remedy is fowlers extract of wild strawberry an unfailing core made on the principle that natures remedies are the best i sever travel with out it j when a man tells yqu that salary is no object to huh you hsve toand one of two things either a man who is a fool or a man who takes you foe one cubearshlc igony for three days i suffered severely from summer complaint nothing gave me relief and i kept getting woaje until the pain was almost unbearable but after i bad taken the first dose of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry i found great relief and arid it did not fail to cure me wjl tslixk wilfrid ont a willingness to divide with hii captor has protected more thieves than the law has protected honest men j it goes right to the spot said an old gentleman who found great benefit in ayers sirsspariila he was rights de rangements of the slomsoh liver and kid neys are more ipeedlly remedied by this medicine than by arry other it reaches the trouble directly j j cents ornj conn sites remedy that is sore pntosmapsinleef never fails never osutm abesiisjtttest discomfort extrmtor and beware fcaaioos and flasheating atibeaibariib sulftitdav niiv ssesj wiseiac bermud bottled to berarada it nat io reabobal- earatot neither tfte wch if try k letter fren kmenon ihsvo used dr fowlers exirsot of wild strawberry and i think it is the beat remedy for summer oomplslnt it hat done a great deal ol good to myself and children mbswii wiimsxi emersonhsn cobden wrote proverbs about look and labor it would he well for boys to mem orise them look is waiting tor something to turn up labor with seen eyes and strong will will turn up something luck lies iu bed and wishes the postmin would bring news of a legacy labor turns out at six oclock and with busy pen or ringing hammer lays the foundation of competence lock whines labor whistles luck relies on chances labor on character luck strides down to indigence labor strides bpwsrd to independence i you fiod yourself refreshed by the pre sence of cheerful people why not make earnest effort to oonfer that plessureon others i see thata new word is called for to describe railroad accident the word telescope r is not considered eppropriate isnt it replied timsn then bow would ooliideoscope do ioexhsustibld good nsture hvindeed a precious gift of heaven spreadingltseu like oil over the troubled sea ot thought and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather the sambro lighthouse is at simbro n b whence mr b e hartt writes as follewi without a doubt burdock blood bitten has done me a lot good i was sick and weak and had no appetite but bjbb made me feel smart and strong were its virtues more widely known many lives would be saved the devil sighs when he sees so many liars forgetting the first principles of their occupation which is to make the lie resem ble the truth our wisest thought is the one which we always lack words to eiprssi foolish thought finda easy expression best and comfort to the suffering browns household panacea v has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it oures pain in the side baok or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth- ache lumbago andfany kind ot pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its acting- power is wonderful browns houseulul pas acea being acknowledged as the great fain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in tbs world should be in every family handy for nse when wanted as it really is the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and sches of all kinds and is for ssle by all druggists at is oenti a bottle awisl atly redooed pries si she bight hooai i sale lunybsrglu are still to bf hew goods a great success has been escursd at theoloslng out sale ot somme d y ooodst during this last week thoasaadsof purchasers have supplied their wai u it this bsrgai had ootna and see them before the special sals closes fresh arrivals ai large asaortment ol saw goods purohased in europe have been opened up and an now ready for uupaitlon btodf tbu lut of saw goods new cream pongees cream sarahs black bengalis suka black kod colored velveteens blaokand oplored briluastinaa and lnstra draw goods italian cloths in blaok and oolerec black horeins new ahadet in twoiyerd width fait forhnoyworkebbloaaaiortmenofblakohantnir3lounolngandfiihate new patterns iu blaok chaoully uoea new buek b1u valval blbbontorm and whiu watered blbbp is new irish polot onrtelse large variety ol new 3ashnwrehosiary a cboios selection of novslues in hack frilllogi hei buok oraps saw buk warp henriettas bum oaahmarae and smras lanrs assortment of while muslin goods noveltls i in ladies tfaooy handksrohlefs bee the bargains issew handkerchwtselllng at to each or six for 9c in the hou iehold depabtawntef are sbwn a large tarlsty ot white and colored quilu english sheetings bleached and unbleshei pulow ootions window housoda colored oxford shirtings oalateu table linens baaate oraah towelling towala and anoy towehlbg see the oaatrwell okwtaa woollooaikthbcabpetdctabtiaeot balpoe op this wwjh 8pb0ial baboaihsaraoftarad bamnanu of all kinds of oarpeu cheap nei desigm in abwool carpets bb jdm xpv25i into the bight hob8e which 18 on king street cob ieb of hdgh60h befoke bhtbbing look on the window fob the name which ib r sfiis or bipresf- hamilton aug soth 1890 ts03vcs o wetsrelts jolmnie get wheu you feel that you cant get ac quainted with a man it is a sign that he does not like you and never will there was a cook in our town and she was wondrous wile she bought imperii baking powder and caused her bread to rise and when sbeaaw how nioe it was deolared with might and main that imperial wu the only b p she would ever use again one way of congratulating a young man who is to marry a girl with money is to let him have everything he wants on credit cousuutntlon cured the palm of the hand moistened with dr thomas eciectric oil exerts a wond rous oontrol over pain andspeedily subduing it the eciectric healing influence of this highly sanctioned medicine u manifested by the rapid disappearance of sores and abrasions of the skin when used a b dee bochers arthahaskaville p q- writes thirteen years sgo i wu seized with a severe attack of rheumatism in the head from which i nearly constant ly suffered until after having used dr thomas eciectric oil for nine dsys bsth- iug the head etc when iwaa completely cured and have only used half a bottle c c rtchiem 4 co grsts my horse wu so afflictm with distemperthslhe could not driak for four days and refused all food simply apply ing mraaedb lbjiment outwardly cured him feb 1s8t- cin ttrmnnn curx c c bichibiis 4 co gexts i have used your minabds liniment for bronchitu snduthma and it bu cured me i believe itthe best lot 5 p e l has a lrnxostox mxthos bell of ofessrs scott bell 4 co proprietors of the wingham furniture factory writes for over one year- 1 wu not free one- day from headache i tried every medicine i thought would give me relief but idid not derive any benefit i then procured a bottle of northrop a lymans vegetable discovery and began taking it according to directions when i soon found the headache leaving me and i am now oompietely cured aoticz to mothzes are you disturbed at night aod brolien olyour rest by i pick child suffering and crying with the pern of cuttingteeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs whitlows soothing syrup for children teething ua value u incalculable it wol relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend spon it mothers there u no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one ot the oldest and best female pbysicuns and nurses in the united states and u for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfivo cente a bottle be sure and uk for mas wixslows soontrao shot sod take no other kind the third page ot the toronto daiiq mail u noted for want advertisements if you want to buy or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness maciiinery lodgings if you have lost or found aiiy thing or if you want to find out where anyone u advertise in the to ronto daily hail and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address the mail toron to can ada j mrs mj stephens of albany n y writes us as follows my stomach wu so weak thatl could not eat anything eour or very tweet even fruit at teatime would cause besjrthnrn fnllness or oppressioffjot the oheet short breath restlessness daring sleep aud frightful dreams of disagreeable i sights tojuiat i would often dread to go to aleep with the use of northrop 4 ly- mans vegetable discovery this unpleaaatt- lies hu all been removed and i now oanj eat what suite my tuts or fanoy an old physicuu retired from practioe having had placed in hie hands by an eut india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedv for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat aod lung affections siso a positive and radical cure after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand ot cases hu felt it bis duty to make it known to hit suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire- it this recipe in german erenoh or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a- notts 620 powers block rochester n y yesterday he prayed to be delivered from evil speaking lying and slandering to day he proceeds to speak evil lie aod slan der 1 it is worse than madness to neglect a oough or cold which is easily subdued if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of consumption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bron chial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle ol bickles anticonsumptive syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drivesit from the syttem- this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration tnbduet the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder ful influence in curing oonsumptiou and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselves from much anxiety trouble and expense let them pro cure a bottle ot bickles anticonsumptive syrup and whenever a child hu taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions a womsns idea of a perfect man is a man like the man she likes best a mans idea of a perfect woman is a woman unlike any he ever knew five years sgo i had a constant cough night sweats wu greatly reduced in flesh and had been given up by my physicians i began to take ayers cherry pectoral and after using two bottles ot this medioine wu oompietely cdred aoga a lewis bichardn y lb if yon want to buy or tell is farm jid- vertiae iu the toronto wauf mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who waits to pur- jghaie advertisement of thil class are in serted in the toronto ipeshy u au tor frtia cents a word each jinsertlot or twenty oeatea fmflvsj insertions the jlafttoronsi clia4a ards unlsseal for sale everywhere ahiolstely ooaristsed as claimed ertoosey nfsnisd pamphlets teftimcmlut ttc fkee wg b1dsh bicbode kilteb co lid la king st w toronto ont tela kanufacturers for thejdomtnlon ejrbewareof impiluonsi see ojir trademark dr fowbekts jwlljd mm cures hottfra koleramqrhus iolrice 1 mbmih cbfms blow gentle breezes blow a hat a tie a shirt a collar ill get the lot for about a dollar a pair ot boots and steekiogt too hy poor old toes are looking blue rxgoa five for a new suit yevten end get an overcoat iu be a dude i wol yon bet acltyiwellaristocratl hold on that aint all yet an undershirt and paste ill get 111 buys pair of gloves unlined it they dont show a better kind a pair of braces in theyll give for im the staff thats going to live to travel the oountry oer and oer and recommend kelly bros store soma groceries too im going to boy for my dear wife u well u i tea sugar and other things ill get we intend to live till we have to quit y6ur clix to kelly bros store ill co- re jl they tell to cheap it it what a lot you get for a ii they sell for ouh and bu beeanae they say to draw other merchants cant bu because they dont go in tbey sell on tick their o and theyve to mind what and do you think i have of which few if any get to buy a suit from bead if not im here u grub if i aint goodlooking i that i can pay for what for orsdit u one of the ill tell you in the next i look like a man thats oh worse than that tbey they charged two prions they chased me to tbe lly funny little money goods right it sight so cheap steep meney is out theyre about the etui eiongh fcr hive vey kelly bros toes orowj oonccil wear and eat greatest onraes j oiased by don iereraallyhogt their goods woods j lor t a beeanae the bill i couldnt pay my grain wu poot and cheap wu bay im honest boys tree im a dandy would give them the mosey if i had it handy j before i left ilmeu you square while tbe wind uwbutling through my hair f i happened to put in my left hip pocket twenty in cash in there i socked it thats all i have hot one cent more but it will buy ratal st kelly bros store and attar this i intend to boy aj kellys store until fedie yon think this rhyme ooouins no tense weu let you uy without defer osj bat tobuytoodseheepend toaevsjftbts pay the oeahen deal with uafr j the great j clothing house acton -gret- summer we are showing great bargain in summer di ess qod8 from eight cents pjr yard up colored muslins at cost ancl qnder all remnauts ot dress goods and prims at cost i we have just received a large range of new prints a new embroidery shirt parasols 1 in all the new patternst ngs f 5 cents p from 20c large assortment of glomes and hosiery i v- i at low pnees see our low lines of readmade clothing extra value in the botjt boe department fresh stock of groceries always on hand i- r yj remember our 25 and 50c t b are 1 he beet j henderson hcton sj ffiihrlasi c l rv tltaltad ilr f tjhau1taiptlgtwg ism8j d i ffiffoffi t oor illostiwrtd pamhlet r t 8 whttcotia o f aotrsorr uml r m 0etmht i clik m6 atawf v- 2 unlocks au the dogged aseonea rfttar toratalltt impoiiaej and out hnjapa of the secretions at the aametaoe 0- reetlug aewlty of tw smobsa eating bflloufmew pyp headlonec dlzzfnea bemth2 faia flatterlrot of tie heart soft ndetouutr4 yield to th bc blood bittebl tbrscutimveaun leideiicomrirlfmtoaita i if 1 pt t 1 htbviitoh3h hphkelmtijlit ygr skl iwmpuifre anorw msslitssmrwsmhrmtomm vs s llrtiiaftcisith v thhwcmmrid wprqne4sumcaimf smw tl if y was is fcwst br k nmm ummsntantdallatavf 2 ohltl pure8t stroitcest best coktklm no muu awm0nial1ue phosptutes arawf ki wi e w gillett 3sooioit itatlcfttoclxnuixsintaltlins -f-r- f ah h an ft dunn thecodv he urceft scale woe inkanaoa over i op styles tjp hay scales graipj scaie8 farm s5ales t4la scaltfi yipfidvedsuoif gases in mffcii orst fonipsta vi tnsn hnivlnifptft am btcee nboamiffni write ix lenna o o espunade 8rthrrn e torphtciorat menrwuiarfrerrinisvmiwjik v s sihm to i nlu to ms f 5 u

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