Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1890, p. 1

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volume xvi in tcblbh every thotsday uorxta it nrx mill street it cau to e4w4t sjjsj jstrlf not iff- the iattnlr label denoted br lie ijnrttvc- iiwcrtion nfc uble lio skeined rcrioisj- -l- r 1sss1tss s sjnl mi sntrs hpauooke editor idrwimclcr 43 inches 10 inches 5 inches llnoh soa wo school books stationery and fcancy cooda and wall paper 8tore 20vjtidiiamst- guelph urtaviw john bmit w barber bros paper makers qeoretown ont liixxi srecultt or machine finished book papers axd high grade weekly kews schools open all the school books uaod in the public school ud collegiate instltuto 3lhtes exercise books drawing books bohool baq8 c foefrt has everj book wanted waitingfor stock no we give the boat value at dats bookstore guelph day sells cheat 8u5trtiss stotorrj ytt h lowrt 1 b jtcts college of physician lad sarreons office and residence at the head ot frederick treet acton- d r eueikgebv petsicu5 sctfleos bonefaefertta accocchem ucg arriss the paper nscd mollis journal is from the above mills i wk babbes bros cestacey ildcjlftiicltcj4rs0 j codefe st toronto telerhoneosus stedlld j ecbcxos etc m- para etoal w2i street boot snd shoe store ll bekkett lds dekxist osoaactcrstr osnaio g ltckeoiayuds waters bros the pict0re gaixeby guelph feuies t pictctes pictcre uoclddcgs eoou uocld1sgs corxice poles from l brass eons banker rods from 15c artists materials oil colors water colors ccini colon brashes etc etc rcadv xuxcd painu aipen- 1tk eoaffiel cords wiresr kails ciiiins hooks etc waters bros st i georges square stjucixos desnsrgeoacirrotrk vyait ctaa at aaewk hotel an the socood and lierrtkwtes4srot semantic 0 la g sorjeiota first inz tath or eap- tt church m cleax t mcleak coalstood barristers soecitori koariea onrrtranjirs ix private lands to loan offieetown hatt ieton wfcimclnx jsoaitclox tikowii biiaismii soucrxob kcrixt poui uoner to loan cjrrjee dais taeadar vzi sarordar rncz haribef block actos njntaire james brown his on hicl s urfe ccaatitj ol ciceciiiit coal hicbtciilfroaptir deliver w tcjr put of the tern tt rcacntbic prices 200000 lbs earing completed contncti for lo ckr lords of ttine or tbo lolloping brands excelsior red cap com mon sense red star anchor we are dot in a position to quote very lowest cash figures ti pure w- pkris green a specialty john 1l bond co q0elph direct harttware importers jnivy blio bed no ptwner mtw ner toy blood nor kin s thofi bncoomo itliapponod tbot wo 11 took bor in a poor potkod uula crluor ilod headed ji aolbin eli bay uir wu o to uot an ipheuiod to grtje tuet fire of u wainol aaywrroiftdwliibtoioo au one 0 ui wi uowiy an thet thu ono irai mo an jinny used toief mo for bolu biff an ou all budi ta loot a4 fruciloa tbo tblokost over icon bbo jftdgod 1 only luoturu kept m ttom lbokia green firit off i didnt mind it tbm tituila wiya ot born bat wbea the took to growla like l tlitn lobcif orart fom an did b halr mp oo top why her joke begin to bum iknoved ivunt ooihln let oft r john an j tin an badveil he tghuy an tedi looked him an aonsed hli chabcu with jinny was big in mine wns slim so hoirodtqiietvncnuou hox macli i kecrod for her cat i jedgo to plae in eocret it puses euler tboo to pine with i olkt irknovlii jett vbt yoaro pinla for i pd a friendly majiaor an ulked vftb ber right smart aboal her banx an reckoned bho bod at any bert an on day vbea t tsid c bex eyei flow irtdc aptvrt la t taddint carui fuhicu an the blue lookod vet in the wopink u any roaebush an 1 1 well when i aoo thet blush wellthe truth is fihei eoin lb inavrry trie eca wuxkr ifcguutox ektf jfatnilu saftinj or hit prospective wmnurferdid she undenund why joei irtwrt liwild be postmarked mew york when lie wm bat of the city though joe had explained thai in one of the letters by saying that there was was no postoffice in the rural district where he was staying and a friend who came to the city onoe a week volunteered to mail his correspondence when j09 returned caro failed to notice tho change in him it escaped her obser vation that six weeks of the hardest toil could not have made him look the ten years older that he did she allowed him to kiss her cheek but she offered him not lovers caress yet with all her coldness and indifference his heart went out to her and he brightened at tbo thought that she might learn to love him after they were married they talked httle of jove less ofjnatrimony joe asked her one day to name the time for their wedding she seemed shocked at the idea and gave him an answer that would have chilled the ardor of a more impulsive man bat joe dm not seem hart he said he would be patient and await her pleasure he would not pain ber by mentioning the subject again sly darling he said when you are willing to bcconio my wife tell me so you know how i long for you but since it grieves you for me to speak ot our union i leave it to you to decide when i shall be mode happy caro went ou dreaming of ber hero joe worked as usual and waited one day caro accompanied a friend to the laboratory of a wellknown surgeon and chemist near madison square there were many curious things to see andwhile her friend conversed with the surgeon she amnsed herself by looking over the collec tion of jars and bottles containing the speci- tbe ring and carol ha wm rigid then twayioi from intenad emotion she sank back in hir chair crying in tonea of anguish my own my own oh heavens i her companion picked up there on the inside was engraved line stebbins 18 joseph jones aat in his omce in nassau street despondent busirjess was good but there was a blank in the yonng mans life he was all alone in the world and he wanted someone to talk ti some one to confide in he felt that if some one would only encourage him he could find relief by opening his heart to thatperson hig head was bowed forward on the tablet and tjho document h had been read ing had slipped unobserved to the floor he did not hear the timifl knock at hli ft bast hand s hiltoxi ale as fc batri banifiterf solicitors 4c tosorro isd geoegttovx 0t5tes block grsetorn ard 6c king street east taructc ti 11x15 i sgllios bi t eoisde j hatdwooi and slahs est sieve it on band itii alwsji a secubed fos ccvliktioks heset geist ottlvl cixjuu tsrenty rears practice ko patent ko pit ttpil hemstbeet ltaorsttj ixenasrsa for the coamies of weniaston and haltoc orders left at the fee pkess office tacwc or atmf reaideneeia actmxrill be proaptly at tended to- terms reaaonable- iho moofiy to loan on the most favorable terms tad at the 16vet rates of inurest to rami of jog and optirds- acto un livery bus line j0h5day iechitect gcelth 0t ornceiaeeassot bloci katket square the cndctejgcd rcsjectfully tojtiu the tutroa- tge of the public tci inforcie tbem tiat well equipped sni stylish eigs can al ways- be secured athifisialjlcs a coortaijlc bss meets all trains between 9 am tul fcis pm garcf ui attection given to every order the tists oc commercial travel- lers f ally met mutual tire insurwge compahy drugs stationery school book exercise books drawing books copy books slates and pencils pens and ink school bags etc j v kannawins f raxcis sukak satcessor to tf cfcipman r b00kbi5deb st george sqoare gacjphjoalirio xcctnmt bookaof all kiadt aade to order feriodlcals ot deschptionearefohr bound rnunr neatltacd protnptlr dose of tee cotjyty of wetthgtoy head off cuelph ins crea b cildinss kcrci acdisc linzhctaries vii til otlicr descriptiozfi o kissrible property oa the cash and rrernicm kote srstem p vt stone chas divtdsok preictenl manager johk taylor agekt lhjjst actok mhe hasla2cbabber shop liiiibtiirt acros la eacrahate a atyliahaircnt a goodscotoam 4oexralianlirigahamrkkalta7igitezi baiorf boaedandpntin firstclass conditiori ladies aad childrens hair tastily oat 5 hwobdestonsorfii artists- waxte rpo tell specialties ia our line samples free jl with ontfil peculiar faoiitiea to ner be ginners control t territory- have done bssi- bcsa in canada 33 yeara we employ on salary- ud eommiagion write for terms to chase bbothebs cootakv kczserymec colbomc ost picket wire fencing the best and cheapest of ale faem 7nd garden fences highly comnierided and ttxiled diploma k gcelpb ccctralaad scribal ttnvnship fairs tg send post card for price lift givicgfcll particu lars address j m dooley co cuelph ont a little talk about shoest welfingtou marble works qceeec eraret gceute clark t carter uikect impotlen of granite and ilarble jlqnnmenti and headstones of all aliades and from tha newest nir all work ani ma terial warranted firstclaas panics wishing to pnreiiamwil please give ci a call and inspect oar stock and prices ac we are cocfident we can compete with unyeitabusbmeat in ontario hariac sold ont my interest to tbo alxne urn respectfully solicit the patronage to my frienda and the public on their behall 1 h halflltox samiltoils marble works hautltona block formerly hatchs block the gore comer of woolwich and norfolk streets gcelpbost john h hamilton propriator wbolesale ani retail dcilcr and direct importer and msonfactsrero all kinds of graniie and marble ifonsmenl tonibstonts etc having had en extensive experience for the last 15 years the public may rely on getting all superior artfeea at z cheaper rate thtn any other dealer in the west k b 15 per coat on a direct order re ceived lor the celt 31 dajx fignrea may lie and facti distorted be b t seeing is believing come and leer tbe feelcsboo boot and shoe store fs jost now showing a number of new lines of shooa and slippers specially adapted for the aeaaort these new goods are being sold at prices aa low or lower than those asked for old styles and shop worn goods elsewhere everybody can bo suited for we havo all sixes la gents vteax ladies wear toutbvwear agents wanted 1 in erery township to sellthe pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor 1 themostcompleteand comprehensive work ever published- its anthors stand at the bead of their profession and ha vea continental rcpu- urtnn vt- u j wellinstou steam laundry- cuffs c childrens wear bbrs wear bhibt5 10c colnies 2c bpeciafllcecgood cjoods kcacst styla and bst valcc for the mosey at w williams acton custom work and repairing given careful atten tion trunks and valises in variety family- washing without ironiry 25c per dor family washing with ironing 35c per doi gentlemans washing and impairing 50c per doien all work gcararrlcsi best in canada office and worts s3 qneboc stnjete goods left with kelly broc our agents at acton will be sent to the laundry ani returned to their srore free ot charge at above prices i e hacknet proprietor frank burgess ot their profession and ha vracantinental rcpu- r y- n jation worth its weight in gold to anyone house painter raper rianger having horses sheep catce swine poultry l txr r rjt t d ii m gj writer etc dogs or bees a grand opportunity to make money secure territatry at onee address e n motee pubuaner 120 tonge st toronto new planing mill 1xd sash and door factory john cameron contractor has fitted nplhe building on mi in street lately occopied as a trunk facumry with new macbtnert and is prwpamd to furnish plans spodfications and esti for all classes of buildings and execute all kinds of dbe8sixg katchixg and mocldikg icilx ill uttlefl op bahes doors and windows and door franies and dretsed lumber tabdliwpasiockontiand all rderi iiromptjy attended to johu oameeon is prepared to ciccata orders in any of he above urres in thobest manner and strcasonsblo tenns evert job having my pergonal attention i can assure caktomen complete satisfaction graining in all woods a rpecialty ordersjeltatmy tcsidencc uaih st acton will receive prompt attention i or a- wllford hallos heilth pamphlet diseate cured without medicine j jas matthews acton has been appointed agen for the clrcnlallon of dr italls celebrated heajth pamphlet which he keeps on band the pampbletelsimsbyths treatment jtadviws sore enreior disease with oat medicine the price top the pamphlet is knar dollars and a guarantee if given that if tho paroliatyr is not satisfied afur patting tho treatment into conscientiooit jnncuee for one month to refund the money on the return of tho pamphlet with a pledge never again to use the treatment or ajlow it to be dsed id his family actok pump factory and planing mill thos ebbage man pump business la acton and would respectfully inf ona all parties in irant of pomps that e isre- nov prepared to supply them from the old style wooden pump to the best force pumpjaade pumps for wind mills or rock wella supplied on short notice deep wells a specult prices eight eveby time our planing mill v imrnbdrossodwwlcyonwijtwmotildujgs i j li 4c wade to order we have also a naantity o giier bis mtjertoria1afiiillefotloldingptixpce 1 fl m klvm orders by mallirjn recerre prompt ana careful attention shopatfoot of btrer street tflos ebbage manager 0u it is inclia doll stupid age ko chivalry no heroes nothing to relieve the worldof iu dreadial monotony yonng men do nothing but flirt and the girls have no better sense than to help them on the stjeaker was a pretty blondebrunette of nineteen an only and therefore a spoiled child of a wealthy parent who lived in elegant style in west thirty fourth street she aat with her fathers sister an elderly maiden lady tithsornerlji of the old i school about her in the back parlor of the i noose ivanhoe had jost been laid aside and it was scotts bcaatiful story which had filled her mind with romantic ideas and caused her to give expression to them in the manner above qnoted- there was a pretty pout on her ripe lips as she tamed to her a ant with whom she was on the best of terms and who was almost her slave and said aont stebhics isnt existence tiresome 1 i do wish something would happen r why caro my dear what could you wish you who have everything to make one happy said her aunt in chiding tones oh i doat wish anything or myself l have too ranch already i only want to see somebody do something grand noble heroic like they did in olden times i should like to ape a mam who ua true courage arma not afraid to sacrifice hia life and limb for a fellow creatnre a man who tut tat yaa arc foolish joe would be pained to hear yoa talk in this way im afraid you do not love him caro as you should i thought my lover a hero in my younger days and i felt certain that he would do and dare anything for roe and itiss stebbins leaned forward to hide the tear that started from her eye as sh re called the heppy memories of her past truly aunt i sometimes doubt my loving joe he is so slow and common place just the same every day kow if he were only a little livelier a little more romantic it would be dirterent joe is a good boy and i detest good boys you for afcmme child yoar father is thoroaghly satisfied with him for a son-in- uw and indeed he is most promising yonngman he is too full of business to be sentimental and he is not by nature one to waste time in romancing he will be a good husband im sure and one any woman might be proud of slish stebbins said this in her most con vincing way but it had little effect on caroline who carelessly turned upon her fingar the engagement ring joe had given her the girl was in doabt she thought she did love joe at onejimebat the thought began to take possession of her that she could not be happy with him because she did not admire her lord and master and she thought that merely love itself was not enough caroline stebbins and joseph jones had been engaged to each other for several months whexrthey plighted their troth they had exchanged rings and each wore the others joe loved caro with all his heart and slow methodical plodding fellow that he was his soul was wrapped up ia hert he knew she did not admire him their long acquaintance precluded all possibility of such a thing but he rested satisfied in the thought that sheoved him a little it did not require much to make joe happy and enough of his great love was reflected to warm ma big lonely heart into ecstasy at least joe thought so if some knight would only come along thought caro as she folded her hands in her lap and went off into dreamland on an architectural our she had builded several castles when a senant brought in the mail there was a note for her from joe it was short and read thus inun swketnxiirx i am unexpectedly called away shall be absent several weeks try to miss me a little will you not ever faithfully yours joseto jones i aunt btebbins heres an- enigma from joe and caro read the note aloud i wonder where he is going and what for she continued she was curious to- his business but hardly a second thought did she giw to his absence there was no feeling of regret on her part that they were to be separated poor joe was his love entirely dead in her heart nearly six weeks pftsaedere returned he had written every week fo caro warm tender respectful letters though they were she cared little for them she did uot write to jooualbecanha had neglected to gjvejber hie affirjhs filter father never said a word about joe6 his absence and bis name was seldom mentioned in the household caro thought strange of his for she hew her father had a etrong liking and the mens there were insects and reptiles not pleasant fo look upon but caro did not mind she had often visited her ancles similar collection sitting far back on a shelf was a large jar containing something white leaning forward to examine it closely caro discov ered the object to be a human hand with here and there a blood stain it was evidently a mans hand the fingers were long and bony and upon one of them was a ring caros curiosity impelled her to tarn the jar that she might sec the back of the hand and get a better view of the ring- she drew back with an exclamation of as tonishment the ring was the exact pattern of the one she had given joe in ex change for his when they became engaged it was a peculiar ring and never till now had she seen another like it her exdam- door nor its repetition he did not bear caro enter softly close tha door behind her and lock it she stood there a moment and a yearn ing look came into her facf aa she saw that left arm hanging by the chair and that gloved hand which had sometimes caused her to wonder why it waa never ungloved looking so straight and stifi poor girl she saw it ail now the six weeks absence was accounted for her fathers silence was understood there before her sat her hero jos she called softly as she kneeled before him joe dear joe look at me it is i your caro roused from his stupor joe looked up caro he ejaculated ind a glad light came in his eyes she held the ring before him then twin ing her beautiful arms abbot his neck she laid her face against his i a rosy crimson crept over her face and neck as she whis pered j darling ijcnow it all i am to to be your wife roady- buldingthe tunnel the ahisld of the c clair tunnel so often mentioned oonsiiu of a strong cylin der somewhat resembling a hoge barrel with both heads removed the front eod of the cylinder is sharpened so as to have a cutting edge to enter tha earth the rear end of the cylinder for a length of two feet or so is made quite ibio sad is called the hood arranged around the main walls of the cylinder and lougituuini there with are a series of hydraulic jack all operated from t common pump each jack bxvidg cocks whereby it may be cqt off from the pump whenever desired within the shields are vertical and hqriaontl brace and shelve when at work the iron plates or the masonry ot which the umoel is composed youd like to have your fortune told my utile lassie ii u not so much ihat oouldntif ypu would u that ii yoa had more experjepc yon wouldnt il joa ooaidl it is only the young and happy whi feel a longing to believe in fortune- tell- lng who joyfully set aside common sense because it is so pleasant to believe that aunty jones really sees a fair yonng mso witjb his heart in bii hand in the tea grojands or that the u gypsy at the doorl with the sick baby the bad cold the basket of rayed shoestrings and rusty bairpioa and the sly pack of dirty cards in her apron pocket actually sees a wedding before spring and a ooaob to ride in afterwards alongside of ft splendid husband and you in your silks sod satins oiy dear and hung with diamonds to see ioto the fatare ia cardb or tea oops or magio glasses to dream true and to be altogether cifted with prophecy is charming to people who have hope at at iheic slbows fair skies overhead aud no sorrowsxi the past- to remember they fancy thly coaldflescry only beans and fine presents feasting and forttmea friends and triumphs in that unsaowu futare why not know it why for the matter of that should evil powers have martery over such things why should not the very sugeu help oie to sper neh delightful blessiogs oh let them live a little longer and they will know they will kuowvery well enow the future heaven forbid it the past is quite enough and together with the present it is more than most people bl mature year want to know at sixteen how anxious one was to lis lea to all the old cook who has a gift could foretell in the coffeecup the old bias cap with a dragon on it bat if she had seen the changes time would bringjtbe hopes that woald die the ambition sjt bat would fade away the friendships hat woald fall by the wayside the loves that would torn to bate the dear 0h whom death would tear from our arms the tears we should ihed the woe we ibooid endure oh i if all that had been read la the old blue dragon cap amongst the browu coffee grounds bhoald we have lived to endure it assuredly not and sioce wa were to hyt do wc not all thank heaven for the veil that hid the fatare from our curious hope- fal laagbiog eyes perhaps as life is what it is to most of as there is uothix for which we should feel sach gratitude as the fact that nobody can tell our fortansa ji k l 4 tt tub v choir batl s bar half a bar half a bar oniardt j into an awful ditch choir and ptjecentqr bitch into a mess of pitch they lod the 01d hundred trebles to rlgbtjcj them tenors to left 01 tbom baaf tajront p tenv besowed and thundered on jiiat piecenkorlook when ths tytw3cjfafc jhelr oirntimejanaiook from the olahmdrad j- treoche4alluetublesher j boggled the torttalhere kaislng thoparsfttbalr u while his mil wandered e i theirs not to risson wny g thuiiaalmwaipltehedtoohlgh g theirs bat to imp and en outthsoldbundred j treblea to ligbiof them f tencra to left oj them j basses infrou of tbem i bdlcwod ana thundered i stormed thettb shout aadyiai j sot wiso they ans nor wed 1 drowning the sextons bell w while all tho church wondered y dire the precentor a gleco i flashed bjs pitchjorkin air j sounding the fresh keys to bear ont the old hundred fj 6ft iltlt brrturnodlils back j reached be his hat from rsck then from rtw acreaming pack himself he- sundered tenors to right of him trebles to left of him discords behind bun bellowed and thundered oh the wudhowla they wrought bight to tbo end they fought i some tone they sang bat not j sot the ow hundred x andrt9 jonrnnliw a girls own brother and never sal ielfisfa uit ation brought her friend and the surgeon to flrfit bailt up within the thin hood of her side and she inquired of the utter about thidd hydraulic jacks sie then ihe hand whose it was how he came by it fflade pna 6qd of lhfl un how long he had had it other questions i do not know whose it is he said but i will tell you where i got ft about three months ago i was walking down broadway when i hearda fearful clattering of hoofs and the heavy jolting of a vehicle looking round 1 saw a stage coming down the street at terrific speed the driver bad lost his seat and the horses were frantic from terror teamsters lashed their horses to clear the way and an avenue was quickly opened through which the snorting animals dashed a twojroraetioupe was coming up the street in the opposite direction the coachman wholly uhcon scions of tri danger before him hoarse shouts bode him clear the way he turned to one side but his horses becoming excited refused to advance and numerous dfi plates or masonry which has the effect to push the shield ahead into the j earth for a distance equal to the length of the piston of the tkt say two feet or dot quite the length of the hood and as the shield advances men employed m the front of the shield dig out tnd carry back the earth throagh the ibteb the hood within which the iron or masonry tunnel is built is drawn partly off from and ahead of tlie constructed tunnel thus leaving the hood pty the pistons of the hydraulic jacks then shoved back into their cylinders and a new section olj tunnel is batlt up within the hood as before described the shield is then pushed ahead and ao oo the extreme end of toe tuuuel is always covered and protected by the hood in this manner the earth is rapidly excavated experience it has been said that the bent thing for yoaog folks who have set oat on tho i road of life with is the experience of old folks who have come to its end this j soands very sensible at first sight one ays certainly but after considering the matter i doubt if il is true people should make their own experience and they will make it so mancan give soother bis experience ybe can only fill bim with doubts and fears make him dii- trustful or appreheniivo he can scarcely help him- so mach depends too oa oar plane of i life the man ia the splendidooach with i fine horses and dhverlwho stops when he will for refreshment can scarcely make his experience of any value to the boy witi 1 the umbering old wagon aud wretched worn oat bone nor can the man in the lightgoing gig direct te man with the little cart snd donkey as to his style of- the coone stood direct across the opening j qr thj r down which the stage tras being homed dltarbdg shield is circular 21 feet 7 inches in diam eter 1 g feet loug and is built of plate steel the coachman jumped from his seat and ran tohis horsesheads the only occupant of the vehicle was an old lady who was so overcome with fright as to be in a stupor i involuntarily held my breath and a calm asyeathwasover the entire throng of pedekns looking ou in another minute the crash would come saddenly a young man darted from the sidewalk and with a tremendous bound reached the escape he jerked open the door his arm encircled the cowering form of the old lady he dxcv her forth and with a mighty effort actually pitched her oat of harms way but before heoould recover from the effort the stage wrtfi upon him its pole struck the coupe there was a pile of horses and broken timbers and underneath all waa that brave young fellow i rushed forward able hands were there to assist 1 and we soon had him out of the wreck i thought him dead his clothing was badly torn asd hia left hand hung to his arm by a piece of skin the wrist had evidently been caught between the two wheels as they came together andthe tires cutting like a knife or scissors had severed bone and tendon so one 1uew the young man the ambulance came and took him to the hospital i was about to leave the spot when a boy touched my arm and held up to me the hand of the poor fellow which had fallen off while they were putting his body in the ambulance i took it intending to carry it to the hospital bat i suddenly re membered that i didnt know to which hospital they had carried him there was no occasion for hurrying about it so i sent the hand to my office and went myself to the new york hospital he was not there then i went to st vincent but there i heard nothing of bim i hastened to the chambers street hospital i think it could not have been more than two hours after the accident when i arrived there but im agine my amazement when they told me bat hes my own brother is that any reason wbj- you should his courtesies for granted thauk you ft is that shy reason by yoa should try aud make an eyeoior at borne pie ant for him instcado forcing bim bryt ilfisbncss to seek his happiness somewb i that any reason why you should think his opinion o yoor frocks ypiir bonnets or your looks worth ooosi stioo is that any reaaou why when you hs a man visitor be should- be made to i that yoa endured your brother when was nobody else but that when there twell then it was different 1 it that any reason why yoa should n7 listen ta hia word df adhbe about other prjt or their brothers 1 j is that any reason why you should o2 j be glad bf a walk it a gamejwrth hinji i y oar partner is that any reason why yott should be interested in bis story of the shor or the hunting when you do to the tales frtm other people is that any reason why you should him to the wall except when youn him and then claim his- attention aa f right j because he is yliur very own brother i ought to be teofodirjore ooosidtawl him thau the brothers of otbec gtp i because hn is yoir very own broiler j ought to study hit tastes anft eater tsf tf read toe books tbjst he ltkss soul others to hun study the songs tie j and be glad to make dew ones itnw him in this way you wfjt make brother your very 6wtj and to mm- will be the mosit delightfal whom are ytm yotir brdthers keeper t sen way yon dqoot keep buireyf j formed of illtemper uotidyness s4t one inch thick it is divided iutotwelve compartments by means of two horizontal and three vertical stays which are boilt op to a thickness of twoioche these stays have a knife edge in front and extend back ten feet leaving six fleet of clear cylinder into which the eud of the tunnel extendi ten of the compartments are permanently dosed and bracings of angle iron place across them the other two are provided with heavy irou doors which can be closed at once iu case of accident or danger these doorr are situated at the bottom in the centre and through them is passing all the excavated matter final with this heading with their cylinders extoodiog forward into the compartments are twenty four hydraulic rams at equal distances around the shield these rams ate eight inches in diameter and have a stroke of twentyfour inches driving and pace some stick in the road away with somego by steam otberaon 0 courtesy but by one made j ut tlmat to start i feminine gtaceaild brlghteaea by s love this ttso keeper tfaaxirfu yooj brothers hjve koa make you the heart of some othergirls brbjl lat honeifwrwl means with hope for a companion experience is a good thins but each man must have his own the readymade ex perience offered to young people is generally discouraging uiuslly the word a false fear on a brooklyn ferryboat i laitdy ieard- two pretty yoang women talking together i feel sort ol lost said one i ased to like working with madam 1 didnt mean to leave but when 1 was married i thought i had to ua said that folks would say ebeovwea awful poor if i kept i on at millinery j yes said her fritud theyd tali of course you bad to stop jost like me i didnt have half what id like but when youve got a husband he ought io support you you oughnt to work and yet said the other girl i was tasking from tea io fifteen dollars a week yoa little goose 1 thought to myself yoa had the right instinct but not the courage to do wbst you ought to have done a little reason would have told you that the young man had revived did not seem people generally knowing ebens trade to be hurt internally talked sensibly asked would know aboal how mach he made and about his hand and they had sent back to that if you worked it woald add to yoac find it had his arm carefully dressed income and maka you better off something disagreeable- men who have been cheated advise trastingyouthtodoubt everybody and are spoken of ss most experienced women who have quarreled with their husbands or had bad oue s peak of their great experience and trouble the heads of 1 ovine matrons with warnings and prophecies of evil iu fact ss a general thine the more tytfuery false frendabip swindling misery and disap pointment a parson can tell of the greater his credit lor experience while people who have been lucky enough to be happy are sapposed to have had none at all i certainly if life is a journey the first part ofthe road is wotfb as mach ss the last are not the prompthijy ot a young and hopeful heart as good a guide aacao be needed for any litejourney aud should the car ks and cares disappointments and losses falre friends and tricky knaves and the loug line of graves with which the road ia marked loom darjt npon the hor izea of life before the hilj is climbed i think not in the quiet coun 1 had teu itayiug ah en inclai house all bight and next merit farmer said he woolj give rue town when liewas ready to goj tohis oldest boy bill bi that shotgun loaded tor tramrji yes 1 got tbo fates ahutao that noj caoa et in t j yes i v well- keep a lookout for lightehirajrud organ and rneu dout hjave any track wil dleaor poultry buyers dolls patent gate or wire fepce men o patent hay forks end donaj time on ohnrus forcepompa frecxers bagliolders patent trees wsgon jacks uor owl trapsj ho and say bill called tl after wu had driven forty or dont buy no cure for the heal proof paint no patent gate hij forks nor encyclopedias ko we had driven about three he suddenly pulled op with au ordered a carriage and was driven away i this talk of foolish women about sach hotevenleaighisaddress i search lings of tea bin ers others from obeym for weeks i advertised but all in vain honest and wholesome impulses women j- i t hoard nnfl word of i bftiild not marry simply to be l hispart- quarrelingajt home when mere sctioaintanies quarrel they at least need not meet ech other attain when friends quarrel tbsjy can break the ofdiagivsv bonds of friendship but when the people nr wlitt is it ot one hoa behold like the children of one hang hide if i didnt family fall oat and chide and fight to am 3 ill agin bohemian they are obliged to live together afterwards zealand eloper md them peak and endure a sort of misery that must be agents i wek it too late now tragic i jrio get batk home afore the there is comfort in saying i dont like powers bim newyork u yoa i wont associate with you thank heaven 1 there is no need that i should 1 when after loving certain people you come to despiseand dislike them but what must it be to meet at three meals a day with rage in the heart aud fury in the eye to lie down at night under the same roof without a kind goodnight heaven help who have to bear such things brftet xevertoahisiylmvelh hrrt hetveu touch those hearts that have it in the owner of that hand it is just as it that old fashioded expressionj was the day it was cutoff and i intend to ner which aomis good people nae in speak- keep it so some hay the mystery may be 0 ft wife ia one bo remembered solved a husband miy wish to save his wife the two women shpd tears of sympathy jrom all care ar d if he is a- flood man be over the surgeons story will do everythue to mate her life easy doctor said caro at length the ring and happy bat he should be ready to pull might throw some light on the case have anosrin the iratrimonlal boat it neces yod ever examined it sary why no miss caroline i never thought altera wfailej the cares of family geuer- right itmavbolve the y give the wife enough to do bat that occurred to woman ol theilfsopportingclasses should of it- but you are nysjery strange a i m her l0 he took do the jar anhgoing to an earn a dollar p ea my poers io oompr aioinlgfoomsoonretidwiththering henaon xfa k -f- olm h61 late riches lji oaahiersjjmk in a large bim eager wasahe to nmto the riddle holding it to tha light ahe examined the them to oreate snob a ohange in what is the nearest thing to heaven that wo here on earth ahappjliotne yet it is very easy to bring tilts dreadful alteration about a new member addedto tb fanultjwho loveanone of them nan do iteuilv a motherinlaw viuia temper a jealotrt sisteriolftw an aont who man ages too mnob a goestwho ia aggrvatins yon will feel a strange chance in tbo circle ouce so pleasant to visit and ask yoorself what it is blowly the answer will come they have begun to fall- oat witheach otber- l it ia perceptible even tboosh the people are too wellbtedjo tell of their grievance t gejtfs ofthouqi he bears uisery best that hii homan iptprovemenliefromji wards i l ciroupstance can repair character r earnestness is entbnsiaa with reaeon many of bur cares arelbdt a ol looking it oar brinloes homely itrotbs like medi uesb us bbt that ia part ol process te riches th oaanter l lm tsjsatito to ftls 5 ql a potting then ahow inaide the band jfx do rtth hf prosperity a written on ma face and iltered for inscription a dimaeas came over 11 and that any working i so that be who mn may read r hereyedanexlmuoasoaped her- sjsijsd te u lercnatory it a lil vedy that no poet will lookd again tetbere it waa ato ai my h4two- kbut loch is onit a d any oonld not be mistaken hertnger relaxed to earn dollar in any j mlum1- fc b tmgfentitwfioorforninomnt -nlooa- i racing with wo iiny a thrilliob tale has travellers jof a race witli wolvj troien steppes o enssii l the picked bones of theiia ireifonui to tell tbe tae country ibonsandlf awengajji and deats race againjt the tion lie test ieapom fiit tbejfoe is drpierotfji dikoovertflliajenaibisr oored njyjiiula jf roedicineid diwtoijaa fstl greatest lj 1 lattegth jsffaw ol ecrolils affections aud one ot llitwaukirieuep j4

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