Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1890, p. 2

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i v 1 ti r i- vosa to ifama lramrt-mt- gaeb m tin tth of oura rit t mim fxtt f ress thtirbday 8eptekbeb 11 1890 notice in the absence of the undersigned or several weeks the business of toe fizz pans is left in good hands and all orders will be promptly and carefully executed uii george thurston who hu charge is authorized to receive monies and givere- ceiptz therefor he will give the wants of the patrons of the face puss doe atten tion h p moozx sir w j moore has charge of the editorial department tavttljjhediat anknltomto ths worlds doings burii sth i wih i i uniform gold jolnai iu u adopted by its lii manitoba has pranoaad8pali tbs whist marl opened at15 cen two windsor i mall toys are uuoer arrest forrobbluiallllofl 0 toil contract hat t era let for a high school at began villa ont tin bank of hamli on is golug to lesos tl5000 iddltwlstot i moth ion has been untamed in btrath toy thrwsh inoabdiary fires bunday work 00 th 8k clair tunnel hu beo discontinued by order the british war vessels are at montreal and will remain until saturday the town buildings of st uarys onl were horned lastj batarday night wild dock shooting ts in loll blaze on the riter all thea belo kiugston john l bullions father died at boston on sunday of typhoid pneumouix sir donald bmlthisj organizing the publlo reception to pniee george in montreal the ihbendiar fires at batonia destroyed 1 4000 houses and left smouo people home notes a com a number of the richest corporations in the united states have formed an alliance against atrikes if a strike occars in any on establishment to enforce unreasonable demands all the shops controlled by toe alliance will be at once closed and some sojooo men will be thrown oat of employ ment in the seriate debate on the tariff hill onsaturday several of the speakers were very severe on the canadian policy which they amid was r in the extreme sefaatorgpmder remarked that inamericab relations with great britain canada was a marplot endangering the peace of the eosntrv at 0goodeballon saturday judgement was given in favor of the attorneygeneral of ontario and against the attorney -gen- eralof canada in a test action to declare ultra vires an set respecting the executive administration of the laws of the province which relate to the power of pardon of criminals the british customs board have issued an order nvriaring that any person dis covered offering mouy to a customs officer shall be forthwith arrested taken to a police court and there charedwith an attempt atbribery for this offence a penalty is provided of a heavy fine with imprison mens travellers are pobticty- warned of this new provision as the law wql be rigor- oosly enforced the boston trmcript remarks if railroads are to be punished rntajjstion for canadian aggression on the f kew england will have to pay the canadian roads are guilty of jiving i new england better ratei than she could obtain from american lines as of which is tery true the northwestern in the same box as st paul and minneapolis are ready to testify the french in ifaa are- shortly to present a petition to the governorgeneral asking him to interfere in behalf of separ ate schools they claim to have had inch schools before the anion- though as matter of fact their schools were not what they now ask for stateaided separate schools they were private institutions the new law for which the veto is asked does net inscribe such schools it simply s all state schools undenominational a report from ottawa states that the work in connection wish the revision of the voters lists of ust year is just about com- pleted unit is to say the printed hits are almost ready it takes a kmg time to per lef a rorision lodging by the experience ofl89 itis obvious that a revision in 1891 would not be ready for use in an election inthe spring of 1892 we should therefore t such a contest be thrown back upon the 1899 lists is it not probable that the re vision of 1889 was conducted with a view to a probable election in 1800 ifoi rheferin the mstory of transatlantic travel has there been such a rush in europe jo secore berths for the voyage co kew york as at the present time thetide of travel has just turned and from al parts europe inum are nocking toward jjoodon for the voyage home those who negketed to secure s return passage early inthe anmmerare in a sorry plight and there are at least a thousand americans in london today who would be on the way home if they were able to secure passage travellers returning from the continent report the same overflow of travel in all parts of europe 1 mr john cameron of london has written to mr gladstone urging him to visit canada in reply mr gladstone ssys i regard with the greatest interest the oonditioa and progress of canada i bad to do with ber affairs officially when she was in the tr of adroinistration from downing sboevand i belonged to the cabinet which prepared the act and formed the plan for the erection of the ijamjnion but i cannot hope to see that great terri tory for my age and still more my en gagements irtterlyoissdile me fnm crossing tbeailabtic i shall be glad if you vrill make this known to ail such sa may feel an interest in the matter things begin to look very much as if the fojmmfon elections might be on and over before the canadian farmer will have eaten lnschristmsa torkey the reasons that point that way sre many and various main reaaopsfor brtngidgthem on tins fall fromacorwireprtypototofview is thatthe beformers do not desire them just now tbeyare not ready they want a session to raise smndsls and prepare am- murdtioofor the campaign jfext is the tory important reason that therehavebeen gboderopsall over the dominion a circmn- ssioce thai always counts fora government oiriotbeeocntry against il and rinany the ftwi has anth- prityfrom abigh qoarter that thebjdman tests vary mneb this way- hare yoo not rtieed that he baa been sending bis minis- tictsifim ffrrg jiy in order tbattbsy tetorooto worti sttmiom oooupim th oounolli vsnlnj at ibalr oomtdilon ttmtrapw meeting ware read a boy of is niiued hertel escaped from priaou t berlin ou saturday and got safely mj i aoerioan ospilalitts atf operavittg in winnipeg for a electric street railway service y premises owned by mr carter at deser- onto were burneddown early sunday aaorning j sir john is to bq iutemewed en the subject of further restricting chinese im migration the next government crop bulletin will be issued in november when the threshers reports will be in an upset lantern has burned down the barns of farmer dunkley in seymour township cambbtllford paul dioune axedtx fell through a sky light at at the ottawa government bureau and waiserioosiy injnred sir henry tyler and sir joseph hickson are in- winnipeg on official business oonnect- ed with the grand trunk two sealing schooners hsve arrived at victoria b c and report a poor season there have been no seizures aninternatkmtt abstinenoe league is the immediate outcome ol therccent tern perance congress at korway an esgle measuring eight feet was shot the other day alongside the grand river about a mile from brentford convict bedore incarcerated at kingston for erinunial assanlty has become insane in jail and is now a violent lunatic or oliver wendell holmes passed his eighty first birtbdsy last friisyat bis aummer residence inbeveriy mass then has been so much borsestesiihg in hanwigdon of late that the farmers have established a vigilance committee john bradley was smothered to death at hamilton on satnrday through quantities of earth and sand falling on him in a sewer hole i a movement is on foot in montreal to start a reciprocity dnband a meeting will be held next week to take the initiatory steps j calgary has offered the c p e a free site and tax exemption for twenty years if theywill locate their korthwestem shops there mr hugh sutherland writes from paris that his efforts to raise money to bond the hudson bsy railway are meeting with great soceess i walter cannon a boy of 15 was torn limb from limb by a runaway- horse on a bloomfield farm his feet became entang led in the harness j exunited states consul col strong wss given a complimentary supper thursday sight at picton about so gentlemeniat downi a suspicious character at wellaod who jumped into the canal to escape arrest hi been sent for tail on a charge of robbing tourists of their jewellery the woollen factory owned by x p pearee and operated by mitchell 4 dan ford marmora was burned satnrday morn ing loss heavy ko insurance mrwm h ponton registrar of the county of hastings died on saturday morning the deceased who was about 80 years of age wss sppointed to the office in is51- r- thirteen chinamen just arrived in bond at montreal complain loudly of the indig nities they hsve suffered en route and de dare that china intends to adupt retalia tory measures the machinists and boiler makers em ployed in the pennsylvania shops at pitts burg have been notified ol the adoption of the nine hour day at- the same compensa tion per hour as before cardinal tascherau refused to attend the festivities at quebec in honor of prince george because he fas not given preced enoe over the british admiral and com mander of the queans forces in canada winnipegjwants to send its fire chief to several large cities of canada to inspect the varioni brigade sysms the mayor says in bis recent trip to st paul and minneap olis be saw nothing to beat their own brigade j i on itsm a oclock rwrbi snnsyemll the minutes of and nonfirmarl i the first and only business taken up was the following apnuoattod t toma exam sxd oouxca or i i j van vauoior aorai t j porruuniihstsbyivtorsoplorasiil oy uu uanwi council of lbs corporation ot the vlllaga of aeton as lollowa 1 will live my enure arrleasforthssumof one dollar par nay during tha nleanu ol the cousell and will uadsrtaka to aothafouovhit duties to u utistaetloa ol lbs council i build and repair aids walks adjnedvtys keep streets olesn snd ins from weeds assessing collecting oerotaker town hall and rinsing ball caretaker oometery ponndkaspar constable ltsht and olaan street lamps cantaku puulio school cut the wood required by tha oornoratiou wiuaim p cmtrszll aoton auguet ttlh 1880 the application was followed up by the motion below moved by w e smith seconded by john kenney that the application of w p campbell be accepted 1 the beevekow gentlemen what are you going to do with this i wont have anything to do with it councillors kanneyndsmith luunlao the people an in favor of this change we think it shouhl be tried the beove koinan can perform the eervioe satisfactorily and besides we have no information to the effect that the public school board will agree to any change in th arrangements councillor speight i hare nothing against campbell but i cant see my way clear to support this i dont believe in taking work out of the hands of others and giving it all to one man neither mr lyman nor mr easton should bdtlis- charged without cause councillor kenney we ould save over t00 by this change the toronto exhibition an immense intry of exhibits numerouavspoclal attractions hfe itballbs rdossttad i4pjw1is4ia tyrmjta i- spring if toronto cant get ops summer esrni val there is oe thing it can do and that is to maintain an annual exhibition that has no superior on this continent sue oessful as have been the past exhibitions held this industrial exhibition associatiou tbst opened on theth tobe continued till the 20ft of sepumber promises to eclipse them all the list of entries isthe largest and it includes the best exhibits ibst hays ever been made in canada the special attractions as announced in the officii programmes are very numerous and are a character that carjnot fail to attract u is people from all pan of the dominion ai d adjoining states the railway strang s- ments are goot and cheap fares will preyi il daring tbewbble ei libition and with fli le weather the attesdi nee of visitors at tlie txxbcioxfiiydii wear wul probably i ir greater tban ever all who take i epecitl interest in tbt man ifaetaring departmen is sbodasadeasjor to the flrt week as t is boddings arenot sc crowded as later o and apart from i is show of live stoci a4rics4tbralnhxirib bud uudojjsbow tl w rbihtioti and all 1 be special features are as good the firs rweek ssjjbo seoood jyiagtbhik day oo saturday ir the j s bogsrson jaiikropt stock m g ft jbxsx dtcd- guelpji rctv55gae5isr si tents my iurff makes the hair aott ladsllkehi smd rstfs but lasting ptr fitms ti- ii benral rnonlhi ago my hair coo mencwl falling out and in a few works my hoed wasslmost i bud istrufd many llldnogood i final da 01 ayer hall vigor otfly a put of the eon- j rru covered with s heavy growth ot hair i recommend your prenanuon u the best in the world t mundajr sharon grove ky i bars used ayers hair vigor tor a number of yean and it hu always given me sauslactlon itiaansxeellentdnss- ing prerents thai hair from turning mi insures its vigorous growth and keeps the soalp white and clean- mary jackson salem mass i have used ayers hair vigor tor promoting the growth ot the hair and think it uneqnaled for restoring the hair to its original color and for adnes- lnglt oauhofbe surpassed mrs geo la fever baton baplds mich ayers hair vigor it a most excel lent preparation for the hair i speak ot it from my own experience its use promotes the growth of new hair and makes it glossy and soft the vigor la alsoa cure for dandruff j w bowen bdltor enquirer moarthur ohio i have used ayers hair vigor for th past two years and found it all it la represented to be it restores the natu ral oolor to gray hair causes the hair my father at about the age ot fifty lost all the hair from the top of bis beail after one month trial of ayers hair vigor the hslr begun coming and in three months he bad a floe growth of pjc ouomw w kw7 uio urn to grew freely and keeps it soft ai puantmrs m v day cohoea n hair ol the natural color saratoga springs h t cullen ayers hair vigor rutakxd st dr j o ayr co lowm mtu sold vf dnvsliu tod perfnaen mm ittbtou wtfasplsssi own tbt onoli at riaganos rspamnt ajid eejoymsnt w rsosivss then hs owst to bu wits who spade bar batst hotsliat kingdom furnlton greatly peeisd bs tog ofts ttrllmiobltagoousimmih forms i goss loan standby oo to thou selfish wretch hsre no thought bsyond younelf just thlsk thai your faithful wlf speeds hr wbob urn amongst r lokttty furnltura tunk bow aha brushes it up rearrangas irind makes svary ablfl to glr it a respeclabls look think bow she blushes through and through as she sees the beeve no we would not we wouldnt save t200 and noiman living can do the work i have nothing against campbell but hes not capable of doing some of the work named councillor kenney well that will be his own lookost the beeve no its our oonccrn mr smith weill what are we going to do its a pity we hadnt the full council the beeve then ill adjourn the coun cil to meet on friday evening at 7 oclock the council ihenladjonrned county judges criminal court his honor judge miller held a sitting of the above court at milton on wednesday last when the following cases were disposed of qtzrjc vs atktu ben prisoner indicted for larceny of brass from john b barber esq of georgetown his honor after hearing the evidence acquitted the prisoner quzzk vs sctuxxlixi the prisoner s little boy of 10 yean of age was found guilty of stealing a witch ronv thomas boss of georgetown was allowed to go on suspended sentenoe on his father giving bonds for his future good behavior qcxzx vs bixi the prisoner colored was committed on four different charges first for stealing a pair ol braoelets and a scarf pin from b mccullougb of george town the second charge was for stealing two shirts from b j wheeler third stealing three shirts from wm galbraith and fourth stealing a pair of clippers from doc cain bell was convicted on the fint and second charges and sentenced to 18 mouths in centnl prison the court then adjourned until friday when the following cases were beard qtzzx vs pick am prisoner indicted for larceny of fldab and fishing tackle from a fisherman it- br inte evidence insuffi cient and prisoner acquited in the queen vs teller and the queen vs maw the crcwu was not ready to proceed and his b mor ordered a bearing for these esses on loth inst on which data the evidence in the queen vs crawford smith and cudmore indicted on charge of assaulting thomas btrange of zimmerman wql be heard central prisoner lashed toboxto sept oth wm john mcleod this morning received the first instalment of a sentence of 40 lashes to he adminis tered during his term of imprisonment for criminal assault oh a little girl at the is land the lashes were evenly divided now and 20 three months hence he is an exprisoner having been not long since discharged from serving a term for par- upper lakes dr akins was on hand to see to the prisoners physicial condition by mi another named wilson was first brought to the doctor and jwflson grew pale and nervous as he thought of suffering vicarious ly and at length broke the rule of silence by venturing to remark that he was not the man the right man was thereupon dis covered found to be in condition and lashed to the triangle- he is 32 yearsof age he took the the punishment poorly yelling for mercy at every stroke when the last stroke fell he passed to his cell without a word i i i the medical health officer to the editor of the- pees phesi 8m in last weeks issue of your paper i noticed a letter from dr springer he seems to have taken offenoe where none was intended by me i did enquire of the secretary of the board it the dr bad re ported a case ol yphoid fever saying at the same time i bad instructed him to report to the secretary of the board i then further enquired if he secretary had the blank forms aalreqoired by bule 1 sec 17 of schedule a jot public health laws and on being answered no i said the board should farnlih them i said to the dr the secretary would put a notice on the bouse but i did not say anything calcul ated to give offence jto any person yonrs et j fjhsirrxnmj medical hesltlueffioer acton sept 8th 1b90 r mlddletotissuccessor loxnoz sept 8th the broad arrow says toe author ties have great difficulty to lieutgeneral 8ir in finhing a fred middleton in canada very few mili tary men in this oountry are disposed to accept a post wfaicl brings more kicks thani halfpence and it is not improbable that the new commandant c f the cahadiairmilitia will be found in an so squalls may be i xpected ofitasrof that force if crowded to tlii door i lois ol people turned sway 1tb t s- the way the bank- rapt stock of j s togersoo takes bbxi4dogtwlpbi seriou8 accident to a ladv hiuiltox sept 9th the dangerous smsll nrolver gets in its rapid and effective work in numerous ways and oftentimes under peculiar circum stances when mrs simuel tsylor corner of stuart and macntb street piok ed a small revolver yesterday afternoon she did not for a moment imagine that by put ting it in her dress pocket she was endanger ing her life yet such wis the case mr taylor was moving and during the house cleaning process her dress struck against something bard and the revolver went off the bullet entered the ladys right breast loan upward direction she was immed iately placed in bed and dr shaw sum- moned he probed for the bullet but did not reach it mrs taylor suffered a great deal ol pain but dr shaw thinks she will recover unless inflsmation sets in the bullet is lodged somewhere in the upper fleshy portion of the breast the fall fairs the big shows and the little ones hore snd there following is s list so far of fain to be bald this fall in which our reader are in teresled secretaries will please forward notices of othen the industrial toronto sept 890 sfidund central kingston 16 eastern townships sherbrooze southern rantford ml korthwestem qoderlch 1517 southern counties sltbomi 1618 lbtovel lijtowel lsu western london 18st greet central bamuton s central canada 0uawm s centrals jeterboro s1s0 canadas lnternatl sl jons k besioem central guelph sspt zsss esqueting georgetown ss4s lincoln county st catharine octl ebuneoe orlllia i so 1 seafortfc beeiorth 30 1 k biding of oxford woodstock so 1 comity peel brampton 30 1 xortnern walzerton s3 3 ores northern collingwood 3 tark colony yorxtoukwtoct 1 aneaster e flamboro 14 c saskatchewan 11 pmlntnlar wu chatham 13 n york xowmarket 33 dufferln shelbnme 33 korth perth stratford 23 actok ufflon acton 78 north brant paris 76 central cobourg u 84 east york uarkbun 810 helton uilton 910 u 1s16 iia sflteheu mitchell ox 33u knocked out by kn onian some of you ho doubt wonder why pringla has left that 10 loads of hay in the fuzz pacss so long well you were going to be told all about it when just hcipation in the baltic outrage ontfit wu to t dmn f writs j through the fuzz pxzss telling you what a splendid holiday i had on mr a b petries island up in the algoma distriot i happened to pick op the canada prabyitriaii and read knoxians article on the meanness of people who have been away and having bad a grand time boreing everybody else they knew whom circumstances compelled to stay at home with a description of their trip and saying you ought to have been there knbxonians article saved you this time because i came home loaded with big fish stories however whether mr petrie sells pure drugs in his store in guelph or not nsture compells bim to keep pure air and water at his island and i have found it a mighty sight better for the oon stitution than drugs and i am back strength ened after my trip to take out the 10 loads of bay the bad editor of the fszz psxss left in and let you know that i am purchasing the prettiest stock of lsdies mens and boys watchesbis year i ever bad the jewelry this fall seems prettier than ever jand i ambuyiugsn extra heavy stock- bemember you need not be afraid of getting poor quality of goods from me asi do not keep any in the store if i can help it g d pekoii watchmaker gnelph grand opportunity at the j s roger- son bankrupt sale g b brix co gnelph guelph markets guelph bepllomiieto hour boiler 9 eo to a 85 flonrstone 1 90 to 1 so wheat- 1 nsotoom oositooss ix 00 to 1103 boras wheal fiilwhaat barley oats- r- hay 1 straw f- wood per oordff bass per dozen baiter dairy packed butter rolla j potatoes par bag- apples pork- pelts bides coarse wool fins wool- turnips h ai otstooso o si tit o as osotoois 0e9lo0r tootoroo ibtosoo 4 arts in 018 to ok olltoojs 0u- to 017 olltoou 0 7stooh0 otstoloo eootoboo 100 tolis owtosbo leotosoo 0 jo to ob otjtooxs olmoob freemans rrorn powders destroy and remove worms l bout lojurv to adult at infant j lunls uslaseat rer ssle brerywkere ooutsrap yiu think fom ol youl maki bsrdworklog patlsot wits tbsstt of foinll iresbs miak sljkjsafi son irnjtw t rooms anton for it h a ou win goodassottasnlof fumltor criptlon and styls and al of srmy osaj of tifijrifi i quality all mads from o joughly ssssoo sd wood shd flnlshsd in t bast happy make your borne bri bt and tah beraember thai b wig it 4 bons 1 1 the best plsos sod the oly plsoe wher i you can get anything yoi i wi nt in the llnl of fureitore s al reas nal le prloaj ac atonos large importation of scotch tweed suitings first opekkfe up shaw a grundy merchants tailors puelph awpralasrs vara- btl xstat and lsatdagfi s oomrrrzs o- lwslliisgt6tooo toi a ontari warn omlb mat moderate ehsrres oimoiisd biias bootokmia lojogr iwn or sddress box 18b 8 m oook a co jciis i stoekmed sjunr itookwood bold rjs ami pnwll viiwr paw st abnse aad iwo tot to ae tfflaaj ola iuitod on thijsormi of wujos obsritstrstr najtat bard andsort r- frah tress steu 11 ian asanas slil blcbmood h1b fbbtxe tppxo wttmdrmanaj tr imillssur tav f ooflnrx oso b u kdtmdlseanbl rt abjuhaos bt mostii we bavejttst received a largo range of nebsr prints new embroidery shirtings for 50 large assortment of gloyes aijil hosiery at lc see out lew lines of reacymade qlothidg bxtjra value in the bqotj shoe department fresh stock of grpqeries always 04 hand f re the best henderson htn

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