Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1890, p. 4

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ttnttijfm resa xhursdil september u 1800 iijc mmg yotjis wlicit do ones teeth iaxrp um ol the toucan when tprtjy are cbal erfajt ltctulttb ihe liver nti bowels by the jodicioui qh of nalfojiit 1illi ibty aw purely ytfelahle i j it is ilrknt to know thtt the big bridge belvceeu new york ani brooklyn ii nii- pension tjd not a failure a a healtdii soothing application for cols woaodj bnriccs and sores there u nouitn bettor uiaiv victoria carbolic salve i if joa uiiufc nobody erea tor ycwln ihla bold world jost try to learn to play the trombone in a popalooi neighborhood mxdxitler gjtttfes a nitty day in the month of july do vo si easthamptoa where seagulls fl y and actcr a breath ol cooling breeu xme from the hsu or the tataless seas windmiller grimm at the door of hit mill olaaoodup at pu valla an limt and kuu andtofuy whiitlodaroliicainsiir softly fox grimoebad no breath to spare hy do yop whittle r said neighbor lind said the jouy milfe- to raise the wind a for lick of wind my pipe i try the neighbor nnoed at the odd reply tkatt a pradoigrimes td tike to know ho vitfaootjiind your pifes jot blew too re abort here grimes with t conning grin at he drew himsoli op to his height broke is rm six foot t in my stocking feet for short mah neighbor thti hard to hew j oh gzimaayoire efer a sharn old blade so fii tit e flotmder the matt said aa fiat at a bladder thti empty of sir acfl tax the same reason do declare but cot when your tafti pi spinning roaod swift as the horse on the racing ground a bad comparison yoa mast own for the sails mote not unless theyre blown and thats jost wbexrthe torse cant trot whether hes king of the tort or not said und a donkey fmeaat von know thai goes all the bettes for a falor hereafter sajd gnmets when a donkey i i cut help thinking good lind of ysru going well conic again good kcigbbor lind aod learn bow i whistle to raise the winrv liarpert cmj ptolf j a mnld story j iliaveosedyoar burdock bloolbittpr and- pills udflqd them everything to me i had dyspepsia with bad breath and bad appetite bat after a few day use ol b b b 1 felt stronger could eat a rood meal and felt myself a different man i whstoht mosslde ont learning to r1dea bicycle a deal of staff bas been written aboot uiriartoi riding feat a balfbonr a experi ence in a ridingschool or with a cyclist echo has a little common sense is of more actnal use than any amount of time wtsted otr written instroctidn- tn all ciliea agenta have either riding- spools or the teacher takes the pupils ont a4pteco unfrequented road flenerallj about dnak as the pnpil cats more or less of an awkward figure- and ii naturally averse to fdrniahin the public with a free spectacle it may be accepted as a fact that any one can ride a safety that it is aa easy as walking bat few ride offhand beanse of tbefeirbrali6l i novice ia best taught td ride asfollows lake him on the road on a portion where there u a slight incline the mad mast be free from stones mad vehicles and spectators thelast being most fatal to success the tutor is io bold the wheel while the pnpil moonta and as the pnpil petula along the teacher is to f balaeee the wheel anil rnn beside it for new ridere these thlngb mnstbeoh- i betwxbeaethtobeatiait the proper height neither too higbt or too low the rider is not to tug at the handles he is to be tanght that the wheel is to be steadied by tnrmagthe front or steering wheel slightly tosne side to which yoa are falling 33 pedalling rnnst be regular the same aidoont of power to be applied to the right ta4q the left host riders torn thu bar too much in the effort to sae ve ahii thus precipitate the fall they might have avoided by a slight torn after the pnpil has be4heeled about a dtt he ahoald be rrtartednp the slight incline and the increased power necessary to propel the wheel op the hill gives him increased broancing power the writer has tanght a number of people in this way inside the half hdnr f p peul in harpers m how a smo co a home j i began to chew at the age of twelve a few years later i commenced smoking brf bibit grew npon me till i wis smok- inft large portion of the time except when asleep at length ijoined with the church and very soon abandoned the filthy habit of cbiwmgtowcco i still however enjoyed the cigar h jost at this time i met a friend who with a countenance beaming with lore said it dont look well to see a member of the church smoking- you are right said i and taking ihe cigar from my mouth i threw it into the gutter that wasthe last cigar i ever smoked i was einadcipated from a slavery worse than egyptian bondage i now deposited the money i bad been an long squandering on tobacco in the sea- liens bank for saving 1 will tell frhe boys what i did with it and they will see j bswnnwise and how inexpedient itfrtfj oommence the expensive demoralizing hahf of smoking or chewing tobacco j itonnd a very pleasant place for sale j therf were two acres of land with abon- djuft shade and iruit trees aguod garden a flpe viow et thr cigar money was drawn npbh to tiarchase the place ami it svnibie my smoking was moderate compared with that of miay only sixcignri a daj si t cents each aal to 91360 per annum which at 5 per cent interest for fiftyseven years amosnts to a small fortune of 90 i3l51 this has afforded means for the r education of my thildred with aa-aptwo- priate albwanoefor benevolent objects jresi aavinghaa been itis tto be compared with improved health a dear bead and a steady hand at the age of eightyone years and entire freedom from desire for tobacco in any form inetorodti homeforlneorablw j piiiili ont peb ih gattuxxp it girei me pleunre to let on know j bw serned greet benefit front the 06jfwhseyite been a iftax enfferer from nenralria in the face and tba lut vfn qnite a martyr to ly bo noon ai i obeerved the aend i obuuwd a bottle arnttuu mohtb jonu grky co parkdale and the esecf wu marvel- kxxrpaineiaeed and i can enjoy aomxl jdeep and rlae d fcelrefrei bed qotipeavtolugmyohtud bertily raoommendii kwavf fbrea mmarc umtmtu in aalc crerywiiek ysdjil 2iu3iizk a wkf picked op a flower in a ballroom most of the ladies liad gone and tang pathetically til the lost rose of some her i i msp oaatortabnwdli ineoobieedttaaiindrlortoanjpreiertpttaa jonntome bijlcmll ix lubooitebtbrl7kt t infants and children lamdtowbantbat i oatteruoaneooraon tu ocaua oodwt ektpsvrivatibvttatton w ateray mmmm t h v xquntiy iibmtifctif6f stamps lh paris h yoa are id paris and desire a postage stamp all yoa have id do ft to go into a tobacco store and there will fnd it the tobaeoo stores are branch post- offices so far u the tale of stamps are oonoerned then too yoaean mall your letters ii yoa desire to all tobaooa stores in franoe are under the control of the government as tobaeoo is and u reqaires a government permit to open one onleaa you are a barglar a letter from emerson i i hire used dr fowlery extract of wud strawberry an i think it u the best remedy for lammer oomptaint it hu done a great deal of good to myself and children mas ww wintkir erne noii htan uiiburns aromatic qainioe wiae is dislincuy saperior to abyrother as an ap- petiting ionic ind fortifier j xoo wont catch memarrjing a dock of a man stif a bptrtted girl because oneof that kind u too apt to make a goose of a husband j j altashkidghl mr jeeubeu knight of morris man states that he was troubled with a raah all over his body which was curedith less than one bottle of bardock blood bitters he highly recommend it as a blood purifier of the greatest efficacy uridget ha vb yoa given the gol4ash fresh water maam bare whats the use they bavent irunk op whats tn there yet i how to bej cheerful how to be cheerful that is how to be fairly content in existing circumstances tstthe problem which ach one most solve for himself it mayibeemahardtaekj and certainly no mere act of volition and no direct effort can accomplish it wocannot change our low spirits into higher or oar monrnf ul feelings into cheery oneeby supply determining to do so but we can apply oar force to beextipaa the conditions on which they rest we can pat to flight many canaes of dejection and nourish many germs of serenity and comfort uubtarable a sony for three days ij suffered severely from cummer complaint nothing gave marelief aad i kept getltug worse antil the pain was almost anbearable but after i jhad taken the first dose of jjrv fowlers extract of wild strawberry t found great relief and and it did not fail to cure me wit xgxcrs wilfrid ont what do they ilwxys put b c- after washington for t asked mrs qpilp of mr qu2p why my dear donhiyba know that washington was the daddy of this wastry 1 i pleasant as syrdp nothing equals it as a worm medicine the name jir mother graves worm exterminator the great est worm destroyer of the age j i 1 rt tak ffu j thbosand of voluntary compliments and recommendations re poaring in from all parta declaring imperial cream tartar baking powder tnach better than any other- all grocers sell it if yoa could seeyoar own scalp through an ordinary magnifying glass you would be fcm t the amount of dust dandruff and dead skin thereon accumulated the best and most popular preparation fori clean sing the scalp is ayers hair vigor slick tu thebisiiuj bight actions spring from right princi- plea in cases ll diarrheal dysentery cramps colic summer complaint cholera morbus etcthe right remedy is fowlers extract of wild straw berry an unfailing curemade on the principle that natures remedies are the best kever travel with- oat it j with a feeble appetite and imperfect di gestion it is impossible for the body to secure the requisite amount of nourish- mect- ayera sarsaparilla not only stimo late- the desire for food bat aids the assimilalive organs in the formation of good blood and sound tissue j selfhelp selfhelp be it ever bo wisely and thor oughly carried oat can never abrogate the duty and privilege of friendly and benevo- lent assistance it will hot even limit the necessity of it for haman nature is essen tially dependent s as well ai independent and life furnishes abundant opportunities for the exercise of all generous impulses without injury provided the rightful con- ditions are obeyed in infancy oar depend ence upon others ib complete as we ad vance in life it gradually declines in healthful maturity it t reaches its lowest point yet even here it by no means vanishes we are still dependent upon one another for happiness in thousand ways and continually need the helping hand as well as the sympathizing heart nothing new under the son eh ex claimed old uncle sbeelz as he laid down his book of adages why wbat was tha queercritter i saw at the menagerie that boas with horns wasnt that something gnu 5 j j a v koyea newark michigan writes i have enquired at the drugstores for dr thomas eclectric oil but have failedto to find it we brought a bottle with us from quebec but it is nearly all gone and we do not want to be- without it as my wife is troabled wilhapiih in the shoulder and nothing else gives relief can you send me some v pa said a little girl whydo people call the pleasant spell of weather in the fall the indian summer why my dearj i i suppose its because thats aboat the only thing the indians have left mr j b allen upholsterer toronto sends us the following for six or sewen years my wife suffered with dyspepsia costiveness inward piles and kidney complaint we tried two physicians and any amber of medicines without getting any relief nntiliwe got a bottle of northrop a- lyman 6 vegetable discovery thistu the first relief l she got and before one bottle was used the benefit she derived from it wai beyond our expectation even mure than a greater length of days we need ardor perseveranoe and a clear perception of the right fol objects to be attained- j i- r i jumcn io mwbnu are yoa dutnrbed at night and broken of yonr rest 1y a sick child goffering and crying with the pain of cotting teeth v if so send at once and get bottle ofjmn winslowi soothing byrnp for cbildren teething iu valne islincalcdlablel it will relieve tbe oor uttle sufferer immediately depend npon it mothers there is no mistake about it itcoreeysenleryfinddiarrhtba niultta ibebtovwh aid bowels cores wind oolic solteiu the gams redacts inflanfiation and gives tonel and energy to tbf whole ystem j hit winslow esootbing syrop for cbildreu teethmg opleaaut to tba taste udisibe preatnpuonof oseof tbeoldeet aad best female pbyaiciana and nurses in be united states and u io tab by all drnggiiu tbrongbont the world price tienttnve oetji a bottle le rare snd mai wrsnowssooiboto bmor i nootberkind likejiaglq the effect produced by ayera cherry pectoral colds coughs croup and soro throat are iu moat cases im- iueliately relieved by the use of this wonderful remedy it strengthens the vocal irgnus allays irritaiiou and pre- i vents the inroads of consumption in every sfagc of thut dread disease aycrs cucrry pec- toral relieves cough- jing and induces i refreshing rest u i hare nsed aycrs cherry peel oral in mr family fori thirty years and liars eltrnys fonml it flic best remedy for croup to which complaint tnv children hare lieen fiioriect capl u carley firookljti kyij from an- experience of over llrirty vcars iu the sale of proprietary uiedi- cines i feel jasfified in recommending- ayers cherry pectoral one of the best reconnnendations of the pectoral is the endaring quality of its popularity it being more salable now ilian it was twentyfire years ago when its great success was considered marvelous e 8 drake m d beuot kana my liue sister four years of age wa so ill from bronchitis that we had almost plven up hope of her recovery our family physician a skilful man and of large experience pronorfneed it use less to give her any more medicine saving that he had done all it was pos sible to do and we must prepare for the worst as a last resort we determined to try aycris cherry pectoral and i can truly sayrwith the most happy rcsnlta after taking a few doses she seemed to j breathe easier and within a week was out of danger wo continued giving the pectoral until satisfied she was entirely well this bas given me unbounded faith in the preparation and i recommend it confidently to my customers c o leppcr druggiat fort wayne ind for colds and coughs take ftps cherry pectoral fbxzaxx bt dr j c ayer k co lowell mats prke 1 six boufes t worth v bottle management of little ones never snob a little one in some house holds the yoongstiers are scarcely permitted to speaje above their breath this is all wrong in the family parlor as in the commonwealth there should be freedom of speech children should be encouraged to express in a modest way their opinions before their parents and to come to them for advice and counsel la all their duncul- liijaand dilemmas if this coarse u pur sued they rill not be likely to take any serious steps in afterlife without either consulting the old folk at home or applying the home standard of propriety and pru dence to whatever enterprise hey may have in view oar wisest thought is the one which we always lack words to express foolish thought finds easy expression the sambn ugutlioose uatrumbro n 8 whence mr r e hartt writes as folio wi without a doubt bardock blood bitters has done me a lot good i was tick and weak and had no appetite but bbb made ne feel mart and strong were its virtues more widely known many lives would be saved wbat does he want bis cowswashed and ironed for a man lately advertised for a woman to washriron and mtlk one or two eo ws the palm of the hand moistened with dr thomas eolectric oil exerts a wood rous control over pain andspeedily subduing it the eoiectrio healing influence of this highly sanctioned medicine is manifested by the rapid disssppearanoe of tores and abrasions of the ikin when used c c biollsns 4 co gesth my horse was so afflicted with distemper that be could not drink for four days and refused all food simply apply ing minards liniment outwardly cared him feb 1887 cut hjoibbt cjlxk c c iuciuiujs 4 co gnrrs i have used your minajids liniment for bronchitis and asthma and it has cured me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i mus a livrxostox licit and com furl ui the saffcria browns hoasehold panacea hs no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the aide back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago aad any kind of pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan- acea being acknowledged si the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for ose when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach aod pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 15 cent a bottle consumntion cond an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy add per- manent cure of consumption i bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections also a positive and radical care after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases lias felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this reoipetin german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing j with stamp naming this paper wr a j notes 620 powers block rechester n y it is worse than madness to neglect a congh or cold which is easily subdaed if taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of contamplion and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the longs andbron efeial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bicklefl anticonaampuve syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the haman body and drives it from the system this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wooder- fal influence in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and longs if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselves from much t anxiety trouble and expense let them pro- pare a bottle of bicklei anficoasumptive syrup and whenever a child has taken cold has a coogh er hoarseness give the syrup according to directions native on south coast ofafrica to ship wrecked sailor sayareyoa mcgioty the third page of the toronto daitf mail is noted for want advertisements if yoa want to buy or sell anything ji yoa want a situation a mechanic a trasi ness machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or found anything or if yoa want to find ont where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mall aad read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address tht hail toron to can ada mn m stephens of albany n y writes us as follows my stomach was so weak that i could not eat anything soar or very sweet even fruit at teatime would caasd heartbarn fullness or oppression of the chest short breath restlessness daring bleep aad frightful dreams of disagreeable sights so that i would often dread to go to sleep with the use of northrop ly mans vegetable discovery this aopjeasau nest bas all been removed and i now can- eat what sails my taste or fancy if you want to bay or sell a farm ad- rertlse in the toronto weekly hail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of ibis olaasare in serted io the toronto peaty mail tip five cents word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada mlsants umlsaesu or uie tverrwtaere phol btmedy for catarrh u tb best easiest to use and cbeazwst b catarrh boldby drajxlsts or sent br null wo h i gt hatculm wcrren pa tr8a teuly cixled the greatest medicine z world abnlstehr oinnuitnd u claloed or moasy nfosdsl fiaphlets testimonies etc fbe3 w bldin hickode bltlcb co ixcl 120 king 8t w toronto ont sola kusfutsreri fortbe dominion itscware of impgtluons i see ourtraiiaark dr fowlers ext of wild itlproihhy cures jbolerajmqrbus iflamps im ifwi i childhi summer comptmcts joftheikwwts combtorctonfffi 3 f3bb our improved country kt stfof k 6thergw cylinbfpres8 ghadipbis prouty press ws oolnfwesti0es ss tojtibje v- fwrvr-r- vr m the free press is printed on the abpve pres 3 and thej work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do letter newspaper or poster work we bare mn toe prooty for eight years and the longer we mn it the better we like it it la simple easy to ran easy on to handle oosu little for repairs and is easy on the printers pocket book we oil it the best press to be bad in the worl y for the money come and tee our press at work if yon desire si ropier of work send for them and we will gladly fnrniab them we oan give yon yonr cboioe of a number of different aizee and si les of presses all priees toi wss think of it a new 8 col- folio or 5 col qtcj power press fdr only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press ior 809 full particulars from h p moor agent for canada acton ont large shipments of netst autitmn goods -at- the right house a ereat soooees bu been seonred at the closing ont sale of 8nmn erljry ooodsat greatly rednoed prioeaatthe bight hooso dnringthis last week tboosands of porohesers have supplied their wints at this bargain sale hany bargains are still to be had come and see them before the racial sale doses y fresh arrivalsall newlcoods laree assortment ol new goods purchased in europe have been opened np andi are now tready for totrtion btndy this list ofnew aoods new cream poogees cream surahs blackbengaline silks black and colored velveteens black end ookmd brjiliantineaand lustre dress goods italian cloths in- black and odlored blaok moreens new shades in twoyard width ma foxyimebaaiortmfbl dresses new patt in black chantflly hm new buek bilk velvet bibbons gream and white watered bibbons new inah polot cnrtahu large tinety of pew cashmere hosiery a cboioe selection of novelties in heok prillings new black prapes new 8ilk warp henriettas blaek cohmere and bergea large aaaortment of white mnsun goods novelties in ladies fcency hmidkejrebjefs see the bargain inlswilmdtarohleyselilng at icch or sii for 22o in the ijoc8ehold dbpabtment8 are shown a large yiriy of white and colored quataengliab sheetings bleached and unbleached pillow cottons window houwids colored 1 oxford ihwliseseinen kuaiia crash towelling towelstnd fancy towelling seethe wnutgloriaasilltmrf woolrntoortuigood in the cibpet depabthentifor she palante of this ohth 8pecu1 babgaeha iare orndt bemnanu of all kinds of carpet cheap new designs in allwool carpet be sore totj get into tbi i kwoth0u8e which is on king street corner of hdghson before entering look on the window for the name which is hamilton aug 20th 1890 thomas o watkiits our ways of r business have been told many times but they ueed to be told again and may have to be told mady times again we buy and make various sorw of merchandise just as cheap at possible we tell the truth abouf it all we sell everything at the very least prices aud every time we are as low as the market or lower the business is simple a can be the prico is named distinctly- for each article and anything you make or save thereby is yours not ours you arc perhaps accustomed to read the reckless talk of thoughtless or- unscrupulous advertisers that you discount the statements of careful merchants jyou know our ways but we need to remindyou again that nothing is printed about on r goods aud prices that will notbear examination every word is irapor- taut i we have just completed another scries of reductions through out our different departments and ihe most ecouomcal buyer will be pleased and surpmed at our prices to givo an instance we are offeringour all wool french delaines nt 25c 30 aud 40c per yard 1 prints 8ateens ecmnauu dress goods etc at correspond ingly low figures a glance at these goods will convince you of their value and cheapness other goods at proportionate reductions g b rym co guelph johnnie gel tou gun blow gentle breezes blow a hat a tie a shirt a collar ill get the lot for aboot a dollar a pair ol booti and stockings too my poor old toes are looking bine ill go a five for a new nit tee ten and get an overcoat ill be a dude i wfll you bet a city swellaristocrat 1 hold on that aint all yet an undershirt and paste iu1 get 111 buy a pair of glove unlined u they dont sfanr better kind a pair of braces lo theyll give for im the stuff thats going to livi to travel the coontryoer and oer and raoommvaid kelly bros tore borne groceries tootm going to bat fotmyorriljwhmlt tea sugar ina ogber tbinjs ru gei we intend to live tfll we bart to 90 1 sj wgpfaoiw- r5r jjs- jwiis mdijopjbi vi h vv i h um without a plate ttolhd alfiffcf ti btlfiif to kelly bros store ill co they sell so oheap it is really funny wbat a lot you get for a iittle money they sell for cub and buy joods right because they ay t draw at sight other merchant c int boy ao cheap becanae they dont goin so steep they sell on tick 1 beir money i out and theyve to mil d what theyre abont and do yon think bave the stuff of which few if at f get enough to buy a suit iron head to toes if not im here as grub for crown if i aint goodlbol ing i have ooooeit thai i oan payfm what i wear and eat for credit is oneo 4he greatest dorses ill tell you in the iit two vensjs i look lik a man i lets ohamd by dogs oh wone than tin tby wereresllybog they charged two prioes for their goods tnechaeedmeti fhetery woada because the bill i couldnt pay hy grain was poor and cheap was h yl im honest boys yes im a dandy would give them the money if i bad it handy before i left ill tell yon wjusre while the wind is whistling through my hair i happened to put in my left hip pocket twenty in own in there i socked it that all i have not one cent more bot it will bny moat at kelly broe store and after this i intend to boy at kellys store until i die you think this rhyme contains no won well le yon y so without defttoe but tobuygoodsoneaoaad to save afua fay the oaib and deal with ua ipjpit bros baslssu aeton tomacki stwmeiitojiift pau sc jsliaet f i lipr jwtjrtwejkyeth dp boitmlftmanl lwepj drnrooitano oor iiaoatmpiwif rurddck klood b1u0ushess oysprtsiat indigestion jaundice eryslpiflasv salt rheum hufttblffln headache and vrary pdfs tdfeajsj acm disardireitliyxr stoiucb bowels c thilbmn pfti dizziness dropsjfj nutterine aciwtyo thest0hach dryness oftheskii hirsts paiiv 80udflf cyieat

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