Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1890, p. 1

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v ltt peice tjheee cents he rtort jfrw flriss every thursday morning at m- frttwttstckiojrintinffoh street acton oxt xiill tcaus orsctocarrtlox one dollar per war if td tn advance or within thru month t from tveglnaiag ot year s1j0 per year h lot to paid ttn dtte to vhirh evry su inscription u paid u derrctd by the date on the fcrcwt itbej anvrxtkivo lurts tttnicn4 advertise- omit s twain per noptrcil line ot nrtt tn- wttawi s watt per line or qhchiatoeqacfet insertion f contract rxtw the follettnc table thews oatrtli for the laruonoi mwtiseairnti or ipmal period c titr1 6 woti a wo i sin taiochet 1q inch sldcbm linen d mvw sm1 lift mot ltoo 11 m 11 jb ud 3j0 j00 eriw tso ltt advertisementi wit hoot tpgcine direction win be inserted ullxarbjd tad chargod teeord- j inily transient tdttrtisementi mutt bo paid ua adttrttemau will be chasrdbn each month it dottird vor chancel oftefier than oat month the conjpoaitioa mutt be palotfer at pegalaitatet qhaagft for contract adtrrtisemrott mud bo la sb otace br 8 atn oa tawjtvt otherwise they u1 be left otrr until the following vert hpuoore i editor tod proprietor uasnuss fiirtftoit w lq sr m b mcps i grdatyrrinftyccueeueaihrof ouege ol phyticltartad sarpeons oee tad residence- the hoadof frederick trmt aetna- n il springer pimicus bciceox aococciirra omcz axr- eesoiexck dr itegaryias hoam corner llill tad fredenck streeu c e btacey 1u- cjxftjle jxcjaso 3x codefie 6l toronto- telephone so- stsk t fhalsted 1ld tl p scegeox etc rknpprcx axo oetg stojlc uiu sirrei next door to wiliitms boot todjhoc ncrc l bekxett lds destist ccohgetotx 0xtaje0 c ucsixlartds scegiosdestlrrgeosgctoirj visits aetna tl apseitc hotal o tic stczzi tad ocnhwedndjo each month 05eeiag3rsetoxarsdre32 ol lup- ttcharch m eaxicclfeax btmslers soticitort kouries ccnvcyxneen- fc- prirte fuads to iota onwa town htll adoo f a mowat biixeii soudroa koriir peine iceaerlo losr j qmcrditf tceidartad stfcdtr- ticl liitthrrs btocfc actoa apttir qhntox allas 4 baied birristcrc- solicitors xosmcio xxi gfcoegetorx o5acroelniiaf bloct georctoxr tx 6c king street tut toronto patexts sectjeed foe dttestioxs hexet geist ototi clsxjjj- trcety tean prxetioe o ptjnt ko- etr ypitvkemstbeer ejccistd accnasrie kor ifce ctfintim of weiliasloa tad htiwa grdert ieii tt the ysxx vzzs offlco acton or it my rtsidenee in acton will be promptiy tt- teaded to term rtawnahlt alio mooer to iojji on the mott fitorthlc tctet tad mx the crest nzes of iarett ia taai of 50q tad apwtrdt- j0h3dar aecflltect gcewe orr omce qceentholcl block jftrtet sqntre c1rascis kukajf csicceuor to t f cntrman j bookbmdeb stgeorjejjutre gaelphonurio aeoonni eooti of til tiatfi atde to order penodieaxsef ere ealtnnestilttad promptlr done rphe haklajtbaebee shop mbxsrzrxtacxox- an euy thire t ttyliib hircn t a good t4foni ue3lriliixsxngihiaipootinjciten b honed kodpnt in fintelasi condition ltdiet tad ehildreni hxfr tmtil j cat j tswoedestonsqnti artitt 3 waxted tv3en irpeciljtie fa oar line stmpic free i- jttlhoatfit- pecaiitr cliti taaev bc- paoeri cooirolof territorj htredonp hati- tktt in q ntdt 33 retrt we emplof onimltrf tadeottiriibrfoc write for fenm to csase uuotbzbs colfpast xorrjtnccorlcrne oat- wiellingfou itaiwe vorks qupicc siizzr gceuti- clark 4 carter tauifect ire porters of grtifle and uxrhle xj- iforament tnd ffetdslone of til thtdck ind from the newest designx aji orfc tnj tnt- teriti rirrtnted rrtcuii parties wishing to purcht qi plese jyrt n t call tnd inspect oar itoct tad jjncfcs w ve tre conideut vc ca compete with ay ubiitbaebl ia ontario htrin sold out fay tatcrtftw the tiioe arm i repectfnir solicit the pttroat- to m j- friends tad tht mhiietm their lehtif 1 j h haintvtos agents wanted in ereiy towmhip to sell ohe pictorial cyclopedia of xiye stockand complete stock doctor- j 5 comprehiiuirc ori ejeriniwjibl aisnslioii iun t uie haul i ineir roooioa iad ur i conlinenul rctm- h2 hwi ctltie sifo pmiut wo i or bon a erujd opporunllr w raiio mer- socnreuirriujiyit once kiiw b n moyse pabliifaer j 120 toage st toronlo mew planing mill j j baih snddopr factorr f johh cameron contractor slss ttjio on slain but ikttjr uatghbg ind uouhoma poor nd jndowi nd door i 1b1 oteaed lumber is3i wttu bsht swsswf iohh oamekoh school books stationery and fancy goods 1 and wall paper 8tore 20vjiidhanist glelph the undentcnod lit t full tnd rtrfed itockof gooduvliich he rwlliuc t the lowctt ctih a cih roiii th ikoplc of acton tnd ticlnltjli ropcctintl-lavhcl- john smith w barber bros papkr makers georgetown ont schools opeii all tho fidiool i loo 1 1 qmd in uic lulllc school tnd co j lr pit to institute slhtes exeeoiae books drawing books s0h00l baq8 jto uttv l wrrcultt or machine finished book papers ixr j iikilt kilatil wtxkiy vevvs the upcr asd in this oaml it from the above inijl wh bikber beos waters bros the prcttoe qillert a0elph femes t- ilctltja lctfrb mollfllsc noou liafldixcs cokxicr poles frou be blia6sk0ts nixer hods toa isc aictist5 uitekuls oil colfrt uitcr colorf clirt cott isrclts elc llc tlcxdy hitm ilicu afltl- vvaters bro st georges square j coal woodj james brown rts txi ltsi sltrpo qciztitr of trcellcct cotl which he will toujjithdelircr to taj- ptxt of the towc ttrcamoilic trice lltrdwooii md tlihs cct store lcsftl tlwj telephone cezuznzizzjz acton livery ucd i bus line e cf the pjlic id izlcnzt ihcntuf vtcjl ni5ppei and sjliifc rigs ran al- wajr be secrai al ui al1 a ccaruble bni utti all the ctru c conaccil trxrej- r john wtlliams mutual rre insurance company optht cquktt of welldtatok fsriiilnezd ic head off csuelph rnsreibsildiisirerthisjik iftccfacwrict tnd til other descriptists cl ircrnlie propyty on the cash tnd prcna kote srsn p w stojfe chas davidsok bresltlfiiit- manager johm xaylcr aflekt picket wibe fencing the best akd cheapest of all farm ani gaedek fences hi jil j- com mended tad owtrded dtploait tt g nel phcentrtl tad tcvcrjl tcwcihip fain g send post card for prico lis giriiiclcll itartica- iirs addrcfit j j m djoley 4 co cuefpft ont has every book wanted no waiting for stock vva glvo uia bost rtlu 4t days bookstore oolflph day sells cheap 200000 lbs hiring completed eouttku lor j lo chr lords 0 ttriae o uia fojiowiofi ijraiidf excelsior red cap com mon sense red star anchor c we qot itt f otuoti to qaoc very lowest cash figures ure th- phris grebn a bpectaltyf 1 john if jboxd a co quelph direct hardwire impotcer drugs stationery school books exercise drawing copy bo books books pks siatesa pencils pens and ink stirtool bags etc j jf kannawins ioll st actok hainiltoussaibleworks hauiltoxi bjoii fttcrir bticht bloetl the core corner of woolwich tnd korfojk tzcu gaelih oct i john h hamilton proprietor wholesale tnd rtttfl deezcz and direct frnorfcr tad mtccfeotarerof til kindi of grsnltc tnd utrhlc uonnacnlj totalines etc htrinff htden erwntivc cicricncc for the last icjetrf the public tnty rel- on cetticg til mpcrior trticlct tc a cheapur rti4 lhtn taj- other dealer in the weft i s b15 per ccct ocjoh t direct crfcr re- ceirtd for tire oext si days wellington stam laondry gueeph bitietsjoc colhiusic currsic ftmay wflnhiag without ironiaff23c per dor ftmilr waliaff witli uonidzjc per dor gectlemant wtthiagtad impairing soc per dozen i ai wort cuartcccd itut ia canada office tnd worts 6 quebec ttrooit goods left with kelly krot oar tgpnts t acton jrill he tcqi to thclaacdrv and returned to their wore tree o chuge tt above prices xl hackkev proprfetor i frank burgess house painter paperhanger sign wnter etc is pmraxed to execute nrdri in any of he ahorc lines in the bet manner tad at rearjnuhle terms ertry job hariog my pcrsontl uteotioa i ctfi utore cnxtoincre complete satisfaction gruoing in all woods a t pecitlt ji ordcrsieitttrby rceidfloce lfain st acton will receive irromijt atwatiou dr a- wilford halls health pamphlet diseaivcured jljthoixt medicine jas matthews actod kw been 8iftklsted agent for the circulation of dr hall celebrated hotlth pamphlet which he keep on hand the pwnptjletcltlmsbythfl treatment it adiot sure cere for dhteme wfth- ost medicine the price for the pamphlet ft pnor dollars and a roarnte is given that if the imrchaseris not satiigtd afr pattinff the treatment into conscienqjoaa practice for ono month to refond the mony on the retnrn of the psuaplilet with pledge never again to use the trofcuuent or allow it to bjj used in his fautlly a little talk about 4shbes figures mtr lie tnd ftcts distorted be bet seeing u believing come and toe the peeiboo boot tnd shoe store is inst now showing a nnmbcrof new lines of shoes and siippera tpecially adapted for the seaaou these new goods are being told tt pticca as low or itrrer than thoac aaiod for old ctyles and thop- worn goods ewherc ever body can be iccitod for we have til sires in i- qentb wear ladies wear toutii wear children s wear babyj wear special liccs good oods scweat style and best vtloe far the money tt i w williams acton custom vorfc and repairiajr pwcn careful attea tion tniuka uid vxiisct to vrtctf aoxok pump factory -axd- planikgmill thos ebbage man i i hive resanuid th maolmot of hi eainp btiiietii acum tnd would respectful form 1 ptrtie in wuit of pumps that we ire now prepared toropplythem from the old style wooden pomp to the beat force pump made pump for wind muli or rok well supplied on short notloe- deepweli88pecllt prices right etofiy ttmk t our planing mill lumber dressed while yon wait mouldings 4c made to order we bare alto a onsotity of lumber for sale suitable f or jhnlldlng porpoees orders by mail will receive prompt and careful attention bhoptxlodtblbifeit btreei th08ebbagb hanogcr anktdirpoklyxbtghbor a adgbborli nedghbor said rupert tho wise is somotblni uo one oan afford to depaf for tho day 01 uie hour we uorer can know when a neigh xsrly neighbor rare kltfduou may show nowiuhtoota thttl dwelt on uio odgo of tho town with no netguboc ueircr ihtu charity ljrowo and the worthy soul wu so given to roam she seldom if bref wu found at bor home aueva real i elglorly creature wet she she camo in u brealffmt abe earao in to tea qht otic u tddidncr and came la to hay at long at the pleaaod tny hour of the day did i hare i frlouttwlib arrived by the iral andbadbal t very short time to remain tilts charity hi own would be sure to tppoar- to keep you frem being too lonesome my dear 1 she borrowed my ki11etsmyiotsandmypins la a neighborly way tho upset til my pitas old pitchers lb o broke tnd now kettles she burned and borrowed more eggs than tho ever retamedl she dearly loved gotstp and forced me to hear 0 inaut a story uot meant for my ear for any rebuke in tho war of a frown wu entirely lost on atlas charity drown u ever i longed for the quiet and cajui that comfort the soul like a haveu eut halm ity neighborly udghbor would rater straight- and keep all my peaceful companions tt bay and so i am rather inclined to believe that neighborly neighbors may cauio us to grieve if they crowd their attentions too closely nor feel a ijmpaihy far in excess of their teal and though tery much of my comfort depends on ieiag surrounded by dear loving friends id rather by far live to mo war ont of town than be t noar neighbor of charity hrowu jchephi at pollanl tltd jfamilir iuaiitg w engi briv slorj did you ew hear of if railway president running aa fireman on an engine well i know one who did and tf youve got time to listen to it i will ell yon the story now tcuile t smoke thia cigar yon were kind enough to give me it was in uie summer of s that i was firing on a singletrack line that- runs up f rota junction city hroagli georgetown a matter of 1 10 mile the line was owned mosuy by a man named thcdford who was president and superintendent all in one- i had boeu firing on the line for wo yean back all the time with ona driver bob honler by name and a finer man never lived i suppose it would be only natoral for me to speak well of bob any- wa for i was cloan head over ears in jove with hi pretty daughter molly and was onlji wailing for a bit of rise m my pay o make her sirs jim jfartin though i didnt see any cnacoe far that rise where t was i didnt like lo leave and go on an other line for that wouiduke mc away from molly one day bob says o me jim aint yria and molly never going to get married just as boon aa i can get my rise saysj i bat i dont see how imoingio get itjj here why dont yoa go sod ask billy says he yoa sec billy was always what wc called mr thcdford behind his back of coarse for i warrant yoa we were mighty polito to his face he wont do anrthing ftr me says i for yoa know either one of the cleaners up lo goorgctowni would be glad enough o jump into my place and he aint agjiug to give me a ris2 just to please raj well says bob h wont do any hurt to try it soneit day i washed up and went o the companys office and asked far mr thed ford- altera few minutct he sent word to me that he would see mc and in i went there he sal a large heavilybuilt man with big side whiskers and a pair of gold- rimmed glasses on his nose what is it my man im very busy says he ho i up and old him what i wanted how much arc yoa getting now he asked fortyfive dollars a month says i then he pursed up bis lips and hemmedj and hawed a lilue nd says i dont see how we can give you any- thing more my good fellow yoa see yours is not a very responsible notation merely one hat requires a little bodily strength and we can find pleifty of men who would be only oo glad to take jyour place at that salary with that he turned to a letter he was writing and i knew i had no more business here- i tell yoa if el sore to be told it didnt take mnch to know how to fire an engine and i came near throwing my fob up arid trying to get it on another line but molly persuaded me to hold on a little longer kowi before i come to the particular point of this yarn i want to telfyoua little about the line i have said it was a singletrack one running from junction city to georgetown the latter place was a little towitof five or six hundred inhabi tants but in summer- a great many chicago people came up there and so i suppose the line paid anyhow thedford who had a summer place there was rich enough to run it for himself alone if ho wanted to t bob lived at georgetown and i boarded with him oar tnps began at eight in the morning and we generally ran the hundred and ten miles in fiwe hours then at three in the afternoon ire came back getting home at eight assoon as we reached the roundhouse at georgetown oar days work was over for the cleaners took the engine then cleaned and polished her and laid the fire all ready to start the next morning 1 1 well as i said thong on to my job hoping that something woald turn up that would give me ilif i till one day in august the whole summer had been uncommon hot but that day went a head of anything i ever satv of courss while we tfere run ning wchad o breeie but the minnte we stopped it seemed aa if- we wero in a fur- paoeh and nacqmllir working as we were oeaij obt nrefdixlntdroingb otf therhome trip boo wa taken sick and had all he coald do to hold cat till wo got to tho home station when lie got home as soon as possible after tho train was emptied i ran tho engine to the round house expecting to go straight home and wash op bat when i ran the engine in the first thing i saw wa ray two cleaners laid out on a heap 61 ashes dead drank certainly take mo until midnight to el mochino in proner trim for tho next dtya run and a hot groasy job it was in any weather but on suoh a night as that it vat frightful to think of it however there was no help for it and i started in i had barely made a beginning when i heard somo one coming in at the door looking up i saw it was billy thedford in a very excited voice ho aikod where hunter was home i- said and so sick ho cant hold his head up heavens ho said i shall bo ruin ed r then ho went on to say that if lie wasnt in chicago the next day somo deal i think ho called it would fall through and it would cost him a quarter of a million theres a train goes through junction city at elevenfive thatll get yoa to chicago in 16 says i what goodll that do to mo says he ive been away for two days and only just now got the telegram if honter was here he might get me down but as it is i may as well go home and let the money go mr thedford said i bob is sick but 1 can run this machine to junction city- in time to connect with the train you want bat yoa will have to fire for me as ray two cleaners arc drunk as you sec and there isnt another man in this village knows the engine from tho tender hardly i hope thai i have baen forgiven that lie for there were two or thra men that conld have fired all right but it struck me all of a sadden that here was a fine cliancc to get even with billy and let him sec whether it took any knowledge how t fire an engine for a hundred and ten miles run it so happened that wc had just wooded up on the home trip nl a little station three miles from georgetown so we had plenty of fuel abroad to make the run with cm you do it 1 says he ilemember il is a hundred and en miles and if is eightthirty now to you have only two hours and a half to make the run that gen erally takes double that time i can do il says i if you will janfip abroad pall oil your coal and do just as i ell you ko sooner siid than done and in ten- minates we had the old engine ou tntaru- labls turned round and were olt if the road was rough when we ran at our usual speed that night making double time it was awful as we flew round the carves it seemed as if we should leave the track atfcvery torn of the drivers and the pooria machine rocked and swiyed so hat usi as i was o it i could hardly keep my seat by the lever u it was hard on me what must it have been to poor old billy i could hardly keep from laughing in his face as i watched him and heard him groan as he handled the heavy- sticks we used for fuel the heat of the weather added to that of the furnace and the anuscnl work made him look as if he vm in turkish bath the water ran down his face his stiff white collar hung down oa his shoulders like a wet rug and his beautiful smooth shirt bosom looked as if someone had thrown a pail of dirty water over him his hands were torn and rat from hand ling the wood and take it altogether he was the most ualikclyioofciog railway president i ever saw once in a while i had to shoal to him to lay the wood more even in the furnace and would tell hjm he would get the knack of it in time- whenever he tried to rest i told him we were losing atcam and if be wanted to catch hat train he mustnt idle over the work if i hid thought to hitch a car on when we started wc should have run much emoglhcr but il was too lata to think of that now tnd to on we rushed now t broach woodlands now past green fields larchiog first toneetdc then to toother until i cxpecled every minaie to land wrong side up in ihe diiov however luck was with as that night aud we palled up at junction city at jait eleven poor old billy coald hardly climb down from the eugino bat he managed to g up oat come down to my office si two oclock next saturday i learned aftfrwsrd that finding the chicago train was behind tme was behind time he hunted ap a clothing 6 bop and rigged himself out o as to look lite a civil- ized mill which he dijot aben he left me i managed to find a fireman who was willing to make the ran back with me and i finally got home at ibree oclock and finding the cleaners a i j i lie sobered up got to bed as soon as poesibfe for i was clean played out i told bob about my trip next day and thought he would die laughing to think of old billy plijtng fireman but ali lie said was im afraid thatll telllo yoar hash jim for he will find out that yoa worked him mora thin was needed the next saturday at two oclock i re ported at the presidents office wondering whether i was going to l rewarded for my extra work or kicked out for my impa- dence when i entered the office there bat the old man spick and span as ever and show- ing no s ins of his hard work well young man says he yoa i helped me out the other night bat i would net to through he stmo experience again for en thousand dollars at the same lime i think you were irjing to get even with me for uo doing what yoa askcx about your salary and i have concluded that this line can dispeuse with your tor vices at lui my heart went down into my boots for i can ell you it isnt an easy thing to get a new job when yoa cant bring a recommendation from your last place then he went on to say j i have a loiter here from the super intended of the chicago and western asking mo if i oan recommend them a driver who has a sharp eye and a cool head to mo their new fast night express i have written ia reply thst i otu recommend such a man junes martin who will report for service the firht of september the pay will be one hundred dollars a month i miy add to yoa privately that i shall never apply to yoa for the position of flrej man good day rir t thats all there is to toy story holly and i were married and went to cbicagc to live i look tho new train and have brought her mon time every trip ive ran eo yoa can ece lvo a pretty good record with the company ive never seen bill j since and i dont believe he wants to m mo for bob told mo last time i saw him that they called the old man afartini fireman that be knew it and nit u rally didnt like it theres my mate signal hop for me now air and i most go 8cimnc fariitxtj the first itgrlcalt urtuxpirlmedt ittticn according to prof w 0 atwater of tbl united btitet do- partment of agrloaliare was established at a little german villige near ufpilc in 1851 in 1850 there- were five in 18gi fifteen in i860 thirty and to day there ire more than onehondrld experiment stations and kindred inilttatons in the countries of europe the first adricaltarsl experiment station in acorica was established at middle town ci la 1175 there were four in operation in m and in 1837 some seventeen in foarteen states in the latter year coogress made tie enterprise nations by tn appropriation of 115000 per annum to each of the 8 ttteiiod territories having agricultural college oi departments of col leges this has ltd t increased activity tnd there are now f irlysix or counting branches fifty sewn agricultural experi ment stations in the united state to dp port these fortysix statfoni the national and state appropriation for the present year reach aboat 1721000 and over 870 trained men are empltyed elbcthic powkb the otilixatioa and distribution of tlectric power are stated by mr p l pope to havi reached by far the greatest development in switzerland and the united stales tu the former country electricity is trammiited to eonsidenblo distances for largo moors at solo th urn a manufactory of machine srrewali driven by an electric motor ot 50 horse power which derive its energy from a turbine wheel more than live mile away on a at derendingea a indlesis driven by insnutaiu stream delaine mill of 30000 sj a pair of electric mwrt of 20 horse power operated by a turbine distant at lucerne similarly carried half i power a quarter of t m ivheol twelve miles 20 horse power is mile and 1jq hbraa lc in the united states uo electric ranicjr of more than go horse power ii known to mr popey but there are as many as g0co email motors in cse a favorite size tciop 10 horse fower it is predicted that in dties electric motors will soon practically supplant the steam engines of less thin 50 corse power a reuubxable tiuit the abundance of remains of ihe nnmmoth is almost in credible middendorft reckoned that at least 100 pairs of tniks had been put upon the roarktt j early daring the last two centdrie tnd from perjoaal observation fordeuskjold la inclined to regard tho esti mate as too small it tqus appears that in tbe recent modern trade the tasks of more than 20000 of these animals of ptst aes have been collected j amxutacvnovijrtia vegetable cart ridgeshell which i entirely consumed in firing has been broaght oat in france the cartr has acarely half the weight of one with a metal shell the cost ia con siderably lew and the inconvenience of removing the shell after each shot is avoided l at the bottom of the sea in slkiciiofo far may c f holder give hia experience as a diver off the florida coast the fishes were beauti ful he writes somis swam over my arms and let me move fny hands toward them bdt most were shy as lo the stories of sharks they sire in the main not true i have had a ihk cume within five feet of me and when i raised my arm it darted off in such a burrvthal the boiling of ihe water nearly threwme off my feet of coarse there maybe caste where a very large shark might attack a direr ut if be should attack one wearing the modern divers helmet or armor 1 think the shark would have a hard ttrne of it copper and glass would not make ia very good mouthful a friend of minflhad a funny experi ence he wis walking op a sandy bottom when suddenly he waa lilted upward then thrown backward and but for his pike would have fallen for a few seconds he water was not clear then bo taw hit tbo cause of hia upset was a big skate that had been lying partly buried in the saod asleep perhaps he had stepped with his leaden shoearight on its pack among the strange things that may be seen by divers is the ocean forest off the eastern coast the sandy bottom there is covered with the hardened roots of great trees and tu wme instances parts of rooks are standiug showing that the coast there mast have been settled and that the sea here has rolled in over the land some times we go down at night and then the scene under wafer is often a bet at if a sight every jelly fish and living creature seems to be ablaze with lfhl yoar rope appears to bo on fire and every motion makes the water glimmer the crabs and fishes sparkle many with a light of their own so you see iasteadof bting a dark and barren place as the majority of people seerarip regard it the ocean evea at the greatest depths is probably made bright by the very autmals that mcsl need the light the peasant and emperor a persian emperor when uanting per ceived a very old man planting a walnut tree aud advancing toward him asked his age the peaaant replied i am four years old an attendant rebuked him for uttering soch absurdity id the presence of the emperor you censure mo without cause replied the peasant i did not speak without reflection jfor the wise do not reokon that time whioh has been lost in folly and the cares of the world i therefore consider that to bo my real age which has been passed in serving the deity and discharging my duty w society the emperor struck with the singularity of the remark observed u thou canst not hope to see the trees thou art planting come to perfection true answered the aage bat since others have planted that we might eat it is right that we should plant for the benefit of others excellent i exclaimed the emperor ipon which as was the ccatnm when any one was honored with the applause of t le sovereign a pursebearer presented thi old man with a thousand pieces of golt on receiving them the shrewd peasant made a low obeibance and added 0 king 1 other mens trees come to perfc tion in the space of forty years but miie have produced fruit as soon as they were planted bravo 1 said the monarch and a second pons of gold was present sd when the old man exclaimed theti ees of others ear fruit only one a year bo t mine have y ield- ed two crops in ono day dalfglitflj replied the emperor and a third jmrw of jjold was given after whi ib patting spars to his horse the monarch retreated say- iog reverend father f dare not stay longer lest thy wit ah mid exhaust my trpejory the man who makes a living by dis tilling and sell log intoxicating drinks to be nsed as a beverage will never agab feel eaay in this life the conscience of man kind ia against hu batioeas and to if tof own a young colored man has appeared as the class orator at harvard university this aeaaoo mr morgan il his name and he la the first ot hia race who in tho rivalry o the codge ufe has been accorded pre eminence i moreover his oration waa very much aboijs the average of youthful rhe- tori cal effort beore wc lake up the collection thia morning remarked the good pastor as bo looked mildly over the congregation 1 wish to say that we have tn the church treasury already two rjaartj of nickels that appear to havo been pouched through and afterwards plagged with lead these coins i am informed will not buy stamps gro ceries or fuel and conductors on streetcars refuse to take them the choir will please sing o land of rest for thee i sigh a moderate drinker became very angry with i friend who argued that safety was only to be- found io total absticeoce what sir laid he do yjri think i have lost control over myself i do uot know wu the reply bullet us put it io the proof for the next six months do not touch a drop the proposal wis accept ed he kept to hts promise and at the close he said io las friend with tears in his eye i believe you have saved me from a drunkards grave i never knew before that i was is toy fensea slave to drink bat during the last uionllrl hire foaght the fiercest battle of my life had the teat been tried later on it might have beeo too late some people are alwaysma hurry and generally always behind hand the two go together for harry ii the child of a ttate of mind rather tho okajrahi of circnmshnces the nietbolical manis never in a hurry ne moves along in hs orbit as gotthe says the stars do witb- out baste and without rest he koows what is first obc done what next aud how long each item to be attended to will require he sees in an exegency what can be omitted or deferrej and w done according to the prolrarxme he made if he is due at a certain trau there on time with five or ten minutes to spac if a certain task is to be dooo by a certain date the work is ready a little in advance of ihe date there are people who are hart if yoa bow or if yoa do not lw who are offended if they are not invited everywhere on all occasions and jwho with to be petted by all creation becaesc they are so sensitive the worst is that the victims of this sort of morbidoees ako pride io it and consider themselves to be made of finer porcelain than their broth era and sisters who live for larger interests than their trivial sensibil ities and who if they buffer do so in sil ence what is- to be done with each people to take them qot of themselves or rather to give them the beneficial shock of seeing themselves as others see them 7 there is no help until the victims become interested in something or somebody besides them selves i g we are dq sure but the tendencies of tho present day are to a relaxation of will power from various causes the use of tobacco for instance wbere it leaves no impress upon the individual seems to weaken the power of resistance in the off spring our modes of edocation of criti cally examined would be found to deal mostly with the intellect and the affections rather thtn with the will loose objection to authority and constant yielding to ande- sirable habits oa the part of lboe with whom we associate beget ioose abjection to ones own selfcontrol if then is one thing more than another that needs to be laugh i to the growing youth it is mastery nisei and that not less of his physical than his moral nature s v independent gems of thought ndsnabowy kpilet laughing way i neighbor one bright monu flw u l tvit drown sir never cotnsa out albiojltile end oqoe horn r tblgbbiur draughts the people driik frai the ftrtoge worlds varied a rc things mix rrlend jlrowu seenn4ued and always right ilde up ti y neighbor imiled a pleasant tullo j thtt did oe good to see do you mark that grand old mountain j hequlcklysaid tome did yoa ever tee jtlnovfe tn inch jp from rugged bete to crown tfaoagb eartbqutket rend tbo rocks my friend or find it wpeide down thai ijandl our honest neighbor brcn ivbohaiaword for all the people friend and cotntellor the itnit la foj and thru what keeps him firm is principle the solid rock of troth- ou that hell itand though all uie land were looking oo foraootb he keeps ao animosities laid by upea the ihejf he tells no jjeciou falsehood to men fororldlypolf hut wben he thunders out that no youve got jour tntwer down yoa may heitroog hat if rouro wrong you cant move boaeit brown jra makidfi 1 1 1 iv mixed op the babies occupation is the safest tiling tor man lofty heights most be aaceuded by wind ing paths knowledge unused for the good or others is more vain than unosed gold how many neglect their own fields to in spect the farms of their neighbors ha who learns the rulea of wisdouvwith- oat conforming to tb hi lift i like 4 b 1 man who labored in bis field but did not sow ko one ieed be the slave of circumstance and no nature can be so hopelesaly inert or weak or bad that rightly directed arid reto- lute habita will not reform it the heart of the giver makes the iift dear and precious as amorjg ourselves v bay even of a trifling gift bcoine from a hand we love aud look udt bo much it the gift as at the heart nature ia kinder than we know in her penalties through pain alio teaclies the child to avoid llic fire that would consume him through pain she teaches the man to avoid the ice which would ruin him we can if wiil an interest in life for ourselves supposing that none exists in oar original circumstances we can stady for the improvement of our minds and the enrichment of oar knowledge or we can do good to those who need help good to the poor or to the sick to ihe lonely or io tho sorrowful what greater thing is there for two human soul than to feel that they are joined for life iu order to strengthen each other in all labor io rest on each other in all sorrow to minister to each other in all pain to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting here on earth the dot of thinking of the probable and possible effecla of oar conduct aponotbera baa never be too mach emphasized as regards its effects upon ourselves on our plans and prospecu on the success of our undertakiugaand esteem of oar fellowmen we think long closely and to the purpose are we not then culpable if in our conduct to others we act without reflection aud then strike pain into their lives the inutility of grammar in a locality near dawson there recently existed a flourishing school taught by a lady the teacher wishing one of her popis to etudy grammar told the child to get one whereupon the toother sent the following nolo to the teacher i do not desire for lai u ah all ingoge iu grammar as i prefer her iogage in yuseful studies aud can learn her how to spoke properly myself i have went throegh two jprammarc and oant sty that they did no good iprelerher ingagemn german and vokal music on the piauo davaoii tine two mothers are unable to dial gulah their progeny m thavs ray baby its not sis hiine xo it nut j this u yours and so the conversation ran for se minutes mrs patrick collins and mrs john houston who both live at 135 delancty street found their babies milling wn they returned from market theolker day and after aeearch filled with bruhng inci dents found the two babies in the bed of rl yoaog man who drives an ice cart and wbj rents a l50ayeek room from mrs coj- lina says the jew york journal both babies were perfectly nude and th women claimed the fame child both ere born ou ihe 2th of may lakt both ere boys both had brown eyes and each weighed eleven pounds aud a half each mother was jeslous of the other and bpth claimed that ber child xvus the best look the little incident caused no end of t thb house and both mrs collins mrs houston received rosuiutriiriosa xsn txiaxos galore which tiny look in perfect good natare urffcf the art bit of pleasantry wlich proved to much fur them x day morning mrs collins and mrs hous ton left the cherubs sleeping and started out to do the days marketiog tney both asked mrs comaiilzsky wholivea on the second floer to have an eye out for th children mrs j commitzaky afrwarf found that the herself h to ro ont so after taking a look at thfrveepingbeaptiei she decided that they would be all right until their mothers returned and wept about her business- it was only half aa boar from thb time mrs commitzaky went awav until the mothers relffrned end foajad their babies miasiog vthen the swmi little darlings werefound placidlyjaleepia every woman on the block waa brpnjht jfcr to give her opinioii ao which waalrhioh noonehowevercoutd tell one baby roar the otbetf and things looked as tboagbr the whole basin ess was going to result in a very interesting fght matters- wert finally quieted down a bit and mrs collins and mrs hoaston botdi took a child v though she latter wan sure she had no got the right one daring the argnrawnt both babies began to cry youve got my baby j tan tell by the way ho cries i shouted mrs houston gh oat youre oazy ill have thatichild if i hare to steal it replied mrs honrton and then mr hickjiy who owns a milk route came to thet ancc of the womei let both tho mothers go ontaide said aud ill cover the kits op with sheet all but their feet then jet tw mothers come in loss hn a penny for fit choice and whichever gets which why le them havo no incf e talk about t j after eome tafr that ws accepted m satisfactorily mrs houston won ihe tot n 1 i a 1- ii ac l fl other aud both shouted with glee becanie each had got the one she wanted as it is both women are satisfied though tie general impression about the boase is thai eaeh haj the wrong baby jfast who j jnixed the babies up oould not be learnect but it is thought to have been ekey f m li who canbestbe spareq j ouugmeo tlio first qatftion yoacerc ployer aak tbemsolrea itben it ia tfaoogbt j uocessary to economize in the matter ot v salaried is who can best be snared it i the baruaclc lite sliirkvk the makf4 ibifts aomebodvs good for nothing yoaog men please remember that tbestfi are not tho oues lvho are silled for bflnf responsible positions aro to be 4 woold yoa lihe4o caofio yoar ona iltar for a position ofiproioioooce woaldfjrc like to kuov lie probabilitiee of yoi rettibg soch a position enquire wif what aro yoa doiojf to make yien valaable io the position yoa now oetftpy if yoa are ioinj with yoar might iirja yoor beads find to dotiie cbaocea ar4t6r to ono that yoa cvn become so valakhle in that position that yoa cannot be tptred from it and the liurnlar to relate willj be tho very time nhen yoa are soot for promotion for- a better olaoe finishing a buffalo old iodfab 1 saw at old iodtab sixty yeara jf age apparently following a bnf flo that waa jast ablo to drag himself alonfi with three arrows in hie aide tbo old man qaiver was empty and be 1j impatient to vfiuish him he alia oaatioasly from hit pony and steatinji lt- oeliind the baffalo tpraeg foward jnatctj ing one oi the arrows his aide and sendiy it quick a a flsuhaiitaliisjieart l j rjn jv i bonf delitioas u tlja ar6nbis of sm btgiculni- sings the poet ajiyliis i teotiment is i with one possimjexaeptioa 1 eit party has tfce oatjjiwi emn ma us i its sweeuieae dt sagii catarrh hen ia it sire ctjre joetlsirepalbito m i tremlng affliction byf it mild iooth antiseptic oleanefeig and heal tag propertie it caret the wortt ouw fsoo n0ered fur tu iodarabu came 1 4 i- il- h k a

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