Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1890, p. 2

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m v mjtuubdz koittminat8akmoii ulh beiv- bvbn brlfhmlemtoa thomas an- the nmcrkt offioe gnelnb to aftmtmoxda tsmbrrbyb denes ci the mmecn office onol jennie dsttghbtr ot wm devmsmi ot kntkximm at tin ralinit of ufo bride rather mnuxi on the roth lnet by tot her 0o ctaail a boll bendenoh auilitat ot vtm hmltmii bq to john a tnua et blind river ahjoms med talk cf the dav an epltomti oftha world doing dutlri th wk ixat the w or hit m ttr john nana nee bvefcwtoa ales bam sr sed a yeus eed i unatha sfcjlctmt fttt jms thtlrsnaj september is 1890 fyholera lias hand its apnoaratice at aleppo lil buin ifltt halifax for england on monday tl maryland law school lias decided to id mil do mors colored students the dead body of rain named dsu mckay was found near wooditock rati mousu bey the escaped rurdili perse color of armenian chriitianv ha i been coumty council notes and comments jthe brutdon moil la to be tamed into a ouit mock company editor cliffe taking rvboal onebftlf the stock the sum of j 10000 is wanted for the hole bnsinea in a recent letter to an ottawa friend dated from pans hugh sutherland prcsi- dsnt of the hudsons bay railway says he fs meeting with the most encouraging soc- m his efforts to raise finance to boild the the most recent statistics of arrests for drunkenas in maine in any oue year howc four arrests to every 1000 of the roriautiou there is not a whollj licensed state m the cnion in which the arrests for drunkenness in any year are not many times as prat the strike oa the xew york central nul- ra which has been over for some time so far as the compan was concerned is now admitted to be at an end by the men who are applying to the company to be re-in- statcd it is said the company is exacting from all its employees a pledge that they shall not join any labor organization it was the mistress of a french king who said cootemptooasly that canada was only a few rpenls of snow to the people rof other countries that still have this hazy idea of canada concealed somewhere in their 6kuejs will be news to learn that j neither dakota nor montana where snow has already fallen to the depth of four inches is in canada a meeting of dakota fanners has ecu i deleics to manitoba to prepare for a gen eral migration which they declare is forced upon them by the distress to which they hire been reduced mjmyof them are in such an impoverished coridition that they cannot more without some assistance and if possible some plan should be devised for affording the needed aid jthc would make valuable settlers in massachusetts the enforcement of an old statute forbidding the sale of liquor at a bar has been proceeding for some weeks the regulation requires that the liquor shall be served at a table and that some article of solid food must be ordered at the same time those who are opposed to the law already declare that it has failediat the experiment has hardly been tried long enough to make sure of that canada consumes nearly twentyseven million bushels of wheat and about two million bushels are required for seed last year we only produced 27600000 bushels so it was necessary to import into this agricultural country 1500000 bushels this year the conditions are more favorable it is estimates that we have grojrn 40300- 000 bushels and that as a consequence we shall have 10325000 bushels to export mr joe hess the temperance evangelist who did such effective work in this pro vince last winter and the early- part of the spring and who has been summering at his home in clarendon k y- returned to toronto last week to commence bis years pfigaffrr as lecturer a organizer for the canadian temperance league he left on tuesday for athgng near brock- vflle where he will hold his first campaign 1 captured i last friday five tneq were killed by an explosion tot gat la a coal shaft at willu- barriep mrs deborah powers ot kingsloujky is worth 3ooo her own affairs wdiltjo years old i twenl five miuerw mis killed on tucs- 1 day by an exploatou tn the st hendsl colliery in germany hamilton tquic library was formally opened tuesday eveuinj by the uarlsud countess ot aberdeen a sou of the late president garfield j a witness in the cowloa shooting case which ii to be tried next week in lioulroali winnipeg has already subscribed il50 far the relief ot ditretsmteiandandappoinu ed commlltcq to collect more fundi i i one day last week a 16 jcar otdboy hanged himself at eackeusac kj because his pareuw dectded to eeud him t i tchool j a oanj ttrl named mteweu hauled herself at ilcadingly man on- sunday because her father u going to niarrj again the wonaus medictt college in kings ton will open october it and dr sullivan the dean will deliver the pubfic address on the 13th the famous highland poetess mary mc- kejlar is dead it was she who translated the queens life ot prince consort into gaehc the strike o the montreal ship laborers is practicdly at an end the contractors having secured all tte help needed from outside justice against a railway is roichty hard to get in this country in proof of which the finding in the el george case is respectful ly submitted i kingitoc penuenliary is new iigsted ly electneffy there are goo cell hghtt for the convicts- and thereart 30 night lights in the wings j i the body of william mcjlauuh the sail or drowned in tho tremble wreck off saraia has been removed and ilupped to st catharines mr mcconnell of the government geo logical survey staff believes there are vat quantities ot petroleum in thealhabuka district kwt i the heavy rains of last week did great damage to outstanding crops in manitoba and the korthwest some instances crops wtre entirely ruined i prince albert victor is the oalv son of a prince ot wales who has taken his seat m the house ot lords before his fathers accession to the throne i walter eotter and w d loeii of the firm of potter lovell co boston which recently failed have been arrested charged with embezzlement and uroenv 1 photographer dixon of toronto is be coming notorious oa account othsfool hardj exhibition by walking a wire stretched across the kisgaca river a w truchell go years old died in kew york the other day of itarvation his a steamer arrived at 6an francisco a few day ago with a catch of 42000 eals from the coast of siberia which is about three trn the number secured br th north american company which now has the lease in alaskan waters it is evident therefore that ladies max be able to wear seal sacques although the seal becomes extinct in behring sea in two or three years which the present rate of destruction leads some prophets to predict the sca frafuzq chroukle saj s that 62 children forty ex boys and fiti girls have committed suicide in the cityof berlin since the 1st of january the cknutcle pots this sad state of things down to the excessive sternness of german parents guardians and school teachers induced by the spirit of militarism which pervades ger many the result of the severe discipline of the young no doubt has its effort in the reverence for law which prevails among the inhabitants of the fatherland hut it is a sad thing if it leads to wholesale suicide on the part of the young in order to escape from it- on of the last- exploits of the chited states senate before finishing with the unff bill was to clap a dnty of twenty cents per gallon on maple syrup another amendment mnaf at the last moment is also of some interest to canadians that namely providing that imported merchan dise deposmted in any bonded warehouse prior to angust 1st may be withdrawn for consumption any time prior to first of november on payment of the dnries prescribed- by the existing law cnder this provisio all goods- imported prior to angost 1st now in hand may be retained there tmtil november without being liable to the increased rates of the new tariff km sept oth 5800 theoottdoil sttfttmoftitlqmoovd aoe with adjo iromenl the warden in the chair members all ptttsnt j tho minutes of hut mooting were read sod confirmed circulars were read from the qaelph agricultural college and theiuboommittoe of tho select standing oommittoe of tho house of confmons on agriculture and ool oniottfon tho latter being on the subject of assisted immigration from england to can ada communications were fad as fol lows from bain laidlaw cocbarrlstera haltonvigtr win yanallen jailer re fuel for county buildings dr bobcrtion moved seconded by mr g raham that tho treasurer and jailer be authorized to purclmao twenty torn of ooal and fifty cords of wood for tho use of tho county buildings the samo to be bought by tender and advertised in town papers for two weeks carried mr 6torey presented and road the fourth report of the standingoommittoeon finance mr storey moved seconded by dr web ster that tbc report of the committee on finance just read be adopted carried mr storey moved seconded by mr hus band i lift i this council adjourn until i pm carried the couued adjourned the council resumed at l pan tho warden in tu chair mr blorcy moved seconded by mr kennedy that tliis council resolve itself into committee of tho whole to consider the communication rccehodfrotn tho countys solicitor re suit halton vs gtband that henry robinson take the chair carried tbc council went into committee of the whole mr robinson jn the chair the council resumed the warden in the choir dr buck moved seconded by mr men- rics that when this council adjourns it stand adjourned until the second monday in december at 10 oclock a m carried mr storey moved seconded by mr cook that the following names be added to the committee on railway suit vix dr back messrs scott and kennedy and drs robertson and richardson carried me g raham presented and read the first report ot tbc standing committee on roads and bridges mr graham moved seconded by mr fields that the report of the road and bridge committee be adopted carried dr back moved seconded by dr web ster that messrs husband felon and the nioer be aud are hereby appointed a com mittee to procure b tender a luitablo per son to enclose with inch lumber the bridge oer the river sixteen between the corpor allocs of oakvdle and trafalgar and lupcr- intend the same lost on motion the council adjourned beqq1n for work tht nw york cant striker anxloui to b rtjlnfcuttd amur m usoptrintansot bli- til waa sadly worrlod to day whan bt rt- torood to nil ofoo from wt albany and found agtd raothors pleading for their striking sons and wwoo pleadlog for their striking hatbands relmtatement with one acoord they all said starvation was taring them in the face and that tboy were themselves compelled to seek tho in dulgenoo of the company to give their torn and husbands work at the latter were either afraid or ashamed to do so tbemtelvei bat eten they ooold not hid oat mooh louger superintend cut blttelli office and the hall leading to them were crowded all day with striken withlng to return to work one man would sometimes speak for fotr or five of the knights and it it estimated that 302 men today used to bore nutated they received no satisfactory answer how ever but their names were taken and they were told they woald be notified when their services were needed altar at the rood it con oa rued the strike bai been over for several weeks mow to all appearances at regardi the meu it teems to be over alto during the past week according to a re-in- hated knight all of the roadi employees in thlt vicinity have been asked to sign a paper which exacts with them a pledge tbatthey shall not go oat ou strike nor shall thoy belong to any labor orgtalcatioa which has tho authority to order them out on strike as a body nearly all the men now employed by the road have signed the circular found i the ditch a farmer near brampton badly ln jurad buthowlafcmyatary bjuumox sept 11 yettarday mr d n craig wot drwlo to hit stoek farm be found mr robert jormitrnnf ot hani on lying in the ditch insensible and hit waggon bottom op mr craig aaauuted placed the uooonsclnui man in bit boggy and drove him rapidly home medical oeejajauoe wat qaiokly procured and u was fonod he ud luar broken ribs a dislocated sboelder and a severe oonoosslon of tbt braia it it thought he will not recover nooneknowt how the accident occurred bat it u conjeo tared that the horse waff frightened and turning eaddeoly threw the wagon round and upset it upon mr armitrong york farm mooicmln writing from tbit fertile district mr o f clark tayi 1 had a severe attack of dlarrhcoa bat wu quickly cared by aung dr fowler extract of wild strawberry british farmer delegates visit the agricultural college and several prominent farms auction sale valuable property in the village of aoton portaaot to the power o sale contained la a oertaia mortfaae which will b prodaoed there wu1 n offend for sals br pobllo auction at aguewi hotel la tbs yillage of acton oa tuesday 30th sept 1890 it is oclock k00v lots one and two la james dlcksooi tarrey of a part ot tbo aaid village and being tbe prop- trty owned by the late aroblbald corrie de- oeaaed tijare 1j a good roash cut bouse on tbe premises tbo property will be sold in one parcel atitttmn 1890 rbj6rmyn 0to3sr wo havo grent pleaauro in annonncliig the btriral of our j fall stock since an fly spring wo havo been mnsnckingthoimmenseetocks of tho dry qiod centres of canada beside placing many import orders and tbo result is wo have gathered together an array of fabrics which in point of excellence and variety far surpass our former effort norbove we forgotten that goods well bought aro half sold money mid experience cad not buy reliable goods cheaper thankvo have ntw on our count rs when we say wo are prepared to cpmpeto with tho largest concern in canada wo mean it alltbatis necessary to convmcotho knowing ones is a personal inspection nokv in dress goods we have realized it takes every color make and material to please everybody and then sometimes we fail this season large checks and plaids are among the correct things while dove grey seoms to be the reigninghado and is much sought after in too centres offashion we show nice goods in tbe different colorings at 12j cents better ones at 15 18 20 25 and at 80 85 cents and up tho cloth is rouble width and embraces tall the new things fail to look through it will pay i woodstock excited arvotharbody found near th town but twaa soon identified x mr edgar tnpp he gentleman who is sent orer from trinidad west indies by the government of that island to try and promote larger trade relations between that country and canada spent some time on friday last examining products of mani toba at tbe torontoexhibition mr tripp states that over 2000 barrels ef flour are imported weekly in trinidad and thiisall ft rntkn he thinks it ought to come from canada and believes manitoba flour is just suited to that market he wishes to arrange for permanent exhihtf of mubtobs products to be seni to trinidad promising that if sent the authorities there jroald look offer it flour cheese oats and oilmeal are amongst the principal agricultural products imported the new members sworn in toboxto bent 1c the new members of the ontario ministry were dalyjiworn in this morning before hit honor lieot- govemor sir alex campbell at follows hon kicfaard harcoort frorloeial treat oree hon john drydes minister of agricaltore and hon e h bronsoo as miiiisler without port folio the proceed ingi tookiate in the attordeygenerals office and were followed by lonebeon at tbe befonbclob at which all the members ci the cabinet ond onmerou proufneot jaeal eeformers were present bank book showed deposit of 10000 and title deeds to three tenement hocsea a meeting of k y central strikers look place at laibaay last night j at which there was considerable disorder and the men were advued to get back to their places mrs c cferemont of bordapiouffe pear montreal who was married at the age of thirteen died on tuesday 02 3 ears of age ieanng behind her 303 hnng descen dants j i just as the country was getting anxious to ship a lot of hogs out of the country the mckinley william shut out the those pro- 1 ducts of canadian civilization with higher duties i 1 i 1 joseph peliuer of the xew york hvw who has become totally blind has for a pri vate secretary a youn eagnshmen named ponsonby who is a nephew of lord pon- soaby 1 vohn milborn con tractor aged 50 years a highly respected and esteemed citizen of lindsay committed suicide by drowning in the river at an early hoqr this morning while temporarily insane lineman kapp while fixing a- lamp on a pole corner of broadway and sjtb street new york last night received shock from an electric current and died while teimrtakeu to the hospital charles benwell of cheltenham eng und brother of f c benwell for whose murder birchall will be tried next week has arrived in toronto heing snbpcenad as a witness for the crown two couples of youthful elopers from pillsbnrg we foond by the pohce in a lodging house at cleveland on tuesday they had been stopping at the place since saturday and hid ruu out ot foods there is likely to be a famine in ireland during tno coming winter and sir j z curran mp- for montreal centre is now advocating the raising of a land in canada for the relief of the distressed peasantry at joplin ifo yesterday morning policeman may discm ercd a barglar named bill meredith in a store of the jolpin hardsare company both fired and the policeman was wounded sad the burglar shot dead suntxicholxs awrej of south went- worth might have been made minister without portfolio if there bad not been reason to fear that on election protest might leave him minister without con hlitnency i mrs colt widow of the inventor of the revolver has several millions of money and lives in the handsomest residence in j hart ford connecticut she has oat of her own resources erected a handsome episcopal church near her home a girl uamed galljpeaq daughter of a farmer living near mcgregor was bitten by a rattlesnake a few daj ago and when the doctor arrived the swelling had extended throngh the whole body she is stih living and it u thoagbt will recover castnrns officer bodel aboat two oclock on friday morning bwooped down on a imoggohug gang while running a cargo of whiskey asboro near the richelieu line pontoon at quebec the smugglers best a hasty retreat leaving three barrels of whiskey and a small boat in the bauds of tho cdstoms officer john l 6 alii van end charley johostoc have been seed in the srorklyu supreme coartbycaojdwell washington d uodd uwyem of new york for 500 tho balance of 1000 which they claim solliran and johnson promised to pay them for secanag their release from tbe tenuesse aothoritlet iter tbe big fellows fight with kilraifl rirtd crrr sd september if oue of the saddest railroad accidents that has happened in the black hills country occur- ed yesierdaj on the new narrow gauge line which has just been completed between piedmont and lead city the masons of deadwood and lead city to show their appreciation of the advent of a railroad in to their cities planned an excursion over the b lack hills and fort pierre the train was made up of two coaches and a number of flat cars with seats arranged to accom modate passangers about 200 masons and their families went to make up the excur sion party as the tram was paasing a point near elk creek twentyeight miles from deadwood a large pine tree which had caught are from a passing engine fell striking the last car which was packed with human freight killing two people and wounding seven woonsrocs ont sept id woodstock people were considerably excited over what they supposed was another murder mystery this sitenicoon when the body of a man was found in burgess woods about a mile from town it proved 0 be that of a man by the name of dan mckay a laborer he was supposed to liave been subject to epijeptic fits and it is the opinion of the coroner that it was in one of these he died he was about 3o ears old and a son of david mckay carpenter of paris de ceased was well known in woodstock having been brought up here he wss in town saturday and is supposed to have died on sanday the deceased hod brothers and sisters working in penmans factory fans he was easily identified as he had a crooked leg from falling many years ago off a barn near this town he was former- is cmplojed bj mr e w chambers a farmer south of woodstock who was one of those who identified the bed ko inquest has been thought necesoory two were killed a burning- fine falfa upon a carload of excursionist in the black hills country his fatal mistake qcklrn bept 13 the british farmer delegate spent a profitable day here today they were accompanied to the city by mr h b small of lbs deportment ot agri collars ottsifa sad mr a biae depaty mtaiiter of agricultural for ontario on arrival they immediately drove to tho ontario agricultural college and tbt prin cipal feat a res ot the farm and tbe cream ery were examined after which tbey were entertained at lunch ample jaitice wu done to the lanch and after the tout to tbe qaeeo wu daly bon- ored prof shaw proposed tbe health of his guests the british farmer delegates and expresied the great pleasure he felt at their visit to the oollrgs short though it wu the loait wu received with enthaf- ium and wu responded to in abort speeches by colonel fane messrs speirs edwards and mai phy who expressed their pleasure at having an opportunity to visit inch a fine institution wbich wu a credit to the province the party then ander the direction of prof shaw examined ihe college building the barns and other oat buildings and the farm with all of which they were more than satisfied and so expressed themselves the delegates left by the g 20 pm train for toronto carrying with them a most favorable impression ot gaelph and neighborhood trhms of bale 90 per cent of u10 par- obtm mopey to b paid oa the cur of sale and tbd balaae in two wekt tbarcaftar for farther particulars apply 0 huou uculllav vendors solicitor gaelph gaelph splsuufi0 s m cook co lloenmd auctioneer appraiser vara- hon collector beal ettate and general land agnu roa the cocxroi or- htlton feel wellington slreooe york and ontario f foto jltibrrit for 8alc aametaa tfaoo american mail amelerml apj1 kbtleoa fr sal or ex the enlertlfned oflwr for ijljjj ahutte tat tmeji h1 shire one rem lunbe tu xswtoni agents want if 00 irfnl te mn ocpmt ui ell our cbotee nsnerjr nock i tlei7wrlteetonfirtenni j if at bbotbkb8 mnrmnjdm dont l cloaking and ulster cloths rvllmakc8 and colorings are here beavers and chevoits pre dominate fopjemly fall wraps and jackets three quarter length will lead while dame fashion says marine bjue will do the most popu lar- housokeepera wanting reul fine linen should inspectour stock it lias alwaysjbccn our aim to keep in our staple department a class ot goods wo ean recommend and feel that every dollars worth sold is a standing advertisement notice eookwood older and cttbppifcp villi ire newt rnadlaj ertrr oaf tot ttule re- ipeetinllt wlleluid j w i wuoo bookdstlllma i f0k 8ale ahohm end to iu la u l ctinrsi treuthtln bud nj epft wtm fnlttrmlion the pwin laneddicn b01 ot ekhnpd hu1 ont wanted 1 oo piuhlm salminen h a pe gneranweil veeklr ilit sulci hllinne frnlu rirmeri can let eood pejinf wlutor write for folf term tad fbed e tooo ni foe sale or exchange for other thb eefl fth s o an ar witti from hou stabla and rt lass bant and soft water rood ekmuaot large and amall frail tbe pretaljm or by letter to fancy coods and small wares largo lines hosiery gloves corseuandundenvearjust passed into stock today 1000 pompoms 1 cent each regular price 5 cents 500 pompoms 3 cciits each or 30 cents a dozen regular price 8 ceuts felfs all colors java and penelope canvas tracing cotton arrasene andjembroidcry silks less than regular price struck by a train one indian killed another badly hurt and athlrd arretted ktiouu fitxs ont sept h lost night at 715 oclock three indians walking on the new york central tracks about a mile east of suspension d ridge n y- were struck by a west bon ad express ooe ot the trio joseph earns who bads from oooudtgo ont and who lives on the indian reserve on the grand river uear brantiord died from his injuries shortly after two oclock this morning liis ikall wu fractured and the right foot severed from his leg peter green of the tascarora tnbe living ap the indian reserve near leviston x x hod his left lee cat off below the knee bis jsw broken and sustain ed several wounds on the head and bat slight hopes are entertained of his recovery the third cyrus jacob by name a youth of 18 years and who lives near syracuse h y escaped without injury he hu however been arrested all three were very much intoxicated at the time adveruauc i of great fmportaaee to parties holdins m1o- tbe medioms throajh which ve eulteruie and tbe belp we gfre is ot greet rehie to thoee having ulet thanking tbe public or the liberal patronafe of the past ws would solicit an early can from any person who is contemplating the sale of farm farm stock fnv 8 laments bootefaold furnhnre or in fact anr- ilng by public or nritate iie partiea plaetng their aalei or other baatnesa in oar hands will have the same prom ptlyattended to at moderate ebargea omcx axn silks books md1 st gecm- fown or address box 186 s u cook t cc- anetioaeers boixch omou si qaeen bl east tor onto box 175 xcwinarxet ont btrchall confident of acquittal another farmer puts out the gas and is smothered a respectable farmer named james bachanan who went to toronto on 3don- da to see the exhibition was suffocated by gas in urs bonds 142 york street the same tughl he applied for lodgings at the wilson house bat all the beds there were occupied and he was directed to mrs bonds who put him np for the nights in the morning the hostess became alarmed when her gaest did not make his appear ance long after the rest of the family were up and finally she called in f c black who broke open the room door the sight which met the officers gaze was appalling ir bachanan was lying on the bed quite dead and the room was full of gas which was escaping from the jet the dead man was clutching a lamp chimney which he hod evidently snatched off or lighted lamp in he room and the fames of the burning wick were almost unbearable- chased by a russian sax fiuvcisco sept 1g- the sealing schooner j h lewis which arrived from behring sea a few da s ago hod an adven ture with a eassian gunboat on july 13 while near cooper island the lewis was chased by the alexander now used by tb alaska commercial company to carry seals bat which has on board the bassian officials to arrest any sealing schooners within nine miles of the bassian coast the lewis was overhauled and her papers demanded by a russian official capt mclcrn hoisted the american flag and re fused to deliver his papers his crew was well armed and the ilossiaa steamer allow- the lewis to depart we mast admit that the nicest and cheapest window shades are to be had at itjeixy book thpy also have a very floa assortment of boys and childrens spring sails all sizes and away down in prices before purchasing property in ac too do not jail to see w j moores list of residences and building lots notwithstanding the fact that birchall will have to appear before mr jastice mc- mahon on monday next he shows no signs of aervoasness and is u cool and collected when discussing the case as when ha wu first arrested he spends uu time reading and painting and often freely enters into i discussion with the official u to his chances ot being acqaltted he says he is confident ot acqaittal and u soon u his trial is over he will tail for england with his wife to reside there in fatare accepting probably a position in some theatrical oom pony the crown doe not intend to bring ap the indictment found against mrs birchall for being an accessory to tbe crime after the fact and therefore if ibe appears in court at oil m it is likely she will shi will not be present u a prisoner but merely u a spectator asiatic cholera in ohio cinnottok ohio 15 an epidemic baa been raging in the eastern part of this county for tbe put week and many deaths have resulted on wednesday six deaths oooared it was claimed by some to be typhoid fever on friday dr williams of this place wu called to the uoase of john toole of washington township who wu taken ill that morning he died at four ocloctrof cholera after intense spurns and frequent fits of vomiting parking and other symptoms of that disease dr wu williams pronounces it a genaine case of asiatic cholera photograph ec views t the wellknown photo artist opaotoh hu fast parchfljd fine nev vhnmpc cunert tndu dot preurd to execute orders for paotogrnphlc ttpn of reswences picnic parties lawn gatherings stock etc etc ic tny ilc desired boots and shoes the best is always tho cheapest we bay only of tho best makers such as james whitham co every pair ijuaranted childreus croquet rubbers 80c misses 35c and ladies 40c our millinery department will be opeaed on wednesday october lit uiss bedford will bo pleased to see ladies beforo then who rcqaire fail millinery try our 50 cent tea r b jermyn special value in horse blankets whips trunks halters single and double harness -at- j h matthews nt kamthat i rcpatauon will cnsair firstclass rotfc- lesre oar order rhmshkw the artist 21- the fall fairs the big bhowe and the little ones here and there followjeg is a lilt eo far ot fain to be bold this fall in which oar nsder re in terested secretaries will please forward notices of others the indtutrlal toronto- sept 620 uitoirel xistowel 1813 western london 18fft gnt central hamilton us6 cental cuidi otuw 7 central- peterboro ajao canadas internet el john k bseji ocu centra gaelph sept 1526 esqaeslng georgetown ss96 lincoln coonly st catherines 93ocu eslmcoe orflll 80 1 seeiortt seeforth 80 1 n biding otoitoiu wooditock 80 1 coqdtyfoel r brampton 80 1 northern walkerton 80 8 great northern- colliogwood 80 3 torkcolonjr yorkton nwt0ct 1 ancuter e flamboro is c beeketchenn saskatoon 19 fenlnsnlsr chatham j s jtyork newmarket- 83 dofferia shelbnrne 23 north perth stratford 33 acrox uviox aeton j m kerth brant paris 7 8 central coboarg 89 esstyorkj- uarkbam j s10 balton r gu central wellington elora 810 erin erln r w18 wert york wooabrldge 14 ullohell mitchell smi ibbssssiipippbsstssekrn silverplated spoons forks and knives of best quality and warranted also best quality of nickel spoons and forks pmngles guelph all in need of any of the above cannot do better than to t leave their order with him as nothing but the best material is used in the manufacture of his goods fkll is9o job priotini ikcludkg boots pamphlets heads areolars ac ac eio- best style of the art at moderate price and on abort notice apply or address f h t moore fan pastas bce aeton wanted men local or trareline to sell mtf ensranteed norserrbtock salar7orcoilpisslonpsid weekly ootflt free special atteisisn siren to beginnen workers never fail tl llnaks cood weekly weffes write me st once foraerticnlars e o okauau nnrafmsn mils boose is rellablej 100000 bubfilts grain washed bu oats sad led will pt the bjiest market irehoi m uccbae ifueweb price for wu vd u- v vemdeureraduthestorehonsesinj a- unh rsy otb station acton cub for bides and sheonsklna acton odgeko looj meets in the oddfellows bef block erery wedneedayei brethren slwkys weleoma for notion sod laws apply to the nm of the members w willia1is h h wbllden k o tr inronto ont lumber lath si sateb8 kill ksaaasswora hss bont a lxoftd feet of luml 11 kinds needed for building mill hss e well established repn class lumber end reasonable prieef shingles on hstnd wesre prej every want fh onr use peteb ba si wanted saixbshhk to sell ntorserr e warranted nrstclasa pot irrofl table positions for the i salaries etna expenses paid wx dueements to oejdnnexs kr enoeneeeesaij ootflt free tiring see charles h cl alention this paper wretapo notic havlvo duposed of my badness it if sary that all seconnts doe m fi etc be paid within twenty days frel mr v 3 uoore isvanthoriied tnoners doe me and slsosrt will pi esse pay same to ntio signel edward dated st acton this 9th day ot september 1s90 for sale an ii ennlfiils- in in iotas ltb on thej pram sm is a good hasdsoiie brick tbe villevge ot acton banrand soft water stable this b one of the most deairahld neoperttes in tbe county and will be sold at a bargain for toll partienlan adoreas wjmoom towjpall aeton henderson mcrae co staple and fancy dry goods boots shoes and groceries the banner stock of the season great in assort ment pleasing in style honest in quality i and reasonable in prices no room for argument give us a chance and we will give you a benefit the world wants the best and the best goods at very best bottom prices is our bonus for their busi ness valuable pftol erty for sale by ten kb tenders will be rectdtodifu iinctersicned np to tbe ftnt cs october or ise pnrtinso tbe property known as ths t sradrs besi- dence ntoated on willow str t fppoaito tho town ball the propertr is in an excellent location the residence is in good dnditionand thelotbmskbutedaqceoisxnalfr sapoarsand apples tbenlghebter anj ten si not neces sarily accepted hp mebee secretary bosm ot tmstecs i ot acton ptftpmc school all goods guaranteed seasonable and warranted reasonable remember the old stand and our 5b cent tes henderson mcrae co this space belongs to 1 1 1 1 1 i i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i ittl i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 ii i i i i i kenney bros i i i l l i i l l i l i i ii itttl l l i i l i r where you can get anything you want in domlnton boot a shoe 8tore acton 1 1 1- ii i iu i ii i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i footwear change of us wakefields m boogbt ont the bntchefibg bnslncss havt bone by best qoibty of beef mutton lanir isathewa ws of tbe beefl yoar patronage y cartiod on by e jli kref ol attention to the ft id always keepins on hud the very y of beef mutton lamhj veal corn and sanaace to mecu sr air share of y0uh m and boys starting in life for thenisbtes or as- lornioe the business of a father o telatiio and wanting the best preparation to i afore inocess younqade ib desiring to qualify themselves fo od positions and to make themselves intlepen i for lite in a short time and at a very mod t at expense will find the short practical coar 3 ot study at he grielph business college guelph ostajfflp just what they need for terms etc address u klacoobmioj rrlnclpal ess market valuable pro i forsals tbe qodervlcned offers tbe fi of proport for sje npon reuor esqcesikg finj ko i tbo west ball of esqaesros 53j acres timbered psrce no i fart of lot 18 col 180 acrse about so acres qddj dwelling boose swingle stare s on tbe ptantsea thttruulbisi business for many years wrmlnoipirtojloiu uruaeibx shed itroo mother 1 sble dwolunj boose and orchard laares u nsr aktd i idi ir l eieacai i ii j i 1 r- i ill i seacrea on this property isils ttsacuoi sbled inslpring parcel ko irart of tot f 4 e kumi rareelko5 on thee iso eordsof hardwood snt and i acton- panel vo rrrek boose ib i shop in tits rulese el acton t i villas lotonenitktacre each has vroperty is sltnated on main street in a v iooauou the farm u no sold it will be ij j led snlu particalars may be bad nfl 3 rappueation peraooidlyorbyletterto a satbb4 ppeysjdertl a 1 1 1 1 i v i 1 1 1 1 t t y i 1 1 3 1 r teitwl vfmgsi

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