Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1890, p. 3

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mxii ftfg xotttodbtciniltch aotoh bbv o juorrroei ha m pusfoii panaalyvr annas eb m bndar chooluo bimeclaaaeondmwlbruis astor alloomiulf lovluri ftnaam ui rtttsn stars srsswme at- tenurtoshonst lbs door- bank qf hamilton hb ad office hamilton wtttpiid tuautav ltmtnrg fctd hstfoo j tcrsbclt n s steven i awn assr caainm nrectobs jointhruit rrajijcni a n raitaar vit4i joan rnocros cnu grkvit oto rolen a t woon aimsi georgetown aoenoy nois diantd aaa sdraacc made on alt taiuke sercrilioi- diijro on afl mm ot ca-v- inath 1rtbi rtitxs obejithnnus md tw oosmtkvr or kcrotk bought ud told coejcttox mad ooau accwsiblc potnuott tnosl larorable tenia savdcos deraiftmest errrrtrwtwiof laadnpardtaad tn- urtsl 4jlovd trom dat of deposit to dal of itbdrail special deposits alrs rewtwl at current rates of interest ko notice of tthdraal required -r- h mwatsok atcil tissue papers i shdr ic per hct ttt tamt of car kotc rajru 10c per a aire- envelopes ltc- fc c per pct4s lnsr bookf licrch spec ial wce in totv dalit viw jubms bibles wediicfi isd tertitur fncestz gut as a call 1 gzo htkds acton ont- a 17c jtton jtjc ttss tucrsdir septe1tber is is90 little lo b which cuht the eyes or er of free press reporters this week fill seeding ia this locality is now ercr will acton hire a liilpu rink this stnter ictoa rjoioti exhibition ith aadsth october the price cf coal is iacroaaiag ax cold wealhir approaches oa friday last four inches of snotr fell ia xortfem dakota larg nninbers of oar citizen daily attend the toronto eibihitioa three boats ipr tale cheap as i am leaving town j a vtfrrr- heavy croft in this locality in satur day nijhi last bat no tenons damages rtteoifed therefrom the salraticc army hare removed their headquarters to the boilding formerly ccca pied by them on main street ligold nn two diamonds and a sapiure initials of owner inside suitable reward on leaving same at thie office the jewish kew year commenced on ifaday jast and was celebrated in the virions synagogues throafthoot the conli- cent sabscriptions froni the rural district are coming in rapidly this alone is snfi- dent to testify to ohe jmnrioai crops of this season sir h h wardens reaidenceon well- isston street and park avtnoe is now ahnost completed and presents a creditable appearance a semtcenteuial service will be held in the congreqatioaal chnrch at church hui on sunday sist inst by iiev ur webb of bellwodd ur john williams has- com pieted im- protements tohis iiterj- staila which adds erealy in the inward appsrirce of the place as well as to the comfort of his stock a resident of samia h mcdonald attempted suicide br taking laudanum friday but only tacceded in makihg him self very side and eavinsf a doctors bill to settle or readers wji do well to peruse the fall aiznoancemcnt o b b jermyn which appears in another column- his stock this aasoa is large attractive and worth looking thranh ifr justice eose delivered judgement in the st pebrge accident trial at toronto on saturday- h held that the jury bad virtually disagreed on a material point si i that another trial would be necessary the beet features of the toronto fair appear ta be those that are provided hy outsider the opening was by one out sider and the exdliug adventure with a runaway horse was made heroic by anolher- i jfr s hvbiake qcl counsel for the defendants- in the suit halloa vs i t ii has given xdasrs bain laidlsw co ojutid for the plaintiffs to understasd that his clients are wtoing to cetnpromise- lire j adams has just openetl up a tweli aswrled stock of fresh grocries and czzsd coods in her shop on jdaia streef and in future will continue to keep in stock the- above lines in addition to her choice siocc of confectioner i ibe bell ice co of windsor having ihped all the ice stored by them at uaneys pond have lorn down their im mecse iochoose and shipped 57000 feet of ienber taken therefrom to their head- qrters at windsor ont a social under the anspioes of the con gregational church at church hill wilt be vm that chordi on monjay evening pihil tea will beserved from ail to eiglu oclock after which an interesting programme wiji be preaented and a pleae- tt eiericg is antidpafed i ilr j h lfattbews is turning out mec the fineit sets of harness which hav e ever been produced lvactoo farmers and others cannot do better than to call scdleive their orders for single or double birccsi with bjm his shop is always til supplied with everrtbing in his line a meeting of the executive committee of tue rititon teachers association was brid i the ifoiel school hilton on salur diy tt an intereatiog programme was frraged for the next meeting of tlie as- sociiuon which will be held in milton jon tijariiayacd friday the sth and 10th cfber atreet scene jast friday eveiungj eman boy ihrowi a stone at old lady o lady reuliates by taking boy downfan tiieidewalk and boundlypammeuipgiiitb email boy bailing with all bis might maker tracks for home old lady looks uiumpluntly around and then departs laita an lmworkinginagoodcanfe air on tuesday morning one of the work men encaged at mr thoa moores now reaidrbor difcorered whatj he at first np- pokd to be j corpse in the shavings oiider- with his work beucb efoier examination proved it to he only a resident of george town and it wts really dire for on being sbskenitmotedanda jm goin iue back gorbjarif thish bfc xain bstops at my bonietr thejiew at home motly or ft low chafer and eveiv itftm ntortttrtg krwsuttoaatguclph j workmen liat bwu eorxcmfor kxm tinid boildiug a imvluiioti at lie guelh junction on the cpr they have now completed heir labor having erect od a urj- hindtomo liltlo builditir thii wilt be appreciated by travollcra and liiow who havf oceanian w wfcvtl by the qttejpk juqctiou uailiray j e aorw dtrtnc services j oa baaday the member of acton itockwcod niltibarraad eriu hodge tot the aoctant order o uaited workmen aatembted in opnugp and matched to the jtrcibyletiao church where an iniereating jcervice waa conducted by the key mr ballc eritk thcghurcu waa cwdod to it utmbut capacity j 1 chiaa ivcddntf j on mouday ot lait woek mr aiod mm j ii crippa o crew8on coram oele- braicd their china weddinj a larjte number of friendt rora trtoui ipuu oi tea province weto prtaent and the alter noon and eveniuc vai pleaaantiy boonpiad with yaract and raiitic mr and mra crippt wore the recipient of many hand rime and valuable precenu ftltshaic indicaunui point to a tcry aacccaifal fall show in acton ihiajaar the vrtooi cemmitteec arc iparicj no palua to make the 7th and 8th o october ioicreattuc in every reaped we hope iheceneralpablic iu cot forrct iheir duty towtrdi the local ahow and thai ihey will graoethe oocaaion with their pretence they are certain to be amply rewarded by wdoia aa the ex hibils will be well worthy ol inspection lie was food ant a halton coanty inner notd for his cenerosity in proridiuc jl wellirraithod- uble for his hiadi rtkdvm i gtmealoai putnent the other day from a reoeni em ployee who atec partaking o a haarty dinner at which tapioca podding formed a port of the dessert observed that be never ihonht fiabes ea were an good and demurely asjceti the fair hoetess if he cnulint have a dish of it for hta evening meaj a fpciai meeting of the xtaoicipal council wu held in the council chamber in the town hall eu friday evening the object of the meeting was to diacusi the advisability of accepting the application of wra campbell for the position uf caretaker ot hunicipal properties assessor collector etc after a hited discassion and a fcreit deal of rxosinriothe masting was abrupt ly adjacrned the matter mil probably be aiiu broached at the next regular meeting of fee council a larfclj attended funeral the fcaerai of the late john watson which took plice on friday fast was one ot the most -largely- attended funerals ever witnessed in thii neighborhood upwards ot eighty carriages followed the remains to fairview cemetery where they wero inter red the deceased who was widely known and much respected was one of the oldest residents in the coanty hiring emmiera- ted from scotland and settled near this plane some fifty years ago he hadalwayi enjoyed the most robust health until last spring when he iu5ered a eevere attack o la grippe froin the effects of which he gradually sank until last wednesday he passed away at the advanced a of 73 yeare his widow and two sons and ace daughter survive him t x cheeky thief on friday cf last week a young man named cowter virited guelph he said he hailedfroci toronto and made applica tion at if re chas smiths boarding hoof e yarmouth street for board ho was accomodated and en thai evening wis in stalled as one o the household he claim ed to be an artist and elated that he was going to form adass id this city a sample book of exquisite arasene work was pro duced to show what he could do the maa thus criiated a very fsvprable imprcsaian and lq nxrtieauc notice was taken of him he passed in and out of the house several times on saturday about i oclock in the afternoon he told the landlady that he expected his baggage to arrive in a short time sjid requested her to hxve it taken to his mom as he was compelled to go down street he then left he house and has not been seen since shortly after his departure it was discovered that he had made such good use of his time while in the house as to secure considerable cash and vaiaahles from the rooms cf toverei of the other boarderc harvest same festival notwithstanding the constant rein dcrintt the day and eiceediugly dark and gloomy eveniogof thursday of last vectk a goodly umber attended the snucii harvest home festiral under the auspices ot the metho dist church which was held ia the school room of that church ia this village the school room in the huemenl of the church decorated emblematic of the season when the valuable products which the saprerae ralerof the universe has seen fit to bestow upon the icdnstrious tillers of the soil have been ecccessfully husbanded and solely garnered preeented sa appearance indica tive cf the careful and skillfully attractive manner in which the good ladies interested had adorned he walls and pillars thus adding to the imiliaz countenances therein gathered an air of unison and friendship after the opening prayer by the pastor eey dr gifford an hour was pleasantly spent discussing the many good things provided for the satisfaction of the inner man and jadging from the cheerful manner in which their hands apd masticative organs so aaiomaticsjly responded to inward cravings of their respective owners ample justice was done the viands supplied gratuitously hy the ladies of the church dr gifford then briefly addressed lie audience the singing of miss era mi moore aad readings of mrs james moore weredeservedly-appre- ctated by all present an old and familiar anthem commitced to memory in childhood and sau hy mrs hemstreet sr now upwards of 60 years ot age was a living testimony to the teachings of the sabbath bchool ia former years and should serve to stimnlate the leacben in the sabbath schools of to dsy to reocwedaad invigor ated cffbrt to impress upon the miuds of the children in heir care the pleasares to bederived froma reminiscence in old age of their religious teachiogfof iheiryouth a reading by ilvdr gifford and a daet by auis emmanlborfl and ilev dr gii ford was listened o with rapt attention the benediction was then prooounced by uifi pastorand the aodieoce proceeded to their repectfve homes well satisfied at having spent so pleasant an evening the country around new lumssuppufjd by corr- pondtnta and exohanfts milton mrs wiljkm of hornby btatiou who wan jailed wwk tgo for nonpayment of a flno for using abusive language hai oomo dcrwn with the okbh and has boon rfiloaaod i mr john lien net t proprietor of ho thompson house hat rlnioit com pi o tod iv largo addition to that ttieilablo hottlry j a grand promenade- oouoirt wai held at the rcaidonco of mr h ellis nelaoii ou tuesday evening in additron to the prom onado a good programme coniiitlng of vocal and initrubwntal music readings iecitatious etc by popular latent wa much enjoyed burlington orchestra provided ihe instrumental music rockwood 1 ur cliff aud mrs jodaon dlack of futroh arethrqmuof mr hugh black j 0a wednesday erenlug apon bli retire meat from the secretaryship of tbo edcu milulodgeoflbf mr thot mto u btnqaetted and preeested with a jpld- heded cane by members of that order in d other friends urs mason was alsn q eluded la the testimony of joodwui and in commemoration s poasestor of a hand some photograph album mr norrii black is iu searoh of a blick bothtaueddoc that worried five of hie sheep that beiug prepared for the fall fairs dn sunday mornlug i mr john b harris haa told hit farm adjoining the vihoc to his brother 8amuel for 5000 i rev mr large of quecnsville cooduct- ed the services in the methodist church oa sunday j rev mr alexander maj of korval wis in town for a few days this week rockwood membert oi the aouw did not turn out tery well to the religious exorcises ia osprioge last sunday on thursday night at the home of his son john alexander burns well- known to everyone in south era eromoca passed away at the age of 83 years ia ue misty longago the quad of the axe iu hie virgin forest was very familiar to the ear of mr burnt while but a youth and the undaunt ed spirit that cleared the first little patch of ground and remained with him throogh life coupled with integrity liberalminded nea and a charitable disposition well accounted for the large attendance of re presentative men from far and near at his funeral on saturday afternoon ahhougn mr burns died possessed of a large share of this worlds goods in the accumulation of which he never forget that god giveth all things and the aprightnese aadchristiaa characters of his sons and daughter are but tqkent of his example and precept he wis a memberof the presbyterian charch col milligan and wife oshawa made a short visit at mrs stalls this week georgetown j mr feam hewitson is at home again after spending same weeks pleasantly at grimsby mr r mclecd of the bank or tiara il- spent sandiy re toronto the popular host of the bjggar house put in a few days at toronto industrial exhibition last week 3dr jas russd of- acton paid old georgetown friends a brief vuit oa satur day last mr barron principal of our high school was too iii to attend school on eriday we were pleased to note that he was in his bis place on monday mr jsproalotthcbank ot hamutoii virited bis home near milton on sandiy rev mr gee and wife wentlocopetown rq satcrday to virit relatives jmr h iurr acionaponlarartiet was in town lat tthe raid wye wasp sponger co mkde another effort list weejc if the herald would only follow suite and present its reader with something readable whtt aficcthiog it wocld be we dont know wham the hctxih is driving at by the above epithet aud we dont care oeithtr can we retaliate as the herald man has a monopoly of jl the dirty names in the english tongue the expression how dull georgetown is getting is growing so common he that it has lead wasp to attempt a diagnosis of the case and the result is- presented in a few words the early closing bylaw is doing the work let any georgetown merchant investigate and he will be con vinced- a word to the wiseissufficieut i rev a- w richardson was in townaii i miss dixon of stonycr has boon visiting 1 1 at mr c c roes i the rev mr fatton preached m guelph op sunday the hth tnd in thfl abveace of mr gee the services in georgetown were tbejvb armntrong msnafacfuriag co of ouejpb ont and fliot mich have received a handsome silver molal for their exhibit of carriage goods at the mel- boarne aactrsju exhibition daplicates of the auttrajion exhibit of tint firm will be ifiowd this year at the leading fairs throng boat canada waxtznone tboatand customers to poraae kellx bbottmswfanumade to drdef j i knatchbull farmchito lids jtloiofiy hive fluibcd aeodioit the weather bve bath vtjy favor able and early eowo fltldi have grown rapidly and are oo looking floe xn nateegaweya oq sept 7lh tbo wfft of thot harrison of a daughter in naseagaweya on sept oth the wife ot gilbert kingsbury of a ton aumocrow cimt to the ftrmyirdof thos wilson ou monday inoroiorfi it was given a piooeof uram arhloh ate it greedily after whioh u followed the cattle whilo being driven to the pasture flold and after they had been turueu in perchediuelf upon the back of ouo of tlio oowt and iconied to be quite ooiucntcd erin mr neihmcgillmarhlo dealer etio hat just erected ayeryhsndtomeuouiuin- dark marble monument to the memory of ibe ul mr arch mclean ia the erin cemetery enclosing it with a suitable iron fence we regret to earn that tho esteemed wife of the rev h fowlio hs uktu a re ltpee while she and her huihaud were away on their holiday for the purpose and with the hope of recruiting her health it is earnestly hoped that she may speedily recover rev mr fowke intended to re lunio hit paitoral duties next sunday but the condition of hit wife will necessitate hit remaining with her until her health will be improved oocac burlington fidelity council ko 51 r t of t burlington will give an enteitainmcnt in the town hall of lhit illge oa fridty evening sept 19th a good musical and literary programme has been provided mr n ogff it it understood has leased bit farm for a number of yecrs to a w wusintwrtorooto f a6omof tcmperaucc lodgo hu been started at appleby and iu iacccs it assured capt torrance is about to erect a number of summer obt logos on hit property two of them to built on martha street lots will be begun shortly i rev c e belt m a rector of harris- too has been paying his parents a visit this week uud ofueiated at the services in st lukes church last sunday i l oakville a meeting of- he young people of the presbyterian church was heldin tuursday evening last in the schoolroom of the church the object of thermeeting was to consider the advisaltiaty ol organizing themselves into a christian endeavor society this is a society which does good work in con nection i with the progress of every gation whose young people took it op some twenty year ago mr john ion had his initial snd the words faith hope and charily rt engraved on a five cent piece which be carried on his watch chain for tome lftetecn years about twelve years ago he lost it tome place oa his premises and fatfad to find it any place recently he killed a hen and when mrs ion was dressing it she discovered the lost five ceut piece in the gizzard of the fowl it was worn down to about the thickness of two pieces of paper and tha initials and wording is just visible miss spencer residing at oakvihe for this summer haa received another proof of oakvillc coartcey one night list week two barclars having secured an entrance to the house they proceeded to fill a bag with provisious fiodinjt their intrusion dis covered theyabcat none too hasty retreat- poly iu time to escape very arm welcome from the mouth of a ris chambered revolver mr samner on being summoned at once canle round took noteofthe premises aud deecriptcn of the sirpriw parties we hear that this is the sccoud time in cicada mish spencer has boin visitdibut oa the previous occassiou her visitors iiad reason to regret that their impromptu hostess could handle a revolver it is a very dainty one too and very raaoh valued having been presented to her before lea viug england coming and going visitors to and trom acton and various other personal notes master l williams with friends in bowm inviile is spending a week mr a stauffer virited friends in toronto on saturday shd isunaay last mr tod mrs t james moore visited friends in milton ob saturday miss anna hamilton left yesterday few days last week packing ap preparatory morning for londonderry ireland to moving to his new home in brantford uit aaaifi wffl spent eeerel deyi his holidays seem to have agreed with faimi i wilh f ia toroalo last week immensely bon voyage old friend n mr and mrs l mcbrmc of berlin speat sunday with friend ia act dr flattcf cheltenham wis ihe guest of dr springer ou thursday night last miss jennie sometviile is spending a conducted by a mr luscombe a gaelphn couple of weeks wilh friends in toronto local preacher this gentleman graces tbeo if fobf creech bf woodstock paid pulpit very well indeed and both in the r acton friends a short uiii on monday last moming and evening he gave addrcsees r mr e d graham left on monday last that place him above the rank of local for pedeunf whpj6 wi remaio fc r preachers in the eugluh chcrch last sunday were held thanksgiving services it is customji months mrs w speight cf iry to haves hariesrhome but this year it ler p f k verkins ol vas dedded to hold tixanksginn services t instead by their almost unaided efforts the ladies of the chnrch had decorated the church ia a beaulifd manner tlie ka mr scally of parkdale conducted the services the rev sfr love conducted services inlhe congregational chnrch again last sunday he ia a veryeloquent and forcible preacher and cave his hearers two most acceptable sermons sir hicks and iittie daughter are visiting it mr s b jones i the presbyterians held a members social on friday evening atwhich a most enjoyable time was speut n lecture byrev drumm being a pleasing feature of the evening at stewartfowis on saturday the english church people held their annual picnic in col murrays part it was a fine sacces in every feature and the beantiful after noon was enj03ed all the more since the morning had proved so threatening doc cain lias moved to the ocean house a j sea foam is now lis proper thing j mr busseij formerly bookkeeper in the hosiery spent a short time iu town lookiug up old friends this week he jooks as ieoial as ever david baird an old focal preacher died n the glen ou sunday and was boned on tuesday j the remains of the late thoa workman a former resident of stewortlowu was oroogbt home and baricd here on saturday i mr stoneman whilo sfirking in aul- jouss factory last week had the misfortune to bare a finger split open in the machinery dr auld dressed the wound and it is doing nicely i scores of people from hen and this tfcinity are alunding the fair at toronto everyoteseettl satisfied with this years oihimtiod wxsr berlin is the guest bower ave mr h d iumsbnf attended the pho togrsphers conventkin in toronto on thursday last mr henry grindiil and family of guelph spent several lays thi week with friends in acton miss joe ahem who has been visiting at her home in this village returned ui toronto last monday morning mrs jolin smefr of kiag was the guest of mr ond itrs gabriel wells of this village during the wk- mr george williimh left on monday to complete bis contract tanning co at pencl mrs jame hri hbeffocipr duoedby ajf i01irr ptotortu colds cougli croup and sort itatoi t it in tnosl cum iti- mediately rellered by tha ut of tliis wondlrful remedy it ittetif ions ttj vocal organs allnyi irritation j and r i feats ui brootis of consnmptlon hi 1 ercry stago of lbut dread dlsoaio ayers cherry poo- jtoralrcllotmcougli llng and induces i refreshing rest i ht ned ayers cherry iociornl in my family for thirty yn nnd hav always found it thebcst remedy for croup to which complaint mr chihlron have boon subject copt 11 carley brooklyn n y from nn cxporlonco of over thirty years in the safo of proprietary medi cines i feel justified in recommending ayer cherry pectoral one of tho best recouimcndatlons of the pectoral is the enduring quality of its popularity it being more salable now than it was twentyflve years sgo when its great success wo considered inftrvllous r s drake m d bollot ksns my lltlto sister four yean of ago wits so 111 from bronchitis that we had almost given up hope of her recovery our family physlclau a skilful man and of largo experience pronounced it use less to give her any inoro medicine saying that he had dono all it was pes bible to do and wo must prcparo for the worst as a last resort wa determined to try ayer cherry pectoral and i can truh say with the most hnppy results after taking a few doses sho socmed to breathe easlur and within a week was out of danger we continued giving the pectoral until satisfied sho was entirely well this has given me unbounded fsliti in tho preparation and i recommend it confidently re my customers c o lcpncr druggist fott wayne ind for colds and couglis toko i chlrflrm cry for f tetters castoria j wiissjorirasstotwi jwfcrtowuaildsierta4tooakrl iwclbsitooastorta j wabsstseuwaflss a wbitiehad culdret m dmtbea dssarlt sebcasorta ayers gheny pectoral pexrafied by j br j c ayer u co lowell mais priwtji ill boulesfti worta tjl o bouie sauday school techei in keotaciyj johnny how did the forbidden fruit cause the fall of man i johnny they made it inter brandy ay herald a great boom at kellt bcos in spring sail prias catch everyone what started that rcmor that eng lish capitalista had bought the chicago stock yards v one of them was overheard to say that they were going o buy every bloody thing in the country maps and fall information ccucerung rate etc over any roale to manitoba the north wcst or the western 8taies may be had nt the grand trank station acton ciul you settle that account now sir why i mailed you the mooey long ii uever received it well i saw in tha newspapers that letters ouautuing s3o000 hive gone to thtr dead letter office in the last twelve months yours ciust bo amon them see the government about it e veryoue thould call and ee oar 1g00 11200 and ih00 suiu made to order they are better value than can be yot at any other place in town by three dollars a bait inspection invited- fit gaaraatoed kciitbiios guelph markets mantle8 and jacketbwe occupy nearly one whole list of our prem- ises in the display of these goods for several years past oar sales have boundci upwards and we were compelled to devote increased space to these goods the secret of their popularity is the elegaoce of style aod excellence of ft the bulk of oar ais- play with the exception bf very low priced lines is of german man a fact a re it see mi strange but so far no makers of other countries have been able to compare with the germans fn these coods they have a jxtaty and finish which hot not been equalled we deal directly with the manu facturers and thereby save all that may be saved in prioe we would like yoa to tee this department were we to say all that we might justly say ia reference thereto yoa might think it simply boasting please come and tee for yourself dress go0db and silks here alto you will find variety immense and value unsurpassed this is one of the heavy departments bf ohr business we stady it thoroughly and it bat been a great success what with dress goods for 10 cents to 5 per yard with silks of every grade shade and ttylc with velvets aud velveteen plasbes brocades and stripes for trimmings no wonder our customers always gel suited we cannot go into de tails we ask yoa to call and see what we have to show yoa wo dont like to write loo strougly bat whether yoa are a cus tomer of oars or uot let urge yoa to see oar dress goods sod silk department we doot importune w bay and we idvite comparison i millinery we sin only make a passine refereuoe to oar imported millinery feather birds and wings have como to take the lead as items of trimming i we made fortunate and satisfactory purchases which wo offer at former ivery low prices the great demand hat jcauted prices to jump rigbtap we will give due notice of oar opening ta the i meantime oome and see anyway more aoon strictly cash no credit fiadiibsepi lttii 1800 kloar holler t 65 to i 83 flocrsiate j go to 3 go spring wheat 0 80 to 0 83 kail vheat o to 0 ai una j u cc to 13 00 llaricy 0 0 to 0 03 oata 4 36 lo 0 live 9 15 o 0 peas 56 to 0 64 hay 7 co to 6 00 straw 150 to 3 00 wood rer cord- u i oq lo i efig dozen t ij lo 0 h batter dairy pacacd- 0 u to 0 13- dattcr rout 0 14 lo 0 16 cfcoc 0 ii to 0 ii iototocs tcr sjtf 0 t3 lo 0 apple 0 75 to 0 83 pork 6 00 to 6 3 lambskiiu 0 50 to i 30 pell 0 25 to 0 hdo j 50 ta 3 ib coarse wool 0 so to 0 93 fiae woo 0 tt to 0 sb tarni 0 15 to 0 sd where did you get that eiegaut suit that fits you so well at kellt bnoi advice to mothxes are yoa disturbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sick child 6afferin and crying with the pain of catting teeth if so send at once and get a hottle of mrs winslowt soothing syrup for children teething its value is incalculable it will rtlicve the poor little sufferer immediately depend apoa it mothers there is do mistake stoat iti it cares dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gams red aces inflammation and gives tone and energy lo the whole system mrs wicalows soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians tnd nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be eare and ask for moj wrxswws soothlvg sntrr aud tike no other kind with the briethiupt ang i an can andmalcolm mecoiicm of brant- visited friend in acton and viciuity latt week mr and mrs htwkiugs and miw ifawk- ins of blind river were the aatiu ot d iieuderiroii ou ouudty mr jehu maloney who has been visiting his brother riv futher maloney at price villa returned heme on monday mrs scott mru wn moore aud miss lillie moore of moorbaburg ont- visited actou and lunehoaie frieiidstbur week- mr edwin f cbtjiitio of sioar city iowa is thegaest of hit brotherinlaw mr perryman jr after an absence of six teen years mrs anthony bu phensou and mr thomaa eos ton retirr led home on satar da after ppending a sapleqf weeks among friends in pt detroit edwaifdporf ilaron and tttt wool 60000 be wapted the highest price fa oiufa or mere landlre will be given for good clean mtjrct an table wool wu ucleou co georgetown ont i hfnardt uelmcfli or sale every where the third pago ot the toronto daiif uaifjs noted for want advertisements ii you want to bay or sell anything ii you waut a situation a mechanic a busi oess machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or found anything or if yoa want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mail and read the advertise ments oa the third pge of that paper the charge is two cente a word each in sertion addreda tkt mail toroalo can ads enthusiastic uai hoen tho rcceptiiu accorded io lbs goods in the various department as they have been opened out hiring the ast wetk or two never has ofr stock presouted suoli an array of attractions past efforts have increased our experience aud our ex perience increase ou for this reason mr boilers recently m a pro longed trip to oermsny in orderto opeu up now avenues of snpplyjand establish new oonncctions we dont do our buylog at haphazard wfi follow a thorough metbod tnd have a definite aim we study the best markets and work hard lo gat the nloest goods at the keenest prices not always the lowest prico goods for low price goods are tint always cheap but always the best vslua considering service style aud price this is how we have built op such an enviable trade and repu tation tor good new choice snd reliable goods al the lowest pride for which goods of equal merit can be oouglt aod when it comes to lowoess of pfico we think our friends will bear us out that we have in the past not beenbehlnl lo the race our great bargains have often electrified the trade but during uoj season have our efforta worked such- genuine enthusiasm as the present 1 e r b0llert k co 1 25 27lowerw5mdliamst i guelph ww i lss msi a- the- mammoth house georgetown il ii worse thin mvhiws to neglect a cough or cold which is easily eubdued il taken in time becomes when left to itself the forerunner of coasamption and prema ture death inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue or the langa and bron chial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickleo ami- consumptive syrup the i medicine hat grasps thu formidable fou of the hanian ixjdy nod drives it rem the system thii madicme promotes a free and easy expectoration subdues tho cough heads the diicflssd parlt and exerts a most wonder fal influence in caring contamptiod and other diseases of ihe lb rout and longs if parentb widh to save the live o their children and themselves from much auxiety trouble and expense let them pro cure a bottle of bicklee anticonsumptive syrup and whenever a child hat token cold bufla coiiili r hoarseness give the syrnp according to directions if yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto ivetkty mail that paper readies 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement thould meet the eye of someone who wante to pur- obase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto wcddy mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cente ft word for tye iusertionp address tho mail torouta canada j- 1 -f-7- jiis j adams main street aefc 11 v 1 groceries i and confectionery in odjitlou to ui- hock ot confultoiierjr i livo oinmed s cll aakrul stock et choice groceries and canned goods and vlu coullnue to keep the sstu in stoek tbc ccous m always botound pood and fresl a call tolicilca l mjtj -the- golden lio v guelph white checked muslin 3 cream seersuckers 4 colored seersuckers 5c striped and brocaded dress goods 5c plaid challis dress goods 56 124 pieces lovely prints 5c brocaded sateens 5c 40 pieces 8c ginghams 5c scotch chambra ginghams r 6c another 135 pieces flannelette 6c chambra double widths lc printed delaines 50 cent goods 12 colored parasols i m i m it i- 1 ft jd williams t nccoo 5 and 7 wyndham st guelph 84 oswald st glasgow ruelpli cloth hall 1 large importation of scotch tweed suitings first opening up shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph after cateriug tn the pablic o this vicinity for the last 27 yeais is just as lively jast ns 3oang jnst as anxious and is better pre pared uow tbau ever to dpbnsi- ness and would i respectfully solicit a coutinuatiohand eularge- raeutoftbo getierous patrouago bestowed upon it i we have a complete stock ot dress goods including the latest novelties in plaids combination robes silks satins plushes silk velvets etc we have been busy opening ont large importa tions and consignments iu all the different departments andwecan suit aud please both in price variety and quality iu dress goods dress silksjdress trim mings velveteens mantles man tle cloths ulsterinks milliner- small wares of all kinds ladies underclothing hosier prints ginghams checked shirtings tickings denims cotfonades tweeds suitings overcoatings gents underwear jgeuta shirts ties gloves hatscaps ladies and gents footwear ready- made clothing readymade overcoats carpete oilcloths linoleums kugs ilatts cur tains etc it would fill a news paper to enumerate onr stock we will begin iu dress goods aud winceys at 5c per yd we have added a new department to our ordered clothing that is fancy flannel aud tweed shirts made to order our make up departments are not excelled anywhere namely millinery dress makiug mantle making aud ordered clothing we get tho best superintendents and hands for the several make np departments that mouey aud ex perience cau procure- yoa can como with confidence aud ronize us specthcles specthclea i i have purchased a stock of the celebrated lawrences spectacles and eyeglasses at 50c on the dollar aad will clear tnerrw out very cheap h b sayage watchmaker guelph i dat- the model husband ii the one who sometimes thinks ot his vifea pleasure and comfort as well as hii awn the average hat bead is uot very much at hotne and what of comfort elegance refinement and enjoyment- he receives there he owes to hi wife who spends her time at heme her kingdom whco a wife atks her h unhand for new furnitare greatly neojed he too often replies oh its rood euoagh for me i goess i can stand it go lo thoa selfish wretch hwe yoa no thought beyond j yoarself jast think that yoar faiihfal wife ipeuds her whole time auiongst r icketty j fdrnilure thiok how she brashes h op rearranges it and makes every shift to give it a respectable look think how she blushes through and throush as she sees her csljers tilt their noses in coulempt atj the antiquated shbbinres yoa think ro enough for yoa shame oa youl ma amends get yon fxithfol hardworkirjfc patient wife the set of fumitoro shewanl and go to spoisht it sous furadarewaa rooms actou for it here yoa will find good assortment of farnituro of every ja criptioo andbtyle and all of excel if quality all made from thoroughly seasouh ed wood and unuhedin the bet stylet kow ye careless hubandd make jour wife happy make your homo bright and cheer fal bemeraber that spcigltt a sous is the best place aad the only place wbire yoa can get auyihiugyou waut id the line of furniture and ax reasouable prices act at once to farmers and thresheflsj useonvpurmaotunervonly the weltknown j w mcleod co sept 1st 1890 qeoeqetown peiless 9fjort twiitri atk havo ttcti anardidiiatnihgthelwlthrtlysji uujjf uariij2iijd try blw pocr astla ornitji waggons aud boras powers thau oils arq nsd and highly tsoammuidsdjit thsj farm guelph farniersaskfor tlismjam toother j usnaiitottiredaiqbei0u70ilvorkljt samuel r0cer8 co toroht nt iviiiivitmmwft ih bsiisfp

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