Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1890, p. 4

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i i i fre trjs sb calendar h mnsittii aecaifcjaaip wilis is 3ijs wimiitijuij 235ap i i g r h 9103f ixtilvkitlklf jui pis v k k f nftifnifct- 17i s is tmittsitit i j bsiiawatisar irp skfcl gli 4 4 ti j nmshsspiaajs wsiiwu sssjat j imnimtijis notes here and there fc lr tott fm ijmsj5 tatlrriuyseptkmdkrvs 1850 cljc jlaurij yolks to asaduttlegtrc voaw- tuit jli j u rtv maid tisi ktrt cli iiu ttrm lm itui wrtu i i if a am 0 p tor iiiairi svuivu uiiics ovlwiri fetico tllcfc iilto sret erjic c4 jtc j nowiwotefljit iwjoaca d f r vdw uhr ail cihcrs s dcrvtir j zi tusc m cii til- prwliic ks aed liocrj into kauufsi vis tuid deeds and worwiy vv turi i ihcr tlc iie vul i- fj iu c mi brov huphl njiie uiu u urt iti irt est yccrrrocwi irll liltct lie ocr tbcs str tii f li ytr lcu tv alztli thil cloii lt tsfil iic imij oriii3rsrjynr ili i ilivizt uhir items of gnml interest td fro tiivc utc k kus tot wid tier iw lie fmld himvcu fiy her uo wboubc i in limp jr dttticrt rild uie little mii wutim out iwr hpt wliiob iudctnl 1 vih nfl tempi innv firnwbflrrie viiv tmir nwrkculnnwt vntink tromthit fertile dwlriot mr 0 f cuv wyi i iud wcr iukck ot durthri but wm quickly cared byjouiifl dr fowlcri kxtnct ot wild 8trwurry i the qj ol cilomol lor dwfcureuseiiti of the liver itu mined mny a fliio conttitu lion tioi tvbo for umiur trouww btw tried aver- pitta testify to tueir efliccj in ihoroajjlily ttnuwlyinfi tbe mil- ftdy wiibout iujury to ibe sleni wbnllsimnch ii is mtlulc mmaficvorod by fca perl cheaiit nller nuoy vcirt of tirefql elady niid acicutiqc cipcrittwnt cilled lonctu1 cccini tirlar liikiai rowder mt km itchiest wbilest broad rolu bti- cuil cike ac sold by all rtoccrt it ii isloiriftiing how fupldly tb fecbla uddcbilitiieclcriq-lreurlhaudvibcwbeo- ukpg aycris sarsiparilla for what are called brokeadowu coutilaiiooi uothinc else hii proved io effective at this loorerfal but perfectly safe mediciue what network is iirgecregcitiii uuis in kstixi l i trod act jn t i menliidca tueseiuct7n -risiap-iirtcifsrdrop- efkie wtre ictcfidarci bv p- icnin t oil inuiii the in- ana tans- eipenenctj iu ilstcc ose diy while eiimlfz jynsuxo ditoa ary i noticed iris rerj- ltitrorfc ad stopped to reii ujv1 jiits dciuitiaa cf ii iiris lnc by szz citruiy tras i tter lid lci ru tla uoni itsalf- iilwi tb ierso vj de5rita frightened me 3 tint i hid a- ihscosrage to loot ihcia sp aal irpr2ciei lo leim ths deaicii by hert aexnics to neit iirheasvar i feil hs mitir a cisplay cf my jeinilc kreitc retwerk iaythic rctijalstcd de ccsited tttcia tiit iulersliiii cl the wanted one too- as aiaajlr trha hii received a postal card askza him to csil at a boae oa porter street pal in aa appeariaceaj soon as pqsiblail thi kociia of the boase poictsd oat the irxdsx ihn vziz pro- tided with a sluic b yoa dont pet aiiyeaa cq thir windox protested the -mm- yell eapp3e doat bat an ainmig ilo ksspthe saa oat is it perhrps yoa axe at too old to leaxn some- thiagv- b3t iciaai do yoa reaiiy traiit le awuing here x of coorse i da do yoa sse thitartc os the next houae fyesbat the eaa etr that window cint belpthit tht vcaau taints shef 1 owt the eaniii- the i thiltwaia ap to spite tee- t ara cow golr to eiio ber uzs she cuni ru2 thi tors go a and have it done jls oca as pomlle and i want it to be flrery rcc vuh white etripe in it- what is a carload the a cf steel iprs thit noaiinillr a carload is zjjyyjpqii jt isjfo 70 barrels of silt 70 fcirretiof lime 9 3 birrefs of coar ii cords cf ofr wood 18 id 20 head of citie 50 crxo ltid of fcegs so cr ico held of sheep c00 feet of ealidboirdi 17000 feet of eidicg iswo feet of cocring 40000 bhidgls oaehilf les of bard isat- ber 6oefoarth less of reea lumber one- teath izzs of phi seacttins and olber lirge timber310 hizudscl wheit 400 boxhels ofbarleyirjtsihv of coin cs baihels of data so0 tcsijels of nixsrd 3j bashels of apples ul bzihaz cf irih poutoe 33 bashtls cf ewtsl rotoeaid l03 bashela of ban trsaz r rke a painful sifencs followed acaapfl cf joiuldie ii a rsilway caniae c- a ejlrti2 iicc- v iiiie waiticg atajzncti vrcrt envers- f french after a ufiz pfrfueieg tliit note of their f tr laderftso that iiqcsce iley vzit tore vry poiuted remarli avct ctuiltpaa titticg directly opposite to tui they rcrthed i- weul merited its fn pronily when ic rery icadb3tccu frlch ihs c referred to a cclhbor all crown up iidies are kcar lt ail women are cat ladies tfaetcenaity omht eheace that a 5 piirf folic the alphabet in one sentence the fouowics i- ciii to be the thortt mntencciniteesiihlicgaagccciitanuit all the letters cf tu- tlphiut john p brady pave rrc- 1 back wtitjut bs of cchc amalleize tfeeltireecntence coaltici leg than tvicc ihe n ember cf letters in the alphabet old udy to boy co is lyiug a tin kettk to a doa tail little toy dont yoa kugirtbit itii aery wicked to rest a poor demb animal eov little bov dumb jeat wait till i let him go time oft t in lcrl jf i i liycsaf children are oftea cudtugetei by fudden and votleut atuckt of cholera choern morbas- dixrrhaa dyaeolery and bowel com plain is a reasonable iod cet- uiu precauuoa is to keep dr powura eilract ot wild strawberry alrcayi tx hind a d xojcs newark hichigaa write i have enquired at the dny eioni foe pr tliomaa edeclric oil bat have failed to to find it we broaht a bottle with ui from quebec bat it is nearly all gone aod t do not want to be wethoat it wife u troabled wild a pain io the shoalder aui nothicg else givea relief- can yoa send me some the safest kd most powerful uerite is y ayers snapaxfau yoangand old arc alike licicttwl by its use for 1l3 crnpuvcd- cscs peculiar to chimrea uctldt else fi sn elective as this medicine truie its a eea- ka ftjc icr makes jigil it easy to admin- htcz iry utile boy hu lirp pemfu- icus ulcers oa his neck and tlunat frota which be faffered terribly two physicians attended lorn brt leptw continually vcrst- tucr ihfir care and everybody c rivil he tyui die i had beard of h- riurhab nri oftectc by ayers anpali arl tccdot to have my y try i sifiy alter he bocaa to llir ii ilitiuo the ulcers com- nrii cizsu after nana several l- ic was taiinh cured he is rcw v- ualthy il ffor- as any boy cf ls aac- william f doaaucrty haa va ir may last nv ycucpest child rri mentis cim vcaaa ta lave eorea pitler oa it hcai and body wc ap plied tartoif supc fcmles without el tle sort- ircrexd in- nmater and diwlircl cojoasly apbysiciaa as called bat the sores continued to itliply tntil- ia a few months thry nearly ciriredihe child e head arid body at lavt wc iieaaa the lise of ayers sar- eaparih ta a few days a marked change for the better was manifest the l sores ashamed a more healthy cocdition ihedisdl rges were gradually dlgnn- hhed and finally ceased ahogethet the child is livelier its skia isiresber and s appeite better than we have 6b- eerved ibr months frank ix- griien long point texas the formoja of avers sarsaparilla presents for chronic diseases of almost tvery kind the bct remedr known to the medical world 1 il wflsoa it d wigrs arkansas j ayers sarsaparilla ictaed bt dr j cvayerfe co lowell mass the deadliest of serpents- ttie cobra destroys less life fa the aggre gate lhaa the varioas forms of cholera cholera morbas cholera infant am diarr- ktei dysenten- cramps colic etc mar- tihty ia canada from these caasea is lhjbt owing to the gzneral use of dr fowlera extract of wild strawberry which is aa anffibng specific for all bowel complaints nothing im pare or in jarions contaminates lhe4popaur antidote io pain throat aod long remedy and general corrective dr thomas ecleciric oil it may be used witbont the elightest apprehension of any other than salutary conseqaenss coaghs rheamatisra earache braises cats and ores snecumb to its action fucteand ffgnref i thocsand of people have been cored and tboasindswilibe- cared by the ase of bar- dock blood bitters the bt remedy for buiocsness dyspepsia constipation bad blood lost appetite etc millions of bottles have been sold aad all have givea aatis- facioa keadtticselices lto2boitles of bbb will care beadacbe 1 to 2 bottlci of bbb wrh care bilioas- 1 to i botaes of bbb tvili care consti pation j 1 to i bottles bfbub will care dys pepsia ltog bottles of bbb will care bad blood i to g bottles of bbb will cure scro- fcla j id any cue relief wilj b2 bid from the crst few doses a oalesc mab u lades ii r soue uiif g fjctiisbod 10 lerru they sent him ltclc to oartii lk-caaic- he wa loo grcin to barn a coljego girl tcuearcn went i do not know her pla liqtltzoit she came to earth ncfu fclic ud to see a mail uowtocan a com bermuda bottled tou mciit to to brrraoda u yoa do not r mn nap be rcponjrt- ble for ihe conenieie s- bui aoctor i am urori neliber tie lime uar tkc moner wen if uutt l impomlble trj it m one of lie euictt tkinw iu the trorid d cqr a com do obi aee acidi or oiser ctostie preparulioajnd dont cat a luleia jonx boct it is timply to apply fafnams peicieu corn eimdor and in tbrefaya 0ie cni cn be renioved with out pain sore ufc psiuuw take only foinama porn bitiacior hurii ulmcal rr mle err n of pure norwegian cod ltvsr oil i mmetlmea cull it bermuda jkt tied and manr eaaea or consumption broacltltir cough cold or severe i jatre cubed wit it aal the aaranlaite ii uiat tht mot aeul pnauvem rommtntt it it the jropemtt ot thi br- wfalek it eoatalba tttentmnaeli ena take m ja other thins iwrb commend ifl 1 the mmnuwrs propertje of th br- popliowwt wfalek it eoatalba yes wlfr end it for asle at yaw bmrtlua in ralaum wrapwr be can 700 pet the genuine acott a notrxx biitnti mnmagmm cutorlakkvdulanmlootlktnbthat i oaatarla l 1u 60 oxford bbrookl7mt i wlteoua tnurt a tuaontawft a crdlttocandft sarrboo eruciauoo m iieepud praaotm dl- mfh 77karry9txwt ooirurr the analkilcd jiraiu which h m 8um ley felt couitrainod to publicly bestow upon lieutenant stain hd mott imitcd iubor- dinalo officer whom ho roprcbcnlcd as the soul of fidelity and obedience whoso ability to apprehend orders and power and skill to execute them whoso energy and tact mark him out ns one tu many thousands it a tribute in which canadians may well feel a pardonable pride naturally the authori ties of tho military college at ottawa where lieutenant stairs received his mili tary training arc gratified that the young canadian iias acquitted himself so heroic ally moreover they claim that the very qualities for which lieut stairs is chiefly praised arc the qualities which the methods pursued in the college are calculated to imprint on tno plastic nature of young men the college is turning out year by year young canadians who will be fit to cope with any crisis that may occur in tho countrys development electricity in dentlatry ia the past decade dentistry along with other arts and sciences has made wonder ful advances ten years ago sach a thing as extracting or filling teeth by on electrical process was unknown bat now it is quite generally used this method 11 considered infinitely superior in ever way to that of using anaesthetics the latter has in many cases prored fatal to the patient and from that fact are not regarded in a pleas ant light whereas electricity fs perfectly harmless and can be used with safety even upon a child 1 r we see with raach pia how freqaenuy a baiband or a wife it qaicksighted to tee faalts or mistakes in one another which wpald uot be noticed in a friend or ac quaintance this ought not to be so those who are to walk through life to gether should be slow to fiodjaalts and qatck to see and recognize a deed well done however simple for loves sake sod also for the good each examples eau do the young under lbeir cart who are easily influenced and that there may ba no bitter repentance for their reaping by and by how chinese women pray these poor soals think they are heard for their moeh speaking and so they re peat the bime words thousands of time they take a piece of paper in one hand and a needle in the other and then again and again they say o great baddha o great buddha every time piercing the naper with the needle each hole answers for a prayer and when the paper is fall another is taken and after a while all these papers ara burned to make the women sure that baddha is pleased with them it is far from being true in the progress of knowledge that after every fail are we mast recommence from the beginning every failure is a step to success every dfacffwa fcfsect drowt what is true every trial exalts some scarcely any attempt is entirely a failure scarcely any theory the- result of steady thought is altogether false bo tempting form of error is wnhoatsome latent chirm derived from lrathfs a give houowfys cornurt a trial it removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any paht what it has dona once it will do again he pounded the chests two young men in iowa dressed up as ghosts and made a call at the house of a man who had always said that he should drop dead at the sight of a spook qaeerly enoagh however the effect was exactly coat ran- and hepitched into the boys and hammered them almost to death before he discoverd they were flesh aod blood detroit fvee priu the langs liver kidneys bowels dc act as so many waste gates for the escape of effete matter and gises from the body the nse of northrop lymant vegetable discovery help them to discharge their dafy mrw n lester h it customs toronto writes i have personally tested the healthgiving properties of kortfarop lymans vegetable- discovery and can testify as to its great valae i aj severe attack i never fell better in my mfo than since i used burdock blood bitters i had a tewe bulbus lttsbku could not oat for days and was bnable to work ooe bottle cured me for bilious ills uso bbb jonx m riciuius tara ont v t i t furnish youjwitlttjhe best pressesfor country news and job work to be had to this country andit lowe prices than for any other new cylinder press regulate the tfrer and bowels by the judloioas use lot national pills they are purely vegetable c c biauaps 4 co gssra my horse wu so afflicted with distemper thai he could not drluk for four days and re ft sod all food simply apply ing minmutb liniment outwardly cared him feb 1887 cirr hbumbt cunt c c lticaiaim a co qcrrs i tave used yoar minirdb liniment for bronchitis lud asthma and it has cafed me 1 believe it the best lot 5 p e i mas a- livlxostok milbaras aromatic qainiae whe distinctly superior to aoy other as an ap petiting tonic and fortifier best ant ctfmfort to the suffcriuf browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sorethroaf rbeamatism tooth ache lambago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sarely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as tho great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment ia the world should be in every family handy for use wbcnj wanted as it really is the best remedy an the world for cram ps in the stomach and paiui and aches of all kinds aod is for ssa by all dragguls at to cents a bottle as a beiling sootbing application for cats woancu brail es and sores there is nothing be iter than victoria corboli salve i coosanmlioa cured au old physician retired from practice having hod placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formala of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent caret of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positive- aod radical cure after having j tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases- lias felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows aciuated by this motive and desire to relieve hatnia saffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in gorman french or eoglish with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notes 820 powers bloik rechester n y if yoa want to bay or sell a form ad vertise ia the toronto weekly mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class ore in serted in tha toronto weekly mail for five cents a wood each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada brsli mr 3 r aueq upholsterer toronto sends us tbe following for six or seven years my wife saffered with dyspepsia costiveacss inward piles and kidney complaint we tried two physicians and any number of medicines without getting any relief until we got a bottle of northrop lymans vegetable discovery this tos the first relief she got aad before one bottle was used the benefit she derived from it was beyond oar expectation freemans worm powders destroy and remove wotma without injury to adult or infant j the third page of the toronto daily hail is noted for want advertisements li yoa want to buy or sell anything if yoa want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if yoa have lose or found anything or if you want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to- rooto daily m ail and read the advertise ments on the third page of that- paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertiou address tin mail toronto can ada it is worse than madness to neglect cough or cold which is easily subdned if token in time becomes when left to itself the foreronner of consumption and prema ture death j inflammation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bron chial tabes travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickleo anticons a mptive syrup tbe medicine that grasps this formidable few of the human body and drives it from the system this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration sabdees the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonder fal influence in curing consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wisi to save the lives of their children aad themselves from much anxiety troc ble and expense let them pro cure a bottle of bickles anticonsumptive syrup and whenever a child has taken cold has a toagh er hoarseness give tho syrup according to directions moanri listlncht tor hale lrerrwhcrc aifvice to motethb are yoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the pain of catting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows jsoothing syrap for children teething its valae is incalculable it will relieve the poor httle sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake a do at it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives lone and energy to tbe wbole system mrs wiuslovsboothing syrup for children teething ispleuiaoito the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physician and nurses in tho united state nud h for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twenty ave cents n bottle be rare and ask fur jubs wixslows hoorarxa sysdt and take no other kindi julsards li di meat fr sate everywhere abwlsfely gtarantecd u claused cr noaey refosdod poidshutf testimonials etc fbjx- ire nkpkfi hicbode lutlrn co lid 120 bjngr fit w toronto ont sole hanuloctuxeri for the dominion itbewareotf impositions see our tradmarfe ph1fqwleks ext of wild trwberry j cures holer a iholeramqrbus iramps iarrkea andall8ummer comptaltlts and fluxei of the bowlxs rr issafe mo reliable for chilijren or adults bormsmmm comb to rcton knd 8bb our improved country prouty press ht work the free press is printed on the aljove press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work we uart run tba prooty for eight yean aod tbe longerwe ran it the better we like it it ii eimple eaiy to ran eujr on typj euy to handle ocata little or repair and la euy on the printer pocket book we call it the beat pre to be bad in the world today for tbe money come and eee onr preai at work ii yoa deire eamplei of work tend for them and we will gladly jnrnlan them we oan give you yoar ohoioe of a cam ol different itei and ityla of preeaea a all prioea think ofit a new 8cbl folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from j h pmoorg agent for canada acton out large shipments of new autumn aoods -at- the right ho a great eoooeaa bat been eeoorod at the clotiog oat lileof sommer dry goodi at greatly reduced pricea at tbe bijjbt home daring thli lael woek thoojaode of purohaeerc have mpplied their wnu at thia birgain sue many bargaina are atil t6 be had come and aee them before tbe ipeeial tale clois fresh arrival6aii new goods ltree aaaortmeat of new gooda parchued in europe have tain opened np and are now ready or inipection stndy thia lilt of new gooda sew cream poogeea cream suraha black bengaline silki black and colored velveteena black and obtored brilliantini and lutre dreu gooda italian clotbi in black nd colored black moreena dew ibadee ia twoyard width felte or fancy work a eboioe aaaortoent o black chantilly flooocim and fieb net or dreneej new patterna io black chantilly laora new black silk velret bibboni cream and white watered riobom new irioi poiot cartaina large rariety o new caahnxre hosiery a ohoioe tnlectlon o noveltiej ia neck frilliogi new blaok crapeti qew silk warp henriettaa black caaraana and beraea laree aaaortment ol white uailin goodj noveltiee in lidiea fancy handkerehiefa bee tbe bargaini inwlsndkemhilsrialling at 4c each or eix or 22c is the household departments are ebqwn a urge tatiety ol wbito and colored qmlu engliah sbeetina bleached and nnbleacbed pillow cottona window bollanda colored oxford bhirtima galateaa table tiinana boaaia craah towelliog toweli and fncy towelling see the beantkol gloriaa ailk and wooua eortomagoodi ih the carpet department for the balance of this month bpeoial bargains an offend berdnanu of all kindi of cirpeu cheap new deaiina in allwool carpeta be 8xjre tou get into the bight house which 18 on king street corner of hcghson before entering look on the window for the name which is hamilton aug 20th 1890 tbiotyt a s o wajtirttisrs our ways of business have bocu told muny times bat they ueed to be told again aad may have to be told many limes again we bay and make various sorts of merchandise just as cheap at possible we tell the truth about it all we sell everything at the very least prices and every time we are as low as the market or lower the business is simple as can be the price is named distiuctlv for each article and anything you make or 6ave thereby ia yours not 6urs you aro perhaps accustomed to read the reckless talk of thoughtless or uuserupnloua advertisers that you discount the statemruts of careful merchauts you know onr ways but we need to remind jou agniuthat nothing is printed about our goods aud prices that will not bear examination every word is impor tant we have just completed adolhev series of reductions through- ont our differepdepartmons and the most economical luyer will be pleased and eurprued at our prices to give an iustance wc are offering onr j11 wool french delaines at 25c 30c aud 40c per yard 4 prints sateaus remnants dress goods etc at correspond ingly low figures aglancc awheegopds will convince you of their value aud cheapness othtr goods at proportionate reductions c b ryan cvco cuelph johnnie get your qun blow gentle breezes blow to kelly bros store i ill co a bat a lie a ahirt a collar ill gel tbe lot for about a dollar a pair o boot and iteckiuga too my poor old tone an looking blae ill go a five or a new anil yea ten and gat as overcoat ill be a dnde i will yon bet a oity iwell ariitoont i hold on that aint all yet an undershirt and pants ill get ill bny a pair of gloves unlloed ii tbey dont show a better kind a pair olbraoesio theyll give for im tba stofl thats going to live to travel tbe country oer and oer and recommend kelly bros store some groceries too im going to bay for my dear wife aa wall as i tea agar and other things ill get we intend to live till we have to qnlt aaaa iitf iaiiiriiiijii they sell so cheap it is really fanny what a lot yon get or a little money i tbey sell orcash and bay goods right i because tbey say to draw at sight j other merchants cant boy so cheap because they dont go iu so steep they sell on tick their money is out and theyve to mind whst theyre about and do yoa think i hare the stuff i ol which en i auy get enough t buy a suit rom head to toes i not im here aa grnb ororows it i aint goodlookiog i bave oonoeit that i oan pay or what i wear and eat for oredit is one o the greateaticurses ill tell yoa in the next two verses f look like a man thats chased i by dogs oh worse than that thxy wererenty hogs they charged two prices or their goods they chased me to tbe very woods because tbe bill 1 couldnt pay my grain was poor and cheap waa hiy im bonest boys yea im a dandy would give them the money il i bad it handy r before i left ill tell yoo squire wbilejhe wind is whistling through my i happened to pat iu my left hip pocket twenty in oashra there i sooktd it thais all i bave not ooe sent more but il will bay most at kelly broe store and alter thia i intend to boy atkellys 8tora until i die oetiifutt dotaowart jim ajnftbroeipressir pjn iim i atauj 00 pja 2rio aft- 1 accotoit p- j ttaaorclosiirokiitj u wiite aman4j hopji orinl ks5t10 so ajn and s a v jn lltlileublewsntlntfteirect oh sot litb j teeth with or without a plate nialinct air for panlesa eatraetlea oj h 10088 gmr inn i tot t0kmtd you think this rhyme coo la iris no sense well let yon say ao without defeiee nnttobaykoodscbeaasmd toaavaataaa pay the oaah and deal eilh oa k3ejlly jbros the great x clothing house xcuoha j v summertoutis rtivacc stisshw m bitta v 1 rltlewsk rtttrqit mackinac j8land tti7 irmiaf bttwtsa fletroit uno cleveland quh illustbated paalphlrrs e b whitcoub a p dstsbt ttetw ike oetnoit icavlud shaii u to dunns baking powder thecoorcs best friend cceei tpi ttxum is tau taeak uafcayr oan asm m w nt wmm mtiahkt mm m tw la au jnflf ft ultot isasyw war j tw tkwat aw tabrfww ihrtth had fhew 4m 7m twv n uvfjafalif hw maw mknrte8eiitt3i bukdogk blood onloela nil the eloggedafckes brjwelx kidneys and uifi oft gradually without veakeq a temalt the imporuifia and i v of the ancretions at the aamlttimecorv kcflng acidity of liejf enringf biliousness headaebes dizziness canstipauan dryness c dropsy dimness of vi oleesalt rheum errsip ful flnttepino of the heart 1 toosness and general debility ail these and many other finiitnr complainis yield to the happy influence ol b0bdock blood butebs far bait by 6h dealers ifckbubicm u iku aj w p 11 nms srfik etc t2 w mm fl i so prr nek m4 rfnu utouz pure8t8trcn0epa be8t i contain flm alum ammonia ume pjftsehates oranjlpariouali ewgillett atffrefuucalxautsnaiiilstcaza he urcest scaii works in canad over ioo st hay scales grain scales farm scales te scales shproyedshow gases mokey f 1 hutciopii and rotcaus sp4tk8 inoml in rcti vrite a tenna a c wilson ft bon o o tsplanadei stptt east- torontc ont mnuot ma jajcr e- erriaio roa irrili hirsts pain iextermiator rwu4 rtttay qube ceimps p4u5i the st5macs bwtlaiirh dlarrbeea summercomplaints jkeepa bottle i n iheihoyse lo pyaltoealer8 i ippgswsbw i

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