Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1890, p. 2

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x- bomit 2rta aeteeu nlbtlmi inel tb vile etaar sxfetmaenofame hpsv- uth lnt the he el lit 0 mmobtmad ot a km xakkibd fcrtmojwrivntiujat wemraim of o fad a uedonald baimsinc on um itoi tot man atedoaald both of eaqoaelne wed the benwell tragedy fjsik- b hlaint inst jobn ucuulan lata port tauter at hornby seed as ycere w tn on tin lit inet catherine atcqowen relict of tbe lata joehue r worjcn eptd st yean t toronto onthalkh inatlvatriev rrl totaat desarhttr ot jon end acuta umban ated uontbt and b daji fi juton m tiss v thjinrnat8kpteubeus3 im j i ft notes a com thie would be a good time or book active lriahmen in ireland io get thcmeclrea elected lo parliament ah they havetj do la to get ihemeelvee arrested and sent lo jell for making redhot epeechee the jail in ireland it a aort of cellar door lo parlie- menu s tlie qrnd tnjnk has made mother ac- quiiitkm the cincinnati saginaw and mackinaw nmd which roni from durand on the chicago and grind trnnkfo tlw saginaw valley aod bay city the new line will bo a valuable feeder to the main line a h upathe michigan lumber country c it ii thought that the mckinley bill will prove disastrous to many ol the new york importing dry good jobbers a urge delecaya one ot th rwalts of the bill will- be to wipe out to an leitent our urge importing tin- goods jobber and thua throw the heavy importing bosi- neaa directly into the hand of the big retailer who can coontcrbalanoe the igbbera profits with tbe increased duty thua preatrving the retail prices of goods near the present price the ontario towns which are about to proride themaelvea with waterworks may be interested in the experience of memphis has city now possesses a complete supply oi pwwater which forces itself through artesian wdli from a depth of about 400 feet below the surface the source lies in a stratum of waterbearing sand nearly 80q feet thick which is reached after boring through the 1 feet of hard imperrioua clay that forms the bedrock of the region and furnishes a permanent bottom co the mississippi river between the tabaccp ijrf antifobacco parties of the methodist conference it is a draw the interesting question having been referred to a committee it is to be feared that christians will never be nnanirrfaig on the tobacco question some excellent men object to the weed and others equally admirable use it thrie if certainly noth ing in the bcriptjiresior or against it probably the wiaesi thing that has been aid about tobacco is thai a gentleman will not use it in company without permission and that a man of p will not touch it unless he likes it and th only in moder ation acbuelcapture a thief cauazht ina bear-trap- wrxssoa onf sept 2lmr joseph irwin of leamington has beenmissuig at tpdd times considerable quantities of oats from fail ham and his auspicions pointed ttan ohf man named knight irwin set a bear- trap for the culprit near the bam door on the inside on wednesday night and pang to the barn on thursday morn log he saw knight firmly fastened by the j right leg in the trap the leg was tightly crmsped and the flesh terribly lacerated irwin beeoredji warrant and in company with a constable liberated the prisoner as boot as liberated knight from loss of blood and exertion fainted away he was carried into irwins house and his wounds dressed not satisfied with the punish ment inflicted irwin bad the prisoner placed in the sandwich gaol for trial knights eldest son in revenge for the in jury dona to hii father oh thursday night attempted to burn irwins bare he was caught in the act of pouring coal oil on a pile of hay irwin says knight has threat ened his life and property several times so he will push the ease to the utmost railway wreck twentyiorte people killed in the readfnw disaster hriidtc pa sept 20 the work of earchingfor bodies in the wreck of the railway accident yesterday continued all night and ijp to 6 oclock this forenoon a number more- had been taken out now making the total number recovered about twenty there is no longer any doubt as to the fate of geo e kaercher general osunidxortheresdidgbailwsy his body was taken out of the wrecked parlor car early this morning almost unrecognisable and badly disfigured the coal regions were more heavily afflicted than any other lections of the beading road and a large majority of the victims both dead and in jured cape from that region vthen daylight dawned on the scene of last nights wreck on the philadelphia beading baflroad near shcmakersvole the full realization of the indescribable horror f the night before was first fully revealed and the sickening spectacle of the wrecked train and its victims was presented in a- startling picture and a terrible scene there lay the engine m four and a half feet y of water while the body of the engineer john white was stfll pinned underneath the heavy ironwork his arms extended in n appealing manner abase the water the engine is airbatiered out of shape and its ponderous machinery bent and twisted like a plaything nexf lay the tender on its side and then the baggage and mail cars and passenger coaches in success ion in which they left the track the fim- hers broken and the cars overturned pinn ing the anrescured victims in death era- brace at the bottom of the river thspecd at which tbe train was running can be imagined when it is stated that the distance from the point where the engine left the tracks going down the steep 25 foot em- bankment and then dashing over the rocky h bed of the river is fully iso feet tl wreck ocetired in this way- a down oosi train sttparaiedebove sbcemakersvilk mother coal train following after ran into the rear section tbe loaded coal cars were thrown over the east track just as the pas senger tfaift cam dashing past and tbe f atrfkipg ibu obstruction the wreck of tbe lilll fouowed it is toud tbsope passenger train followed so soc ettpabe crash of the two coal train that tie employee l no time to go hack to warn the approaching train which rushed into the wreck at the rate of i across the witness saw tbai birebolii had 6 rrw benwells keys when they got over to blrcrtall on trial for hi life- chain of clroumrtantlal evl- dence belnf fofg a long us w the first struggle in the grekt wnrlmll trial began on monday morning in the town hall si woodstock whtro room for such an aair u limited tho nccommada- tion for the reporters is taxed o the utmost as they are ihcre from all qver canada and tto putted butcs i ixtksnc cttkltlmt i is being takou by the public everywhere and the arrangements for sending out tba proceedings are very complete tbe 0 n w telegraph co have their ustrumeuts in tbe building so that the pitas may bu accommodated wiih at littla delay as posalble there is telephone connection from tlte court room with i wait v place in the town where the curious nwy hear tho evidence as it progresses j iunciu jirriiur j at 1045 oclock btrchall uas brought into court by a constable and took the chair provided for him in the improvised dock hi eyes just appeared over tho top of the railing eiccpt that he this neatly dressed in dark clothes there wasnothiog la betoken any difference between him and any ordi nary prisoner he looked around curious- ly in fact rather anxiously and showed none of that pleasant indifference with which he hac been pointed for he jsl few mobths ts iwuv or cvr boon after che prisohor tl sel arrivtxi for the fcwtrfro were mr b b osier gctdr caiiwright the deputy attoniey ball just behind thi trio sat the defence represented by tfesars g t blackstock of toronto and chat ivcy of london aad alei j mckay of woodstock j promptly at ii oclock judge mamahon arrived and ascended the dais just be hind bim sat a number of prominent ladies whom curiosity had drawn to the court room as the clerk began to read the in dictment for murder bircliali promptly- stood up and in reply to the query u kotgctlrtr firmly and loudly replied not guilty then he sat down again and the long ex pected trial waa fairly under way after the crown witnesses had been ex cluded from the court room j mr osier opened the case on behalf of j the crown he explained their duty to the jurymen and unravelled the case step by step after the closing remarks of mr osiers address ia deep silence reigned throughout the court room which was brokim by the crier calling the rinsr wrrxess roc the crows william macdoaald a retired farmer was the first witness called he said he was an agent for an english firm in november 1688 and engaged m plicing pupils on farms the prisoner came to htm in november 1888 auder the name ot romerbct and yu placed on a firm iu dereham j he only remained there one night saying he didnt come oat to the country to farm he went to board iu woodstock ihen and remained there four or five mouths under the name of fj a somerset his wife was with him j when macdonaids evidence was conclud ed amid deathless silence the clerk called douglass m pelly for a moment attention was turned from birchall to pelly mr osier plied him with some questions as to his birthplace birchall maintained the same stolid indiff erence while pelly watf firing his evidence as hu always characterised him and sttheii dnintehextlt time and again even when some of the strongest points were being made against him after obtaining all the general infor mation tbe leading counsel for tbe prose cution asked how did you come lo meet the prisocerf f j pelly then told that he firsrt met the prisoner on january 30th o this year when the prisoner represented to him that he s i i i hui bcsuess ts cixija oonneeed with horses and described twohundred acre farm which j he claimed to i own about l miles from tlie falls on the canadian side on which he said there was a good brick house a regular english style of boose with english servants farm buildings and stables one of the stables be told witness was a model brick one iu the latest style and the bams land stables were lighted by electricity tbt farm birchall said was managed by i wo brothers named mcdonald and there wis a servant on it named peacock there was a branch of the business established at woodstock that consisted of a livery sod sale stable but birchall had only a quarter interest in thir he said also that be had a contract with the c p b to provide horses for them on the job and that he had renewed the contract for a couple of years later on he stated that he first came to canada a rxiot rura and that he bought the farm on which he had been a pupq the witness here identified a j lot of cor- respoodence which had passed between iumself and the prisoner but this was not admitted as evidence until his lordship rules ou the point raised by srv blackstock the dropping of a pin could have been beard distinctly in any part of the court room when mr osier first mentioned the name of tbe murdered man pelly said be first heard of benwell when travelling op to liverpool aod the pnsooer described- him as a young fellow the son of a friend of bis fathers who would travel oat with them to canada where he was to be settled on a farm as a papil he first saw ben well at liverpool on february 5h arid was introduced to him there froth conversa tions he had with ben well ou the way across be learned that he was going to lrvewrra itpchixl and that he expected to be a partner tn his business in three months time if be liked the farm birchall denied thisitory la the witaess snd several times expressed the opinion that benwell was a nasiacce re gretted having brought him oat aad told of bis desire o placi bim on a farm as quickly as possible in order to get rid of bim tbepilsoaercarriedaimal revolver with him when they arrived in new york ill three changed money and came on to buffalo stopping at the stafford house it was arranged that benwtil nd birchall should go to the farm next room ing and witness and mrs birchall were to remain in buffalo until they heard from birchall birchall returned on the 17th alone and witness asked him where ben well ww he replied he had taken him up to a farm but he j uumt usz thy reorui he had shown him one or twoother places bat benwell didnt care aboat thm and he had finally given him the address of other places that be might go and see that he bad either seen bim on the traj nor going towardi the train on hi wnyj ho also said tbe witness thought that benwell was salklyaud that be hadnt ealeu anything when they came fa olwck thefr baggage canada birchall math various txonast tor imtgoiug to tbsfarm andfltnaas aoonaed him of bringing him oo under falsi pre- utiom on ums7ui of fabroary btrchall said ha bad a uram frbm benwell in- ilrucudg him to a4id bis heevy baagagt on to ntw york and he arranged to havs it wnt thert on fahrnar 98th birchall aid he had seen in a oawnpape an aocount of the finding of tba body of a nan who uaii hkkx urarnotii i that a ctgar otoe had been found in oift neighborhood with the natns f c beck well upon it tlity intended going out at onco to arc about it bat birch ill mad ionic f xcase and lt vu finally arranged that birchall and till nlfe ihouldf go to woodstock and the witness to ntw xorkiu tcarch of benwell of oouraa benwell wu not found in new york soon after birchall wit arreated and mr hailmulh of london was commanlcaud with wit- ne aaw the body at princeton and ideutl- fled it ai that of benwell the clothes that the murdered man wore 6n the fatal day were taken piece by piece out of a big parcel done np in hrown paper by mr oiler and pelly identified them at benwelli tlie court then adjourned for tbe night when birchall took his seat in the dock ou tuesday morning he looked pale and auxious owuk ikiat tovtixcw in tjuk mr pelly again entered the box he identified the letter scut by birchall from niagara falls to col bon well postmarked feb 20th as being in the prisoners hand writing the register of the steamship britannic was produced aod ho names of birchall aud his wife wit new and benwell wcrc rccogniied by witness as being prison ers handwriting the witness then described the interview with prisoner iu england which resulted in the party coming to canada witness gave a deuilod account of j the movement of the party in new york and buffalo he stated that no requests had cojme from the customs officers at niagara falls to birch- to pass ben wells baggage for as a matter of f acf the baggage was passed on the first day of their arrival he identified the field boots produced as those birchall wore when he left buffalo ciluujahexwell ox tile stash chariot benwell brother of the murder ed man then took the stand he said he last saw his brother alive on jan uth when he was preparing to leave for can ada he had a gold plate in his mouth and bis two front teeth were goldtipped witness stated that the gold plate produced corresponded with that worn by deceased the glasses produced are about the strength no go usuallyworn by deceased who re quired a little stronger glass than witness the gold pencil case and penholder found on prisoner were recognized as the property of deceased having been presented to bim by a lady friend on his birthday sept 15th 133- the date and the pet family name of deceased conny are engraved on the case witness related bis visit lo the jail where be opened his brothers trunks he recognized the waterproof cloak which the dead man had on he also swore to sring produced as having belonged to his brother mr william davis land lurveyor fcave a detailed account of the distance from eastwood- station to the spot where ben welli body was found and of the time re quired to walkover the route supposed to have been taken by benwell snd birchsjl he stated that he walked over this route in 1 hours and fs minutes cpl john boss of the mlh also stated that it would require 2 hours aod 1 min utes to walk over this course at an ordinary pact richard mcguire stated that he visited the spot vbere the body wu fotnd between 10 and 11 oclock ou february ltlh and lhal be there was no body lying there then could see joseph etvidge then detailed the finding of the body on february 2iit and also the finding of the atgar case and eye glass on the following dix- george eividge brother of the last witness made a similar state meat aad was with his brother at the find ing of the body william crosby j pf of blenheim then described the position and condition of the body at the time of findingr and identified the clothing produced si that in which the body was attired constable john watson then detailed tbe conversation with prisoner on the 28th february the exhuming of the body and the identification of the body by prisoner the evidence for the crown fs still in progress and will be conluued in our next killed by a waggon a man fatajly injured by a careless driver on college street toeoxto sept 22nd at four oclock on saturday afternoon while john keuackey 142 brunswick avenue wu engaged in re pairing the block pavement on college street opposite ueriry street wthiam james elliott ot 233 lfccauli street driver of one of clarkes soda wafer waggons drove rapidly down the street aad before kell- ackely could get out of the way be was knocked down aod run over by the heavy vehicle dr bums wu immediately sum moued and on examining tbe injured man pronouced that he was fatally burf ket- lackey was taken to the hopiul where be lingered in a partially uncodscious condition till a little after eight oclock when he ex pired coroner johnston wu notified of the occurrence aod on enquiring into the case arranged to bold an inquest at 8 oclock today at the deceaseds house and in the meantime ordered the apprehension of elliott late the same night detective black came across the maii and took him to no 2 station and yesterday morning he was consigned to the jail to await the re sult of the ioquest the charge registered against elliott on the police books is murder but there is no dpubt from the natare of tbe case that this will be modified after tbe inquest to at least mamlaogbter probably fatal accident a helton county lady seriously injured while trylngrto croee a track bluxixarux sept 22 what may prove a fatal accident occurred at the grand trunk southern crossing here this morning the 815 train was coming into the station oyer the toronto branch mrs h douglas of bar ling ton and her little child were walking toward the track and for some un explained reason the lady attempted to cross in front of the approaching train she was not soon enough however and the people at tlie station were horrified to see the piston cylinder strike her throwing her violently forward about fifteen feet against a post the child was thrown a distance of thirty feet and was picked up unconscious ofrs douglas received severe injuries bleeding and senseless she was carried to geo bentons home near by medical aid was summoned and everything possible done for the two injured ones mrs donglae is suffering severely from tlie shock and may be internally injured doth coses are regarded as being serious talk ofthe day an epltom of th wbrjdi doing durlng tho wmk lord abardmd optotd hunuloui bbow ttnuoodajf hi hanoarah ilia deatlia tram cholera avararo 60 par day ittjaot in ottawa aaji an appeal to the oounujr tbli fall u probabls lloraa and toot gnarda art wmiuntly on duly in tba ilratta of llibon tna floodi blookad all train ont ol plonglikatptig laat tliurxjay a laborer named angut wllklnaaii wai killed by a train at allindlt priuca oaorgo of walea left qoebco lor haluai on saturday moriilwi dbhop dond of montreal ii aboat to oelabreta lilt mlnlalerlal jubilee there were heavy raine and oonieqaent floodi in nova sootla on tutiraday the grain lo ogdenaborne borned eleva tor wit told tba other day for 110000 twenty one dead bodice tiavo boen recov ered from the needing railway dlauter reporta from japan itate that much dee iruollon wu oanaedby flood laat month eafreaident cleveland aod fraukle hie wife are topping at bltt point n y tba dok and doohru of portland are going to nuke a tour of america tbl fall an ioipoeler at kfogiton who pretend ed lo be mote bu been flood iso which he paid jane garvin a aenraut fi gooe down for trial for alealiog 1200 from john brady of dundn on aug 10th the native on one of the caroline iilindl killed a namborof bpaniih loldiert thomaa looetmore of birlon wu gored by a cow a few daye aco and fearfully mangled alad named uattbewi aged 10 hu died at uoboktn from the effecta of cigarette imokiiu fred longhead hu died at green ridge mas from eating a toadilool la miitake for a tanehroora the j total number of caeca of cholera ainoe ilt appearance in spain ia let and the dealhi 3125 john bnuoa wu tenteuccd to a yeara impriebnmenl at london on tburaday for deaerting hia child horace greeleya statate iu ironl of the new york tribunt office wu publicly no veiled on saturday the letter camera ot hamilton are now allowed to ride on the street can like their brotbera of toronto in an election riot in the iortogueae city of got india aeventeen penont were killed and many wounded richard harrie of baftiio who wu jailor wben grover cleveland wu sueriit of brie ooanfy ie dead a double rait went on tbe roclu on lake deacbeoe on friday and about a dozen men areia a periloua poaiuon tba ladsmilh whoitabbed young hanaen with a pocket knife at cobourg received 11 lube with tbe birch lut week the arthur foundry and ihingle factory at arthur out wat burned down on thureday lut at a loaa of 5000 the eugliab tenantfarmer dclegatea to eoglarid arrived at winnipeg on saturday and will ipend threo dayf there two men were burned to death and 13 hortet cremated at a table in weil lit afreet in new york lut thuradayj aieriea of murdera aappoaed to have bees committed by indiana ia reported from tbe neighborhood of santa fe k k an explcaion ot gu took place on friday afternoon in a coihery near wilkabarre fa and five men were barnod to death t david lucu of palermo oat wu thrown from hia rig on saturday and in itantly killed through hia team running away john s oaborne and hia wife were buried together at utica k y toeaday havingidied within a few boara of one anoiher georre dixon a painter while returning- home from a hunting trip near manitoba feitout of hia cart and died from ipinal iojuriee over a dozen roman catholic biabope from the statca will be preeent atkingiton when archbiahop cleary reoeivea hia pallium lira t cwuceiz who wu ehot at her home in deimer oct oo wedoeaday by cbarlea whitmore a detroit photographer ia recovering twogembien named buli haggeny and bad jimmy conoorton and killed each other in a chicago aaloon ou saturday nighty a lumber dealer named grant of rimo- uaki came up to ifontreal to have good lime and wu robbed of a tboaeand dolltrt lie flralday a family of eight pereoni conaiiting of father mother and nx children bu been killed at preubarg hungary by eating the fruit of the night ahade plant a yoang man named harper in tbe em ploy of hr john n wilton near bridge town wu kicked in he groin by a hone on wedoeaday and died from the effect laat week homard who murdered cyrile peanon in st boniface laat week by ihoving tbe point of an umbrella into hia eye hu given bimaelf np at st norbert after baving eluded the police for a week several large chunka of pure black lead were turned np on a putnam co ny farm lut week by a farmer while plough- ing mining will be commenced u soon u a company can be formed a laniingbnrg laioon keeper baa poated in bia window a large placard which itatea that tbe peraona whoae namea appear there on are dead beat and buma who boy rum but dc not pay for it the lint includes aeveral prominent namea and the amount of indebtedneai rangea from ho to twenty flveoente lu9h v8 wa tho hltonoiurtydomlnlon kioo- tlon prmoat to bo ag for the put year it huitrirally bta inppoaad that the rllouoo protofl ntnltior from aeverauhargaepfafarrodby th4abo plaintiff agalmt john waldla kaq u p or halton county bad bora entirely for gotten and become long ere now deed utter it will illll bo friah in tba memory of all livu ihli proteetwai drat triad in january 1880 and adjourned until july of tba ume year it wu than further adjourned until september ird 1889 on which date it wu adjouraed indefinitely then it wm that the knowing onei winked at aaoh other endoonaoled luemeelve with tba idaa that the hitherto muohtalkedof protaat weald rapidly fade into obll vlon but noh wu not ita doom tbe lame hoatlle feeling which wu tba ioitignalion of thia proteat and which for the put year hai rankled in tbe breaite of tho principal propogatora of tba aame hu been raenrreoted aod ootwitbitandlng the itrennoua efforta of the defendaoti adber- enta to have the matter aet ulda on a point of lapae of time the plaintiff hu at lut aucceeded in baving a day aet for tbe trial and on the 23rd day of ootober proximo the old chargea preferred agalnat our pree ent repreaentatlve in the hooae of com moo i will again be ventilated instantly killed i weilknown realdant of halton mesta an untimely end a peculiarly aad accident occurred in nel- eon township about oclock saturday- evening david lucas a wellknown trafalgar farmer was retaminghomefrom oakville ho drove a spirited team of colts and they got away from him he tayed in the waggon till it reached the bottom of the big hill near bronte station when a wheel come off and he was thrown to the ground striking on his head he died instantly it is supposed his nock was broken he was a brother of rev c v laoae and was was related to clarence lnoaii the wellknown musician he leaves a wife and three grown up daughters to mourn his untimely fate there is some here that anjnqoest should be held as he wu seen with a male compan ion in hia waggon shortly before the acci dent 9eimiliaieaaeiajavai worthy of notice the lut laaue of the omifloa illutraltd september 18 contains a fall apply of portrait scenery and illuatratlooa of rcoeut event of interest the earl and countess of aberdeen the lata wm wilaonthalate judge oreilly hm8 bellerophon canada and thrnsh in oon necllon with the visit of prinoe george of wales aome fine military scenes views of kincardine out and the cbandlxre and a ooilection of the noteworthy memben of the civil service the ministers private secretariea altogether in variety and excellence it is a capital number the letterpresa is of corresponding merit address 73 st james street montreal atlaards llalaaeai far sale krerrwkere s fbom stomach and liver derange menta dyspepsia biliousness sick- headache and constipation find a safe and certalii relief la ayert pills in all coses where a ca thartic is needed these pill arc recom mended by leading physicians dr te hastings of baltimore says aycrs pills arc the best cathartic and aperient within the preach of my profes sion dr john w brown of oceans v va writes i have prescribed ajycrs puis in my practice and find thenl ex cellent i urge their general use in i families 7 for a number of years i was affbcted with biliousness which almost destroyed my health i tried various retnwle but nothing afforded me any relief until i began to take ayert ptuag s wandcrlich scranton pa 1 have used ayers pills for thd past thirty years land am satisfied i saouid not be alive today if it had not been for them they cured me of dyspepsia when all other remedies failed and their occasional use has kept me a a healthy condition ever since t p brown chester pa having been subject for years to constipation without being able to find much relief i at last tried ayers pills and deem ft both a duty and a pleasure o testify that i have derived great ben efit from their use for over two years past i hare taken one of these pqis every night before retiring i would not willingly be without them g w bowman fl east main st carlisle pa ayers pills hare been used in my family upwards of twenty years and have completely verified all that is claimed for them in attacks of piles from which i suffered many years ther afforded me greater relief than any med icine i ever tried thomas f adams holly springs texas ayers pills nxmud st or j c ayer a co lowed maw sottit all vrufgitlmuid xajcn fa uauds photographic views the wellknownphota artist ofaoton bujaif purchased a fine new viewing camera and u now prepared to execute orders or photographic vtewl of residences pic parties lawn gatherings stock etc etc la ail itvlo dettred- iumihatc reputation wtil onjiura flntclau work rvar order rhmshhw the artist silverplated spoons forks and knives of best quality and warrarited also best quality of nickel spoons i and forks piungles gljelpflt the fall f tho big showf ndthe little ones hefoind there fouowlnglaalutaofar of fairs lobe bld this fall in which our readers are in terested becritarsee trill plsaae forward notion of otben great central central canada oeitral canadas internatl- central baqoealni lincoln county e bimooe aaatsrth nmdlng of oxford county peel rfortheni oraat kortbenri torkcolony anoaaur c hukatcbswan peninsular mtork dafferln north perth actoxuxiox korth brant central but york halton central wellington prin weityork mllcboll bamutoo ottawa retertwro h btjohn n b8ejoet4 rjuelpb bepl isae iocnetown bl calharlnea oetl orlllla v 8ealor0i i 1 wooditoek 1 ramptoo w 1 walkerton colllugwood b0 yorlilon nwtoel e nambow saskatoon chatham newmarket bhslburoe picket wiee iencinjj ooata from moenii pet rod n txt op i b no fence ao for the farm or garden daraole and laetlne i rodnaatrtaloroetaiidwoajaare you satis faction will be the reear 1 dueount to the trade itiee lton and rarilei lanonappllcauon address j m doolby l co cueldh oit i i t-r- btratford acton rerli cobourg markham milton elora erin wood bridge ltltcbell ii 13 m tl m f- sh 910 vlv 910 ull lltl blown to atome cbrrioooi teon sept m tbe boiler of so engine attached to a freight traiu on the eaat tennessee virginia 4 georgia railway exploded laat night at bbermap heigbta all ibal can be found of the engineer and fireman ia a coat tbe brakeman was serioualy injured tbe engine wu blown to atoms auction saue valuable proper y i village of aeon vfir i 1 lm irltoitmi for 8ale6r rtnti tmderaladad oflfefs i ehajageioroiherbi ablre dowi ram lamba wm ft agents w if yon wiot to make a aellonrebome nnrser time srrtta ns at enee for t bay bbothm i i notk poncantlo tba rjoweret sale contained in a eeotsrwblehwillb pnfd jbere will be erfleredfor aa a by wallei inetlin at agnewf houl in the village of acton on j tuk8pay 80th sbpt 1890 a ii octoci 00 lou one and two tn jamas dletaeoa mver of a jirtof the eeld village and betng e ww- ertrowned by vu lat areblbald currla d- siadtth tl a ooj rough caatdn fh the premleee the property will be sold in one parcel j tebub of ibfnenilit liuifw- chase money to be paid on the day of sale ana me balance in two weeaa thereafter for fnrther partleulaia appty to ht08 mcmillan vendors solicitor luelpb cluelpb boptttt ww- e veryone sbonld call and see onr mo00 iu00 aod im00 soiu made to order they are better value than can be got at any other pi 1 town bf three dollart a suit inapection invited fit guaranteed krilt bios guelph cloth hall v large importation of j scotch tweed suitings i- first opening up shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph the- golden lion guelph 3c 5c white checked muslin l cream seersuckers colored seersuckers striped and brocaded dress goods plaid challis dress goods 124 pieces lovely prints brocaded sateens t 40 pieces 8c ginghams scotch chambra ginghams another 135 pieces flannelette 6c chambra double widths 15c printed delaines 50 cent goods 12ac colored parasols 25c i 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 6c j d williamson go u 5 and 7 wyndham st oaelph 84 orwajd st olasgow the model husband ia the one who sometimes thinka ot hia wifea pleaaure and oomfort aa well aa hii own the average huiband ia not very much at home and what of comfort elegaooe refinement and enjoyment he reoeivea there be owes to bin wife who spends her time at homo her kingdo4 vhna wife asks her husband for new furniture greatly needed be too oflen replies oh ita good enough for me i guess lean stand it oo to thou selfish wretch have you no thought beyond yourself just think that your faithful wifeapeuda her whole time amongst rickctty furniture think how she brashes it up rearrangee it and makea every ahift to give it a respectable look think how ehe bloshes through and through as she sees her oallera tilt their noses in oontempt at the antiquated ababbineea you thmk good enongh for you shame on yon i make amends oet your faithful bardworking patient wiff the set of iurniture ahe wants and go to speight 4 sona furniture ware- rooms acton for it here yon will find a good assortment ot f arnitnre of every dee- cription end style and all of excellent quality au made from thoroughly season ed wood and finished in the beet style now ye careless husbands make your wife happy make your home bright and oheer- ul remember thai speight dt sons 11 the beat place and the only place where yon can get anything yon want in tbe line of furniture and at reasonable prioee act at onoe spectecles spectkcles i have purchased a stock of the celebrated lawrences spectacles ana eyeglasses at 50c on the dollar and will clear them out very cheap b sayage watchmaker guelph boolflrodd older and ptopptoj are now running evsry spectrally aollcsled tiockwtoadaeptluiaoo for a house and two lots in situated on tbe er sureb streets baving ill trees etc on thi ian address box want 3d a good pushing pay guaranteed wee ilr salary quick selling ww 1 farmers can cat a good winter jtrlte for fputen fszd 5 yovn fob 8ale or ixonange tot then property i end eon arata for paitia lchmoa4hlllob salean an bare firaehui rolu andaeetauisi paring 06 for 13 i and particulars kuiseiiman bcehestsrtxit i- thbeeftbb of an ana with eomtertahls frame bonae wablejljid ctbsr ootband lugs hart and soft wetefttood avden irwl- excellent large and small ivolfa enqutre 0 the premises ortiy leuertej w jffbbwbos aetob job raging inclodixo bookaf paosfceu posters bd1 heads cirtalane 4 ixeeuted in tie beahtyleof the art at mfdefcte prices and n abort dotlce apply or f hp ioafcj aeton wan m en local of tratallni nunerv block be weekly ouulifree bp beginners wcrtere ne- weekly wages write meal e ookaha this boose la reliable 3 tny guaranteed j tea to to suae eood afortantterdara jkeiseryman toronto ont v looooobt grainjwi tbe undersigned will 1 price for good clean wl vfm delivend at tbe ito ray otb sutios aetonj caab for bidea and shaep shels ftep ox bifbsst niautst l beuunr h vs f posesof i 4- msrj bae a heweb 7 aeton jodgeno 204 meets in tba odxus block fltery wdrn brethren always weleomej tntion ao4 imts ppl j to t of tba members wwillumb mi hall hsithews sjareoing fvisitine oreopr of eonsti rtaibiud or any ibawob0ek beeretaijv lumber lath j shingles sateb8 mui najaagaw has nw in stock about a ujoasno feet of lumber ioeliidfetg all kind needed for baodiu irarpoaea- this nimbasavellestabllsbednrlmaon far ftrstr claas lumber and reasonable pxieee itath and sbldfles on hand we are to tapflf otcrr want in pur line wan salesmen to mil no warranted firstdasa prttfitabie positions for ti diaries and expenses paid i doeemeftta to beelnnerr anceneeeasary outfit i tfyingaare chableb e chauiertmen uentkm this paper jtochtater st w in forsallf havdsoue brick nsidjeace and grounds in tbe village of aetohiitea rooms bath bard and aoft water on the premiaeaia a food stable tbia is one of tbe most tbe county and adil be aold ata for full perttcnlars propertieein wjjjooek 3 town ban aeton change of hjjsiness wakefields meat market having bosent out tbe batcnerinit baainess latelj carried m be matthews we hope by careful attention the wants of the public and always keeping ou band tbe tery best quality of beef uuttanimb teal oars beef fork and sausage to merit a fair share of your patronage valuable ba0jeety f0b8axibt tendeb9 will be reoeii up to the first of oct of the- property known as deuce situated on wibowi town han tbe pro location therealdenceftail the lot has abundance of sa apples tbehicbeator an tartly accepted bribe underakned x for tbe putthtm teachers besi- poalte the in u excellent eontfltiort and traits peanand tender not necea- jf moobe beeredary board of trustees of artcd public school young iten and boys starting in life for tbemaelws r aa- umiog tba business of a fatner or relative and wanting the best preparatiai tooalaliais j deairtng to qoalif y tbmaeltps far good pasfticios and to make themaelree tsdependeot for life in aiborttime and at a tery peodaato dxpesae willnndtbjb short practical coeb of study at the t jgruelph busiaebs gollte puelphontakio j just what ifbey need fqr tertoe eteaadreas mluccobuickptiltelpal s macooft obokabtowh uoenaed aoouoneera apprtleera yah atorbueotorakaleitata2d gefaeral laud rueajta robthbcotcrtraam ri halton peel welltngton stbooe xoik and ontario ft money tciloan nrom aiooupatsixiyrcest artiea maeing their eelee or other lijsineaa in oar bands will bare tbesaroepromptlyeucnded tq at moderate chaxgee iiomcii kxo aauta booaraatiu st george- town or addreaa ijoi li b jl cook 4 co auctioneers 1 bsjlxoh omcx si qneea 61 beat toronto 8 mv ooojc dt co auouoneexa oeoigeuiwu and toronto valuable property forsalae toe ubdtnigned offers tbe following parcels of prop tor sale apon reaeonable tonus b8qce8txo parcel no itbe treat bislf of lot it cou x gsquesingiss acres tunbered land parcel kblpartdfloiaeooi fsqueaiiti uo acres about m acrm noder cutuatoa dwellioi bpuee shlugle stte and beading mill on the pretouea tbbnilllbasdonea profitable bnatneesfiawtnauy years faroej nilpart ot loiw oon i auealic asaerce ontataawepattrli afcaaaad a rrame bans aexeot shod aebiktiir luen coiur- able dweulba booae aud ore ard and never f all- latsprtni farael kjf trarf hot l coa gsqoealir sjeeree raroel lfeson the propfrty la a let of alul ho oorda at hardwood cut a id dry- i actos panel no a brick hoo and blacksmith shop in the village ot aoloi two and a halt lllaia lota onentth acre e eh thla iwovarty ualtoatadoallabiatrekin a good location tbe taroj u not sold it win be rented full partfulars maybe hi d npon applloajlon personadyorbylettetto at lumt9 bpeyataepo if hlsvla wfftffjfvthsfkfvvtm ualaeeal her hals brorwarr vettsctiaw ww53bajf5pwp

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