Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1890, p. 1

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iv a xtlno 14 i- 1 41 18 itbuihtei every thursday mornino x m- press stwarwotinr office liltm feteet acton oxt itr orrbcrirnoxonp dollar per var ir ri4 in a4vinor wftmu thrw month from nvrinttlar of ytr pr roc if not to paid tbe dt to which verv samcriptioa u paid u denouby toe dt oath address label apvertbtvrr raxks transient admti- rafnta f cent per nonpareil line lor flirt la- itsoa ecau per lo or each labtcqaeat itrwrtfoa c3tbjlct kitvtth foil o op umc shows car rates lor the lorrtin of adyrruicmcau for ipeciaed poriad aracc acton ontario thursday october 2 1890 tr 6 xo a mv 1 1 ma kcjb jko kb vu 1801 sco t 1 ix 1 1 i ib i- s- iacbe loiachw jt siecfae lfoetr tvertisementa withoal specific direction will be inserted ull forbid and eharpod accord- isrlr transient adrehiaenieatii must be paid is adxaaoe adreraacaieou will i be ehstyiod one each month tf desintl for ehiaaos oitcacr than oace a month th composition mutt be paid for at renlu rate cuaapc for contract aiwrtiseuivati mctt l ic the ofi br 5 aja on tuesdays otherwise tbey ni be lei over untfl the totlowiur eeefc aru00ke editor and proprietor- flustritss stpdotp school books stationery and fancy goods jand wall paper stolre aowyndham-st- plllh tho understood 14 a fall and varied stock of good which bf i telling ai the lowwt caiu lyiwc a call from the people of aetoa and ticinlty respectfully uvtcd i john smith w barber- be0s paper makers georgetown ont lukc a firrcultt or machine fmistied book papers tkt uigii giudl weekly xews school open all tho school hooks mod u the tuoue sebool aiid collegiate institute slhts exercise books dr4win0 books school bab 40 tt h owry it b mcps it gt4satoe trinity collyfemberof co35 of phrtioam aad sarwoat 0s aad reaidenoe althebaad of frederict trwt acton d r- sprfkger parsiciia- scaascx accoccurctt or avr- rcsmnxcs dr uccarnnc hoaaa coraer mhi urf frederict ttrwta a estacer xbc piper oied in tut joarail it from the iboveniills to barber bros day has ever book wanted waiting for stock j wo cfre ujc bflst viluo it jdays bookstore i guelph b ay sells cheap ottrb 1wwj0uk proposed waters bros the picture oillert dffelph udcitrtlcucji0 39c cjcc su toronto t f halsted itd j pfftsiois scxoeo etc bcirrrscr ixi dac3 sroak hill slrt rt door u willns boot lzi lhac ltor l bexketx lds destist c ifcseslir h d- s sctgeqx destist g eoiuietot villa actoa at ir hotel on the eccoad tad fodrtt wednesday of oachmoatl o ttcharci garerarjtd3i 3aa o eip- m clkvk itcleix barnstcrt soucitora kotariea ccareyxacerr bu pritite ttnds to loaa office tota han actaa ttr a mrlrit jso a ifclox fr fkaues i- llcrnaie rictfhf uol koo bofldixgs coksick iolks trma st tihxss nons iukxfjj hods tmtn 1st autists- u1tek14ls 200000 lbs oa colors viter cocirv chisacova krashcs ctc etc itcajv hiitj rirt afpca- vills ecicicls ccrdf wire kailf chaicf hooks etc waters bros st oeorges square coal wood james brown ilarinf completed coatracta far iochr lohds oc trine o the foilqwtncltndi i excelsior red cap com mon sense red star anchor very lowest cash figures i i lure i- i pkris green t ssiowjlt rittrfg gfirt-rrnt- wrr pnrrr orrrce brrt tueiir ud sitnd7 rncx itiithrtn btoch actoo npuirt is hilton rrtv t batud huccbtcli larre qaactirr vaichlerilipr3ctilr deiivc the torn at reasonable prices ot cicelicat coa to acj- prt of hxxtivooi aid uis est tiovo iciigth tlwayx ia litad tccpcoae a specialty john it- bond co guelph direct hardware iiaportn caica ca bsrrislcrt eoliciiore ax t00st0 iip geoegetott i qsaa creelrs iac black- georaelotn aid fit eiac street xt toronto t- t ittit j sehjt05 ff f 7 bihd 11 pixexxa secured foe ixvejrnoss bxsergeist ottiiri cixldi teztr tatrr frxdice xo piiest ko pir tt7ti- hejcstreet for the coianes of veiiia5t02 ia hilton acton liveryj l bus line aiao aiaaex to ioa oa the aost faronble mrcnaa t the orest rate of iaicreit is f ami of 300 aad cparda- tohsdjlt j o aechttect omce qaecaehaifl bioct statre scesortqtrcltpmaa boossdtdee ttisorgeas4air gaeipkoalrio ioaat bootf 0la2 fcjeniaie to order ttaliaf eeailtaiid prosptir doae the caderticaod reepectfciiv solicits the patron age of the public td iaicms then st well equipped ajid stylish r can al ways be secured at lis cixlks a cafortibe lias ata iji trains between 9 cta asd ej5 pm carefal atiesttoc gitea to ererratder the wasts of conacreial trcrel- lezr icily cet rohx- williams mutual hremsmce company cf thx cotjktt of wellikgtok errinrreexj itkl head office cuelph fcsareabalisgsyfer hanafacjcries tad an other descriptive of icscrcble prerwrty on the caah ajid p kote srstein f vtstone ces dayidsok preaidenl kanagex johh taylor agekt rphe ha5la2tbabberfih0p kuxsiuzetactox y la earjahite a styliac haircat a good beafoam ulerailiaratiajtahanrpooalwxfxiren baxorc honed and ps in firrtdaa coaditfan- ladiet tii chi2rrea hair taatflf cat j -h-wosdextoaaoriaiartiit- jl waxte tv sell rpeciaj ties iaccr itce- samples free witiioatct- pecnliar facilities to a- be- cfsnerx control of territory hare done tjasi- nesria caaiia si yean t e employ on aalarr- aad eomaiiaion wriie for terms to chiie be0the3iscoifpaky yarseryideiicoiboriic ont- i wellington ilaibie qrcsec snxrr gcelpe clark 4 carter picket wire fencing costs from 50 cents per red d6l teei cp for the ftra or girdeii there i darahle and c drugs and stationery school books exercise books- drawing books cop- books slates and pencils pens and ink school bags etc j v kannawins good ctcdiu john laid good old farmer urowa hii broad moon faoo vlih vrtukloi ruuafn ronuv lookio the ioqi of cwdaoai how do deau 1 thought 1 hoard jor trtid it uinst be yrau 6oi i but wmothlnailiour john vr trcd wu kiudtr uko uqsartia one who hod oar beat mpecs john wouldnt bar fumbled o in cowiu thro oar great ball door yer know but lay jcr hat kldo and uko a chair tbootcbinacoolohn yerbtoyflrllicw i ouoo projioaod tonaacyimothor start j q i i too yer doaa but there the sva hor baarl juit where yer set i too yer bluih oou 1 vu bashful tiico bat ibero i did jt tryt i came ho twenty uuioi or moro at last i muitared courage parson tlod ui fai t and then tho world wu taradlio a cow vu all hc had as dowry lord knout how w kep the wolf away rut 1 wsi itrong aad you belloro me john it wasnt long afore we had this uctle farm ou tick aud twere a puxilo loo een to old kick how fut the mortgigo mcltoci hat friend john she was a very queen with spurn on i andkaucy she john came to help us boar oar hardens bindin heart o heart the caro of bar had laujht ui inctfec and oar lore drew itroagorxancy 1 yes a loltle dove from out the iky and youll tf rco of cour for as t fricud o fsnuer brown tho source of lore were fouatia fiisj thitesald njitia all homely rirtaos a their lovely kancy but john yer lick tho maybe whit i uy isurfa naucyi ma oat todsy i she want to deacon bisac a it naacyli deau 111 hitch the old mara up aud she aud yeau can kinder keep ho crldj trimmed and john vouil ttay till i bit tick with babbles oa tho cider in the mug ill call my kan aud hem ire spplos picked by bor own ban kow kaany here u john our uefgjbor boy an honest lad youu taae my place i joy to see an rjprigbt man ia these fast dsyi bultcryafl has its pecnliar wijs the ftre it wout gj oal if io it luouid youll had right there na logs of hard oak wood so now coodby aal down the salamtt road tho ioudiujups where the brooklet fiowci aaifanaer brown veat jogiiijou a tunc hishottjdays kucw brooht bsck a oljtime jcae when nancys mother was a fair yaaag maid qe wooed and won wbea corn w in lh blade and grsy old bess icept time with lh old time song while he aad she weut jogging ilow along aad came the start tad blinkei ipoa the iceuc the wind grew strong the air was coid and keen ar farmers will the hour was tomewhat it to when hoa ntopped the old mire risht at the gale but dark as pilch wti fanaerbrowae tbode he scarce could iec the graai that lined the road and nancys ma said hoihr as farmer brown uttered a byword as bo clambered down and caught his feft foot in the tangled rclcst iccttering that seme folk didnl have any brains a cickcriag match ooa ligkod cp the rooua and there 0 dear aoraas the partial gloota proud farmer brown and nancys good old ma indulged together in i load haha r htfr st 1 acton for do bciictc it all the the candle nickered frooi iu and brown laldsooieihiugthent for there tat nan aiid john both horace aoabtrr i- la stkd jfanrilttiliuiiing sead as c trial order aci wc ln faction will be the resait discom to the trade price lists isrs oa application address aad r-artica- m dootey co cuetohi ont ieect importers of graniu and marble ifoaaarentsaxdheadstifacsof ail shaded kthe newest designs aji work and mx- 1 isrial wtrrscted ftrrtus eanififabng to parchtse wijhpisaetfjre as a call anx inspect oar stock tai prices as we are eocndentwe can osaipe with kayestalrlislunea tin ontario esriarsotdoatmy interest to th atfo firm i respctfallf solicit the patronage to my friends aad the paiiic on their behalf j h hamilton- agents wanted ia ererr toiniimp to sell the pictorial cyclopedia j of lire stock and complete i stock jjpctor j tjit iao eomplrteial compnbcnsite ort ererjyjei iu ailhott ai t the head ifis protation tni cive i continental repn- hs i wl e r one i a cnnd 0ponnnii to make er 6ecuretaiioryatonc adtaa i e k u1tzr puiiibliar 7 20 tiime bu toronto hamiltons marble works hautltost bod fonrcrlj- biicht blocil the gore ccrrer of woorichic3 korfoij ttrreugneipbont john h hamruton proprietor stjoiesale and retail dealer and direct importer tad maaafactnrcrof all kinds of granite and marble monument tombstone etc hariag had an extensive experience for the last 1c years the public may rely on getting all superior articles at a cheaper rate than any other dealer ta the west nb 15 per cent off oa a direct order re ceived for the next 30 days wellington steam latnidry guelph 6htbts ifle collaes 2c cuffs e family washing without ironlngajc per dor family washing with ironing 35c per dor gentlemans washing and bepainng 50c per dozen all wort raaranteed best in canada otbcc and works 56 qaebee i treeta gcodm left with kelly bros- our egnta it acton will be seat to the lanndrr and returned to their srore froe jf charge ttaoore- pricca u hackney proprietor a little talk about fshoes figure may lie aad facts distorted be pat teeing is belicring come tad see vac ieeiaboo boot and feiboc stcrc fs just jiow showing a cumber of new lines of shoesand j elinpers specially adapted for the season ttiesc new- goods are being soli at price as low or lower than those asked for old styles aad shop worn goods elsewhere eterybody can be ficitod for wc havr all bid uncle bill any one who visited 5fr xorris at his fine place oa the hudson would be tire to notice after a while that ia old man wan dered aboat the place dressed all santmer in a white shirt and linen vest and tron and a fishermans hit and all winiel woollen dressinggown he vvaa ull bald old man aiid people at himi for a aaperaiinoated old serv finally boa nice linsn his neat haj a certain wellbred toqe of pfc chancethev beard him b2ok victim of liver complaint and ihat would make you illnatured and youd scold me aud any naughty wordi they all do yon kuow now you havent any money or stocks to worry about liko poor pa and youre not irritable and you are like mamma too you have her eye you arc sister sueaug image the old man would say do you remember the day that you eatno to the hospital with her yes raid phemic i was juat twelve years old and mamma woe crying over the telegram my only brother phemie ihe raid bo sick that he may die and so poor that hes ia a hospital then we cainc and i stw you iu bed and after a while we brought you home aud ma nursed you well again and diod heraclf just as i got about said undo bill and your father and thtf rest did not like a shabby old man around the house well i was lucky to get a home t supposed aud luckier still to find such disinterested love at yours youre like susan she was the dearest girl that ever lived ye youre like busan but they did not always talk thus they wre very busy often over books ever fhemiee embroidery for which he designed patterns teaching her little dog a thous and tricks feeding the blind kittens phelou saved from drowning making a little well from which the canary drew buckets of water and phemie and the old man would wander off to the river side wherj he would fish iidom catching any thing and ehe would read or knit kone of the family knew of thesa ioti- macies belle older than phemie by six years preferred that she should consider herself a child until miss norris was mat rind and aunt marcia detested her for her reasnimaucc to the sisterinlaw who had never becu congenial so one in the house know but boiho one uot of the houfahold did and shared at times in tbcn sometimes when the old mans rod daugled over the water a younger angler would lake his phtce near him a hand some young fellow with black hair and the brightest eyes in the world and there the hours went by like hoars ia a dream and fhemia felt happy a she bad felt when a child by her mothers aide and uncle billucgliod and old fishermans stories asfor the yoang man silent or talkative he was always charming so thought phemie she was wellread in romantic lore wlial happened was only to be ex pected la a little while two lovers sat beside old uncle bill on the banks of the pretty stream and walked together as far as the little gate in the hedge that nobody else used and did not hide from the old nun that hey parted with a kiss fred howard was not a fashionable man the only eon of a poor widow who hid made a bookkeeper omfcfeboy what holidays he had he spent at borne- this was his midsamnier vacation he was bright and good and handjomejmt m norris surely would i daughter j and t acctdenti fcathtrl that i past- take nrj koms- ews for his younger wo nvwinet ire talking to on either face lenlrj lady who drove oridgboiidtween thetuv n haabomt hirorn a hose who trulv loved hex uved c i qerits wear ladies wear fashioned broadcloth suit went with them and gave the brfde away mrs howard was there and a school friend of pbemies and a fellow clerk of freds nctio of the korrii family and after the wedding they were to go upon a little trip pbemies trunks had been sent to- freds mothers littlo house the bride was not as happy as she might liave been under other cir cumstances but at home no one had ever loved her or considered her since her moth- eruleath and fred loved her and she loved him her only trouble was that the j must leave old uncle bill that is hard the old man said very hard phemie and then fred holdout his hand uncle bill he said we shall live in a very plain way but if you will live with us we will do our best to moke you happy and shall be happy ourselves will you be so boy cried uncle bill a poor old man like me eh really v really cried phemie dancing with ioy i really and truly heaven knows and fred grasped his hand and shook it you brought us together uncle bill he said its lucky afiswered uncle bill for brotberinlaw norris has turned me out of his housa for aiding and abetting you told me ihat i might be town poor if i liked i didnt r just said very well ill go ill get your things and take thorn to mothers said fred youll be company for her while were gone afterthat one bome for all of us then the old man looked at them with a smile looked at mrs howard with an other and langhed his sweet goodnatured laugh youre two good honest generous chil dren he said and youre freds mother maam but ive an explanation to make five years ago my sister susan heard that i was sick and at a hospital and took me to her hoase she nursed me back to tolerable health and was very good to me then sweet angel she died she thought that being in a hospital meant poverty i was paying fifty dollars a week there i have a fortune that even mr norris would respect bnt sesing what he was i took a fancy that id find out what his children were lhave i have lived about the place as uncle bill a poor re lation i wasnt wanted even at the table i was despised by all but phemie she dear little soul has been a daughter to me i told sister busan the truth on her death- bed and promised to do my best by this sweet girl and my money has been grow ing nnder good care for five years why hod i been the beggar they thought me id have gone o an almshouse rather than eat norris bread all these years as it was i enjoyed the joke to think how he would have respected me if he had known the truth how he scorned me for being poor when i was a wealthy man but let all that we are happy together and what need we care there was great excitement at the norris mansionwhen the news reached its inhabi tants and mr norris sent a formal forgive ness to his daughter she was a good gi1 and felt glad that this was so but she only began to know what real happiness was in the home where she bee cents y for many long pleasant years can tiling if they a she would repl one of the lawrbronght with hi miaerable neer dowe k the question norris avhe saciii piazza or drove tfbout his of his handsome vehicles he watt thats a sort of a re wifes a neerdowell the black ftieep of the jsock tdu know always is one in eiwy fjunjiy forherfsaka she was a tery benevolent woman we let him stay phe oo late sir the latter said i r daughter and haoj won her phe has promised to be my wife irris stared at him lifted his eye- stared again through his double eyeglass and spoke sternly i have daughter who is a credi to about he jwefers eating by himself hbsj tordmctabpaid great attention to youths vteax children i weir babyi wear special lines 0 ood goods newest style and best value for the money at av williams acton custom work and repairing gfron carefal atten tion trunks and valjsea in variety v new planing- mill sub and door factory john cameron contractor h boai op ths boiuine on main street latelj rfe f eitithneirmaelilnirr lndlskv pih plana peeweauona duessixff jtatchcfg and mopldiko am ux rni or millet door nd window iand boor j ft 2aatockhan all orfar promptlr i john camehoh r frank burce88 house fainteraper hanger sign writer etc is preljaretl to eiecate orjers in say of the ahore liatw la thebest manner audatreasonable trma ererr job baring my perxoua attention i can aafnre coktomcrs eomnleti aatiataction graining in all irooda a fpociajty orders left at my teaidenee itafrj 6l aeion til receire prompt attention dr a wilford halls health pamphlet disease cured without medicine ja5 matthews acton t hss been appoiattd fluent for the circulation of dr rajls colebraterl hlrii psmtihlet which he keeps on han1 tbe pain ph let ciaims br the treatment it ad riwa sore rare for e wltlw ont medieiue the price for the pamphlet is koor dollars and a jroanidfee in given that u thapnrefiaserunot tmiisfted cflr pnttinff the trjeaiment into eonaeleotiooa practice for one niontlt to ref aud the money on the return of the pamphlet with a pledge never again to nan the treatment or allow 1 1 to tw usud in his tainfjy r j actok ump factory planino- mill thos ebbage man i jbare resumed tho management of tbe enmp bnsinoas in acton and would respectfully iforbi all partiof is want of pomps tbat we are now prepared to supply them fronr tbe old style wooden fnnip to uie beitforce pump made ptonpafor wind mlil or sock wells wpp led on ahort notice deep weill a speolall phioeb eight evbet tibie our planing hill damber dreawd while you wait honldings made to order we have aio a quantity of f jaraper for sale s nitabfo for building purpose order by moil will receive prompt ana careful attention shop at foot of river street fflosebbaljsfaiaaer wouu ftdew very stupid visjfcaewanted hknherc and she had her way poor soul i grudged her notbg y thatupoor bill but if u was kiss phemie of whom the question was asked sho always answered why that is uncle bill hes a little little eccentric but the dearest old soul im very very fond of him and he of me dear old uude bui certainly phemie was the old mans only friend in that pompous household she it was who went up to his little room with fhis meals and sat with him while he ate them who saw that he had the news papers and his pipe who had fixed that little outofttheway place with a pretty carpet book shelves a students lamp lots of pretty ornaments in worsted and painted 60k who never received her monthly al lowance without buying something for him his pretty snow white shirts were hdr gift and she saw that they were done up properly the flannel dressinggown he wore in winter was of her contrivance in fact up in that dormerroofed room there were hours that were more homelike than any spedt inhhe great parlors or the big dinnerroom where hiss belle was only affectionate to pa when she wanted him to give her more money to spend f and miss korris the elder sister of the master of tho house made bitter speeches in the pauses of the needlework in which she was per- petually engaged sometimes directed at her brother sometimes at belle sometimes at phemie bnt all worded s circumspectly and clothed in such a guise of piety that no one dared resent them what eoomfort you are undo bill phemie would say as t poured out the old mans coffee and what a comfort you are phemie old unele bill would say hi was a rich uncle just home from india like thos3 in the plays and novels yon wouldnt make more of me i- i shouldnt make so mueh uncle for youd be a tejrtobt wfcten hehas wrtfteb to ask my consshutb their tuphuht wblcn 1 shall giveivndiie will returrf 4n the fall tc be married to her an knglish nobleman would hardlv like a brotherinlaw who makes perhaps twenty dollars a week my eldest daughter mrs timpkin trotter has marriea a gentleman who is esteemed the wealthiest man in sfineville my son is with my brother in new york a man i am proud of now i shall never make a fass about phemie i only tell you thib if she marries yon i disown her yon can take her if she chooses i shall never give her a penny she may have her clothes and trinkets and go if she obeys me she shall be married or single well provided for she is plain and unprepossessing bat i know a young clergyman who will attain eminence who only needs my permission to propose she might do very well with a proper portion for him she has a thick waist a large mouth and ordinary features continued mr norris turning his eyeglass on his daughter but a clergyman should not look for beauty she is the prettiest girl i knoy and if i may earn her bread and butter i can do it said fred howard you give her to me sir no replied mr forris sho may give herself to you if she chooses to be a beggir then he walked away as phemie and fred stood looking at each- other old uncle bills head arose above the shrubbery r i give iny permission he said with morethan usual dignity and i am her mothers brother i think yon willmake her happy young fred howard tbe maiden aunt ana tbe sister who was to be the bride of oil english noble man led phemie a sad hfo of it for a while but one morning she walked oat of her home in her simple churchgoing cos- i iume and was married in thoflittlachapej of st john old uncle bill in his old- yorkstreet incident xtepcfteiipwj ura iat bootblack rneaje cltypivejajshiqejaa little fellow came ralbernwly for coelb that lively guild and planted his box down under the reporters foot before he could get his brashes ont another larger boy ran up aud calmly pushing the little one aside here you coaj- down jimmy reporter at once became iudignaol he look to be a piece of outrageoos and sharply told the newcomer to thats alt right boss was the reply cin odo if fur him you see hes k tin the hospital for moren a do much work yet so us trm and give him a lift when e can savy 7 is that sojrnmy asked the reporter tumjug to the smaller boy tfv3ces atr wearily replied the boy and she looked up the pallid pinched face codld be discerned cvea through the crime that covered it he does it for me if youll let him certainly ro ahead and as the bootblack plied the brush the reporter plied him with question yon say all the boys help him in this way yes sir when they aint got lo job themselves and jimmy cetsonethey turns in and help him canse he aint very strong yet ye see what percentage do you charge him on a job v hey v queried the youngster i dont know what you mean i mean what part of the money do you give jimmy and how mach do you keep out of it you bet yer life i dont keep none i aint no such sneak as that so you you give it all to him do yon 1 yaa i do id like to catch any feller sneaking it on a sick boy i would the shine being completed the reporter handed the urchin quarter saying i guess youre a pretty good fellow so you keep ten cents and give the rest to jimmy there y cant do it sir its his customer here jim he threw him th coin aud was off like a shot after a customer for himself a verit able rough diamond iu this big city there are a good many such lads with warm and generous hearts under their ragged coats wfve beate him l levi w hitman practiced law in norway villige xjford county maine more than half a cet tary aud during all that time be had nvr took a esse which could d6 vio lence ijo lisl conscience and be never suf fered a euc to go to trial if jt lay in bis power to let tie by a friendly understanding or compromise in short the whole end and aim of his professional labors seemed to beto truly and honestly and substantially hephis fellow i once open s lime in his younger day mr whitman was waitel upon by a crotchety old fellow named sawyer who wanted to sue deacon stimple for three i dollars due him for orifdone in haying time whitman saw thahhenlan was angry and learned also that he had demanded the pay of tbe deacon rather obreperouily and he refused lo take hold of inch work instead thereof he earnestly vl vised saw yer to i go to tbe deacon kindly add be patient he would be sure lo get hid pay at some time but the man was filled with hatred of the depau and would not listen ho went away and easily found a lawyer who wsi eager enough to take hfsiee a few days lafcr and deacon aaron btimple appenred in whit mans office literally boinjover wrth und iuduimtion he call down a foldel paper nponlhe law- jers table at the same time ixolairaioj there theres a lawyers letter from that iiftt but never mind its from the lawyer at the other end of tho village jodu sawyer has toed me iyr three dollars the rascal 0 i think iaee mm work ing for me again butwhitman i want you lo attend to the thing figit it to the titter end he will never have thai three dollars if can help if jaut it an honest debtteacon no it nnt and houest debt or least wise tt isut an honest way of calling for it it was nuderstood wbeu he went to work that he would work all fhrough haying but he only worked three day abd iheu left me in the lurch why did he leave why he pretended that he was sick bnt i cueas he could have worked if hed been as anxious lo work as be nrss to hang around his own dooryard then you are determined lo push this thing you want me to starve him off as you call it exacly squire thats just what i want do you want any money down i yea i i most take a few legal step and they will cost give rae five dollars and i think we will beat him off good do it squire and ill be much obliged j deacon stimple gave the lawyer a five- dollar bill and went his way mr whit- shortly thereafter put on his hat and took bis cane and walked down to the other end of the village and called upon his brother lawyer a pleasant chat on passing topics of general interest and then levi broached his business he wished to settle that little master between john sawyer and deacon stimplc the whole amount was three dollars and fifty cents the prose cuting attorney would charge fifty cents for the letter we had written the bill was paid a receipt taken and whitman return ed home j on the following day he met the deacon aha deacon 1 weve beaten him weve driven the plaintiff to tbe wall- hii lawyer will eotec a nolu priwyu be cannot help it and thats the end of the whole rfatv good i soppose you had to piy that snipper ty stisp of v something of course irifie jflsad lo settle the thing with bim you knov bat rvednveii him to a nolle infjul and he canriot uo i mamma is tfcjiro too many of wef the little girt isscd with a ilgb iirhapi you wouldnt be tired es if a few of your ehllds conld die sho vat only three yeartold tho one j whoipoke in that image way as ibe saw hex motherai impatient frown at the ehudfcnsbouteroui plsy there ware halfadozen who rodnd her stood and the mother was ilck and poor wore ont with the cure f the noisy brood aad the nght with the wolf at the door rvr aimllo or a kiss notimano plaea for tbe litua one least of all and tho ihajorw that dirkeuod- the mothers faco a i oer tho youagljfooeiued to fall iloro tfjooglitinl than sayiheclt tuoro caro and ponjerefl iu childish way how to lighten the hurjea ihe coald not ihare growing heaticr dsy by day only s week saj the little ci in her tiny while traoille l lay witji her blue ryes cicsod and tho innay hsir cut cjose from the gulden heiid dont cry iho sftij- and tho words wtre low t feeling tears that sbo could not see vou wont haretj work and be tired so when there aint s many of we hut the dear little anightcr who went away yioai the boxoe ajtt lor once wssitilled showed the inothef heart froth that dreary day r tiat a jilseo ihv bad aiwasrfjulad selected the doctor and his coach help himself whitman youre a man for irn- roonevl shant forget you brick and youre ihe be sore i sc b j work now gems of thought think more of what a man is than of what he has temper is so good a thing that we should never lose i a smile is better than a growl as a spur to better work do not waste strength iu fretting at un alterable evils do right by others whether they do right by yon or not beauty unaccompanied by virtue is a flower without perfume to have a course marked out beforehand is to be prepared for difficulties perseverance is of ten not only a substitute for obilitybut it ta something more life is always interesting when you have a purpose and live in he fulfillment forget ibe ptmtit cornea not back again aot in the present hope for the future the path of duty is near yet people eek it afar off the way is widel it it not hard to find young miii do uot leave it to a future day but do it now man of middle age you have a vivid sene if rapidity with which your years have gone but they will go just ad rapidly in the future as in the pisl kan of old age you have to nkc haste you have no time to lose the ancient uv coticernin the tale of an estate according to tha number of ihy year thon shalt diminish the price the nearer you are to the jubiuee year the cheaper they were to sell the landv so the near you come to tbe end of yoardays fyou ought to hold earthly things more loosely and pcira heavenly things more highly wbeu your bisiness is drawing to a cios yoa hasten to couclude your work dispatch ing sometimes in an hour more than all that went the day before when napoleon went on tho field of marengo it was late in uie afternoon aud he saw that the battle was really loft but looking at the western sun he said there ia jast time to recover the day and giving out his orders wilb rapid aud characteristic energy he turned defeat into victory so although your sun is near to sett tog there ia time to recover ihe day availyourself of the eveotide test your jife dud in eternal failure hee ft m taylor dm not a physician but a doctor of divinity f cood old doctor head ric it ecu whom a few of tbe octogenarians of new york may re- uomher ho was of ibe genuine old dutch block and ins leading trait aside from bis sterling maohool and unquestiooale christian walk and conversation was bis abience of mini i think the story of hisj life gives a few of the most wonderful instances of tint peculiar mental idiosyn crasy that arc lo be fuuudauywhere here is obo of them during tbe early years of the good mavs life and even to the uitoiug of the sere and yellow loaf he had never owned a coach nor had lie een kept a horse he had walked when he could afid when he most go beyond that he had hired but latein life a relative palrooh on lodglflbmdtfied and left him a snug little fortune even then he would not have bad tbe botber of of a coach and horses if his wife and chil dren had not urged bim so strongly that he forced to do it for harmonys sake how ever he had his coach at length with worses and coach man and money euongh to warrant it one day shortly after he had become owner of tbe coach he- ordered tbe vehicle to convey bim a distant part of the city where he wished to visit a sick parishioner he had taken his cane for the purpose of walking and would hare started off on foot if his wife had not reminded him of bia coach i yes he took his coich and rode to the house of hisfrienavand made his visits at the jrbnclasiod of- which he prepared to leave he hud prayed with lheufferer and given him snch consolation as he could find in his heart and he left with the feeling that he had performed a sacred duty and that he bad gained profit to himself the honse of his friend occupied a corner upoflatwo streets will au oater door open ingdpon eackof them snd upon leaviug the sick room he was conducted by a dif ferent servant from ihe one that had ad- milted liim aud conducted to the other door during his ttop a storm of rain had jpaet iu and the drops werfrfaliingcopionsly daringaa life he had borrowed andjosv mon4motjellas thau lie could opunt and beliad loug ajo fixtajy resbhed tlit he would never borrounriothtrr the servaot had retired and closed the door leaviug him etui din iu the wrchie looked op and dowu the strtt t fora coach andvsaw none the tlioobt that his own coach wa i- m above his business i wouldnt do that said one clerk to another whom he saw doing a disagreeable piece of work it must be done and why shouldnt 4 do it was tbe excellent reply in a few minutes the wouldntdoitclerk ashamed of his remark was assisting the clerk who was not above his business in scotland there is a branch of legal profession known at writers of thesignet a young geptlemon was apprenticed to one of these writers the youth thought him self a very fine person much above the ordinary apprentices one evening tbe masterdesired him to carry a baarilebf papers to a lawyer whose residence was not far off the packet was received in silence and shortly afterward the master saw a porter enter the outer office in a few minutes the youth walked out followed by the porter carrying the parcel seizing his hat the master followed over took the porter relieved him of the packet and walked in the rear of his apprentice tbe lawyers house being reached audj the door bejf rung the youth cried but here fellow give me ibe parcel pand slipped a sii pence into his sand without looking around here it isjor you 1 ei claimed arbioe wbiokreaased the youth o turu arflorttba reareat drug store his confusioi in be beheld bis master mado bim specohjoi never after that was be ooove his burideas iwai companion was all the while standingaruhud thevporuer never occured to hiony lly and oy he plucked up his coarrig ljiul his teeth but toned upfhis coat to tuechfj and set forth and 60 reached ins honttfej i and tijere hii wife ud daughters met him in blank amazement where was his coocu sprelyhe rodcwayin it bless me so i did well well i hope poor coach re wont get verywetl on another occasion thedoctorsyoungeat child fell from the top of the front stairs to the bottom and it was feared that bones had either becu broken or put out of joint so he uurrifdly cilled to his coachmau and bade him harres 3 a horse and be ready to take a note to the family physician which he would write while the horse was being harnessed ha had justgot the letter finished des cribing the fall aud begging the doctor to come quickly ft hen his wife appeared at the door of his sanctom with smiling face announcing that katie was all right no bones had been broken nor had there been serious injury of any kind the old divine with thankful heart opened the missive which he bad folded aud directed and added this postscript p s the child is all right for which heaven be praised 1 yon need not come and signed it and refolded it and gave it to his servant o tike to its destination i 1 fill r one mans energy builds a church an other mans eloquence fills it with admix ing hearers each wiij have his reword and that reward will be recording to the underlying motive wimean the fiool reward not newspaper notoriety weve heard of a woman who said shed walk five miles to get a botueof dr pierces fatorite prescription tf she couldnt get it without that woman had tried it and its a medicine which makes itself felt in tonifia op the- system and correcting irregularities as soon as its use is begun go to yoor drag store pay a dollar get a boltleapd try it try asecoud a third if necessary before the third one is taken youll know that theres a remedy wi help you then youll keep on and a oureu come but if you shouldnt feel the help should be disappointed in the resultojyou will fiud a guarantee printedonthe bptue- pper thatll get ynw money bok for many wnmau are there whod avethe money titan health j nd favorite prescription produces boa tb woudqr is that therva a womau willing co suffer when theres guaranteed remody in dr pierces pellets regulate the stomach liver ovd bowuhi mild aud tfjeeiiie

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