Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1890, p. 2

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iu v 4 tiobx femx in acton on hit 1st october ut mcantwcij it bria on the sab iii- uiq trite 0cwmcaithbrcik4sachter sokebinxelrtitriwf on tue th sep tember the wife ot rfo somervillf of son ibolktttixctbnodtlioffitlibeiulqlwr tb 1 vffeuttlril r holtat ascot otk of ft on birchall found guilty and sentenced to b hangjsdori lh j 14th november no chance of escpst makrleh iy c rcelacnre o ui itk r 0 i insl ki toronto camissl m ol ul lata alu 8kconirowtitr the iu11uh clioreh is v tweottbiamntoe wlsud lirltrr v k norton mr t b l xord or acton to atits fuiur powell dturmcrol 8 rojft lie 0 ooslik med ltrvunairiuamon oa the mil september etta fccamt diopter of kobert uincbam agod 13 ypirt itij ii month lvnacklu watorford on sunday relt- mil 1sq jshqucks bclntvd wif f i j ftarcc uuuatr of the sna- eced i vera 6 months t cijc xtoii jfrtt uss thp rs day october 2 1890 notes and comments germany krahoe and other european uifians are resenting the mckinky tariff by la in prohibitory duties oa american grain and x prmucts england is now the only niarkflt opn to the surplus pro- ducts of america agrunilture but there is a possibility of that market failing them 3e london ng time predicts that the mckinlcy bill will cat both ways and tat manner surprising to its authors it wilt dp grave harni to america aud dialog cafe the general industries of the world americawill b the chief sufferer ia the end things elsewhere will adjust them- selves in coarse of time to the new coarse of things while america will be left per manently paying higher price for inferior goods and wasting her labour ia industrial energy favain and misdirected efforts in regard to national economic laws the birchtu trial it woodm which luted over a week oame tn a notation at a late hour monday night with a verdict of gallty the trial was rvtntrl able for ill fairness ted the ability with inch it in conducted mr oiler while weaving an impregnable web around tbe ilty man wat moderate throughout a id avoided unduly pressing any doubtful f iliil against the prisoner mr llleckstojk brought a rare fnulligenee to ihe difenoe and made a raoit eoiiient appeal for the life of a fellow bcig judge maomihon wbaee experience ai a orioii lal lawyer eminently sued him or the trying talk delivered a masterly addrcfa characterized by judicial impartiality and calmnesr the retail ol the trial was ineitible and in tbe face of tho crael and treacherous murder that was committed a the lonely swamp iu the face of the vi lalioo of all common humeuityi even thosetmoit repug nant to the death rotneuce molt admit that inch an outrage againit society can ouly be ooadoucd iu one way that of one execution of the murderer i me nucastocxs uintrcss wooustxi sept 20 thej evidence ia uiii fauious case havtog beeu eompleled oa saturday ihe counsel for thei defence pro ceeded with bli address to tie jury upon the opeiuuk 0 the court this morning mr blickstock whose face was pale with the long fatigue and cccera of te case rose aud begtu hli address to the jurors at ti amaud spoke continuously till 3 oclock ia the af leraoou before he at ff tlie a ray and xa rj gazzttc says sir erederick midilcfoii previoas to lua de- porhirt fttun ottawa issued farewell address to the people of canada in wliich he fully vindicate his character in the eyes b all right thinking and honoraluc mta the whole incident is to discreditable to caoa- diinpoiitcianhat it hadbest beforgottfin sir- frederick middjtoi iaaes canada mrilloat stain- oa his ciarctcr if ny doubt this ihty have only la read the aualy and ttrjghtfonrard manner in which he deals witi all the iusinriatiohs of his ans3rs and refates their charges one by one one diatirigaishiiig trait in canadian character in ganerai is the daermination to win eaccissnot by sadden leaps boandi not by feverish speculation or by anything that smacks of gambling which we regret to acknowledge is loo prevalent a characteristic ci ajacrican society it is on this account thai- canadians find mach favor as trusted employees liid are so largaily employed ia every capacity that 1 demands character and ability we rust that it may be long before they will lose thrir traits of character which ten4 to the upbraiding of true manhood and are the only royal rttid to psrmanent success- it was abraham lincoln who said you can fool all the pjepksrme of the time and same at the people all the time but you cant fed all the poople all the fime and it will be fonid tha no man ever made any real rfn by any otlier than honest methods jji other means are decfptive and only lead to apparent prosperiry nnaccompan jed by real satisfaction and happiness cld- extraordinary suicide a horrified husband finds his young wife deadan her home kmriirr sept 2 a suidde extraordi nary was otiarsitted at fottagevqle in the township of king on tie 27th irist- by isabzlla plac- the eren month jride of jamef rae a respectable mechanic residing v there their maritiufions had been most happy and the prospects of the young couple were fcrighl the report of the tragedy has cati an immense sensation the deceased conrersai freely- with her hus band before his depariare for work at am narrating the plan of her dayswork and she kissed hfig as oszal as he left she hafi not breakfasted when she committed the act- which wa in a manner tmparallel- el oa th table beside the corpse was r found a gimlet a pair of large shears a carving knife a table krife a meat fork a can of paris greeiv a bottle of laadunam and a ehot gen she had placed a looking glass oil the table and attempted with each knife to cat her throat but they were- too dnll osly smsll gashes were made she i- had tn gnme of the laudanum and kneeling on the floor she had discharged the gun which lay across the table with a poker the charge passed through ihe heart and the body fell forward until the forehead tiuchad the floor in t which posi- uoa the horrifcji htucaiid foond it when he returned affpirl from his work a verdict of sulci ic- while temrjorarily insane was returned cuelph cektral ekhlbitfon an exdellent exhibit rts success marred by unfa vorable weather grclnr sept 2crtfaa rain which com menced to fall this momicg cocintung nuiflabgcl 2 oclock pm had the effect of marribg the sccoess in point of atteqdanoc of the centra fur when the weather cleared there was a continuous stream of visitors to the ercanas foraboat two hoanr and at oclock it waetiafitdtjjatabant 3000 person were present the ehow both as to the cemter of entries and the quality cf the article far eicelled that of any previous year cttording evidence that the central as an iniiotica canbe main- tiicfd with prcfit to the association th stock erhitit cujbraced florcc of tht i finest horses and ectje ever slown here tne rotabda wsf well led tbo display of fine art productions being very large and varieotand of a hih standard cf eiceleoce tbequality of the roots vegetables grain floweta froii etc was far above the aver- age andrildicated that in tbfte line this has beet a verj productive uttou tie pocl try chisa wtib well filled acd up to tbe standard cf former sears the city baud ecliveoed le occatioa danag the afteruobn udlhl lbr jluilu li roll o hrt priutwlbiowftjot ttgbl oclock to tuwofnlaiiiid u tfiiook o tba tfur- noopoifrutithftukhaa7 of noytm- bsr mxi- yoa bi hibgdi j th dmk until yon are tlma miylonl hv mtny oti yoarnoul k ittrb tux upttilnci tu judka aur pimlnx mdloaot rturtd from iba oouit the prlaour itlll ul in the dock ulent tbe am to ipeik to the oondemtied man wu bit lawyer who tald f i hope birchill you ire ultified with oar effort in your behill the prluoer rtaiped lie liwyer by the baud and ilioott it warmly and replied with a mi lie on hit faoe f u yoi air qalte uttafled tbe old coo rt oritr jyhn mckay then told him lie lied better prtptrrhlmeelf for the eud to eoou to meet liim bat birch all in a cart lean wiy aaid whata the oddi anyway 1 lie fan got on old brvido baok agalo after the terrible ordeal tliroogh which he bad ouly a fuw minute before pueed ixto tub condemned cell birchill u then uked from the ooort room to take liia last ride through the t recti he via immediately pat la the condemned cell at the priion oj hie e5qdesing fall fair a if ott cfdltbltkjthlbltlori but or atthdijio talk of the day an epitome of the world dolnja during the week had rot throufih his eloquent and times impassioned appeal in the prisoners behalf rose and fell as if the lawyers physicial powers were sinking under the strain some of his sentences were uttered ia a whisper which only reached the jnrore and reporters bdt there was no sffectatios in his voice at any time j and thoso who watched him closely feared tnat he would break dowu he was qaable to be present tonijhtto hear the awful verdict which all tus earnest endeavor ia birchailf be half was unable to ward off be hid made himself very ill- ices taxaull ixoruri rusoxeh afrs birchall and kirs wesljdnesher sister usleaed to afr blackstocks ipeecb and more lhaa once their tacea flushed with hope when his voice raag throagh the hall imparting to almost every one who heard it som spirit- ol the niinifitrt tailii of ihe advocate in hjk clients iaaoceace and throoh all thit time thuj pnaoaer sat with pale faoe and bright wutchfal tyef collected bat evidently borne oat by the powerful control which he can exercise over every outward feelinf aad emotion j 1e- ostxisldljxxsj whea at 3s0 kr osier began his address for the crown he same awed attea- tioa fell apoa ibe crowded room full of men and women who hid never left their seals for fear of losing a word of the speeches hr osiers voice was harshwhea he be- gaa to speak he wax deeply moved but ax he proceeded that convincing power of argameut aad clear virid preaeatatioa of details which ia other handa would be mixed aad almost incompreheasible return ed to him and for hours he held his aadilort spellhound j rm jcils caszas the charge of hr justioe macafahoa wax a lucid preaeatatioa of the evidence both of the prosecution anddefence aad whea he had concluded there wax no second opiaion about what jibe verdict would be ca the testimony thz rnaicr ixxorxcxn birchall wax conveyed lo the jail where he remained till llfo pm when the newx rang through the town that the jury had agreed to a verdict there was a straggle for admission the court room haviag beea closed daring the deliberation of the seals scarce in behrlncsea bui fmxcieci sept 25 tbo united flittee fish commission arrived today after a triof four iaonlhx and tweutyooc daye o bebricg sec and return- com- tnacder turner confirms the report about ihescarjilyof acalsinbehnngsea more teals were tecil ftwteo capomeddocino and carilltry on the way north than jo tbe whole eiay in behriox sea the cornmandtr reports that tbe oodosh and baubat banks from tjumak pais to bristol bayjrettmtiiawlrlohlft jury birchall handcuffed aad pale faced entered with a quick step aad whefhe sat down iu the dock tiiare wax a frightened lookia hi faeetuthen the verdict was anaouacsd he leanest the hnrkof- his head against the box but not a muscle of his ace nioved he made a stitement of his innocence with a firm voice whea the jadge asked him if he had aayring to say why sentence should cot be pronounced oa him while he listened to the stern wordx of condemnation he wax coliecfed but whea he sat do wa aad met the look of anyone the frightened light came iato his eye agaia after the j cry had been polled aad every juror answered gailiy ifr hellmuth addressed the court sb follows hrblackstock is too ill to appear ia coart m y ijord aad i axk to hive the case reserved oa an error ia the receptioa of the itellerixh letter i 1 his lorpitnp there is no foundation oa which to ceserve a case j thersestexa 31c oaleh xfy lord i move for the sen tence of the court on the prisoner 3 regi nald birchall convicted of the crime of murder j his loedship it is part of the solemn and painful doty cast upon me to pass opoa you the sentence of the court for the felony forwhieh you have been coovioted i can only ray that i fully concur in the verdict which has beea returned by the jury on the iadictment agsiast yon yoaf hive been defended with great ability andj there has beea no poict connected with tbat defence that has not been faliy brought before the jury- and pressed before them with all he fervour and all the ability hat humaa nature could command while i say that i may say that the inevitable conclusiou that must have- reached tbemiud not only okhe jury but of almost everyone who listened to theliial was that you conceived j premeditated and carried out the mnrder of the young man who had leeo entrusted to you by an aged father ax tbajieir of bis patrimony it wag yoor duty and your boundea duty to have looked after and protected him kotwitbstandiog that without any compunction oa yonr part you prepared to take his life and to reap the miserable reward wbicb yon thought was to be obtaiaed by asking the price of blood- money which yoa had then already taken possession of it is melancholy to think that a young man with ao education that youpozscssed with the opportoaiiieswhieh nodoobt yoa must bare bad its further yoar own materiel interests youeupald so far have forgotten yourself as tmsrne tbe course which yoa have persaedrad pre pared to dip yoar hand into unfhfood of a fellowmen it is melancholy id think thai each a short period after becoming a mar ried man and being oonuectejl with en estimable and respectable family that yoa sboald have brought this trooba and dis grace upoo tbem i cjin hold ojit no hope whatever of any copimutaiion of tbe sen tence which i am aiboatiroiioance there u i may say to yob bat a short time in which yoa can be permitted to fire and i earnestly implore yoa to take advanlige of every boar that remains iorjiaks yoor pesos by supplicating the throne of heavenly grace tor forgiveness for offences committed by yoa la itlie flesh the sentence of thecoart upon you john beginald birchall u that yonlbe taken the bank of fulton kentucky his sus pended lord stanley is to visit st john n b the eod of this week the swedish elections are going strongly in favor of free trade juhn temisle wax killed at petrolea by derrick falling pn him lord and lady braye from england are on a visit to the capital a death from cholera l claimed to have occured ia bristol eug i the lotal paid attendance at the western fair ia london was ioc 000 princess louise is reported to be suffering from a bad nervous affection the british ships lord llagliu and gretna are given up for lost the king of portugal has had a relapse from fever and is seriously ill this morning 917 polieemen begin taking a new census of new york city the irish nationalists are convened to meet in dublin on the cth prox in the vicinity of leicester thieves ileal hoaey by chloroforming the bees ice formed in tbe adirondack yesterday and snow covered toe mountains emperor william paid his visit to fran cis joseph at vienna yesterday the village of kinmonnt was almost wiped oat by are on friday night a cycloaetias swept over a large portion of algerif doing immense damage a native of iletx has been arrested for selling plans of the fortress to a foreigner the pope aayi be hopes for a renewal of permanent diplomatic relations with ecg- laad a man named easloa shot himself dead in st paals cathedral sundty daring service all boyi under 1g are to be discharged from the edgar thompson steel works at braddock pa aaimmease quantify of american watch movements have beeu siezed at halifax for ucdervaluatioa san francicoi population is oow 297 jo aa intmase of mml or s7j7 per letwta t cause from oair correiion4eeti ir fair it now a memory only and yet memory that will not soon vanish espt gklly from the minds of the dlreotors who worked hard and fallhtully tor nooen and who certainly obtained it in every point but the flnanclal one no better ex hibition hat over been given by the soolely and we doubt tnuoh if the county will pro- dooi a better this year bat the rain oame andikept the people away thats all tbe oral day was all that could be desired and some good sport was found on tbe track the winners were i year old campbell of streetevlue 1st and dollop of norral and john watsons colt had a walk over of the i year old with henry boss a good jnd end cunningham ird gollop also took the open trot on both days while jck wrays jumbo got there ahead of billy barclays midget in the pony race to describe the show in the building would be an endless employment as it was limply indescribable and reflects the great est credit on the exhibitors- and manage ment generally a feature of the day was the baby show prise by samuel lyons esq exhibit to be tbe property of the donor first john graham 2nd s m cook the exhibit of stock and poultry and esppcially the exhibit of horso flesh was the beet in the history of ihe society the following is a complete prise list homes tnornxo houses 4 years old oronder t campbell e w dollop tnornxo hoaxes 8 years old or under afccuilum 4 watson h l ross tnomxa houses any age ewgollop d robinson povr iucr u bands and under- j d wray w barclay cixxittix dracobt pair heavy draught diploma a nelson r noble s cording- ly twoyearold gelding or filly geo leslie a sinclair oneyearold a h owen spring colt j brown r graham brood mare diploma r graham a h owen a stark gexxjul prnrosx pair gjneral poqiose hones diploma t snow c browu s mason brood mare a stark w fisher u 8on j brown twoyearold gelding or filly a stark b harrop oneyearold a stork spring colt b harrop a stark cmauoe pair corriage hones diploma jooepb v1 aingla horse in hrneuj diploma culp d- mckcaxie j douglas c appelbe brood mare t 4 b howden h r bessey j wriggleswbrth twoyearold entire colt a dent oneyear old fl mat thews h r bessey twoyearold gelding or illy t henderson n r lindsay one- yearold m howson r noble spring colt h r bessey cbisholm bros e board son rojiistke pair rcadslers ia harness diploma j clark j a- ford single road ster dip w jsiterson jaa hainer d little brood mare dip j m warren j huffman twoyearold entire jacob hain er a dent oneyearold entire jacob hainer j nickell twoyearold geldiag or filly w patterson d mcenery one-year- old f m bussel w nickell spring colt w fisher i son j wesworth sadle horse w fisher son r c mccullough h g beed cat thocorohmirji or in cak dip j o j b fisher 4 son oil nedy jbrown j mi j 0 hardy j brown 4 o hardyv w l co cahed ealf fiaber akt othzs tvosorohi j et- la calf diploma h l u belfer h lboss spring h l rose yearling ba jxaaxtg cow calved c habeidj ftyan j dark h a aad clark h a eeid s cow barropth cent since 1880 angus beatfie of 6l andrew qus4 j baown t bradley was drowned friday whue duck shcofng 0rsa xxaiorohai off joner island a ef angus drabam of glesoossbigh achx uk firflgkilarsb4 the recent pbrriculalion atccgill the earl and countess of aberdeen leave ottawa today for port arthur winnipeg and other western points during the session of the vs just about closing 10371 bills 1 presented of which 1292 were rer george f cain pastor of the presbyterian charch at albion dropped dead ia his pelpit on bandar adelina palti has just signed an nrree- meat to sing in sc petersburg at sand guineas a night and all pelerboros proposal to give a free site to the- edison electric co to locate there has been approve by 657 to 11 several extra steamers have been char tered to take goods frora rrioee to america before the mckinley bill comes into force tbe sparks from a steam thresher last week set fire to farmer bices bams oat buildings aad their contend near sicgilli- vray towaship waller f huey geueral collector for the board of harbor commissioners is now stated to be a defaaller to the extent of 20000 he disappeared tuesday night si ao across org atuj ve f lswh llanother victim to the b r joseph gibson killed by a traln at olanford station hiunrbr sept 2g a fatal accident oc curred at dianford station on the h cv n wdivisioaof the graad trunk railway last evening joseph gibson generally knowa to the farming community ofgian- ford aod the mountain top had been iu hamilton attending tbe fair and was a passenger on the train going south on arriving at- glanford he itepped off tbe train and did not notice the train for the north which was moving at tbe time- he was kaocked down aod tbe wbeelxpassed oyer him one leg and ooe arm were cut off and other awful injuries inflicted death was almost instantaneous deceas ed was over 50 years of age sad fatal accident st iubti 8epu26 mr david fotber inghim a gentleman of about 02 years of age and one of the early pioneers of this district met with a tragio death on his farm on the 8th ooneessionof the township of blanihard yesterday afternoon tbe deceased was engaged with his team draw ing manure and while seated on tbe front of bis load tbe bridle of one of the horses became detached in some wet resulting in the team running away hsnrai thrown forward upon the whiffle trees and when picked np a few moment afterwards life wis extinct he leaves a wife and grown up family to mourn his departure england and the suez canal early embroidery on muslin or fcrtton or cotton v mason t w ooodeoow env brdderyonnxuitfi0ordlnjl7 fesiif embroidery on ok orjabebj l yfi ooodenow oroxcwwsoorutijflyd little i fancy knittini- 8 oortejly dr auld braiding 8 cordingly n betl applique work v mason mrs bradley darned net f hontsr v mason toilet mat n bell 8 oordlngly j toilet cushion 8 cordlngly h bell oombmed wool and brats n bell s cordlngly craxy patch work l wooodenowhoreed uttlng f hunter s cordlngly point lace v mason 8 cordlngly handnude gentle mans shirt mla gollop r wax work fruit or flowers n bell wreath of autumn leavee 8 j lyons ii graham table mat 8 j lyons n bell pah- woollen stock ings 8 cordlngly mils dollop pair wool len socks 8 cordlngly d b monalr sofa cushion nbell v mason amiene work n bell l w ooodenow table scarf n bell v mason pair panels worked n bell slipper case n bell whisk holder n bell mrs bradley fine a11t8 pen and ink sketch h o beedf bud- dell painting water colors landscape h o beed 8 cordlngly painting water colors flowers aod fruit bert barber w p moore pencil drawing 8 cordlngly l w ooodenow crayon drawing mis b bennett l w ooodenow painting on china h 0 reed 8 cordlngly landscape in oil bert barber b grahim landscape in oil figures mrs r bennett a h baird oil painting flowers aod roll bert barber it graham oil painting on satin or wool l w ooodenow bert bar ber collodion of photographs h bam- shew photographs h bamahaw scroll sawing in wood j 0 harley t speight farmers wreath iv h galbraith h culp penmanship by public school children 12 years of age and under l elliott milly hunter gbain seneca wheat i bushels j u warren j johnston h b bessey bnonell wheat 2 bushels geo leslie w fisher it bon k gillies other varietiee of winter wheat a stark f riddel spring wheat geo leslie j martin two boshels large peas j h nixon h a eeid two bushels small peas m barnes f roddell two bushels white oau w fisher 4 son j nickell two bushels black oats a stalk er ha iteid two bushels barley g rowed w early w fisher t son two bushels barley 2 rowed w h bessey j 4 0 hardy half bssbel beans mrs bradley n blandish roots vegetables am fbuit buihel potatoes early row m barnes frank barber bushel potatoes other variety j brown h r keasey potatoes white elephant p kennedy a sinclair one dozen carrots long red r a camp bell j johnston one dozen abort horn f baddell b a campbell ooe dozen field carrots jaa leslie j mcoeoch six swede turnips 1l noble j mcgcoch six other turnips kennedy j mcoeoch six beets r a campbell j johnston six parsnips j jobnstpu j coulson six mangold wartzel j coaleon j mcoeoch six heads cabbage r a campbell h l boss six heads red cabbage j megeocb e nixon six heads celery j megeocb j coulson six cauliflowers r a camp bell j c mckay two pumpkins b a campbell w leslie dozen onions white j afcgeoch donen onions red e w gollop r a campbell dozen tomatoes n blandish r a campbell collection of apples 4 mrs bndley w lawaon a sinclair j ryan apples b j lyons w law- grapes j johnston h culp white jjpes wjl ualbraith t steele red grapes w ij galbraith t steele six peaches f raddell n blandish four bartiet pears w h galbraith w j boe fonr flemish beauty pears w j roe p kennedy four pears any other rariety jas ucleod j c mckay sample bottled fruit one or more b- graham h culp bottle mixed pickles d cross mrs jas hainer samplo borne made winv j stalk er h calp bopye est breed homemade j m boasel clara bell ten pounds ttt comb c p preston bag hops 2 d cross h r bessey two i nixon r a campbell lktb akd flowebs roses in pots w j roe m in pot w j boe d in pot j hoffman cactus aojd tochsis w j boe a campbell v of spgles i mrs i sonrblack grapes j begonia bence to the place from whence you caine piuu sept iiu oauhu sayl that tbe english government hat purchased a large bnimiiig at port said and is trans forming it into a barrack fortress which they will soon oxmpy with british troops thi will give england possession of both ends if the suez canal everyone should call andsee our 11000 11240 aod lltoo suit made to order they are better value than jean be got it any otbr place in town by three dollars a bait insfwction invited ft gutrsatetd ktxltbnos lei one w bussel jstpir ewe lambs j w buseel arr orrspt dowx ram w moore ahearting ram j dicken c davidson ram lamb j coulson j dicken one ewe j coulsoa j dicken shearling ewe j dicken c davidson pair ewe lambs j coulson cotswold ram a stark shearling ram w patterson w early ram lamb w patterson a stark one ewe a stark w patterson one shearling ewe w pat terson a stark pair ewe lambs w pat- tersoh a stark fat sheep anynveech w wood p kennedy pqcltby pair dorkings j w basse s j lyons chickens sj lyons brebemes j 4 t mckenxie j mcgeoch bsmburgs nor- men mcleod leghorns n standish j w buasel chickens j johnston e nixon wyxndotteew heuse w patter- son chickens m hause minorcai j c mckay j c wetberald chickens w patterson w barclay plymouth rocks e nixon chickens m barnes e nixon geese i w bouel d b mcnsir turkeys j w boisel 8 mason rowan dnokl w patterson j w bussel ducks any other kind j w bouel c brown pekin ducks j m bouel w lawson chickens j mcoeoch langshans w a beecoby daib1 homemade cheese j a g hardy f roddell five pounds fresh butter j w bussel j wrigglestvorth firkin home made butter not less than so lbs r graham h haffmin j wrigglesworth j stalker domestic hanf factlheb bet team harness diploma e nixon e w gollop set carriage harness diploma e w gollop set single harness diploma e wj gollop pair mens sewed boots a watson pair mens pegged boots a wat- eon phmton culpdmokenne top buggy culp i mekemae t bell lumber wagon j a bell t bell market wagon ciild mckepjde general purpose plow j a bell a grieve land roller t bell j a bell iron wrow t bell j ft t mc kenxie shod horse diploma culp ft mc- kenzle a grieve set horse shoes heavy d mokinnon a grieve set horso shoes a grieve j ladies wobk rag carpet e nixon clara bell tufted quilt jmrs jas hainer 8 cordlngly knitlej quilt s cordjngly j wriggles- worth j paiobedqniltjd wray vmason fancy tool work on danvai 1 o hood t h a w j boe col- tleovallowwibr w j boe b a campbell table bouquet 8 j lyons d cross hand bouquet 8 j lyons mrs bradley floral design h culp j hoav mrfn special peizes spring colt by stallion chinee by beldook ft early a h owen b harrop r leshe sprieg colt by knookdun king bb mouieraell j cunningham j canieron cob horse in harness by l grant w moody fastest trotter jfjbi n harness by w kerns esq mjp e w gollop single turn oat oompriiing horse narnesi rig 4c driven by owner and accompanied by lady by j aldous culp a mckenxie pair roadsters by jas bell j clark heavy draught spring foal by bben nett j cunningham j cameron spring foal by shining light by arob mcmillan deo moalister cbisholm bros pair roadsters mares or geldings under 10 hands by john waldle esq mp j a ford j clark theo cooke driving team by haghson bros nor- vol j clark lady driver single by dr webster norral jennie watson yearling roadster filly by b graham sb kaiser w nickell yearling roadster stallion by h q reed vs henry black carriage gelding 8 year old or under by l ft ca molntosh gait n r lindsay g wrigglesworth carriage mare any age by n ii lind say m howson pair ewe lambs by t eaton ft co j coolaoo pen sheep cou wolds by b c mocul- loogb w- patterson herd of pedigreed durham by h m watson j a g hardy j brown grade cow by t eaton ft co b ben nett 8ixly lot butter by t j wheeler b drabam tub of hotter 50 lbs by d w vaoee t early j twenty pounds butter in crook by e search 8 j lyons v- twentyflve one lb rolls butter by t eaton ft co h a raid frank hunter tan lbs roll butter by w austin a modonsld m barnes ten one lb priuu batter by w austin d little fire one lb prints butler by juhngane mrs 8 dolaou 2lk i wistiliiltsui m pwspbef9 ppwb nwtselhijrpoonsjrtatter print by b d warren ha sekr- tfioty lb omek butter by d vanoe airi 8lolsoti elglrtlbtuibfllter by e w oollij h aiima- rfk deskand largest oolleollon ladies wi by joe barber aud fl p- lawson n bfr v mason pair homemade milts by a d tl son s cordlngly lhsplay of goods by oeorgetown mer chant by ii d warren a ii baird im collection canned fruit 10 varieties jbjf mokay bros b graham four loivrs homemade bread baked inj stove purchased from moore bros clara bell j home made hop yeast bread by 8 jm cook mm t bell nicest girl baby under one year of age by 8 j lyons mrs john graham i three layer jelly cake made with oceasj wave baking powder mm be narrki son ten lbs extracted honey by c murrayd p preston beit half dozen bottles homemade pfck lei by dr boe mrs b e harrison best map onoplored of north america or europe the drawing to be the bona fide work of public school pupils by mj 8 clark ba nmcdougal best collection staffed birds by ii p lawson t speight two busheli while oats by john waldle mpwfuhet4 8on j two bushels canadian barley jehu waldle mp w early bushel largest tomatoes by j 0 harley n standisb j i- three cans plums red blue and yello by stone ft wellington r drabam pair fancy slipper tope worked on caul by cbas mcklnlsy ld8 n bell best and largest collection pictures by w lawaon h 0 reed mim cry for phdi ctrtortal what bsr waiswt we gm her ontorla trhrashewaa01u1dszermiorctftorla waia she beeam kiss she etas to cutark wa4aehebad0ssgesxlmamtsacmsrla the pa th big 8howt and th llttl on hr following u a ilzsotar of mrs to be bald this fall in which onr reajtars ar in- tereeled secreurlei will phaa iorward notion ol others sortbern v welkertoo orest rtorthsm ooutnfweod jmm vti wfl a drsfai hodmi asasy at asm 1 li bejrkamt trijr o anesster -afisiboro- c besxetcaewen baakateon penlbsalar obatmm k-tork- kewmartrt duflerln ttelburn north fsrth btratfonl actokostox aton korth brant fsrts central cobourg easttork- markham- hilton x xtaton central welluartonjelora erin brln westyork wooabrloei uitehell jiltchell- a 11 11 13 3 110 eu 910 uie lis x3m l usrds llalaseat far sale ererywkere change of bu8ine8s wakfefields- meat market havtno iwtibxxt oat the botcberioc pqilmo uuly etrrietl on by e mattbs ve hop by earvfttl attentioa to tbe want q tb hop by earvfdl attention to ids nut u w clia and always ktepiofl on band thitry beitork and 8nae to merit a fair tbare of yoor pativoag new winter overcoatings to hald in english meltons naps elysiums and other black maxes orders respectfully solicited shaw crundy mkrtchant tailors cuelph gcoldn tjhb- lion guelph white checked muslin 3c cream seersuckjers 4c colored seersuckers 5c striped and brocaded dress goods 5c plaid challis dress goods 5e i 124 pieces lovely prints 5c brocaded sateens 5c 40 pieces 8c gijnghams j 5c scotch chambra 6c another 135 pieces flannelette 6c chambra double printed delaines widths 15c 50 cent goods 12ac colored parasols 25c j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndham st quelph 84 oswald stglaagow i the model husband is the ooe who sometimes thinks of his wifes pleasure and comfort as well u his own the average basband is not very much at borne and what of conifort elegance refinement and onjoyment be receives there he owes to his wife- who spends ber time at home her kingdom whtm a wife asks her husband for new furniture greatly needed be too often replies oh its good enough for me i guess i can stand it go to thou selflih wretch have yoa no thought beyond yourself jast think that your faithful wifepeuds her whole time amongst riokettj furniture think how she brushes it op rearranges it and makes every shift to bire it a respectable look think how ahe- blusliei through and througbjxa she sees ber callers till their nosee in coutempt at the antiquated ehabbineea you think good enough for you shame on yon i make amends get yonr faithful hardworking patient wife the set of furniture ibe wants and go to speight ft sons furniture ware- rooms acton for it here yonwill tai a good assortment of furniture of every des cription and style and ill of uoslhnt quality all made from thoroughly te ion ed wood and finished in the best style now ye careless husbands make your wife lappy make your borne bright aud cheer- ul remember thai speight ft bons is he best place and the only place where you can get anything you want in the line ibf furniture and at reasonable prices act fit once special value in hore bis s whips trunks halters single and double harness iii j h maf thews a all in need of any of the leave their order with him as is nsod in the manufacture of bove cannot do better than to jiothing bujt the best material lfis goods j j tfiria want to make money take bold as untewxiuau alone for larna notice bockoedoiourirjdclioppmgaiiljs an now rutmliig everr day tear trad re- 4 sptcuoily solicited n- boekwood sept 1st law fqr 8ale a house and twetli ituited cm tb ohnreh streets hai rsiftrsssteieon tl larsadareu j is in thevfllio ol acton sbst i eonwr of willow ami l3a n hard and sett- water i- m prrmlaea for parueu box ol blchmond hid oat m j horse astray swayed upon tia memisa of abe qsdv tltad lot i ecu termoatbottbmrnh bsjpumoer a bay bone with asoreibonlder owner will pletm pfore yio pey tifkmm and ufc it away i j0hkb0pbb wanted a good poihlns salesman barer flnrtcuai py eunntoed wmut- okmufarion or mlary q4ckmiisbwa faratera eaa wt good pyif job f or tb winter writ for fvbl unncprjvtlatlsra tuzd e tou0 kbrtemnin r ny f0e8ale orzxobsng por otbar property thbeenftbb of an tm with eotiiforuhfe fram hooitvuwe and other ootbqm tofii bird and mrt water good nrdan with exnllcat urgb aod natail frntt snqttinon tho premlmm or by iottar to wlccbbwb02i jwon jobprmiw including boou pampnfata porter bllij beadi circnlan c ektv xoctitad in ihe besi style of the art at moderate price and on hart notice apply or addreaa h p xtfoore pftxapmmolllc acton v wanted mex local orlnteline to sell mr guaranteed nttrberrstoek salary crrconhnial on paid weekly ontflt free special attention dreo to becinnera vrorfcen neter iaa to make good wceuywigea wriumeataniparttjn- e a g hah am narseryinati this bouse u reliable toronto oot- 100000 bushels o grain wanted the nnderahmed wtn pay tbe bixbest market priee fngood eleso wbeisx barfet oats and pajdeuterl at tb storehouse otj a lciir- ray qtb station acton uccbae a- heweb cash for hues and bbeepoiaa aeton liodgeno 20i l00j meets in tbe oddfadows ball kattbews block ctery wadneadaye brethren always weleoxoe p01 tution and laws apply to th eoidersigned or siry of the mambera t w williams h bwokdet b g sserstary lumber lath 4 shingles sayeb1vmkaagxweyaliasimwin stock abont a udojooo feet of lnmber fnclndinc all kinds needed for bedkung pnrpoaee this mill has k well established repntatfoir tor fltst- elase inmber end reesogtble juice lath and shingles an hand we sre prepared to supply every want in oar line rvtebbatbbs a wanted salesmen to sell nursery clock all good warranted firstclass perrnanentplaesani lirofltablo positions for tbe right rnen good salaries and expenses pafd wetduj liberal in- oneenients to beginners sp prer experi- nceneoessaiy oatflt tree 4 writ for terms tisrgsge v charles h chase rntserytoen- uention this paper 1 bochesterkt foe sale haxdsoue brick lrudenecr and grounds hi the village of acton ten rooms bfcth hard and 10ft water on the premises is a good stable this is one of tbe most desirable p in the county and will be sold atababgaik forfnuxaructtlaxsaddreab wjmoobe town hau acton valuable peoperty tob sale bx tehdj5k texdebb will botsoeited tyttmunlerigned op to the first of october for the parebast of the w known as tho teeebers basf denee street opposite the town hall tbe pr is in an excellent location the residence is in g eonditka and tile lot has abundance of small jruits paaifcand i tbe highest or any tender not necea- acoepted i hp moobe l secretary board of trustees of aetoa poblie school f m 5iil younfrmen and boys starting in life for themseltos or aa omlhg too business ol a father or reladre and wanting the best preparation to aenre nodecs yo0nq ladies desiring to qualify themselves tor g pn and to make themselves independent for life in a abort time and at a tery moderate expense will find the short practical coarse of study at the guslpli business qouege gtjelph ontae10 jostwlisjtthey need for terms etc address sv mcoqk cv i auottoneers aptwslaers vam- aton coneotora beal jsatate aad fjsaeral land agmita robthiconirrnuor t haltoti peel wehtngtan slmooe toik i and ontario atonay tb un from jsioo np at aix per cent partlei puelnc thetvaala or other bauiafs in our bands till hare the sam promptly attended to at inoderue charged omen asp baurs rpoiniiini suoeorse- town or adurea box fia 8 at- oook ox aucuoneersj bjulchorricxalqist toronto 8 it qook ftjob anottonews itol itorontr valuable property i folbaik i i ji i i the undertiged offers tho fodoving pareela of ptoparty for sale upon wasouabie tortus ffflqdbbdcfi parcel so lvtbe west hall of lot h eon 3 esqueslng jiaercs timbered brad paroalno 1rsrtotmwpoat kvgaesiag isq mam- lboot ttncra dr cnittto- ontnspret isea tnisniui nsaaxme a yth hn lo many yearaj fareel k srart of let 13 ban t bsqueetat haerse dtbjpsopsrtylaislsaatsda trama barn 88x00 ibsdkxla anotbrt- 1 lx floafixv au dwelu u boas aad arebanl and aerw fall- inj spring i 1 fsrodn irartrfktlconl baqoaatpg tsseres fares h n ijsn the propertjts a tot of abtm bsoooniso tiardwoodtitaxi4dxy- aotos paroal no arrle asmseand uacsatuiui shop in tb rtllai of aeton two and ajialt riuata louoskfth aensasil tbu troparty b5l4m atiustziaalmaloeanw tbatarn lfiiclicmlw0iu vnuiiwiviuantaeybtiaanonanueation orbylaexsft i i t h bayers erau pry peraetiasy r t im

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