Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1890, p. 4

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mp ft- mamies pledos inlry school 111 lhed f fee jtton jrrti ircss thtjrsdatoctober i 1830 if f 1 jl 1 jf jf slit oung olks sympathy vc uikrd tocetbec jtm and i ji mquolr night in jane lot bqtic tbc moon la joodcr sky and on jtbt check lov glanced tho i mooa yoar pestle hand tri mine to bold ujiilmcd hmrt bfia to tpomk idctw the uiri told dr trjcnd urthooo tu on your cheek owlkw that woold aot let me rest old grief that fclept bat bat erer laj- a bvngnid food upon my breast atokc tod vepc theauelrei tvty cp climbed thempou do wined the night and still yog best to hew trie spook i drank the comfort of the light la those bright tew upon your cheot frooioff my life the hardens till 8tilliu their grave through tna4au toots tbcy rest those oary sorrows all that faded in the light at tears hdrpcrt bczir twisted topics judge so yoa confess roa maaaljclnc- ed money prisoner i wot obliged to toar honor then id sch a htap oe people who monop olize the- genuine mamma whal ire too taking your dolljj bedstead apart for pet dotise looking for bags why dont yon go to work 5 why do yon tate your time begging- didyoaetecbeg kb of coarse nol torye dout know what work really is smith there is na doabt bat iht blonde haired women hare worse tempers than brunettes janesrlsthat eo r smitii undonbiedly janes tbeii my wife msst dye her hair anything fresh here asked the bore as he saantered into camsos office yes replied caruso theres- eome fresh paint yoa are linin against it now oh tut i thats a tramps scheme tramp scheme what oa earth do yon mean by a tramp scheme y oh it wont work m is r begin tommy when hit teacher- interrupted him that is wrong yon slioald say i am all jight heboid i tm the ninth letter of the ojphibel icaltie afamma my hoe hart ray feet mother no wonder yoave pot thtftn on the wrong feet hottie who is only foaryearsold be comes puzzled and is ready to cry then saysiwhatu i do mamma tbeys all tfaefeetigot alice who was minding her baby brother whom she could not get qniefj said ham ma do all bahiea come from heaven- mamma yes dear alice r autt s mommir why love aiicei wouldnt want them here if i there ngod one browne wo la the habit of taking frequent draughts of wine but owing to losses he was ili able to pratide it afc- tucted one day in his rambles by the sign- a funerals soppliedy and roach fatigded fae went in wining the persperation from his brow- with a handkerchief the man ran for a decanter and gate him a glass of wine browne drank and then asked seteral questions about scarfs hatbands coffins hearses and coaches the under taker assured him that him that he woald provide all he then stood up to leave buf you hare not told me where i am fa find the remains said the undertaker yon said you wouldfind everything find thefaody said browner as he left the house rapidly that latent force or ficrid which pre- meales all matter- and which bears the cotventfraol name of electricity it widely appreciated and recognized as a means of care in rarioak diseases it effects in the farm of dr thomas eclectric oil are shown by the relief of pain both xearajgiae and rheumatic as well as the throat and longs and in various other healing ways when yoa make a m dont loot back at it- long take the reason of the thing into yoar own found and then loot forward mistakes are lessons of wisdom thfr past cannot be changed the future is yet in your power inflammation of the erecared mr jacob d miller kewbury writes m troubled with inflammation of the eys so that during nearly the whore of the sammeroft682 i coald not work itook several bottles of korthrop a- lymans vegeubfe discorerj and it gives me great pleasure io inform you that it cared me of my affliction it is ad excellent medicine far costfvenes a missouri man write to on of tbe leading papers of- the bute to ask the names oft be twelve apostles instances of this sort mike it look like a waste of raw materia to send missionaries to africa how can i get rid of my cormestidg corns get rid of them iriifaoat pofn get rid of them qoickly and effectually without poibility of retort the aoiwer if pbtnams faioleai corn said wart core the great corn core a1- ryarev sstfe and ps fotoams extnctor use it and ocl other frsgds csin the market dootfrun the risk of xtfaidfitokfeetwiih roth canjo apjf- h wa once my lot to be a 00 tilier iu a viry plmmrit hy- mtme motit kinu um uovl ill and ootinljnic ot the peoit ami m schoul had bvoiijff very utufi ami thterutfrn one ttkiicifih kfteniuu- ii tltu tkjistitl uiolith itf m ahiru i ftilcntl tlit toue n tny tytntii fnun tduivr liili ufiiivn f luhiutn wrtik 1 fuutid a tddjritj uf lle lartruiyt vftuv ichoul aiemblud alii eenied to b very raesuy eugaged tn eou nmtion so tottoi were they that x actually witered the room aud gokmyseat t thu dik wivhout their notio 1 i had u- tuidvl tii preprt my tiokvu ot ibt wti inv but my aluiulioii wt drpwalotbetn whlcli cauaedrma to hrtra tsutuent as i wasfomcwhfci canoaitouaru whl lad be 00 rae to uieretting a very interesuog ladol aboultteeu yert wiu a vcr i- prewive counlenaucedeckodi with a pair otoruhl iiaisl lyeihelj iabu lutid a small gold looks wlijuh vrts ittacliod lo a gold oliuu uoe cud of wliioliwu faalened to hit watch aud the other oetjtfy hooked la bis bultjn hule- 8vepl of the boys wore showy chaiut with rich hoiivy charing andhkuuonie kejs aodhdwdnjy been uaiiu him aboat us very ujjt jswelry tho finl aordi reacbiomy dtndfsltacuy were j i au your watches cbalusjaod charms pat together woald not bay toil one utile locket liujs at yoa may thiakjot it why johnny v it it a charm for good luckoa hive got v eagerly iuqaircd a bright lookiug lad slightly the senior of his frieud a charm it may le bat the good luck as yoa call it depends apon the way john- ay jones obeys lhedictactes of his con science as i andortand it- now doni be preaching johnuy said another boy but tell is aboat the locket if you are not loo modut yoa johnny tell or said another there is plenty of time j tell 6 please and foar heads shaded from a very dark brown to a mognincient blond werebrought into a close proximity to johnnys chestoaf carls u he said very softly with his kind bright eyu bent apon the little locket have ny of the boys seenmy little sister v oh little mamie yes said one tliat darling little fairy- j with brown eyes and silkeu hair that you used to take oat on the greeu a j ear ago lost sammer v inquired on of ihejwjs with i tender tone to his voice j i yes i remember her bat i have not seen her for some 1ime j hash tommy whupered thi first speaker with a sigcificent look and johnny resumed his story with a sighj yes that was my little sister mimic the only aiiter i ever had she died last march a year ago and i tell yoa boys it was a lonesome summer for as all i should say so jained in tommy she looked lite sach a goodnatured little thing she was as gooir as a boy for fun kq crybaby aboat her added another and johnny gave him a grateful look as he went on with his story m this was her locket and this is her pictare in it i saved op my money and bought it for her and mamma had her pic ture taken and pat in she knew that she was going to die foe nearly two days and she divided her things amougjas it was so wonderful how she knew everj body and everything she had here johnny ceased speaking for a few moments the other boyc wasted in sym pathetic silence as he turned the locket over slowly opening it and casting a gtance at the beautiful little face it cdnuined antil he had conquered tbe pain sufficiently lo begin again in a milder voice j the last thing that she ever did was to take this locket from the little strand of coral beads that encircled her lovely neck and give it to me with little gasps for breath the asked me will you wear this always on yoar littlegoidchaint ithoaght a moment and then i answered ytx mamie darling j we were all crying aroantl her and mamma was so heart- brjken that we were afraid she would die too fspi was there too sobbing with his face hid in mamies soft curia and grandma was fanning her with her prettiest fan it had beautiful pictures of birds on it and mamie fancied sometimes that the painted birds were sing ing to her after i promised her to wear if she rested a utile and then opened her eyes and looked at me lovingly as she said johnny you will never never take mamies locket to bad places where had boys go end get tight like willie watkira did will your ko mamie never as long as i live she said thank yoa johnny dear but you must not forget to ask the saviour to help you to do it and he willj then she closed her eyes again and fa a moment more grandma said with a sob she is gone gone gone the neit morning i went to the jewelers and hod the locket fastened to my chain like yoa see it and i have worn it every day since j did she know that yoa were tight yourself that timewiih watkins eagerly inquired one of the boys j i dont know bat i hope not she saw watkins herself aud was frightened momma found oat about me i think and m was her comforter and codnsellor the always says so i dont know whether msmie knew all the story about that awful party or not sae wis jast likeja beaati- fal grown up christian lady she never fold tales on a fellow or f innted him like some girls do bat if a fellow did a bad thing she would look so sorrowful at him that it would make him look ashamed of himself i well i guess you are bound op so you cannot have any fan now laggeated one i am pledged the very strongest way against dr inking aad keeping bid company but there is better fan without caroasing than there is with it my papa says if a man can look back when his hair is grey and laugh over his boyish fan wtfhaat be ing ashamed of it he is mach richer than some who have lots of moneyj i have promised to wear mamies locket always and never take it into bad places and boys i- will nerver break either promise and as loag si my life is spared t will never go where 1 wdald not williiigly take mamie i loved her boys oh i you dont know how much c i do said one ui a sorrowful tone oar lit tie effie was jaat like her she died two years ago sod when i ased to see you frolicking with her on the green ji envied you so t was real wicked i did not know you then j i v johnny 1 was tight loo that day said tommy ive no mamie or in aw ma or papa or groudmd only a cross old aant who did not care what t did be t i will buy me a little locket jut like thai and call it hamiev pledge and wear it to keep me in mind of doing the right tbiig yoa wont care will ydu johnoy7 no tommyif yon keep jour pledge just then the girls who had beta amus ing themselves iu the grove in the bid it of which the house was located con tmeueed ooraiug in a the hoar for school h id near ly arrived and the conversation ised t called the mhoo to offer mtfopwmd ft tn the niutl way bymdika lbs wnptttwi nod ritt xrtjrnt wiyfr ncoflolfl thon t aurphtsdlhem by muooocln thai thete would ho up irtons to ihftk atwr noon ba thai ww wguw jh sx to oritt lite t temerucf sootatyi both bnys tnrl hirli jinot aticttftilly iii the litw dwrprlw ami tluit finl tlin we irtanisttdsv juvtn- lie t tuiinttce unlhi witii jolumy joties at its lnl mmiuvii lucksl bring lh belli on which every pledgt- vu foahdid for they alt said with otjo aocofd it it mmifl pledge and mine if ra food notes here and there itamt of 0nrl inurait to vr prt roadtr oar uw thoiild be pare i mow flbldi vt hew oar footitept leave i marlt bat pot a luin 4 s iiivssb and ohlldren i wtuhklimmdidipmhuuldnatut i outorutmioiiaooogjtlpmoa iriooamnaiimiapwlourprwrtpoo i tjgg sgg j2ss2sji2sta- a hlboollordbldroou7nt wltsoatlajarlool d tiu oduh oaoun it kmnjitrmt m t cohteutinodt is the only trae hpilipen of life and t ploaunt dijpotitlon dd good work will make the vhoic lorroandirig ring vdth choerfalncu illfittini boou and iiiom otme oorai hollowly cora qqre 1 he artlole to nw qit a bottle at onoe aad oare yoar oorni mibarni aromitio qaluiae viae forti fier ihe ayiteui aalnitattaoki of agotf chilli bilioat ferer dumb jae tad like trouble hlnlnc xfi mining expert dole that cholera never ittacki he boxeu ot the earth bat human ity io geoertl find it neoeuary to qm dr fovlere eitract of wild strawberry for bowel oompliinti dywalery diarrhaa etc it u a tore core victoria carbolic halve it a wooderlol hoalinr 00m poaad for oatc coaode braiiea barot scalds boils piles pimples ac quoea victoria has a remarkably floe head of hair for a lady ot her age bat her son tho prince ot wales u quite bald had he ssed ayert hair vigor earlier in life his head might today bare been as well covered si that of his royal mother itynot too late yet v the people mistake eeople make a sad mistake often with serioas results when they neglect a conall- pat4d condition ot the bowels knowing thit burdock blood bitten is an effectual cure at any stse ot constipation does not warrant us in neglecting to use it at the right lime use it now a fact worth knowing is that wood dis cases which all other remedies fall to cure yield to ayera sarwparilut fresh confirma tion of this state ment comes to hand dally i even such deepseated and stubborn com plaints as rhcu- lnatiam rheuma tic gout and tho like arc thorough ly eradicated by the use of this won- derful alterative mrs r ininjc dodge 110 west i25t street ketr york certifles about two years ago after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout being able to walk only with great discomfort and iiavln tried various remedies incladiug mineral waters without relief i saw by an advertise ment in a chicago japcr that a man hod been relieved of this distressing com plaint after long suffering by taking ayers sarapariila i then decided to make a trial of this medicine and took it regularly for eight mouths i am pleased to say that it effected a com plete cure and that i havo since hod no return of the disease mrs h a btart nashua k h writes one year ago i was taken 111 with rheumatism being confined to my house six months i came out of the sickness very ranch debilitated with no appetite and my system disordered in every way i commenced to vise ayers sarsapanlla and began to improve at once gaining in strenith snd soon row covering icy usual health i cannot sijf- too mnch fa praise of this wellknown medicine 1 hare talcs a great deal of medi cine but nothing has done me so much good ax ayers sarmpariua i felt its bencfidar effects beore i had quite finished one bottle and i can freely testify that t is the best blood- medicine t know of lw ward bx woodland texas flyers sarsaparilla psataxd bt dr j a ayer k co lowett mats price si dijtuea worth s s boats rmperfal confederation will present on opportunity to extend the fame of dr fowlers eilract of wild strawberry the unfailing remedy for cholera cholera morbus colic cramps diarrhcei dysentery vnd all summer com plaints to every part of the empire wild strawberry never fails what b ft dsys uborr oheda work for a healthy liver is to secret three and a halt pound of bile if tho bile secretion bo deficient coimtpalion en ices 1 prof ate bllioometi and jaundice arise burdock blood bitters is the most perfect liver regulator known in medicine for preveuungand curing til liver troubles contumntlon cored jacob h bloomer of virgille n v writes dr thomas eoleetrio oil oared a badly swelled neck and sore throat on my son in fortyeight boun one ap plioatiou also removed the pain from a very son toe my wifes foot was also much in flamed so much 10 ihftt she could not walk aboat the boase the applied tlvoil and in twentyfour hoars was entirely oared equal ulgliu all have equal rights in lifeaud liberty and the partait of happlaeu bat many are handicapped so the race by dyspepsia buioaioeu lack of energy nervous debility weakness constipation etc by completely removing these complaints burdock blood bitten confers uotold benefits on til sufferers mr joab scales of toronto writes a short time ago i was suffering from kidney complaint and dyspepsia soar stomach and lame back in fact i was completely prostrated and aufleriug intense pain while in this state friend reoomnipnded me to try a bottle of korthrop it lymans vegetable discovery i used one bottle and the permanent manner in which it has cured and made a new man of me u sach that i cannot withhold from the proprie tors this expression of my gratitaie 6ome of the western politicians collect the seeds of a plant powder and sift them and then bake into cakes winch they smear with oleomargarine and est in preparing this article of fnod au article known as imperial cream tartar baking powder that it acknowledged to be the best in the world annex to monrxss are yoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the pain of cutting teeth if so tend at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incalculable- it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is uo mistake about it it euros dysentery and diarrhcca regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduoa inflammation and gives tone tod energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothmg syrap for children teething is pleasant to the taste and it the prescription of one 0 the oldett and best female physicians tnd nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughoat the world price twentyfire cent a bottle be tare and ask for mas wcislows soothdco sracr tad take no other kind licit and comfort to the sulterlae browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain botlternal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rhedmaihjij tooth- obo iamhago and any kind of pain or mpst surely quicken the its acting power is browns household pan- acea being acknolmgcdas the great pain believer aud double the strength of any other elixir or liniqleat in the world should be in every family baody for use when wasted ag it really is the best remedy in the worfcffv cramps in the stomach and paius and achat of all kinds and 11 for sale by all druggists at i5 cents a bottle 3cou lumoago ana s tltv ii wlu mfii blovtmliieai wooderf al brovi if- kever allow the bowels to remain consti paled lest serioai evil ensues national pflu are unsurpassed as a remedy for con stipation i many yoang children become positively repulsive with sore eyes sore ears aad scald head sach afflictions may be speed ily removed by the use of ayers sarsapar illa young and old alike experience the wonderful benefits of this medicine worms caase mach sickness among children freemans worm powders pre- vent this and make the child bright and healthy thethirdpage of the toronto daiij avaifis noted far want advertisements if yoa want to bay or sell anything if yoa want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or if you want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily mail and read the advertise ment on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address 77tc idif toronto can ada an old pbytlolan retired from practice having had placed id his bands by n east india missionary the formula of simple vegetable remedy for tbe ipeedy and per manent care of consumption bronohltit catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical can after having tested its wonderful cart live powers lo thousand of cases has felt it his daty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and uesin to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german frenoh or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mall by addressing with stamp naming oils paper w a notxs 820 powers block rochester n 7 hburda llalmeat for sale everywhere autumn 1890 the mammoth house georgetown after cateriug u tho public of this vicinity tor the last 27 ycais is just its lively just as young jnst as anxious and isbetter pre pared now than ever to do busi ness and would respectfully solicit a continuation and enlarge ment of the generous patronage bestowed upon it we have a complete stock of dress goods including the latest novelties in plaids combination robes bilks satins plushes silk velvets etc we have been busy opening out large importa tions aud consignments in all the different departments audwecan suit and please both iu price variety aud quality in dress goods dress silks dress trim mings velveteens mantles man- tla cloths ulsterings millinery small wares of all kiuds ladies underclothing hosiery prints ginghnms checked shirtings tickings denims cottonades tweeds suitings overcoatings gents uudenvear gents shirts ties gloves hats caps ladies and gouts footwear ready- made clothing readyinaae overcoats carpets oilcloths linoleums rugs matts cur tains etc it would fill a news paper io enumerate onr stock we will begin in dress goods and winceys at 5c per yd we have added a new department to our ordered clothing that is fajicy flatiuel and tweed shirts made to order our make up departments are not excelled anywhere juimely millinery dress raakinpjjautle making and ordered clothing we get the best superintendents add hands for the several make up departments that money and ex perience can procure yoa can come with confidence aud rouize us pat- w mcleod co c c riauds 4 co ges my horse was so afflicted with distemper that he coald not driuk for foar days and refused all food simply apply ing iunaeds liniment outwardly cared him feb 1887 cur hnuimt cixx c c kichitos 4 co aram i have nsed yoar minieds liniment for bronchitis and asthma and it has enred me i believe it the best lot5 fei mas a litoostox sept 1st 1890 georgetown pisos cure for ijhe best c0u6h medicine tsoljjtotmijtsl consumption hwfiartfmtmmmifm timely wisdom great and timely wisdom is shown by keeping dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry on band it hat no equal for cholera cholera morbas diarrhcca dysen tery colic cramps and all summer com- plaints or lootjoess of bowels stox5 tllt chronic cough nowi for if yoa io imt it mux become on- lampilc r onunituntloh brrnfula gettrral detiuify an tttutlmo vueasa there is nirfiilns like scotts emulsion of pare coj liter oil raid hypoph08phite8 of trtrao aad it is almost ns pnfcaahle at milk far beticr thiui othrr otxaliotl emulsions a wonderful flesh producer i scotts emulsion it pat up 0 1 a offmet eofor terwjmer j9 mitrr mid jet ihe genuine 8ocl by all divtten utbqeatul 100 fcftnfr novxk ijnriu if yoavant to bay or sell a farin ad- vertiae in the toronto wally mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoaradvertiieptent shoold meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of thisclassare in serted in the toronto weekly hail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cento a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada if ybtir have a coagb or cold do not neg lect it many without a trace of that here ditary disease have drifted into a consump tives frrsre by negleotfog what waa only a light told had they used bickles anti consumptive syrap before it was too late their lires woald have been spared mr a w levy mitchell writes i think biekjea anticonsamptivo syrnp the best preparation on the market for oooghh and severe olds abont six years ago i oaarfht a severe oold wbioh settled on my loog and for three months i bad a oongh i had a physician attending me bat gradually grew wprae until i was ou tbe verge of con somption and bad given up hopes of being oared when i was iudneed to try btoklei syrnp before i had taken one bolile i found myself greatly improved aud by the time i had nniabed tbe seosnd bottle i was oompletely cured i always recommend it for severe oolds and ooosoroplion tbdir caiied the greatest medicine eworld absoatelj oearsntsed u clsimed or nsaeyjnrodjd pasphlsts testinosiau etc 7reb ms niiii niceobe killb co 111 120 king- st w toronto ont sole uanulacturexs for the dominion sbcwareof tinposltionil see our trads4aark miasms llalueil fer sale ererywkere dr fowlers ext of wild itrjrwbeery j cures koifera aholeramorbus lolilga iarrhea ysehteffif and au summer compuwis and fluxes of the bowels it is safe and reliable for children or adults i have purchased a j tock of the celebrated lawrences specta at 50c on the dol out vei bltiat les and eyeglasses and will clear them cheap b saltage watchm aker cuelph fhll 1590 henderson mcrae co acirocn staple and fancy dry goodsj boots shoes and groceries the banner stockof thff season great in assort ment pleasing in style honest in quality and reasonable in prices no room for argument jgive us a chance and we will give you a benefit the worm wants thebest and the best goods at very best bottom prices is our bonus for their busi ness i all coods guaranteed seasonable and warranty d reasonable j i kemember the old stand and our 50 cenit tems l henderson mcrae go to farmers ind threshers 1 if 1 j ueeonvourmaohuiesyoiily the welljpiown 1 peehless0il 9 gold medals hetefbeen awarded it daring the last three year try also our ptttltjii axlo orotl for yon waggons and horse powers these oils a used add highly recommended at theuode farm ouelph farmers ask for them oi no other sanuiactured at quaeuoity oil w0fby samuel rocer8 co toronto j i a autumn 1890 a i i r b jdrmyn wo have great pleasure in ajinonneiug tbe arrival of our full stock 8ince early spring we have b of the dry good centres of canaj orders and tbe result is we have fabrics which in point of excellen former efforts nor have we forgot half sold llotvey aud expertet cheaper than we have new on our prepared to compete with the largast concerns iu canada we rat an t- au that is necessary to conviujee the knowing ones is a personal inspection now in c n ransacking the immensestoeks t beside placing many import gathered together an array e aud variety far surpass ur sn that goods well bought are e caunot buy reliable goods counters when we say we dress cood4 we have realized it takes every color make and material please everybody and theh 6omfctines we fail tbis season checks and plaids are among the correct things while dove q seems to be the reigning bbade anl is much sought after iu coutres of fashion we show iiicejfeoods in the different colori at 12j cents better ones nt 15 1820 25 and at 80 85 cents and the cloth is double width and embraces all the new things do tail to look through it will pay j i to laijge iey tby ig p- tt fj grand trunk rmtwiy pjj eerie asrr iwiiewit ztnmt fjdanieapnsaa4iu jp 00 cm i uau jt 01 2 10 00 pm adeonv rj5 tuoi0climuiolts a 0oinlwsrtvb0snl anilpoi oofnf cast 10 ao am ae d 5 9d pai this tune table went into eftwfi on 1t m cloaking and ulster cloths j all makes and colorings are here beavers and chevoits pre dominate for eailv fall wraps and jjtpkets three qaarter length will lead white dame fashion says marine blue will be trre moat popu lar housekeepers wanting real fiile linenshouldinspectourstoik it has always been our aim to kcepjin our staple department a cluss of goods we can recommetul aud lobl that every dollars worth sold is a standing advertisement jf fancy coods ana small wares largo lines hosiery gloves cjprsetsaudtjnderwearjust pas led into btoek today 1000 pompoms 1 ceut each rflpular priced oeuts- 600 pompoms 8 cent each orf30 cents a dozen regular price 8 cents i 1 fels all colors java and puelope canvas tracing cotton arrusene and embroidery silks less than rcsfular price teeth v7ith 0 without a pi at tlulbij ah ft palnlns ixtnetttj c h iltm cm ran ui a mta- he ur15est scale w0o3 in canada over ijocc styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales imtojvedsrawcasfs wib drawers mittcltffferi ms mtotbs nrrua esstxst n rvu- wrhe a terat c wilson 601 6 o ebrnjtaoc street east tohoiitc ont at citiaie von wrhe duimn s baking powder thecoofcs best friend batml s9 vrerw ov rtwollt tmu itttrmalt smerf a fkuet a ii ifvt t0 la ta0aakpwtatihtapfckii- sr-swuifcfijasit- the key to healtb unlocks bit the clogged atennes of fhe bowels kidneys and liver carrying ofl gradually vithout tcilmiag tbe st tern all the impurities and lonl hmoos ottcaeooetjons at the same ticiocor tectlng acidity of the stomadv curing biliousness dyspepsia headaches dizziness heart bura constipation dryness or the skin dropsy dimness of vision jaun- dmaut hheum erysipelas sera- fou flattering of the heart her- vousness aud general debility a these and many other ahrubrr- camp yield to t happ inflneooaof bufi blood bittebs rjr salt by am diafrl vmitryct varrimr ut muo odlo miih l iu t rod mi mt isssissl rswsfrirtbfcutltaihriirl to ralaau m4 cm hc fcljj lijtn wa no tjurtas aixl una irt an njmii w p li hjr ftrafkt u aav 7mkwiirf jmt wri 1 ftk t i snek tat kaman mracnm sso tt oso pt irir auss voardi iettrtat wwo a v dox d 1 s prtud umesl purest stromce8t best contains mo p alum ammonia clme 9 hosphates orsjlnjaittaiijioaterialx emv gillett wtooxt xatr a ul chxb3uo sst altzas5 casks boots and shoes the best is always the cheatest we buy only of tho makers such as janicb whithnm childrens croquet rubbers 30c hisses 35c aud laches 40 best on every pair guaroiited our millineryidepartmedt wul be opcaed on wedneaday october 1st miss bedford will be pleased to see ladles beiorethen who require pau alluuiery try our 50 cent tea iri3irfadfcd r b jermy tomackiag- summer tours patact sitntes low rana thps ta weri betwwn detroit mackinac island t iroatnf btwttn betroit and cleveund pumuj tri rl j 4 j t 6wwaw ooly olifj illu8trateo pamprfvets 6jvmrticbfadatr lraatmitcrjpfeuii0steaa1uca i- hirsts path will positively curev gilfthm ji tfie 5t8h4ci bnwelooblbditrrbdea i juto if v summer complaints keep bottle in the house sold by all dealers

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