Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1890, p. 1

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kt volume xvlino lo cijc rto fxtt rcss is rrauknan everv thursday mornfng it toe fn dns stwinriolinc office hill street acton oxt tevoisuntitirnonoho dollar per voir if paid in advance or within him uncus frshn bccictiug ct rr exm per year 11 not so paid tl dale to which every subscription u paid u dcaolootby the date oath address labfl krvrun rati ttfnicnt advcrtim- nicnts t coat per xonparf il line for first in tertion 5 ccnu pet line or well mbecqncnt ioertioa covrturr hxn tijc f ohotrioc uuec showr car fates at the f owrljon of adverttsetnents for tpcciadpcriiv vice s ttlvhc linehej j inches 1 inch 1 1 vr f iiu i 1 mo 1 1 vv 1j00 eiw ertu 1jk1 300 tn 2 me 10 advertisemohta without specific direction will be inserted till fortjid and chirked aecord- injlv transient advertisements mart be paid ia advance advertisements will bo changedonce each montii if desired for chacjcs ottener luac r mce a month the comrouon men be paid for it rofaui rates for contract advertise incuts must be in the o5rtr urn on twesdars otherwise they will 6 left over catil uc following week hpuoqre editor and propristor during the fall careful housocleaners renovators and liiwa trlio mote vulfrticrahyrtquire wall paper window shades a lull supply fifftukh can stall times be had al foil prices at john smiths quelph usutcss bircdflrp tt h lowrym bmcps m grdalattrinitycoiincifenileror cauc of physicians and sorrooas osm and residence at theuoad of frederick lreel acton d sprtxger phiciiv acooccttecn office jjoj resxtcxce dr lfcgarvins boose corner hill and frederick streets w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uixx x meculty or machine finished boole papers n xxd hum tiull weekly xews schools opein mtrij l m v 1 3 l v i acton qntarip thueslay october 0 1890 vii j- hi f- ajl tlcbchoorttoekiuiiod tnilw publia sobool ud oollcglitu hittitate slhtos i eeeroisk books dr4wino books school baqb ta jhas ever book wanted waiting for stock fc 3j the paper oseji in thii journal ia from the above mills wit barber bros- no wc jive hie boil tluc 4t pays bookstore guelph day selilsjheap 8 0 ujd- col ftuc itcji so 39g cohec su toroato telephone kosle jfhixsted ild t pktwcdj eredxox ere rnaurxcr ixo dccc store ifh street ceit doer lo williams boot m ihoe storoc l bettt lds dentist t gtosgetqtt qxtajuo uckiylatlde scioaox drsttsr geogktotk vtsitt hciaz it aenec hate on tlic second udfaartiweine5djcf each mil 0e iacre3reotnrstd33rto3i o iup- tl ccleax i itcleax rriler soliatorc sounes cocrcjaxccn tr- pririle tsid to loin- oace toxn kih acmc vcx a- itcltis jko i itdjus waters bros te piottjre gartery gtjeljh fimues i iictfllls ncrrtu uocldixgs uoou uolxdtvgs cobxice poles ma brass sore baxxkjt r0dsroiiv ahtbtb ulteiuals oil colore wtir colers clina colon brufi etc ele ileadf jliirf painta afttc- irall eaicx coria vtrw xaili ctaif hcols etc jvaters bros st georges square coal wood 200000 lbs hatlnc ccmiileted couucu for ocrr lords of txine of the toilottnj urandt itxcelsior red cap com mon sense red star anchor we are dot in a position to quote vjery lowest cish figures ia t purelt- pkris green a spectaltv x a mowat rtbt scuaxos korir pciuc ifomft to loc omz din tsesdrjd katcrtur rricr itittbwtbit acton cptirs qhxltox allan drbixrd v bari soheitorr tfa tosasrto icd ghoegztots 0cei crtclfaans elocfc geoteelitirnnd c lys ttreet cst r t jjhix ehiltqs ei f yjnrp ei patkkt5 secured foe dcvexttoxs j kjtset gjust orxitx curjux tiiatjtein practise so patent kopir james brown kisrn ilvja iltrc ijiisijtitjof cicdlcnt cocj cfciciibctriiliiroujptr deliver to tcjpart of the icm at retsonibe prici- w it heicsteeet llcesei arctiqxeee for ikz cs3ntiof wellington txi kllan oriea fail u the fsee pncss ci aden or at njrecdenee in acton rill be promptlr at tended t terms resonble jjso moner w oan on the moct firoralie termsaad ai the lorest ruca fismaof i500 tadtpttrir- j ohx dat lait ecx gcrxra oct orriccqaeeacholf i isioci uartet sqnare f eascrs ntjxak seeessor to t f ciptcjln eookeisdee stgeotcsssqnare gndphonurio amonnt boots of lr kinf jrfcde to order periodieai of eterjdescriptioncarefallf boand tnltar neahrtnd promptly doae htrdrooiaiij tlaljs cli tiv on land telephone comesicition i r acton- livery bus line john 1l bond co guelph direct harttwure ijnportars waitlfio for harry joilfth hotehor uio trmltby old ullliu- llvod in a b aadk tut liouio ou the hilt ptdw kato carton dtrolt lii a ootugo doirn in a vale by a uiunaurlug rill the wotlthy old wilier wont wooing air kitty and oft at the gaio of nor cottage would tarry kittr frowned on hit tuli and ttui u he litxaed it j slio aufvonxl oh no i am waiting for harry- j uutitill be remainod hordototcd tvliuiror a inaldoni no ajvaya qnu yoa said ho and botldoa i ioto yon far hotter than harry and o kitty dear aroot you tnarrj lie t thui the importunate mil or heciogod hor hut itlu his aluck pretty kitty votild luarry her old lover toll thui gently diiinlulflg ladood i cjuitred you im waiting for harry young rarry at work in a tar diitaul city ai the hourc and the di and the mouthi went by dreaxuod over of her whoao love ru hid blot- fufi j of her red cheei1 and uj and bcrbonula blue oyo ho knev the old miller wu courting his iwcet- bcart but he bad no fomx that hii darliug would marry until bo himself led hot lo the tlui for thla alto vu uajucg wa vaitiug for j harrj- hote tvoeteued the toll of the brav lorer each day he aald iirinf her nearer to me hoit brlghteuod the dayi of bet vaiuut till etofl the miller admlraf kfttyi cautuiicy shell be agoodrlfflmjd joalali fletcher a light in her home a boaaehold fafi-j- x ought to give her a treddiug present though ahe lorec iu not and u -ctiuu- or harr andwbea at lut one moru oer the village their marriage belli rang oat merrily the old men and youug men the matron and lnaideiit went forth to the church the tedding to tec and sosfah tl etcher vac there anil he envied the groom who to froadly hi head could carry and the bride with a grace tore her oracje flowers and iecined to tc piad the had vaited for harry jilal young dttt yamilij juajitng a threehpengi r e utdttvittirctectlliiy l ai tit pcblic and licite tlc itroa orre tbcui uiai weil equipped tci strlish eigs can ai wzys be srared at bis stilfljs a coicnalie iius meets all trairj betvetn cci tad wf u c4ref ul ateai0w pixz to crcry order tie-ratocecniicrcixitiirc3- lcrs fully rsct johx willluis rpae ha2tlak itafiber shop jtirx srtzet actor an eaay tin ft a rtyhta haircnt s good senfbanj an exhiiiarxlingahamiooai3ray sires uaxorr hosed and pnt in fioxlta condition ltdiet s 4 hwobdetonsorixl artist yocnfr- mek- ind love starting in life for thetutelyes or a- tmizzih imsiness of a father or relative and 11 the beat preparation w aasnre eocccss j young ladies desiriaj ts qualify theiuaeire for good ioulioti and to mace tnanseives iudeiesdent for lite in a snort lime and at a very modtraie expenae rill findibe ihort practical coarse of ktcdy at the guelph business college gdelph oktaeio jst ffut uarj- nta fot terms etca4frcs sl iticcoeltlce erindpaj mutual fire hsurance company j or tee co ukxt op wellington head off cuelph j insnibdiesheixhindifeirtzicfactaries and all other descripticne of insnrxble property on the cash and frerclcm kote bjkteci r w stone freridant csas davidson manager jokk taylor agekt picket wire fencing costs from 50 cents per rod feet up for the fttla or -trdc- dnxablc tuid itrtins j eacc i ecnd ex a trill order and tc assure pc satis faction will be lie result welliiigton jlalblp works quebec steeet gcelph clagk carter dtiiivct laporierz of graiteand kfarble ixaaniacniiajid headtbiesof all tiude nd from the newest dttignr ajj orfc anj ma- terlal rtrrxcted ftrsvcjc parties tiabine to pnreuaae roi pjesfe cire ns a call and inipect oaxstocfcandjmcce ac e are confident we can compete tilhnyeslablisinientin oniario ha riaf told oat my interest to the above nrid i rcpectfrta- solicil the patronage to my friends tod the itdc on their behalf jk halflltox dtsconnl to the trade price lisu and farticn- ia on applieafjoa addree j m dooley co i l cueldh ont trugs stationery school book exercise books drawing books copy books slates and pencils pens and ink schoglbags etc jl v kanna wins hill st haniiltous ilarble vorls hauiltoxli3ioeiforaerrhitcjtbiocti the gofc corner of woolkicnand norfcti streets oaelpi ont ohnh hamilton j proprietor wliolesaje and retail aeticr and direct importer and maccfacturcrcf ell kinds of granite and lfarblc lfocnneit toiubstones etc havicj had an ertemivu eirtrienc for the last 10 years the public may rely on retting all superior articles at z cheajer rate than any other in the west dealer ceiredfort snert 33 daja agents wanted in erertowaship to sen the pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete stock doctor 15 r- ma an corokeinjsirc work er iijualicl u aatlion hand at tie iipo t and uarc a continental repn- w iu lt i cold lo any one hor hheei catue 6inc iotiltrj- jor bcw a jicd oiportunil- to make aone becnrc ttmlor- at once addrfcm e x k 0teh publtaher 120 tonga st toronto wellingtoa steam lanudly t guelph shibtsioc i collaesje tcvffsic family wasoinff witnout ironing 45c per doc famijj- waihinff witli ironinji5c per dot gentictnans waahitifaod bepwirfnc 50c per dozen aj work pnaranteed u in canada office and worts 55 quebec streets goedajeft with kelly bros- cor agenta at acton vot be tent to tije lanadrt and retcrned to their arorc frc a cijarge at ahorc prices j it- uackxey- proprietor a little talk about fjshoes fcicnrea may lie and facta distorted be hat seeing is believing ecnie and see thepoetahoo boot and bhoc store is jast now showing a number of new lines of shoes and clippers specially adapted for the season i these new goods are being sold at i prices ac la- or lower than those aiied for old styles and shop worn goods elsewhere everybody can be suited for we have izd in gefints wear ail ladies wear youths wear children i wear babyj wear frank burce8s house painter paper hanger sign writer etc new planing mill aim s- fsaait and door factory j camroncontractor 8j taoi 0i ujc bmjdinf on uain suwrt ule7 an eh2s ln taaorrrta runrinieliinety jpjpared tofnrnili plana apedncationa 3to- all clioc oftioljdinsaaud obks8uc muciflvg and uolluiig ak taxr ait nui ok a dcora and windowa anddoor ftamea and dretwal lmnber iohv cameeon la projiared to aecato orderi in oiij- of tiie aboro line in tije deal manner and at rcatonafale tenna evcrjr iou navingtny jienioualattentiou i cao aaaare cnxtorncra complete aatiataetiou graining in all irooda a ipectaitj order icit at my residence uain fit acton vill raeeire proirrlt attention dr a wiiford halls health pamphlet disease cured without medicine jas matthews acton ifaa been tthiatnl agent far the circulation of dr halls celebrated health pamphlet which he keeps attband tije pamphlet claims by tbt treataient u adiiw soyveim for 4aaam vltlt ogt adiefne tw jirto6iarlopuiim four dollars and a jrnarautoe 0rofi that f the porchaaer la not aatlafied afr pattinc tb treatment ioto ponscientioua pra-itice- for one month to refund the money on the return of be iauipliletwiuiajjledee never acain to use the lreatnient or allow u to buuatxl in bis family special lines good floods kewcst style and best value for the money at av williams acton coaictn wort and repairing given careful atten tioa trunks and valiea la variety j -actok- pump factory -axd- planing mill thos ebbage man rjljavo rosnjncd tiie rnauacenicnt of the pnmp nnaincaa in acton and ironid reapeetfully lnforpi allpartie in want of pnmpe that we are noar prepared to inpply them from tjne old stylo wooden pump to too beat force pump made pampa for wind mu1 or book wells supplied on short notloe deep wells a speciall prices sight every time our plaaing mill iimibcrdreaaod while foa wait moulding evto order wehfttoalsoarjnantity of tuituer formal anitabl fox building porposoi order y uul w reocive rtrotnptand caref qj aiteqtiou shop tftt of elver street thos ebbace mnnnjfer kdwird penniuj our ucw correpocditij derfc bad come lo as ta a gomewual ao- asatl way the firm aied a clerkwho ccuild write freacb gerraan and iuiian and abortliand u veil au advcrtiaerqent was pat into the papen and the only one who responded and vu willing in tike the laiary offered one haudred and fifty poaudi a year waa edward feunior the firm was vincent d are 4 6 lack- land aud the bosineaa carried oo by lbcm was that of wholesale jevejlers at milford lane holbcrn it is one of be largest firms ia london bu a branch hoase at birmingham an agent at cairo and one at kew york and correspondent bayeri and seller in twenty other urge towm abroad we bay rough or cat atones abroad ccud them to birmingham to be worked ap and then scalier them all over the kingdom and some ihoagh not many chiefly ooatly lota among oarvaricaa foreign and colon ial customers we hiveajwaytr aconeiderablfl stock in londou often as roach u three hundred thoasand poaadfi vorth of jewels lie at ifitford lane for a few days together upon an average we bold a handred thoas and pound j worth there beside3 the large quantities deposited on sale with oar eas terners aiid carried aboal by car traveuera although a timil man might be afraid to be evert close to each highly vileible and very portable property uip is second natare and i aflera fivejcirs contact with the trade fee no more uneaiineis or responsilulity when in charge of ibe whole place liiau if each ring were a fpool of cotfon and each broach a penny bottle of ink bat i have to add to mtfirc i ears experience the fact that i am th nephew of the senior partaer and that all my life i have been accustomed to hear a great deal of the articles wc dcil in thiscir- camilance no doahthas helped greatly to harden my stusc of easy familiarity wiin treasare well none of as liked edward penning his references were satisfactory bat his appearance and maimer were decidedly against him he looked far loo moch value for the money there was too mach shirt froutj tyio mach wristband loo moch care taken of his hair his necktie and his boots he was plump tliorr biuand about forty years of age so far as we knew he was a bachelor i think the thing we disliked most in him wu hix aniversil gash every one of nj every one in the world so far as any one of us or anj one else in the world ever icarae op for bis re marks was a too dear good fellow the clerks were ill dear good fellows you know the partners were really painfully dear good fellows notwithstanding that we took a strong dislike to him because of this eternal per ception of endearing goodness in everyone it was not until he found reason for nothing bat congratulation in the weather here that we lost all faith ia him and began to re- gard him with mingled feelings of distrust and hatred a fog was jolly a thaw a blessing rain moat qseful to the coan- try ninetybiz degrees in the shade de lightful and snow no mi iter when season able at the time of which i speak now a year ago we bad ou hand extensive orders for 0rntclass rabies of urge tize we could easily have disposed- of five thousand poqnda worth bat jait then such stones were particularly scarce at last a urge consignment about two thoasind pounds worth reached us they were all aucat and i remember how they were handed round for inspection and how we all ad mired them and congratulated oarselves on the rare lack of getting them for we knew lint other firms were buyers as well as we it was arranged that i should tike them to birmingham the next morning before leaving the omce that evening i put the rabies ioto a new chamois leather bag i bad that day bought there was come joking about my extravagance and in reply i told them that the bag with its redtape ronuing string and allliad coat only niue- pence and that anyonaarnbiiioaiof owning one timil jar could gel it for the tame price tc malcblookn round the corner pet- uiuv was foremost jo ho banter and took the bag out of my band ud felt it apd i ti dal god in bigli praise erf it merits vjicu be returned ft to me i placed it ju a pocket inside aiywaiatcoatwlferal always narrjed valuable of convenient bnlk thun went away h bad been vmigfijftter in tlio dsy that pcnulng was to call oa mo that evoning and smoko a cigar bo wished to see sotno diagrams of crystal i had made at joven oclock hecame bland grscioai and exulting in a fog that tarnished overy thing vert in my small sitting- room he would drink nothing not even es bat would smoke a cigar and admire rav dia grams ho admired the diagrams a thou sand timet too much and i vowed i woald not again allow myself the light of his com pany cvou for an hoar of an evening wht struck him chiefly about the draw ings was their extraordinary neatness its cosy enough io bo neat with good iostrumcnls aud a good three h pencil said i pointing to a boxof mathematical instrnmcnti and a pencil lyiog at his elbow on the table the only other things on the table were the diagram a cigar case a match stand au ash pan and half a dozen sheets of common note paper jaat as they had come out of the packet have yon ever done any designing for jewels y he asked i hod dabbled a little some time before and nulling down a portfolio i showed him a few roach and finished drawings he began lalhing aboot beuvento cel lini aud myself until i got almost sick of his smooth hollow flattery at lut be suddenly stopped at the design i liked most myself it was now a quarter to eight thats a masterpiece he cxolaimed whatever tho rest may be that is fine has it ever beea carried out xo it was a design for a brooch foar rib- bout of pearl with a clatter of diamonds at the outer ends of the ribbon and a urge ruby for the centre have you got those rubies in your pocket still he asked looking eagerly ap at roe there is one tine stone with an uncertain dame it is jatt the thing for thtf take this design with yoa to birm ingham and let them carry it oat with that ruby for the centre let mc bcc that stouc again i thought that this wn the first piece of genaine enthusiasm i hadseen in edward penning altlioagh i knew ho design fell far short of his extravagant estimate i there wa no denying it was pretty 1 1 hcded hi in the big of rubica he opened it and ponied the stones out intohii hayid telccted the one he hid spoken of placed il ou the psper in the ceulre of the design poured the other stoues back into the bag and ptfiscd the hand conlaing the bag under the porlfoio then he raisid ap the port- folio sot it on the uble and stepped back with his head oa 01c side lookiog at the design i stooped a moment over the table and made up my mind to see about adopting lui sacetion when i straight ened myself lie handed roe back the open big and as he did so asked me could i let him see a railway guide book as a friend of his was leaving kaiton by the irish mail thateveuicg and he wanted lo see this friend at the elation i i dropped the stone into ihe bag tied ap the ba sqaeczed it from mere habit to feel that oil v6 right and having placed it in my iciife pocket said sit dovn a moment the guide ia in the other room in a micute i was back and he was ex amine l guide book in what seemed lo me a very unskillful way book for kingstown i said aad not for dafclui thank ou i have it lam so stupid i eight twentyfive if i take a hansom i shall he in lime can you oblige rae with an envelope and peu i have to post a private note oa my way to lustooi and ailhoqgli i wrote the note before leaving home i found i had no eavelope- i broaght him an cuvelope pen ink blottii g paper kjad stamps from the other room a he had emphasized the word private i tarnei my back upou him whife he wrote when i torned round i foand him stooping be fere the fire drying the envelope ha looked up and said with a smile i if the envelope is too quickly blotted the sorter often has a hard lime cf il he stood up and look mj hand thank jou my jcir jkijd fellow five miutues paet eijjht ill 2 no todaublo liic fellows fare and in less than a miuale he was gone ify place was in ciarterhoufe square i took up the portfolio and spent half an hoar looking over it and examining the other designs yea there could be no dcabt penning had selected lhe ouly one with any real merit or originality i ihoaghl i would try the effect of the ruby with the uncertain flame i drew oat the bag and undid the string 1 stood up near the light that i might the more read ily select the stone i emptied the bag into my left hsnd and looked for the stone i could have found it among the others by the weakest liht of the moon i separated it from the others and pat it down on the table rubbed my eyes and again lookej at those stoues in tuy hand then taking np the bag i examined it closely in the one i had bought for dine pence there hid been a knot of thread at one of the corners ia the one he had bought for nigepence there was no knot aad i now held in my right the one he had bought in my left a handful ot stones such as yoa could pick out of any gravel j pit in kent i at once saw how he had done thetrick he bad while i was bent over the table dropped the ba of rabies into his pocket and produced the counterfeit bag fall of houeht eagluh pebbles t eank into my chair half stanoed by the loss of tho rabies half carried away by admiration of the ingeuuity of the robbery his haste to get away was caased by his fear that any thing might induce me to take another peep among those stoqes i looked ut my watch eight thirtyne there was no use in trying to overtake him and going oatlijjo the street and call- ing police would be jait as useless i leaned my head on my hand for a few moments and trio j to collect my thoughts might he himself think of going to ireland not he of coarse what he had said about goiug tseuston was a lie lo throw me off the tcent while i was getting deeper fbicethbee cents or in some too lata i cried mr 8 tack and in a tone of irritation look at this be said handing me letter i went beck to get the oortbera letters and look round aad foand thii it was a telegram from wilson oortand mayo of ma nob ester edward penning reference flrstouso people with whom we had no business and hardly any inter course the body of the telegram ran u follows clurk of ours watson absconded with property have reason to believe bo forged oar name to tcitimonials for one penning inter cepted your inquiry and forsod reply know nothing of penning uelievo watson and pen ning leagued- xo doubt of their being in league said 1 getting ap 11 how long bat he been gone hore than half an boar then hes oat of london safe hiding place by this no doabt of it suddenly my eye caaghi something that made me flash bat 1 said nothing beyond leave it all to me sit dowu and smoke a cigar im goiog ont for an hoar bat my dear fellow something most be done and im going to do it liely on my t he is as good as under a lock and key mr stack and looked anooyed aud amazed but this was not the lime for minding looks i said in as resolute a way as i could assume loan boar i sbill be back you and i will then tit here antil a boat ten oclock when we shall have a telegram anuoaaciog his arrest you dont fancy i hope and i laoghed vllidt i am leagued 11 xo my dear fellow bat i bad left the room and was oat of hear ing paocfuajly iu aa hour i was back and in spite of all mr statkland could say de clined to give the leirt account of what i badjione teu oclock and uo telegram yet said mr strickland implicutiy mind if yoar plan fails yoafl bate to be responsi ble for il quite content five minutes put he said rising i really cannot conseul to longer do- uy yoar ears are not as well accustomed to the ooiso of th rqaare and ibis hoase aa mine bat go now if yoa will til stay where i am very well sir said he now qoite angry yoa understand that yoa ahall answer to mie firm for anything here he opened the door a telegram sir said the servant standing on the mat and holding oat the familar envelope- mr s lackland took it open itsaid i ho did so coming back ioto the room i and read i police office ltover payjnofor presents belle ewd was wellmeaning and inao- cent pretlv sod she koew it she wa poor also 41 d con id not afford to bay tbe ornament tith which richer girls setoff their besatf tbe boyarwho went t her lo school discovered feat belle would accept pretty gifts even xheip jewellery from them which they woald hesitate to offcr to the other girls j i know jtou are my friend jait like a brother site would say to tom cr joe or ben as thetaie might be when she slipped a new ring on her finger or pinned a brooch in ber dress she never told ben paali j that the took gifts from the others ben was a manly honest fellow wittta profound respect for all women when be left dins- port to go into business io cincinnati he thought belle tbe purest and most modest womaa living daring thai summer james pollard a travelling agekit for a sewing machine firm cmo to tho village hcwasamarriedman with a wife aqd child whom be neglected bis habits wbfb bad and his manner coarse bat the tillif giru thought him a model of manly beamy and he said nothingabout his wife he took belle xo picnics walked with her and drove oat alone with her the man knew that no girl wiib respectable parentage in tije city would admit a stran ger to inch intimacy and did not give the village girl credit for the modesty and parity which be really possessed at heart bale disliked him she saw that he was vsgar and feared that he was not a good mail bat he sent her ooe day a neckcbain aid pendknt stt with sham rabies 4twaf just wtiat she wanted to set off becwbitei throat j h was a great temptation ana after a little hesitation she took the chain aud wore it to a picmc lhe rd u lighted with jnamph his voice had a jeering lone when he spoke to ber which was new to it j he bad now ti hold npon ber tbechsitfwas like a yoke npon her neck oext day as polurd icame toward her hii eye penning iu custody rubies foand npon him in bag described how on earth did yoa hit on dover v xothiog simpler he left me his ad dress xonsense yes bat he did had he been satisfied with stealing the rabies no doabt feed have gone off bat he went in for mare he stole some of my private property as well something of yoars the scoundrel a watch xo a sheet of paper wheu he came ia there were sir sheets there an unbroken qaarter qaire i have not counted theor since but if yoa count them new youll find only five he asked rat fjr an enve lope saying he had written a private note at home instead of which he wrote it with my threeh pencil while i was oat of the room and as he had to lean pretty hard to mark why theres hit address on the sheet below and holding op the paper to the light mr5tackjand read out slowly from the sheet off to paris via dover r dear- watson ia lack a three h pencil said i with a laugh i felt i might laugh now made very hard lines for him belle had heaped all her gaudy little or naments upon her person that afternoon there were tiie tarrings that tom bad giteu berj and joes pin and dives brace let benpauu jwa to beat lhe picnic and she wished to lobk her best in bis eye presently the stranger pollsid followed ber to the spring where she had gone for water the otber young menhappened to be standing together and saw them exchange a few words lyen pollard kissed ber he boasted of it when he came back she objected be said bat she bod not thanked me for my necklace it was worth a kiss she had to pay a good ifdeal exclaimed dave 6hell pay for my bracelet and me fortiie earriugs cried tom and me for pin she wears baid another ben looked atjsbem with scorn and rage in his hearjt the jokers were vulgar bat what wis the girl who had subjected herself to their fcoirse jokes when she came apnilewjah mortification he avoid ed her the gill who was hung with the offerings oi othaf men could never belits wife i belle has her poor rings and necklace still and a senstiof shame and mortifica tion that time will hardly efface no yoank girl iboold accept gifts from onyman the firl who does it betrays the fact that sle is pot caref ally guarded by parental training aud that her own iustinct if uot fine nough to warn her of danger youhcoi ipaatpn rice and suppers kico and uppers slippers and rice quaint old symbols of all thats nice t la a worl 1 made np of sugar sod spice witt a bonepnoou always shining a world whore the birds keep houso bjj twoo and the rihgloto calls and the itockdvrte cool and maids are many and men ma choose and never shal love go pining for the rice that hi shod and the shoes be thrown when the bridegroom makes the bride his own ho aud she la the world aloue thoagb msnja man came wooing he and she aqd no other beside though the ways are long and the world is wide tlio proudest groom aud tho prettiest bride that ever went wiling and cooing slippers and rice for an mhen meet fling them out in tbe open street high over head and low under feet precious beyond ajl posies glad aa tiie song that greets the day when wedded lovers are whirled away for au everlasting month of may j or a whole oand year of rosea say ia she fair tho vile of an hoar thou fairer km never the fairest flower lily or rose id a maidens bower blushwhite on a summer mornings or say is she dark then never yet was southern beaoty with eyes of jet or daairpaje siren or darkbronetic bo lonely beyond adorning is ahe rich does she bring a dower of gold t theo good is tho treasure to have and to hold her lover will learn to be twice as bold with fortttse at baud to aid him is she poor in all but her own fair worth then that is the richest dower on earth aud box lover will laogh at wealth awl birth when be owns il was she who made biin it is well all well whatever the be a queen lb her lord and to none bat be liut tho sweetest sight in the world to see is a bride inhtr bridal beaoty and be he too is a noble sight tho groom as gallant aa belted knicht mio rim a priie in the worlds despite by his vows of love and duty gtorrp cviuntl temperance at krdy vengeance i scientific miscellany candles containing bromine and iodine are coming into ase tor dig in lectin kick- rooms an english astronomer states that the oldest historical record of a solar eclipse is in homers thd 173c7f i dr gaulreiet of vichy claims to render smoking harmless by unerring in ths pipe or cigarholding a piece of wool steeped in a five or ten per cent solution of pyrogallic acid seltzer water it med as a local anesthe tic by dr voitariex two or three sip hons of the water prod aces insensibility to tbe surface to the operated oa the effects ting a boat live minutes and being dae into tbe difficulty a knock sounded at the door and our janior partner fiutered is penning with you i heard him say ou hod some doigne or diagrams to show him tonight said mr stack land hes gone l gone yes aud with alt those ruble all but one stone ikbl joue off iih the uucut rubiw to tbe carbonic acid of the seltzer more or less saccessful attempts have been made to graft nearly all the different tissues of the body including skin bone teeth mascle nerves glands eyes mucous membrane etc dr wg thorn peon now reports a successful experiment in brain grafting a small piece of the brain of a cat being made lo grow on the brain of a dog steio ivn ltox ron shirs steel is aaid to corrode mach more rapidly in salt water than iron an english experimenter mr david philips reports having kept plates of boiler iron and of boiler steel each five inches square and three eights of an inch thickmmersed in salt water from 1881 to 1883 the steels lost 120 percent more than the irons daring the first three years when the plates were in contact 121 per cent more in tbe second three years when they were insulated and 12g per cent more for the whole period of seven years boytaxpfi xot very long ago a gentle man showed as a package of cigarette twelve for a nickel with which oar bo s are tempted to destruction he hod tested them chemically and foand them impreg nated with opiam this he says ia tbe uoi versa rnle and it tbe great reason why clgareltee smoking is at once so sed active and so dangerous all who smoke the things are learning uot only the tobacco habit bat the opium habit tbe most diffi cult of all habits to break amontfthe missing that emtaenl political economist who defined murder as a salutary check to overpopulation was certainly an advanced theorist in bi own way and so too was that famot3 surgeon who spoke vl the battle of wkterioi aa a colossal example of ooscienlinc dis lection bat both these admirable kueu have been completely thrown intcj the s lade by a hnmbler pro fessor of th earn fchool ulio figured in an adventure t iat be ell no less a person than sir walter scott daring or e of the great novelists pur- neys ihroag i the north of england he was attacked by a slight indi posh ion while halting at a small riluge near the scottish border and jent out his servant in qaest of a dootor theimaa soou relarued and osheredin i stoat elderly person in whom sir walter iwogafced to his no small sur prise a fore er serant of his own why jc in fried he is this really you 2 ay its ne sir walter auswered the visitor aid im varra glad lo see ye again i ha j gotten some o thae those storybooks i yoafe yet and theyre jit grand i h les htimeg i canna sleep and then i j st taf ane o yon book o yours and riid a jweesbit and wow im fast asleep i five pinnies well be id scpttiaughlnggood-hamor- edly at ihia rathej- doubtfal compliment im very g ad lhat any book of mine can do yoa mgcbgoodl bot tell rae john how came my ma a to bring yoa here i sent him oat lo fetch are a dostor weel replied john with qaiet dignity i mysel am jist the doctor here sir walter was thunderstruck as well be might be knowing as he did that oho was as ignorant of medicine as of chinese i should hardly have thought of yon taming doctor john said he at length pray what drugs to yoa use v i hoe jist twa o them sir walter calomyand lodoray calomel and- lands- nam but iny good john cried scott ahad- dering involuntary at lhe idea of such a pharmocopmhv in such bands with drags like those do yoa nexer happen to ahem i to kill any one p 41 kill echoed john with a vindictive energy to which no words can do justice it will be ung ere lean mak up for flod- den i harptrs afrpaiint loss of money follows drinking low of time brings bitter tunking low of business follows these loss of strength and loss of ease loss of health nppect and love loss of hope of jleavon above loss of friends wbe- once admired loss of mind by f reury bred low of oseulnesasjas loss of lifes goal for the glass loss of life and loss of soul crown his bliss who loves the bowl a poor toper as a last resort for men drink took his bible to pawn for liquor but tbe landlady refused to take it well said he if she- wont take my word or gods word its time to give np aud he went and signed the pledge and kept it faithfully the presbyterian okrtrr commends the strong temperance attitude of tbe presby terian assembly but adds these words by way of comment what u now needed in our church is not so much tlffe enactment of more resolutions but more action on this subject are our sessioxis careful to see that none of the members of tbeir cbnrcbes are engaged ia that which leads others into intemperance so long as our church neglects to usq its discipline to restrain oar own members what effect would further resolutions have in influencing the world the churches of jesus christwill never be able tp get the audiences they oufhf to hove nor the children intq echoots who j need to be taught until the saloon is ex- tirjnted and the drink habit stopped he who said that the saloon can no more ran without boys than a saw mill without logs 6ada wise saying it is exactly true a chicago school teacher taw a knot ot boys counting the nanjber of holes in soroe cards he called them np and insisted on knowing what itjneunf anduhe boy told him that a saloonkeeper who had his saloon near the school had riven them those cards and even- time they sgok a drink he punch- ed them one hole fccabeer two for straight drinks and tlirecf mixed drinks and each month he gave wzes the boy who hod the mostlioles patched in his card got a revolver the second a life of jesse james and the third a meerschaum pipe that sa looms t knew his business keep a sharp eye upon tiie sjloon man- ancflhat boy applicant cans yer help an old soldier mum i benevolent lady poor fellow heres a dollar for yoa were yoa wounded f applicant pocketing tie bill no mam bat i wua mong lb musiu twiov bene volent lady how terrible when was it applicant jest afore th battles of an tie- j where did yoq get that elejfant bolt tamatb wilderaew mum thatfiteyoa sowelij kixly boo poor younar men not to marry it is stated thst the- london and provincial bank england has passed the following extraordinary resolatkm it is difficult to believe t the board being of tbe opinion that it is oa many groaods inexpedient for clerks employed by tho bank to contract marnago on insaflucient means irofmf as a general rale bat subject to any exceptional circnmsurioes which may ndace tbe board to modify it that in future if any of tbe staff whose income is less than 1150 a year shall marry imahkll be disqualified from continuing in ihoanke service and will accordingly be required to retire from iv 4 genebalgrant atsckool ra- he attended tbedistricfschool where be was a fair pupil and dotesefor his kindly disposition a trait of character which be inherited from his mother in after years one of his early playmates said of him i never saw him show any resentment and i do not believe that he ever felt a tinge of it he never was rad oppressive or disagreeable to other children once when he was a very young scholar be woe very much troubled by one of bis lessons a school mate noticing his perplexity said you cant master that ulysses replied cant what idbes ltmean why replied the boy it means that that- you can v- there ulysifs weot to the dic tionary and tried unsuccessfully to find tbe w6rd there then ho went to bis teacher and tasked him what was the meaning of the word cant telling him that he bad searched for it iu vain in the dictionary the teacher gave a proper expiaaatiod and added ulysses if in thj struggles of life any person should assert that yoa cant do a thing you deaire to acornpiisb let your answer be the word cant u not inhe dictionary from schooljdayv of tbe presidents in harper youajr ptoplt tothe dogs tbe atlanta constitution says that when a man is too lazy to work aud too cowardly to steal he oils in s lager beer saloon frowns ominously at the free lunch counter aud remarks lo bis brother in exile i believe the cocutri is going to tbe dogs olt5nu y rseryfavorltiesj thers i was tom uu bon of tho piper jack sprat and iteny king cole aud the three wise men of gotham who went to tea in a bowl the woman wbe reds on a broomstick aud swept the cob webbed sky and tho boy who sat in the corner i eating his christmas pie tbw were some of tbe old favorite bat they bavo beeo saoplauted by the pansy and chatterbox stories little lord fauntleroy and firo little peppers the old fashioned pills and physics hare been superseded and wisely too by pierres purgative pellets a mild harm lets n tod effective- cathartic tbey are pleasant to take so gentle in their aotion that the most delicato child can take them yet eo effective- that tbey will cure tbe most obatioate esiea of comtipation iomaefi liveriand bowel troume tbey anonm ha in every uafser a- a gey lie laxative only w or a dose i i- 1 1 r a

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