Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1890, p. 3

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i hjr me methodist cllukch aotok rbvoa atrroadmjlpd pxtjoil ranobasoerretrae rumtc services lftjo ain and 6j0 baadar tcbooluo ibleclancoddiictdbythc pastor ail eordiallj- invited gtraiiren ao4 ritltori iimji welcome at tentive ashen at the doo ilat1nnaredeiird appu- to h r moon pewblerard bank- of hamilton head office hamiltok- cirrru psm rf t 1000001 itcauts fnm thxi000 j tchxbclu camics it s steven aarr catiurit dirhctoksjonx ste-aiar- twicci a kiwiv virn jphv rnocron ciui gcrvsr gie itoira a t woop ajh lkk qeoraetokaqenct satordiscoatitm ni sjraace nude oa il rumi ariuy diunv pa ali parts o civ- tnctbc tsrmv sttt gntur iwruv ate tv covrttvt rr kirnori boocht ani oh cot lectio vi made oa tu ieeotiible ivhuu ot nzttl firoable tenet ravings pepaktltext j drpottrc rrccicm ot 1 tnrl opar ct ttt alld crom daut ct deposit to d ct withdraw- srecui deposits i aij rrcd it carwni rates of tctcrcii sf tt jivatsoxafcc i the kews at homei v tissue papers si slidc ic per il- try totnc or our sol j tpcrsl lfc per coir fmrlopc v c so rlr per pacuf t ruurboofcfiyrracl spec ill vi is tort douwaaes uii biljwj hojteftodltrtidtrrrorccu- give uicilj cleohyirds aclea oaf sicrof the lli watch i tjjr retail jtw prcss totr3bay october vlsm little local brieflets which caucht the eyiss or ears of free press reporter this week all yesterdays saashinfr wrsa enjoyed by erin show ocit wednesday and tiiare- dx so quorum it lie council oc monday dr wen ot sassagiweva died yesterdly a good miry cities trill visit milton urnorrow elora s taxes this year arc the sine is last jiraiuain the dokf- hallos teachers assxuitioa crili bein vksrioc u leloato diy mi toonrrrjt tk pt e hereibjnu inretitd esra jh of the bigpipes to do tor i reir it leist people whn come to actons cihitilio wt ihetr moneys njrth mi go i3e attf- ced tte three dxys rain cinv it rther in nndesinue lime bat it did reit rood oeterthelcsi eueihere in this issne yon tlu find thecqnplete list o prize iriziert it acion union exhibiticn an intertstinj irtid- on montreal ind its itinans is nniroidly crovriedosf this seetlt sill ippeix in next issne ilxtn copies o tuis tseeks feci pcvss riti prize list ind report of the exhibian eiy be fcti in wnpperi for three cent tinted spa relitble ient fcr acton mi vicinity for in cli esubiishei asricaitnn ixnplexent firm apply t ioforaitioo to proprietor of ckrt honse acton- sir ihaexc eisioo his porchised the tacheri eesiience v on v7iiior street by his freqeeat investments in property here he evidently his fuih in actons fctnre- br their cewspxpers shill ye know then iris the ray ipt reply of i sacces- fnlmerctmt rekiive a lie sanding ted enterprise oflherbneiness men cf the com munity dr c5x french dentist of brcmp- ton bis imaged lo visit acton the st lad third xaesdiy inetch coctn the dr promises sitisfiction lo ill employing his serrices jsiiter the georpetotn tn who at tempted awarder his infe by shooting nis been senteneed to seven veers in the penitentiary itn slater is now pretty well recovered j mr itb wood of the fifth liae his bidigciocldailofsitufactran in exhibit- t ic his sheep thus far his fail lie won six first and five second prizes at bramp ton fire first and two fiecoad at george town and seven first and five second at oxfcviile in the leicester class- c for the first time in three ycirsllessrs bearnnlore it c6 sole leather jannery closed dra ust reek for repairs the faraxce and sonje of theshaflicg and bearing reqaafed repairine- they will be at work as asoal again to day- or to morrow the harness leather tannery is monies csnaz best soar in the market for clvo per hnndred bran fot415 per tan all other feed ind provisions equally cheap at a- f lke the eiiion electric company are going to centre tbeir canadian basineas it peter- bifo they cmpliin of bein treild dis- coarteoculy by the civic officials of eam- -iiton- a great boni at exixr bcoi in spring salts price catch everyone berorejoarchaeiajf property in aclon do not fail lo see 3 ilxks list of resideaces and bonding iota everyone shoold call aidsee oarsiooc u200 and f 1100 sails jnjle to order they are better valne than can be got at my other riace ifl town by three dollars a bnit- inspection invited- fit gaaraateed kxtxybeos j was 30003 lbs wiated the iiiglieifc price fa cash or merchandise will be piven tr eood clean merchantable fool w kcltoii- coxeorcioiva oit rbe most admit ihal the uicest and iieapest wiada shades are to be had at kriir buj ibty also have very fine assortment of boys and children spring sous all sizes and away down in prices thewife of gen booth commander iu chief of ihe stl ration army died oa bat- n her death will be deeply regretted tnonsh il wis not naexpecud maps tnd fail futortnsiion oouceiruinti r et over any roate to jtanitoba ise kortfa west or the western btalei may be r- ttie grand trnntsulton aetoo jg randy a eleven yearold boy sri4d hanged himsell while playing fjw utheft banj sauirday he iru jt3ed haoeing by tfac rieck aboot two wrttrotn the groaud mostly of a looi character nd every item intorostlng s- so f jrin the following is i liil m ibo orjcc o merit ot ihoic who look the highciutuud- itigdgriaftijieihouuiot scpttmbr 4th claaa mj rirktood jed clsi fc clitm k curric- joliuslpn sr 2nd cliai c lambert ji droit j dattmd g maiio equal jr 2d clas t uurrty j kfugs- bcrty a- caiiu j l atbucklc teacher the inflaeiiccof ivnar ttc fafrxacrini iuflucucc ot a ttiuk was wcti uladrated at an agricultural fairjtu reotivlvanit the other day jwhcu lo slraiigcrt apfoircj on the soeue and with lily vtuk quietly called tua altcutioujof the atjcultutuu lo a urc uanibcriof itt iq a baikct lawled cold tea rilhc wickdidlhc betitieis dud the ojid ic-a- was soad uracil up at uticv priccf it provci lo be cojd tea in fact and uoth- iu raoir jut viilu tae aiicovery was mtde itie yoah tacu had lipped cacli otticr tle wink and diitpticajcd ukr ocficr conjjre4tton tlic uranlfcrd rfjrnhi says at the tiret ircib leriau cburcb sunday cteuicg tlie pietor rebuked iiic congrcjiliou in ecre terras for their jack of reverence lo goj said he if ihe juccu the gov gr icrai the lieut goicmor or even loid atcrdccu vvcre to valk iulo the church you woild all rive to eow yoar revtrence bit iltuoah there is one here vvlo is preatr lhxu any o these yet when yott are pray- iiito him many cf you til boll upright in our kits as though ycu were lietcnin lb a lecture at the next prayer every mora- lvr cf the ejngritioy bowed the head evidently having tsien the words of the pmlor heart congreilipas eificherc toight lake a lesson from this j x xck tadaturs far actaa soaic months so tho hauding formerly ivypod a- it salvation army iurracj was jfurciixi by outvie iiirticv the army wcitoi ihe prcniis and exr since gai citirens hie ixt n wondering to wliat lih it wis to be pat it will be agreeable ucw to learn tktt mcssrh griiidcll a- dickuieoni cf ciuelph are ttartixig s general machinery aii d agricuuaw1 repair hop in the prcmi iis- they will crforra all kinds ot micluucxi work snpply ting put iij stcm fi tings aud will adib nucufdciurj pjijurvotters a svt cf bthc drills and other nuchiclry with tf tghie and boiler roll h- jiut in jlws grindtll a- dickuijon arc pricticvil tnen svd tbnrojghj ly nndjrvtiiid the bjiicesi xir ciruidtlli u moving imo tli bous- ncit thv machine opoumiutr the fakirs umrin the eeantry generally has heard of the bsrcfai roucry of ths irts cf fakir at erin chow it- fill and uncomplimentary co meats rtgiriing tcrius nicthcd of juking at ojiea violktioas d law were mtie oaill ciit leerniiniig toi to be chargeable iu hs direction the acvgu icgorti ixili i j3jit coijmittci frm erin toschip agricciitare1 society and the erin village council me ltt week and ie- libatei npon the best sfeps to be taken to prevent fakirs frcm repltiag thk year the wcrk accomplished at theuhow lat vear anxoiigs oiber irrtu cements the com- niite agreed tojerre tllwhopatrouileihe fakirs in gambling holding them equally guilty with the fakirs hsgislrales will ba oa haui to try ihex at enw when on beif ccavtej they vrill bs fined acd failing to piy earns will be impriscnei a poster cf falioemtn and special coettbes wiii fae oc htcd to meet emergencits 7hzt bigzmy case l- thursday having received iuetruc- toas from thtpohce jdagiirateof gaiph chief lxoa arrested per dinguian in xaiiigiwcvi 03 chifres bigamy he wastakt to gjelph tad locked up the eime evening dilgmaa has a wife and urge family the trial took place c a fri- day but he was reminded for a week to enable the authorities to obtain evidence in the muter it sppzjurs that dingmin hss fcen brdicg wth george love of luther ai summer and worked it a faw mi rear thtre lovehe caughw who claim5fche ttid diogrnsawere married bv a prkbyteriin minister in arthur some three weeks ago is a eiinrnc minded irfof aboat l7 years whose mother is dead in the fathers absence diagmaa persuaded her to cjeir act with- him and they enrne down fcre alter the marrkge to spme of ding- mute triads her father got word of their whereiboats list week and fouosred tatmdoica indcemg the girl tosccomptny him to guelph where informitioa was laid against dingmia the cae wiil cme ap again at gcelph tomcrrow success of an esiuckin boy 1 the chicago cawltaii irirrjpblisb ed the folio ing hut week aod because it refers to one wto waa bora in this township and epenthis youth liere we give it a place in the fox pixis among the brilliant examples of euccessfal canadians we know of none more striking than is afforded iq the career of dr a e ifatheson ofrook lyn k y who was born in esqaeaing towmhip halloa county ont he 3ew ap without any advantages beyond the common school foiiowed teaching in his native county entered ihe ranks of the korthem army aad cghting for the canse of freedom was severely wounded at shilob se turned to canada and diligently studied rnedicine subscaeatly graduating it ana arbor after a time he drifted to brooklyn without a friend and almost without a cojiar but wilh grant like teii- aetty he hss foaght it out oa that ime uuiil hu merit hive been so reoognized that larst ytar he was elected to the highest position iu hi profeiion preiident cf the kings county sled iei i society which includes brooklyn city with iu thoaiande of phy sicians drilathetoti ha now probiblythe largest and mo iitdcratve practice in brooklyn axd u honored in su the walkt of life he is a good ctarople of wiiit yoang canada can attain to when char acter acd ability are combined to give roacdness aid development to the work of the countrrxround newe items supplied by cofree- ponderitb ancuexoharvee qurlinoton durlingloii made a mistake hcn il allowed the opportunity to get ii ujb school rraul ihp by il u oitimalid that about ufty uapili go lo uairiltou kcbools from bcreoerj morning their eipcniei are iu the ucfkuborhood oflslortch for railway fare and 620 each for school rales or iu other words our people scud yearly aboul 2000 out ol town iu giving ihelr children the advaulagcs of liighcr idiooli ilan we have got mr v g nclics it a suftemmo lha ex lent of abcul 1200 lluoajih hit storo being barglarizod last triday moruing the thievft broko through a window n the rear aud curied away a heavy load of ihiru shoes and ready midcclolhing and also a buudle of postage itampc thcllmband property on tho corner of water street and uarlmgtoa avenue ins been purchased by mrv g nay mr uerbcrt uotvtll left fur walec his native country on monday messrs i a kerns aud w c bell have returned to their stadias iutyroulo the former lo the univcnuly tltf latter lo triuily medical college mr harry galloway led list mutidny to altccd the denial college in tocouto dr aud mni ualfoar of ejiuburcli who were in ibis country ou a visit lo their ions on the braul farm and were the guests of mr coiiiuion left for scotland laat monday they expressed lucmiekes highly pleased with our couairy h h hurd has recently shipped sic carloads of pickling cacumbcrs to die united states they were harried off in ccnscqacnce of the increase in the tariff by the mckinley bill a public meeting for the purpose of con sidering the question ot fire protection will be held in the town hall on friday uvea ing bvljtt milton rockvvood the sacrament of the lords supper was dispensed in the presbyterian churchy uat sunday raorntag mr y r klliam guelph towuship has rented the farm belonging to the estate of the lite john stewart nesj evcrlou we learu that george grieve s child who was kicked in the face by a horse at the show last friday k gettieg aloci cicely we arc sorry to learu tha mr wm bcrcs has been zpii bereaved of an only con agtd about three months through whooping coagh ecu plicated wilh inflam- cut03 of the lungs the wife of csplnin herbert s win ford formerly of and uell huowu in iramosa died suddenly at winnipeg en stlurdsy the captain is now general agent of the northern pap- itiilway mr m j farriih who lai teen wilh dr drdeu during the past cummer has returned to toronto university where he will complete his etndies in ihe medical department of tht institution the eranosa agricultural society concert held iast friday etening in the town hall was a grsiid saccesfi tfie hall was jammed and although iliss strong wiio was oa the bills failed toeventuiie through illness mr fax the wellknown ccuiic ringer hr strachao elocution ut ihe koctwood brajs baud with mre drj den piiniit rendered to au tpprecixtive adiece ynite their moneys worth theeraaioa show held on thursday and friday 2cd and srd october was a crown iiig euccessthrorghcat the exhibits both inside and cat were up to ihe csml high standard in numbers and inpoint of excel the stock being piricdlarly fine and greatly admired j financially the society comei oat away jahead aad we are very glad lo hear of it as it had to fight against hard luck in the past particularly as o the weather which fits jnevcr lost an opportunity of getting the l there were a large natnber of visitors the county show ope in bore to day we all hope for good wttlher md the indioa- tloni aro thfti freu have be weather and a good show too the youn people of the prcibytenau chdroh prom lit a grand concert tomorrow evening- the favorites are mri feu- wick uflggic ban aud h m b light whoso iplondld slog lng at the anolveniry social last year will ba temomborcd a fnll prorimino is lo be given the executive of tho county bshbatu schoool a hoc ia lion will meet hero to morrow at 1090 la appoint delegates to tbo proviucial corneal on at dramford and o arraugc for thd programme at lie next coanly couvoution look oat fur fakirs toaiorrow erin comrauniou sorvices were hold m buna ciiarch last sahbnlb tho i tore ownod by goounnsdcn and formerly occapied by mclircn bros will be reopened about the 12th iuil by a mr wood why purposes patting ia a slock of general dry goods koeeutly a youug son of john cook tth lino of eriu while playing at ichool vras pushed off ho plalfurm cauting a break of the right arm above the writt mrs wm tyler is visiting friends in georgetown mr cits dshi of london was visiting in the village this week belfountaiusmechanics initiiutc h uow in a very prosperous coodilion mr frank martin left last week to attend lha toronto university medical college for the secood terra we are sorry to report that miss maggie mcdonald secoud daughter of our respect ed holclkeeper died hut night about u oclock ailnxate coming and going from gcelph and surra an ding places who keper for the dr in hiltzeo place the appeared to enjoy both the delightful after- pcoa of the eecoad day ana the plcasare of thaking hands and chatting with old friends who are only met with perhaps once a year all together at ench a gathering a bereaved family one child kitted by a fall another drowned the third burned to death- i3t ctiuteiieer oct g the iyearuld daughter of joseph johnston niagara t fleet was fatally burned oa saturday evening the httte girls clothes became ignited by matches she was striking her rnoliit wbowaf in the yard en needed in extinguishing ihe funjes but 1 he child died ii i hoars afterwards suffering terrible flgfiny during that tirre xfrs johnston ol a iiid by fillinsf dow nuiri two yeire ago and a eon by drowning about two months ago three gypsies are under arrest at ottawa for complicity in a ahootiog affray the polfce fooud 117000 upoa one 6 tbem icm french lds dds of brampton visits acton the first and third tafesd of jeaob month artificial teetb a speciality office at aguews hbul it thichterof montreal and bit twelve yeirold boy are mtasiog aod it if feared lh falher killed hib child aod himself i georgetown i falling rain fall fairs falling fairs j a clay plaster applied to the main part of our miin street is now fticking close to the coles of our feet find the rhyme also a moral i drl robertsofl of miltoo waa reported deid on thursday iasf but we are glad to say that he is still living and ia a fair way to recover typhoid fever is the trouble there died at fergus ou thursday iat mr archibald hume a brother of mr jno heme of this place the deceased at one lime resided here and had not been married a year yet we extead oar aincere sym pathy to the mourning relatives j- joseph slater who while drunk made an attempt to kill hiswife here in august last and who pleaded guilty was on thurs day last sentenced by judge miller to sereu years in kingston one more victim to the vipor alcohol i miss bews and mrs j t moore of milton after spending some days very pleisantly with fcjendthere hive returned lo the county hub j mr jno burd has been doing some trimming on cirriigcsin milton for the coanty fair- constable briggs of ayr ont paid oil friends a flying visit oa saturday he wacut flying very mach either as chained m bis arm was a good looking youth who seme time ago appropriated some ayr hens flesh and was captured in toronto what was che matter with oar street lamps oa sunday evening last and iq fact on many a dark evening when they are moit needed 7 they are generally aglow oa moonlight- night f will the deacon rite acd explain jmr will mcguire left on tuesday for a lepm it the dental college toronto lfev mr- mccmn ot montreal confer ence methodist church attended the fcaeral of his fatberin toronto last week and before returning tobis home paid bis brpthf r mr f j mccanu of this tovu a ecnri visit the kev mr caldwell of kasaagaweya cxchaoged pulpits with eer mr pattoo on sunday evening and now the youdg ladies of be cock here are eoqairing what and who are the respective loadatoues for the yotilhful diviues mr wm christie and family have moved to toronto and the her mr love will occupy the premises they have vacated this town now owns two hotels run by bexioetts the clark honee has changed hands and a mr bennett of newcastle is noiv the jolly landlord the inelegant and uonelghborly expres sion of one of oar prominent citizen while wajtiingfof his torn in one of our business places on tuesday night when the nun waa falling was- this i hope ft relyaike blsges tomorrow so that acton show still get knocked oat we repudiate such a spirit the beat people here have no such feelings of resentment wif miss moffat of stratford is visiliog friends here mr will stewsrt of goelph visited acton friends this week mrs thomas kennedy of parry scaod is visitiug friends in town mr james dunn sr of chatham spent last week wiibfrqdt here mr alex faldi was a judge oa cattle at oakville show last friday mv hugh mallhewy of georgetown visited acton friends ibis week capt ojtfumau of dallaf teiaf who is visiting friends in guelph t epent tuesday iu acton hv mrs john liwson of harrison arrived iu acton to visit friends here last week mr lawson came on tuesday mr w j wauaa of the tiansscmu- anf left last week fur toronto to take a position in the central prcs aciocixtiau there mrs wm shaw and children and mrs p jairit of tiverton left for horns on thursday having spent a couplo of weeks with friends here mr and mrs t k m sccord arrived home on saturday from their bridal lour they have ever since been the objects of congratulation and good wishes mr se coach cf mcgill college fcr- meily pf rockwood has been appointed to the vtcint pulpit cf the metbodiu church fergac in place of the rev jarats broer deceased mr joseph crewsac of ilaconmifiiouri after an absence of nineteen years spent a very pleasant week with friends and rela tions in this vicinity he irns returned to his home the fergus aci fccvrd nnderstnada that the rev dmccormack of speodaide has accented ihe call lo kingston and pur poses removing with hi family earfy in november mr and mr d w springsr cf kelson spent a couple of days last weelc with dr springer tbeir son miss springer arrived on monday and has been installed hcusc- the nurih- wt lekluauire matte for tuiineii oiidntober 29 tho manitoba goveramiui will opslu au eiulgratlon office lo england the authority at oooitantlnople emell a plot again it the government there art 75 oieei of typhoid few and four of diphtheria io toronto bwpital covidgtou kentacky baa elected a kepubliolan mayor the first in 29 yean gardner chase a cobtnwi and brok ers of boston hare failod for 12000000 hon lawrence clarke chief factor for tho hudsoa bay co at prince albert is dead john kirlr ait old man has mjitcrious- ly disaiiaitd fain his home near peter- boro several rijigjldbcarin veins of ijaaru have bcon found iu different parti of col- crado i a e fcnn a german of zj tried lo cut his throat in a st calhariucsbolel on sat urday two montreal fakirs tried lo pass a bogus f jo bill at brockwijeoq saturday aod got arrebted- v i tegacipii dcreiny of october 2nd has the following remarks iu roftrence to the millinery mantle and dress goods display of e r b0llkrt co 25 27 lower wyndham st guelph a miohtv to utllls th ort nir-col- omii tunnlln 8chm numiu fauii ont oot rth tnt xl wm toroed bttonu at nlagtn fall n y or lh oomroeooemsot of the oon- iruotion of lha gnat mlagira iaoael thl slusntio kliom for tho dmlopment of niagara ourlrslod ster power ii in ibe htodt of tho niagara power cotnptoy tod tbo coolrtot for tbo work ba boon let to the catsraol cooatruotloncompioy of jtnoy or 13500000 it j propoted to lonnel ooder lie preaeit own of niagara falls n y commencing it a point boloj the tipper iuipeoloo btidfie thuoe to the river above the town at tbl point the lonnel will be 100 foet below tho aarfice and thence it will be extended one aod a half miles pirallel with the rlveri tbare along thi itretph iliafu will he put down to bo fed by lateral surface oanal from tho river it la proposal to fornlah power for iiafftlo aod neighboring cftiee and the renowned thomaa a edison baa been for aomo time engaged la devising the most soluble means for the transmission of electrical power special value in horse blankets whips trunks halters single and double harness -at- rv r j h matthews 1 in need of any of the above cannot do better tlian to leave their order with him as nothing but the best material t is used in the manufacture of his goods einbt malefsctor were publicly flogged atkewcutle delewsre bofore a crowd of soopoople tho sail of the hudson day railway cn against coiitrsciora mann and holt has been dismissed johu card a kspsuee man made a bad gash in his throat in an attempt to commit snicide on monday i millinery openings the enterprise lastc and strength of this firm is observable ip their well appoint ed store long before the millinery and mau- tlc show rooms aro reached only iu these ihe interest of the firm hss been centred this week and ihe result of their labors has beeu moat gratifying skirliog the large room it a wealth of material pertain ing to these dpirlments kowa of cases of plumes ospreys wings and feathers in every variety and color as selected by mr bollert from ihe loithsh manufactureri que mantle cloths and fan ihe richest and most beautiful of rilfc velvets hand- some wide brochc saih ribbons and other garniture make with the elegant array ot hat and bonnets a pretty sinht among the hau are au original paris pattern pearl vehct with doable rim faced with moss velvet and adorned wilh large bunches of oblrieh lip under which birds are nestling the evona a large hat of blick lyons velvet crown of cornflower velvet with wige rim covered with black ostrich plumes sodcornflower oiprey a frcacirpaucru hat with flat crown of seal brown velvet trimmed with ostrich feathers and bird among bonnets arc an original pattern one of sage velvet faced with ap plique and tinsel and the kurenie velvet wiili jet crown oprcy aud jet ornament for face in the childrens nnd misses de partment arc white beaver hat- with ostrich feathers and white binds flat crowned half rhirrcsl with eurah and vel vet and aberdeen bormeu of lartan silk cornflower prune emeranda buttercup pearl gny and blacfc are the leadpg fathionhlc shade this setson- this firm ii also very proud of iheir selection of mantfc bought dfect from german and englirh manufacturers and containing all the latest novelties three quarter length mantles wilh fancy facing aud braidings or aatrachan are taking the place for fashion able wear of the short coats worn last season is mr dollcrts experience they ehow aneltut brocaded camels hair cloth mantle in the fcrm of a loose wrap with jole and fioiagareevcacf rich beaver plcsh iriuiteed withfccctled silk fringe a rich dolman oi brocaded silk made up iu russian circular style lined with sqair- re and shot eurah- trimped with black sable and a vcnetan cape of green bai- cblh double front garmtured with tinsel braiding some handfome new costume designs by miss lennox ihe dressmaker are also shown aqd this lady wth sties- manny head milliner wall upholds theen- riable reputation gained by these depart men is former home of dr mcgarvin mrs dr mcgarvin left ca friday even ing for lulowel a u umber of friends accompanied her to the depot to say goodbye she will visit her daughters at monroe mich and rockford iii before proooeding lo butte city montana to join the doctor mr george mopresonof john mr jloore limehocsev who has been in guelph for the past three years left hut friday for cincinnati to cnler a dental college the guelph iereurrrir says mr moore carries with him many wishes for snecess as he has won friends here by his affable ways board of education the business transacted by the trustees monday evening the board of trustees met oa monday evening at 730 ocloclc mr a ekicklin chairman in his place members all present minutes of last meeting read and con firmed communications were read by the secre tary as follows miss bonis notified the board that she as purposed pursuing her stadies with a view to securing a higher certificate that she would discontinue her pwitioaat the close of the year an application from miss minnie kelson for the pontion of teacher in the fourth department was read the tender from mr thomn easton of 8000 for the purchase of the teachers residence was presented the members of tbeboardalfirsf demur red at the amount of this tender bat when it was considered that at least 100 would be required for repairs before a tenant could be expected to go in it was considered a fair offer and the following motion was presented and carried moved by w h storey seconded by george hynd thai the tender of mr thomas easton for the teachers resi dence be accepted and that he chairman and secretary be instructed to prepare and execufe the conveyance the committee on finance preentei their sixth report recomoifinding payment of the following accounts j ifccounoli cleaning waterclosots- 50 h p moore adv for tenders i so rejyort adopted moved by l francis sec jaded by george hynda that the secretary be instructed to advertise for thirty ijords of dry beech aod maple wood four feet ijng carried moved by w h storey seconded by isaac francis that the application of miss minnie neltou for the position of teacher of the fourth department for the year 1891 be accepted at the salary of two hundred and twentyfi ve dollars carried moved by w h storey seconded by george uyiiuu that the chairman and secretary be iost meted to reengage the teachers of the first second end third do partmente if open for roongageraeijt carried board adjoured at if oclock 1880- mammoth house georgetown after ctteritig to the public of this vicitiit3 for the lust 27 yeais is just as lively just as young just m anxious and is better pre pared now than ever to do busi ness and would respectfully solicit a coutinuatinu and enlarge ment of the generous patronage bestowed upon it wehavoa complete stock of dress goods including the latest novelties iu plaids combination robes silks satins plushes silk velvets etc we have beeu busv opening out large importa tions and consignments in all the different departments audwecan suit and please both in price variety aud quality iu dress goods dress silks dress trim mings velveteens mantles man tle cloths ulsteriiigs millinery small wares ot all kinds ladies onderclgthinjr hosiery prints giuglnms cheeked shirtiugs tickings denims cotionades tweeds suitings orercoatiugs gents underwear gents shirts ties gloves hats caps ladies and gouts footwear ready- made clothing readymade overcoats carpels oilcloths linoleums rugs mutts cur tains cte it would fill a news paper to enumerate our stock we will begin hi dress goods aud winceys at 5c per yd we have added a new department to our ordered clothing that is fancy flannel and tweed shirts made to order our make up departments are not excelled anywhere namely millinery dress making mantle making aud ordered clothing we get the best supcriiitcudeuis and bunds for the several make up departments that money and ex perience can procure yoo tan eomc with confidence and pat ronize ub vv mcleod co children cry for pitchers castoria when dabf was stdr ire rare her castorta woen she vas a child she ried for castoria woes the becam visa she clans to oastoru when she had children the rare uiem castorta i i have purchase lawrences sp a stock of the celebrated t dee and eyeglasses at 50c on the dollar and will clear them out very cheap b sayage watchmaker guelph iniew impoetations- so packages arrived at tlie right house this week the ialumo sod winter goods are coming ia fist thirty bales aid cases thi week nearly completes the fall assortment of oae of the richest most fashionable and cheapest stocks of general staple and fncy dry goodf millinery mantles under- wear for ladies gentlemen girls and boy gloves hosiery cflrtains csrpets linolanms floor oiiclolls window cornice and blinds crpet 6 weepers uata lines mattinss mantle clothi enclih nnd cnsjian tweeds and an almost inkum- erable assortment of othek akticxks in the latest styles and at the very cheapest price8 that really good durable and fashionable goods can be bold for and a8 watkiks always pays prompt cash for his goods and buys direct from the manufacturers no house can cnder8ell hilt in canada this weeks imports are u bale8 of john cr088ley sons magnificent be6t fiveframe brussels and charming wilton carpets customers will please observe that crossleys carpets are noted as the best make of carpets in the world two bales of crossleysbeautiful rugs two cases of corsets four cases- of mantles and jer8eys direct from berlin one cue dkzss latitat oxe cise dcrss thivukok two cases of mantle cloths one case of dress goods one case ladies hav two cases dry goods consisting of silk velret and satin ribbons silk and flannel embroideries merino vests felt hats for ladies mantle cloths green and crimson baize styhati black and fancy dress goods hat and bonnet ahapei crochet dress bctlons pearl stada opposanm for trimmings hack towels glass tosreiing batchers and bakers lineos hollands pillow and sheeting- linens doylea taole damasks spotted maalics painted window shades gaipare lace curtains crochet collars a larse assortment of new bibbons and smyrna and burmese rags be sure lo enter the stores east of the cirpet window many make mistakes and do not ret into the right house corner king and hnghson streets hamilton sept mill 1890 th03vlasc wr ready for business our millinery opening is over we eculd- saj a great deal about its success and also the many complimentary remarks made concerning qur display but so much loud talking and writing is indulged iu by many merchants ou such occasfens that wc prefer to sa- uothing about this part of- it preferring to leave it to the public to decide as to its success or otherwise we might state howevijr that this department is uudor the management of the same lajy who has so long and ibly managed it and the stock has been selected by mr ryan while iu europe having been purchased there for three reasons viz beltervalue a larger assortment to choose from and that wo do not care to show onr customert precisely the same goods as our neighbor- we have just opened up another cace of mautlcs and dlmans from the old country beautiful goods which we are anxious to ljave you see our stock is unusually large jii these goods aud you will find all the latest styles represented there you may perhaps uot be aware that we have greatly enlarged the space devoted to mantles this season aud we have now a room io feet iu length by 20 in breadth whichrequires over 180 yard- ofcarpet to poverlf these figures will jerve to give you a clearer idea of the size of our mantle room aud when we add that it is filled with marl jackets etc youwill be able to form a better estimi to which our trade iu these goods has grown fashionable dressmaking a specialty all work guaranteed tics dolmans ite of the extent i and g b ryan co guelph this space belongs t jl l l i l ii i i l ll l l l ll ll i i i i il ii i i i i l i ll i ill kenne y bros dominion boot shoe store acton i if i i i ii ii i i i i i i i ill i i 11 ii m i ii iii i i i 1 i i- where you can get anything you want in footwear i hoards liniment mis btcrritliere sept 1st 1890 oborobtowm ushew gooids istobbyg- ohba f ordered clothing department for tho fall and winter trade we have uow iu ilcjck the tlucst range t suitings overcoatings and pantii you ever laid your eyes on wuatcvor j m warn in clothing it will na you to come to us as 11 right and stylo right r gents furnishings now shirts couars cuffs ties and inderwear iu abundance ods v eocdds igs ice are right fit readymade clothing in hens youths lka aud childrens tolls and overcoat we havi avorylajsestwkittirylowiiricea i kellft eros 0m

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