Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1890, p. 4

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jf as ittsbftoftuhsiak hlilli t hals eyes opened thtjr8dat october j 1800 sbt lottttj jfolks i wns juste of rais hors ffiimk nolhlnjtw knows of books aad men ha u tbe woaasal of lbs nl and hae oot strength to bold iui re has mm pocket ud no pane nor ferret has osroedepesrajv bm hu oon rltbes than bu none because he vants not any i he roles bis rarenta try t etrl j and holds them captive bjr e wile a deepot etroos throoth infeocj- aktatbomuckotgnue j hie ilea upon hi beck and crows joi looks with care eje oa bis mother whateanbe tneaa bat i suppose jnier understand each other ladoan or oot tarlf or late feben h no omit to mi iw fbrrsrept in baby robot of state he corerns nbjht aad dar 1 kjsaw be takes u rijhtfoj due jtod turklike bai hii u we to drew him hb subjects bead before him too j bn one of them qod blees him j spectator octobeb octobei wberet joor friend lick frost j too alwtji eotoe together j wuhlottltlearee j on all the trees and hear dream r feather i t down to write that ohich i hope may jar pleasant to read srhea redartned autornn smites his anvil and j through ill the sroode the sparks ere byinj and it needs not a prophetic ere to tee the mountains fromjbaae to uptop filled with horses aad oharfcts of are indeed jurie and october if thejy oould see each other would soon be married xot much difference between theirj ages the one fair and tie other ruddy both beautiful to loot upon and tvgioal the one holding a bonchof flowers and he other a basket of frnitj thesouth rrinos would harp at the nuptials aid against the uplifted h would dash the hood of strawberry and grape- to that marriage altar january would bring its cups of crystal and april its strung beads of ahower and alv- its golden crowu of wheal if ever earth 4aros her face 1159s ber inc j aid tleefa within the coqeit air it iswben autumns ripe loteliness it spread over her a coverlet softer than down the sun is g the maple leaves and causing them to blosh the world seems asleep in a bo of haze amidst and above the noise of political strife we hear the of the iflail the farmers hare gather- he last loadand thanks go up to the of all good for a bountiful harvest rlo daisy von oaunol have my roller so tlan j i mean when you dont ut them halu aud daisy yblue eye pleaded anx iously u the lookid at hallie j i want to clean them whenever im tone with them and lung then up in llio baft ajint alloc t miking tor mf von mmlit let me lisve theiti just a tew mlnnlas bailie j too dont know how to use ihem i oould learn ploasc ualiie just let me try i know 1 could learn irtaiuon bur own then answered hsl crowly si lie walked twsy mutter- ipj i earned the ski tea villi my owu noney im not coins to let llalsy spoil tnem j he did uolee annt alios on the stoop hallie brown ni not an mils boy but he was incliued to be telssli j ho would hive been ury mdiguant if any one itsd told him he nude hit coatiit fttity holt unhappy ho really loved her but she was so gcntlo that she did not revem many of theungeueroas ungracious things tlial he didi- j when qallie led liy she walked low ly home willi a very torrowfal heart she could uot underhand bow hallie oould rt fuse so small a favor 8he could not oon- oelet of refuiing hallie any j enjoyment that depended on loaning anything alie possessed after tea hallie tat in the situngjoom with the family when he saddenly thought of a new illustrated set of irvioj that aunt alice had received at christens he atid tbit it a free evening aunt alice may 1 have our irving to look at fj- no hal l made up my mind to ba very careful of my irving and keep it in the box when im not using it- a hirprised ingry look ctrae into hals face aunt alice sweet aunt alice had never refused him anytling before fiy who had come in willi her mamma was as much surprised and puzzled as hal was ko one else teemed to notice aunt alices miner but the children hal took down brancroft from he shelves but he could not interest himself or overcome the un pleasant effect of he refusal to lis simple request j ill sharpen up my new pencils tad have them ready for afdodty he thought pepat knife it sharper than mine ill borrow it papa he said aloud please lend me your knife i want la sharpen my new pencils so ive made upvisjlffiod not to lend my knife when im sfne ueing ft im going to wipe it off and keep it injmypoekel ko i cannot end my knife earn one yourself papa and hal almost hurst into tears xever in his life hsa he received such an answer from his islher hurt mortified aud angry he buried his face in his hands or some minutes a soft gentle touch roused him and dsliy said hallie i brought over my new gsme do vottwanl lb see it he looked si the gentle little girl whose face wti full of sympathy just beyond was his fathers fall of reproach and aunt alices sorrowful tnd saying so plainly do you deserve her kindness a blush covered hals face as he remem bered the scene of the afternoon snd his refusal to grant 1 fa tor to the j little girl who was slwsys ready to share every pleas- ore every gift the lesson was- not for gotten music ed in giver missionary tf dr leoninlwtiiet doyoaafikwbxt i the kews7 we mswer the motning oome- the white shafts of gospel sun light ppsjinglf the eastern horizon the brigb nfclnryffff san of rightcoosne trill soon uceziti the sky of erery und and drire awar the dense darioiess bf heathen sapersif tion and craeltr which has prevail ed thtroagh so many dreary ererywhere the doors are wide the miasjonarv of the cross mav penitriea- open ta enter vitix the message of pee and good will to men eterytrfaere there is success v let so one think that becaasekscontri- bntion to missions isof necessity a arrajl one is of little importance whether it be given or not a little offering mth prarer for gods blessing npon if isbetier than a larger gift brooght without thonght oa all eve as eoertraaly as possible bet let none of us be disoanraged or feel that oar leuer gifts are rajaeless since god can make them to increase an hundredfold it hfsaid that a lady was filling a box for j india when a child brought heracent with which she bought a tract and pat it in the box it was at length given to a barman chief and led him tchrist the chief told the story of his new god and gnat happi ness to his friends they also selievedand cast away their idols a chnxeh was built there a- missionan- sent and fifteen hjm- dred converted from heathenism was the result of that little seed i a novelrat trap if a tzmrers- wife recently set a novel trap for rats she took a wash boiler and filled it about half full of wafer and sprink led qotntity of oats over the top she then placed the trap in thcharn ud fixed things tost the rats could easily get at it the average rat has as much curiosif j u a woman la said tohe and of course they had to take a peep into the boiler jand then got down on the innocent looking oau to see if they were the ordinary everyday kind the result was fortytwo drowned rats the first night- i 1- we cannot all berich orgreator power- fuvbut we can all build for bunelres inviting- palaces of wisdom where the noblest snd best of every sge may corae through he silent but immortal agency of of books to store our minds with tjie rarest samples of their genius thesf choice legacies too wilf stand oy ue and support us when trade fortune and friends fail to comfort snd ssfisfy pur drooping spirits who then would think of living the association of interesting boo it 1 young man should without ko tic haw cuulnj wlodt bring 0 the surface every latent pain change of even a few degrees marks the differigce belweeu comfort and to many fersons happily disease nyw hoiks lest sway science is oontinually bringing toward new remedies which sucoessfaljy combat disease poisons xerviline nerye ntlnjcore has proved the most successful pain relieving remedy known ins appli cation it wide for itis equally efficient in all forms of ptin whether internal or extesr- nsl 23 cents bottle st all druggists i bedtime storifjs a missionary recently returned from india wss entertaining a group cf listeners the other evening some of them were children- the conversation hid turned upon the snakes cf india and she had just finished tn account of how snake wor shippers appeased the supposed divinity in the cobra before killing it when kenneth a brigket boy of seven with sn imperative gesture exclaimed stop right t icre ive got to go to bed in a few minutes the whole gist of what we hive to say about bedtime stones is in that exclam ation of course the bjys vivid imagin ation would paint on the rfirtnpst of his bsetchamber as s backgroudthe pictcres portrayed by the missionary and the enskes would come wriggling sod perhaps stinging a they came and he would see their victims tweil up and die j worst of all the frightful panorama might repeat itself in hie dreams asia fact itdid not for he was a strong healthy boy tad full of outdoor vigor it takes even grown up people supposed to be posted about such things i a long while io learn that for some time before going to bed the engine of the brain aoould begin to alow down and the eoipera to cool a utile the arteries of the brain should be allowed to carry less hliod tud whatever stimulates them to activity should be avoided especially it this the ease with children take 1 little child in ycjur arms and croon it to sleep you msy know when it is just dropping oft by its becoming warm til over ibe blood is diffnsing it- elf evenly ihro ughout the bodyi the brain is at rest snd no longer filled with surging currents of blood a good hearty frolic is good for children before going to lied but all the stories told them should be soothing pleating gentle snd such as rosy lead them in their dreams into green tstares and by still waters notes here and there item of arrj lnsrtt to fit prwm rmdttra itibtifns ammetie qi iuiut wnit tortl- bh thtiyitetn tgtlait ttuoki 61 ut chills bilious fever dumb tguo and ilk trooblw j tlliilnf xbu- tjae mlnlng cipcrtt uot that oliolert never attacks the bowels ot the earth buthumsu tty in general find it oeoeatary tp ute dr fowlert kitraot of wild strawberry for bowel ooniplalnti dyteiltery dltrrhoot etc it it a sure cure yictoris ctrbblla sslve it a wonderiul healing oompouud for oulaj wounds bruises barns scalds boils piles pimples etc p tlic peoples ulstikc people mko a tad mistake oiteu with serious results when they neglect t contil pitod coudiljoo of the bowels kbowlug tiial burdock blood hilton 1 an effectual cure at any slsge ol constipation dots not warranttut in negloctiug to ute it tt the right fiinc uso it nowi 1 lluprrisl coufedtrtkou will present tu opportunity to extend the fame of dr fowlers ktlract of wild strawberry the unfailing remedy for cholera cholera mnrbus colic crtmps disrtbai dysentery sod til summer com- plaints id every part of the e mpire wild strawberry never fails i kcrer allow th bowels io remain oousfi ptted leaf serious evil entues nltioual pills are unsurpassed u a remedy for con stipation j a solemn voiv barna vowed to love hishighlsnd afary while grass grows and water runs tnd to long u nature continues to present these phenomena it is safe to bet thst imperial cream tartar baking powder will make the beat biscuit 1 worms cause much sickness tmong ohildren freemans worm powders pre- vent this and make the child bright and healthr i the safest akd most powerful alteratita is ayrri sriapartlu toangand old are alike bcncrtiwl by it oac for x v tl cniptlns dj- caicj peculiar to chfldrcn notliinj else la so effective w iliis mxlldn niiilc id ogreca uq flavor makes it easy to admin uict li hle boy liad largt crufo- loax ulcer on ills neok tad throat from which be vuitftred terribly two pbvsldana attended dim but hecww continually xiotx inkier tltclr aire and evetylkxiy trjiedcil lie would die i batl iteanl of lip rvciarkatje cures eitccted by ayers banaparihi and decfdl- to liavc my bor try it blortlj- nflcr he began to take tld fucduiuc tli ulcers com- rxfej btalitand after tljnt several iouu le tva tallrcly cureil lie is ict v iical thy ami strong as any boy cf iiis ape- william f dougiicrty iimiton a i u may lam my ytjnnpest clilld ftmrwtn incntliccw uaiita lavenores gxther iq itn hrnd ami botly we ap- plied varitrtts fiuic rcnicthei without avail tlic fcrv ilcrcaatliu uiiinler and dii3rpi cttjiiously a jiliyiician rcax t3ullrttt die soaj comftutetl to nitiltiply uikil in a fewimoutli they nearly an vivti the childs lead aud body at hut wc tjn the use iof ayers sar- aiariia n a few days a marked chaup ut the ixttcr was manifest tlic svirvsauiikhl a more healthy condition ihedisrhars were gradually dimfn- lalicd and finally rtajirtl altopether the child is livelier it ikin is fresher and it appetite ietter than wc have ob served br moaths fraii k it griffin locg j the formula of aver fajraparilla irceats for cliro tiic tluieaics of almpt every kind tlic lest reuid- known to the medical world u it wilson h- d wiggs arkansas j ayers sarsaparilla far infants ani ohildren oastahalakssorseetochudnsithat i reoommend it as superior to t nr nissrlptlon knows to me r a ascuia m d ill 80 oiford si itiooklts n t icastorla caret obue ooosttpatloo bour stomach diarrheas erucuuoo klus worms ins steep and protnotet u- wilhoutuyurlout medicatjos tu csxtiua ontrin n humy street x t wlittltsdsjsubort one dtt work fort liesllby liver it to secrete three tnd a half pouods of bile if the bile accretion be deficient couttlpatiou eniuet if profuse biliousness and jaundice trite burdock blood bitten it tho most perfect liver regulator known in medicine for preventing tnd curing all liver trochlea what 18 a greenback the superiority of mother graves worm exterminator it shown by in good effects on the ohildren purchase s bottle tnd give ii a trill equal lllguti all have equal rights in life tnd liberty tnd the punuit of happiness but raanytre hendioapped in the race by dyspepsia biliousness lack of energy nervous debility weakness oonilipation etc by completely removing these complaints burdock blood bitters confers notold beuefitt on- ill sufferers dr j c price i fir uhik si nzrixxn ar ayer k co lowell mm woria fj a uxua force of character suaaro luisaesit in ssiu brerfwlkfk hstlsssesu lr le everr rkere paw dlll there ire two essential elements lot force of character seldom possessed by pr fenders rseifcontrol and a spirit of fsirneu ko man can be really efrong who bag not learned to control himself he cannot master others except in a brutal 1 nd dis honest way until he list first mi itered pot roerely learned how to conceal his own temper in fact the bully or anl other pretender rarely ever attains permanently a poctian ia life wfcicii talomts to real merit- he u often seen in subordinate positions and is recognized by his propensity to give instead of take directions to complain when in some exigency more is reqi ired of him than usual to criticise when 1 s can not shirk and to impose in yarioo other wsysnpon those tround himi xor can iiis influence be of a asting kind unless he it disposed to be u ir snd honest in dealing with antagonize he may have these qualities and yet be with out force ofchiracter but hiving them he is possessed of two of the prim xy ele ments that make up the leader or r iler of men contrary to general belief tb o he man of reel force in iever a bully fi never arbitrary or unjust is never pats onate though he msy be sod- generally is 1 ggres- sive sod msy as occiion requin s give exhibitions of temper iht it uevert lieiess kept in perfect control force of cbi ranter brings with it self reliance and imperturable manner just atlherealloourageois msn remains cool fu he presence of anger the selfreliant man keeps bis temper ondrr provocation because he feels confidence in bimseif the coward grows escited and loudmouthed to conceal his real feelings timely windoni great snd timely wisdom it shown by keeptog dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry on hand it hu no equal for cholera cholera morbus diarrhaa dysen tery colic cramps and all summer com plaints or looseness of bowels that latent force or fluid which pre- meatea all matter and which bears the conventional name of electricity is widely spprecisted and recognized as a means of cure in various diseases its effects in the form of dr thomas eclectric oil tre thown by the relief of pain both neoralgiac and rheumatic as well is the ihroar end lungs and ia various other healing ways fnnaminatlonafthe eye cared hr jacob i miller newbury writes i was frouwed with inflammation of the eyes to hit during nearlythe whole of the summer of 138z i could hoi work i look several bottles of northrop i- lymant vegetable discovery and it gives me great pleasure to inform you that it cured me of my affliction itis an excellent medicine for costiveness annex to kfcmixss are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a tick child lufferiog tnd crying with the pain of cutting teeth if to tend at ooce tnd get t bottle ot mrs winslowt soothing 8yrup for children teething its value it incalculable it will relieve tho poor little sufferer immediately depend npon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery tnd diarrhoea regulates the stomach ud bowels cures wind colic tofteoa the qumt reduces inflsmmstioo and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrswinslows soothiug syrup for children teething is pleasaot to the teste and is the prescription of one of the oldest tnd best female physicians and nurses in the united stales aud is- for sijj by ill druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents k bottle be euro tad ttkfor mcs wwsows bootulvg snici tnd ttke no other kind professor giuthier of paris states thit certain vital processes of the body develop putrefying substances in he tissues which if not speedily eliminated produce disease ayers sarsaparilla effects the remoyi of these substances and thereby preserves health a greenback it 1 ttatement engraved tnd printed in the similitude of a btnk note thtt the united states will pay to the bearer dodtrs it bean on id face the engraved ilgnatures of the ileglt- terand treasurer of the veiled states a memortodum that it it issued under the act ol march 3rd 18c8 and that it it legal tender for dollars a faotimile of the treasury teal it printed upon it in red ink tnd by a teptrate impression in au open space on the back it a statement that this note is a legsl tender it its face value for ill debts public or private except duties on imports dd interest on the public debt with t note of the punishment de nounced tgilntt its counterfeiting or alter itioo originally itbore a certificate of its right to be converted into bonds of the united sutes bearing interest at six per cent per annum this right wis with driwn by the sot of march trd 1863 u to all notes not presented for exchaoge before the 1st dty of july in that year the greenback then is the ntked prom ise of the united sutes to pay the bearer 1 certain number of dollars unsecured ex cept by the national credit without date or time of payment which for all ordinary purposes it money equal to the gold and silver coins authorized by law harper uaqaun uest and comfort ailie daflcrlug brownt household panacea hit no equal for relieving ptin both internal and external it cures pain in the side hsck or bowels tore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most surely chicken the blood and heal as its acting power it wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged u the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family haody for ate when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains snd sches of all kinds and it for tale by altdroggists at 2j cents abottje m sheehan of oscoda mich- writes i have used dr thomas eclectric oil on bones for different diseases and foaod it to be just at you rebommeuied it has done justice to me every time sod is the best oil for horses i evernsejd the third page of the toronto dau uajlit noted for want suvertisementt h you want to bay or scil anything if you want 1 tituation 1 mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or if you want to find oot whereanyooe is sdvertise in the to ronto daily uall and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address the licit toronto csu idt c c biauniis i co garrs my horse was so ifilicted with distemper that be could notdrink for four days aud refused all food simply apply ing minahds linimekt outwardly cured him feb 1887 cirr hcimrst cixx messrs mccausiaud cvson of toronto the wellknown makers of fancy glass for buildings have an exquisitely arranged room for the display of paper hangings and their assortment today it beyond a doubt the finest in canada we under stand the firm mails samples with prices attached when you need a good ssfe laxative ask your druggist for a box of ayers pills snd you will find that they give perfect tstte- faction for indigealiou torpid liver and lick headache there it nothing superior leading physicians reoohimend them mulsion doe8 cure mm9mtmv wipf in its first stages j palatable as milk 1 j be sure yon get the genuioc in salmon j cojpr wrapper sold by all drugghjli at 500 and 1 00 scott bowse beheriue c c riciluim fe co gfxntr have uwd your kixaeds llnicftlenr for bronchit and aathma and it bu cored me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i afns l lirorcnox ifyon want to bay or tell a farm ad veriom in the toronto waily mail that paper reachei 100000 farmers homct every week and yoar advertisement aboald meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chaw advertise men ta of this ohus arc in serted ia the toronto wtdltf mail for five cenui word each insertion or twenty cent a word for fife insertions address the mail toronto canada conquer by displacement one way to defeat sin is 14 crowd out of our minds every evil thought with a good one out of our homes every evil publication with a good one imparity of thought or reading appeal to the lower instincts of man and eolave him really by hiding his sins from liimland making hi think well cf liijnhelf in ucw of thb facts it is essential hat wc to instant in season and out of hcnson to counteract this literature of evil sonc but good and valuable books should be bought and read it is principally through them hat wc liave intercourse with superior mind of present and past times aud this means of communication is with in he reach of all ever young person should lay the foundrttion ofa choice and vellgdected library the iliblc and ap proved sundayschoolhelps should iorm its basis and tlicn works on history biography travel science art and secular and religious literature bhoald be added as means and circumstances wih permit by this method a good library may be secured eiitertaining anduseful information gathered and culture of head andbeart obtained her mtsplaced confidence uiud i should like to know the mean ing of this reception mr hazard yon ihail answered the proud country girl freeziogly i have found you out eir that is all what do you mean dearest v dout come near me sir stay on the other side of that table i bare found oat that yea have becti amusing ydnrrelf at my expense for heavens take maud ex plain i know i am freckle f iced sir she said with flashing eje fcuti did not think yoa capable of joking sbout with your friends i havent done anything of the kind maud protested the young man vou have sir after you jiad had proposed to me last night and i i had said yyes and you had gone i overheard you lehiug mr bellcbsmber oit there on the front porch what glorious fun it was to go iao the mountains in august and catch speckled beauties chicago tribune consuimiuoa cuml au oldphysiciaa retired from practice baring had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per maneut care of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections also a positive and radical care after having tested iu wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve h um an suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german frerfca or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a nona 820 powers block rochester n y mr h b mckinnon painter iloant albert says last summer my system got impregnated with tho lead and tarpeo- tfne used in painting my body wis cover ed with scarlet spots as large as a 25cent piece and in such a state that i could scarcely- wsjfc i got a bottle ofxarthrop lymaas vegetable discovery and commenced taking it in large doses and before onehalf the bottle was ased there was oot a spot to be seen and i never felt better in my life- if your have a cough or oild do not neg lect it many without a trace of that hern- ditary disease have drifted into a consump tive grave by neglecting what was ouly a light cold had they ued dickie aoti- consumptive syrup before it was too late their lives would have been spared iff a w levy mitchell write i think blckles anticonsumptive syrup the best preparation on the market for cooghx and severe oolda about six years ago i caught a severe oold which settled on my lung and for three months i had a cough- i had a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was oii the verge of con sumption and bad given op hopes of being bared when i was iuduoed to try bickles symp before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly improved aud by the time i had qnished the socnd bottle i was completely coredf 1 alwsyi jeootnmendit for severe ooldi and oousumpliofl ptfoi betoedr for catarrh is tbe dctutulotttovtttdtlcbmdmt catarrh e t nuclllao worrca pa u 8 a 3 tsult called the greatest medicine world ahuitely sestau a daiacd cr mnej rtfmdjd fartnhlets testlsimials etc free nil nidin nrcsotie munis co ueu 120 kin st w toronto ont solo hinmsetnrers or the dominion s7bewaro of impositions 8ee our trsdsmsrfc r b jerjsrm wo i avo ercitt pleaauro in aniioimcing the arrhtrit fall block l- sinca earlv pring wo hnvo been ransaclprg the im of ho dry good contreaof canada beaido placing orders and tlio- result i we have gathered together fabrics which in pointof exceuehco and variety far former effort lior have wo forgo ten that goods well half sold money andoxporldnco can uot bay rel cheaper than wo have new on our counters when wo prepared to compete wifh tho lariest ncern in conad it all that is necessary to convince tjaoknowingonos inspection now in dress coods en miriy ai of oar ifenetetocs impc nrrsy rpasjtofur louglit are able goctls iay yvo wo mdan apcrso ia to wo have realized it takes every color make and please everybody and then sometimes wo tail this sdasoil lafge checks and plaids are among the corifect things whilo seems to bo the reigning shade andis much sought a centres offashion we show nice coods in the different at 12 cenfs better ones nt 15 18 20 25 and at 80 85 cef the cloth is doublo width andembraces all tbe new thii fail to look through it will pay inutcrial 1 1 ovo g tor in co ts and g dc cloaking and ulster cloths ah makes and colorings arc hero beavers and chbvoits i dominate for eatly fall wraps aud jackets throe quarter 1 lead whilo dame fashion says marine blue will be the n lar ilousekeepers wanting real fine linen shouldinspec it lifts always been our aim to keen in our swple departrr ot goods we can recommend and feel fliat every dollars is a standing advertisement fancy goods and small wares oy be lori igs ap nt re fill ingth bst pobu- onrstok ent a diss trorth spld largo lines hosiery gloves corsets andunderwear juto stock today 1000 pompoms 1 cent each regular price 5 cents 500 pompoms 3 cents each or 30 cents a dozen re 8 cents felts all colors java and penelope eanvas tracm arraseneand embroidery silks los than regular price ust passed lar price cotton boots and shoes the best is always the cheapest- we buy only of tho best makers such as james whitham co every pair iuaranted childrens croquet rubbers30c misses 35c and ladies 40c our millinery department iwill lc oivcxel coi vvedrjoday- october lit uuf iledfoni will be lileased to before tben who require fall hillinerr try our 50 cent tea 11 b jl ewyn the new goods are coming in bangle b and cha malta ay oona bsptess 7jd m 1 8iirtm tsssener 9 ttn rjtireatlr mallj lies am tlirvkr tbrotubkipoooeoi mtll aeeom 10 00 pm 1 aeeomj tike orcloiso sisruk ooldjwmtjsotjktbaaopni ooiof esst ip sosiin aad s 30prai tnistlntetabtireiit tato effectao us9 mqis 5 xttvwsi teeth with or without a piatt best jeeth winm vluilmd mi m f ilnleit e c h riqgs conw r2t tint f if 1- t0mack1nac i- summer touns rjauct srumst tc r rsttt t 7or trips tr wslt a detroit mackinac slan0 ssvtry timing bt twteo detroit and cleeund tmi trlsstvir j slx ia t r fc i prjr illu8trateo pam jssiss snd xxsorsloa fttlekirts rin b bvasrtuksiassiivsdi t b whrtcoub 8 p rmso t hc offfujit i cieveux0 slttk hlet8 rurttshsd ii co i burdock blood will cum ob believe dizzinc biu0ushess dyspepsia indigestion mundice emipeus salt rheum heartburn headache nc tot cpoclos ot irom disordersd lit btohucb bowels ttmilbuen co rw dryni 1n he heart stomach owe fte behttrl- themmtld uv giatlf nd f jt m vti rcbmi i ckk isnlff tsfasstt- oblllmmvswtnmi knit mxttn mk mm j ttlttrihttjlttowm ewillssslltsssffrm niwiw st ii iluw mr cmsk n 1 1 smmmmbe who tr i mmmmwjjtjtrt jtvfm r- kertn t etjn nd trf tu tda- 0vp t falknriof m trfstw the i tjf mwswi w tbetn ot fftlrt yut rf tu balk tt t prod mtutonuum mtmt btrr utitlfrttwi ml tititbaw jttimm nm tf mm ci mnimr iwur writ 1 kt ttr mjta tzpraw tss bracelets dunns baking powder thecooksbestfriend at i i i i k k v f- k k iv j r pringles jewelry state guelph the modl husbaiki u itlarsls llafast far sale eterjvtlier drsfowlehs ext of wild itrlwberry cures holera dholeramorbus iramps iarrhea ysehterly and au summer complaints and fluxes of the bowels it s safe and reliable for children or adults tbe one who sometimes thinks of his wifes pleas are snd comfort as well as his own tbe trerage husband is not very much at home aad what of comfort elegaov refinement and enjoyment be receives there he owes to hi wife who spends her time at heme her kingdom when a wife asks her husband fojr new furnitare greatly needed be too often j replies oh its rood euoagh for mf i gaess i can stand it go to thou selfifb j wretch have yon no thonght beybod j yoanelf jnst think that yoar faiihfal i wifespeuds her whole time amongst rioketty furnitare think how she brushes j up j rearranges it and makes every shift to givo it a respectable look think how sb i blushes throafth and throufih u she sees ha ber cajiers it their noses in the antiqaatedhabbiness yon enough for yon shame on amends get yonr faithful patient wife tbe set of faro tare and go to speight sons fore roomh acton for it here yon rood assortment of fornitareof cription and style and all quality au made from thoroodhly ed wood and snisied in the now ye careless bmbanda mk happy make your home bright iq remember that speight ihe best place and the only pi you can get anything you want of furnitare and at reasonable f j at onoe to farmers and threshers rjaeonronrmaoainervoply the wellknown iijjjj ji ytm94 iphehless 9 gold medals vo ln ttsaarded it dniiug the lait r try alto oar trltll svzlt omi wassorit ud horto powert theso oils are usod aud highly rtoorflmgnded farmgnejph farmers atk for them rite no other manufactured atquoenoltt 0x vctk i jy samuel rogers it cot mumtm liiffilmll a utempt at hint good maze orxink she want tare ware- will lad a every des- eicellent season wet tylec your wife ind cheer sons it ice where n the line ices act oil ill roe year grhlllfor w t theuqde vhe urcest scale work in canada over loo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales syproved show i honey dbawerf hut cappers mu bittcreis svmlu soaass im rctu write jbr tensa c wilson sojh 6 o esplanade streff east torqntciont ii i i powder pure8t 8troncest best contain no alum ammonia limh phosphates- crmjlnkirieuttislerisls e w g1llctt 0st0orr srrnvjiitcil ciikuooru hnfttmigmntkttitttit e srw msb v fbmhbsbr nhlrnuimth tltts iiurfci at tu at mtljtw ot riott3 wihf tin rnn tot c tar strirtb iiatsf71w hirstspain exterminatdr wttllpocitlvuy cube ibi5llbfflffl bowel cooalatt wtrrhoei sunihercomplaints klep a bottle ils the house jv isold by all peale a

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