Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1890, p. 2

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on lath october the wtreool o a daughter 0yf maeorertinrnmil be kth october makkjed h ttjltaice ef the hrtdcfcottti twet kehlb on tbe nil ol october by the iter j r r nrell m a the jber b bebbe naelor jl tbaurtimli chnrch tilsoubnjto dra j n fellotan ot uortltt kcoilctlek dibd rrtt oampmlttlle 00 the 8th october tbeophhua b winn x d r dnxxutjn ajemtda svrt rlllabeth ktlen ulnc wif bteunan m wars thi rteotaaed res the tanisuhacbtar ot walter lain ot eden ltf cton yis jrcss tuursday october 1g 1800 on bid october of thomas 8 1 y i f- notes a com the cbioajm cvunrfkrji xnirinw asks now why doesnt caiio4o throw oat signals ot distress hawqt wo mckin- unucd her vh doas alio persist in uvuig whj dannx she get joff the grass sovr york has treat uiuc million in bating land for new parks but alter beg ging end promuani witliout jttint to have grants remains entrusted ta its care and keeping allowed his grave o remain uu- oired for aud illkrpt for halt a decade new york is a groat dt bu its greatness it as consvueuous in rncannax as it it in other ways- f montreal despatch savs immense shipments o egg were maofc to england on tnesday and produce oiiortcra intend experimenting in the same wu with pota toes the uckinlev bill has not so far ajoctod the pnee o barlev potatoes or sga- the steamship lines arc making fecial arrangements or the conveyance ot eggs ajjd look forward to a rrofitable busi nejsrmrtiiis wav i the xeur york prat remarks wilu 565 criminal rum sellers on the tamman general committee it is small wonder that there is inadequate accomodationforschool children in the citv of kew vork if the children were all edncaled these shops wouldhave fewer customers just fancy 5gs dealers in the ardent on one com mittee entrusted wrth the educational in terests of a great city i an extra of theouwrfa gaxztte wasissued on monday containing a prodaniation re moving the export duties upin spruce and pine logs also tlic export duties upon shingle bolts of pine or cedar and cedar logs capable of being made into shingle bolts xo reasons for this action are assigned except that it hath appeared to our government to be desirable in the public interest to remove tho export duties mentioned i tbe corapletiqa of lie jrand tranfc railway companri lonnel under the st clsar rivz is lo be celebrfe br s banquet to be held in die tacoel itself the bt to is to be brilliantly lighted with elec tric lamps aji uble one thousand feet long is to be placed ia it so ss ta be jiiu en te american and htil oa the ctntdiu side tbe cbmnin bestriding the boamiuy line the success of thetanoeiu certainly worthy of being commemoraied in s special nmmer the bafiklo cattle dealers are squealing over the loss of their business by the ic- kinley wl they are jost awakening to the tact that their very paying trade in canadian cattle has disappeared all too sadden r for their good and great is their oatcry against the iramers of the iniqutions measure rhich deprives them of a good lat living canadian cattle dealers on the other hand are not disturbed fn the slight est and need not be so as long as they have the british marfcetf open to them star oar neighbor canada dtyss not vrste ture over mnrderere btrchall was con ricted in a week and arthur hoyt day who pushed his wife over kiagara falls last july was con ricted in a day his trial began on tuesday mornings at welland onc his aster was the ihief witness against him and he was omvtcted and bentenced tuesday night- in the prompt administration of justice w murderers canada beats the world and e well worthy of being a model for the united states chicago rriiaj we are living in an age of wonderf n accomniishments and therefona do not per haps realize as we might some of he feats attained q- science and inventive pkul it was looked upon as one of the greatest ac complishments of avflizafioti when the opening of the atlantic cable made it possible to communicate between two coun tries separated by three thousand miles of water in a few seconds time and et we are told that a telephone line has been success fully worked between st petersburg and bologne a distance of wu miles and that russian engineers propoe talking 4g65 miles truly the progress of the nine teenth century is astonishing almost io incomprehensibilit j england hi agitating the matter of less display at funerals and on the question eev c h gparpeon writes to jthe church of england burial funeral and 5foarning association i hardly think it can be needful to say that the expending of money on mere show at funerals is absurd un- thnity and even cruel i hope the comlnon ssnse of the people will soon destroy cus toms which oppress the widow and father less by demanding of them an ffirpenditure which they caiinotaffortl something has been done ia the right direction but i fear yoorsocictj for funeral reform has yet to battle with prejudices which are hard to overcome i wish ou good saccess la a reform so evident v demanded the flag oh the school house some mouths ago a deputatic a waited oa the minister of edacatioa to urge that teps be taken to secure the hoi ting of the national flag on the echool hoi ies of the province in presence of the cfailt ren on days memorable in- canadian hisory this movement was at the i foe faronhly re ceded and commented on thrcaghout the province but smce that time h s not been followed nptjy snything prsct cal except in the case of the toroow sc iooii we are glad to notice one of oir leading paper the empire uow comhjg forward to revive the project and give it to impetus by offering a large and handsome flag for competition amongst the tcho t of each coonly the flag u to be the dominion flag twelve eet long and ioto be awarded 0 the school ia etch ooanty sea ting in the best easaynotexeeeding goo won s written by a popil on the patriotic i iflaenoe of hoisting the flag on tbescbnhu the ides of a cempefition and patriot o labjecu in crery school iection of tbe yn vtaob it a jgood one and we hope it will t e entered info heartily by j tbe yonng peoj it of this botioty wmp29mr about montreal where thft qnrml conn rnoe mot it attrao t iu paoplt a city worthy a visit joravdod tt last wjfe in fulflliuenl of the promtstj maclo lu latt inue we devote a few paragrabhi this woek to montreal and it enviroiments the bssaioa of the general coutcocnoe occupy- tag three full weeks the 3cki dclogatf in attendnooe were aftordcd ample opportunity of becoming well acquainted with this fine city iu principal points tt attraction were visited ahd many wu pt those who had prerioualy made brief tuicf casial visit i to the city wvrc bgrecftbly surprised at the well ktpt streets clurmfag prks lattal residences beautiful churchei mammoth public buildings wealth of xmncjw aud picturesque socner which uiey had not hitherto secu but whicha prolonged visit revealed j taking us various features uilooonsidcr- ation there is no more beautiful cil on the con tin cut than this commercial metropolis of the donyniou its geographical confor mation is favorable to n very populouiciy k ct ocean going steamers aui navigate the river t lawrcucc no farlhee iulaud and natun has made it possible for human skill to produce a magnificent liarbor lying between the great rivcr and mouut royal rarely has it been the good fortune of any city to have bo fine a background the flit portion adjacent to the river side s admirably suited to business the sloping aidesof the mountain arc intended perhaps to meet the modern idea that prosperity shall build in the west cud aud abundance ia some overlooking heights tliat which was natural happened the city hasextead- ed westward aud along the mountain side and in he words of rev a j bray tvoalth used its undoubted right to erect its dwelling places up the river where the water is clear and up the moon lain where the air is pure j keachng the cit by wav of the sl lawrence the ej e rests ttpon a scene of rare beauty three miles of river frontage turned into wharves shipping of even- description from the enormous ocean steamer to the tiny pleasure yacht bock of that long hues of warehouses then great public and private buildings chnrches with spires and towers asserting heir right to be higher than all other structures thej hid the busy world pause at times and look up but the finest view of the citv can be had from the mountain and no visitor has seen montreals great beauty unless he has look ed down from the summit of mount royal upon the panoramic visioa below the op is reached by a wiudmg roadwa dr if the travcllcwohooses a more direct path by a narrow stairway suggestive of lungs and nerves and a swimming head the moan- ilain elevator is another and more rapid means of reaching the heights the view from the summit however is well worth the climb whichever wav may be chosen the city hes at the base the majestic st lawrence may be traced for miles just opposite it is spanned by the great victoria bridge one mile and threequarters long built at a cost of about w00q0tf and open- ed in iu by the prinoe of wales while a little west of the city is the fine new cpr bridge montreal abounds with striking con trasts it has had but a hundred v ears or so of history and yet everything is to be found the antique and the modern are on every hand here are log and frame houses some of them the merest hovels with evi dences of ignorance squalor and dirt while a block away are great streets of great houses of the finest cut stone the new- does not shoulder the ancient oat of the way does not even modify it here are thousands of french who cannot speak a wofd of english and thousands of english who know not a word of french j some arc evidentiv content with a bare existence and some are not satisfied with colossal for tunes the same striking contrasts may be seen in the people on the streets and the business of the place illustrates the same quaint differences there is no fusoa of the races in commercial social or political hfe it is easy to trace the two m divisions of the poptuatioa of montreal taking st lawrence main street as a dividing line nearlv all east of it is french and west of it english montreal has a very large number of public institutions of an ecclesiaitical edu cational and charitable character and is known as the citv of churches chief among these is the french cathedral of kotre dame the largest church in america north of mexico it was opened in 1823 and has a seating capacity of 10000 whil with chairs in ihe aisles 15000 persons have been accommodated it has one of the five largest bells in the world and the organ builders are now engaged in putting in a new 50000 organ other churches are numerous christ church cathedral on st catharine street is a marvel of arcintectcral beauty while the new bfil james methodist church on the same street a few blocks east where conference was held is said to be the finest methodist church on earth it was completed only a few months ago at a cost of over a quartei of a million dollars the presbyierianj have noble edifices in st pauls and st andrews while the baptists congrega tionalists and others are well represented the israelites have two synagogues pro testantism is holding its own in this city much more snccessfully than in quebec the presbyterians have some 12 or u con gregations while the methodists have ii or 12 among the latter douglas church has just been completed at a cost of some ho- 000 while the congregation of the west end church are just building a fiiy new edifice at the corner of coursol and canning streets to cost 33000 besides the above here are some i or 0 french protectant churches about equalh divided between the presby terians end methodists the jesuits boast of a church which is an exact counterpart of tle celebrated 7v of rome x new cathedral known as st peters was com menced in 166j and the workmen are still engaged upon its walls it is a foe tiatiu of st peters of rome opethird its size i opposite st- petersand facing oourt tloune commiwr wharf bon toooura markat the bank the n y life iuiunudc oftow plfcooldarma champ de man oieoroy nurnwry thornwvoinst heleni island tht ichine uapldiandthe cemeteries gnttungoftbe latter reminds at of the miorlpuan on the monument of the late joe booi a notorion unlloented whiskey divt keeper hoee lavleai oamr was well known in all pnru of the domin ion he died last year and the visitor n disgusted with the following mongrel lines emblazoned on the granite pillar plaoed over his dust flueli vas the departed one we mourn door to uvll cberliliod b hla nam kurual plsaiunrelftu wborebe boa gono our lou u great butohuow rut bti gain full tnsuv a man of wealth and powor ha dm and gotta bsforts who accrued toglrtatwor man bnad when he itoodat bis door uutjoo took tn the great unwuhod wtio fchored till bumbl tart undo their life a merry one and filled thm with good choor and thou follows sovcral other verses of a similar itraln the city is growing and spreading at a most marvellous rate buildings of the most costly character are being erected ia nil parts of the city what most of all impresses the visitor with admiration is the solidity of the building nearly all of which are bajlt in the most substantial nuunicr who can foretell the future of tin great city with us magnificent harbor its unrivalled water power its cloee and easy access to tire ocean its vast stores of wealth and its innumerable attractions those who arc best competent to judge predict that within the next ten years montreal will have a population of 550000 souls the- city is annually risitod by thousands of tourists front all parts of the world and now a paragraph reapocliug ho citizens of montreal with whom we came in contact daring our three weeks visit wherever the visitor may go ho will find the people respectful and courteous willing to impart desired information if the con versation can 6e carried on in their own tongue and evidently anxious that their city should create favorable impressions upon the stranger in one respect our visit was a most agreeable revelation from our previous visits to the city the wellknown predominating power of the romish church and the prominent racial differences of late years the impression was formed that heproteslsnt people could not possibly en joy that freedom of conscience and action in religion matters which we claim as ours in protestant ontario but in this we soon found we were grently mistaken in no town or city in ontario can there be found more general earnest deout and pubhclv aggressive ichristian workers than in montreal protestants work as they deem right and ga about in their evan- gelistic efforts and deeds of charity with out the semblance of molestation the sunday schools are doing a marvel ous work and in the mauer of missions no schools in the methodist church at least do as much per capita as those of montreal the warm hospitabihtyof the people was certainly appreciated and we are of opinion that delegates were never more heartily welcomed in any other city and made to feel that their presence was heartily enjoy ed than were the delegates to the general conference of lffix many a lifelong tie was formed and the representatives of the church f from the atlantic to the pacific have returned to their own firesides loud in their praise of the christian kind ness bestowed upon them in the homes of the good people of montreal two little girls murdered the supposed murderer captured damaging- evidence given affaenst him dominion square the young meni chris tian association are erecting a handsome edifice of modern design which will cost something like 10g000 chiltkmong the educational institutions of he city is mc- gui university whose principal is hat distinguished scholar sir wilhatndawson affiliated with it are the congregational college of british north america the presbyterian college of montreal and the weslevau theological college montreal college a roman catholic institution is probably the- largest single and continuous pile in america it lias been associated with the history of montreal for over a hundred jears hospitals aud chariiable institutions of both religions are numerous montreal owes much to its ocean steamship hues and to tlie grand trunkand canadian pacific railways the railways have ach magnificent new depots on windsor street among the prominent places of interest worthy a visit outside the institutions above named are victoria square and the cvxlmusi oct mary mcgonagte agod h and her sister elim iged 12 were found dead in the woods about one mile from this village vesfcrday the two girls are the daughters of james mcgonagle who resides two miles from here- the two children had been attending school and were there on tuesday the 7th and left for homc with the other school children but did not return as it was a wet stormy evening it was supposed they had remained in the village as the had previously done on such occasions stopping at joseph fouberts on wednesday mcgonagle set out for the village when he found that his girls had not been at relico that day or been seen since tuesdav evening the inhabi tants of the village then formed into several parties to search the woods for the missing girls about 10 oclock wednesday night a party discovered the two bodies cold and dead lying on their backs in an unfrequent ed byroad about 10q yards from the road traveled to the village the two girls were lying tide by side the eldest mary had a sci book on her lap their tongues were protruded and their ev es rolled up and a dark circle on each neck showed strangulation both girls had been out raged a warrant was issued for karcisse larocque who had been seen following the girls and was arrested a coroners inquest on the murdered girls was commenced tenighl before dr james ferguson coroner at the windsor house dr william ferguson gave the result of his medical examination both girls had been outraged and had come to death by strangulation there were num erous wounds on both bodies but none sufficient to result fatally the evidence adduced from other witnesses clearly indi cates that the right man is now in custody william gamble and another witness swore that they saw the prisoner following the girls along the path which led to their homes about 5 oclock a farmer named dahympleheardcriesof murder murder and made an ineffectual search for the spot whence they proceeded the evidence will be reheard tomorr ottawi ont oct ii a special despatch from cumberland says autopsy reports on the bodies of the two little mcgonagle girls of three doctors mark janson and fergu son were submitted in their opinion death resulted from strangulation there was such a violent outrage on both girls be fore death as to cause rupture dr mark believes from the finger marks on the throats and position of the bodies that the fiend choked them to death one with each hand a new point was brought out there were lacerations on the left hand of the yonngestgirl and the doctors believe they could have been inflicted by strong finger nails they examined the prisoners nails and found them remarkably strong and capable of causing the wounds this evi dence produced great excitement the evidence was not closed but at the request of crown attorney maxwell the inquest was adjourned till monday the 20th inst the funeral of tho two girls was one of the most affecting sights a person could witness the father and mother were al most heart broken and many of the specta tors wept in sympathy the ceremony was performed by rev mr beatty presbyter ian minister beautiful floral were placed on the coffins of tho murdered girls by their school companions talk of tje day an bpltom or ths world doing during thwk th jm d btbulopal hurt ton ordir- 4 to lm lb eltjr thin ll t movement on uot to plant a oolonjr ol japantw in mexioo lord ud lady atodeeu tall from- mew york or england on uii isth intl- mme paul will build a yuijoue at cralgyuoa bar realdence in walei the birmmokmonamout fund amounted to h 00000 at ibe end of september tlia panel poet irrantjttnenti utwreu canada and japan takra immediate effect fipea for fjii water ind eleotrio oablea uude of paper have noeully appeared at vienna the rev henry white olupluln of the eagllth honae of commoue died inddenly on tneaday london clalmi a population of 80703 e- oloilve of inbarbi an incrano nnc 1840 of nearly 11000 tliomaa barker waa torn to pieces by a ihreahing macluuo ou iliy maud oina- noftqae tut week herbert qladilone whom mr gladilouo referi to as my boy herbert i noarly forty years of afie there are ramora of an extra ecuaion of congrcs to meet next month to modify the hlv tariff bill mrs jefferson davis has received sab- criptions for 5000 copies ol her husbands life to sppear shortly mr archibald livingston barear of tbe deaf and damb institute at belleville died on friday in his 03rd aar keaxly 60 appeals are to be hoard by tie sopreme court at its next silling which commences on the 34th insf the storm alon the nova scotia aud prince edward island coasts caused the wreck of a large number of vessels eev j v smith of toronto formerly ot london has been invited to the pastorate of the metropolitan church toronto five hundred men are thrown out of work by the total destruction by re of the pillow hersey rolling mills at montreal fifty thousand persons paraded at dub lin monday in honor of the memory of father mathow he apoaiie of temperance mark kicholl a widower 70 j ears of ate and rachel bendict a widow aged 72 were married at ksrmora ont on thurs day night at 8herbrooke on tneaday edward blanchard was sentenced to be hanged on dec- li for the murder of one calkins last november the serbian government finding the exking milan in the country intolerable will ask the skaptschina for his expulsion from servia the execution ot morio the montmagay murderer who killed his partner boy has been postponed to november icth to permit ot a further appeal while drilling a blasting in poit hope oa saturday two workman were badly injured by the unexpected explosion of a d namile cartridge birdiali says ha will complete the history ot his life and his confession in two weeks he wanti o sell it for f3000 the money to be paid to his wife douglas pelly the chief witness in the birchall murder case reached his home in england last week and was received with opeu arms by his friends ferdinand de lesaeps is now a broken old man socially financially and physi cally he will be s years old nov i9th should he survive till then queen victorias fortcoe was increased to the extent of nearly halt a million dollars last year through the crowns share ot estates that have reverted the german authorities have forbidden the sale of intoxicating liquors except wine beer sod vermouth iloog tho coast line of africa under heavy penalties the revolution in the swiss canton ot ticino is attain assuming a serious aspect and fresh federal iroopc lave been dis patched to the scene of the disturbance the people ot fetrolia have sanctioned 270000 be spent in a trunk sewer but rejected a bonus of j 15000 to build he railway branch from dresden to petrolea quebec province furnishes a new trag edy a young man named lefebvre having shot and killed henri bercevin with whom he quarrelled tlrs occurred near la prairie mr dwighv wiman son of mr erastns wiman and miss deere eldest daughter of chaa h deere one of the worlds fair commissioners of ulinois were mirricd at koline iil on thursday w h scribbler who robbed a bank in columbus and ind fled o canada in 1888 wai decoyed to detroit and taken back to the place of his crime has been sentenced to twelve years in the penitentiary the eiiiowhersey manufacturing com panys railing mills at montreal were totally destroyed by fire on saturday the loss is placed at 7000 and five hun dred men are thrown out of empo3tnent railway robbers a youthful gang- captured cruel treatment of their victims wismn one thousand customers to bllnxobe oct 13 a eang of young railroad robbers were arrested near eui- cott city to day the youngest is fifteen years and tho oldest not over twenty their names are william southcomb lee mullen rube richardson harry stncker and frank mooney they robbed george w williams of harpers ferry one man is dangerously ill as a result of meeting these desperadoes he was stamped under their feet aud hit on tbe head with billys robbed and then throwo from the train while going twenty miles an hour another man was sssaulted and thrown from a moving train charles b smith and james schrer were made to take off every stitch of olothing by tbe gang each was given an old coat to wear and started ofif into the woods they nearly died from exposure in every instance the robbers compelled submission at the point of re volvers 8everal others are to be arrested killed while hunting miuiox b c oct 13 sir william gosaett who has been on a shooting ex enrsion in thi neighborhood was accident lily killed yesterday he was returning from a huut and had landed in a canoe and in attempting to take his guu from the canoe the hammer eaught on ihvcdgo hud was discharged the shot passing through uosaetts heart killing him ilstautiy arreited for incendiarism over poor bbnwkll8 oravk in loving remembrance of who wllljhngblrchll wocrrocx boil- p inscription which li hiluf blacfd ovif poor binwtui grave at vtliojm 1 u folkrwi in loving memory of rnanaaica ooaxwiufs bsxwill horn isth jttttmtv jli murderad in tbetowuhlp of blenheim ytb- njarj irtb 1to kldist km or liitrrcol nunreu or cstx- turmii juauxd loiinerly qaptaln lootfa kegtment what t de then knowast not now but thou shale know hereafter wito wax uaxa tttciuut the sherrlff so far has nearly twenty applications for the position of hangman however he doesnt purpose to engage an smatuer if he oan help it and la endeavor ing to secure tha services of the exeootioner who was employed on kane at toronto oa smith at london and on ftsvis at belle ville this man however aoes not want to lot as the- ontario government has given him nothing by nhloh he oan earn a living and he finds it difficult to get work where he is known birchall will be a difficult man to hang as he is small of stature and weighs only about 140 pounds but baa a thick mutcularueok for his size echoes of the fairs notoi from ho re and there cpn- cernlnff the recent shows the receipts at acton bhow exclusive of members tickets were 38700 not a single accident worthy of note occurred during the two days of the fair in the apeciala at acton show all the prizes for butter went to naisagaweya but one lady directors have boon fonud of great assistance st some of the fairs this year a pointer for some localities tho concert given in tbe town hall acton on the second evening was a success in every respect the reoeipta amounted toiug mr w s kings special prize to the young lady obtaining greatest number of prizes in fancy work at acton show was awarded to miss tolton guelph send your absent friends a copy of this and iaat weeks fuzz pains and let ihem know the kind of a fair we have extra copies in wrappers ready for mailing 3c each i prominent among those who were renewing acquaintances at tbe county fair at milton were john waldle mp d henderson exmp col kerns mpp dr buck and dr webster the lady exhibitors at acton always have a good word for the exhibition they say acton alwajs supplies good natu red directors and assistants to aid them in putting up their exhibits a gang ot sneaking pickpockets plied their industry at acton fair and relieved a few women of their pocketbooks and small sums they hsdnt the manliness to try their game oa ablebodied men mr alex waldie secured first prize for other thoroughbred cattle at acton exhi bition instead of h l boas ax reported in uhe leicester ram lamb competition thos wilson was awarded second prize mrs dr crane of london made bet ween 50 and go entries in ladiea work aud fine arts at acton mist nettie bell of stewartlown miss cordingly trafalgar and miss tolton ot goelpb also made large exhibits a prominent merchant tailor from guelph who went to milton last friday to see hovr halton rnns her county fair was introduced to a party of young ladies u the rev mr n while chokers are not invariably worn by the cloth i the directors will meet in the town hall acton on saturday afternoon to certify accounts receive the treasurers statement and wind up business io connection with the fair at the close of the meeting the treasnrer will be prepared to pay prize money and accounts the neatest and moat common sense vehicle of the kind etcr shown at acton was the new st le of rosd cart exhibited by messrs ramsbaw 4 weir milton the firm is rushed with orders and have more hau they can do lo supply the demand mr k gibbons is the agent for acton a milton paper referring to nasaagaweya fair says the people attending tbe fair were sober aud orderly aa there is no tavern near there to aell whiskey the only drunken man came from milton it was evident to all that the above remarks do ntit apply is all the viailors at acton fair the taverns are here and they did a big business in whiskey the gowdy manufacturing company ot guelptt made a fine exhibit of tho various- articles ot machinery for which they have become deservedly popolar among the farmers their agricultural furnace won much favor among the visitors to the fair it is an article every farmer ahould be in possession of their root cutters ootting boxes and plows were highly commended by the judges and awarded prizes in each class a most remarkable proceeding was that of the 1st vice president during the fair it wiii be remembered that some years sgo the society had a deficit of some 1200 a note was given which by the profita of succeeding years had been gradually re duced to about 70or m0 the vicepresi dent was trusted with the responsible position ofticset seller and from the pro ceeds received without the permission of or even reference to the society its presi dent or its treaaurer he paid the balance on the note his name was one of tbe eight sigoaturea the note bore and bis action was presumably taken to avoid the possibility of being called upon at any time to liquidate an eighth of an 80 note a high handed proceeding surely and one generally regarded aa a trifle too previous harpers maoaz1ne suixu oct is george morpby and john bakerwill be arraigned to morrow on i charge ot having set fire to a lauodry wreathit ty ln8 brother of the first named the building wu burned on sept 13 and it is claimed the men were in tbe building a short time before the flame broke out our italy ia the suggestive title ot an article on southern california which charlesdudley warner will ooutribnte to tbe november number of harpers jafa- zinc italy he eays is the land of the imagiuatiuu but the sensation on first be holding it from tbe northern heights aside from its atsociationsof romance and poetry oan be repeated in ourown land by whoever will cross tbe burning desrrt of colorado or tbe savage wastes of the mojave wilder ness of stone and aagebrush and oome suddenly as he mutt oome by train into the broom of southern cahforuii mr warners snide which is tbe first of a series of papers ou this unique and delight ful comer of the country will be enriched with many illustrations from photographs and from drawings by distinguished artistr before purchaaing property in acton do not fail to see w j moores list of residences and building lots notlifrr i pbnovissopanumadoto whir did you get that slogan suit kotre dame sfrf ho custom house ora that fit yoqio well a kmr blu children cry for pitchers castoria when eahj wu sick we gave her castoria when abe was a child she cried for castoria when aha became was she chug to castoria when she had children she gave them caatorta carpet 8 carpets carpets great clearing sale of- every carpet in the house reduced hemp carpets at ioc i24c 15c and up tapestry carpets at 25c 27jc 30c 35c and up union carpets at 33c 37c 40c and up wool carpets at 69c 80c and 90c 1 brussels carpets at 75c 90c andjjioo brussels squares at the ridiculously low price of 1000 oil cloths from 25c per yard curtain poles from 25c up j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndham st qaalph 84 oswald st glasgow not these old styles but new ones broodies for u brooches for w broodies for 3 brooches for everybody beautiful and new designs coming in new every day at prinqles jeweller guelph special value in horse blankets whips trunks halters single and double harness -at- j h matthews v all in need of any of the above cannot do better than to leave their order with him as nothing but the best material is used in the manufacture of his goods the model husband is the one who sometimes thinks of his wifes pleasure and comfort as well aa his own the average husband is net very much at home and what of comfort elegance refinement and enjoyment he receivea there he owes to hi wife who spends her lime at heme her kingdom when a wife asks her husband for new furniture greatly ceeied be too often replies oh its rood enough for me l guess lean slaud it go to thou selfish wretoh hare you no tbought beyond yourself just think that your faithful wifespendsherwboetimeainonxatrioketty furniture think how she bmsbes it up rearranges it and makes every shift to gire it a respectable look think how she blushes through and through as she sees her cahers tilt their noeea in contempt at the antiquated shabbinesa you think good enough for you shame on yon i make amends oet your faithful hardworking patient wife the set of furniture she wants and go to speight sons furniture ware- rooms aoton for it here you will find a good assortment of furniture of every des cription and style and all of excellent quality all made from thoroughlyseaaon ed wood and finished in the best style now ye careless husbands make your wife happy make your home bright and cheer ful remember that speight bons is the best place and the only plaoe where you can get anything you want ln the line of furniture and at reasonable prices act at onoe spectacles spectacles t i have purchased a stock of the celebrated lawrences spectacles and eyeglasses at 50c on the dollaj- and will clear them out verv cheap b sayage watchmaker cuelph iflhhs uoonlcdad often for sal eiatn js rgf vtu newto ageii wa o i too want to makt money uie bou ai sell out choice fttmrj stock now k tc time write us at osoe for terma v mat bbotire8 sorter mm l hoe lester j i notice bockwood cider and onoppi ig hiu are now running- every day toir trade re- speertellr solicited bockwood sept irt is b8 forsaie i ahoumind tvolmila tbamtife of ados ijtuted on tbe etroer erf yidow ind cboreh itreetf uirloj bud ud kit vitir cbon frut trees etcoa be remuci lor pertteo urifrtjdrcai v box hi bicbmoi d hid ont horse astray stbayed opoij tbe raemteet of tbe under- tinned totl eon 7 kruno txlozuhettth september ft br bors vltb a tore ihonlder owner till pleue prore property piy expense iad uie tt itir johjl sqpefc tender for wottf m the qndcriigiied till receive notember for tiirtt cordi of wood beecb nd me font reetlonf j required et tbe public bcbool end jh p uoobe seflpury aeton acton oct lb 1xl foil sale or excfcibge for other thbeeptjth6 of en ecre with prune boom sutler nd otber lags hud end soft water good excellent urge and null frniti tbe premieea or by letter to wm j wj wiftrted mes local or trareuns to sell kunervstoea balrjor waeklr oumtrree sue sal at beginners workers nerer tah veeklr wages write me at oncejor e o obabiju kl this bouse is reliable acton lodg no 2q1 loop m bets ia the oddfel brethren ajtsts welcome tattoo tuft uwi apply to tbe undersigned or any of tbe members w williams hhwobdes x g secretary cbewscs cm hall itettbews block erery wadnei dayetening vlaitinji for copy of eonsti- wanted ail saiesuek to teuttqtmxy stock all goods warranted nxitclasa permanent j leasant lrofltable pbeitiods for tbe right mci cood salaries xnd expenses paid weekly eh era in ducements to beclnners- xo preriou exforj- encenecessaxy outfit free write foi gtring age charles h chase knraermen mention this paper uoch change of business tftu rkt wakefields meat market ttavtkg bongbt outgie bnieherinfr hatthers we lately carried on by e hope by careful attention to the wants public and always keeping qu hand ti best eosjity of beef mutton lamb yea beeffpork and sausage to merit a fair f tout patnnage con ire of vein- st m cook co georgetown licensed auctioneers appraiser aton collectors beat estate aihl general land agents roa tmaco or 3alton peel wellington slmeoe tfork and ontario uone to loan from 100 up at six perce 3t parties placing their sales or otker busii aa ia our hands will have the same promptli att mded to at moderate charges omci xsiyfixlis booms mdibljc ores- town or eddftss boa ibs 8 1l cook t co auctioneers bbxsck cmcz 31 queen 5u beat toi s if cook co auctioneer i georgetown xnd toronto valuable pb0pert for sale tbe undersigned offers the following pa cths of property for sale upon reasonable terms fc esqubsisg tsxcel no i tbe west half of lot 17 ec 1 4 esquesing 53 acrea timbered land parcel no 1 part of lot 16 eon 3 esqoe dug iso acres about 50 acres noder culurs loo dwelling bouse shingle stare and heading mill ou the premises tfamnimhsdonargogi able business for manv years parcel no ipm of lot 15contl esque lug 1 36 acres on this property is situated a frame i barn 36i60 ahgd sixfio another ifffiq comfort able dwelling bouse and orchard and nerer fh- ing spring parcel no t part of lot li con 4 esqu 85 acres faroe no 5 on the property is a lot of 850 cords ot hardwood cat and dry actox parcel xo 6 brick boose and biacksniith tbop in the tillage of acton two and a half tillage lotsoneflfth acre each this property is situated on main street in a good frfwtton the farm if not sold it will be rented full particulars may be had upon apitucatioa personally orby letter to a saydbsk bpeyside p0- executors notice i to c r in the matter of thl eetaw of john wsw son late of the totoahlpotkarjuealiig in tha countj of halton yeoman oie- oeaaed i purblaxt to the rerised btaiutea of on tario chapter tie notice is hereby given that ail persons baring claims upon pslgaiiist tho estate or john watson latejgf tbe said townahrpoi esquesing ln tbe county ot hal 1 -o-winaojieeeeaes- or escjnealb ajort ton and prurlnce of ontario reomandeeeaaed who died at the toronto or maoeethc axori said on or about the 10th day of september iso are on er baron tbetth day of norembrr lew to ai by peat ctepald sililneeefl to william tvoed and ulchael lamb eueotcn 01 aid john watson deceased aeton po on tario or to dellrer to tbe usderslfned taucmrir herein for said eascotors a rtatesneat in wtitspc of their names edareases and she partjecdarajdf their claims and tbe nature ot the securities u any held by tbein t and notice ia hereby further sireathet after use sail no day xovember iwubanoyid s5 onfllproeedtq dlstjibote the esettt toe said deceased ex such portton thereof m shall then be realised among- the persona en titled fheretevsatla reeariouly ter the claisi etvhiebtbeyaball then hare notjeeand that the said executors will not be uabla tor tbe pro- ceeda of tbe estate or any pan thereof so- distri buted m any person or persona o vhoae claim or claims notice shall net kae been reoatiedat the time of the said diauibution t a molvat l boucitflr for aaid executors acton 11th october hbo ouelphmapkets flour boiler flour stone spring wboat fall whi hay t straw wood per cord jura per doses hatter dairy packed nutter roll cheese i potatoeeper bag a afc htt ooartawool vt wool oujoi- ou todu o is to p a 0 u u p 11 0 jotodss 0ttobj 00 tob ototobw- 0 3d to 130 to id oeto onto in onto i toslpa ilaanfa usdsaeml far sale lien wklr re sciajerriicirrutrrr s s mm ft rat it lit swr t y i infiiniiinj

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