Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1890, p. 4

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g u pues prjbss oaftshdar wflb jhis ittlr kisfan ma 2 u 0 hkfirjiijii wimata j l six hon mui is r is if in issks hil isss i k 6 r pin a iiiuiusiiu ii jiiiiai fj louitjritiri i i8iiau i feu i its 5 jl sir ii 12 i is i r is ii si thuisiky oc10iu rig 18m clir 4jounn mollis i tuljhwelur ii tt v i je mc- it l c dtx 1 1 act- jn i tl r l i i 1 1 j i ulcere ic trvkeu fc tivf tciuijdcir cidntlc r l- cir i tt cm ncjjuc lmouqm c iu ucc hii mdaj cc li tuc cr j co i 4r slicr ai u illicit kit ilori olle di lichlt- rudrci w mf gems of thought j oa de f tscs a r bet lv who dopurc jit discretion cc epcch a bore thin elb- qaeaoe i lst ci be collt ic wl to do the umfi wccac aedco faumeiofref leiiuse ulitje hope iviecn cosc i w i o cic im pfwt cirscc iu li ccit evi is the best plt ciin j specu liisu is s tccrdtljtt o beu witfa the ecoid- k ter i j to rejce ic thebif pef c other it to mile u car owa to frocce it u to mike it core tbin car own j the enocfe mic tarae i the ope bo fcnatfe ile iru c d3 ec the njit tmlgit ilerut tc untie trick is not oce wlu h coerce frrm irp mi a bet from taucd hif- t ri t sgbt ttiiboctjlericsi exciice of kxaajr words and acticn ml wrhout the an tfatae of iovcldols ai sxilea o welcome and tnccsvciacrt a hocie niir be lib jcn bet ever trtiiv a horne the tft o a uin u no tolither he cm porera a hegdaax s nij handed bat vhetber he can govern lioseif and tiiai have la private i tender ajii considerate so to mate l tvieacd chdren happj- the e5fct prodcxd i v a man who is in earnest uji ixa bo cnilte- than thai proaaoed lr en tho i calv ptirmghs prt aed the chiraccr o the worker will idecffieffircohr b- nirrared in the worfctlat be ptodeccs j i must goto willi js dai i mi the lito tvtr thetc wu iumtincwtio rfedved utter whtolt ran that tt ihc f itck he l 1 tti thi mollipr ha ute litwr nd look h up to htr umbtnet tail father i roiiu go to illte no wife jxiq oaanol go he replied oq ktiow there it a lioo of imvimt- belveeii tjnu ami wiliic 8he did wlut ttir clihitttn mutlietl lwii doe rheulurl it tn peril 8 lie tpread that letter before the lord and rated all night next morning the uid attlher t nun l co o willie i mnt w ell wife lie laid i do not know whattttl booome of ihi- batofcourte it ou will io thtre i the inotie she came down here to wath tnrton and the niau m the executive mansion who hid a heart a lender at a woraau s abraham liocoit braihed awaj a tear ai h wrote and handiuti her a piper said ladam thai will takn yon to ho enemy s hue hot what will become of oa alter ott got thre i cannot iqll she took the paper aud came down to lh hue end picket de iiaudod bimi he paa audjhe looked at it and al her and vaid we don t takn lliat umig here j i know it the said bat wilhe m uoj ti dingln hichmond and i m ro u lo him now ehool he did not shoot bat stood awed iud hushed in the prccqcc of a love that is tnjrc like god t lhau aaj oilier thai surkes in the i urnui oul iu iti a oath less uueltishuesr all that mother thought of was her boy suogcllirocjh the hues she wint down to ui hoaptlu the surgeon saidl lo her madam yon mu i be very carefinl yonr bo wilt sorwre no eicilemcot she crept past cot after cot and knelt at the foot of cue wletc her bo la and patting op her hands framed iu smothered tones 0 god spare my oo the sick man raosed his white hands from under the sliect the eoaad of his mo her s oioe had gone clear dos n u to the- allej and thadow of eall where the soul of the joantf man was going oat la its tbbia tide raising hu hand he said mother i knew j oa wo aid came that bo w a man today saved bv a mother s loc it is a same dcathlesc mother s io that has knocked at the doors of the schoolt tlroah state legislatures and u to day knocking al the door of one national ca pi lot ask eg that boss mi be saved we women lay down tt the cradle oar yoath oarbeaaty oar talents anything every thing to the hule bit of hamamty there we cannot help it it s god t providence for the child and it may likewise be god i providence for the cation that has rowed lh heart of women and cajlod the death iras bvc of mother tide fa participate in this great movement if we save ths child reo to da we shall lave saved the nation tomorrow tv pcufixtak jrc i lincoln s melancholy r i his syrapathetic nature una his earl misfortunes tloas who ear mewh of xbraham lm cola derm h later davs o his life were grealir unpresasd wijx ths erpression ol profaond raejieciior h fact aire wore iflrepce- ilr lndki was c a pecularlj erm palheti anieinatr niiare thes ttron chtracenstics izhzaivd verr happilr as it proved llcc repoitiaalcareer tnev wcoldnoteeem acrtgiicce tobeeffiaent aid u pohuca e3ce3 bat in tire peca liar emsrffccv woidi lnco n in jjie pro nienc cf god vra caled to meet no refizei of coremjn cjv cocild pos fcv have become tie chn v e the lord those acqaain ed wi h h in from boy hood knew- that eirlj cnft had tied his wbofe life with eadoets his partner m the grocer lu ne tt salem was lode billv green of talilla dl who usatnish whezren torrerswere fw to hold tle grammar rtfli lcon recited bus ieesns it was to h s ftnpsj e ic ear lincoln told the son o hi love for sveet acn bntlede and le mrefrn tiered what comfort he cocjd wha poor atin died ard ljcon s great heart nearlr brpe aftr ann died says upce billy oncorrnv m hu wh the wind blew tne rain again t tl roo woojdset tfcir in ihe rocery hi e bows on lis knee lis face in bi hand and ice tears rnnrin through his cn rr i httsd io gee him feel had au i d cay abe don t crv aa he d look op an ear i can t rep tt the ram e a filjit on ler tcee arc tlh v co ca 1 timpithixe wrtii thuoterpowenjcntf as the jhmfc ofalot oe vln tie rami fajln on he- wlaad po umv to th- gnef eome lines the thjalt 1iat the lo one mifht hut beo ered fortnna n eed is vw iiiai jjhrson o corona l i a l idr wloivntes jcne lo l e rebrcarr otj re arcing from cunr h one- l ct mv diantcr com plained cf hav ct a pam m her ankle the pain grtdnailv cxndei until her en tire limb vrat graauil y swo a ana very painfal to 1 1 oj we ca lea a phvsi cian who after c refui fisminttn pro noencel it d e- o th kuns ofloafj standing all re cia d- aid l edi to bect her ant i we tr el warners saf care ffjm ue cro the ccmrceacei to improve he- eh commenced taking it she cooh tarn over in ied and coal d j as i more jrfludr a u tk lst to day elx is astell as evfth was i biieve i owe the recovcrv ft nij oaaiiter to is ae a grea exi al kellt uco w sprinsaitfi priccscatch evervoce jfaps and fall infonnauon concerning rates etc over any route to manitoba the north west or the western states may be had at the grand trunk station acton worms ciase much sickness among children t reemans orra powder s pre vent this and make tl e child bright and healthy ayer s fills are convenient efscaeioas and safe are the best cathartic whelbar on land or sea in city or country for con eupatton cfc headache indigestion and torpid liver ihey never fail try a bot of them they are sugarcoated lire h hall ntranno n 1 writes for years i have been troubled with liver complaint the doctors said mv lirer was hardened acd enlarged i was trcubed with dizziness paininmyshoalder constipation and gradaally losing flesh all the time i was under the care of three phrsicians hat did not get any relief a fnsnd sent mc a bottle of northrop it ly man s egetabe discovery and the benefit i have received from it is fir beyond mv expectation z feel bet er now than i hive don fo- year evct allow the bowels to remain consti pited iett serious evil ensue national pills are unsurpassed as a reined for con fitiptaon equal kfjiils all have equal rights in life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness but many are handicapped m the race by dyspepsia biliousness lack of energy nervoas debility weakness constipation etc hv ooraptetely removing these comptunts burdock blood bittes confers untold benefits on all sufferers before jrcixawj to prcpertj ta actoo do not fail o eco vi i hoort- e i of recidetces ajd lzild ug ots lilue i ii trifjice ilaf convince minj ti at o ue nj of the subsiitotcs offered for tuc rlly sure pop aud piinlets corn care is attended with dauser oct alirajs aud ucnoae other than faiimiiv bam us corn j slractor far sore produc ng tcf t ilate arc offered jat as 1alrjm s con j xtracr safe sure p iijlesa the third page of the toronto dauf hail is noted for want advertisements it von want to buy or sell anything if yoo want aeituiuona mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if yon have lost or found anything or if you want to find oat where anyone is adverusc in the to ronto dad mad and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in bert on address z7tc jw toronto can ads 51 sheehan of oscoda 5lxhswntes i have used dr ihomaa eclectnc oil on horses for different diseases and foand it to be jat as joa recommended it has done justice tome ever time acd is the best o i for horses i ever csed notes here and there ham or qrvrl inttrait to pro pru rmra coroi mum 90iildrllt pilu hollo ryt corn corawnovn tin trouble try u tod tn whu tn imonnl of pln it hired mlburn4 aromtuo qulnlin wimtortl bm llie ili vliil tuekl ol tgtw chilli blliom tor dumb ago aodlikt trooblei imiicrliil confoilfrtll i will pment in opportunity to itnd tht tmt o or foorlern eitraot ol wild 8tratrry lli onllin remedy for cholfn oholart ranrbon oollo onopi ditrrhaii dywotery nd til lammtr com- pltlnti lo every put of the empire wild furm berry never ftili cheap trtihy jtakitik billing powder mango imnemi creira tirur bikini ponrdcr it pare and reliable it it made of beit crjiul croimtrl and eiigllah boda all crooen mil it ulalas hewr iliaiug etierti now that cholera never attacki the bofcelt ol the earlh but baram ily m kcneril and it neoeaniry to nte dr fouler a lilrict o wild slrmberry or bovel oomplainti djaoutary diirrduia etc it it a ion core people wonder when they find how rapidly health is restored by tkfng ayera sar saparilu tho reason la that this preparation contains only the purest and most ixmirful alteratives and tonics to thousands earl it prov es a veritable elixir of life mrs jos lake brockflray centre mtcli write liver complaint and iutiigwtion maile my life a burucu and came near cmling my existence for more than four j cars 1 suffered un told ajonv i ww reduced almost to a skeleton and hanlh had strength to irag mjself nbout all kinds of food distressed the and onlj the moetdcll- cate could bo dijeul at all within the time uiciitioucd several physicians treated me v ithoul giving relief noth ing that i took souned to do any per manent cood until i brcan the use of avers barsarunllo which lias pro duced woudcrful rcsulis soon alter commendug o tako the sarsapariila i could tee aa improvement in my condition ray appetite began to return and with it caiuo tbo ability to digest all tbo food taken my strength improved each dnv and after a few month of faithful attention to your directions i found myself a well woman aide to attend to all household duties the medicine has given me a new lease of kfe aud i cannot thank you too much wc the undersigned dtixena of brockway centre mich hereby certify tltat the above statement made by mrs- lake is true in cverj particular and entitled to full credence 0 p chamberlain g w waring c a- wells druggist my brother in england was for a long time uiial ic to attend o his occu pation b rrasrn of sores on his foot 1 seut lnm cr s almanac and the tes timonials it contained induced him to try av cr a sarsapariihv after using it a little while he was cured and is now a well man working in a sugar mill at brisbane qncensland australia a attcwcii bharbot lake ontario flyers sarsapariila riltixaxd cr dr j c ayer l co lowell mass price 61 ujc- worth v a uju catarrh is in the blood ko care for urn loathsome and dangeroas disease u pot tible until the pojonislnoroughlyeradicat- ed from the gvs em for this purpose ayer sarsapariila u he best and most- economical medicine price h six bottles 5 worth o a bottle the people s mistake people make a sad mistake often with serious results when they neglect a consu pated condition of he bowel knowing that bardock blood bitters is an effectual cure at anv stage o cooxtipitioa doet not warrant cs m neglecting to nte it at the right time tie it now henry clement almonte writes for a idog ume i was troubled with chronic rheamatum tt time wholl disabled i tried anything and everything reenmmended bat failed to get anj benefit until a gentleman who was cured of bhea matiara by br thomas tcecnc oil fold me about it i began using tt both inter nally and externally and before two bottles were used i was radieallv cured we fiad it a hoaseho medicine and foe croup bums cats and bmises ithasnoeqaal c c eicaief fc co gests my horse was so afflicted with distemper that hfl could- not drink for four days and refused all food simply apply mg minabds liniment outwardly cared mm feb 167 cur heedeet coot c c kiaueis l co gexth i have used yoar minaed s liniment for bronchitis and asthma and it has cared me i believe tt the best lot j p e i mas a lmxcsroy ojmsjtti unlmcmi far sale fitrjnhcre 00m if voa want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise m the toronto iteehf mail that aper reaches 100x0 farmers homes ev ery week and j oor advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto waily mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertion address the mail toronto canada if jour have acoagh or- cold donotjieg lect it maoy without a trace of that hern- ditar dieasehave drifted into a consump tive s grave by neglecting what wss ouly a slight cold had they used bickiesaud consumptive syrup before ii was too late tl eir fires would have beea spared mr a ft lew mitchell writes i think bicklcs auti consamptivji fcjrup the best preparation on the market for coughs and severe cold about tix 3 ears ago i caaghl a seveio cold which settled on my longs and for three mouths i had a cough i bad a pliyg cue aiwadiug rue bat gradually grew worse an til i was on the verge of con eampuou and had mn up hopes of being cured when i was induced 0 try bickle s byrnjj before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly 10 proved and by the time i had finished the second bottle i was corupjfctcly cured i always recommend it forttereudds and consumption 1 i 1 timely tt udom great acd timely wisdom is shown by keeping dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry on hand it has no equal for cholera cholera morbai diarrhoea dysen tery colic cramps and all summer com plaints or looseness of bnwelt ictona carbolic salve is a wonderful healing compound for cuts woaodt bruises burns scalds boils piles pimples 4c messrs jmccaosiaud fc son of toronto the well known makers of fancy glass for buildings have an exquisitely arranged room for the display of paper hangings and their assortment today is beyond a doubt the finest in canada we under stand the firm mads samples with prices attached mr h b mckinnon painter moanf albert sajs last summer my system got impregnated with the lead and terpen tine used iu painting mj body was cover ed with scarlet spots as large as a 2ocent pieoe and in such a state that i could scarcely walk i got a bottle of northrop lyman s vegetable discotery and commenced taking it in large doses and before one half the bottle was used there was not a spot to be seen and i never felt better in my life hinarda jaimem tor iale everywhere- i took cold i took sick i took scouts mulsion 1 1 j i take my meals i take my rest j andtatf mooec1ls etough to take j asvthivg i cas lav hv hajds 0 bcutng fnt too fdr scoffs j emulsion of pnre cod liver oil jndhypophosphitesofumeand j soda cuhed v incip- i fein cominniptioii bit uult e lp ad u now runino j i fle8h on my pones at t1b tatt op a rootd a dv i takt itjlst as e ul y as i do uilk hrntiimiliitnnj0 i m npoiiljr in fa jnon i i r- r wrol ijara ri 1 1 by a i llrugsli i rl castoria for infanta and ohlldren oalriahaon adapted to chodreotlia i reoonuunil it u superior to any prmoripfion knowntome b a aacaa u b i iatioat 111 so oitordsj brooklyn n t i wlttool lnjartooi medfaatioa til omm coxrurr ir marrmy straet k t omtari caw oolvs oomupatloa boar stomach dtarrtxaa inwutloa wonu trw iwep nd prcootea dl- mml lndj labor f one day a work for a healthy liver it to lecrete throoandi ball poandt of bilo if tbe bile eecretlon be deficient couitipation cnmei ifprofaie bilioamoii mdjiundlce iriie bardock blooh bitten li tbo moat perfect liver regulator known in medicine lor preventing and curioe all liver trooblei consnmnuon cared advice to hotntsa are joadixlarbod it night and broken of j oar red by i tick child laffonoj and crying willi the pain of catune teeth if aoiend at once and get a bottle of mn wiotlow soothing svrnp foe children teething iii valao ii tocalcalable it will relievo the poor little infferer immediately dopend npoo it mother thero is no mlitake about it it enrea dyientery and ditrrhoda regalatea the stomach and bowoli curei wind colic eoftena the onmi redacet inflammation and givei tone and energy to the whole lyitom mn wioaiow soothing syrap for children teething ii pleasant lo the uite and ft the pnwcnpcion of one of the oldeit and best female phyticiam ind noraei in the united statu and n for sale by all droggista throaghqat the world price twenty five cent a 1 bottle de ore and aik for mas wrxalow s soothlvg sthct ind take no other kind uinli tlatiaeal far sale lrrrrvtker theoaelph 1mmy of october 2ai hu the following remarks in reference to the uillinery mantle and dreu goods display of e k bollert l co 25 4 27 lower wyndham st qvdlvr an old physician retired from practice baring bad plaotd in hli hinds by as eut india missionary the formola of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent eare of oomnmption bronchitis catarrh asthma and til throat and long affections also a positive anil radical enre after having tailed iti wonderfnl cnralive powers id tbonaand of cues haa felt it his doty to make it known lo bia suffering fellows actoited by this motive and a desire o relieve hnmin suffering i will send free of charge to all who deaire it this recipe in qermao french or english with fall directions for preparing and nalng sent by mall by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a norn 620 powers block rochester h y uesl and uinfurt to the soferiuf brown s household panacea has no eqnal for relieving pun both internal and externa it enrea pain in he side bsok or bowels sore throat rhenmatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal aa ita acting power is wonderful brown s household fan acea being acknowledged u the great paiu reliever and of double tbe strength of iny other eluir or liqiment in the world should be in every family bandy for use when wanted aait really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kind- and is for sale by all druggist at 25 cents a bottle millinery openings the enterprise taste aud strength of this firm is observable ta their tll appoint ed store long before tl e millinery acd man tie show rooms are recbed only m these the interest of the firm has been centred this week and the resalt of their labors has been moat gratifvuig skirting the large room is a wealth of material pertain log to these departments itowa of cases of plumes ospreji wings aud feathers m every variety and color as seected bv mr bollerl from the eciiih manufacturers fine mantle cloths and fars the richest and most beaatifal of silk velvets hand some wide brociie sash ribbons and other garniture make with the elegant arrav of hats and bonnets a pretty sight among the hats are an original bans pi l tern pearl velvet with double nm fsced with moss velvet and adorned with large bunches of ostrach tips ander which birds are nestling the evona a large bat of black ljons velvet crown of cornflower velvet with wide nm covered with blaok ostrich plumes and cornflower osprcj a hrencti pattern hat with flat crown of seal brown velvet trim mad giliiostnji feather and bird among bonuete are au original pattern one of sage velvet faced with sp puqoe and tinsel and the lucerne velvet witi jet crown odprej and jet ornament for face in the children s and misses de partment axe white beaver bat with ostrich feathers and white birds flat crowned hils shirred with surah and vel ret acd aberdeen bonnets of tartan silk cornflower prune emeranda buttercup pearl grey sod black arc the leading fashionable shades this season this firm is also ven proad of their selection of mantles booghl drect from german and english manufacturers and coutaiuiaf all the latest novelties three quarter length mantles with faocv facing and braidings or aalrachan are taking the pace for fashion able wear of the short coats worn hut season is mr bollert s experience tney show an elegant brocaded camel s hair cloth mantle in the form of a loose wrap with joke and floringsieevesof rich beaver plush trimmed with knotted sila fringe a rich dolman of brocaded silk made op in russian circular style lined with sqair rei and shot surah trimmed with black sable and a cnefan cape of green box cloth doable front gamitared with tinsel braiding some handsome new costume designs by miss lennox the dressmaker are also shown and this lady with miss manny head milliner well upholds the en nablarepatation gaiaed by these depart- meou a little talk about shoes fitrurr may ho and facts dutortd be but ioeiii ft believing coma and ie ttic i ccka uoa hoot and tiboe itorc ta jasl now botiis number of new hues of shoes and falji pen ipociajlr adapted for uie season tlicae new roods are being sold al tnces aa lor or lover than tbosa aaktyl for old itylea and abon- worn goods claewbere ertbod can jj stufd for we havu all sixes la oent s wear ladies wear toutha wear children s wear babys wear spceuailunw good good vowect style and beit value for tbe 00007 t w williams acton custom ork and repairing gf van carefnl attcu tion trauta and vajuea la variety autumn 1890 frl mammoth house georgetown pisos cure for i the best coug medicine j 8015 st vxmstsn irxsrvexn consumption t2inr called tee greatest medicine abhlafely qmnatecd u diuaad a body refunded pamphlets testimonials etc nte wb qldiu kicbobe kiliee co hi 120 zing st w toronto ont sole hannlactureri for the dominion ttbvnnof impoiltloiul 6e our trmdemarfc sue and ii oj scott c- n litllemll dr f ext of inprmby cures jhcirera aholc ra morbus iolrlca iarrh0ea ysentehy and aa summer compuiht3 amd fluxes of the bowels it is safe and reliable for childbn or wults after catering to tbe public of this vicuutj- for the last 27 yeais is just as lively just as young just as anxious aud is better pre pared now tlinu ever to do busi ness and would respectfully sohci t a coutm nation and enlarge ment of the generous patrouage bestowed upon it we hare a complete stock of dress goods including the latest novelties in plaids combination robes silks satins plushes silk velvets etc we have been bus opening out large importa tions and consignments in all tbe different departments audwecao suit and please both in price variety and quality in dress goods dress silks dress tnm- miugb velveteens mantles mau de cloths dlstenngs mtllinery small wares of all kinds ladies underclothing eosierj prints ginghims checked shirtiugs tickings demms cottouades tweeds suitings overcoatings gents underwear gents shirts tie gloves hats caps ladies and gouts footwear ready- made clothiug readymade overcoats carpets oilcloths linoleums knee mutts cur tains etc it would fill a news paper to enumerate onr stock we will begin in dress goods and winceys at 5c per jd we have added a new departmeut to our ordered clothing that is fancj flnmiel mid tweed shirts made to order our make up departments are not excelled anjuhere namely millinery dress making mantle making and ordered clotluug we get the best superintendents nud hands for tho several mnko up departments that money and ex perience can procure yoj tan come with confidence and pat- rouize us fmll henderson mcrae hcton i 1 i staple and fancy dry goods boots snoes anc groceries the banner stock of the season great inj assort- ment pleasing in style honest in quality and reasonable in prices i no room for argument give us a chance and we will cive you a benefit the world wants the best and the best goods at verj best bottom prices is our bonus for their busi ness all goods guaranteed seasonable and warranted reasonable remember the old stand and our 50 cent teks henderson mcrae k co new winter overcoatings to hand in english meltons naps elysiums and otber black mases 1590 orders respectfully solicited shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph the model husband ii tbe ooe who sometimes thinks of his vile s pleasure and oomfort u well as his ovn the arerage husband is not very much at home and what of comfort elegante refinement and enjoyment he receives there he owes to hu wife who spends her time it heme her kingdom yhu a wife aks her husband for new furnitore greatly needed be too often replies oh its good eooogu for me i gueas i can stand it go to thou selfish wretch hare yon no thought beyond yourself just think that your failhfol wifcspendi ber whole time amongst r lcketty furniture think how she brushes il op rearranges it and makes every shift toire it a respectable look think how she blushes through and through n she sees her callers ult their noeea in contempt at the antiquated ahabbinet von think good enough for yon shame on you make amends get yonr filthtol bard working patient wife the set of furniture abe wants and go to speight 4 8on s furniture ware rooma acton for it here yon wiu find a good assortment of furniture of every dea cripiijb and style and all of excellent quality all made from thoroughly season ed wood and unified in the beat style now ye careless husbands make yonr wife happy make your home bright aod cheer fnl remember that bpejgbt ev son a 14 tbe best place and tbe only place where ycto can get anything yon want in tbe line of furniture and at reasonable prices aci atxmoe autumn 1890 r b j6rmyn otoisr we hac greit pleasure in annoiinciug the arrival of our fall stock since earh spring wc have been ransacking tbe immensestocks of the dry good centres of cauada beside placiug many import orders and ihe result is we have gathered together an array of fabrics which in point of excellence aud variety far aarpass our former cfiorts nor have we fnrgolten that goods well bought are half sold money and cpeneuce cau uot buy reliable goods cheapei than wc hate new on our counters when we saj wc are prepared to compete with the largest concern in canada we mean t alltbitis necessary to convince the knowing ones is a personal inspection now in dress goods we hate realized it fakes eter color make and material to please everybody and then sometimes we fail this season large checks and plaids are among the cferrect things while dove grey seems to be the reigning shade and is mucb sojnght after m ttre ceutres offashion we show nice coods iu tbe different colorings at 12j cents better ones it 15 18 20 25 and at 30 35 cents and up the cloth is double width and embraces all the new things dont fail to look tlrouglt it will pay i i cloaking and ulster cloths all makes and colonng3 are here beavers and cbevoita pre dominate for eailv fall wraps and jackets three quarter length will lead while dame fashion says marine blue will be the most popu lar housekeepers wanliftgrcul fine linen should uispectonrstock ithisalwajs been our aimu keep iu our 6taple department a class goous we can recommend aud feej tbat every dollars worth sold is a staudiug advertisement- rqt fancy goods and small wares large lines hosiery glove corsets anduuderwearjust passed mto stock todaj 1000 pompoms 1 cent each regular price 5 unts 500 pompoms 3 cents each or 80 ceuts a dqzen regular price 8 cents fells all colors java and penelope canvas tracing cotton arrasencaud embroidery silks less than regular price boots and shoes the best is always the chendest we bay onl of the best makers such as james whithnm fc co every pair guarauled childrens croquet rubbers 30c- misses 35c and ladies 40c our millinery department w ul be opcaed qu w educsdiy october 1st uiss bedford wul be pleased to see ladles before tbeu vtio require fall uiulnory try our 50 cent tea r b jermyn w mcleod co sept 1st 1800 oeoeoitown to farmers and threshers useonvourmactiinertonly the wellknown peerless oil 9 gold medals l wdl power the ou farmguelph farmers aik for them ace noqtber m9m manofaetnred it qtwcb olttoll wort b samuel rocer8 ctoronto ctjand t hunk ra hay soixoiiit iffiwin iersi- 2 i a t i i ii sss5sss mbfesgjte tl i i hit kvi lgsl mall- v jn tbro ekptsmjofi rwmnfer rain through eip cm cm mall 1 i 1 aeeom 1000pm ieeos tj ttja ofclobuio mutb qoinfwestd3sail lodsjopin ocingealt losoutl la1590ph tblstlme table vent lotq effect en xor mb teeth with l without a pla i best jteth0ih plfts 00 tj i titalliad air for palnlasi iitraetlea if c h ri8s8 comer lap ltd itbtownj to mackinac summed tours pllacc sveikts low rtis totir trip per wmkbvtwma v detroit mackinac island tvtrj zxnlat bttwta detroit and cleveland hmt 01 f our illustrated pamphlet fialnaai xztfonfoa tletd will ufarsicb e b whitcomb apa oftirt midw the ohroit 1 cleveuw steam muto m dunns baking powder thecooicsbestfriend he urgest scale works in canada over 100 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales syproved showcases honey drawers meat cjiper amd botchek ssftues snoaxis n fill f vfau he tenna c wilson son 6 o esplanade street east toronto ont mention tfiij njnere er une ton wnti the key to health urjocfa all ths clogged avaines of the bowels sldnevs and liver carrying off gradually fithout weakening the sys- tern all the impurities and fool humors ol the secretions at the same tune cop- reetlug acidity i of the stomaeli caring biliousness dyspepsia headaches dlz4nessn heartburn r constipatlon drjness bt tho smb dropsy dimness of vision jarjn- dice salt rheum erysipelas sero- fnla flutxerine qf tna heart ber tonsness and general debility all these and many other similar oompjamts yield to tho happy mflnninn ol boejjock blood brrtebs for sato lyou iedlen itmwmmnmm isltali u wm 4 rfrttwtjna lha ilau trade fcrv leh i 4 ttu rt ttpajj r w km i if jmrnam i i h frt- t 8so p i imob t co box i flerpcr lr 1s fnjfniiotm iniw ostrmoik towttit tsa nnri wm totummchm i to uosj b fa9tmr i 3urwyrali erynriancamjuiu iirm fkcckt he after to i wk r tn rkaittajottttu amkm a creahygtmar pwre8t st ron 1est best tontaine alum ammonia lime or ui injnriou sfattrials bw gillett kntrotuumuiirejiaiinscanei no phosphates toboktoost cuiugoxu l5 r r tiu ibhi ttw wlikfllndklfa laiumkiah itltibink 1 kiliai liuujrmco- trm4emurinbte m ll hutkk i ijllnm kkijil hirstspairj exterminator wm posmvaycure bowel cnatltsiiarrtiom asnui summerc0mplaint8 keep a bottle if the house souxbyaudealin wf sf

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