Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1890, p. 2

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ni pp3- m vvi m ft f i ataauuso curramtbmxixai ooalrk srd st brjwr jrc smith bdwimim kxrewford to be brownie boltinfttacnr med caxraujjln acton oa thelmi oetohw atar gret wl4ow of tlu 1st juhi jeuipbcu aged dffomtrral atflron i tlm mil ootolwr maeeia dinjluwol hr jim pi diorrh aged in 1 buns tnj xuitimn on tie mui octobrr filrjixjj mcua wife o mer baywl aged 40 y an and months j powulliooetph on i october wllllani hamad second son ot kanioel lwil ad fears 10 tnontbs and tl daft 1 electric light in acton the council mtkm a contraot which all cltlrene will apprwotato ratopnytri ot lilts tin jolpallty tagafjldg the iltoation ol the pa hj etc carried oobxcuaor xxxmtf have any other towns- lathe oounty f it electric light yet mr poltarj ouioio feme on oct mi laara mary roaataat child ot john crau rojtor ot the nwaknajiajrd htaa16moau vi it xtamfm fress tltcrsday octgderm 1890 it l f it notes a com there it a good aolhority fop aiating that lnrd salisbury ia about to make ireah pro- pjaalt to krmoe rwpscting th newfound land qomljon on a baaia of free access by thc french fiahormaii to kewfoandluicvs hail supply in return for the abrogation of the french boanjiea it is possible the re peal of the bait law will also form the batii of a mission to washington i canadas hanging crop is lurnin out pretty well as will be sech hy tire follow ing j- morin at quebec october mtb birchal at woodstock kovwnbcr uih nianchard at shetbrookc december isth day at welland december lh lamonlagne at 6hcrbroofa december 19th i i mr htnniker hmtonxp has relumed to england from his canadian trip with increased jeonndenoe in the sacccsa of the cheap postage movement he lias sobmil- tsd to the imperial authorities detailed proposals for the establishment of a two cent postage rate between england and canada- hc hopes canada bjr moving first in the matter will put herself ahead of the slates i t the chicago trjbtte is forced to pay this compliment to canada why cnnnol austrian papers imitate the dignified com- posure and restraint of the canadian ones the mwjuriff hits canada in a dozen places where it hits austria in one but the canadians fake it philosophically use no hard words and are not crying ont to other nations to come to their assistance the new world certainly keeps its temper better than the old 1 1 that the council 4id wise thing l their meeting on monday evening in contracting tor oar streets to be lighted by electric light we ieel safisned oar citizens will unanimously rondude the great snper- iority of eiectridtj- over the ordinary coal oil ta ps with the most tarefal eaperris- ion is unquestioned and when theormer can be secured at eo trifling an advance in expense orer the old system there certinjx saems to be no cause for anything bat satis- iuction with the councils action having j served nofee upon foreigners that they must get oat of this field ani trade elsewhere witi simpletons who im agine benefit is to be derived by friendly commercial interconrae we cniiot expect them to go out of their way to help us along with a worlds fair it is not to be wondered that some of th are under the circumstances very tart m their allusion i 3 the expected invitations from this coun- try no trade no exhibit constitutes tie essence of their remarks and we may vrpect them to carry out their threats congress has ajutoabtedly put a barbed wire fenoa around the columbian ei- positkm7knucrgo ccaadiam anericom hon j 1l gibson provincial secretary has issueda areolar to the license inspec tors of the province ra their amentian to the necssiry of vigilantly enforcing the provisions of the liquor law and stating that the failure to enforce the saturday night and sunday clauses will be looked upon as demanding the retirement of the inspector who is thus falling short of doing his duty- j the inspectors are further ad- visatto give peremptory notice to licensees that strict kxmipktmee with the law si to prohibited hours will be insisted on per sistent law breaking the provincial secret tiry says most be met by vigorous proeecu- turn and assistance wol always be afforded when needed by the department college federation settled victoria university senate concur and asksfor dissolution of the injunction j if i vr v the board of regents and senate of vic toria universitymet at cobourg thursday and by a large majority decided m favour of federatitni with the university of tor onto and a motion for dissolving the in- junction was carried by 21 to 3 commit tees commissiraedbytheboardofeegenu were appointed to- take steps towards the erection of the new university bufldiegs at toronto i tie meeting broke op with coagratula- tions and assurances of cooperation t and a general expressioc of opinion that all wih now go on prosperously toronto soon have a g methodist university endowed with sufficient funds to be a power for good and areat educational institution for the whole of canadj tijfethodist church throughout the dominion is to be congratulated upon the happy hiding to the long continued struggle npon the federation question theist clair tunnel bissil oct 13 the last key of the last section of the metallining of the 8fc culr taqnel constructed by he grand trunk railway company of canada waa pat ia place on saturday night iast thus was completed a metal lobe underneath the st clair isver between sarni and the city of port huron one of the greatest works of the age the tube u of cast metal urge enoogh and stroog enough to admit of the largest and heaviest railway trains beinfl ran through it j its entire length ii c050 feet the patting down of the railway track in to is tabe is now going oa the ioue portalsbf the tcnoel are in course of erection und the approaches are being rapidly completed it ii anticipated that the taontl will be ready for traffic in february j j the birchall petition woodstock oct 30 the petition start ed in london which is being drculued oh birchtlli oehalfrbu not been nomerousfy signed in th i town it was to circulation two or three days last weekv as4 jop to tv night only lioeteen signaiurea had been received b jv mr wade birchaji fpirit- nal adriaef i md one or two c other olergy- den and do lors were among the list of nainea set ml ministers refused to sign the petition other busi t uounuil met ou monday uveuittg iu itu- tar mmi tuoiulil timiuu itwte storey iu ui oliair aud oyuoclllori lovtf kchuey and smith pneul mioutoaot faat roveuug read ktid oou armed tlie tollowfuft ooinmuunuiiou from iho hall iuictuc llgbtoo ol toroulo wu read to tan ucvk axn oocxaltohi j v vuk iu4uk or acton- qtstikusxvouliunjtuirou itn oiflut or more lk klocuic lstiio i000 cp tor row itroeulotuieiumof fitteouccuti ikt iffilil tar m ulgun ikir jtjar ligbu w lam troui duik ouiil tuldaltjul taid coujct lo remain iu low for out fott from itruiq uc ligbu vours hotjiocuuli- ilia ujux eixcruic ltcittr co vvr iu 11 llituir troat oct oi 1rw tbe oompauy alio applied fur ietnfa4uu to erect electric liht puloa ou tbu vatiuui lutvli of the muuicipalily the auumt graut to luv recvo for chariucf was eferted lo moved by u lrjwry isoooudod ly v kstuiih that the uual grant of tweuly dollanto tbe hoove fyccharuiesbeajlotted carned coaucillor hpeiut howutccd and took hit aeat ia reviewing the acooanti presented ona from l lyraiu lamplighter called forth convdcrable discauiun owinix to a claim of some 19 for lighting extra lamps erected after the original contract waa entered into tbe members of the fttreet and lidewalk committee didnt like the way tho lreet lamps were lighted ccxollorkexxkv i hate to pay a man when he doesnt do bis work i cosatedfiro lamps one uiht myself which were not lighted me and bra speight got agreat going over ou batorday uiht by an east end man beeaate the lamps are not attended to coexctllok swni i doat like it either ffhat do the eeee and dr lowry think about ill lets heir hit they have lo aay the recte the twet and aidewalk committee should hate iatestigaied this matter and not allowed it to run so long perhipt wed better pay up the balance aod then demand better service in f uture ma kexxet we ought to dock him ten dollars anyway foe this year d a lowat no i doat believe ia docking let us demand and get good service and then pay for it me rxxrt well when fyfe was reero they docked the lamplighter ten dollars a voice and what look place the next year ma kexsxt oh well when bro smith and me got in we voted that the tea dollars the other council docked be paid the committee on finance then presented their fourteenth report recommending pay- mentof accounts as follows peter ssyen lumber account ks w m ponrrmumn begotiatitiit for it mu raxneywell aidqeorretowoare i urry up and ftt qi beat all the other a w t tnuit be ahead of georgetown anyhow j corxcjuoa bicrm t acton u eltotrfe ugbt all the olhara wtllj tmufc ft too mr porrta1 uilulj we can have ihi lyitem in workiog order lu about three weeks m the ileeve and coatictllor lowry were empowered jtave the eolioltor of the municipality prepare the igreement and have ii completed at oooe alulliu the batiueaa jion eniued and the tnembera oougratulkted each other that daring tbe year ihoy had trtoi acted no baafuciu which would be imoro mtfifaotory to ciiixcui iu general thau the contract just nud co a nctl adjourned at a quarter to ten lather lyman lamplighter john gordon travel kbcoofcsanltrttasrector the see charities chas t hoi oalls ctc a 11 si 30 2 00 00 his u uex xboo 60 eoa eoo 3 0q i u 100 h p alocrt priutinf i sd xrpcampbeilorfcnttru george qtrfc rorfc oa fctrwts johac hi3l rcpaire uinp chris coot work oa i treets geoe warden pirfc aidam coot gravel tfaos q ifoore cedar pbstl gcnrgehviidituaaer7 iilanlfvaatcri oactrctc hart t co- stationery moved by w h lowry seconded b john kinney that the report jait read be adopted carried at this point business was interrupted by the entrance of mr j a fraier of ietoa who is somewhat of a dog fencier anxious to show reeve storey a fine ten months old jmp of danish breed he had brought ap forhtra after he members of the council had individually paaed words of admiration apon the animal the qnery was made what do you call him well said mr frazer i hare one stipu lation to make ou that point before i part with him he most be christened olirer mowat reeve sioett in dtraiay is he a grit what do you call him now me feitee the boys have been calling him johnny the reeve oh john a thatll do here job a a old fellow come here sir with orders to tie him op in the new barn at sunderland villa hr fraxer de parted eodrthe important business of the municipality was resumed mored by dr lowry seconded by john keuuey that leave be granted the ball electric light co to erect poles and string wires for electric lighting en the public streets subject- to the approval of this council the same rules as to safety to govern their erection aa applies to cities and towns already lighted approved by the board of underwriterr providing also that all poles erected shall be stnight and properly trimmed carried mr potter ihe representative of the electric light co then addressed tbe council with reference to their proposal to light actons- streets r ail manner of questions respecting the light and the terms of the agreement were propounded and answered by mr potter to the satisfaction of the members it was shown that eight lights of 1000 candle power woald be ample for ibe per fect tflqminfatioa of the maniciplfty sod by a carefal icuulioa the fact was brought oat that the cost woaid oaly be aboat fgoperannam more than is being paid at present for lighting and keeping in repair the coal oil lamps now in use a member of be street and sidewalk committee also volun teered the eoooaragiog prospect that twentyfour out of the forty- foar lamps in use are worn out and woeld have to be renewed next year anyway after consideriog the matter fully and giving the various details a thorough can vass the reeve taid r well gentlemen im only one member of tbe council bat im going to expreee myself im in favor of introducing tb scheme and trying it- for a year anyway cocxciixoe speight of coarse it coats more than oar present lamps bat the difference is uotmach and when the lystem is started oar trouble will be over and well not have the public complaining so often about there being no lamps lighted dc lornr well certainly have a much laperior iighl i- cocxciixoe kxxxey they have electric light in brampton aod woaldat do without it now couscillck surra lee her go then gent tern en the following resolution was presented and carried- unanimously hoved by w h lowry seconded by w e smith that the proposition of the bill electricilight co to light the streets of this municipality- as per the terms of application for 300 nights perear be acoeptod and that an agreement be made with the said compaoywitb inch attpa -t- talk or ffte day an epitome of the worlds doings during the weak the lath dr winn au epidemic of diphtheria u ragtag at bcloeilque cholera ii aweepiag off fifty victims a day at aleppo i t russia talki of reform iu her prison sys tem iu siberia and central alia the c p r are fioing to greatly enlarge the lumber docks at owou soaod a local company ii going to be organised to rau tbo wiaaipeg electric railway mrmcleodstowartexmayor of ottawa is to be one of caaadai oew soailort speculators from eoglaad have arrived at port arthur with on limited capital archbishop fibre of montreal and archbishop dahamel of ottawa are both iu rome tbe irish archbishops bare been lam- mooed to rome to repori oa the political situatiou archdeacon farrar hu accepted the chaplaincy of the british qoate of com mom the rev j a rogert j of the methodist church iu halifax lucoeedf the rev dr ryckmau at ottitrt senator boyd has aentaome samplee of canadian frait over to the duke of argyle and the marquis of lome some valuable seams of coal have joet beensuackin cape breton and will be worked by english capital coa tracts have been let for the erection of the new west end collegiate institate in toronto at a cost of h 3000 ten tbonsand barrels of potatoes were spipped from eaugf county k s to havana within the last few days preston tarpie aged h hanged himself in kew york sandiy to emulate tbe hero of a dime novel which he has been reading william mulligan a boy of 13 years has been captured and coufesaes that he robbed the winnipegpostoffice last tuesday night two of the largest engines in the world are being bailt at kingkoa for the dbig necto marine transport j railway of nova scotia- in a fit of deliriam tremeui georjro prry rushed into st mazy catholic church at winnipeg and smiahed 500 worth of property j the applications for space at the jamaica exhibition have largely increased since tha operation of the mckiuley bill in the states mr j m dane ba lx3 head master of wellihdliigh school diedat mid night on saturday after brief illness he was 59 years of age the only son of cjjaree crocker the railway magnate has been killed at san francisco by failing over the bannister he would have inherited 11500000 samuel sitter secretary- treasurer of the landed b inking and loan company hamilton was accidently ibot on saturday morning while on a hunting trip ia moa- koka henry m stanley refused the governor ship of the congo because mistress dorothy declined to go to that country with him already the greaterplorer u playing second fiddle tue new protestant hospital at yerdan a suburb of moatreftl was sued for the local taxes bat the courts have jast de clared it to be exempt as a charitable in- stitatioa at virden iii louaie alwardt aged 20 committed suicide with arsenic oa 8a tax- day to escape marriage to a man whom the disliked but whom her parents were bound she sboald marry the united states express company have issued peremptory orders to all agents not to receive money tickets or lists of drawings from the louisiana lottery com pany or in any way to assist in the trans action of lottery business at the consecration of the bishop of london at st michaels cathedral in tor onto on sanday an admission fee of 50 cents was charged and the place was crowed special trains were run lo tor onto from detroit and windsor the cumberland murders we mast adroit that the nicest and cheapest vriodow shades are to be bad at kxilt duos they alio have a very fine assortment of boyaand childrens ipriog laiions ai shall be to the interest of the raits all sizes and aay down in price larocquecommfttedto trio assizes fay the coronersjury ccitbeelixi oct 20 the adjourned in quest into the death of the little mcgonigle girls who were foand murdered and out raged nesr this village ou tuesday the 7th iust wm resumed here this afternoon it was 3 id pm ere the prisoner arrived having been driven all the way from lorignal jail a distance of 40 miles by stage as the crown attorney deemed it risky to have him broaght ap by train or steamer in view of be reports which bad reached him of the intention of the exasperated people to lynch the prisoner fay the way the oaly evidence of moment adduced was that of three witnesses who proved that tbe prisoner had previously been known to chase and attempt to assault children in the village detective orier alio placed wit nesses on the stand who described the finding of tracks on the swamp road near the scene of tbe tragedy into which pris oners boots fitted to a nicety daring tbe progress of the inquest some one in the court room shouted hang him bang and an exciting scene ensaed bat the cone tables prevented any farther dis turbance at 2 oclock in tho morning the jury brought in a verdict that the two girls came to their death hy strangulation and from the evidence they strongly suspected xarcisae larooque as being the guilty party the foreman of the jay ute that the jary were of the opinion that larocque was guilty he was then removed to lorignil where he will have to lie iu gaol til neat spring s jsffcc w we have received the following from ono who wm an intimate aoqnaitttanoe of the late dr winn of campbellrllje the writer ti fully qualified to apeak of bis inner life end of the prominent ohftraoter istios which rendered the deceeaed bo uni versally in hla professional capacity and so valued a friend with those who formed hu aoqualntaaoo we feel j t an honor to ajalit in paying thii tribute o the memory of one wjiow christian char- must was worthy of all that is said below on saturday afternoon tho 11th inst the funeral of the late dr t b winn whose death occurred on the morning of tho sth october took place at campbell- villa and wai attended by a very largo num ber from the township and neighborhood who by their presence testified to tho high character borne by tho dcccdscd who had for so many years moved among thorn the religious services wore conduct by the rev a blair of whose congregation the doccesod was a moot consistent member and also tho rev john neil of toronto a former pastor of tho tamo church tho remarks of mr blair were most impressive and appropriate and were based apon the words mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of tliat man is peace at the close of hla discourse the speaker referred to tho life of him whoso remains were soon to be laid away as being a lifo to which the words could bo most truthfully applied faults there were but like the tree stretching upwards to the ion- light so was he the upright man his heart and thoughts directed heavenward in deed the speaker- had never known a man who made of so little moment those mat ters which separate the different diviuions of professing christians and valued so much tho vital doctrines of scripture and possess ed such a simple childlike faith in tho sav ing power of christ rev mr kcil mode reference to the first meeting with dr winh at tho deathbed of a young man- in ksesagaweya and said what transpired on that occasion mode a deep impression pa him and gave to him an insight into the drs sympathetic heart and sterling char- octer which his after intercourse tfith him fully upheld the interment took place in the burial plot attached to the presbyterian church at campbcllvillc the large concourse of people almost filling the enclosure the casket was borne by near relatives of de- ceasedi and was preceded by the clergymen and a number of the medical men of the county who had come to show their respect to the remains of their fallen comrade in the death of dr winn there is a pos sibility that many of the residents of kossagaweya fail to realise the loss thus sustained by them as far as professional attendance upon the sick or injured is coo- eeraeid that is a small matter and may be filled by a qualified man bat he kindness of heart the genuine honesty the jovial yet sympathetic spirit and withal the sincere christian are conditions and qaali- ties not readily found in the ranks as illustrative of the character of the subject of bis notice and as corroborative of the of the remarks of the rev mr blair in speaking of his childlike faith in jesus an incident might here be recounted which transpired some few years ago when the writer was overtaken on the road by the late dr and asked to ride home with him our conversation drifted to religious mat ters and conversion when the dr in speaking of his own expjrience 6aid i profess to he- a converted man i cannot tell you exactly when where or how he change took place but i know it to be a fact when a young man i read my bible at sunday school and sometimes at home and enjoyed it as a matter of historical in terest but now and since this change took place i read it because i love to read it- i believe it is gods word that he gave it o us that its just what we need and that even- word of it is true and said he i cannot tell you the genuine pleasure i s from its pages continuing he said living over here is in many respxts not pleasant- i have often much that worries and annoys sometimes very 6ick patients give me great anxiety sometimes ungrate ful ones that give me blame whenl am doing my best sometimes a death occurs when cruel relatives or meddlesome neigh- borsconncct therewith my want of atten tion sometimes other matters hat i find it hard to bear and i dont think i coald if it were not fer that inward con sciousness that i have that i am a saved sinner i have within me that feeling of satisfaction which i woald not exchange for the world n now said he iu his jocular way ive repeated to yoa what i never did to any other man told you my experience this spoken to me by a doctor strongly impressed me and the thought passed through my mind ore there other medical men in the county that could confess they were converted men i do not believe a confession more true was ever mode within the walls of class or experi ence meeting room than was made that dull morning in a lonely swamp in kassa- gaweya and if the words whosoever shall confess me etc betrue then jast as certain will tbe soulless clay now resting in that tomb at campbeliville be found re- tenanted oa the right of the eternal judge and be addressed well done good and faithful servant dr winn though robast and rigorous in appearance was not a stranger to times of unfitness for work and on many many occasions undertook to expose himself to wind and weather when his physical state was far from equal to the task this was particularly true for the last few years still he obeyed the calls of sickness man fully fought against the ever strengthening foe that at last compelled him to lie down and we may say he died in harness- and right here it occurs to me that the good people of kossagaweya whose homes have been so often cheered and brightened by his visits coald in an unobtrusive yet substan tial wrfy pay just tribute to his memory mark their sympathy with his bereaved wife and children by erecting a monument which would indicate his restingplace and at the same time their own desire to retain in memory one as worthy as the valiant soldier who ot the call of duty gives obedience and meets in exposure disease or deadly weapon that which ends his life and earns for him the henb name peculi acc a st catherines boy burned to death wi phos st citnaowk ooi- yea old ton of jamss outwpio of toaiwands late of st catherines was oowlng hows from school with other children and stopped to gatbar hickory nuu near ajmildtng fer merly ased ss s oittoli factory the little fallow ploksd op some mall pltost of phos phorous whloh bad care loss i y been swept out end pat tbim in his peats pockets with tbe outs after going homo he went into a bedroom lo play with tht baby who was on the bed- when the phosporous burned blm terribly and set fire to tbe bed clothes tha boy was so badly burned that he only lived a short time a fortune in one machine a celebrated pressbuilder of tho united states admits that one of tho greatest printingpresses yet produced will be fur niihed tj tbe family ffenkl and wtdly star montreal a paper that has distanced mostly all the weekly papers on this con tinent tbe fumiln herald goes on the principle of thoroughness in tytry depart ment aod that is why it is inch a standard authority today the world over well dene canada tbe family herald and ifttkfystar montreal is to be coogratu lated american agvicmiutist published 50 years conseputively kl a lb bl barjl u j0d7 ftjjlto glcssc sdmsls ci iriforroatloothonaaiiilj of plans prauoalan4 owfol mala ana olorialnalebrlnpannaalir u u lni ihoronglilt tr it uh tr ii will pay rou ll no 00 wn rni jskrtx of luuuianapraouealinfomauoniubltotjhodr vsik aaratlnm of animal laborbolpto comiiraiim to aid lndoof flifiisiua oh bos plant plows ootbolldlnp with maajr 11aln initrmtlre pletora lor lonna ioripuonprlljoaraar 1 l i r iaj waancmtrlonito nuao tills to banner tear in olrenlatlon wwen ntw la or uw ooploa monthly j qur premium offer the farm awl household eycloptedia prloitloo botmdlnolothinaoih a complrta bfadr 1u ferrate llnraif for jarnwrr ordenen fnlt 0- homkmn conululnf a unte fund of ukfnl infortnailon hint auilsnfipillom inlhevarlooidfpartntatjof aplnittahortlenllir urr block ilaltln ponltr k r oruliwrl rural archltwtore rum implonantt boehom alanmfnnl uomntlo affirlrs cookery ladles paooy work florlcoltora usdiosl hatters sic containing 644 pachs with 240 iiflbtrationfl tme valoablo book funilid wltb tu ammcix aonictotvelat on ye for hjo or lor only 10 cents additional to tbe obaerlptlon prlo payloj postaje oa boos i 0tio j5ljtafijuri a free home found dying in a swamp flzshebtox oct 17 taesday after noon while mr j n campaign was driv ing along the road leading north from loncki mill his dog began making a fast upon dismounting and entering the bosb- to find the cause he discovered iviug be- iween two cedar trees the emaoiated body of a voting woman probably aboat 25 yean of age after considerable effort he ooceeded in arousing her she was as sisted to the boggy and driven to mr loooka residence it is supposed that she lay ont in the storm all night on monday aa hex clothing was completely saturated she gave her name u marlalrwin of wal ters fslle and explained the cause of her terrible condition by saying that ibe lost bet f took tick tod mi nnableto go further she cannot live a cottage worth 1760 will be erected or ta equivalent in cub will be given to the person detecting tbe greatest number of typographical errors lo tbe december june of our monthly journal entitled our homes three hundred and fifty additional cash prises amounting to 2800 will also be awarded in the order mention ed in rults governing competition prizes payable at par in any part of canada or the doited states send lie in stamps for complete rules and ssmple copy of our homes which will be issued about nov soth address oca hoicu pcblisiiiko co brockville canada the dominion illustrated tbe last issue of this popular weekly abound in good thing both pictorial and literary the place of honor in this weeks portrait gallery is cocoeded to mr uacnay the gifted author of acadia and one of oar ablest joornaliau and essayists in scenery tbe views on tbe lake on beioeil mountain ezemplify different phases ot fiotereaque canada the tenor of the ietterpreea isnn the whole praiseworthy the chriitmu number is annonoced and according to the forecast canada hu had nothing like it before the djminion lllostrnled is evidently bent on opihgahead and we with it sacoes it is pablisiiod by the sabiston lithographio and fablishing company gazette building montreal criidren cry for pitchers castoria oten baby m slcxr we save her caatorta wen she s a child abe cried for castorta wnea she became lliss she chmf to caatorta wien she bad children the cave them castoria- auctlon sale retrlater sittbdir t5ui oct bale of ikal eatate tne liropcnr of urt- s a campbell at agnoi hotel at four oclock wit hurmut anc- tloaecr trranat th xor ewe of farm itock and im- plemeou tbe property of j ibn arthon lot aj coo eiqccdiic at li oclock joe d hr- rzsxis aactlooeer sitctiiur 6th kov sale of tbe old glovefae- torv block the property of c b griffin bale at i oclock wm hehrraxzt aactionecr- why saffer from disorders caused by im pure blood when thousands are being cared by using northrop dr lymans vegetable discovery it removes pimplej and all eraptions of the skin mr john fox olinda writes northrop fc lymans vegetable diacotery is riving good satis faction those who have nsed it say it hu done them more good than anything tbey hare ever taken hinant liniuenl far sale everywhere- autumn 18qo the mammoth house georgetown after catering to tbe public of tbia vicinity for the last 27 jeaib is just aa lively jast as young jast as aaxioas and is better-pro- parcd now than ever to do busi ness and woald respectfully solicit a continuation and enlarge ment of the generous patronage bestowed npon it we have a complete stock of dress goods including the latest novelties in plaids combination robes- silks satins plashes silk velvets etc- we have been busy opeuing ont large importa tions and consignments in all the different departments andwecan suit and please both in price variety and quality in dress goods dress silks dress trim mings velveteens mantles man tle cloths dlsterings millinery small wares of ali kinds ladies underclothing hosiery prints ginghams checked shirtings tickings deninib cottonades tweeds suitings overcoatings gents uuderwear gents shirts ties gloves hats caps ladies and gents footwear ready- made clothing readymade overcoats carpets oilcloths linoleums rugs mutts cur- taius etc it would fill a news paper to enumerate our stock we will begin iu dress goods and winceys at 5c per yd we liive added a new department to ear ordered clothing that is fancy flannel and tweed shirts made to order our make up departments aro not exoelled anywhere namely millinery dress maktug mantle making and ordered clothirjg we get the best superintendents and hands for the several make up departments that money and ex perience can procure you can come with confidence and pat ronize as w mcleod co sept 1st if 90 anoboztown fall henderson mcrae fc co kctom staple and fancy dry goods boots shoes and groceries the banner stock of the season great in assort ment pleasing in style honest in quality and reasonable in prices no room for argument give us a chance and we will give you a benefit the world wants the best and the best goods at very best bottom prices is our bonus for their busi ness all coods guaranteed seasonable and warranted reasonable i apprentice win c rf0 learn the wajona nuking and a business apply ai oooeio iooeak j a 8 wanted tvtaktieda dental studml ifwyalowjv h l ben7iktt l dk 0orjton andat1altbsjfi bpeibhtaetoi- for saleor exclitinjje the onovnigned oilers for sale orwhl w ebana for other breed 3 excellent boron shir down rain lambsit j r ri j wll sfewtox lteibonaf aj igciite autftl 1 if top wsbt to make money take bold and sell onr choice jfonery stock xow is the tlm writ os at dffee for terms av bbothrasnnricrtnien n- bortttts for sale hoaie nd two lots fo tha tilwce of aetoi tltntttf on tb comer of wjuor aidt cborcb ttrti btifl b4fd od iotf vttn i ttnlt trem on ibs prcmiset tot pvtlci luitddrets bov im blchnitdd r1ii olt j horse astrajv stbaybd oboe tbe prentue of tbe ttndn lined lot t con 1 eratnoaa about tbe blh 8ptmbot a bay bone with a abre abouklet bwner wsl pleam prove property my espanses nd take it ay j ohn sopeb tenders for wood the anderslgned will receive tenders up to 1st november for thirty cords of sonoa body wood bkb end tnsple lonr feet long delivered u roqnirid at the public school aod lovn ball h r itoobe secretary acton pbbuc school acton ct- 6lh uwt j quirda i wanted mbk liel or traveling to kil my cnaranteed suwv block bwaryorcommiaalonpald vatkly ootntfrea bpeeial attention dvea to betlnnent vrbrken never fail to make food wofuywseea write west once for parucnlaa b o obaham nttnetyman tij boot is reliable toronto out remember the old stand and our 50 cent tb henderson mceae cp 3ur j the model husband ii be one who somelimea thinki o ftii wifoi plcar ind comfort ti veil a bit own tbe erge hosund i aot very ranch it home and what of comfort elegincr refinement and enjoyment he receives tiiere be owe to hi wife who 5peqd bee time at heme her kingdom when a wife ifts her basbaad for new farnltare greatly neeied be too often replies oh its good etroogh for me i goesi lean itand it go to tboa neifish wretxb hare yoa no thought beyond yourself jast think that yoar faithful wife ipeuda her whole time a in on git ricketty fa rait are thick how she bnuhes it op rearrange it and makes every eh if u to give it a respectable look think how ahe blashea ihroogh and throofih aa bhe sees ent her caiiert tilt their noaea in contempt the antiquated ihabbineu 70a think g aod enough for yon shame 00 yoa sljake ameoda get y6nr faithfal hardwork og patient wife the set of farnltan ibe wa iti and go to speight sons fore i tare w re rooms acton for it hera yoa will adji a good assortment of farnitare of every cripiion and style and ill of excel quality au made from thoroughly ed wood and finished in tbe best awle now ye creless hatbands make yoar rife happy make yoar home bright and ch er- fal uemember that speight son the best place and the only place wl 1 yoa can get anything yoa want in tbe of farnitare and at reasonable prices at once autumn 1890 r b j8rmn we have great pleasure in announcing tbe arrival of our fall stock siucciearl v spring we have been ratisacking the lmmensestoc cs of the dry good ceutresof canada beside placing many irhpert pniers and the result ia wc have gathered together ari ariay af fabrics which in point of excellence aud variety far surpass o ir former efforts nor have we forgotten that goods well bought are half sold mouey and experience can not buy reliable goo is cheaper than we have new on our counters when we say we ae prepared to compete with the largest concerns in canada we rnei n it au that is necessary to convince the knowing ones is a person inspection now in dress goods we have realized it takes every color make and material i please everybody and then sometimes we fail this season large checks and plaids are among the correct things while bove qre j seems to be tho reigning shade and is much sought after iu tee centres of fashion we show nice goods in the different colorinss at 12 cents better ones at 15 18 20 25 and at 80 35 cents and d the cloth is double width and embraces all the new things douft fail to look through it will pay cloaking and ulster cloths ajlmakes and colorings are here beavers and chevoits prs- domiuate for tally fall wraps and jackets three quarter length w 1 lead while dame fashion says marine blue will be the most pop i lar housekeepers wanting real fine linen should inspectonrstoc r it has always been our aim to keen iu our suiple departtneut a cla is ot goods we can recommend and feel that every dollars worth so is a standing advertisement fancy coods and small wares large lines hosiery glomes corsets andtjirderwearjust passed iu to stack today 1000 pompoms 1 cent eah regular price o cents 500 pompoms 3 ceuts each or 30 ceuts a doreu regular pride 8 cents j felts all colors java nitd peneiope canvas tracipg cotto nrrasene and embroidery silksjless than regular price boots and shoes the best is always the icheapest wo buy only rjf tho be it makers such ns jumes whilham k oo every pair guaraniel childrens croquet liubbers 30c uisocs 35c and ladies 40c our millinery department- will be oncicd oa wednesday october 1st alias liedf ord will be pleased to ale ladlm before then who require fall millinery fry our 50 cent tea r b jeryn wiecrlsw acton lyoige no mi looj 1 lireeta in uii oddfelloira- hall uatthrts j iu block erery wedneedteeasag uitin brethren alvars welcome forcopjr of eossti- totion and laws apply to jfie ondeialgnea or anyv of the mempin w willuks hhwobdex secretarj wanted j esues to sefxnrseii- stock auopods 3ammd nrstjclaaa permanent pjeaiant position or tie right men oood anieipdasrs paid woekl i liberal in- its towianers no torerfons experi- osarf pmiit free writ for terma eitir4ac 7 ohableb h chase knrserjmen uention this paper boebeaterjiv change of business wakefields meat p market v dnsincas poblic and always kcpin on hand tb jfjt beet analit of bef uotwn lamb veal cn beet pork and b4aa to merit lairsharo of ronr patronaca wlntd f- the highest market price will be paid for horse hides cattie hides and calf skini delitertvl jtt or tanncrj in acton- acton tah nimg co s m ook co o50rgbt0wh lioensed auctioneers appraisers vain- atms collectors real estate and general land agents fob ttpt c hsiton feelwf ihtjgtnn slmcoe toik ontario ijloo np ai six per cent- jsakiorotherlraiiiieain our hands will ha ra tbe same promptly attended co at moderate charge qmck axs saiks books mill bt george- ton or address pox 466 s u coot 4 co auctioneers- t beasch orrifx queen bt esst toronto s m coost co auctioneers georgetown and toranta monoy to loan tnip parties plsdcg 1 auction sale real estate in acton the cadersigned has beea instructed by mrs saiah a campbell to sell by public auction atagnevs hotel da saturday october 25uj it 4 oclock thb follow1so pbopsxtt p abcel llou ss and 9 in block a cooks barvey in tbe village ol acton on this prop erty is erected a oew frame house sir rooms kitchen and woodshed good veu tbe house tu built thiiyjear and is a veil built and very comfortable building occupying a cotnniandisc position otetlooking the town pibcel ilot b in block b a fine build ing lot in cook s new taxrey and suroandad by new honses and admirably situated for a pritat residence terms easy and made known on day of tale- for particulars apply on the premises or to vst hemstkeet auctioneer valuable peopeety f sal the nndeisigned offexs the uowiog parcels of property for sale npon reasonable terms esqueslkg parcel no i tbe west half of lot it cm 2 ebqoesing 53j acres timbarediandi parcel koi part of lot rscon 3 esqaesins 150 acres abont 50 acres nsder enmraticn dwelling noose ihingle ktavo atd be4ilif mill on the premises thtamfllnsidone a profitable bnainess for many years parcel ltd 8 part of lot 15 con aesqoesing w acres ou this property is situated a frame barn 36x60 shed sixfio another 14x60 coiniort- ablo dwelling boose and orehvrdaad nerer fail- log spring i i paroelia t part coiot jureon5 bsqoesmg t5 acres sji parcel ko 5 on tbm property is a lot of iboa 150 cords of hsrdvoodcut and dry actov parcel no 6brick boose and blacksmith shop in the tillage of acton two and half tillage iotaaneflitbacro each this property la situated on main itroot in a good location the farm if not sold it wili be tented rnll paxticnlan may be bid upon application personally ox by letter to h bayers spejsidopo executors notice to obhbltors in the matter of tbefxiuta of john wat- aon lateofthe townanip ot aquslrig in the coonl j of halton jreoman de- pursuant to the reviwl statnte of oo- t tarlo chapter 110 notloe la hereby eiven that all parson having cmlms npon or against the katato of johii wataon late ot the said township of bequsslng in- the connt of hal- ian and rrorinee of ontario jeomandeceased wno died at the ifctwnshln ot beqoealog afore said on or ahonu ibe 16th daj of september 10oo are on or botw tbatth da ot notember iso so auid hj post prepala addreaed to william wood and michael lamb executor o said john woo deoaaaed acton io on tario or to deliw to th naeralpit solicitor bjroib for aaldwucntors a atatcmunt in writinc of unrir name addra and the imrticplars of thr claims and the nalure ol theaoenritiea if an beia b them j- and oouoe ia tumb ttrrtueavxiran that altar theaautthcutafnotnw saotbeaii a- entors win procmd to dlattlbot tb aamti of me sslrl or such portion tbtntof as apau thtii realhwd among tbe pwws en- twsd tbanto hartni regard oulj to the claims t which toarliaen bar pcaloo and that the aald eucnlors wtu not be uabtrfor tbe pro of tbe estate or anrpmttheoeotk dutri- toaajpmonarpraona of whw claim i b tun af sbafiau clatajhwbwa i j aitfowat f 4ottottarfcawld eincnton r boctoborui

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