Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1890, p. 4

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f i 1 ii i m iva 51-1- i i ii lit kspfe prbe pre83 oalfihdar ui3hir istfzigsjajws rhiiijijiiis jij si s c t mjiniuiiii 4 j i nt ims moiijis mnvisttisiii israsair j-j- uii i a t i v c s rm umtuisiki irasrassswii jju i m u s iotnnv s iviirimii jjjjisijsvs ivil jamiessituation ideouldouly is thcfe brut jamie nil hie l but thai wouldnt di jvu ku mother enswend iuiftlj- no eid jamie i kuoiir it wuuldul because she said she uiast have the berries theurst uimk in the morning the caller tfie mkrk 1 lromil ler you kunu- jjt ranw tin inollier mil iiouii thai iutu kit ed the matter dot how iii i look to noiu milch o a place after v e been picking berries all lite morninc ill itok like a boy who haa oiiui the bct be cuulil or a niuihcr vou can wash hir bnwfc yaa know and notes here and there items of general interest to free press rstdert thcrsriayoctodkhieso slit lloung jfollis tellisg rqrtvses i u itu j cuuu ronutic tm me itiite utt foryoaio ccnt orixiuwi tir cap tl tirin poj lh ounyr one bad i k- w tm 15 uilliiu rvach ot your hand a fori tine nu fair lo whold a htiase r j t uus jnsi cyl kcvx of land willi urrvs fiiit jcilo- u golj i k- a crrat ordiard the losigiie ucacitlj down wiui iriics iou niwct and red i- too droves trf clu some vlikc hid wine lirovu hut all ot iloa tlocfc uid well fed tux droves of miiowt tboal liic banidoor sc ihcj nnicgmn uiiiiaj io ui i toe the fmnhiads ujrcthxiic wbt oa the floor aiii hot uo bnht iiicnre is and i toe ruic diamtlly np in the plict- of tbe uniif nl home tadtlic und a ma ith t fitryrod nose oa hii frc 4 andlitilcbrotb jagoa lishjiad 0 u roa iwcld him tuy lid joa vocld wuu tbh he crtr css wnicliod lo c for hi bootlocf ihrr pipe lite the moclb of 1 tab aedhit troscri ixc out tt the knee ic valtir h tltevrst coir ihix tic dot lhi audhiicjcs tlcy ilirostliteibagf and he xirs vi cs coii tad i bittaredia hl r i and ihiut thl the f jt is the jost tor the kit sirs t- drunttrd ihh come la be and thai drottisfi clothe men ciih rtji and he doni looh oacli like i mxn e ini tare wtiij hihcaeic hrd c4h in hibis nov which will rore to le tariftr ad taaf i acd to be rijh tide cji wiu yoar ditii oreo with roar jm lite the eyes of bos and your shoes litt- the aoatii of t tub worm cice kscu eickneif among chqurcl irccciins wcrra roxderc pre- vent ihiv sn1 rci the cliild bright and health r flying bullets visible vlcc lalletjh have beed covered with rieiixe rcsy be easily teen in their ecsne frcm the rifie to the urget their trajtctcry cciy is majfcel by a beaatifal nav o eajte eicsedby the vaseline beini iiditex 02 leaving the muzzle of the film the e coke bc suspended for some in the air ft cot too windy sxoch better scores result wlica crcasv of some kind is- ated bcljcts ore not so apt to split ihe recoil is not 0 great and it is believed the coarse of the mifiile l marc trae oaf pestmasiir col hardeman bring to eapjoy a dnrwoman aiqt the new united states potoece singled oat colored lady and offered her the place she declined it lor the reason that there wis tod much work for s2q per month what said the coionel toa cotild cot not make the hsif of it at anything else why at the north nramei will scrub the fioor all day throadi the month forjtq tea ancered the lady of color bat dexn yankees is raised to work and re isnt a level head thcadvantage of presence of mfnd in an emergency daring the late strike ou the xeir yorjc central ilailroad the militia were ordered to be in readiness in case of a riot bat they verc cot called ont in an interview gov hilt said the trocps were not io be called apon except ia case of an emercency the emergen cy had nat risen therefore they wonld not be ordered oat he remarked thai this was the first great rtrifce with whch he had had experience and he did not propose fo iosa hia head the only point at whkh there bad been serious irozbie was at syracuse and there a deputy- sheriff had lost his headaud precipitated an encoonter the strike continued several keeks and there was riotoos action at several points along thev coad bet the civil anthoritiea were able to ccpe with it without caflidg oa ihfitnilifii f the test cf s mans real ability cornea when an emergency arises which makes a hasty call on his good judgement and dis- cretion the man who retains his preseoce of mind main laics his equipoise and exer cises eound discretion- at inch critical junctures is to be relied on and will be pat to the front men with ieve heads have the staying qualities which do tot falter in tile face of danger otis a cole of kinsman 0 june 10 irq writes in the uu of 1s i was feeling very ill i consulted a doctor and he said i had bright s disease of thkidceys atd that he would not ttiod in my ehoes for the state of ohio but he did cot lose ccrtirage or give cp he says isaw tie teetiraonialof sir john cole- 100 gregory stkew hiien conn and i wrote to him in duetimelreceived an answer staling that the testimonial that he gave wasgenaice and notoverdrawc in anyfijrticular i took a good many bottles of warners safe cnre have not taken foronfi year gov hill is accounted a very sflccesful man he is cool and calculating and be- iongs to jtle class that do not low their heads tvlieu eiutrencies arise vaituri us ln mod a remedy fucecry ache and paio and science thccli cetsclcss acth ity and er- perimeiit is couitiully wrestiug the secrets of herdoniaii a neivaud wonderful dis covery has recently been made by means of which teiie cf thousands will be freed from pain- kerwjiae or aervc pain cure represents iu very coaccojrated form the- bkt potent pain relieving sobstitate kiioffu to medical science and strange 0 say it is composed of substances solely vegetable in origin polsou nerviliue is tbe moit prompt certain and pleasant ptin remedy iu the world try kervilioe for toothache oearalgia cramps c always aae tod efficient wlty oa bwu at wutk hiimek and i your itxtidl ir hive ucm ca- i dciut u poae i could wear oy other jacket said amio in a rsflccllre riiher ihaainiutiaiiiuglonc oh no tii mother iutwcrud thai wbuldul do 0 coursp there woi t be much use iu going at ill so late loi the other boys will hive been ihci e lud hie place will be jono idareuy mrs wiikt bocmedtauiveuoauswcrlo make to this 1 or did jaoiie teeai to cxicct uy after 1 nomenli thooghlful rile ace he said in a bt ik lone well uevcr mind theres ootliiu tor it but lo do the hcsl i cau thais mj seusiblc boy mother said u she kiaacd nd watched him away they aropwr as yoa haofouud out before ihis a id jamie email for his years and uol crj 1 rong found it hard lo gel work which v juij help his mother much in the berry 1 nsoa he did very well but the season wii nearly over in the region where they li ed only ihe d y before jimie had seen a notice in 1 ih p wiudow of boy wauted with directioc t lo call lomorroflr between the hours ot ight and tea and he made up his mind 1 1 try for the place if it hid not been for 1 lose berries promised early in the moral lg to 1 customer tie woald eave been or hand ax sooa as the clock struck bat here was no help for it ac cording to j miei idea of honesty the berriet must ome firsl four other boys lo my certain know ledge had the s hearts ut on securing this same place a id were on liaad one of them quite early having hee 1 uked the usaxl aeations joseph smitl wha was the first oae had been shown i to a room to wait tor a few minutes be ng quite alone he roved boat ilia room in s arch of amusement picked up 1 bottle rmetled of its conteuts and dropped the ass itopper broke 1 little bit from il picke t it up in a frightened way and pat it bi k it the bottle ia haste he cougri lua tec himself that it did not show it wit broken after that being frightened he touched n thing more he had but a few minutes to wait the- gravelooking colored man vho answered all the rings of the bell openi i the door and told turn hit master had ecided thai the hoy would not suit bun much he cuew about it laid joseph ti himself a great indignation he didnt k zdj a single qaestioa that woald show whelbe i could do his work or not im glad i dx nt get the place anyhow i tliiut like hi boy numb r two was emory haines neatly drease very respectful in his man cert he wi shown iutothe sameroom to wait and f adiog himself quite alone helped himse f to a bunch of rrapcs from the full diah 1 a the cideboxrdi then took same candy 1 mottoes from the glass dish near it andw ls astonished in a few minutes to be told thi t he wouldnt do follpwiog 1 im came frank dennis who entertained h msclf by ecribbling with his pencil on the margins of several magazines which lay en the tabic then cafled him self shoes and alt into the easiest chair in the room which ras a delicate light colored plash and s r htfw far he could tip it back against the all without going ever he barely escap i tumbling backward twice before he wsj interrupted to be told that mr dorrance said be need not wait longer he had deddfi i to look farther after that there was a loll presently our jamien ther the worse as to hair and clothes for hi scramble among the berry bashee appe redand was asked questions among them his how is it that yoa arc sd late i appearing ic is not far from tenocic ik i i know it sir said jamie and i was iafraid i wo id be too late- but mrs b atterfield w depending on me for berries this morning i had promised her and i had to go to 1 he beech farm to find the best berries and it is a long walk sir then i had 1 3 take them to her first of coarse becaai 1 sh waiting just so aid mr dorrance very well yoa ma btep into the next room and wait a minat i will let yoa know my decision sooa that same room which had received visits from tie boys you have heard of among some 0 hers jamie looke i about him with admiring eyes no attempt to- toach either books or bait h 5 a magaxine which frank dennis had dr jpped oathft floor he stooped and carefully 1 estored it to it place he picked up a st ay bit of paper and looking about him foi the waste basket stepped- toward it and iropped in the paper kext he espied the iass fruit dish dangerously near the edge f tbe table drawn there bj emory haldet after apparently reflect ing far a minne and measuring with bis eye the proba ility that a jar from the opening door c ight send the dish to the floor jamiest pped to it and with moat careful hand 1 st it back la the middle of the fable wher it belonged then turned away and gavi his attention to some little children whom he could see from the win dow ive got tht place mother j this same jamie shouted leefully half an hour after wards don i you think i got the ptace i was awful 1st 1 and i didnt expect ic at all for 1 met oe smith aad he 6aid he and lots of oth r boys had been there and that mr dor snee was a particular old foggy and he c dnt believe he wanted any boy at ail be i thought he was nice and pleasant he aid he felt sure i was an honest careful boy who would tike care of his property and do the hest i could but im sure 1 dont know what made him think so mothi r i wasnt there but a few ihinutes and h didnt ask me many ques tions i dont think he knows anything aboat me but jamie w s mistaken and solvere the others the fact wa there- wils e telltale mirror in the room wh rc all the boys had waited it was so arraii ed that althoagh the boys sapposed llieim elves out of sight of every body each mo v menl dial they made could be distinctly se 11 by mr dorrance himself from the back where he went to watch the effec of bis experiment for said io to himself if a boy cant be trustee alone in a strange house for five miuatei i dont waut him in my employ tbe thought 1 bat stays with me is would not these boys have acted differently if they had know thai the eyes of the master of the hoase we e on them panuj miburits arnnuvio quiuluo wins ftirlt riem the ryslsui txiiost tttaoht of sos chltu bilious fever dumb agus anl hks trouble lailnhil cmifpitrrilllnp will prweuuiioppoi unity to eiund the fame ot dry fowleri kitrsot ol wild filrawu rry lis nnfaillnn remedy for cholera cholera morbus colic crimps diarrhai dysculary vtvl til lummsr oanv plinl- lo every pitlot the empire wild rtrawbcrry never falls bucce in life la the mull o push and energy ltlheblooxls impure md slug- gish both body md mind lick vigor to clesute ind v hi lite tin blood and impart new lite lo the lystcm oolhing elie lis such ajiisrvelourcttect is aycrs birtjpi nils for infants and children cutortau so well adapted teciifldnnljau i 1 recommend it superior lo any prescrlpuoo i known to mo ii a ancnca 11 d i 111 so oxford 6l drooiclrn n t oastorts cerss qoue ooo sour btomicn warrboba znietauoe ulls worms girts alecf sad procootas dj- i without injurious medjosttaw tss ctmcs ooaxt t7 murray stnat n v- ululiig swf mining experts uolo that choleri never attacks the bowels of the earth but huraau- lly iu general liud il ueoestary lo use dr fowlers luilracl ot wild strawberry for bowtl ooinplaints dyaeutery dtarrhect etc il is a sura cure a fact worth knowing la that mood dis eases which all ether remedies fail lo cure yield to ayore sarsaparllla fresh coaurina- uon of this stato- mcat conies to lumd dally even such doc p aea tod and stubborn coia- idaiaui 13 rhctw luathnn blioomo- llc gout and the like arc thorough ly eradicated by the use of this won derful alterative mnr tnlng dodge 110 wert 125th street new yorjc certifies about two years ago after suffering for nearly two yearn from rheumatic goat being able to walk only with great discomfort and having tried various remedies inclndiug mineral waters without relief e saw liy an advertise ment in a chicago iaperthat a man had been relieve- c ihii diitrcssinj coin- jilaint after long balteririg by uklng ayers sarapariua i then decided to make a trial of this medicine and took itnguurly fur eight mouths i am pleased to say tlial it effected com- ilctc cure and hat i have since had no rttum of the disease t mrs u a stark xaahua k h vrriics one year ago i was taken ii with rheamaiiim being confined lo mf house six uioulhf i came out of the sickness very mucji dubuitated with no appetite and my system disorderexl in every war i coiimjciiccd to uac aycrs sarsaianla aiid begun to improve at once gaining in stnaittli and soon re covering my uvial iienlth i cannot say uy wtica iii praise of this wciwcnown medicine i have tktt a great deal of medi cine but iioihing has done me so iniah good a aycrs saraanarilla i felt its urueficial cfiects before i had quite iluishcd one bottle ad i can freely testify that it u tubcst blood- iiediciuo i know of lw ward sr woodland texas j ayers sarsaparilla whaluadsyii labor una days work for 1 healthy liver is to secrete ihroe stid 1 halt pounds ot bile if the bile secretion be deficient constipation ensues if profuse biliousness and jaundice aruo burdock blood bitten is the most perfect liver regulator known in medicine fcrprevoolingsnd curing all liver troubles ceniumntlon cared rtjlzd bt c ayer k co lowell mitt dr j price fl six louie ij worui m s bouk p m markcll west jeddore k s writes i wish to inform yoa of the wonderful qualities of dr tfaomaa eclec tic oil i hid a horse so lame that he mddscajrcerv wait ithe trouble was in the knee and two or three applicatidni completely cared him the great jfjirity of cases of ecrofala and other blood diseases are hereditary and therefore difficult to cure but we wish to state in the most positive emphatic manner that hoods earsiparilla does cure sccafala ia every form the most severe cases too terrible for description have yielded to tfais medi cine whea all others failed ic yoa suffer from impure blrl iu anyway tike hoods sarsaparilla j although the desire to help and benefit men is 1 primary cauditiou for doing it the knowledge haw to accomplish it harm lessly and permanently is a large part of the work and that mhst come if at all throagh intelligent reasoning strong feeling is always onesided and some of the truth is thas overlooked why suffer from disorders ciased by im pure blood when thoaattnds are being cured by using northrop lymans vegetable discovery it removes pimples ind all eruptions of the skio mr john fox jlihda writes korthrop fc lymans vegetable discovery is giving good satis faction those who hive ased it say it h done them more good than anything they have ever taken henry clement almonte writes for a long time i was troabled with chronic rbeamatiim at times wholly disabled lined anything and everything recommended but failed to get any benefit until a gentleman who was cared of rheu matism by dr thomaaf eclectric oil told meabeutit i began using it both inter nally and externally add before tro bottles were used i was radically cured we find it a household medicine and for croup burns cuts and bruises it has no equal victoria carbolic sslve is a wondcrfal healing oomponnd for cuts wounds bruises barns scalds boils piles pimples ac messrs mecansiandi spa of toronto the wellknown makers j of fancy glass for buildings- hare an exquisitely arranged room for the display of papar hangings and their assortment today is beyond a doabt the finest in canada we under stand the firm mails samples with prices attached ten pounds two week8 think of it i s a ftah producer there can bo ca question bat that scotts emulsion of purecod urer oti and hnopsossiites of lima and soda it without a rlval many navo gained a pound a lay by the um scon8umption scmfli 8rcmchiti8 cousht mo colosfstud all form of wutikb dis ease as lihtavlb asuilk genuine met br scott bona8elleiinala wrapper at all drogeliti 50c and 1100 advice to motuxus ato you diatutbod at night aud broken ot your real by a aiclt chilaafl-eriuj- aud cryiug with tbo paioot cauliii teeth ktoacud at ouco and get a beuutr o mra window boothiuft syrup or childrcu toethinr its value ia incalculable it will rclicvo tbe poor little luqeror immediately depend upon it mothora hero ia uo mistake about it it euros dysentery aud diarrticoa regulates the stomach and bowelt curea wind colic softens tbe garni reduces indammalion and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs wioslowa soothing syrnp or children teething i pleuanl to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in tbe ixjnited states and is for aala by all drusrhu throughout the world price twenty five cents a bottle de sure and ask for una wixslots soothixg srncr and take no other kind liyou want lo bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto irity mail that aper reaches 100000 farmers home every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements o this daas are in serted in the toronto- weekly hail or five cents a word each insertion or twenty ceula a word for five insertion address the mail toronto canada eul uiclil ah have equal right in life and liberty aud the pursuit of happiness bat many are handicapped in tbe race by dyspepsia bilioasness lick of energy nervous debility weakness constipation etc by completely removing these complaints burdock blood bittere confers untold benefits on all sufferers an old physician retired from practice having bad placed in his bands by an hast india missionary the formal of a simple vegetable remedy for tbe speedy and per- maneut cure of consumption bronohitli catarrh asthma and all tbroat and long affections also a positive and radical cure after having tested iu wondcrfal curative powers in thousand of oases has felt it bis duty to make il known to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve buman suffering i will seud froo of charge to all who desire it this recipe in qormeo french oreogliab with full directions or preparing and using bent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notes 830 powers block rochester n y ets carpets great clearing site of tbethird page of the toronto daiif mail is noted for want advertisements if you want to buy or aell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or found anything or i ou want to find out where anyone is advertise io the to ronto daily uail and read the advertise ments on the third page i of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address the uail toronto can ada bahway tnteabtab crartd trunk rfcllwat eoimaaat none wrr express 7j0a m iespress i un rmsan bameprss2i2 mall- 11 01 amtbrvtssiaaj trm tbrousb exp o on nm jaau 2 jg ttjradfcxostkosiiilt oolnawet93i nojub oolngemtiosoajbanojxiiojn ias tlm l4bl e ho nt teeth with or without a plvte best tbeth oh h plteulm tltallxed air for palrriesj extraetta c h rig88 comer yosc kins torflfq 1 every carpet in the house reduced tuepreiilevifmalr people make a sad mistake often with serious results when they neglect a consti pated conditfoa ot the bowrli knowing that burdock blood uitters is an effectual care at any ttage of constipation doet not warrant us in- neglecting io uie it st the right lime use it now if there are any of oar subscribers that have not tried imperial cream tartar baking towder we by all means urclhem lo do so as it really is the best we ever found and makes biscait that arc really delicious rest and comfort ui the sutterfne browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cores pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago and any kind ot pain or ache it will most surely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wondcrfal browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and of doable tbe strength of any other elixiror liniment in tbe world should be in every family bandy for use wfcen wanted as it really is the best remedy in tbe world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds md is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle kra u hall kavarino ny writes for years i have been troubled with liver complaint the doctors said my liver was hardened aad enlarged i was troubled with dizzineaa pain in my shoulder constipation and gradually losing flesh all the time i was under the care of three physicians but did not get any relief a friend sent mo a bottle of northrop 4 ly mans vegetabls discovery and ihe benefit thace received from it is far beyond my expectation- i feel better now than i have done for years mliants tlartmtax for ujc eicrj nfacrt hie inqioruncc ot fcfipiujclheliloodm a jtre eoudiiicin is nniverily fciiown atid vet tiier are very fen- prore who lurcpcrf care blood the taint of scrofula salt r tie uai or other fool humor is hercdited aud lrcuiuimed torfeeneratious causluj untold fuffcriu aid we lalso accumulate iwtson md genuicf dis ease from the air rc ireathem the- food net eat or m i v w0 lite water vc drink w i ii ii tljcrc it nothing i fii cluslvely i u li proreu thin the posllire power of hoods karaparilu ovenlj di5uues of llie blood tills riiedicfne tifwn fiirr tried docs expel ever trace at krufulvor salt rheum removes the taint whici causes eatarrh neutralizes the acidity and cures rtcnmausni drives out uie germs of malaria lilixid pol- soulotr etc it also vitalizes and en riches the blood tuus overcomf a that tired feeling and building op uie whole system taiqusands testlfyfothe superiority of hoods sariaparilla as a blood purifier full infor mation and statements of cures sent free hoods sarsaparilla soldbjiluniorlitt 1 itx far is prepakdooiy bj c t hood i co apother1 laell mia oo doses one dollar if your have a cough or cold da not neg lect it man without a trace of that hertu ditiry dieeaae have drifted into a consump tives grave by neglecting what was ouly a slight cold had they used sickles anti- consumptive byrup before it was loo late their fires would have been spared mr a w levy mitcveil writes i think bicklcs anticonsumptive syrup the best preparation on the market for coughs and severe colda about six years ago i caught a severe cold which setued on my lungs and forthreemontbslbada cough i had a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was ou the verge of con sumption and had given up hopes of being cured whea i was induced to try bickles syrnp before i had taken ooe bottle i found myself greatly improved aqdbylhe time i had finished the second bottle i was completely cured i always recommend it for severe colds and consumption timely wudoiu great and timely wisdom is shown by keeping dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry on hand it has no equal for cholera cholera morbus diarrhcea dysen tery colic cramps and all summer com- plaints or looseness of bowels ayers pills are convenient efficacious and safe are the beet cathartic whether oa land or sea ia city or country for con tipation sick headache indigestion and torpid liver they never fail try a box of them they are sugarcoated ptsbf bccnedr foroaurrh tz the h hat easiest to vte and cheaota h catarrh sold by dmsswa or scat br man wc et oiiclitac warren pa v 8 a i tbuly called the greatest absclsiely hiraateed as claisod cr ney nfaiidsd pimphleti tesumosuii etc ftee jul jixd1u uicuouu ililltu co ltd 120 kinff st w toronto out sole ttinuiacturers for the domtniox atbewareof impositions 1 sc our tracemark c c rinrinpa co gdcts my horse was so afflicied with distemper that be could not driuk for four days and ref ased all food simplj apply ing mikakdis linqiekt outwardly cured him i feb 1887 cut hemiibt caxx c c rraubmaco gtxrs i have used your minaiids likiment for bronchitis and asthma and it baa cured me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i mas a lrvujosrox mother graves worm exterminator is pleasant to take sore and euectnal in de sfroying worms many have tried itwilh best result ulnjinlf llalment for sale ererrvraere dr fowlers extof- wild jtrpberry i cures- jhgueriv ijholcra morbus jrvmps ihiarbhgea jysehterjy anbajx summer c0mpuint3 and fluxes of the bowels it s safe and reliable for children or adults 1 wsapsft a little talk about tshoesi figures may us aud tacts distorted be bet socio is believing come and see tbo feck -a- boo boot and shoe store is just now showing a number of new lines of bbocs sad slippers specially adapted for tbeseaaon tboso now goods aro being sold at prices as low or lower than tboso askod for old styles and shop worn goods oliewbero everybody can be suiteotior we bavu all silos ia l qenti wear ladies wear youthl wear children wear babys wear special uucs uood tuods kewosl tityle aud host valae for tbe money at w williams acton custom work and repairing given eareful atten tlou trunks and rallies lu variety hemp carpets at ioc i2jc 15c and up tapestry carpets at 25c 27jc 30c 35c and up union carpets at 33c sic 40c and up wool carpets at 6gc 80c and 90c 1 brussels carpets at 75c 90c and 100 brussels squares at the ridiculously lowjirice of 1000 oil cloths from 25c per yard curtain poles from- 25c up j d williamson qb 5and7wyndhamstotielph j 84 oswald st glasgow vheurcest scale w0rk3 in-canada- over oo styles 0f hay scales grain scajs farm scales tea scales s 1 slfproveo showcases joky drawers meatchopsers amd bdtuds ssppues asoasss w roti write ia terms c wilson 80n t 6 0 ewlanaoe street east toflontcprft j ucntioo lata paper tv rrr ue tu write not these old styles but new ones dunns baking powder thegooicsbest friend aeprr ttstrranw wsj jo iott bmla flavek h baur aad m t mm mf cait m wttk worii 1 njauksu mrnhcv wltk sjt tmr ifii iriiimnhift tv0 apamc wa orr a it fct wwa ym hi f met tub iw lkoest ki rtoffm frirtuit iihj mrtrtbm rl1n- tl rlrwt tttot b4 lbs tn rt rtth fftrii il nprm fcifkt tto am tosj kcvw h il vtavf like lt f vrk far m jf m er tnm tc4 to s8 frr cki ntd p sulitm co box mis ftctlc burdock- b imv brooclies for j5l brooches for s2 brooches for3 brooches for everybody beautiful and new designs coming in new every day at j pringles jeweller guelph special value in horse blankets whips trunks halters single and double harness jhmatthews all in need of any of the above cannbdo better than to leave their order with him as nothing but the best material is used in the manufacture of his goods to farmers and threshers use on vourmaohinervonly the wellknown peehless oil 9flr li mtflriath have been awarded it during the last threevear xjud mciiiijo try llbq oar p axil fjtotmforjou waggons aud sorse powers these oils are used and highly recommended at themode farmgoeipu farmers ask for them use no other manufacluredatqmetoityoll wmxs by 8amuelr0cer8 co toronto 4 new winter overcdatings to hand in bngli8h meltons naps elysiums and otner black maiws orders respectfully solicited shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph spectacles iie spectacles i have purchased a stock of the celebrated lawrences spectacles end eyeglasae at 50c on the dollar and will clear them out very cheap b sayacp watchmaker cuelph will cure or reueve biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice eryslpelas salt fiheual heartburn headache dizziness dropsy fluttebins of the heajt acidity of i the stomach 0- dryness n of the skhfe aad mrr suedes dis aiislmt i noja disordered livzb kwmxyst if stoicacs bowels os blood t meb1trn go prop to mackinacll syiyimr tours j palace stiuucbs loto ratcs poor tripa pr wtek betwwa detr0jt mackinac sland fstsxker nt poo launjusatu ssd jjtxa boron f um sverxercainc brtwan detroit and clevsund sn4r trim swl lilj ssrst us oor illustrated pamphlets balas and xxcoiiton tnkrta whl boraissa b7 7onrticaaantcraeeten e b whitcoliael p dtrior ukk ihe detrfflt cuveuu steu ihct powder purest stroncest best contains no alum ammonia lime phosphates of aoj injurious materials e w filllett atoxroet stair r tftlitxlmarni5taltitcasss st tel mm the wei rial owtrtluitii atlxfvamtmf toiixs if la efc k5btr ulwvltatrtawwtest- tsawil ivtna mjt tn t- man tits uowaw rsii ka 4 iv nuaijm tvrc- thtmi th bhfc pah rf to balk it b ma 6mito list u- imwbimhmltnyweulbl ma wall tru a3 to 1 0 4r at tmi fraw ttw mtffww tniatii-kt- bfalt rfc- al ha w fantjl timtm dssut c a44ryu ualxlxr4lulmxh0ortxasltmaiai 1 i hirsfsswiin extemnftlori wia posmvay cure eiubfs 35 ii tbe st9iuch biw el coaplalats diarrhoea axtr xhr sumnercomplaints keep a- bottle- in r the hqle soldj y all dealers i ffbwsfwgibgv f4 rhv cerr j

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