Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1890, p. 3

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-in- the metflodlitchuhch aotofc fctv o orrrord ka php pastor panaraeebonrarrntie fsbjic btrriert i0j6 ajn hid 3o snndav iitor all ooniuhj- invited jher sod riaiton altars income jli- sstttfre ashen at the door ttalttiroriare desired apply to ii r lloore tvtrbtevard bank of hamilton ebad optics halttltoh carrrl paid c 10mm0 auaott i cisaita h 8 btkvex art curnxk directorsjokx sftjcuuviwdtnt- a 0 rixut taflros jofrx paocroa out ort8torochvatyoobalclk j okorqetownaaknat note dlscmialod and advance made on 11 ssltane wearily dratt on ill rrt oi cjlv inau cinren sttoi gheat iuuti did lb oonhmat or entorr bourbt aild sold coluknoxs mui on ill scnsssitile points on fflm tarortwo- tennt i savkgs dkrqintkvr ddoitk rewf red oi end opwardl and in terest alleged front date oil deport to dl of vithdntil j epeoal deposits also raoefredu current rate ot interest no pctioe of withdrawal reqairad i k- at watson atnt nickelito teii spoons are fnaranfeed to be tnade ttronrboot of the parse hi thitxt yickri k1t sooth it im- ro with ar and i never turn brusr to l hadonlr tt qeo etots acton oat ttoeiiolw prices from einoneraoi nniajdi gire m a call rteo yon nit tm spooqb i flit ion jfwjiriss thdrsdat october bo 1890 little localbrieflets which cuight tho exs or ears of fr preaa rportajrji this week haubvverx tomorrow night council meeting uextotondar evening single copies of the euxjees three cents j die mmpa ire nearly oil of water an tui winter u hid mr jciri kitchiog fit kasacanreya hut colt fire months old jshich ieiha ttjiw st alhuf sahhath school nor meets it ix pm instead of in jthe morning as fornwiy i the farx pass mil be sent to ne- rahscribers from ooirtili 1st j senary 1s93 far oos dollar tbe first snow of the sewoa fell on ifondat morn in j jost trentvjoe days liter tian ust year mr wm add hsa sold his residence on toe comer of qaeen sni loon streets to mr thos gutnn i bev fsiber 01ome cntiactd the asml nxmthlf krrices in st- josephs ghnrch last sond7 jtr a e malthews at fsjncnse his sindlj- sent the fno psas a bndget of peters describirg the fitil hotel fire in thudtr- j mr donald monro associate- editor of the ouuudax ecaxttlul ipreaehed- rerf aecepuhje settnoris in the disdplescharch on sonbur j arrangements are beinp completed for uie establishing of the electric light com- pinj- in acton the giant is eipecied la arrive in a few days the engine and some of the ciaehinery for mean grindell a- dickinsons new msrhinf shop have txrired and will 60oc be placed in position j the sheltraroe fire pkm says the merchants of that place hsc decided io boy baiter in the fatare strxtiy in accord aace to oualitr kowforwsx the social in the town tiallan tfaanjls- girimj etenis under the aospices cf ladies of knox chorea promises to be very inter- estin ber mr mallin of fergni and other speakers rill be present a shooting match has been arranged by mr h h wbrderrto be held in acton on thanfrsgfring day when a series of competitions will tale placei bi shot- guns and retohers will hare ranges coort oiire branch kb 90 of he lofis maxjrqr progress and at etery m lately hare been mitiatxng new members a nnmber of georgetown brethren visited tie coart on satarday erming some of the largest potattes erer seen here were brought to town iltst wees by mr john gir ens of erin ihey were of the lttjbf the valley varietj- and many conld be found in each bag which weighed a pound each the quarterly communion serrices will be held in the methodist church deit eon- day mpraing a preparatory service will be held on xnursday evening when bev dr gifiorrc the pastor will address the congregation in my travels arodnd the provinoe said mr james bauanfyne mpj to a reporter the other morning i have never seen the fall wheat looking better than this season the fields all appear so even and the plant has such a good head j the teameetiag held at ltmehoose on tuesday etning was a success hxcelient music was famished by the glenwilliaras choir addresses were delivered by bevs dr hachon of gnelph and dr gifford of aitoo bev thosgee presided acton conncir eoyal i templars of temperaoce hftve arranged ojbold an open meeung in the town hal on friday eveo- rag the 7th kovember the entertainment will consist of a musical and literary pro- gramroe free admission no collection atf are cordially invited eev d strachaa jrjreachel an excellent sermon inknox church last sun- daymoniing hiifatherbvjdfitrschan sr pastor of the preabytehan churcli bockwood preached a gaelic aerroon to the hi members of the codgregation at the close of the englmh service bev mr bae preached at beck wood and eden mais j thisireek we chtopicle the death of one othaltons brightest little boys alfred eiward braio the 12 year old sore of mr bdwio brain hornby he was stricken with that fell disease diphtnecia and after four dayimiiness soccumbed 1 it mr brain had two other children sick with the srae disease bat we are pleased to learn of their rapid recovery brampton tmti best flour in the market for ftm per baodred bran for 13 per ton ml other feed and provisfius eqaally cheap at af lana i pa and f nil inform j over any fouio to west or the western 8l tbegrand trunk stat 7 saleoood stove pipe at jhalf flaie stove secretary cnpboajds e atone wheel bsjro also large ll frisawen the news at h0me mostly of a local character and every torn intaraatl ne ansplcrs actva cornet band jtfae beilq8torenon co whofepertonn tukstirc lu prtnff npn lbe h oxuot thttj amaeuijiit iaxiofipabiu wiluf 3trlu uia town 11j on fridij abd siunli j cvfluinm ntxictiit iti8ico of aclou gg tah baqd tiig rxdqipii- proqiitt reaued ncrrlmtut and fun without vulttily l iff ttlmii- ion cw tickcu mty be had it kmii wini drti itoro tik ut tjauci extracted lit wocklbc doctors lucccod d io ux- tftfi iiaollier ballet out ol mrt si torgarm il vuiuic itut of lbe thrt- tb thootiog ft will be rtdictnbcrtd took plio ou aug 18t gcorgcururu irt 6ittcr i now on ulc way to recover fully slater woqcded inn hu healed and hit loffwingi arc 1 together tuculal ii o u i pcaiteu- tiiry tot 8cveu jut whifeeugigcdoti lbe fclooc stioct irea bjteriauchtmtb torouto bvoi caiaou bmmer fell from a tcaltold fir ting mr kit 8oydcr formerly of guelpb bile in a ttocjiiiii piuou oa the bck pi rt of the head infltctin a deep won ad t ifl woand ii aot eerica but an uich either v ay would have killed him- he ba lince reaomed work qaelph mottrf f disturbia rellloas services trtose who diatutb wntiee intjj arc very sammaiily dit iu the turan uyt three jij were cued 1 aud cols oc foar boart im prisohmealfor creatiug a diitabace in in front of clirtoa street ciiarcu orday eveuiag the chief jaatici el hit delerminalioq tp suppress thii kind of rowdyism oatside be charchffl darior pallic worship x dcstr active raaavy oafridiy aueroooa the delitary teftm of if r w wordeu baker rau lrayon cbtireh street and mdc a total freck of the country artjund newt items supplied by porrai- pondanti and exohanl burlinqtom the couudl ii eugajtud lu rrtiug aotno of the streota tboieaaoa of uio year n uowit haudfbr dwoe fliibidg guiw yuainbcrpl the old pee e church toronto hoc ldi ut siu exprou- thewtrpa the hortej becimc c ititched at elutiitfeeel and cootiiiaed m their ooarw oat lp the fourth line wb x they eoocljided tukc matters qaiety t id stood sail tie lost 6f the riff coce3 pretty heary oa ifr warden who oaly reoently weal into business property changtaifpjids list week mr anaoa smith old his house and lot oa bower acecae opposite the canada glove works to mr james fimhtcck of firslbrook bros toroolo forflooo mr firstbrook will res de faenhj and co to torocto daily to attiad his basiness oa saturday 4r rhomas kastoa sold bfcrecccuy aojarred roperty ou aruicr si re- i to htt john wi lsoa of the fiftfi lice ksqueifa for 6k mxe wata will riovt into towa short falafu1 aecidtat tesierlay raorciiii vs ifr thorns ebbifl was lsanog his boose by v ay of a sit of steps leading froai the reii oc the hoaselo crbaad adlitanos of aboi t eight feet he slipped fcotn the top scp iad fell heanly to the croccd he wasass stad to his roon and dr lowrj wh was mined- iitcly summoned found thst ifr ebbaije hai receivi painful though cbtdn gerous inlemjsj injuries which will ia a i prob- ability coagui him tojhe nuse for iererai days the winter time txblc the winter tice title of the g t k wect icto cnec ou iloaday tie two eirly trains poicg east are 2 and eiht minutes esrlier leiqcr at 7 3 and 3u respectirely tte evtjuic fcif es is fire minutes later at cojani the ii hhj and 1001 pm are not changed goisjj west the midnight express is one nmute later at li0 the morning sail uin is changed from 9cs to 1003 ihe afi irnoon eipresi from 227 to 23thekccom datioa from cco tj g03 themixetl arri es at ai pm instead of 7u provincial s s- convention tee twenty fifth annoai coaven ioa in oocnectian with the ssibath school asso ciation is ben held in brantford oc taes- day wednesiiy and thursday t this week the occasion promises to i e of i most instructive character besides many leading s s wockersof oar own pr vince mrs 51- g kennedy of phlkd iphia president of the international p imirj- union and xtr thomas dranss id of eochestir are taking prominent pla es oa the programme with their charstf srtstic hospiuiity the citizens of branlfbr mr- diauy welcomed to their homes pas grs of chufch sundajr school workers anc dele gates generally the convention ih be broagiit to a close this evening wi h ad dresses by mrs kennedy ifr dra isfield and hon s h blake s access ful sportsmen 5fesfr ju e sictfifl wstarfc a id w jeans the sport rmea who went a utarton a couple of weeks ago returned hoi le on friday evening bearing the trophies c the chase thef brought two deer with them and tr edward kickia arrired the 1 iflow- ing etenicg with another they epcrt having had excellent sport each auce eding in bringing down anantlered dsnirea of the wadwoods- to ifr a- e- kickiin s the credit of secoring the first and finest a 3 imai got by the party it was a healthy back andweifhedsomekopoandswheodi assed the same arrired home in prime con lition and the friends of toe sportsmen farei well for they were kindly remembered wh a the carcasses wore dissected throog the generosity of ifr will stark the itors table was supplied with a liberal root and it proved to be a tender juicy piece o veni son ndced a budget of notes it r the sportsmens camx wi sppcar in next ssue fell to his death steeetsttllk oct 2c kenneth ioa of coancillor thomas w rqbinsoa o this place fell from a wagon friday- tt boy did not complain much and ft wi i not thoaghi he had been injured dariigthe niglit he seemed to sleep as well as sal bat when ilrs uobinsoo west to his room yesterday morning the icjared boy ald uot be awakened and jt wag foaod thfit he waj dead kfked at stratford steltfotfla oct acci 22 a sbockin dent happened aboat g oclock this evfeaing at lbe downie street crosnng of he g in this city tsm creek a farmer mtlverton north of here 70 years old run over by the yard engine whicl slowly backing oat ofa siding hi was completely severed from his deceased was ubder ttip iofiaence of jndr al the time shot his brother tb near was was heta tody uiscis oct 22 tbref boys b wjlion w kaltoo brothers and h burns preparing to go ont ia the bay dacks loot ing from waltons boat boose tfaey bad two guns loaded wliioh they placed f i the bottom of the boat b walton- instej pine into lbe boat struck the trigger of o le of the guda which was loaded with a bal and shot and discharged it the ball ent ring the wrist of his brother and raoniog the palm ofhe right baud part ofvsjhich was carried away pto fisharmaii off vho bitch liavo younger oucs died thejr places ou friday light last a magull ut deer wu shipped ben by mr kj w ibber was couiiguvd to j c ctinpt jii weight was 10 lbs v mr firtlcfu uow liuuso is ttu tothij vitiagt mr frank uebott wiuiail fur in england in a couple of weeks tho long talked of project uf vsubllshing a high school lu bartingtou seea way of rosiitatioa a dumber o of in oa in aud iuflueuc have lakt n hold of the to titer apd a requisition to t ie reeve to call a public owe ting to ouijsider the whole mbjoct is aboat to be circu the baby crriagt factgry dowa4or a few weeks and ooaeetwoliy s great o amber of men are thrown oat of em ployment the company are putting iti now machinery which will tnabls thorn to tarn oat much better work in time budjfi ijult and lis home erim ated has i hul shorter mr j mcdouald license inspector had a man from graud valley arrested for selling liqupr on fair day the usual fine will be imposed while mr m overland who drives the erin bui wu returning from meeting the evening train oa wednesdsy one of the wheels of lh vehicle ctrao off ihrowtng mr overland to the ground and fracturing cue of the ankle bones the lady passen gcrwho tocompanled him had ber collar i bone broken had the horses been spirited a more serious accident might ba occar- red as it ii mr overland will be cou- fined to his room for a couple of weeks as the wbew connection wis pa eat and could not have become detached wilhoat interference a hope is expressed bat the imiscreaat may be foaod and such repre hensible conduce punished severely the anuual rifle matches of no 7 com pany erin were held on the era ride bangea on wedaesdiy j the anniversary services of the belfoaa- tain baptist church will be held sanday kar- 2nd when kevd mmiheuof psrk- dale will officiste rev j fenncll of georgetown preached n the english church oa sundai at 11 fam j milton mr george home has parchaid the frame building hyde block oa jl sin sl from mr wmetiiot i a grand thtnkgiving diune and lecture will le giieu ia the tow a lull oa thanksdvicu day by the ylaofthe methodist church j mr cha iviiees of the ccrdovaa ucnerj- is erecting a rtw baidiag for a storeroom and an ofilce in connection with the present buildings j this years apple crop ia this section is short and not up to the average in qusiily 5tr dawson of brampton has purchased a quantity at hoo to 83 jx perl barrel some of rhich arc bciu shipped at the the present time oa the gtc a meeting cf the members of the urinng park association was held on monday eiemeg last when a committee was l i appointed to examine the lands cf mr patterson with a new of enlarging the track and also to eiamine the 2r acres ijiog adjacent formerly owned bv mr johnston harmon and to report as to the cost and advactige of parchasing llr same far adriving pirkandagticuitaralgrjands i win tack of kelsoo arrestai an the evening of the second day of the wanty show charged with stealing from the cultural hall two hams the property hichiei harrison and several loaves bread belonging o john p 3oper pteaded guilty to both charges on hurs- diy and was sentenced by judge m her to e montlts imprisonment for each effence e terms to be coccarrcnt a- party of hamilton gentleman lately fo med themselves into sn organiiit on to be known as the limestone fishing club aid hare leased the limestone cisek in kelson the stream hisj heen the resort for several seasons of anglers and is well sujckcdwith the speckled beauties the limestone club propose to expend i aoney possi- ioase htle a the hi making the resort as attractive as tie and will erect a suitable clab ve the creek cleaned and deepened supply of spawn will be placed water in due season champiott rockwood ifr lottos of the gnelph training sopool spent sandsyatmrwmbsmisays tfr johastrachari reid eelectjons at a first class concert in falmerston on friday evening last miss edith storey of acton- spent last woek with friends in rockwood we are glad to hear that stanley kjicrisli woo has been so serioasly ill with diph theria is reported convalccing his bi other e l of st catharines spent part o lk week at his bedside ifrs bard well of eden mills celefa rated her ninetyfoarth birthday on saturday she is a hale and hearty old tody and logics good for the balance of the hundred tears another of the children of the aria family that has been so afflicted with con samption daring the past two years was sent to the gnelph general hospita this 4k- hi mice if the mr lyndill lundy blacksmith secured the services af another apprej and is proportiontjv happy we hear that the junior member tfrm is a down town store is contemplating msirimouy cheer up johnnd doni look so awfully lonesome mr daniel stewart is hiving his ei fects moved iato his recently purchased huse mr stewart will make a good citizen and we are glad to welcome in oar midst mr h b mccarthy of port lipe vissted friends ia rockwood lost week ifr jas stinson tailor and one of oar promising young men has remove 1 to yodngst toronto where we wish him every success iirt gibson oar new batcher is a live one and wd are pleased to see he jtee w in- stoqk a good variety of the difierent hnds of meat t mr isaac octs family have remove 1 to keerwatid balnykiver district where mr orr bos been em ployed for some montl rev bfr boe ofkcton preached ii the frelbyterian church here on sunday n oru ing and mr daniel btrocnan ba it the evening mr pike is building- a nice new ik use l but fee has hidden itjbick on the notu mr thos watot building a new honie on harris st mrs vestil is bavjng berhonsd on the same street n ode over and modernized mr wm mo wor thy fs reroofing his store and we hot a he will but of pare charity fix ap the side ralk athjscortwr oafcvtlle thursday taulnjt rainbow social was bjild fu uie iwjtors room ul lhi metho dist raiisltk band ii va f ared the wt dsy mid be ditrl nmul to the suocess of the so al bat not o xho loom wasoom fotub y filled w iatieusrdysriiameur could rohsvve bad hkef a shower f rslu how i mhl vrft iftt rinbw witho i u y 6m utfln from frowulng natur onoi eyoi were ftal with the briilia itemblomat cralfluff nbfoerdal reprcs uts lions of such oould be iceu icattet sd ihrougho it tha room over the plalfn m was huu a targe one made of tlssuo paper and uaderuoftui jt iu tbo same i aadsa the si ggestivo motto of the band the world lor christ fourteen youug sdy walteriaohwott a white apron with sfxtoen colors bf liuuo paper blended in tbo e of the reiobow and forming a dtamoi d after tea was served the bav mr william sou took the chair and opoued tbo eutcrtaioment with prayer tbo band then oug the ohprai jesas savos staudiug in two rows thoir sprous formed a most pretty and plcasiug ellect the chairmans address came next it was tho first entertainment mr williamson had bad the priviledge of christening fn his new pastorate aud right well and creditably did he dp it he ooild not imagine what the band had chose i a rainbow social for but in looking a oil the youug ladios present be thought t mast be to try and rainbeaax bow it order that strangers may not think the youag ladies of oikville ore frivtloas i most lay it was got up to dispose bf an aatogri ph quilt however the disposal of it proved a failure the high tut offer wu eight hollars but thinking it worttl more the iband would not part with it j dr luskj was chosen as the lactionevi and proved to be a very able one indeed the programme was then continued the misses cofe rendered a piano duett mis halliard and dr lnsk readings miss lotus laik and mr cv rut birge of himilton solos a raiabow speech was given by siu lucy m ander son au who assist ad ia the rendering of the programme did po iu a highly enter laiuing manner whether the social rained beaux or not time must reveal bat one thing we are certain of it rained plea sure and satisfaction and all the beaux in the country coald not take the place of these j dr cjlaart bf fslmesstoa visited mr and mrs c w anderson of this place last week mr barker of por the parsonage the manse is being s spent sauday at greatly remodelled previous to the arri valof its new occupants the rev mr and mrf craig the rer mr aaiertoa of this place has accepted a uuantrioaicill to bobcay geon he left last week to enter his new ministry hisdaaghler llim lizzie ac- compaaied him to he present at the iuj dactiou and retarnea friday last his 1 family intend remxiuiu here for the winter missionary 6ernuous were preached in the methodiit church past sanday by the pastor ber mr williainsou both services were well attended the ecrdiaus were powerful and effective arousing deep in terest in the missionary work in the hearts of all present this was forcibly conveyed to our miuds by the fact that his was subscribed for misaiocf mr williamson expect tin atnoant this year to bo 560 from oakrihc ceorce1owiv mr hera auldoas has gone to the mui- koka wilds en a hunting trip as mentioned iu last issue th bakery business of c m clark has changed hands mr s m cook being now io possession mr e clappisoo of hamiltoa general agent canada life spent a few days iu town last week oar foot bill club has re organized with au efticient se of officers and arc now open for games with any club ia the county or oat of it so they say w wish them success the halton election trial discovered some queer material in the sitpe of witnesses or with s beery mason to the fore the result of the trial may be a new clectioa but we think it will be somewhere in 32 when the general elections are announced a short time ago mr geo dart of he 7th line lost a valuable lt- by its straying on to the g t r and oming into contact with a hardheaded engine mrs f wjsheppirdj of berlin is visit ing her sister mrs f u gikbriese j oar shooting party hoi returned covered with glory and loaded with deerv they broaght back eleven deer which in view of the fast decreasing stock in muskoka my be considered as a most creditable performance they wore only gone eight days the grading on the n w line of the g t r which wili connect t is northern divis ion with the main line st a point north of the long bridge is beinf pushed along as rapidly as the weather and other ruling circumstances will pern it a large force of men and teams have band employment this change will do awaj with oar korthero siatioa as ail trains wil then run into a union station oa the site of the present depot on the main line dr sutherland is outof town for a few days and we understand that dr auld is attending to bis practice in his absence the old behsle stand in clarks block is being fitted up for the shoe business of mr johngme 1 mr goodwillie has moved down town into oue of the new housjesm the old town square ha via g sold his fino property to mr h m watou of tho bak of hamiltoa mr alex irviae of mitchell has been engaged as baker by 8 m cook- he ex pects to move here and with his wife occupy the rooms oyer the bakery there died at silver- creek ou friday last at the homo of her too susan booth t relict of the late thomas appleyard t a a good old age her ronaains were taken to hamilton for interment an open meeting of th epworth league on monday pveoiugdrew oat a considerable andience a feature of t ie programme was a debate on womans bigbu messrs h w kennedy and rj e harrison for the affirmative or the ejfranchisement of lbe- fair and messrs ftton and mcfar- isnd ably supporting the negative a vote resulted fn the affirms ive winning bat tbe negative claim that tl evote was packed there being aboat 10 to 1 of the weaker vessels present chon ases and readings apd a very fine solo by m ss robinson made ap the balance of a ver r buccesf si enter- tain merit mrs mcfarlsnd is viiiting relatives in berlin a cold snsp struck as ou sunday night just three days later tha i lost year tbe pond lst year was froze i over on lhe2f tb mrs rev anld of t ironto is visiting relatires in town jhessrs b hi i ton walbiidgo stone have into a law partnership here and in toronto and paxkdale mrs l l bennett is sjttendiug the c-n- veotion of thewctl io kingston as delegate for halton conn y wad kna mr suhloy norrlsh is seriously ill at present luffering with blsck diuhthsrla he ia some better although far from being oat of danger farmers are busy these days taking op their root crops of tarnips and intnigold- wurtsel the yield although- not largo will be a fair average crop a souvenir ut old winter the ont this season vmtd his vicinity ytsteraiyid the shape of flurries of snow liit8unja evening while a couple of ladies and gentlemen were ou their wsy to church one of the ladles was so an for tan ate as to lota her hat and being so much en gagod ctlicrwino did aot mias her head gear uutil tiy bid proceeded nbut a mile farther ou thtir way whereupon ouo of the gentlemen was sent back to flad tbe miss ing article and meeting a couple of other gentlemen inquired of tbem if hoy had secu a utrsy hat they ssid they had and also informed him where it could b found bat the haj would have been much safer if ft had been hung upon a pickett coming and goino miss mods kelson of gaclph visited friends here ibis neck mr m p barry of rockwood spent saoday with acton friends miss j otic htfleruan of rockwood visited actou friends on sauday mrs v m crflwson and norman leivo this week forhuntsvifle maskoka mrs j fyfc of barric his been a guest at the home of mr john cameron the past week reeve storey has been confined to his room for nearly a week with a severe attack of lumbago mitis ben a henderson of milton wu a gacst at tbobouieof d henderson exmp ovtrflaadiy mr geo foulketf and family left last week for haoiavilje where they will in future reside mr and mrs george kickliu of harru- tou came to own ou monday to spend a few days with frieudi here the many friends of dr bobertsou miiton will be pleased to learn that he is recovering from his recent illness messrs w kelly and j falions acton spent saturday evcmag visiting special friends in rockwood cor to lumld mr wm auld of toronto wu in own otz sanday renewing acqaaio lances he it doing well iu the city and has a comfort new house offtia own on norfolk ave t in the east end mr thos christie and family who have been ipeuding the sammer at kelso ro- larned to own lilt week mrs christies fricodi will be glad to learn that ahe hu regained much of her former health gait rcfurtntr rev j iue and mr h p moore left on motidsy and mr c s smith and micscs pearson and anderson the following morning to attend the anuual convention of the provincial sabbath school associ ation iu sessiou at bradford mr a l henslrcci left yesterdiy for his frm in trafalgar the old homestead mr ifemitreel has resided in acton for be tween two and thrte years and during his ftay he and his estimable wife have made hosts of friends who regret very much his departure a somnambulists fait kutkiitrr oct 2i paulleppartc of aurora i here looking after the bankrupt stock of j moiely baker and fruiterer sometime daring last night he arose in his sleep opened the window and stepping on x slanting slippery verandah fell head long to the street he maosged to crawl to the hotel across the road and became un conscious from coacuuian of the brua accused of arson wuktgv oct f a iktte girl named oowdeor aged thirteen living near oliph- ant six miles from here boa been living at a neighbors named randall randall hod decided on sending her away for some cause yesterday the girl said she dreamed that randalls barn was all afire today the fcirn was burnt to the groaod the girl has been arrested 25 27 wyudliani street guelph wednesday ott8ih 1890 if ever we were in a potition locom tnand appreciation it is at the present time never hu oar hoase shown to sach good advantage whats specially notice able isjbe great variety bf materials and prices here yoa find goods which for tonrness and extreme of style yoa cant match in the trade here prices perhaps high toe hut never higher than the quality of the goods again there are sucks a poo stacks of goods of humble pretensions so far as price is concerned yoa cant go anywhere and beat ibem from the lowest to the highest values yoa find a fall and well stocked gradation of prices and what ever yoa may want yoa cannot fail to be suited dress goods continue tbe attraction yesterday we opened a case of heavy vicuna serges and plain broadcloths they ore the correct thing for fashionable street wear tbe grand rauge of plaids and tartans in heavy cloths are having a great ran as a titbit of choice value we may mention a line of fancy plaids nice cloth at 15c per yard they ore the specialty for this week each week we shall make a special run on a special line of dress goods dressmaking miss lennox oar manager has turned oat a nam ber of beautiful dresses daring the past week and in every esse received the highest expres sions of appreciation from the ladies for whom they wiere made we cordially invito orders and guarantee the greatest satisfaction mantles a department tusyear of more than usual importance mrbollerts purchases personally selected while in the old country comprise a variety of material design and grade that cannot fail to excite your admiratioo our sales thus far assure us of the superiority of these goods oar mantle room is eimplyjam fall we have opened oat five separate shipments the last having only jabt arrived abd pat into stock we have an immense n amber to choose from and they are selling fast undhbclothingno oeed to tell yon that now is the time to bay the chilly and damp weather reminds yon of that enough to say that weell tbe best underclothing that can be had our great and special line is the boltonian we have imported them very heavily we have seen nothing for softness and fineness to touch them then w sell other makes and none that give better general aatiafao- tiou than mocraes we are making a special solo of canadian merino seamless knitted goods at aboat i their usual price we bought them cheap saveyoar health and save your money by buying your underclothing now and from us boys overcoats form an attrac tive line in the ready made clothing de partment they are with and without capes and in sizes to fit every age or boy so do also the hundreds of boys beady made baits yoa will find the qaahty a great deal higher than tin price i hens overcoats all onr own make no shoddy cloth no shoddy tewing stud at fait eelling pricey e ej bollbt 25 ft 217 stowerwynduum ll fmm0 rat ooltivat oh 1891 in 1 country gentleman agricultural weeklies niyotkp to farm crops and prooepes horuottltureafruitorowlng livestboi and dairying walls it also inolodet aufatnor deutrunentt of sural interest aob u ths poultry yard bo tomcuileexspuiaormnboamaudonp7 ystertuary bapllm farm qasstloni aud an swers ftresldt koadluff domesue economy and a luminary of the kews of bo week its market heports are unusually complete and much attention is paid to tbe pnospeots ot th crops u throwing light upon oua of ths most important of oil questions- wben to bar and when to sell it is liberally illustrated and by recent enlargement contains more reading mat- tr than over before- tho sabsoilpttoq price is ttt50 per year bat wo oflcr a special lied action la our olub rates for 1801 two 8absoriptions3a one remittance 4 six subscriptions io do 10j twelve subtorlpuons do do is ato all new bubsoribon for lfsl partes in adronoe now wo win send tbe pajwr weekly from oar receipt of the remittanoo to january lot 1891 without cbargfl icrbpeclmon copies free address luther tucker ft son publishers albany n y new winter merboatings i to hand in j englishmeltons naps elysiums and othr lack maaes m mi orders respectfully solicited 8haw qrunpjy merchant tailors cuetrh j w dhrby veterinary surgeon eveeton ontawo tmseat8 ii dlsmsn o domnueatod aalmala ii vpml sibmuoti sftre to dlseam o tb teh and month o bones aoi cattls surclcaj operations ol all atad pertormad veterinary s5 on h aod prepared ti ornce jlvd besmexceerertba ont carpets carpets vi ic 8 great clearing sale photographic views the wellknown photo artist op acton has iat pnrciaaed a ine new vlowtag camera and is no prepared to eiecnte often for pnotocrapbie rie of residences picnic parties lawn gatherings stock etc etc lu any itvle desired of- jevery carpet in the house reduced iuuuhavf reputation will cosum untcius work jearc our onlcr the artist the i1iggest lot of watch chains you ever saw at pringies guelph hemp carpets at ioc i2ic 15c and up tapestry carpets at 25c 27sc 30c 35c and up union carpets at 33c 37jc 40c and up wool carpets at 69c 80c and goc brussels carpets at 75c 90c and roo brussels squares at the ridiculously low price of 1000 oil cloths from 25c per yard s curtain poles from 25c up j d williamson c co i5and7wyntihanistguelph 84 oswald 8t glasgow the model husband ia tbe oue who sometimes thinks of his wifes pleasure and comfort as veil as his orn tbe average basband is not very much at home and what of comfort elegance refinement and enjoyment he reoeites there he owes to hi wife who spends ber lime at home ber kingdom when a wife asks ber has band for new furniture greatly neeied be too often replies ob its good enough for me i guess icon stand it go to tboa selfish wretch hare yoa no tnoaght beyond yourself just think that yoar faithful wife spends her whole time amongst ricketty furhiture tbink how she brashes it ap it a respectable look think bow she bleshes throagbsnd through as she sees ber callers ti their noses in contempt at tbe antiquated bhabbiness yoa think good enoagh for yoa sbame bo yoa i usjte amends get yonr faithful hardworking patient wife tbe set of furniture she vwntty and go to speight a sons farni tore ware- rooms acton for it here yoa will find a good assortmedt of furniture of every des- eription and stylej and all of ezosueat quality all made from thoroughly season- ed wood and finished in tbe beet style now ye careless husbands make yoar wile happy make yoar 1 ome bright and cheer fal remember that speight sons u the best place and the only plaoe where rearranges it and makes every shift to gie you can get anything yoa want in the line i and at reasonable prioeav ant at once to farmers and thrjetihers peerless oil 9 gold medals h b lw dbri tiiituiwayai 1- i vvij aajixijj j alm oar p agx qmiior to i waggons aud horse powers these oils are used and highly reonunendedat thehoda 1 j farttjfoaelph farmers ask lor them nse noother j j manufactured at quaenoityollvorki oy- j j samuel rogers co toronto this space belongs to i i i i im i i i i i ill i i n in i i i i i i i ri i i i r i ii zennet bios f i i j i 1 l i i il i i i ft dominion boot shoe store acton i mi 1 1 ii m itrri itiri i hi rrrrrrrrrii fcin in itrni ti i 1 1 ii i r where yoirciu get anjthing you want in footwear one dollajr to jan 1st the best at the price of the cheapest oiit frorrr all over the province iji the publisher of thef acton free press has decided jo offer that excellent paper to new subscibeijs from now to the end of next year fcr iji this oifer is made for the purpose of introducing the paper into families where ii is not taken the free press publishes news from every corner of the county and more j several hundred names ihpuld certainly be addcl tcour already la tl4s end of the year ee that yoa are one of the number call at once and leave y ur subscription at the office or send i h pvh001le afge list before adjdressed tov actou j-

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