Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1890, p. 4

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file iona v luted an old phyl ilatu liavlin bad india inlteii vegetable romojlv manent our catarrh aalh affections auo after having powvra hi thou doty o r mak fellows acta desire to relievi free of cberyt recipe in oerolau fall directions sent by mall namlnii oil powon block lf m m i iu uj utile world i terr small scarce worth voor noti sir at ill th mother said mr good kind boabandaikroiise and ukc thnw children it mr knee who loot tous o trustinflj- for daily broad tor liieir rwret sake who low m so ilwpthefireliclitiaieror la oar dear home tint thooth the ttmpwtt roar oattid and flerwily threaten fir iad idtx rho cheery blii tuaj lerre to julda dear toot that roam w u the mernr kettle balls e nkosie him bo dailj toils for as each da j of tnw law kinc fall i score he ptti fm certain if not more when fond ones meet him it the door at twilight fr j one gu the ihppcr for hii fet another lead him to hit seat he nig iraxchilr and while clfldrtn round him iii and mike the dour old nften ring ottftlialaanqtfrmrmtth fcfa with blouonii flit t ah sir we are not rich or grew i the owners of a vat estate themotherttid fiat e hire better fir thin gold contentment x a little fold ai fall of lore u it cm hold with diilj- uread peculiar infatuation different methods of foilowrtngr the injunction love one another do mtu era fall in lov with each other avorneu dcu not long aga young woman in kew jersey waa mimed to yoalhf ai laborer on faer fathers firm sometime afterward itj sreoedthe hnsband waa afemale the yoangwife refasetj how ever thoafcli earnestly entreated ty her friends to give tip her chosen escort the birangeat partnf theoiscovery waa the the tactlhat the bride knew her hasbaad to be a ironna before she was led to the altar h men do not exhibit thiattringe inqsu- atiofa for one of their on ser they ai least ufteitinies give evidence of the fact that they tore one another there axe many instances on record where one man has grrcn his life foranotlier thereare many- more instances where men hive given life to another it is a prond possession the knowledge that one has tared a precious human life alerideri conn- is the homeofunch happy man john k preston of that city jaly lltn 1890 writes fire years ago i ni taken very sick iliad several of the best doctors nd one and all called it a com plication of diseases j i was siek for four years taking preeeriptions prescribed fay these same doctors and i truthfully stale i nerer expected to get any better ki this r i ooznmenced to hare the most terriblepains in my back one day an old friend of mine mr b- t cook of the firm of cnrtii cook adrised me to try war ners safe cnre as be had been troubled thfrsame way and it had ejected a core for htm bought six bottles took the tnedkane as directed and am today k well man i am snre no one had a worse case of kidney and iirer trouble than i had before this i was always against pro prietory medicines bat not now ohnq ffendahlp expresses itself in very pecu liar ways sometimes bat the true friend is the friend jn need why saffertrom diioniers caused by im pure wood w en thoasaads are being cared by asing kon arop lymans vegetible discovery t remavesjptmplei and all mptions of the skin mr john fox pliada writ korthrop t lyman vegetable dia aarery is giving good satis faction tho c who have ased it aay it has done them m ireood than anything taey hive ever tii 3 jthe tammany machinfe- the tammany machine comprises the body of men which rales the city of new xork a absolutely as ihe king of siam rales has kingdom popular governments fa any jnat sense has for the present ceased fa this dty the tammany general committee composed of 4562 paying members and they pay annnally ten dollars each itto the trcti- nryj bit ofthisnnmberonly25c7are allow ed to vote at the meetings the total nnmber of rsnuellers is csl of persons not in the citjdirectoryaodof no ocenpation 1c0g in all 2287 i that ui more than onehalf are either rnmeelleri or peraous witboat risible means of support or known residecce while of the ramsellers nearly sirsevenths are criminal or habttoal violators of the law the salaries paid from the city treasury are distr9mted through a large system of retainers known as heelers or ham mers these are the people who really govern the city of new york who virtually appoint the city officers and who are sustained and intrusted with the city government by every citizen who votes the tammany ticket- this is the conspiracy which every voter will approve and encour age who votes for the tammany candi- dates in november harper t wtdfc if falsehood had like truth hut one face only we should be upon better terms for we should then lake the contrary to what the liar said for troth tut the reverse of truth has a hundred figures and a field iq- definite witfaoat bound or limit m rml kjftiu ah base equal rights in life audjiherfy and the pursuit of happiness but many are handicapped in the race by dyspepsia biliousness lick of energy uervonsddtflity weakness coustipatiou etc by completely removhig these complaints burdock blood bitters confer uritold benefits on all sufferers- 1 the voonc i nfiaence upon the weather is accepted by some as real by others it is disputed the moon never attracts corns from tue tender aching spot patnams painless corn ex tractor removes the most painful corns in three days this great remedy makes no ore spots doesnt go fooling iron ad mans foot bat gets io business at once and effects a core dont be imposed upon by substitutes aodimitations get put nams tod no other injanoas carryiu home a nilermeloat lut how ma u did they cost knot yet the now hiniug ex atucki the t bfalotxfii ertt note that cholera never t of the earth bat haraas- tty in general 00 it neosiary to aaeor fotlctt eil act of wild strawberry for bowel compliinu dyseatery diirthcra etc itiaaiirecare sling wati td kor id the doctor to enfold tqp r who had broken hia ann are mast 8 ialinjfoniif tfdear doctor repl ed the man feebly and let it be a pa all lgot at hat the third jaw in tiuuxl i i you want to you want a sit ilea machii or foaud an out wbcre an roolo dailg mentt oa the the charge is acrtioa add ada victoria c heaiiaoom barasscildf t cared retired from practice ishlhandabytrikul the lijrmala of a altnple fur tin aedy eud per- oontonption bronohltls and til throat and lurui liotllile and rtdloal care a 1 its woudertal curative mid uf daaee has fell ik hia it kuoerti to hie coffering ted by this motive and a hnmao aafferinx i will mad to til nho deaire u thla french or engllab with for preparing and using ay addreating with sump ijaper w a notu 8 uochcstcr n y of tho toronto ihiu ir v want advertlaetnents buy or cell anything if i atioti a lutaute a bust kxtgitu if you have lost ng or it you waut to qud uc is advertise in the to and read the advertiao- hird naie of uiat paper- vo cvnts a word oach lu tke iaiv torootocan- i wo ucr f oil yd ilu bolic salve is a wonderful pot nd for cata woauds braises toils piles pimples jc the safest lkd most sir john anderson tnwmere oat- writes tl a vegetable discovery s- lent me u all gone and 1 am glad to say that it has really benefitted those who have used ftr one man jm particular says it has made i manewnan and he cannot aay too miwi for its cleat sing and curative qualities a good stoi is told of one of the irish mem bent of p xiiament who was both a wit audetoic he kadmetjvitliaseriousacct- dent and the loctors hat tale his leg a humorous friend said to him joe 1 am partictilaisorry your leg has to be ut off mby are yoa par- ticulsrly bory iogaired the sufferer because aid his friend yoa will never bexble stand for the city again to which joe turning in the bed quietly replied bar if i cant itand far the city i can stamp t ifi country powerful alterative is ayers t anaparilla toung and old are alike jwncfltett by lis ostf for tho eruptive dis eases peculiar to ichlldrcn ncluing clselssocrcctiia in 1h1 medicine ttiihc is agrcca- to ilavor makes il cosy to admln- istcr i ry little boy lad large kcttfu- lous uleers on his neck and throat froiu which he puffered terribly two physicians lut he grew continnally heir cnre tutd everybody culd die i bad heard of e cures mtected by ayera iml decided to lave my shortly after he ixan to tliciue he ulcers oom- and liter oslntj neveril lkttlik lie vjk entirely cured ite is now xv licalt ct his npe ilrjiijitun va in may futtrteeti mon hi old luran to hare lores gaiher en its head a4tl botly we ap plied various ciiufile jrenietutrs without avail the src- increased in mmlr and itronc as anv boy william f doushcrty j asu my youngest child anthlkchargc was eallcal b t copiously a physician it the sores continued to multiply mitl fn a few moutlis they nearly ctivtrct at- last uc tic an the use of ajcrs i5ar- saprtnlla it changr fur tlif sorts assumed fiw days a marked better was manifest the a more healthy condition the discliargt t were gradually dimin- trlievl and 1 the chill isri and its apcti e liettcf than we have ob served air m nlhs frank jf grien lcsg point t etas the form la of ajrers earsaparilla pnscuts for hronic diseases of alniort every kiud t ic lcsl tcmedv known to the medical world u xl wilsoa ji v wigjs arkansas flyers rszrjjtrn ar dr j c ay prfcijti an agent ol an evangtlical usociatiou whose iusaen x and inslru mentality had led him to ci rist was pleading its cause with a learnet gectlemai when the latter took occasion i 3 disparage its work how many do yoa think youll convert- pos- sibfyahttndrtialitoldj very well let it a handre replied he pleader meek ly you are quick at figures please lake your pen and calculate the worth of one fa andred souls tuwiato takes tin cake who would have thought it was left for toronto- topro luce tie greatest the world ever knew be t such is th case imperial cream tartai baking pc wder is the most wonderful eve invented it makes the most elegant tseuit evec eaten sold by grocers a beaatifal bostou gir fell overboard and her lover caning over the side of the boat as she rose to tie surface said give me y ar hand l please ask pap respond i the beactifol girl as the gurgtingly sanl a teccud tsne i messrs- mcc tnsland bon of toronto the wedknowi makers of fancy glass for bandings har an exquisitely arranged room for the lisplay of paper hangings and their aaso tment today is beyond a dooat he fine t in canada we ander- stand the firm nails samples with prices attached alt bough th desire to help and benefit men is a prii ary condition for doing it the knowledge iow to accomplish it barm leasly and pern anently is a large part of the work and that must come if at all through infell eent reasoning strong feeling is alwijj onesided and some- of the truth it the a overlooked never allow t le bowels to remain cousti pfed lest seri ua evil ensaes national pills are nceorj issed as a remedy for con- itipation it was said if an inveterate drunkard that be had me with greafcj affliction and drauk to drowi his grief j then said a bystander its grief mast know hpwo awimforbeha never been able to drown tl t hoal pi ysfcal we are all frt 2 american ing pur persona in physical sa salt rheam or mime form of iuzear ed joy- liberty bamofitof usare xy snfierinj from scrofula impure blood hoods sarsapa ilia it the gi eat blood pari- fier which diss fives the bonds of disease gives health an i perfect ph sicial liberty worms caaf children fret nans worm pcwdcra pre vent this healthy- and uake tlic child bright and a succesufal c imbination ful combinatfo dr tlomxs of the six j electric oil externally for tl inflammation remedy a cough effective mlurds tlaii shsw luberty d slavery- much tu triamph of chi mistry whether applied or taken knees the sdecess- ails composing is a geuaiue e relief of psiu or to allay internally to it is speedily- aud entirely why go- iim iug and wiinoing aboat your corns wbc 3 a 25 cent ottle of ilollo- ways corn car i will remo a them give if a trial and y a will not re ret it r sale everywhere if your have axt n many w ditary duease tiveggrayc by slight cold consumptive- 6 their lives aw lev- bicklee ant preparation on- severe colds a severe cold and for three a physician ai grew worse nut sumption and cored when i byrnp before found myself time i had completely for severe colds the childs head and body nally erased altogetlier vclicr fls bkin is fresher sarsaparilla k co lowell mais tw i cnh tfi i bocda baved hid life cnsi cough or cold do not neg- thouta trace of that hern- drifted into a consamp- leglecliog what was ouly a they ued bickles antt- nip before it was too late ild have been spared mr ichell writes i think isuoptive syrup the best themarket for cocghs and boat six years ago i caught rhicii settled on my iangs mntda i had a coagh i had jading me bat gradually i was on the verge of con- 1 ad given up hopes of being as induced to try bickles i had taken one bottle i gr atjy improved and by the the seeded bottle i was i always recommend it ind consumption fioif led care i rest and o mfort to the safferixtg lievi ig browns equal for re i external itci or bowels sore ache lumbago ache vlt will blood and heaj wonderf ul acea being s pain reliever of any other e world should for use when best remedy ia t stomach and pa and u for sile a bottle and wa ixed hqasehold panacea has no pain both internal and pain in the side back tiiroat rheumatism tooth- nd any kind of pain or most surely quicken the aa its acting power jbrnwns household pan- iwledged as the great of double the strength ifxiror liniment in ths in every family handy as it really is the io world for cramps in the s and aches of all kinds all druggists at 15 bents b- axrvrce to mo nzus are yoa disiarbed at night sad bro ten of yoar rest by sick child safferinjj i d crying with the pain of catting teeth if so send at onoo and get a bqttle of irs winslows soothing 6yrup for chiklren teething its valae is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer in mediately depend npon it mothers the e is no mistake aboat it it cures dysentei y and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the goes red aces inflammation and gives tone aod onergy to the whole system mrsvlusiawasootbingsyrup for children teetl ing is plcassn t to the taste and in the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses la the united 6al and is for sale by all druggists throajhoct the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and askformaswisowfisootinxa svect f jd take no other kind bermuda bottled too mutt iro to ueroimu u you da not i twill not be reporal- ole for the epnaecmenees bat doctor i mi afford neither the lime nor thd money hell u that la tmpoaalbl try swots emulsion of pure nqrwecian cod lcver oil i aometlroea i an it luermote hot- ueet aum htaui caacfot consumption brouchius coagh or severe cold 1 hare ctbe rrlui it and the advantavire la hat the moat aenl- ire atonaeh i an ue it another thlnaj which onmienda it ia the lumquulnjf pi operuea of the br- pophsiiiihllea whirl it eontaina too will and it rormle ot your brosntlata in humeri wrapper be ttra yon get be bennlne cott q jioivxe benerine whm ior infants and ohudren i i recommend 11 u superior to any pretctiptkai i known to mo b a anarsx u d i ml bo oxford bt bmidtyb n t owtorift gourbtoa uuawgru ftrst stetp wueosuljoriom pratootei u- tu onraca oowun tt manaj stnet if t specialvalue in all in need leave their order is used in the m tniluadijliiljorr one dijv work for a healthy livur is to ucrcto lli roe tud a half pound q bilo if tho bile mcrotion be deiicieat constipation eniuca profuse bilioaiuesi aud jaundice lie uardock blood dittors i tlie most perfect liver regulator known ia medicine far praveuting and curing all liver troubles timely wisdom great and timely wisdom is shown by hoping dr fowlers extract of wild blrafc berry on baud it has no equal for cholera cholera morbai diarrhcoa dyien- tery colic cramps and all summer com- plainlaor looseness of bowels n c riciuinjs tt co igexts sly borse was go afflicted with i tern per that be eoald not drink for foar days md refused all food simply apply ink utxakds ltniliekt oalwardly cured lifm eb 1887 cut iieiuihrt cixx c c hlchicds co errs i have used your atrxards ltkiilekt for bronchitis and asthma aqd ithascared me i believe it ibe best t 5 p k 1 mas a linfgbios yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad- vortiae in the toronto wtclly mail that aper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par chase advertisements of this chxs ire in serted in the toroato irfy mail for five cents a word ach iosertion twenty centa a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada the first succeasfal blood parifier ever offered to tbe publicwasayers sanaparilla imitators have hid their day bat soon abandoned tbe field while the demand for this incomparable medicine increases year by year and wis never so great u at present m markcll west jeddare k s i wish to inform yoa of the wqoderfal qualities cf dr tbotnaa eclcc- oil i had a horse solame that he could scarcely walk- tbe trouble was in tfaii knee and two or three applications co ttpieteiy cured him the peoples mistake people make a sad mistake often with seious results when they neglect a consti pated condition of tbe bokejs knowing th it bardock blood bitters iiaa effectual core at any stace of constipation doc not warrant as in ncslcctiug to use it at the right time use it now ward liiie- tr je eerj where kvriiifiihju i irx- cfmiticr ii universally known uid jrt lircrc very few jieojile wha lave perfectly pure blood the taint of scrofula salt riscum cr other foul humor is hercdited and tranf wilted for gtaentions caaslnc anlold pufforii zixl we also accumulate poison and genus cr dis ease from the air wc breathe m the food iw eat or u alik the witcr ve drink w i ii l tucrc i nothing i i ii 1 1 rajrc cct eiastvely i j li i proven than the postttvc piwer of hoods sirsaparilla over 11 diserucs of the blood tills medicine when fairly tned does expel ctery trace ot fcrotult or salt rfacum removes the taint which causes catarrh neutntlizes the acidity and cures raeumausm drives ott the perms of hsalaria itood poi- tdniug etc it also vtaflzes atrd en riches the blood tliua overcoming thai tired feeling and building up the nholesysttiu tl laosands twtif y to the superiority of hoods sjnaparilla as a blood purifier full infor mation and statements cf cures sent free hoods sarsaparilla dbritdnigktu flliiforas ptf pared only kjfc l hood t co apothmxrtal loii uua oo doses one dollar tbulr cilled the awetefy oaarantesd u claimed cr uzwf niaailsd jraaphleta testlmoaiila etc fseb ifjs bidu dtceodc ruitxu co lid i 120 eltlff 6t w toronto ont sole kuolactnrc for tio dominion iar8wareirflmpoitloni sec owr tndomtrt thekiytumlth unlocks nil the elosgod avenncs of d b wels kidneys aid liver carrying off gntduoliy tntliont weakening the s- tea i all tho impurities and foul humor of e aeoretiona sb tho samo time cor retting acidity of tbe stomach curing- biliousness dyspepsia h auehes dizziness heartburn co ttstlpatloa dryness or tbe skin di opsy dimness of vision jaun- dl a salt bbeom erysipelas scro- fu a flattering of tho heart ner- to isness and oeneraldeblllty all tbi at and many other similar compjainta fit id to the happy infloeooeof bubd0ce hood brrfebs forhalrbyaudiaun i dmmaco tonstd horse blankfjts whips tronks hal single and dcjuble harness h matthew8 of any of the above cannot do better thn to with him as nothing ut the best matjeriil nufacture of his goods ganadiaii printers read n furnish you with the best presses for country news and lob work to be had in th s country and at lower prices than foil any other new cylinder press comb to hcton j hnd see 05 improved country prputy press crand trunk hallway ootaokxat nonnuii- hapwaa 5 raaaenan jm anlljtiseris mall 1 ot an ll5swaalr j throoah kap j00 pm lutszjl s k5i iocom w niaornoeaaiuiu 3for utb isli teeth with or best jm oh 4 pun ftfe 7hallid air to- ptlnlei eitrtettei c h 11088 cw rj wd lott towtb tli the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work we hare no the prooty for eight years and the longer ire run it the better are like it it is simple eaay to run eaay on jpe easy 0 handle ooete little for repairs and is eaay on the printer a pooket book we call it the beat preaa to be had n the f otid today for the money come and see oar preaa at work it yod desire aamplea of work send for them and we will gladly foraiah them we can pre to yoor choioe of a nnmber of different size and styles of presses at all prices i think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from h p moore agent for canada acton ont seming when we consider the many weary honrs spent in sewing and the amount of thought that ia given to each carment we feel very much surprised that more attention ia not paid to tue quality of the material selected borne in their eagerness to buy cheap which almost always means a lower grsde of goods at a lower price seem to forget the great amount of labor that will bo put iuto thtrjjarmeut before it is finished in many cases bringing it op to almost three limes the cost of the material for example take two ladies buying a drcm one goes to a store which is called cheap because they hiudle only an inferior hoe of goods which wcrejnlended to be showy- but never to wear and pays say 20c per yard her neighbor who deals where only reliable goods are handled pays say 5i per yard more after the dresses are bought the same thought and labor will be given to each and when finished there ii only a trifling difference io lh cou of the dresaes but one will wear almost half as long again as the other kew if this were all the difference it would be quite sufficient to convince any tboagbtfal person of tbe folly of purchasing so called cheap goods bat it is not all tbe diflerencc in appearance if as marked as the difference in the wear when on the street one will be qoted as having a stylish appearance while the other will never have anything but a shoddy look and yet the one cost but 15 more than the other and the same principle applies to any other material as well 7 we do not handle the so called cheap goods by which should be properly under stood unreliable goods we do no offer our customers what we are not prepared to recommend and if after a trial we discover any line of goods to be of an inferior qaaiity it does not again enter our store i- have yon seen oar new fall dress goods in some respects the most attractive showing we ever made of these goods and at little prices the variety of materials is great coloring the newest patterns the choicest many of tbe styles are exclusively oarafand must be seen to be appreciated g b ryan coguelph tomamaci i summer tqws pauktsrtaavcae i k rant tbnr trip pn walk brtwm detroit mackinac island t totter th sktrqwtu8ati jii hwftptjii detroit and cleveland oun illustrated pamphlets iff by 70u ts ant or 6tj m e b wmitcoiib tt r ottkit mm 1 m detroit i cuveuid iteu my co purest 3trohce8t be8t contains ho alum ammonia lime phosphates or ae lajgrioas ma l r ui ii i rrr bcoito cart e w gillti i cmcioonx ltn ir ie ttdt is tw eru i pt i- if thtw wpel b tw atlfb mliiibaowwhs1 nctrad vaata ttmfnji jam kmesdj ad xfcbrailniartmt iao bjtihreyirftjtlb h nrhini fmrni nhn lit mi frrjnn lii fn mmj ad that wf tn npm we pi ll nynw treitftt etc xk 7mkiai9if wtvlat ukc to tto io nark far itacn tin tnm 9im i tl9 tr rk t vnrtrds i iitha iumieboih13 portljukl mmbw istew gqoids nobby goods c grooids ordered clothing department foz the fall and winter trsde wo hare now in stock the ftnwt range p suitings overcoatings and paintings yoa eyer iii toot ejes on vvbaterer on rail ia clothloj tl ill pay yoo to come logiu nrfoe are rurhl ot right md itjle rigtil gents furnishings kew shirts collin calti ties ted lnd ia abundance readymade clothing in ileas youths uojs md childrens suiu uid overcoats wc have a very large stock at very low prices kelly bros acton eight packages of new gfcoods received at tke- right house this week liglited with them qailted halin lininrii ery handsome open work tray ootlia which areioat what the ladiea retrain make their table look moat fareinalinr baldwins fincerins yarns hobo supporters skirt braida canlon ffanneji flrji flannela flaunelettea eider down flannela jeraej flannels denim0ook shirtina oottonadea cotton yarna an i m men aaaorlment of mantle and dialer clolha in sealtttee doa skins unih skiua beaver aerga plaids corkaonv and twd imported this aaaaon from the best britinh and german makera and bsllids off verv cheaii a special link dp hr am etb selling off at qbeatly reddced pb1ces cakton flannels from hk tup to the bbl jtj8t see the reductions on last winters mantles and mantle cwth8- tk ouaiarieff ar i good and the rtylkh itvflht tbk b1mv xb mot win nnovrb t5jjl linoledms floor akd 8tove oilcloths mats matting8 rugs carpet bweeperb ih niabbp best mates window poles window blinds window curtains wf curtaik matr1alr i nottinrhani swlaaand irish point law chenille madraa and art mnalina and other new tylea au offering a sttosrel 1 price cumadlaidamhnrioe be ore v aee the milliiery the styles oharminjl ptau fee yon are east of the carpet window beforeyoo eter the atorea corner of kins streetieut and hnghaon itreettnortk hamilton oct 23rd 1890 dunns baking powder thecooics best friend vhe larget3t scale woris ml in canada t oer 10o styles 0 hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales imprgyed show cases honey drawers ueatcttappers ado bdtcftaj supplies a ut rcix write ix c wilson 4 sow 6 0 esplanade street east toronto ont wnrrinn toil paper e- er ime too wrim dr fowler xtof-a- wild- r cures holers holeramorhus i7iamps iasrhcea yahtery and all summer complaihts and fluxes of the bowels it is safe and reliable ftft children or adults itttl- l4 msi toitikmkvrlh looit autrumu ms u fhmt 1u fm wtv to cm u tkomvlwnl raw brifuat 4homratna4ra fffealw of ibto i rrtlimml w ikutudl timtak 1 dhzciil5i v tflwftammtfftfcfklbamwjgmtrimm w u lrr a b ur i rnr- w u aba ifcoai ym haw m l lfriwtrtwi 1 d iqrsl rbusi rokttxyo 1u1x hirsilrsln exteiiiator wiapoutivaycurt 1 cbfttrw is tee stdhigb bowel cobjjlaintj dlarrfchi unau sukhercomplaints keep arbottlcln 1 i thehqgsei i sotpbtattoaawssj tt

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