volirxts xvi no in bi artim vtt fjrcss ti rcwusarrv- every thursday molfiftkg t thk frw press steam printing officr htta 5tkkkt acton okt i fsairi or scicatmoxone dr41ar per roar i irild la advance or wtthloijirw mcftiuii from bejtntitn of votr tlji per rar if not to pfl to daj w which every nbtcrlptloii it pud u dettot by the data oa tbe address lahol xptkttva rites triasloot advertin- eneett s cent per nonpareil ho tor first la- wruou s ccou per line tot each subsequent laserttoa covnuct ritwti tdtlowtag uwc sfcowr onr rate or ihf irrtiou of advtmismucats lor tppcifioi pcriodf i luo inches 10 inches 5 ache i inch advertisement witbont specific directioas- wfll be fascrud tat forbid radheharcd tceord- inglr trsntieat advcrtimnicai owl be paid ibsdvanc advertisements will he chanced once oach month if dofircd fcr chajw oltener than one a moath the cocci vsitioa mutt be paid far it rejnlu rate qzc for contract advtrliwuieuu mtisl be iathe n3ce br 5 aai on tuesdays otherwise ibey kill be left otef cam the following wfc kruoore editor cad proprietor uusintss iiroturp vvr h lowky u8 tt qraduateofttieityooucecuemberof coubc physician ud soifeooa otfie and rwideace at the hd of frederick sreet 4eton d r springer psrtucux brmcrax accocchrca orptct it rcsintxcs dr ucgarrini boaieearruni aad fttd met streets a 1 x stacey lcdcilftilc jlcjiso 3sg college sutoroato telephone vailk r c- mfrekch lds dds- deatuv brampton- yish aeioa first aad third ttfesdart is each taoatb artiacial teeth t tpecixirr offic tt apjcv r hotel actos tu besxett ld6 dektist gsowrrpwx qstaho c mceixlatlds vlnu acloa tt ajnicrt hatcl on the- tecocd ud oattawonedv of each mbail 02i la gtforgeaita rst door toaih of bp- taxefagrca vrcleak ucleaki bnktrt solicficn sataries covcyarf tc- prirt raads to ioa- 1 osso tos hc acicc wff ju stclzax jso a mclrjv bcu of dtckena notl li toi scolti 12 vdu georre lliot 8 rol tbeckcr 10 ol au in ttrooa ololb bind afi tt rock bottom prices jurcailc itonktroy book ft liri a no choice dock ind t dky low pi lj days bookstore soo 6 00 c 00 9 00 gtjelfff day sells clui ip wbarberjros papermakee6 qeoraetowj uikih tflcuxrror machine finished bool itlgk uride wkejcltvvfews ont papers the pager uied in this ioorn l is the above milk wh bibber bros waters broi tee pictuke qaiieet from 1 ioelfh reisies t ncraiks pictfkk uolldisgs kqoii uolldlngk coexick rolfsire grass eons uasseb ilodsf uitifti ii 01 colorf wiuzcolcn cbimcoifl etc ec llctay uiim ttints wills ectcl5 crif wl vtiii cfcxics hcofcj ec waters bros t a u0wax bijxisrti- solkitoe kutijir przixc moaey to loeji otttcz din taesdftj- iad stcnir omczjiuuhearfelocfc acioa cpuiir st georozs square m isc teeials thruiiics axicn- waxted qewzqs wallbrhtseifitqxe brrislcrs solicilarx tosflsro lsv geoecetott os crtciaai biocjc goorpeioxr ioj tndert b4j chxaiberj 3 yocje st terocw paxest3 secrred j foc ikvestioks hsxet gist ottiti- cikjjji- treaix tetrr ericiicc ko pot ko pt k- hbicsteeex llczsses acctioexe j t par cwtrid xuy lcrc con 43irj- qaicliklijcecvfrjiutad itrzzctt eta cet prod ptyiss ariilcr wriic lor full tcnas tad feed e young nl pr ic- firsluxs zisioc or tcujti lor the salesmen wakted bixhec er s y having doc- lr cc ia citdi f 33 vetrt or ttpnullon xdrei ocxihllily ic xdil tcoa we ptv tilur tai erpess froai the rttriif crerril is cttifi lorr no itretiozs crers rccuei avn o e fcr teraii rcicii trc very lijcril befcrej czztgluc iih tar otter fina kcrreescx brfclttixevc or ds cest tuca er feitaiird dtai coliwrs chase ekotheu3 coitpa nartcraica ccl rihc wianc i- ta hati- oat v rccot foitha coanae of welliatoa taihtltca orlan itt t th farz petes o2ee actaa or tt tar r is aeto rl be proaiptiy tt- u tended to teran reajostijle r grrrkts j v t alio caoeer to ioti oa the eioit firoriifle tfiranvtad tt the lotect n- of icterest i caraj of 4300 tad apriidi weutagtoii steam laundry gttftifg johsdat- abcbxtect grtlpe gt ornccijneeai hotel eloei lorfcet tatre- ctrakcis jtckak sacessotto t fchtpaitaj booeblsdeb st georersjatre goeiphoatrio iseoaat bocfcr of tu bas niidfi to order henodiolf of rrery descriptioa caref oily boastl kaliaf mdt ad promptly done itke eaklak barber bhqp 4 ifizx stixit anoy aaajjhxte ta etxotx honed tad pat in onxeiu eoaditjoa ladiet ud ehudreai btir tastily- cut j hw02dextonsbritiartitu- wellingtou sfarble works qzzszc stzzet gvtlfe clark carter direct tnportenof gntdte tod loiwe mowzaenuinabtaaxtovtiqi ill ihtde t2 from the nsreit deagns all worfc tad m- teritl vtmated firrt-cltti- ptruei ithtnff to parch will plee ce tu t ctil tnd iaipect oar stock tnd prices tere tre coafideat we eta coapetei rlth ny ectahliihiaont fa ootxrio httiac oi oat tay icterei t to the there firm t reipectfallr solicit the patroatf e to my rieods tad the paiuic oa their befatjf- f k hakiltov agents wanted la ereiy townahip to see the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor tle tuosi conplc id cocpreliccaire vorfc trertijiild itf lalhon tttiul it tibaul of tfaor prolnqn tod tre t eoatlaenlxl repu- ulioa- ttortii iu wcigbt in ccid la tar oae faricj boritt shseji ctaie sirioe iotjut doji or beet a grxed oiponflnit- to mate tt- sck kmtorjit oacc addrew ek h0tee pawianer 120 tonge st toronto picket wree fencing coils froa50 cent5perrodfl8i feet up for the ftna or ctrdca there i no fence to send atttritf order tud sretuare joa catis- itctioii riijip the retal ijucaaii to th tnde price lieti tnd ptrticu- on kppijctuoa amzet f j m doolet co cueloh ont irithct c uffifc iicj per dor fuahy vr ftcily wiihia iih loiz jc par doc geaueetat wtiicg tid lioptiriri scc pcr all vazi catrtattm letia ctstd 0 ce tad worts quchec rtrcel good left with kelly bros ocr i aetna rill be feat to the itcsdrr tad to their trcrc tree of chtrge tt thare rfricet il eackxey fro rrfetar cbaiwood thuesday novembeb 0 1890 price twee cents the tank traders or oakada i isoorpanmi by apt of rrlliicntl hjad ofei0b torosto cirrrat atmioaiiki ak xhuai 11d cf j q0elphbrano conor of wjradbaui juid uelrdtrmta ova iiotct ko adtuom made to larntin oa that i dm idimi currant rau of fnura balea and other aou oolloctod iiroknttuy oharga taido u aotai art not collocu 1 8at1n08 bankdbramiskt j 8omi of h and opwaroa rood rod ju dctiottl la toll dopirtmonl and uitowat alio red it tho ratootnerintmr asaam frour l of do- posit to dtu of trltbdraval and en litod ball- roarly on jut alar and joth korambe r deposit beckrpt dbpamtj ext 8rccialarrinjniontjeaa b muc for iarcn lumi lef t oa denoelt for itatod poriod asamltauncbalqoctrftotacl4d units latoad and paniilo la mil part of caada uulted buua and oroot britain a t b j0xes uaaaf or ouol ul the fall careful housecleaners renovators and those who raov atll beaerally roqalro vail paper window shades a full lupply of wulch ca all duo bo utd tt lovoat price tt john smiths qmelph linoleum ei es eibcritatad-toroat- ll yoti i txo itrge shfpmentt of the finest scotch english linoleums now nwdy for year iaptiai john ii bond 0 gtxelph 1 i direct hardware iiaportra james brown hi oa htad t tree gctststy of excel thiehnesriuprtxapiiy deliver to taj p the toxa tt roasozthie prices ni tltijt cat etovu itngtj tejepccc coaaaaieali5 mutual fire hsoliiulce company co0nty of wpllikgtok efftixiiseed 150 head office 3t cotu yiri of tlrtjx cueph rtanretbafidhefsfercitadic iftcc ictorie tod til other dcrijtiol of tztznhep operty oa the ctbiad pretsicci kotefytel f wstone chas- davidsbk preriflenc m pager johk taylor aght young 5ien and loj eeitrtinsia life for theanclves fciaiag the luitie of t fitter or rttt wtating the letx prepsrttioa to tcsare youkg ladies dirristdqcljfytieaiieresforeodpjxition tadtocirire theratelveindciksdcet 0 life fa s siiort tiiflc iad tt t very jaadertfe c rpecs trill find thethonprcticcl coarse of s ady tt the r jtielpli basfaess cqlljsffc ouelpit 0xtakk jcs rbttcjey ccod for terms etc if sfixcoliitick priabpti hamiitoiiwjiarbiewoiksv haulltons block foruerly fftciitt biocjc the core corner of woolwich tad lorfollc ktrcetitgufilryk ont john h hamilton j proprietor whoiae tad retail dealer and direct u porter tad iiitcaftcturerof til kiiidi of gnu t irid mtrhk uoaameate totuutoace etc itrlnc had tfl extenve eiperieneo or the ittt i tbe puhlic may reiy on gettiug all trtfclf at a chtjcr rtc ttitn toyotfitr in the wort v r ts per cent- off oa dircct or ler ty- ceiycd for ue next s daj yetrr fjcrior deajw acton livery busiine h of ui pcllicj and ltuormf tiiem iat wefl equipped tnd sttiiih bfgi can wri be seemed ip a cotofortablo tmi njeeia au tkbetiaai t am anatcls pm urtfoj attention glren to erery order e tuts of cofnmarcui trarel- lezifaumel john williams new planing iv ill lkt sub and door faclbt john cameron contractor b flttod op the boildfog- on uain btreet occupied u t trunk factory witij aewmtu ilaery tiid u prepared to luraiih haoa apoeffl l tod eftlmalea for au claaee of baildinpa cxecateall jodaof dbksbikg matciitxg 1 mdmolluu lately- ttioflf aod drugs stationery school boofcpj exercise books drawing books cop- books slates and pencils pens and ink school bags etc j v k anna wins kill st actok a little tak about fshoest fjfiin city lie tad facta distorted be bnt ecicg it belirrias conic tad tee e peefctboo boot acd ohoerttre ft fait nei ihoics t coaiber of ncr lines of bhoej tnd 1 slipper f pedtlly tdtpted far the mute ttiet new goods tre tcaaf fold at priccc tt lov or lover thta ihofe taked for old tylec aad ihop- irora good elacxbcrc everybody eta he called for re ba aiiua fa gnti 1 wear ladjfls wear toathc wear children wear babyi wear special lfnea good looda kercrt styia and beat value for the money at forfrji i a vst pattv8 thanksgiving nov cloo fly rouud i katbrrt toiua 0 town with a load orelj ruimu to ulcal capulii hron tlio mortcajifl ii duoi and iii got to bo paid and fitw iwubltd to rtlw it via raid vvova had a bad yaar vftli tbe drouth tod tbo blight tbo barroat vu ibctrt aud the applacropliebt the early bay cuturv icarcebaltnccd tho coat and the boft o tb aftcrtnailii ruined vfih iroat 1 a gloomy thanjcagiiring tomorrow will bo uattfao wyi otho tora are not out way th djol i uut ifi dear will u donel if wo joat do oar beat anil tnt itlm i ruwt h1i fake care oufe rot j fd not mind the vorry nor ttop to rp bo coold tukefttherijabtro o tbe barden with lulnci j hougrioting know uiobeiayttiota word hat but nlgbt twit the wtkluc aud drtmfo ibmrd j tht one fobbing tfguaof a itroog maa a pain and i know be tu friittug for robert tgala i oac hobert oar fitttborn the ootufort and uy of our age who a we two thoam gro- feeble and gray what a baby be u with bl brfgbl lockf and cyea just acblqflmt bit duie midiutnaierikleil afldtnynath wby 1 tuadc oaei beart ifgut- aomo and glad like a gjiiupm o tbo iuu iatt to look at tbo ltd upoa hliituta fell of liot the caro csmd onreat like a roico oallfng oet of tho inflaho vct aud archibald grace bo iu going tad io wo gave rob our blchjf tnd jctt let bin go there cleo j oar father ft oat tt the gate be ipry tatcrfekrt lie dont like to wait ucni the flrkfa otjatftf r at j ejiow t gold and the egg la ihls ulttket tea doiea ill told tell ftther be inre aafl rcuieaibor tbo let aad the ipfce aad iba j trd o groen ghigbtai for me and the tugix for bakjag tad uk bim to go to the office there might be t letter yottknoir 1ty providence go wflh yoar ftfccr lo toira and wftea he beart d thii rich ctptafa brown kes the itrtnger that a bayia tbe saanyjdc place we ill thoagbt wtt w filed to poor archlbtld grace along with the mortfiaec thats feat fahhig da and that ftther allowed archie grace iroald renew aad geo i roctoa thitftlher will icu tbe croft aud the mil c real alderney bel yds raited her i kno kai ifi btrd ihc tacst bet father will pay en ry dolltr wc owe fti bi wiyto be bon it tad ftfr at the dty aad be alwt ys wtt drmdf ally ict hi bit wy thlflkiag lay dear differtat if hobert wtt i try to find comfort ic thtl thiagx tocld be bcre i piem hed t iujtxj btt for arcblltld tirccc and bejped vith ux ciore tad looked after tbe place but archie be beard from thai ebea caret and wcat wild to go oft to the ghlddigginjf too acd w they tant np tad rajtader cat wett and nor they tre diardcred or mlssicr tt bett- sarrrfaocl by thtt uoody mtrtding ited wwg wty oat iathi ytilowi toco country but sitiu so wooder cleort itagettiag to st i griete for my loat dajahuj dty after day aad clcp my dtuchter dont mlad if itc true bat i rectoarvegaeitiogt archie tad yoc i aad the lord know oar uardcat tre gricroui to botr v bat there itfll a briglit edge ui tuy doad of despair andiooienow bear like a taucia luybetd tleboyttreeomfug- tbe lays arent dctir so toaortotf or dear fathers uhe c will irj- toiaake tbcdtywcai iketbaakigiringi gone by and tho c ujtynt ec where thtakcittag eoaict ic things were never to lod yet t thlaj aitght abeca bctitiaich time the kettle tu bang oa he erinc i aad fomebodj s dririag fell tilt ap the ltac por the itadt itkcl ctcora yocrc drepph thtt trty 0blte tiiiow tcaccps whtt cttrtled yoaf hey 7 yon re white at a gbost tora and vbo arc thocc vzev doirc bsa opcs the door 1 bead and the tecee gettiag i doad cleor that roice it aad oat of the inidit night thy taereym led ce t wby lcrer ftther froai dtciibtor lelphjg hoi tbcre t chirr ia tay dcr the boys trtot t robert i lord litre leaned on tby pr italic tnd united thy word of great- darfca tad i sa to the light knima aluc bcovae ekd jfairtjlrj juadtnf phils tiiaif ksgtriag er izixjvuui f ttcxev w williams ac ctutom korfc and ropiiricirfflrnn earofal i tion trccfci wd valiid iararietj on attea hike all frmxh 0 1oor subef doors and windows and frames and dressed lumber aud kaep a suxk oz band all ordan prduiptlf mtjerrutin io i john oamepon x -acrok- pump faqjorv -ixd- j planing- mill thos ebbage mn t liave resnined tile maosfiemeat f uie eup uaacaf ia aetoo acd irould recife tfollr r all parties in iraot of pamps that ft aro oot jirepared to lapply them twm the old sfyie wooden ptunp tp the best foroe pump made pomps for wind mills or book weill supplied on short notice deep wells a bpeolak peice eight veky tim our plaainj mill ding lumber dreatod while yoo wait uouj ic made to order wehtvealaoagnani ity of lumber for tale aoiuble for btdldfng par xmm ordsnt by mail will roeolvo ironjpt tad c trefal atuntiou t j bhopikoot of elrer street thos ebbage m aniger will uncle max has written again for phil to tpend thanksgiwiiff there i am enfe i see no reason wii we shoald be con inaally sparing the lx y to him when he refuses all oar invitatibcff and lives like a hermit bat phil iikfia the lid place and uncle hfix too with all bia qaeeraea answered mr shepherd ioofcic gap from hjamagnrinc when he begins hinu elt to rebel against these yearly waits we jwijl put an end to them at once but helen- i donbt very much if yon woajd deny that lonely old man he bit of brightness oar boy brings into his life so phil went a bit of brightness as his father had said into the dreary old bouse amongst the mines where uncle hat watched day after day the great masses of black coal eome forth knowing that each lamp meant more gold to add to the pile he kept so safe what bad drawn the old man who- so persistently shunned au companionship io the merry lightbearted boy no one coald tell perhaps it was that the light in philips brown eyes r he ring of his merry laughter carriea him back to days which nffodb gave him credit for remem- bering days when thanksgiving meant more than a comforiable oldfashioned dinner in a dining rooij far too large and empty for one old man pbilip came on tuesday morning the cold afternoon he spent down by the shafts banting ap his old mends amocg the miners and poking in and oat of the most inaccessible places with the new engineer mike he said to a rough workman who had stretched oofthis hands to help bim over a dangerous p saage has it been a good year ay ay for the naster young sfr but its hard work aad poor pay for the men and no end on it ither i but continued ph 1 itoppiog to rub a bit of coaldust off j is norfolk jacket when the mines make more money dont you get more pay hear tbe boy liugbed the miner its no divide work h ddie were uo in partnership wi tho nun ter i anits weu forye epoke up an old moil standing near his pliooldcre bent with the heavy work the years bad brought hlm that ye ken little o it all ay i its the place that crushes the life out o a mon ive seon laddies like yourae come singin into the mines but its nauac the song dies otu theroi ua singiu wi hungry mouths at liame to fill come come bandy its no tho lads fault that its a weary world broke in mikes cherry voice- master philip as yo start towards home stop at my door and my woman will give ye tho queer sloues ive boon saving for yo this year ye must na mind bandys words boy he went on in a lower tone hes hard and bitter since the fever- time last winter when wo saw hem go just o huugeraud cold he buried two floe lads then and its kind o dazed him since bnt its a bright world for ye laddie and ye belong to that half of it two halves to i phil wondered over it as he walked home in tbe gathering twilight over the barren fields his half and theirs ho had stopped a minute at mikes door to have his pockets filled with fossils and crystals through the open door he could see into he little room even in the dim light it looked cold and bare mikes crippled boy sat by the fire and three palefaced children were playing on the floor this was the other half of gods world 1 that night he sorted his specimens care fully as he sat by vuclt max after tea 11 im going to sand dick some by mail tomorrow hell like thera for agossiz got a bit of paper uncle max mrs pent gave me a box ithink 111 write oa the outside iroui phil a thanksgiving present the pel scratched ou a few minutes and uncle mar read his pa per without interrup tion suddenly phils hand was laid on his arm look uncle max i never thought of this before thanksgiving is really two words isnt it thinks giving did you ever notice the giving part uncle mix i wish i had lots to give i guess my half of this has to be just the thanks part though until im big you could do the giving couldnt you i suppose- he added thoughtfully the first part of the work means we are to thank god for what he gives us and the list part means we must be giving to somebody else the box had been directed now but phils busy tongue wundered on yes id give those miners of yours a real tiiaubgning day the- whole word uncle max and i dont ase how it eoold be done unless we gave them something to be thanhf al for first mike said i belonged to one half of the world and he belonged io the other i was awfully lad when i saw his hut tonight uncle max that t got the half i did i wonder if the lord meant the world to glt divided so maybe its like tint word thanksgiving and ought to come together t philip iiad guue off lo bcxl the lamp burned low but clear enough still to show the crooked letters on the box that waited for tbe mornings mail from phil a thanks giving present the old man read it again and again that word of which he coald only cufni the half he cooid give thanks he coming thursday for his prosperous year his piles of gold his bonds aqd mortgages yes that half was his bat tt stopped there- na perfect thanksgiving with the giving left out what phil had meant about the halves coming together he codd not ell bat the thought was the same and at midnight he took bts pzn and joined together the words that phil in the hope that dick might notice it too had left apart thanksgiv ing the perfect word at last f there were turkeys and paropkin pies and baskets of potatoes and apples piled up in uncle maxs kitchen hat thanksgiving day it has to be daac early you fcnow ex plained phil to mike as he met him iu the engineroom because isnt it funny 7 uncle max i going down with me to our hoase in the city for thonksgirtng dinner after all wont mother be stjrprispd 1 there mike nail that notice higheron the board wont yoa let me do it 7 icaa if yoa lift me a little i printed if with lampblack last night and uncle max said t might tell the engineers to let me stick them up all over the buildings no work on thanks giving day yes i made two words of it on purpose and mikg you are to baveanew cottage soon and floarand blankets no it wasnt nst me i didnt think of half bat mike he went on when the lord makesa word he means cs to keep it together long afterwards he said to dick one day say dick did you notice how i wrote thanksgiving on that box of specimens i sent you 7 no answered dick it was all right when i got it perhaps the ink ran together after all reasoned phil with a puzzled look anyhow hat word dont belong in halves i dont believe anything does perhaps not answered dick the monkeys reward all of one family it was the prstof jaly the great city railway station was crowded with ray well- dressed people oa lueir way to some sum mer resort in the mountaluior by tba sea iu odd contrast to tbem was a group of ragged italian emigrants with whom a a ui for mod official was arguing angrily i tell yoa this is not yoar station railing his voice as people tre apt to do to foreigners at tho other ehd of tbo city emigrant station two miles come clcanoutl the man of the party shook his head stolidly raatterlog tollido u bis sole answer and holding oat a bit of written paper i toledo ohio read the traiuhaod tbe idea of a lot of wretches as stupid as dogs going half round tho world with noth ing bat that scrap of paper to gaide tbem e he ejaculated o his companions he baitled away and the emigrants shrtuttback into their corner the man looked at hii paly hangerbitten little girl md his wire and they at the groupi who were chattering and laagbing aboat him borne yoonggirudrew their light dresses aside as they paued him and a sourlooking middleaged womau mattered sometuiag to them about the country being an asylam for paupers the poor italian scowled with bitter envy at a party of fashionable young men he carried a stick witha few rags in a handle they were equipped with cosily rifles and fishing laokle malesta looked as thoagh bo felt himself an oalcast from the happy human rice tbera wis uo tie between him and these well tcdo people a moment ester there was a cry a fall a sudden raii of the crowd toward him hii child a pretty little girl had slid from her mothers knee and lay on the stone floor as if dead the wretched italian threw himiclf dovn beside her- ab gila fifjfia min he cried in a voice that made tbe tears start to the eyes cf many a woman tn a momeoi the great room was alive with help and friendliness oqc of tbe yoang men had the child on bis knee lima phsictin he said quietly she not dead it it the heat and hanger jem yoa go to the nearest drug shop aod bring lowering his voice and will gft some milk from the res taurant- the young meo dropped their guns and rods and ran old men young girls and negro waiters crowded forward with help when the child recovered a dozen eager hands led malesta sod his wife to the eating room and somebody went roand with a hat collecting a faud for their relief tbe young doctor still held tbe child feed ing it carefully when the old lady no longer haaghfy and soar came op to bim as soon as the baby is fit to travel i will take them all home wifb me the man is a vinedresser a seems and my husband is a grapegrower in new jersey tbey shall have their own roof over their beads before night the italian and his wife stood beside her crying aod smiling and crossing themselves they were believers in the pope tbe doctor was a baptist and the good woman a methodist but tbe single touch of suffering had made tbem all children of one father womans intuition nearly aiifvays fght n her judg ment fn regard to common things an instance of the fidelity and sagacity of a monkey comes from batignolles a suburb of paris a french journal says that a small boy of hat part of tho city was playing in a room in his fathers bouse with a pet monkey which is a most intelligent member of its species with a small boys instinctive predilection for cheerfal amuse ments the lad was feigning to hang himself with the cord of a window blind which he tied around his neck to the intense amuse ment of his little playmate suddenly the boy became livid for the cord had gotten into a real noose which he could not undo the monkey seemed to take in the situa tion at once and tried with his paws to untie the knot and release his companion failing in this he hopped inio the adjoining room to tbe boys grandmother and began to pull at her gown chatter and look wist fully toward- the door at first the old lady was frightened thinking the monkey wanted to bite her but seeing tho animal was endeavoring to drag her toward the door she rose from her seat and followed into the next room where she was just in time to extricate her grandson from his perilous position fortunately owing to the monkeys sagacity the boy was not seriously hurt though it was some time before he recovered from his pain and fright joco the deliverer says the french authority for fliia narrative re ceived a nice tablet of cholocate for his splendid action and he deserved it tho monkey had saved a human life and ho i received a chocolate cream for it this reward is on par- with ibo generosity of the man who presented tbe preserver of his life wtfk a quarter an old geullemin over seventy cime in to the city from hia farm without hia overcoat the day fumed chilly tad he was obliged to forego his visit to the fair to a friend who remonstrated with htm for going away from home thus unprepar ed be said i thought it was going to be warm my wife told ms to take my over coat but i wouldnt women lave more sense tbia men anyway a frank admission womens good secse is said to come from iutuition may it not be that tbeyare more close observers of jit lie things one thing is certain they are apt to striko the nail on ihe bead ia all ordinary problems of life more frequently thta the lords of creation according to dr alice bennett who recently read a paper on brights disease before ihe pennsylvania stale medical society persons subject to bilious attacks and sick headaches who have crawling sensations like the flowing of water in tbe- head who are tired all the time and have unexplained attacks of sudden weakness may well be saspected of dangerous tend enciea in the direction of brights disease the veteran nawfpaper correspondent joe howtrd of th6 new york ptcm in noting this statement suggests possibly alice is correct in her diigcoait but why doesnt she give some idea of the treat- meutj i kaow a man who had been tired all the time for en years kight before last he took two itjscs of calomel and yesterday he wished be hadnt a proper answer if found in tbe follow ing letter of mrs davis wife of rev wm j davis of basil 0 jane 21it 1h90 i do not hesitate to say that i owe my life to warners safe care i bid a con stant hemorrhage from my kidneys for more than fire months tbe physicians could do nothing for me my husband spent hundreds of dollars and i was not relieved 1 was under the care of the most eminent medical men in the state the hemorrhage ceased before i bad taken one bottle of the safe care i can safely and do cheerfully recommend it to all who are sufferers of kidney troubles old chocolates jocoserious chat saved by barking beasts ire easily auramod by tbe uoei peeled tbe italians organ monkey whicb saved ilself from toe bulldog by taking bfl lis cap evidently seemed to the startled brute a creature that could pall off its owo head a itrauger taitanoe u reltt eibyau african banter who had returned from tbe hottentot country where ho had been trapping fur the animal collectors of hambarg he was out oueafiornoon with some of tbe nalivej preparing a bait in a rocky ravine we had built a stout peu of rock aod logs and placed a calf as a bait thcsuu was nearly down a we started for camp and no one had the least suspicion of the presence of danger uotii a lion which had been crouching beside a bush sprang out and knocked me down in springing npon his prey tbe lion or tiger strikes as he seizes this blow of ths paw if ft falls on the right spot dis ables the v ictim at once 1 was so near this fellow that be simply- reared seized me by the shoulder and palled me down i was flat on the earth before i realized what had happened 2 was oo my back and he stood with both paws oo my waist facing the natives aod growling savagely the men ran off aboat three hundred feet and then halted which was doubtless the rtusou why i was not carried off at ouoe i can say without conceit that i was fairly cool the attack bad come so sud denly that i bod not had time to get rat tled i had becu told by an old boer banter that if i ever found myself in sdeh a predicameat as this i must appeal to the lions fears had i moved my arralo get my pistol the beast would have lowered bis head and seised my throat so long as i lay qaiei he reasoned that i was dead and gave bis attention to the natives suddenly i harked like a dog following the bark with a growl and the beast jnrap- edtwenty feet in his surprise he came down between me aod the natives and i tamed enoagh to see that hit tail was down i ottered more barks and growls but without moving a hand and the hon after miking a circle around me suddenly bolted and went off with a scare that would last him a week it you had picked up a stick aud dis covered it to be a snake you would do just he hon did he supposed be had pulled down a man the man tamed into a dog he could not understand it aud it frighten ed bim ox mr wa r to canada the beginning of the end a horse and baggy came dashing down the street at such a reckless speed that the attention of all observers was arrested theres the beginning of the end mat tered an old man i wonder who will pay for cigars and hqaors and horses for that chap when hes spent sl that belongs to him had young barnard overheard these words be would bave looked at the speaker contemptuously aud thought himself far wiser than sacb an old fogy hecould smoke indeed he was smoking u he drove past fancying himself the hero bf the day as foe liqaor he drank cider- beer and ale with the dash of on old toper and oocasionaly indulged in stronger potations he boasted of hia skill in the management of horses and talked loudly of trots and races yet he was only a boy sixteeu years of age an crpbiu with a few tbousauda of dollars awtiiicg his disposal there might be an interpositioaofprovidence scircelj- less tniu mirscaloas toprevenlthe nataral devclopement of character bat there was no reason to efcpect this vicious and ex- peosifehabiu early acquired are seldom abandoned iu mitare years a moderate fotjace would soon be uquarjdered while tbe demands of appetite and feverish long ing for excitement would remain was it not easy to predict the eod a life of an and woe a death of despair nuuiqcnctr interrupted in flirtation he was a travelling man susceptible as is tbe ealice species and he loitered troand the pretty stenographer in the hotel rotunda and talked nonchalantly while she blushed a pretty accompaniment this thing proceeded until the other travelling men were so jealous their fices looked as if they had apoplettc fits one nf the dis gruntled party called a bellboy to bim and slipping a halfddllac piece into his hand said i yoa go ridil ap o that gentleman talking to the stenographer and say mr 8 muli your wife has jast arrived and woald like lo see yoa ia the parlor tbe bell boy followed bit instructions to the letter the tra veiling mac looked as if someone hid hit htm with a dab the pretty typewrit is i shot a gfanee an angry glance at him and murmuring a few in coherent remarks be sidled toward he desk with an wsumed indifference upoti gain ing the ear of the sappo3ed friendly clerk he remarked iu a friendly way say old boy ray wifes in the parlor jast send in a boy and tell her i went to minneapolis yesterday and wont be back until tomor row ever smoke v say we do was the chorus o half a dozen traveling men who had quietly glided within hearing distance they had an opportunity then and there dar er poses long de dastes road pig er shoal hii er all pok biraeby de traful man doan do much basness by stamlin de chile gits toe iit de feet bets like debts make mischief ef dey ran de iqudes talk er offen on de poes side de abgumenf won yo ud cut cross lots doan fawgit dar er fences dar er no stayin yo blummick by seeiu auuodah eat toe- jaw de deaf er z foolish ez toe make faces at de bliu ef yo doabt de wag ob de dogs tail try birowidout a bone de boas fu i man er jaik de ben dat cackle i wedder she lays or or hit er a bad spring fo de man dat owes fo lae win tan s pok an meal yo male bilks wen yo load er in de mad an yo friens er laikiy toe dode same jvdrc im on my way to caaada that cold and dreary land tba dire effect of ibtfcry i cm no ljuiger itinti my mi is tfuod within ui so to tbink aat im a slave im now rtrsjhvod to strike tbe blow for freodj or the grave cuoncs ranircll old masur 0 atmt come after znv for m on my way iy canada wiutc colored aien ta reel i beard old tjueou victoria say that if well all forsaae ournle land ofalarory and coiuecroi the lake that sbe wa standing on tbe ibora with aruii tt tended wide to give o all a peaeefdl borne boyood the rolling tide ive errod uir master ah my days t without a dimes reward and now im forced to rno away to food tbs rush of herd n the honuda are baying on my track j my masters just behind llesclvcd that be will briog be back b iforc i crow the line grieve not toy wife grieve not for toe ohdo mlbrvak my lioaxt for there iiatixil bnt cruel slanry tba would cause me to depart if i should stayio quell yoar grief bear wife yoa must attcnt there is no one whp knows tbe day we asundef may be rent ouosis ob frowell susanna dout yoa grieve for me for icj going straight 10 canada rf whcro colored tnen are fros 1 i hoard old master pray last night 1 beard bhu pray for we thtt god would como and in bta mlglit from batao set me free though i from satan woald escape and flee the wratb fo come if there a fiefldin banian shape im sure oidmatrb one cnoiils3b old master while yoif pray forme im doins fts i can to reach the ltnd liberty ohios not tho plam for nw for i waa mflch nirprisod so maay of her sow to ioe in clxtacnts tf degaise 3 her nanic hu oneunroaghouthi world freo lahor sill si man i but slaves had war far be hurled into tho liens den cnoacs farewcl olji hio 1 i am not safe iu thee 111 gravel on to canada where ecflorid men are free i ii a now caibarked for yonder shore where man la maa by law j the vessel soon will hear me oer to shale tbe lions paw j i uo more dreed the auctioneer or tear thp matters frow j i no more trcmwc when bear j tbebailng negro honnd cao5vfarewell old master ob dont come after me j for im jast in sight of canada where colored men are free j tve landed safe in canada both soal and body tree my blood and brains anfi tears no more shall drench old tdoneasee thoagh i bebohlj the scalding tea s come itreamiag frontmfne eye to think mywift my only dear a slttb must live and die cuoaci fajewh susanna oh dont you grieve for me forever at the thxbae of grace i will remember thee whole wheat to prove thaf white flour does not facei the requirements of the body hageodie fed it wholly to a number of dogs and at the end of 40 days they died others to which be gave the wheatmeal at the end of this time were in first class condition more than half the children under twelve years of age have decayed teeth owing to insuffi cient supply of the repaired mineral ingre dients and this efficiency is caused as a rule by eating white tread dyspepsia constipation loss of iotse power and many other disease are gtrxfuced by improper feeding sulphur brcquired for growth of hair yet white flour does cot contain a trace the phosphates are also notably lacking and these substnces are absolutely aeoe in animal economy when floor im mado of he whole grain of wheat we have an article of food which contains all the elements the body requires for support and this flour should be universally ased in spite of the false rrsthetic taste that de mands a white loaf what the body requires should be the touchstone rather than what pleases the eye of tbe unthink ing housewife v thouarht he would start ritfht everybody knows scrofula to be a disease o tbe blood and hoods sara spa rilla ia the best remedy for all blood diseases an incbnolasive proof of the temperature of a church building was offered by a sex tons wife in pennsylvania one winter morning the sexton who had charge of a little co an try charcb was sick and his wife undertook to attend to the fires he gare ber minute and explicit instructions as to the duties and was very par tic alar about ber not leaving the building oa s aod ay morning until tbe thermometer hanging on a pillar in tbe centre of the charcb registered seventy degrees tbe man evi dently distrusted her ability and his wife was nettled by his want of confidence however she was anxious that be should not worry so after tbe first heat of tbe church had reached the req aired host she went home and to relieve his mind carried with her the thermometer which she proudly exhibited in proof of ber having sucoeededtn carrying out her ins tractions she did not know or had forgotten that daring her wajk bf a quarter of a mile in the frosty air tbe mercury woald so fall that ber husband could not learn from it tbe ttmperaoro of the eharcb if the spiritual terapcrmtere of thrchcrcb had been io quei lion ibe womans method would not ha rg been so absurd a more reliable test d godlioeai of aharoh it far- nished by the eoadaot of ttsierabers when they are oatii le ha walls than when they are inside e eb xxxiii si farmer hiring help at castle garden pal if you want to work for me 111 give you 25 a mputh and your board ofiyou qeat landed faix an is that came the bibess rale of jvages they be payiu in this couhthryr farmer facetiously well theyrt paying about 15 a day in congreaa patrick thin fregorru i think oill go to cougriss theres a patent ntediciae which it not a patent medicine paradoxical as that may sodnd its a disco tpry i tbo golden dis- oo very of medical science its tbe medi- ciuu for yoa tired rundown exhausted nervewasted men and women for yoa sufierers from diseases of skin or soajp liver or longs its chance is with every one its- season always betause it aims to purify tho fuotainolifl tbe blood upon which all such diseases depend tbe medicine i dr pierqt golden medical discovery th makers of it have enough confidence in it to sell item trial that is you can get it from yotir druggist and if it doesnt do what it is claimed to do yoa can get your money back every cent of it thats what its makers call taking the risk of their word tiny little sogarcoated granules are- wbat dr pierces pleasant pellet are tbe best liver pills ever invented active yet mild in operation cure sick audbuiouj headaches one a dose f 1 dickies anticonsumptive syrup bra combination of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence fn caring pulmonary consumption and all other diseases of the lungs cheat and throat it promotes a free aud eaiy ex pectoration and gives ease even to the greatest sufferer conghe colds shortness of breath an affections of the chest at tended with weakness of the digestive organs or with general debility seem to vanish uodei its ase no other remedy acts so readily in allayintt inflammation jor breaking up aoold even a severe cough is overcome by iu pens tra ting abd beading properties when children are affected with colds coughs inflammation of the lungs croup iqulosey and sore throat jthu syrup is of vujt importance the nojokbar of deaths arodog cbudrenfrum tfadsv 4fa eases is trulynilarminf it ii ao palatable bat a child will not refuse it and is pot eft inch a price tjiat will not exclude thipoor from its beucdts s