boiur jcmkil johnstown klol october mi the wife of hsrrr jltnna of t dslngtiter lttts iorjohnttoti s 11 on th yxli october tbe rife of mr hdaard laces jr oft ion 1 1 i it 3 ni n ill t 1 ll nm i died talk f the jay an epitome o durlt t ths weok ucdotvull tn keqnetlnj oa bor john sicdeagsn ttrd to jsp 2rt avcm e ctott fra frfss tttrjusday nokmnetl 1890 notes a com the caatomt department in intwtr to n mqnirv from one of the ports bts ruled that louisiana lottery cotnpam snd other koch matter tna be rccetvrd bv the various turta but that the portent to whom tt it sent wilf be subject to prosecution b the itffal authorities i the lav fn canada requires the attend aoce at school of all children between epven and thirteen years ot age for a penod of at lout one hundred dm ia each vear tins ti a good lav but u at a rule dead letter there u a general movement tn the oows inner world in favor of enforcing the law m the assure m his coantv on the 32nd ult judgeaxroour tn addressing the grand jun referred to the fact that it coat 11000 vear for tobacco at the kingston penibsn tian which he thought was a useless ex ncnditure he also recommended lliat prisoners should always be mode to work in hnetrav the ottawa cuar is authontv for the statement that it is all bnt certain that the government will bv legislation next session reduce the rale of postage from three to two ranis en ounce on all tetters for canada or t ntted states the coode girxttr of london which amred mondav also states that the government is considering the ad visabihu of this step if it is done it it believed that it will increase the revenue and decrease the annual deficit a new word bu been added to the american language when it is said that athing has been mssianleved the meaning tt that its price hat been improp- erlv and unjustly increased boycott is a word coined m annular manner fend to judge by the general use by the united sfatea press of the word madunleyedjt seems destined to obtain a permanent political signification our neighbors have always been clever comers at this tort of nomenclature aa witness gerrymander roorback mugwump and many other terms of pareljr american origin and appli cation a gentleman who left kingston a couple of months egesfor seattle v t writing to a fnend there savs there are hundreds of idle moo hanging around he corners young men able to act as clerks have to wait weeks and months for a job the wages paid are good clerks get from o0 to 90 a month tinsmiths get n50 for eight hours and plumbers from 350 to h50 per dav but the price of board ranges from so to s per week everything is dear a suit which can be purchased kingston for from 115 to 19 costs from mo to fly boots anderclothxngand cigars cost twice as much as thev do in canada baseball matches are plaved on sundav and saloons arc in full blast opera bouses are open andvanetv shows exhihitall dav the majantr of the stores do business ifr burke advises roung men to stav in can ada the place and countrv is not what it is represented to be bv newspaper writers and land boomers ontarios sunday schools the provincial convention at brant- fort very successful the annual conventimrof the provincial sabbath school association held at brant- ford on troesdav wednesday and thursdav of last week was a great success both in point of attendance and the character of the p srws hosae brantfbrd was elected president mr hp sfoore acton afinute beeretarr and messrs w if gray sea forth bev i v7 kae acton bev john if cewzn takpfield m johnson belle vuv a j donlv suneoe bev i e howell mjl bertm s tepscott brant- ford hbnj senator vidal samia l c peake and alfred dav toronto b committee excellent addresses upon the ransos pt of sunday school work were given prominent among the speakers were afrs jl g kennedr philadelphia thomas dnnsfield eochester t hon g w boss bev dr potts hon s h blake eev idr sutherland bev dr jackson gait bev w w smith ixewmarket eev john mcewen lakefield rev j tt bell bx hamilton llr john a pater son toronto bev d d itcleod bsme andotbers the treasurer mr j j woodaoose presented his report showing balance at the beginning of the jear ffl4 total receipts from all sources to date this tear slfiluis expenditure i 2531 leaving a balance of tzii alter paying further bills and a grant of 6200 to the the intematioa al assocution there will be a balance on hand of about foo the general secretary it alfred daj presented an e report it begms with an acknowledcement of divine good ness expresses regkt that 153 000 oung- hves are passing out of thnri impressive vears onreached b our sunday schools thenumbers of schools and scholars have about doubled daring the last 25y ears an interesting part of the report deals with the character and- needs of bandav school work m northern and northwestern ontario last summer bev e h abra ham of burlington and the secretarv of the association made an extended tour throughout the muskoka district in the interest of sundav 6chool work mr dat noted btargeon falls vorfhbavand mattawa and held a convention in brace bridge a missionary should be appointed for at least six months for this district to arrange and encourage sunday schools the number of bunda schools in ontario reported is ifisi bong an increase st 37 tcboolsdunng the three jeanr officers and teachers 11 ills increase m three years jjfj3 scholars 357121 increase m three ears go 130 onefifth of our whole popu latfon u in the sunday schools one sun day school exists for eiery 600 inhabitants home classes were recommended and the advice of dr duncan of the new york btate bunday school association was held up as an examphvof efficiency in tho carry ing on of this work the next convention will be held in oitawaand the quebec association will likely be umted to unite in the annual ths worlds doing 1 lord stnils nil got boms to itideau hall ottawa fat in the qonmnu it ttulding in cliicato is rriteti ai a vi hak coiklliiuii ottawa u niu led at jlie plidi tut the neat pymiucial i uoda school oonvniilou h at biauli y it accompanied by hit wife i id moth in law ou hit atmrican r trip j air jv j bichtnau tut rtilnoed hit portion at gcott il mtu4er of lh bank of moutmat abusaian uai ledkalolivissy hit escaped from siberia tin r fourteen cart exile and baa reached lob ion th quebec g utruoieut hu decided to take the control i he iniaue uuuioi out o rbo hands o l ia uqui ttie grand jur hate throwu out the bfil or cnmiutl lib i iaius mr llichardton 0 the v inn peg tnosnc missouri is t a bad ule loc thr- meloos mtstii iippt county sent 8 000 csrloadt ot then to market the hon 0 1 boss onuno bduca lion minister tt the chief guett of the scotchmen in 11 mlreal on htllotieed william lard i uicmpreaieailnttwho got away from l ootreal with k 000 in told catbhat been o ptured al omaha heb all tho tehool i of kfartham are closed and all public ei ftpemenli are off lo con sequence of the tevtleuce of diphtheria vt m n pick ng was assaulted b foot pads late on thursday cening they robbed him of i tud to artificial arm the very rev charles vincent 08 b died on salurda it 45 al st michael t college after an illness of nearly six reeks the grand ti ink double trick it ironed from belleville t j sapanee tud the com pao do not pro ou to go an further this tall t the goiernor general oa tuesday laid the foundation one ot the new buildings to be erected u connection with mcgul unirersiln dr peters 1 ie african explorer will establish a tradi ig station in uganda the money for the p irpose hat been subscribed in germanv john hamilto jailer of lincoln county died last week it st catharmes he was stricken with pi al sis m weeks tgo from which he never ecovered france is ar ry because the duke of cbonaught tttei ded a dinner in berlin to celebrate the bt tie ot metr and demaudi tn explanation 1 om england mr mercier i about to negotiate a loan of 0000 000 il europe for the quebec government he present debt ot the province sxnoun s to 23000 000 the becorder of montreal has entirely changed hit vie i m regard to the salva tion arm j and tas just fined a ruffian who assaulted them i the irish quarter the united states kivj department have reqaested i se dominion metal com pany of mnntre 1 to quote prices for nickel to he used in bui ding the new cruisers oliver lithgo c aged 70 who bar for veara been an in uate of the home for the aged at lindsa on friday cut his throat with a jack kmf the doctors saved iua hie superinfendet porter has issued a bulle fin stating thai the recent census shows he united stat rs to have apopalatton of 624s0 510 the u crease in the past decade being 2157 per c mt sir bobert lethbndge 1lp believes that the mckinl y tariff instead of injur ing the english igncnllnrai interest will tend to relieve i of the strain of excessive american eompe ition- atbll the local c isttjr which was formed in fetafeojtt wllki capflk l iboot 8000 tod wljji thsaiowjdlnlttillon ot doing bnidmmhdltbi tunohatgid by tho bell tslephoiii nptbyt and pa ing a mueli liner dlvl end tuaii tlieslitrtboldisrs of tho bell ti lephous company over 1cwlvrj lits ip urenlly llsoovsrl after all its conrtraotkn work lias been doos that the 1 1 ounoiaiiy hit not ths atlglttett intention of giving op the deli to l tho uolloa pufioed by ths first oomert ire tlmplo in uie ettromr they htvs waited until thelltilo company hat tptnt whtl wti o prosed to be trie luiouut ot its capital tud now aunounct that they will give all their old subscribers who iro not interctted u bhtreholden in the attempt to wreck their botinest tad all uew tub tcriben who art likely to remain with them free telephone connection at long ai the opposition lah the olhcialt of ills uell company lay this attack on tbem is a wholly unprovoked one as no oompaiuta were made of the service in peterbpro which was eiqellent and tho regular rates charged by them ars the loaett in the world for exehangei ol the lire and alsothai an one who will take the trouble to make t few euuulflet could find out in ore minutes that the item of rent tod salaries absolutely necessary or the proper conduct of the business would alone eat op all the reenqe of a cheaper rate company leaving nothing whatever for he equally necessary expenses ot heat ing lighting stationery iotarest on cost of uastracltonsmsuowinctfor depreciation tocideutt and damages and last but not least repalrt in addition to ordinary repalrt a heavy and continuous expense one good ttorm vlh often do damage enough to use up the surplus revenue of a tingle agenoy for school the following by the pupils of departments of on friday last rrest crrnmrccr sex xaminajnons standing of luplts at the october ex im nations iiows the marts obtained he first second and third acton public school held in each diss 300 t t rj 3 pearson 220 edward fortune 220 jfm gifford 222 ernest ebbage 208 jcr rv chester matthews 21 james moore 238 frt lk mcintosh 225 bex m fred bow 212 fred smith 230 mary forli ne 226 arthur pearson i 226 marks possibli moore teacher kecoxb- derxetkest sex wulie wacihamer 213 minnie edwards 211 i ollie bauer 218 ixtte mabel srtnt 281 charlie me- cann 281 jami i tovell 2c7 jrxedna m her 297 kettie cobban 2s0 j maggie wa ace 287 marks possibly n each class 300 cassie ucehail teacbe i thtsl derietlfect sc rl alice lowry 133 ella ander eon 193 lena b rimes ih eddiemoore 187 fennell sm th 17 jc n edw a fraacu 173 willie arnold 100 jtpob baur 100 lome moore 159 irrrjl johom i moore i7 edith ld wards 181 buss u anwyck 150 jcx may pre tice179 amieouiiette 1c0 minnie han ing 115 marks possible n each claaas 200 julia cleveland teacli r malum published birchal ls jail life inspectoi ofprlsona issues mofe str ngent orders oodstoci out a 1 jif the public know much- more ibout the jail life of j bex birchall it wi i not be the fault of the inspector of pnsot u he wa hereon sat urda and poked c 7 the jail officials with a sharp sticlc he c reeled that hereafter no reporter shall be 1 ilowed into the jail so long as birchall is faere andno manosenpt- is to allowed to rxiss frorn the prisoner to an newspaper r newspaper representa- tite mr gamer in the jailer declares that he will enfor the order ngorousl and fire every repc er who presents him sell this reguhrt on apphea to the manu script of birchall s lutobiograph a portion ot which the prun ner has flo get off his hands w nether r not mr cameron is responsible for sup dying anj of the infor withdrawal of a falsehood demanded to tut ei not will you please insert the following the secretary of the acton luton agri cultural society having circulated a rsport that i wti a fraadulant exhibitor at the recent show and too mean to buy a ticket i went to the secretary and requested him to withdraw the statement he refuted till stating that it tu true my purpose in inserting this notice u to again request the secretary to withdraw ths charge within jona week in the acton fur pars i trust he will show hit good sense by doing so as law will be unpleasant to me and expensive to us both i boaxxt aelm hasugawsyajoct 28th 1890 a worth trade journal tho carroof number ot the csaacfiaa grocer and gaicral slorrhtpcr toronto and montreal contains 52 pages important information for business men its market reports are its great feature they have been accepted ti official in lh courts it is ooted for its short spicy articles whioh aim to keep its readers abreast of the tunes tlie oiencoa grocer says it u the bright est and liveliest trde journal in canada it makes its advertising columns ot un usual interest- t costs 2 cents per week and ha is a rcor retailer who cannot get that much oat ot it a terrible accident tomxto hor 3 wm tobrn 20 an employee of shannon s shingle factory 158 duffenu street met with a fatal accident on saturday while working at a large circular saw be slipped falling forward his body came in contact with the saw which was running at full tpeed the teeth cut throagh the man s side and stomach almosi dividing the trunk from the limbs he died a couple ot hours after the accident the deceased came from bracehndge a short time ago where his friends reside killed in a wed mi rr r 1 1 j0v coming and going yitjltort to and from- aotfin and itoiftot notts 1 bankigtfjdg vltltors wilt be nuroarooi 0iy ir btniuol julimiou of toronto was in low 1 lilt wtsk a its kite allan it visiting htr friends at 1 alrvltw flaot 1 r h b mccarthy of port hope wit in 1 wn on monday 1 r joespb peters of mlllou trout 801 dty with acton frlendi a r 1 a 8ptlglu spent a dty or so thlt wet k with frlendi lu berlin ar mil mm c c speight vlilied frleudt in ieorgrtowu over 8undty ar ind mr edwtrd hickhn spent ten rtl dti thli week in toronto mr a t mauu tltcniled the sunday 80u00i convention it brtnlford lilt week mr anton smith trnved itume from uamiltoo list evening to spend a few days mrt henry boberu of sindbotch ml it the guett of her brother mr wm beauty afr byard and mrt albert hall ol tialalgir tpent a fewdis urn week with acton friends air w ktnmwiool crieff spent 1 few days during the week with his brother mr j i knnawin mutes barbara and jessie warren left list week to spend 1 couple of weeks with fnetdi in toronto mr n t webber of the buckskin tannery has removed his household goods from jobnttown n v and has taken up his residence in the teacher t residence the countenance of ted lucas bu beea wreathed in tmiles to day over the appearance in his household thil morning of a bright boy tipping the scales tt ten lbj ljohnttown nt lltpmican bst a c sowerby pulor of the btp- tut churcb aljmor formerly of george town hu been bereaved by the death of bis daughter bessie an exceptionally bright child ot two years guelph itmurg mr h h dean b 8 a of harley brsnt county a well known and luccetsf al griauite of the 0 a college guelph bu beeti tpoioted firm superintends tt the kev york stale experimental station at gcaevt k y bev r j elliott ot the hannah street methodist church hu received t unani moot rail from the quarterly board ot duodu street methodist church wood stock to become its pufor at the close of the present conference ear brom letters received from bev g b turk ot guelph is is learned that he hu decided to accept the imitation to the pu lortte of the gait methodist church next june subject of course to the consent ot heooofereuce gait rcforaur the branttord lxixmlvr hu the follow ing to say ia its pencil sketckes with refer ence lo a couple ot the delegttet from acton to the provincial etbbalh school convention lut week kev 3 yt bae is one of hie most leuva meaibcn of the batloatf comicille ee hu tx lyears taken s warm interest in babblui school vork and ac lulisucal secretary of his eoumy tasociatiou las riven tho matter of son dayscboo statistics careful iludy atlherro- vuilal coavcauoo tt tomato last fear tfr uao dehreredoqe of the most ioterettine tud tmliae addresses on the subject that could be imagined sad the executive committee adopted bis methods in bo eompilauon ot the itatistief of the fchools of the province litis year ur bae it ute esteemed paator of knox church aeloo the ubiate socretarr ot the conrcnuon is ur bt p uoon editor snd proprietor of the aetin flixz psrss ur uoore is president of the jbaltou couaty 6anday school association snd is preaeoi tt the conraation tt deleeata of that body at the conference on work yesterday afxbiooro spoke clearly and to tome purpose on the work to hit diatnet the uetboditt cbarcb tt jtftoa of which be u a member cratofolly sckaowlodsea the terviees bo if ever ready to render lu church thd school ur uoore is a young man deeply impregnated with the feeling of the almost limitless tmportsaea of sandsy- 6ciiiols he makes a lively and ioformtutoal eolllaeno at the press table children cfyftr pjtthor 3-i- when dabr vm tfck w jprn utjomoru when ib vol ft clilld tb eritd for ctttorl who sibe baouu um tu clooff to cmtoru 1 afaoai ii 0 dock je- tgrdaj kr g rail i pampmakwy wm wifcagm he bottom o in old well 41 feet deep when the carbine gtre wty ud hu feet becsunejtjlit erery effort iu made to reheac him tilt tboat 3pm whea life ceued ml jtfait could posnblj work did 10 bat it took tererl hourt to rech thebodjr a free home i cotitege worth 1750 will b enoted or ill eqmrileoi ia cuh will be giren to tlie penori detecting the greatest number of ypograpbicii ertort ia the december tune of oar monthly joanul entitled our hoice43 three handred ind fifty tditiauil cuh prizes imoanting to 2300 will jo be awtrded in the order mention- ed in raiec poveaiiag competition prua ptytble tt per in my prtof cinad or the united sules send iicv in lumpt for complete rule tud umple copy of oar home which will be inaed iboat kor 20th addrew om haw pttbtisinxg co brockviire cenda dont put it in the paper sudden deal boviuxtilu no r 1 mr t highly respected ilizeo dn pped desd in itut ice mit iiunmer mi the price w desire to be onderrftted only by the txoollectot ferfoof who eu uka a mm down eeporien his gsrden isst t eniog- opposed to be th i csose urge funily ur tomi cobonrg w toronto cbarlet o bfr-fiu- 1- rffii i ir ripii t a the n5ffifpapers lie if siarenilj held rei ponsible ilor the inspec tor has directed tj at sfter pis all mail matter for or iron bircliail shall pass through the hands rf he crqwir atiorne instead of the jtulei at bownanviile w h willumi o bovrmaavllle are his soot inliw he hi d three wna fred of jm iuiblio for mere s aske doa t mt that m the paixa j host reporters hear tlua appeal occasion olh whj 1 becaose victims of anfortn nate orcmnjuncaa recogmxe that the in serticn of the- facts even in seemingly obscare corner will bring them to the notice of the whole cotnxaamty in which they wish to appear well on the other hand with what mplaceiicy the seeker after public approbation reads the reports of his successes f j there is a lesson in tins for the merchant aod manufacturer hate 76a articles for sale which the ponlic are likelv to want tell them of it the newspaper advertise ment is the best j mediam between supply and demand wi rest satisfied with a small trade when by a small expenditure yon may offer j our goods to a vastly in creased number of pavers think over it and then joa will advertise ifl tho best mediam of this locahtj the acton fhke vutat j second story pexred in brook thief like a second without abasement neves have agun ap a second afory story hoase if stldom ht coush whex a few doaes of ayer cherry pectoral will relieve you tryt- ecep it lathe house you are liable to hive a cough at any time and no other remedy is so effective as this world- irenowned prepara- ftfoil so household i with roung children should be without iu scores of lives are saved every year by its timely use tenner korthamrrfon common gratitude im pels ine to acknowledge the- great beoe- dtk i have derived for my children from the use of aver s most excellent cherry pectoral i hod lost tuo dearchildren frim croup and consumption and had thfe rreatest fear ot losing in only re maining daughter and son as they were dcticste hstppflr had hat by giving them acers cherrj pectoral on the flrtf fyjnptomsof throat or luogtrouble they arji relieved from dnogcr and are be- comlag robust hcauhj children fin the winter of 1ss5 i took a bad amanda b mass writes cojd which in sp of every knona reibedr grew worse ko that the family phyniclan conaldcrcd rac incurable snp- posiog me to bo in cotunmntion asa ust resort i trie aycr s cherry pecto ral and in a short time the care was complete since then i have never been without this medicine i am fifty years of age weigh over iso pouudj and at tribute my good health to tin use of ayer s cherry pectoral g vt r sifcm 27 j f lest winter i contracted a severe cold which by rtieated exposure be came qidte obstinate i waa nrich troabled with hoarseness and bronchfal irriution after trying various medi cines witliont relief int last purchased a bottle of ayer s cherrj pectoral on taking this medicine my cough ceased almost immediately and i bare been wdleretslncb bet thos b russell secretary holston conference and p xl of the grcpnillle district il e c jobesboro tenn ayers cherry pectoral dr j c ayer co lowell mast betlvcudnirclji trice 1 tlxtwulcs s cuelpc- apoplexy be leaves a loft col ector of cos prower reeve sod idrersod the eldest of csiifoqou besidd two dsagli fere unmarried sod james floordtollerl floor stone i spring wlisat fall wheal bran barley- oiu bro fast bar straw wood par cord eggs per dozen boitet dairy packod batter rolls cboete potatoes per bag applel pork umtitslns pelh hides coarss wool fine wool tarnijm market8 lielpli nor 4jj 1kc j so lo j 75 540 to jm 0 s to 0 88 os toosa u 00 toll co 0 18 to oh olitoost oiotoo s3 0 ss to 0 60 i as to k oo 9 so to 3 00 co to 50 0 w to 0 10 outoou oietooai o 11 to o u omtooh 0 so to 060 5 so to j ti on toon 0 50 wo jo i mtosso i o so to o m obtoob r 013toom photographic views the httjnt t id ii purify flic importance ot kerplnguio blood in a pure wndltlon is unlrcnutly known and yet there are very few people who have perfectly pure blood the taint of krofau salt rheum or other foul hamor is lierwflted and trniumlitnl i or itderauona cauilng untold laflertng nnd we also aceumalate poison and germi of di ease frota the air we breathe m the food we eat or mm aiiv h6 wntcr we drink w there t nothing i 1 1 1 1 1 mon con cluilvely i uui proven tlian the poaltlve power of hood rnruparilbi over all ditejiftei ot lite blood tills medicine whea fairly tried doei exiwl erery trace of croola or salt rheum rcmovei the taint which causes catarrh ueutrollzei the acidity and cures rheumatism drhct out he fcrmi of nnlnrli bld pot- toning etc it nlso v tallies nnd eu riches uie blood lliui overcoming that tired feeling and building up the whale system thousands testify lo the superiority of hood garsapirflla u a blood partner pall infor mation and statements of cores sent tree hoods sarsaparilla sotdbytildrtaliti fliitatorss rnptndoalr by i i mood a co apolliocarlel lontl hall 100 doses one dollar s m cook co oeoroitown licensed attstlodssn appraisals valu stors ooueotart resi estate and general land agents ron rex canenss or halton feel wellington stmooe york and ontario uouay to loan from 9100 up at six per cent panics placing tbelr tales or other boslnett in onr btndi will bars tbe tame prom inly attended to tt moderate cbarges- orrio txii silks booms mill st george- ton or addrcu box ii i ii cook co anctioneen baavco ornca 31 queen st east toronto s if cook co auctioneers georgetown sad toronto cauadas best familj paper till iuuiltvx weekly spectator exlleoed aad uipe0ed contains all the news many special features cilsp and pointed comments the mott entertaining stones the choicest literary matter ererythlng for bterybodj 1 fifteen months 1 tins crcat ppcr from now till jiansur lit 189313 pei ot reding mailr weeklj nd ttrar cholcss of two crest picture or aoir tb picture are reprodacuon of toe tec grstet rstating of tic ie christ before pilate by uanitcty the origicju sold for 100000 russian wedding feast byuikottim toe original sold far 100000 prizes for agents boulot i luxrxl eoaualcuoo tfionts far the errctiroa rfeite rtlatible itixet ringing la tonii irom ft to 4 a crt ebnce for basuen lore money for evorjbody w nil the urgut suid bctt veeaiy pper in csuida to eufui for and liberal commission and rajaabltj prixea areata find it eur and pro- table work 1- or urma and parucolara address stectatoh pbdttixg cokeaia hamilloq canada moderation of moment 10 oar adrertiiamenu u a feature iro lure ajwayt itnven for uid practiced we bave alwim preferred to uy too lit tie rather haa too much henos it it iht voa uare generajly fonnd tu to do better for yoa eren than ettdrerud we woald wt are tboroogb believers in ad yauubd bflt bare never had any faith in the tnnmjei blowinj ttyie oar roode mait ipeak loader than oar advertiaemeau aad that ia aa easy matter una aeuon es pecially were we to five fall rem to a deacnptioa of tbe im meanly tanely and general attradtiteoeii of tbe itook we offer yoa might readily charge at witb more than moderation of itatement- tbe reanlu of tbe efforts of oar buyer while in e a rope and the lapenox advantage wpoueare apparent on every baod wa shall how ever only take space jait to tench apon a hoe here and there and invite yoa to come and eee for voarrelf and compare with others last wkfck we ipokeof drew gooda more novelties have arrived this week oa aboald e them we haven i kaid anytbiog yet about t beautiful line of bilk poncors and sarabi and shade for even ing wear the are tumply elegant and an order left with oar acoamplished dress maker wjl retolt to yoar grant pleaiare and eatiifaction black silks tn xress and mantlet gcodiinmanynoielitie of atyle and low new of price crowd oar silk de pftrtraent rubber circularsa perfect rash for tbem jaat now a special job line the mgnlar pnee of which wu 93 50 to tv 00 are now being sold at f 1 50 per gar ment from these low prices we lead yoa dp all ihu way to ftlo and 120 for fine cloth aad silk garment all genuine water and storm proof and each earroeot warranted handredh of them to choose from wellknown photo artist ofaoton iiarcliaaod a fine now viewing camera dot ieparod to exbcato ordora for protographlt riewa of res dences picnic parties lawn gatherings stock etc etc in any itrle dmiretl kami uaw a repoution wili eninra flratclaaa feare your order fjhmshhw the artist iuit guodsjosl oleared a nun factnrer t line of ladies collarette in spa possum beaver sable sod lyex which we offer at about one third off regular pnoee you can bay a 15 collarette for 110 we bought them cheap and rive you tfie benefit afnffs cspes boas eto in cradd variety hosieby glovswe have ilwayt done it bis trade in these roods the valoes are always right never have been better than now yoa can ret any tiling yoa want from die oheapeat to tbe dearest but always good take the stock is very fpll and complete in eril sites grades and prices blankets flannels and woollens generally ars worthy of your amotion we have blanket ol all sizes tnd weights made specially for us out of pare clesn wool we are not lo the race of competition with sboddv if you buy oar blaokets j on ars sure of getting goods that will give you ittufeotlon game remark apply to flaohels snd wpollens millinertbutlwhy ihookl we say moon about millinery you knot ws are headquarters for floe millinery and jf we excel in one line more thin another it is in millinery with thess fsw broken re marks well quit for to dty e k b0llert c0 25 st 27 lower wyndhftin bt gtjelph v m da ar apprem t trattstat appttret tk wanted w tnajuof ana jnteteaht iited waktida denjal btsdstll appiret isssf tk itecrrrr uoi oofsssosnv 1 ageii wa if roawsst to majts mowr take bold ao4 seirovetaoles klussry sioek rowistsf ume ijtts us at osjeolfor terms matbbtrrakbgkumrrmn t llodmur it t for sale boom aad two lots lo u ruttta of aslssu tttostsd en tb eornsr ot willow sm reb etmets bsvttaj bsrd and eoltmtar rsll tress etc oil tbd premises for parttn soclnes 1 boi m blehoond h01oat hor ast ayed upon im premises of tbe uastr- otsd lot s con tkrsmoss aboottbetltk ittsr a br boats wltb asore tnosfasr wblipltssepwisptoperry pay saiwssse ml it away reliable alarm clocks a new stock of nickel alarm clocks jus in very best make b sayage watchmaker guelph special value in horse blankets whips trunks halters single and double harness j h matthews all in need of ans of the aboe cannot do better than to i ieae their order with him as nothing but the best material is used in the manufacture of his goods a larger shipment of table covers table drapes mantle drapes wool felt and chenile in pphque and embroider opened today at r b jermyns these are beautiful goods and well worth the attention of all who wish to make their homes beautiful at a moderate cost these goods are belou regular prices chenile tatle coers reversible so 85 to 5 50 wool table co ers 1 00 up felt table covers applique trimming 2 25 dp beautiful table drape onl 1 25 purs purs purs beaer muff and storm collar from bokarren muff and storm collar astrachan muff and storm collar opossum muff and storm collar 8 50 to 25 go 6 50 5 50 and up 7 25 and up boas in lamb coat and opossum muffs in seal persian lamb astrachan bokarren bearver opossum goat and cone a big line of gentlemenb fur caps cheap the milliner department is booming and the stock is very complete r b jermyii new winter overcoatings to hakd in t r english meltons naps ely8iums arid other black maxes orders respectfully solicited shaw crundy merchant tailors cuelpi t american agriculturist publiahecf 50 years conseoutively ltoeoenueil as tbe beet burtl and fstully rerlodleal i the world glrlnn invaluable rdst th rorl5nt7eni htau wssfiakft uborbelntna contrivances to ad indoor and ootdoor work pine enatatlna of lsu icpuorprmjosfeai h lmtroou ornjd oldsfc eopietonuifr tw ln tonl bldi now u om mm a complete 1 im r our premium offer the farm and household cyclopjedia plloetloo 3oundln01otbaidaul to ileady seferaiee ubtarj- for arnitr banfeners frtlrorowers storsjsr and hoawkeenen wduislsg a unto fana of itsefoi informauon fteuuunbl i t aotslloitilnuieysloiisliartiebteof ajrlcnlturebortleollors live stock balalni ponltrr eeentmi la ki- ti iomssttalulrsooojgj oohtaihiho em paqbb toth 39 iiavbtxutiokm orsjil ax u job p j joiw i aintdf john 807e1l ikcludixo bookstrampblett postsrs bin htdiotrealarsaiee saaested la tie j bart stria of ths art at moderate psfcet ud oa abort notice ajiplr or address h p iioobe i fsxxraissofneeaetoel i w anta5d met local or travellns to sell mj narantmd wnrsarstoe tfaro ortlj ootfree bbfdaji narlnners workers vr fall i wedtlvoomt free bpeclil attention ttveb 1 i to mti feealj writs toe tt one for p e o dhahaaf j libit booss ts reliable toronto oat acton lodge no04 i loo j v eet8 in tbe oddfellows ball matthews m orettusd usttofl sad laws spplv of tb tostobsn w willluis n o m block vettwediieedajevetis viawsf oretluwaalwstsweleoim for boot oati latioa snd uws sppljr toxbs njriisiodcsar b b wbdl j wanted ale8men to sen nnrserj stock all goods lttrsteuue psnnaiwiil nlestant nntltable positions for the rltbt nun oood ajarles ana expenses paid waet liberal tn dncements to mtdnxiaia jio previous eaperi fcinnrrinrf ootnt frea writ far terms irlnjsjje i cbajttesb cbisejjnrsernbso mention this paper bochesterst fftamk burce88 house painter paper hanger sign writer etc f is prepared lo sieosta ordszt in anj of the itovsttowtotbebertmannexerdetreaiotsm 1 s terms eveir lob havin mj pnaooal attasboa i can aatnre cottofpera complete s aralnlaf in ab stood a spedsltv j ordenltjtstnit ataln bt adtaa will receive pfompteattantion n pay y0ue taxes r a aim ot1ce uhenbj mx thxtihoyinl lusted ment of the tiie ol tills mtmiotpanty is jmst doe and inns tw ptid fortlnriui hi itrfinnntti fwithrtng mttilii iftrr sat17edat 8th nov ikmbaplaotdlntbslianaiaf wm hemstret farcallo bainti 1 eswaed mcklis r tax coneetosv acton not ttb 1990- wanted tbe hijbmt ucct price will be paid for hose hides cattle hides and calf 8kfns i delivered at ottrtaimery in acton acton tah udto oo dr a wllford halls health pamphlet disease cured without uedlolte jas matthews acton has bwn appointed scent for tbe ouxalatloa sf dr halls caiebratedtaltb pamphlet winch h aesps on hand too famphlesdslms bftb tratuzjeat it advises tors cose for irises ts wtta- oat msdlrhw tbe price foe fii pampbjet b fpor douara and a iwarsntes ts grrcn insjt it tbe parehaeer is not wr after pnttfjtglne t into cs for os mostb to reinndtb moot oo tb ntarn otllh piaphktwitb a pledfs never scsdn to os to treatment orabow tt to be ttsedln his fsntdr r tbe wllford bab trssxment whboot taediein tor um vain reoeived from tbe ne of this tceat- meat plettse eanlre of anj at the folanlnt parties acton bev dr 01flordbev b a cook stv u claxo mrs james afelam john barvev ma jobs barvsv william heaatreet t c time atrstchoarajanvssacatlbenaiia james attttbewt wm attdlu ktra mnlloa lfsbtboasejsaes tltrtln hisjj ksruo vmtaneuiavv bane other names wfll be added w j valuable property for 8 alb tbe anderaianed offers the fouoaj psroels of ptopertt for sal opon raaaoaahlo tenu- esquescao rarclsolthwtbairof lot ii con t esqnestng 5gj acres timbered land ptroelnaspartotlotulcona ksqasilnsr iso acres abont 50 acre nodar ealuvsttoo dwuinahontetbinbiuvamliesdina mill on th premiasa thumill hasdoo a proatabls bnttnw for manv rax paroalkaa fartof lotueons btqaaslne a6aerea ontbispropertr is sltaated a fraaie barn9eaaothdx4xaaliotbsr llxsi comtnrt- abls dwduni boos ud orchard aad never f all- me sprtsg ptloel so l part ot lot it ootl ttttf ssacrea pare no ion th property is a lot of tbso ts cords of hardwood cat and dry aotos parcal ko brick hook nd blacasmitk tboptntheviuste ot aetna two aod bait vatic totaonesrh aero each this sroeerty u lisnated on main street in a good icawtttet tbe fartrf if not sold it win b rented fahpartlcnlas may be had apoa appueatioa personally or br letter lo b sateeal speytidepo notice to o in ths matter of tho esuta ot joto wst- ioixutoruitowiuoja5scjoslii in ths coontj of halton woman da- wt syi r pubbuakt to tbe rtevised rtatotes of on- i l fr eoafter uo notlca uhrebj jiveo thai all liersont havtu claims open oi aoalnst tbejbatau of john watson ittstot ibetftii toariauu esqnaaina in tb oobnty of jue- to and lrorluoe ol onurlo jeontm dacaued vnaliip si san hstos siore- to 10th dayfoplstobr areouoibaorttiitlb dav l hovember wbodiadattb towntbjpsanlnassc aore sale on or aboottbal5th hayoi september to ssu4 sat john vvauoa j act m p o on- jtricmi to delivwris ths enderals wd sohelter bmin for said x6aton a atasme it tn wrilist of their names uldnsses and lb rwab ft thslr clslms and tb nature ot tho iseitlieff anvhsldhyumm and nolle tt hereby further tin i that after tbsaauitbdayofnovimi leso ix saldt eonttnwiuprooeadtodlsttibbt tu satin of tbe said it or tsoh psrtioi tberaot at than bt raausad- smous tb nana en- ttaswtavfnstaiarduplyfc tb dtslnja umssm exseatesatlu not be liable atlhsssiaprmymthi jt to any petxtoa f nsiasba ot i bt wefaimsmtlesajrtsliat uietimeof tbt4dlsorbntion j a mowat bouettorforatl acton 1mb october let fctfttt uwusts usttattal r aajta b snwwtre