Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1890, p. 4

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i 2 w 51 tm ir v i m m hu f i lit as nn ii iuq 4 m uiuin isi icmin islniwsi k 0 tou i jllj ulnit hera a 1 do not in worm villi minalor bottle and to inoj wrm post- icy o oily on tin worms and sick lie el he f- lull nothlni lake it pllal and effectual moll er brant worm eater qotli it hosne procure a decbe d by usiit caiied by eacets of bils or a dssorc trod tl4mi ch in promptly rellet ljc atfm fr jim thursdaynovemberis ism fljt faunrj wkatsbe y aktbd folkij ptinful aw quick carbolic 8 jv national arm or ites scalds tndcati molhtfi i ad beilod by victoria 6h iimna tnmt i comer iff city kb didnt nt a turkish i ig the didat thiak uiempreuy 6bc hnintwy aw or ofl she stack bcraatcnp at u jones dtacfatciv she jast detested diaiaoodi ttugar she had no lore or onuint its hoaaiaiuftfl or bulger she tuawtnt drive in coci ato might hatt had bat trudged along the stnlt as did bcr treat rareittaer idun she didnt like the drum i ad the tiioagbt lh haujet horrid she didullltc the weather torritl shedidot esre or hooseho d wort u had qq low or duhrs she let bor mother daru b c bow far she do- lasted cliche she didnt cre forlmis ai the ncrcr orote a leucr talha papas lelluig hor si cd try to make the thole world bcttter she liredln uxdinset4 the m freckled oer with laa and ijl on eatth the wanus tru majxiaxeable ray oat in kansas for chromoa or or o draasss worn ly and thought jctclrj ud oar although era old nor yet so terf hire yon tried hojlonays corn care it his no equalfor remo io these froable- somj eierescenses as mnr hire testified who have tried it prompt potent and alwars come txoai the aromatic qainiue wine pill k fact woe ii ksovl ig it that blood dls oil a vmcli 1 11 other rtfnnuu oil iclj to jyort soitaparuta froth cooflnnu- tloa of this atito tnent comes to lianddallj even suck decptcatcd and stubborn coin pklnta as rlicit- lootjsin rheuma tic qout and the like an thorough ly eradicated by tie use of this won derful alterative- mr r ininjr dodge 110 wcit u3tb street ker j- vorki eihiflos abon wo fras ago alter suftcrlna for neaxi two yejik from rheumatic cout bell r able to ralk only wltb great- discomfor andmiariuff tried ttrioul remciies iucbijin mineral waters without r lief ttt w br an advertise ment in a chicagu paper that a manjiad been rclii red of ijiis distressing eom- plaiut af cr iomr lufterins- by taking ayers rsaparilul i then decided to make a tr al of ilim medicine and took it rcpila ly for e ght raontlis i am pleased i say lb it eftecled a com- plctc care and tha i have since bad no return of be disea mrs l a stak- kasbna k h wriics ne year ago i was taken 111 with rbco natism being eonflned to my boose su months i came out of tbe sickness cry mtidl debilitated wilb no appetite ina my flystcat disordered in every wa i commenced to use aycra earsapari a and j ufrau to improve at once rail iu in sircntth and soon rc- coycriu ipy usual icailh i cannot say mtlladyuborf httli llwr it to nwjiatt munis of bllt ii ilefxfrwion bt fltfioifnl ooiiillpauon enmet if iruruie biliousumaiidjsunjiot arise bun ock blood bitten it ho mot perfect ii v r regulator known in mtdlelnt for prevcii ina mil cunnj all liver troublet the thl d pant uf the toronto daili hall is noi sd for want adertltmtntt if you wai t to buy or ttll anything if you wauu ailuitlou a raechinio a bail nets macl intry lodgings if you havt lots or ouod a yuung or if yoa want to find out where nyoos is advertise id ibt to- rootoail hail ahd read the advertise mentt on j lie tblrd page of that paper thi ohargi is two cents a word saoh iu tertlon i ddreu the iatl toronto can ida c c rich jum it co otxts- my bone was so sfflicted with distemper hat he could not driuk for four days and efused all food simply apply ingmlnikds liniment outwardly cured him feb ltd 7 cirr hsaam oura c c rica iiuii 4 co gists- i have used your minard8 linime t for bronchitis ind asthma and it hat inxed me i believe it the beat lot s p e i mas a llvrnottoh if you w ini to buy or sell a farm ad- vertiso in ue toronto llttify ifaii thai aper rea bet 100000 farmers homes every weel and your advertisement should meet the e e of someone who wants to pur- chaw ac vertitemesli of this class an in tertod in i it toronto if ttll unit for five cents a w rd each insertion or twenty cents a wt rd for five insertions address the mail toronto canada 4 islwsts i j tiirfesff new winter overcoatings to hand english meltons naps elysiums and other blaok ennuient resajls ise of mil boras icining experts note t nt choler nerer tiufks the borek o the arthbathamn- t ity in general find it nea ssarr to nae dr fowlers extnct of wil striwberry for bowvsl abbpiiinta drsehtery diirtfaasi etc it ts bare caxe too taucai ncdiciuo i han cine bnt macu goc i a- ay felt its l qcllcul nixc fini bed cue irecj v- tes lfy thai i is the best blood- inediciufi woodlancittixas flyers s or 4 a price fl ix louie u icaisc taktvt a c ihis weufcnovrn great deal of medi- liis done me so rs sarsaparlua i ffecta bciore i had bottle and i can ayer lwtdsr fsaparilla flefilo st co lowell mist atortklsabouk f president lter differ baffilo sayt iwu badly bitten by a horse a fevdayf ago and vis induced by a f rie id who witnessed tbe occarnce to try dr tioaiaa electric oil consumption c ired an old physician retire i from practice luring had placed in hii fc anda by an east india missionary the forn ala of a simple tegetanle remedy for tbe maneot care of consnmpiion bronchitis caurrfa asthma and all lhroat and long affections also a positive nd radical cure after having tested iu wt oderfal caxafire powers io tboasand of case s has felt it his daty to make it knoirn o his smtering fellows actoatedby thi motite and a detire to reliere human sas xin i will send free of charge to all whe desire it this recipe in german erench r english with fall directions for prepares and using sent byofeil by addresai ig with ttttmp nnming this paper w 1 kotzs 820 powera block itchester c x hiaelr wlsdoi great and timely wisdc n is shown by keeping dr fowlers exxact of wild strawberry on hand it lu s no- eqnalrbr chotera cholera morbns do rrhtsa dysen tery colic cramps and al soinmer com plaints or looseness of bowe s what cure 5 editorial difference of opinion on an important su ect oidwoj sr- 1 well daughter bow did yo t enjoy my iectare gladyf old worthy- 0 vah moch indeed i some of yoar fret were telling the canniest stories yoa eter hjard all ihroogh the ettning the comb nation bt ingredient foand in ayers pill renders them tonic and cora- tire as well 4caliiirtic for tin reason they are ih ibest aiediciae f or people of cbslire habi as they restore the nataral action of the bowelsj without debilitating bcies i nticqcsamptire byrap in a combination of several medicinal herbs whichexert most wonderful influence in caring pulx anary consampuon and all other disease of theiaogf chest and throat it f romoles a free and easy ex pectoration and girei ease even to the greatest safe er cooghs colds sbortneas af breath an affections of the chest at tended with weakness of the digestive organs or w th general debility seem to ranisii nnde its use ko other remedy acta so readil in allapngihflanimaiioa or brsakingapi cold even a severe coagh is overcome by its penetrating ahd healing properties 1 hen children are affected with colds c mghi inflammation of the longs croup roinjtjyand sore throat this syrap is of vi rt importance the n amber of deaths amc g children front these dis eases is truly i farming it is so palatable that a child w 11 not refuse it tad is pot at such a price u at will not exclude the poor from its benef s mrs jinks meaningly i asked dr aojiapara if hiskey was good far oolds and he sud don believe i c got ij cold anyhow i its something els what aitptue what is the force that oasi s disease and which is the most convenient apparatas for applying h mow jar it th i regular phy sician asef al to as because re believe in him and how far are his pill and powders and tonics only the material ri presenuiives of his personal inflaence on o r health the regular doctors care the oomte- psthic doctors care the hahnemannftaes core and so do the faith cares and the mind cores and the sdcalfed christian scientists and the foor doliaraadahajf advertising itinerant and thepatent medi- cine men theyall hit and thev all miss and the great difference one great differ- encein the resalt is that when the regular doctors lose a patient no one grumbles and when the irregular doctors lute one the community stands on end and howls rochester union and advertiser r kaiore pares bat natare can be aided hindered ordefeated in the curative pro cew and tbe- co mmcrcaf contectida if that it is the part of ratiouil beings to seek and trust the advice of men of good char- acfer who hafe studied the human system and learned as far as modeni science lights the way bow far tbeycan aid natare and how they cacr btmt avoid obstructing herbastlo dmmcraal ko mr ttickswell i did the doctor mention hiskey jwaa good for t for the thon agh and speedy care cf all blood diseases and eruptions of he ikin take korthrop lymans vegetable dis covery mrs forbes detroit had a running sore c i her leg for a long time commenced us g korthrop i lyruins vegetable disco ery and she if now com- pletely cured lee husband thinks there is nothing equal io it for ague or any low fever 1 intcrial coufcderatloo will pre eat an opportunity to extend the fame of or fowlers extracrpwiid 8trwberr the unfailing remedy for cholera cliolera morbus oolic cramps diarrhcci lysentery nd all summer oom- plaints to ivory part of the empire wild ktrawtxrr never fails tbe peoples mistake people n ako a sad mistake often with serious ros ilia when they neglect a oonsu pafed cone iuoo of the bowels knowing that burdcck blood bitters is an effectual cure at an stage of constipation doe not warrant u in neglecting to use it af tbe right time use it now all hav badgerii g attorney insanity runs in your fim y i believe looginffering wifnes well my- grandfather quit gathering i sgs to become a lawyer equal khjula eqnal righto in life and liberty and the pa vuit of happiness bat many ar handicappd in the race by dyspepsia biliousness lack of energy nervous debility weakness wcstipationietc by complexly remoungtiesecompiainu burdock blood bitters ctnfers untold benefits on all sufferers orders respectfully solicited shawcrundy merchant tailors guelph reliable alarm clocks a new stock of nickel alarm clocks just in very best make i i b sayage j watchmaker cuelph weeks ill wager a new tsl bal that man over theres a schoolmssier potts nonsense how do too know weeks uh he tried jiis band on ihe at of the chair before he sat down on it sest and comfort ui he suftcrlnr a lifetime ot torture is often endured by the rheumatic their pangs may however be promptly relieved and the disease eradicated kith dr thomas ecleetric oil which is moreover a swill and thorough remedy for neuralgia lame back sores braises frost bilecoraj excoriated nipples iniamedbneaju- liter complaint and all affections of the breathing organs when yoa notice unpleasant sensation after eating at once commenoe the use of korthrop lymans vegetable discovery and your djyspepsia will disappear mr james stanley merchant at constance writes my wife hss taken two bottles of korthrop dr lymans vegetable discov ery for dyspepsia and it hu done ber more good than anything she has ever osed browns household panacea has no squal for relieving pain both infernal and uternal it enrea pain in the side back ir bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ische lumbago and any kind of pain or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns uonsebold pan- jtoet being acknowledged u the great rain believer and of double ilhe strength pf any other eliiir or lioijnent in tbe jworid sbonld be in every family baody for ate when wanted as it really im tbe pest remedy in the world for crimps in the itomacb and pains and sches of all kinds ind is for sale by all druggists at io cents i bottle an old negro who bad business in a awyers office was asked if he could sign lis name how is dal saht i ssk he lawyer answered if yoa can wrile oor name i wall no sah i never rnte my nsjne i jea dictates it photogbaphic vie ilfsakiiuke to try to core catarrh by using local appli cations cilarrb isnota iocaibutaoonsti- tutionsi disease itjis not a disease of tbe mans nose bol of the man tberefbwr to effects cure reqnires a constitutional remedy like hoods barsaparilla which acting throjigh the blood reaches every part of the system expelling the taint that causes tbe disease and imparting health there is ho more fruitful source ofdis- ease than vitiated blood it involves every organ and function of the body and if not immediately sarsapaniia results be corrected by tbe use of ayers sooner or later leads to fatal warned in time t twentyfive cents l boftle be sure and ft is not our purpose to consider tbe evils l e li i ask for mas wr suix ssoothisg sracr and take no other und i thaf result from employing the nnscrnpu loot tbe ignorant charlatans and quacks to prescribe for the maladies that afflict tbe human family we simply declare that the physician who knows someliiing fs bet- ter than the physician who knows nothing or very little innw about the structure and the conditions of tbe hamau system of course he does oot know it all uochestr morning herald uiave used warners safe care and but for its timely use would have been i verily believe in my grave from what the doctors termed brights disease d t bhriner aenioz editor scioto gazete cbillicothe ohrain a letter dated jane so j 890 safe sure and painless what a world of meaning this statement embodies just what yon are looking for iaitnot putnams painless j cora ex- trectorte great surepop corri core acts iti this way it makes no tore spots safe aetsispeedily and with certainty sure and mildly without iottaming tbe parts pain- lostly do not be imposed upon by imit ations or substitutes iur4 uausjseal fr sale brrrrwkrrr aas mtms r sasisseissafgs mtim aimci ro 3fo nrsare you disturbed at night and bro cn of your rest by a sick child suffering ai d cryicg with the pain of cutting teeth if so seed at once and get a bottle of i ra wtaslows soothing syrap forchil rea teething its valuu is iacalcalable it wil relievu the poor little sufferer im nediately depend upon it mothers thei is no mistake about it it enrea dysenfer icd diarrhcoa regulates the stomach and towels cures wind colic softens the gam redacts inflammation and gives one ai d energy to the whole system if rs tc inslows soothing syrup for children teeth 3g fs pleasant to the taste and is the prescri iion of que of the oldest and best female ihysiciaos and nurses in the uaitod state r and js for sale hy all druggists throng out tbo world price rj 1 tue electric ujlil jit is astonishing how rspidiy the eleotric ight ir coming into general use it isoe- ing employed for publicly lighting our urge cities jll dazzles our eyes with its spiendaraa we pass along our thorough fares at nighti but wilb all ifs splendor andutilily itwnolas light and beaotiful as the biscuit made with imperial cream tartar bsking powder tfinanli ualmeat rsr sale ererywlicre the wellknown pho o artist of acton sss fast purchased a flue new viowiai camera sod is now prepared to execute i tor pnotcctiphfo views pf i residences pionic parties lawn cache stock qtc etc fa any stvle desired rings ramihaws repauiioa will ensure fintclam torfc rte voar order rhmshrw the artist atjtumn- 1890 the xfammoth house georgetown sk5 7 tlxat chrohig jough now for if rio tfo n t it tbajr become tym- urapdio yt- tunuiijitton ffrrafula inurtti dtfiuuy and wasting duenm then is lwrtljlaff uu dcctts emulsion ofparefcoi llrei- oh and hypop f08pht8 osr xd zt u almost as tarn li uuatableaa milk far better fhao olbc aocalletl emulsfoos a wouderfu flesi producer sqorps emutsxon llputvpinaiau ion kmnaadgtt the gen dtatcrtfu soe a id 10q toueotarttrnpper gaihluk tout bl t bowse blert0e tsnit called the greatest medicine world aiter cateriug o tbe pnblic of th s vicinity for the last 27 yeais is juafc as lively just as ijouog jnitaa anxious and is better pre- pared now than ever to do busi- neis and tvould respectfully bo icit a continaationand eiilarge- mintofthe generous patrouage bft towed upon it- rve have a complete stock o dr288 goods including the latest no elties in plaids combination robes silks satins plushes 8il c velvets etc we have been bniy opening out large iraporfa- tio is and consignments in oil lie difbreut departments andwecan sni aud please both in price variety aud quality iu dress qojds dress silks dress trim- miijfb velveteeus kfantles man- new oooids isrobbir gooi3s oheapgoods ordered clothing department i i fortho kail and winter tnde wo bare no la ttock tbe finest raogoo suitings overcoatings and pantings voa over laid roar cjts on whatever joa want in clothing it will pay jou locoiue to us as prices are right fit rigiit and stylo right ents furnishings kew suiru collar cuff ties mid ludcrwcar ui alvaddaacc readymade clothing in mens voalbiboji and ojildrcni soil lud ovcrcoau we lave rerr lirge tock at very lew prleee kelly bros acton one dollar to jan 1st 1893 i the best at the price of the cheapest the publisher of the acton free press has decided to offer thit excellent paper to new subscribers from now to the end of next year for t- this offer is made for the purpose of introducing the paper into families where it is not taken the free press publishes news from every corner of the county ahd more of it from all oyer the province several hundred names should certainly be added to our already large list before the end of the year see that you are one of the number call at once and reave your subscription at the office or send i addressed to h p moore free press acton- xattwaytuol rrvl ssvt grand trunk ratlwiiy oolftolist iozm1l bsptvtt fliku i rtpretirssi ruw jll ml kspum jobsj stall 11 m anitdto erpraaif j thretub bspa nm t atsll i aseom 10 01 pm lateotb 4 turaorosasuissuilj odbswmlejdtnsddsjopd f ooibfkasttlojoajn andsjoon tttls ttmiblvaiit into ffect on oct a uco j teeth with ops- without a plat 13 fst ruth ok uriw t0t tltalbstt an- for hsfnltm exu c tf r16qs cemttstti n ha to mackinac summer tours tow trip per week bttvma fv detroit mackinac 1suno p tttsksirhnoawltvmmaaa 1 iax bbraa liu 7 srtrr tnoing srtrwa detroit and cleveunuf ufumt omlj m oub illustrated pahphlct bsisisrll r t iliinatitl tartcwtsstssssbs u uumtt e b whitcoiib o p a dstsart me detroit t cletlluo steu utct i the m t8 heilti tjnlocis it the dosred trrarses of ft i bowels kidneys and livery csayisg ofl graduauy iritbont weakening the tins tent all the impariticsjfmatfpol bninons g of the secretions a the same time coiv recting acidity of tie etomadr caring bluonsnese cyspens headaches dizziness heartetrrij constipation drrness cf thesm v dropsy dininesi of vision jam- dlee salt nbenm ertslpeias sertv m frda flattering- ct tio heart ber tonsness and general debil loose and many other similar c yield to ho happy inilaenooof so beo0d bittees j tblbmko vilej labi eight packages of neisr goods received at the- right house this week t- consisting of- one case of dress goods one case corsets one case troeds one case brass goods onu case curtain poles two bales carpets one bale grey cottons black bilk velvets surah silks checked 6ilks for trimminkt embroidered evening costumes in charming shades and the rery latest designs in french styles new laces which are really beaotiful the ladies trill be de lighted with them qiilted satin linings very handsome open work tray cloths which are just what the ladies require to make tbetrtsbles look most fascinating baldwins fingering yarns hose supporters skirt braids canton flanmls grey flannila flannelette eider down flannels jersey flannels denims ducks shirtings cottonadee cotton yams an immense assortment of mantle and ulster cloths in sealettes dog skins lamb skins beaver serges plaids corkscrew and tweeds imported his season from tbe best british and german makers and sellini oil very cheap a special line op blank ets 8elling off at greatly reduced prices canton flannels from ojc up to the best jubt 8be the reductions on labt winters mantles and mantle cloths the qualities are good and the 8tyles almost the same as last year the mantles are marked down from k1s to 60 from 7jo to 1660 from 12 to 0 from 8 to 2 the mantle cloths are down from 1305 to 150 from5s0 to f2 from 1223 to 5c and from 1275 to ii thei8tock8 of carpets linoleums floorand stove oilcloths mats mattings rugs carpet 8weepebsin bissels be8t makes window poles window blinds window curtains and curtain materials in nottingham swiss and irish point laces chenille madras and art muslins and other new styles all offering at the lowest prices carpets mads and laid at the prioes quoted by the yard be sure to see the millinery the styles are charming please lee you are eabt oltnet carpet window before you enter tho stores corner of king street east and hughaoo street north hamilton tho absolutely hanuj ka u claimel cr laoasy nfaadsd fazphlsts testimonials etc fg wlf c oih miceobe zilch co ueu 120 klna bt w toronto ont sole bnofa torers far tu dominion atbwarccf imfttsfuonsi bto our tradamarfc wleks exttiof- wild wmim cures oltera leramlbphiis amps rhoea sehtery ahd all summer compuihts ahoflixzi oftheibcrw itis sfskid reliable for wuldblncr adults jldths ulsterings milljmery oct 23 rd 1890- tsoas o watejits nseeameesm smill wares of all iciads jjadies un lerclothiiig dosiery prints giighnms checked shirtiug ticdags denims cottoriades twseds suitings overcoatings qei ta underwear qeuts slirts tie i gloves hats caps lhdies and gents footwear ready mac e clothing readymnae overcoats carpets oilcloth liinleums hugs llaftsj cur tain i etc it would fill a aiew pap ir to enumerate onr stock we will begin iu dress goods aud winceys at 5c per yd we liavi added a new department to our ordered clothing ttjat is fancr flannel and tweed shirts mads to order our make tip depi rtments are not expelled any here namely millinery dreis making mantle miikiug and jrdered clothing we get the best superintendents mid bancs for the several make up dopa tmeiit8 that moiieyaild ex- pent nee can procure yot can com with confidence aud pat ron ii e us i o i canadian printers read i can furnish youavith the best presses for country news and job work to be had in country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press i comb to rcton knd see our improved country prouty press i ht iivork this w sejit 1st 1890 i mcleod co geobgi own jlklii the free pjress is printed on the above press and the work illustrates no 1500 prum cylinder press can do better newspaper or doster ess to- ihem we have run the probty ir its merits newspaper or poster work iv to handle costs littltj tor epafn and is easy on the y s th t cpme md tee our p rest at work we can give yon your fhoioe of a number of difforent siaes and thinik of it pppjpsgssgbp eight years and the longer we run it tho better if you desire mpls of rk zi tor thmtnd vma x itylesjof presses at all prloea tmuh i gladly fumiah f agent for canada acton ont scale wo0b- h canada over loo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improvebshow gases whey drawers heitckifptts mo vntcaos armiet asotxss is rcu vfrilcjl tens c wilson ft son 6 o esplanade strect easti torfjntcl otlt at mbhttper e erj ime nm wrila powder pure8t 8 tboslcest best corftainsno 1 alum ammonia lime phosphates or avj la jiriew uteris ewgillett ksati afos rrtthhtbfam rorfcj mlcaill irtoiinikjii thtm mattasa t ji s k rj j fcbflo mi thorn bow ilsiuhnn ns lnablitlfarsjjtjctnnlims rf ss ssso pttkuapkal4m dunws throolcsbestfwend uoks iuvtjt la toawtt 017 tl asl r wls how v gva i tmi ibcm mo nw ul ttafcnsw y wi ih shjha mx lu wh h b trtao ut kwtm hirsfsain extemnafor ptllestle ikwelcasnriilbtoiijtiwet in ail fsuhhencokplalkts sold by all 0alcn5 empem9wfllt

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