Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1890, p. 2

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7 mi in itvvi 0r 9rworia acton ohuiq wi hut ti mtto w wp gantry oft fit marr bo iimnmikminai xi mmc jw kwtiecf ml 1 1 itc jolia w trffll mimon ttobimv ttomfc htq crlxst acton ti m a tb d a pl of the ntfib miool tunphtpc thauim mutt- tonncrir ttf niyqv in toronto on is b xowmbor the mf at lit j mian ifodsl rmtm krrttw p tbe 16th kotfmtter fcuiuia uiira tuugtiter yean fijet rtoit fr fjrcss tuuusdaykov m13kr 80 1800 notes and comments xrratjoaicuus arc u i pirci poi apa mot will iltfwevl lftduft mid hook koaj the pm5tktucrolirt inulq with the eafcl nni frosl owing courxtfon has reuderpd uiit necsmy tlxoiarijgttxif sf satan oonltiac the ibnouucetsenl cf ihe federation of vicoti untvcrtu tcroulo- la view at f wm suiter agod 14 inj iiicde lo wcarc onlec oomitxnian to dinct iteimthip th the caivemty of the fact it is pro claimed that after kojrember 15th victoria vnirertity will b frated with the ui vccrily r toronto victoria retaior her power for the dirinilv conf rrinc of degree m the akipmeutj of lire hock from ctnidi to knglindforltik j lirrdy ia tzotu of those for isfc ti it shipment of cattle will igrsate 121131 at arainit lew thin 65003 liit jiat th i thipmenu of theep totau22g3 the ocau freights oathii yeiri shipment amc on to 11746310 and without this trade ui shipa now entering montreal coald not b run at a profit in- all the states where the caoadiaa system of balloting cai put in operatioa list ta3ar it was a i unqualified mccesi osr neighbors call ii the auatciuin y- tm bat as a milter of fact the atutni- uns copied it from canada where the english syitcm waa improved anon there are some other things the united statet might copy from cinida with advunttce ar already the jun movement in ittani tohx las ssumed proportiona which are almost stnnnino to tha traffic departments of the railways the canadian pacific is baolingom over 150 carsdailf and before t the end of the weekj the motement will hare increased to 203 ctrs a day the crop of 17 washeafy but that of ikw will discbent it and tiea there is a diffi- cnlty in uieiray now which was hot ex- perienced nies7- btttlepin will be shippedvia the laixj thir fall owing to tee lateness of deliuories cansed by the recent prolonged wet spell ro thai the question of storage wfd be a eerioaf one lii surioi there is j- prohibition with jarty bcliind it the irty being the king a iaie czpy cf the samoa 27ihe contains the rpyal proclamation ko spiritaons vincocs or fennantedihquors or intoxicat ing drinks whatsoever shall be sold given or offered to or broaffit or bartered by any astire samoan or paiific rclandpr resident in samai to be takfa as beverage any pjzrsahwho willbegmlty of the violation of tm provision shall beponished bya fine not ezeseding x00 or bpr impriaanment not eicsediag si monthsj or both fine and im prisonment and the shall be confiscated considarahlj misai derstanding appears t j exit regarding the ixessitr for the issue by a mccidpality of ic december and also lienor not consumed financial statement in ahditars- report shortly after a nam jer of oor exchanges some time ago siated t aat a bill had been passsd snbstitniing tjie december state ment for the auditors report this is not the case tf is true a till was brought for ward for that purpose but itdict not become iar on ssgjng the report on the change efkhe law and not finding anything of itin the statutes an eichinge wrote- to the provincial secretary 4n the matter and iscsrtaiied that neither the december statement nor the auditors eeport cm be omitted both must be published reports from a number of medical soorces show that la grippe hai re-ap- peareu this fall in western europe and the united etates thoagh apparently it is not marked by the same decree of virulence which characterized it hut year a- war temburg cablegram on tuesday staled that the school in that city have been closed on accoatt of the epidemic of influenza in connection with its return it it important to not that the health departmentof new york recorded last week a decided increase of mortality from pneumonia the aver age number cf deaths for the first week of november in past jearsjhaa not exceeded seventy but this year it is ninety this fact is a warning to all classes of people to take precautions against undae exposure to the elements against overwork and against whatever tendsto debilitate the system with the execatiea af the capital sen- tsnceupon birchall it friday morning theredosed a tragic episode ia canadian annals which has rfeatei a most unusual and most painful interest throughout the country while the law imposes the death penalty for morder it it difficult indeed to find any possible reason why the extreme penalty should not haveieea carried out in this case there could be no reasonable doubt about the unfortunate mans guilt aad it is veil nigh impossible to conceive cf any extenoaliug circumstancev the widespread and freely expressed desire for mercy can only be attributed to sympathy for ifrc birchall to very general repag- nance to the hanging of one who was a gentleman by binh and x3ocaifon and fo the growicg objection in the publie mind to capital pacwhment under any circuin- stancee now that the affair- is over ii can uot be too soon forgotten l tr is sutedtbal the department of eda- catiotj have decided that after the close of the ejgepnt year there shall be one instead cl tro examinations annually for the ad- mfseion of pupils into che high school both high and pahlicj school teachers favor thir under tne present system the teachers and the pupils who are preparing for the examinations are under a pressure whicn never ceases daring the whole year and which is especially trying in e short session between the snmmer vacation and the december examination and the ten- dency to stndy with ft view fo this direct result rather than with i a view to- real culture and education is strong then the hlgu schools will be relieved of the incon venience cf a 4arge in flax of new pupils at he openiugof the new year which now has a disturbing effect upon the arrange men ft the candidates for the eotranoe xaniimatkms will beoceorth bt xiiore thoroughly grounded in primary school jrork and their ages apoo the average will be higher and both these chings will bare a teneficial effect opop the jdbciency of the isufib 8dioots i as m u ao t 9 11 th 5u too movug the drill shed the pi kcommlttmrvdth coun cil t abou u theelkctrlcuohtcontraot the re fllur btw meeting of ihe council n held sn mooda- ening the b nemdcouodllorkcnnc abmiit xtintiu i ot ia meeting kwd mid con firmed j j dr lo cry oceupim the ciiir the e tumltlee on pintnee pretented their ml enlh report reeorimending pnv- ment ot i coonti it follwi jri nou miu eto j tbot ktou cemetery oit tlioi uton mlt to iriuar adun 3cokkttciete thot iuounrktiyriij wmi ctmnbell rk on trecu tliot uttoa wood l gears wonlen work tt iwl chriit njier cool ida i v i i 5t5 upon lotion hie report wit adopted the cl ctric light matter ras referred lo and the uery wa geocml at to what had become the ball electric light ccc and their cot tract the c planation wtu to the effect that the coc rony and mettraj bonrdmore f co vrhc were eipeetcd o supply the power for the dynamo had failtri to come to terms a id negotiations were conseqecnlly off for tl e present j some nember made the statement that it was j st as well anyroy lor ho liad a- eertain i that 1000 cpj liglitl were alto gether nadequale and that eight lights would n t be sufficient to illumine acton aatiafac orily and the i others diimed in that th i- belieted o too loot jnst a trifle like soar grapei though doesut it mcs a j b pearson geo havill john harvey and james matthews represent ing the arfc committee formed a deputa tion lo the council to rcqoest tjial body lo take alo consideralian the mafter of the remova of thedrill shii to the park mr i aarson as chief spokesman of the delegati in thoaght it would he an excellent idea to xure the permission of the gov- ernmen to remove the building to the park where i would be fullv asj available for militar parposes and answer very well for vari as reqnirementk in the park ii said he it is fo be moved at all the work should 1 5 commenced at onoe couni illor smiui d am in favor of moving iu and am of the opinion that it should i e moved beforcthe frost comes dr l jwry i think it would answer very well if we could move it but there would be a goc i many fine shade trees destroyed in trans lorting it to the park- mr t arvey ko we para made a care ful sutt y and find that only two or three trees wc ild need to be removed we have also sec red the option of the right of way the propertiei speight- to be neressar what woald the dynes will da it through crossed count llor moving ost count 31or smith e forjioo and that amount can be got for the lot v here the drill shed stands so that its remo al would cost he council nothing xr b irvey anotaher contractor moved the dri 1 shed at gt orgetown for less money t lan dynes aske d count illor smith what hd georgetown p sir carver w0q for this ob the work co dr l rwry i think a i 150 is too much id be let by tender committee cf the council ihould be appointed to confer with the go eminent a view to ekcaxing nirmiss 3n for the tram f er and t the matter t f moving be taken up jfovec by j a speight seconded by w e smit that ckoncilijrfi lowry and the mover a id seconder be a committee to as- certain i the government wjql permit the removal rf ithe drill shed and exchange the lot pu wi icn it stands fir a similar portion in the pi rfr carried i after some desultory oomersaiion with referenoa to the completion of the park im- provemei ts council adjourned about 920 oclock i tabbing affray cohblt out nov 17 a tubbing affray oofcplk i here last nightlbetween two young me i attending the salvation army meeting bob kenjon the young man who did the sti bbing claims that longheed ihe the victim of the knife iad torn the lining out othis iat- this ijougheed denied hut kenyoii w n bound fojiiacu satisfaction he left th barracks and waited outside till laugheed came out k fight ensued in which ke yon was knocked down he jumpedat jougheed with the knife in his hand and t st an ugly gawh in the muscle of his right a m narrowly escaping severing one of th main arteries kenyon was arrested fcn constable lindsay and taken to sandwii 1 today where he will receive a preliminar hearing he is a young man of about 2c both lame and paralyzed and comes froi i a good family j his widowed mother ant sister arehigmy respected here st gibyacornpanfon coknrtl n nor 1c two unknown drunken m m got info a dispute at the g t e depo friday nigh shortly before the eastbound express arrired when one of them drew a revolver aid fired the ball enteriugtlearuiof the fccner odgiug in the fleshy part the unise drew a large crowd to be scene bat th i fellow had vanished i ad could uol be found the wounded i an was carried into the waiting room and doctor wai eat i mooed who found it in possible to ex ract the ball he claims tha he did not eieu know ihe name of the man who shot him talk rvths day ah epltbmtj o th v ohdt doing ourtritrnrk the c inn otjlofw 5a indians in tht buu of syaihti mayor griiastleoltouleipenses in new york ainouud tj 17138 mr jay gould mu t1favkotoontrc4 ot tire union pac flo tiajl vay pntntcr meroc ti hav dfia private- altar built in hi house it mou real ii a mil to n greet a art rstltlorlojt for iht aboluion of ctiriti otim ttokea aluminum cui bt made tn newport kcutucky for jitu i oentt a pouud kiurilon wautt to ipeud 5j000 lu street improvement aud will submit a bvlaw kurlaud aud portugal have urned woithf nfthiij ovur their last alrloau dif crenocs j mirrovttn zanat willlreocivs 11000 a uiuht for a tour 111 rough all the kreat cities othaisiai i the british ceo tut ot april 5lli next will be the largest ai d most complete over taken in kugjand j in the gsape ia mou hatchery 1200000 ecgi have been lall down being an increase of 40000ft over las i year ajoioouyhai been arrested at niagara falls out oo suapiciou pt having set fire to buckleys roller rink there at a secret seaaion ot itho city oounoil brtxilj iod jacob uerr was deposed from the mayoralty for alleged inebriety the cjp r eoil pile at fort william is still burning merrily bti about 15000 tons have already gone up in smoke a despatch from bridgeport connsy p t bsrnam ii believed to be on hit death bed his m alady is la grippe during the past week here were at fail- ures in canada for the correspoudlog week last yoar there were 30 failures cardinal iavigeries rtoent address ad- vocatingthe unioi of ob arch and state was compiled in o ocert with the pope a reach paper says there is too much drinking in the q lebeo provincial palia- moot and demanc the aboliuon of the hex georgu fiupleev farmer of east wawa- nosh township near st heleni gut suicided by shootiig on thursday eresing a society girl in brunswick ga refused sir offers ot marriage last week because not one of her sufi ors was a total abstainer 1 mr nicholas a eytr of wilmot town- ship while driviig to phillipsburg fell from hit waggon and was run over and killed j one of the richest and most extensive beds of phosphatei in ontanojus been dis covered in the to rn ship ot afadoc near bannockburu j a true bill has beerr found against the montreal obrieu on tix indictmenu tot libelling prince ieorgt of wale the trial is fixed for li en day during the last academical year at cam- bridge 1027 stalenu matriculated and l5fg degrees wer conferred both being the largest nam to g on record a contract baa been made at salem oregon to dig a d ich three miles long for the drainage of hike ltbish by which means 3500 acres of tamable land will be reclaimed j senator dromm and it irfeiigland arrang- ing for the constr iclioq of the kingttou smith s falls and otuiri railway which will shorten the distance between kingston and outwa by 75 piles at west duiutlj minn a man named morlandjoal a an of dynamite in the stove to thaw oat morlaod was killed his wife and four children were seriously injured and the h ate burned before the mom real superior court rm saturday mrs ki rby recovered f 100 and costa from edwi xd doitello a saloon keeper who fura ished i liquor to kirby after having been rarued not to do ao emperor willis n has sent to his humble little godson ia hi ugoland the first afcud and german recni i born there since the cession of the ula id to germany 4 gold mug hesring his 1 fsjcstyr portrait on it john shannon i ged fortyfive sou of a respected farmer ceasl zona has been arrested on a cl arge of shooting with intent to kill g lorge d damm near tavistock last w k damm is not yet out of danger kr wm stickley bt w infield some evenings ago wqile entering the stable birhall is executed thllw vlndloifd liaatphday morttlrttj r pitt he wa a co i wo min not li 4 blrohall was axeeo ad at 880 this morning tha aieoe tlodar bting the lutley tin steward of the 8 nnyslde yaohtolub toronto there mra j maul tlw ihrrts aud other offlcen btaldi i a dombar of preis representatives and r rj law others the eiccuuon took plaoa no fall lhaa ml herlf after dark frigh ened some colte who kicked and struck limin the mouth with the heef knocking 7 teeth out and break ing the under jaw all soldier wbc lost iimbf during the war can have arti 5cial ones supplied by the united state ovenunent if they will ask lor them tl ey can get a near one every fire yean ot it they prefer they are paid its cash value instead ijegi coat 975 and arms 50 eacfc a 760 bt rglars at markham r iliiiiaiii nov itrt le gti5 sution here was bi ken into bai urday night last the bargls s who left t o cloe got a few cfluta from heuiltuii or two of clothes some tobao o raisins au sardines they ly distacbed were eviaep foob fake i close by he safe n opened a while ago a drilled bat not reight car billed here from tie sooth waabroki n into con tent rifled here ind only not oed vheu opened apii woodstoc kov 17- aged 21 year teamster i ir tlio taviatock dour mill w if hunting abbita in north jeaathope an 1 placed his uh butt down on the ground a id his handi crossed over the muzzle a up was pla ing kichol and ly some mi ana trigger disci arging the n upon the shot paaaed throe h mr nic lots andsbattere the left largest list of words btlt organs paper iobclc l5 featssk i sx crtrcj3 from barkeys shingle mill pulled the trigger archie kichol free trfp aroandfnu via keuie in gold i git in ijy btltn gob isd pianos walchm stoves ate everyone words will eoti in stamps paiata for tolet illailrited utalogie and copy of parlor suitea silver tea i eta parlor toal ate all posit rely given a ray sending not au than- tt ent get a preaent bend 12 mentioning i ie acton vrvt for they left the 3lys route r it i eqoifalent uafr irfi jic lot the wohs tonstrnctid out of the hagaum 1 otol to onl around mr touched the right uaod world children cry for cottage or iu equivalent in cash will be given to the person detectiig th greatest noiober of errors words w-ongiv- apeued or mis placed ia the dec jmber issue of otr hmaa in addil ion trill be given two cash prizes of 1200 sachj four of tloo eight pf j50 fen of 145 t enlvfivo of 110 ftty of 95 one hundred f 92 and one hundred and fifty of ii diifribafed inihf order mentioned in roles sod regulations which will be sent with a pypf december issue on receipt of 15 cer ta ia stamps special cash frizes given i way almost every day daring competition which closes february tit ii addreea car oihck publishing co brockville canada demorests famitfymacazine a merry chri itmai i ia the cheery greeting shining fi om every page of that ideal monthly dt nortlcs faauj ifaga- uac the decembei number of which a genuine holiday nu nbertls just at band what one will not know about preparing for christmas atx at trimming the tree and suitable gifts at d good cheer and bow to heartily enjoy th merry cbriatmastide after reading this chirping magazine is not worth knowing there are splendid stories and poems i od every department ia brimful of just wl at yjra watt to know in its special line sanitariaatreateof that sad amielioi obesity and the commonsense trea meni recommended it bound to be efficaci us and our girls will be delighted w th the comedjetta in their special depart neutr but odr advice ii subscribe for th splendid magazioe and you can have a are laeat each month it ia only ii a year and it published by w jennings demorestf 15 ast 11th street kew york from the ntldt the jail yard and there were 98 oolook dr cflaniborliu denoty perry the goaler mr cameron havlni gone into the corridor the execu tioner was beckoned lo go up lie had been aklog around the rotunda in his arms the straps with which to secure direh dps aims waiting for the signal a mi lute or two he took to atrap the prlwt ers arms behind ml bick and then the a rful march to death began at b25 ouloc i fir t came the rural dean wade in hia aurpli and reading the church o eog land lervioe for the dead behind him dr hamberlin followed by mr a d stewi rt and deputy- sheriff perry the priaoier came next deathly pale but resohj te his jaws locked with fixity of death he oame down tha stairs with one hand n the railing for from his elbows down liit arms were free his step was stead the pallor of his fsce was like marb he was dressed in dark colored tweed clothes a white flannel shirt with a black bow at the collar and light patent leathir shoes at tha foot of tho spira ataire iae the procession reformed and his rienc mrleetham of montreal walked pnoonside of him with bis day guard georf s ferry on ihe other jailer camer on fol owed them and after them the hang man tha aged ehcrifl was supported to the door overlooking the west yard the marcl was slow in the corridor and out into he yard on the side of the priaoi er mr leetham walked close and held ne hand lu both of hit on his right aide day guard perry held birchalls arm walk ng in front of him and partly back ward the deputy sheriff grasped birchalla right hand the actors i in the tragedy atopp id with their charge about fifteen feet he gallows and the solemn tones of anglican service thrilled everyone birch alls eyes had not a trace of his frivol ty that had lightened hie imprison- as he stood liifeuing to tho low priest they were fixed on the blue ment toned sky at tbe words dast to dust ia the eervie birchall stepped firmly forward and t ok his place ander the scaffold with his fs ao to the southand tomed up slightly e tb i execatiooeer put a strap around the priaoj ers legs just above his knees at the dean entered upon the lords prayer the executioner put the black cap over tbe bead of tbe doomed man and ad jolted the noose about hit neck birchall did not say a word after leaving his cell except it might hare been to mutter a wood tb if r leetham ot mr wade when he heae them roodbye the words de liver pa from evil waa the signal at which the executioner released the immense weight it fell six or eighi inches into the ground by the force of its weight the body i was jerked into the air about 5 feet and fell until the feet were within two feet of the ground the drop was made at 829 and at 8 so dr chamberliu who stood with uis hand on the body declared that life was extinct there was just six minuiea from tbe drop until tbe doctor de clared birchalldead a post mortem was held py dr odium and coroner mclay preaioed at the inquest waonrrocx out nov 15 late this morning the opinion of the public hst changed considerably as to the uev sural dean wades ofjinion of birchall tbe course of ihe reverend gentleman in ctn nection with the burial of birchalls body indicates in the strongest way that the clergyman haa a knowledge of tbe guilt of the deceased it was not till some hours after the execution that he saw in the papers that birchall had written a state ment pa the 10th inst- in which he declar ed solemnly that he had never coafeaaed in i i any cianner whatsoever any complicity in the murder of benwell tins is laid to have been so untrue that the whole atti tude of the rural dean was altered by its reading he eaidjtu friends with whom he discussed the matter that tho written state ment pf birchall oh the 10th was a lie he is reported to have made a reference to men who die with a lie on their lips all bis hope in the coofrition of the mur dereriwu destroyed the seeming re pentance of birchall which had given him so much gratification and joy appeared hollow after that last statement tbe sural dean was pained to the heart but be determined on a course of proced- ore in connection with the burial service that had been dictated by hat conscience but which fo tbe dead mans relatives and friends it distressing he determined that be rodld not read over the body of him to shorn he had ministered so hopefully sod tirelessly the burial aervice of the church at the hanging he had heard the service but he would not give the body the rites of the church the reason for uiis change in hit ppinion he freely acknowledged waa because of birchahs denial of having made any coofeesion the only logical aequence of this it fo say that birchall has confessed to the sural dean some complicity at least in the crime this mr wade has acknow ledged by aaying fbat he hasjknowu about the crane from the beginning of his minis trations in gaol- 1 woqwtocx nov 10 it ia stsfed here on goo 1 authority that birchkll did really make i confession to rev w s wade but on the condition that it was not to be poblislod until after his wife had left the country 1831 thb ouinv atok 1891 eman country gent the best or tbe agricultural weeklies devoted to farm crops and prooesies horticulture fruit growing iiivsstook and dairying while it also includes all minor d ptrtmenta of sural 1 itereav such as tbe foul rr yard en- tamolcflrbeeseepinsreonhoii andqrapery y replies fsnn questl ins and an- yeteriniry ewers lire sod a si mmary of the news of tt e week- il market beports are unusually c miplete and much at teutfon is paid to the froapecta ol tho crone m tbrowtn light upon one of the most important of all questions wbes to buy and when k sell it is liberally lllust uted and by rvcent ilerf etnant eonlaus mon reading mat- pitcliertcattoria when baby was tick regafesercastofia when she was a child abec led torcastoria when abe became xls abe lung tb castorls wbenabehadclilidm sfce mtsenioaeterla swan igiroside beading dotnestio economy id 10 crops el tbrowtn light upon one of the moat it of all qoeatfonswneo to buy am sell it ia liberally lllust uted and b jlarteinent oontatns mon readlni mat ter than ever before the subaerl itton price is ko pn year butwe otter a sped l bednetion in our jlub eatb6 for lf391l two su btoriptiosf in one remit snee 4 aixsubsorlpuons do d lo twelve subaoripuons do d is urrto ui hew bubacrlbersforli 1 iy1nr in sdvsnoe tow we will sand the p par weekly rom our receipt of tbe remlttsnee to january at lift rltbootobarbe ararsps ilmsn coplet free adilrea luthj r ttjckib son publishers albiiynt remedies but they ly bought a bottle ot and after nalnjr onl tents my head wi heavy growth of hi your preparation tvnrtfl wlv tffinil f rmstlon tl ndi u f makes tho f and sllkct 1 rjpsjta a di11 to b h lartlng pet se rrnl months rjijr lialr com 1 falling out i tried many tood i final s hftlrtlgor pi it of the eon co erod with a r i recommend the best in the world t mundaylshu grove ky i have used ayerla hi it vigor for a number of years and it lis always given mo satisfaction it laaneceleat areas ing prevents the latir rom turning gray insnios its rlgprotu growth and keeps the scalp while aid clean mary a jackson s em iut i hove used aydra i air vigor for promoting the growth of hbe hair and think it uneqtialed jfor reatoring the hair to its original color a id for e dress ing it cannot be snrpaasei mra geo la fover eaton bap da mich ayerthalr vigor la l moat excel lent preparation for the 1 sir i speak of it from my own esperl ince ita use promotea the growth of lew hair and makes ft glossy and soft the vigor ia also a cure for dandnift j w bowen editor enquirer kteaz bur ohio i have used ayers i sir vigor for the past two year and f nnd it all it is represented to bo it real ores the natn- ral color to gray hair ci uses the lialr to grow freely anil keels it soft and pliant mrs m v daylcoboea h y my father at about the age of fifty lost all the lialr from the tup of bis bead after one months trial a ayers hair vigor the hair began coning and in three months he had a one growth ol hair of the natural colorvp j cullen saratoga springs n y j iyers hajrlvigdr razrasin st j dr j c ayer a cjo loweil mais 8om vy cni0ta pad ticrhubcrs j w dkrby veterinary surgeons everton j i ostahio t beats all dimues of dommucatad animals bpecjal attention cven w dlaetsc of tbe tejeth sad moath ofjiorscs so cattle sargfcsj operstioai of sll kinds porfortned yeterlnuy medicfuas ilvtji on nsnd iod prepexed to order chi nrocapur uumded to by dj- or ulshtorby ulojrtph j oincc jlvd eziidexceetarton ont s m cook i co oeobaetows licensed aaotioneerai appraisers valu ators oollectort real estate and general land agesta roa thz couxnes or hilton peel wellington blmcoe york and ontario j uour to lou from 0100 np st six per cent 1irlics ptavclqc their tile orotber business fn oar hindt rill hive tbe mtne prwnrrtjy utendod w st modertifl clurfes j i omce ixd ux rooms 4mul 8t-gjrce- totu or sddresf dox 135 8 u cook t co anctloqtxn i j deaxch omcr si qomh 8tes5t toronto s irl coos ft c0 auctioneers aorgewwn and toronto auction sale fallektimbei i tbe andenifned lu been instructed by ucssrt jo hjji nnd ueoise kiddin eieon- lon for uia sute of the late oliver lasby 3r to tall by public suction pn tbe prcinisos lot 90 eon i esqtnssiiul on saturday 22nd november itioclocishei tbe timber blown down by ie cyclone on tbe btfa jaiyltst on sboxe lot i ttiq timber u princlpeulj becctruid usple sod will imoaut to sereni hundred cords terms tliree tnontliscreait apon urnroved soenrity for psrtlcnlars ipply to ass hsil acton or to j i u heust11ek7 auctioneer i autumn 8so ther mammoth house georgetown after catering to fhe public of this vicinity for tjie jlast 27 yeais iajuat ns livclj just as yonrjg jast as anxious aridts better pre pared now haii eer to do busi ness and would respectfully solicit a continuation and enlarge ment of the geoeroqs patronage bestowed upon u i j we have a complete stock ot dress goods includingthe latest novelties iu plaids combination robes silks sntms plushes silk velvets etc i veliave been busy opening ont largo importa tions and consignments in all tbe different departments and wecau suit aud please both in prico variety and quality tn dress goods dress silks dress trim- miugs velveceii8maiitles uaii tle cloths ulsterirjfjs miljiiiery small wares ot allki uds ladies underclothing hosiery prints giughims checked siirtiugs tickings denimsl jcottonades tweeds suitings overcoatings geuta trnderwearigeuts shirts ties gloves hatsj gaps ladies and gents footvtlarj ready- made clothing beadymade overcoats carpets oilcloths linoleums lings j if aits cur tains etc it would filj a news paper to etmmerate onr stock we will begin in dress goods and winceys at 5cipsr yd we have added a new department to our ordered olotoingi that is fancy flauiiel an8 tieed shirts made to order ou r niake op departments are nit excelled anywhere namelyl millinery dress makiug man tie making and ordered clotbin r we get the best superintet dejnts and hands for the severa make up departments that moi ey and ex penence can procur s come with confideqc ronize us sept 1st 1890 mmmi you can and pat- a new book ifrom cowrto cover ihilly abmavtt with the times websters international ictionary a qflano investment for tlio family scho or lrofff- library the anthenfio websters uno brlded slot ion nir domprlsijs the larncs of 1864 to vsl copyhgntod b of tho ncderslrboo u sow tboronghly rorisod and enlajgod and at o dlrtliijiiahii title bears th baas of websters interna tioausl dlofjonary editorial work npon ibis revision has batm ia aotlro proeroa torvover test tara hot leas ibara one hun dred paid editorial laboren hare been engaged npon it over 1300000 expend ia lie preparation before tbe first copy srae printod critical comparison with any otiar dictunar invited got the best o i c x ei1biam co fnlillshcr sprfnstleld l s a sold by all bookteltfrf llluraui mphlrt treo 18 harfees wekty j tllubthactd bsi hettsti a joans ai3- thirmfn vrsssitfnu arustfei hwe r eel arltsaal opilft bsnkecirtlttlbe west j the pnblle as a 2ffill- i wtsilt will as holor bs edited b j strict regard for the qaalitlet tbatniake it a salt snamloome rkuor to etery hosoe tlmel- wisdom great and timely wisdom is shown by keepioe dr fowlers ztract of wild strawberry on hand it has no equal for cholera cholera morbos diarrhoea dysen tery colic cramps and all summer com plainta or looseness of bowels harpers periodicals i psh veav j harper- a weekly t harpert uaculn harpsrf baamr 4 t u haipert tonm peopla- 8 co fotuse free tb sll tnbtoibert in be uoltd sutea canada ana mexico tba volumes of tbe mjr bejin with t e bumber for janoarr of each rear jvben w time u speeiaeo snbserlptlons will basin wl i tht number current st tbaj time of receipt bt boons volomas of hurras wessij- tbr three rears back in oaat cloth btadlnf will aentbjr mall postpaid oi r bj expense prottoed tbe traignt or br ezpreas free h one dollar per tolnmel tor 70o per rolome cloth cases for each rolame soluble for bindins wljl be sent by mall postpaid oo -e- celpt o7 l00 each bemlttaneea should be made by pcatoslm money order or draft to arold chance of loar rfewsnaprrs are oo to copy tbis aarerteie- ineut without the express order of habrsn bsothkas addreaa hahpee ft bbothebs new ti llasri uajasenl far aale ere a larger shipment of j table covers i table drapes mantle drapes wool felt and chenile in applique and embroider- opened today at r b jermyris these are beautiful goods and well worth the attention all who wish to make their homes beautiful at a moderate cost of v these goods are below regular prices chenile table covers reversible o 85 to 5 50 wool table covers 1 00 up felt table covers applique trimming 2 25 up i beautiful table drape only 1 25 furs furs furs beaver muff and storm collar from 8 50 to25 09 bokarren muff and storm collar 6 50 astrachan muff and storm collar 5 50 and up opossum muff and storm collar 7 25 and up boas in lamb coat and opossum muffs in seal persian lamb astrachan bokarren opossum goat and crjney beaver a big line of gentlemens fur caps cheap the milliner department is booming and the stock very cojn plete r b jekmyn i- is 8mith8 druc 8toie ron roca ill tux lkaj1ixo french english ameaica hajcea kept hi stock bin atkiusous bertrandaluili ua bogen and qallit our importaticis of hair brashes tooth brashes riail brushy dressing coiabs hanjl mirrors flesh brashes turk ish towels bpongee and cnamcda skins ii v017 larce andtcarefouy selected remember tjhe place the oldest drug store in cuelph wgsmitilco cot wywham macdouald streelk idbscblftlomteaen lor etdasa4e i ly oewsnspns or any jonmal w mtaaatae ra wbb to uteal the r 338 dlloo stobs v jykamrtaaetoa apprentice wanted 1 i v is r learn tbe waaxm maklrn and uodartaaias vi bosteem apply at onee to t iisi j a 8pe10bt aetea st agents wanted ii rod want to mart money take bold ass aauinir choice lwatrr stock now tt tbe umtrwrlubsatosiewfiirterma uatbbtrrhersnomrrmtn socbetterx t foe 8ale m vt a boot and two iota tn the rillest ot aetea altoaied otr tha eonwr ofylvuiow and church strata bartof bard and toll water frail treat etc on tbe premlset for partlea laraaddreat bos m blcbmuud hill oai wanted men local or trsreuoi to sell my tuaraatttd kurttry stock- salary rreoumtssloapsid weakly outfit frte- special aftanuon attsii to beftunara wcrktrt nerer tall to mast and weekly wtftf wriumtttoneeforpartleolaxa e o okaam nsrttrymarr thiahooatitrtlitbler toron out actoq 1odge no 204 iooj 7 hfeets la the oddfellowi hall mattbtwal jm block meryweontidttttenuit vltwa brethren efweys welcome roreopy of eoaati- tatiotfaod laws apply to tht nnderaicnm or any of tbemembers c wwrltuafb bbwobden 50 secretary wanted salesmen uwu vonerr stock all qoedi ttmntad ltafrclm peniuaeiitfdfuut tarolluww porftlon for tb ritftt men good 1 murta sum axpeaum pw iibertmii- daeemttits to dianr ho tmioni exptts- tmt niwfttwt oatflt irie- writ lot tens xjhakle8 h chase stmajiata- mention thippr bocheiarky 1 ui centbal meat mabket hiting pfircbued m the bnteber biuinc utdj esnied oo by j wakefield bros we parpote keeptnc in stock a ood anppfr of choice meats fowls game in seaso etc j v5j and allwbo requesta lair ahari of the public patron- r and fed confident or drlng atustssttooto rbinutorlwiiitbwreaatota y abhlet ijfe dr a whford halls health pamphlet disease cored with out medicine s i v jas matthews acton- iu been appointed afmt tot thircjiatta ol dr ball celebrated health fajnpblet which be keeps on harfd tbefamphietrbaimtvlrttt btttmetitlladriamstuwaitwiordlaeaat witb- cmunaaieine hiejriee te the pamphltj ta four dollars and a fnarantee ia atren ttal u thepmnhaserisootaatlafied after pattinc tbe treatment into rnrtiontpraeti lo month to refund tbe money oo the istsrsief tbe pamphlet with a pledfe parer aajn to aa the treatment or allow it to be nted in ettjamay tbe wflferd han treatment wlthoi-t- for the rains recehed from tba siteol thu treat ment pltaee enquire of any of tbe iculowini partiet- i v aetonber dnolfloaafitorlkb cook las atclem abs james mcam john harrey mrs john himr wmtamhatnstreet t c aioora mrs t- c moore ja matth mrs junta abttbewawmuauea mis mullen lamebrmse jamee maitin mrs j atarta wm lane ura v ine- other nsmea will be added wedkly valuable jpfiopeety fob sale the undexalsndoffera the fadowine pareela ot property tor salp npon w tenna bsquksdcg parcel no lthe weathjkof jot heoat esqaeatncalacrea timberjsd parcel no 1part of lot 1 eon ucacrea aboot 0 acres under anil dwellln bonae ahiwfl e atare uid beadini tool an the premises thismlll hssoono a prpluable boatneas far many yeara n parcel no upart of lot u ooei e 36 acrea on tola property ia situated a frame barb ssiso abed jtoso another ltxcc cocotet iafcltdwelub boose and orejardsad atrar fall- tflg tprtns parcel no c part of lot it con 2 aqneatac ssacrea parcel no 5 on tht property lea lot of abon wecobardwooctebtaaddty adtos -t- pitrcel ka abziek bbueaod blacksmith shcrn in tbe rlllsffe o aetrav awo sad abett tulaslcrtaweejthiacaweaeli this property ts situated on main street in a ood location tbeffarm it not aoldlt rfa be ranted fruaxucnlanmaybehadbpoa applicatlcil pertolpyorbyletterto b batei1b bpeysije i k hotel topebtl for 8ab in thj yhla of aotan r the ejeoetore of the latti jams campbell j w1q offer tor salalbypnbhe aocttatt on tbe 6th dy of i attkhocb tomber aj pxm tfcuocl vlllue lots anmbert lbiad 15 oo tie nartli ft- iid6ofuhlddioattiwttide of 1u fttrmt now winter overcoatings to hahi in- i english meltons jiapsv elysiums and other black makesi tjco itown oe3rp orders respectfully solicitedj shawdt dy mer mm qhantltailohi quelph t x on the premises the campbell bow inf a storeyi cantalne alto eood ttabung an botella altuated on vlllaco a few mlnotee has for many years tkrmsten per tnfflelent to make np wben deeto bt detii seukaowa hotel tilrttrlaas stone build- tborti labeds thla street in tbe office aod an ejcellent trade it on day ot aale and on janoary lsttwl ooipegrcb n tr nnn balabpeof pvchate money to btfearitdhby bioceeaas panablela one reel with interest lit atx ieetil pnmiseewillbesolombleetioaleaae which expires lat ot april 11 far loxt-wrpartlctt- lara apply to l llclban mdlieak r wu hbmstbeet solicitors toreiecirtocs auctioneer actau stlawef rapide metoeto sealed tendkb i signed and endo fted lawrence canals- will until arrital of malla on wednesday nesvfor tbe cojaatn etc a mon uuuiu larnmentoftlieba wtllbedltideduito mile in itngth amapofthelooallt tpechcatlontw the een on and alter we xprember nexkat tbl i dentketnofflcst- edtcaiiitoj- intht the tend name tbe sal detweofeaeb anaretrpteov canadaiottbe tbe taawaat tor eaeqat on a eh tb dorted owtb muerttatsadclitbel submitted toa ebr- triie4tea2rr twa dnmrteat itself to accept he etealnallfv qiyision to the under- tetser tor the st r mimteuhieoavt hetaternud wesurn otfdoeernar it lock vfct ha demtuasand en- plat oaial tbe work sectlobaeeeb about a department c lao ou4waru iliiagauailjiitra sesiwswp pt

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