Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1890, p. 4

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mm sflwi reeprbb8 okibhd lb notes here and there m1 c fvf iti i r si iinjn iantlba vja t 1 v j 6 q t ou unit oi2v2rs i r s c n u i ij nim 1 i3m2ip siou i ii ii hi in if k bio ii ii ix1iisi171si1 j i ct tiid uumm klejiiltl i itvtfc a mmi i2wjh rinw ftbt xtnttfra thursday november ffbr moung folks sovcorindiz mitt b at a recent gospel tsmperarc meeliaj flfitotn a maim fishermai known be a sincere chili o god es d in rly life i wis a slave to stro drink e thronch llieiestraasntalit of the itcperance movement t ifvasjed to give it sabseojieatly became con erted to gd and loosing to obey his ai isst last j cxxmind- do tlis in rcmemt acce of w iffeotto uie commaaion the in it rxit luted lie wine so- high wu it ol irged wire alcohol tbe old long o came b k aci from that tcottoent ni ie years a di have never bees once to ti e lord ble i dre do lead myself in tempt- ibeis impostor ticketed feeaiand dr fcb recently took his stand in front o o 2 of the fashionable hotels at antoga pissently audv- came put o with ec 3il haminity and simplicity- a ked him he w long he had been deal an dumb o tnzlsielj thrown o his guard ht rogue in mediately lingered fro i birth m ldam poor fellow p said he lady ax d gave him a ftyeent piece ill ho ihi l a tong for labor for the ruij of tbo baaiucts tit kcr the ate that u ejotrins die tor s for ibr crali thai cm lay a loci tucrr ire roups to iho bcrocs of romance and ujrio fair iiiaidcaaliiis i linp o tfco wrihc oflbc wapcr to uc hands rbt tucr hie dili t ciif to jx aji xho labor xhai uia aiui the carpeniirt r tbl oiaa vui the lict of ue pri tcr and rwi be aro it llcg a scb ipri yo blickerimed fcruui ow c i iuin i greet xc uilcgrunod from tin i aiaj to ibf piniab of the maion and ihc fir that bora to the tiii a tut bs th braje city flrtmra to the luad lhafi trading a boi to the tnatit o the suntyor 12 tbc dtnhs of the forests jloo u i ting to ibc fierce locomotive to the vunuc liebtlioamrca to jic in thai can f uhios a fioa ihare to tictridgo that iiai thtf tin tai frtu the faowiicits of xeir hn ubirc to the wvmj o orcpoa frcai the saadr tiiorcs ctjzric to liiewaarvciorgajvestoc 1 1roci the srbitc sails of lh hadsc i to scv ifciicoi driftiafi tied prom the kbcaifieldj of daioti tj the tiecs otilarjkad arise ia joaciifh brave tollers to laswtr the jreat torld i ceca ycsr humblest bcrles a elszirq lafouowiajltbcirficrcei s lxil to ytif atrchc of li1or the ihtti cf the caticat real the rteaita of yc ar high cieavot ixc scaiou villi usaitaitye ie communion wine how a lady was taker a doctors confess dn i doesnt take much nd advises the reporter i kasabug 01 coarse it is the se es jed science of medicine u a ban bag and 3u i been from the time of hippo ratea co th i present why the biggest cr jc in the ir i tnfaes is a medicine man very f ranfc wis tbe admigsio t espec- ii y eo when it came from one o the big- cet yosng piiyticiins in the t ity one i tosepractice is- among the ti jusndt th jtih be hai been gradaated b t few ye lte says the b offilo cyttrirri tl very cctwaabifl office too with it cheerfal gr ite re it qaeen anne farnit tre and many loonges and easy ciu irs he et rreid the fixe lazily ugh ted a f ft ih cigar ec i wentpn cta the prescriptions laid de i in the boiks aad what- do yoa find poisom m injy and nanseatinff staffs ihi i would rn kes healthy man an invalid whv in- tb world ecience ehoald go 3 po sons for ill remedies t cannot teli uor c4a i find an one w how djes a doctor know the ifiectof medicice he asked he a us pre- way to bed and x done to tell hi fici ihes and goes away the only jit gewcaldbe to etini over the wt icinbe patient this cannot so really i dont know how be wl it good or hnft le does somedme ago yo remember the bokton gujji t oat a rfil ortr with a etited set of syi iptoms he went to eleven prominent pb siciant an brought bicfc ejerea different p escrip tiots this art shows how much th e is in medicine j here local diseases of various char- ctre forwhidi datureprovides edits toey may cot be inclojjed h ckr piijeicians list perhaps jeir siaipjiqty bat the etid r car live power is beyond kid aey distatfi is cared by wartjei cca a stnctiy berbalremedy tbe asands b i ersoce every year write- as c gai iiner of poctiac b l aogost lfew years bko t saffered mo 1 afclyeier mil be known oauide pro nrw items or oenerfcl inuroit to froe press readert it i better to fight tor i hi goo j uiau to fatlftltheill it it aafe t n dtra r ihy ot rtrwmin worm pow- only on tho wormt and doitut hijhcilia th ltd re muter of thylf it thou wilt b the errant ot virtue uie tli u pataaut aad eftwtual woim kitlrr motfac gravoi worm exur- min a tor tvothtofl equal i il procar a bottle and ty ft inme ho who toitowihia rocroiliou ioitoad o uti buataesa iu 1 1 a littlo time iav do baaintta to follow i sick hpadaclio daawd by oiceii of bile or a dtiordertd ttotdtch ii promptlv rtlier- cd by uting nalioml pill uappinett u a perfume whkh ooe can not ihed over another withcrat i few dmpt fajliok on onii wl ricul uonii bralkaacalds and call arc quickly oollid and healed by victoria carbolic bajvc i ii if a in prompt potent and permanent reaulta ilwayi come romj the aw of alilbarat aromatic qatotte wine a good word ii an uy obligition bat oot lo peak ill require oaly our lilcncc winch cosu as nothing ul wo k and no play we hi aid tiki kindly mi il bo rial ti a ted the laying all no pu work mc aim rood auujp llw giving m how oft to know the asms of tbt roakw jsok s dull bi nimj lus iisftabvlt bblbls titer biro soalitoday ny s jjck thsreorssuoo be need m do fd ntlu red i athe end employee jtitt ts they are sboat tossy no to mmo 1 iili rtrjuoat lor a holiday thlok of the ginlal olti proverb sod send the youugite i swsy bsppy ssyldg qo my jexct i w once young myself vlutu one dijyi woi for a hesltliy hvtr li to lecrtle tl ree mi a htlf poaadt of bile if tbe bile t cretioa be defloient oooitlpeuoo i t profutt blliouiaw tnd jtandloe srlie bq dock blood bitten u the mpii perfect 11 for prevci bymps by overooraeiovil tad itreogilieni good i hardest 1 disarm reiuuqoe pielts the eart ajid drawi oat the better ptrt of h msa n tare ccric inualco orxta my h rte wu to afflioted with diitcmpe that h i could not drink for fbari dy aud refaeec aii food simply apply lag mia11db liniment oatwirdly cared hie i feb 1 everywhere oae eaquirtss in toroato ai to who is ia- reaiity the prod ace r of the best art suined ghusin that city the reply ii aaantmouy in favor of jw mc caatlafld or son all of the finest resi- denccs ia toronto have delightful cr- amples in tome form or other from this firm thc trbdble we suipect scarcely ever comes haw much pain the evils coat ai that have neftr happcaed j mluufxws montng expert note that cholervnevcr attacks the bowels of the earth bat human ity ia general find it necessary to use dr fowlers extract of wild btmwberry tor bowel complaints dy watery dianacei etc it is s aire care howbfteido we find that apparent ad- rertity hu worked far greater happiness thaa the greatest prosperity iflad vottt 0n bofinesi those meu aiwtyt sacceed best who mind their owu basincss the reason is probably because they meet with such iiitle competition imperial cream tartar baking powder ia the moat nccessfnl baking powder in the market because it it- tends lo its own bsiineas ilaeljs on its own merit not by abasing other similar preparations j the earth is oar workshop we may not carse it we are boand to sanctify it we most strive to raae humanity one single family mr w thayer wright pq had dys pepsia for 20 yeantj tried many remedies and doctors bat got j no relief his appetite wai very poor had a distressing pain in his aide and stomach and gradual wasting cay of flesh when he heard of and im mediately commenced taking korthrop t lymans vegetable discovery the pains have left aniihe rejoices ic tbe enjoyment oi excellent health in fad he is quite a new man whatever kind of persons yoa seem to cherish and support these yoa will be thought to resemble if tour haas is an 7ire mpdfelne otto xoa pet water on the burning timbers not on the smoke and if yoa have catarrh you shoald attack the disease in the blood not in yoax nose remove the impure cause and the local effect subsides to do this take hoods sarsaparilla the great blood purifier which radically and per manently cures catarrh it also strength ens the nerves be rare to get only hoods sarsaparilla if a man does not make new friendships as he advances through life he will soon find himself left alone a man ahoold keep his friendships ia constant repair liniment for and it haf cured lot 5 or refill a tor known in medicine ting ud coring ill liver trouble cstt hirdzht clkx c c rjciui 6 co gtlxtsii have used your mtnattd8 bronchi til and asthma ne i believe it the best l i msa a lmxostox bad co npauy ii the most dangerous of all tempt tioqii for one man that ii led astray b love qf vice thoaundssre ruined by the se lactions of others the j safest most powerful alterative is a ers sarsapiuilu young and b iliko bcncfltwl by its use for tho eruptive dis eases peculiar to children nothing else is so effective as this medicine while us ogrcea ble flavor makes it easy to admin- later my utile boy had urge scroln- lous ulcers on hts neck and throat from which he suffered terribly two physicians ml he grew conifnnally i uder ilielr care and everybody 1 he would die i had heard of theren irkallej cures effected by ayera arapirilla aid decided to have my boy try it suortly after he began to take t a tacicfuc he ulcers com- menctil hralingond after tming several icit- ic was cntirr ly cured he is tow a healthy and strong tx any boy of luc ige wiliaiu dougherty llamiik ii va in kfay ia my yonngest child ftkitteci gather iiifintlti cjliiau to have sores n ils bbad and body we ap plied v iriotu tfiiinle remedies without jehc sors mcreaexl ittuitmler avail aeddtsi wiis cz muhipl at last harl ronloosly a physician cd bntwlic sores comlnuetl to until in a few mouths they vred tie child head and body u c ucan the use of ayers sar- saparill in few days a marked change or the hotter was manifest tbe sorvsasj timed aimore healthy condition the diiiiharges fwere gradually dimin ished i nd finally ceased altogether tlie chi 1 iz livelier its skin fx fresher aad its lppctite better limn we have ob served 3r months frank ji griffin long vc eut texas tlic formula of arers kamaparilla present for chronic diseases of almoet every k nd the bent remedv known to the iue ial world d il wilson jl d arfcansas ayers sarsaparilla ratriazn rr r dr j ayer k co lowell mass pricci iiutwe wcniflaboula tlraef- wfsdobu great i nd timely wisdom it shown by keeping i r fowlers extract of wild strawfaenyonjiand it has no equal for cholera cholera morbus diarrhoea dysen tery colic cramps and all summer com plaints or ooieuess of bowels wwmclellani lyup 0 writes 4 was afflicted with rfaeumatlsn and had given up hopes of a core by chance i saw- saw dr thomas ecfectrie oil recommend ed i immediately sent fifty miles and purchased four bctdas and with only two applications i was sole to get azoandyand although i have not psed one bottle i am nearly well theoilkrthreebottlesigsve around to my neighbors and i have had so many calls for more that i feel bound to relieve the afllicted by writing to you for a supply j connmrudn cured h you ant to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in 1 he toronto fteetfy mail thai a per reaihes 100000 farmers homes every wed and your advertisement should meet the e re of someone who wants to pur chase vertisemenu of this class are in serted in ie toronto ifceiy mail for five cents a w rd each insertion or twenty cents a wcrdforfite insertions address the kail conmtol canada i aperial confederation will pcei ent an opportunity to extend the fame of j r fowlers extract of wild strawberry the onfaflinjr remedy for cholera ciders morbus colic cramps diarrhoea yseutery md all summer com- plaints to verj part of tbe empire wild strawberry never fails ia 4uty to make it fcnawa to his suffering jjellowi actuated by this motive and desire iorelieve hamsn suffering i will seed free of charge to all ecaose nee of ispnie s safe h j 1830 e than if my eeil miiii kidaey and liver complai it it is he oil story i visited docto after doci or but to cottail i was at k wport and drbiackicaa recommended w jtiers saf care i commenced the use of x and fobid relief ici medially altogethei i took thre botiia and tfrathfntjy state cure i me lite thiamins bat it herapid action of the great paii cure fnvnerviftne fo relievfog th most paio is a matter of wondei to all who have need it there is notbiof sur prisi ig id its results for it i made f tbe sttoc eet purest and inoit ei cieul ptae lies known fo medicine net dllne cubes toothache instantly rheamati m is at ion relieved by it4 use and tbe lame may e said of airkinds of pain 8i mple bottlis costing only 10 cents at any drag stare tho larg9 bottles only 25 rats fcso id kervihbe sold ly draggist4 conot y dealers aa old physician retired from practice having had placed inhis hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedr for the speedy and per manent care of constmptioa bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical cure afterhaving tested its wonderful curative boils ca nancies and other skin erup tions indict ie that the system is endeavor lag to reje t poison o as acids and that ayers san ipariila is imperatively neededi it is the mc it reliable of all blood medicines ask your di aggisi for it and take no other n i reobamtttd it as superior to say pnscsipuoa known to ma h a ascnam u d til ba ohord bt onoiorn t i wllesltaortomli tu ootum oamxitt imr umtk t but and comfort to llic 8nflriuc drownl iloouhold finuc liki no qail r rtuevlnilpiin both inlerotl mj itwnii it oarei ptln in tbo ildo biok 1 1 boweli mr thmt thogmiaiiin tooth- i olio lambujo dd in klod of pilo or ike jlt will mcut loroly olcken the hood tad heil u ilt utlng power it roodoifal browni hoatthold fin eabliix ickoowloddod n the gratt tin beliaver todol double tho itreogth anjr other eliiir or ltnimeot la the lorlj iboald be in every liraily hudjr or ate nhen wanted ai it reallj ia tbe ieat remedy in the world or cramp in the tomaon and paiua and achei of all klnda nd ia or tale by all drnggiati at 35 oeoti bottle bick el anticonaamptive syrup ii a ombination of lereral medicinal berba rhich exert a molt wonderful iunaeace in i oring j pulmonary conimnption and all ither diaeaiea o the lnngi cheat and ihroat it promote a free and euy ez- ctoratlon and gives ease even to the i reatert infferer coahi coldi ahortneaa f breath and affection of tbe cheit at ended with weakneaa of the difieative djrgaoi or with general debility teem to tanieli under ill ate no other remedy leu o readily in allaying innammalion or broakiig ap a cold eren a aovere coagh it overcome by ilt penetrating tbd healing properliea when children are affected with colda cougha inflammation of the lnngi croup qainiey and tore throat hit syrup it of vait importance tbe number of death among children from these die- eiuea it truly alarming it u to palatable that a child will not refute it and it put at tneh a price that will not exclude the poor trom iti henenti the third page of the toronto daiij ail is noted for want advertitemeoti 1 you want to huy or tell anything ii ya wasit aaitualion a mechanic a- buii n eaa machinery lodging if you have loit o fouod anything or if you want to find 0 it where anyone it advertise in tbe to- r into daily mail and read tbe advertiae- nenlion the third page of that paper the charge ii two cenu a word each frtiou t la addreaa the hail toronto fcan aancx to ilothma are youdiaturbed a night and broken of your rett by a tick c ilid tafferid t and crying with the pain of cutting teeth t if ao tend at once and get aj botlie of itn wintlowa soothing rup v for children teething it value incalculabfe it will relieve the poor tla infferer immediately depend upon mother there i no mittake about it it care dyieatery and diarrhoea regulate the stomach and boweli caret wind colic tofteut the gumt redoce inflammatioa and givu tone and energy lo the whole iyetm mrawintlowtsootbingsjtap for children teething it pleaunt to tbe uate and ia he pretcriptioa of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nuraes in the united staled and it for tale by all druggitta throughout the world price twentyfife cents a bottle be surer md kforj lias waslowt soothrxo srarr and take no other kind 1 j lmar4f lxaineat fir sale eterrwtre ph0t0gbaphic views the wellknown photo artist of acton easjaatpurchasodaflne new viewing camcri i and is now propared lo eiecote order i tor pbotograpbic views of residences picnic parties lawn gatherings stock etc etc in any style dcslttsd powers in thousand of has felt it his who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for- preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a jtotes 820 powers block rochester k3t mfnartfs u tit mem far sate everywlierc t consumption n its first stages palatable j as milk be sure you get the jgenuine in salmon i color wrapper sold by all druggls f at 50c and 100 scott k bot bedevfllc he peoples mistake people mike a sad mistake often with serious reso ts when they neglect a consti pated condi ioa of the bownls knowing that burdoc blood bitters is so effectual cure at any it age of constipation doe not warrant as in neglecting to use it at the right time use it now the lady tionally lonf iodivs mast have had exoep- hair since it completely con cealed her ovely person since ayers hair vigor ame into nse such examples are not so n re as formerly it not only promotes th growth of hair bat gives it s rich sjlkea i axture a lifetime the rheumat be promptlj affections of kauubawa rcpaulioa will cuiara critclass nrlr peave j oar orler rhmshkw the artist equal kilil all have equal rights in fifeatd liberty and the pun uit of happioess hatmany are handicapped in tbe race by dyspepsia biliousness aek of energy nervous debility weakness oc astipatido etc by completely removing th e complaint burdock blood bitters coujrers untold benefit on all luffereri sf torture is often endured by their pangs may however relieved and the disease eradicated with dr thomas kcleotrio oil which is mo roofer a swift and tuorough neuralgia lame back sores bruiserfrost biusoornt excoriated nipples inflamed brefsu liver complaint and all he breathing organs when yoi titer eating notice anpleaunt sensation it once commence the use of korthrop ijmant vegetable discovery andoor djtpeptia will disappear bir james sianliy merchant at constance writes m wife hu taken two bottles fbos bernady forcttanh ur tie sfl aamlotlo pie and cheapen ss catarrh sola by drnnlsta or acq t by mall too i t haxdtlno warren pa- v 8 a t tbd1t 0a11ed ieb greatest medicine world till atsolately oaaraoteai as cla mod cr money refoadad i faafphlets testlsuidalt etc fsze itm ctdih lkcboh lilltcr co ltd i2t kins st w toronto ont 8oa ktuofactarers i irths domlniozu idtbewaie of mpotltionsl gee our tradsmara jkxtiof- vrild j cures holjera jholcz amorbiis ho lil c ira mps aliihea lysehterx wdallsummeii compunrrs 1 ind n uxcs of 1 he bowels i r is 8 ve and rl liable foa iwllohelnoraelhitsi special value id horse bankets whips trflftks halter j i single and double harness v j h matthew all in need of any of the above cannot do better thanlo leave their order with hip as nothing but the bestrnaterial is used in the manufacture of his goods eight packages of new goods received at the- righ house this w rest goods one case corset one case tweeds on oase bra floods 7yv7 tvt ry cottons black silk velvets surah silks checked bilks for e fsjnusz l 1 in krenoh style new uoes whloh are really beantifalthe ladle j f handsome open work tray cloth which are srbattb u tjut to rins fingering yarns hoi bapporten skirt bntm fuoneta ory tmw u jeney flannel denims duck shirtings cottonad- cotton y tp assortment of maill and ulster cloths in sealette dog skins umb skins beaver serges plsjd wrlucrsw jjs i imported this ttaabn from tbe best british and oermao makers and selling ofl very cheap a special limb uriia et8 selling off at orbatly beduced prices canton flannels jboh 1 0 the be8x jd8t see thetbeduotionson last winters mantles and mantle olotbs the qualitfe lahb good and the btyle8 almost the same as last year the mantle8 abe jubxkd down xbuh consiluog of ooe carpets one ba in charming thi lighted with tbi make their tables ook most fatoin ttlng baldwins fingering 1525 to j0 to jujsbiyrom i1j to k fkom 18 to tl the mantleclothbamwnfbom fu0 hrom tsm to fj from mm to 75o and from tm5 to il the t305to flo brom tim to fj from mm to 75o and from ta76 to ti i stoc linoleums floor and stove oilcloths mat8 matting8 rugs carpet 8webp1 of cabpet8 8 in bisbel8 materials in best make8 window poles window blinds window curtains and curtal nottingham swiss and irish point laces cbenllle madraa and art mnalins and other mw style ail pfferink m m wwess priois carp bade and laid at the prices quoted by tbe yard be sore to tee the millinery the sty le an j see you are east of the carpet window before you enter tbe atore corner of king street east and hnghmu street bonn pletm hamilton oct mrd 1890 ttkiijsrs tbe colder weather loaches yoa yoa draw tbe curtains earlier the fire blaie in iho grate or upon the hearth yoa overhaul last winters wardrobe and think of needed thing for comfort if warm uoderwear or hosiery it deficient yoa make note of it sod yoa then need to add another note concerning gb rrix cos u tbe head quarters for reliable winter goods the large quantities of both gentlemens snd ladies heavy underwear and hosiery which we are telling thia teiton indicate not only successful selling bat correct judgment in baying and that meant for yoa assortment in sizes variety in styles i cheapness in prices all of which qualities are prominent in our underwear and hosiery do you know the comfort and luxury of an eider down qoilt 7 we pick one out for mention from a mountain of lightneas and softness covered with french sateen about ail feet square filled with clean white fluffy down and warranted to hod it eight dollars each we cannot paint in cold type the qualities of our dress goods but one or two skeleton fact are enough in a case like this to head thrifty byen our way half dollar dreaa goodt have you any idea of the eitent of our ttock of these goods in fall and winter weightt much belter ttuff thanjoove been used to seeing at 50c finer qualities choicer styles richer coloringt ask to have them shown to you you will be delighted with them we have ttill on hand a few of those choice drcst goodi wilu border to matoh in all tbe latett ahades and only 35c per yard double width our dressmaking department is very buty and oaily growing hosier all work guaranteed ttrictly firttciast g b ryan co guelph istet goods zktoibib goods cheap good ordered clothing department for the fall snd winter trade we lave now in stock the finest range o suitings overcoatings and pantings you crer laid yoar eyes on wbatrcr joa vant in clothingit wll pay yoa wcom to as as prices a right fit rfjbt auditrlerigbl e nts furnishings sew shirts coiiats coffi ties ind lndorwoar ia abundance readymade clothing si liens voulbs ik t aad childrens suiuaad overcoau ws bsve a vary large stock at very lov prices kelly bros acton canadian printers read i i i can furnish the best presses for country news and job work to be had in thife country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press t i c07uee to hcton knd see our 1 liriproved country prouty press ht itfork the frbe press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits nojf 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work it it i- ra1lw it 3a teeth with opm without a platlis itxtjuih tluiadal cr h oub iu0 i jutsmlta 1 tofc e 6 whttcb ihe detroit ptrwtst brrwtt aoi8laf0f ttron pts ztins beitwtsra idetboit anj cleveland fet7 paatphkeriptji piabttaortlioi si citvtuurruiiitticti r u rdogk kiood hll oi ire hu0usc dyspepsia mdi6estioi jaundice erysipela sait bheu beartbur neadachl jiaot euery j stomac kci rl eueve 41 01 the hearrvsl mn y of hi 1 the st0maom dryhebs ftrlslffliif cf d mass niissag it jbmtsrsys ibhloob m tarcstjsgali wosisl in canada over i 0 styls of hay sfcmes qrafh soi lesf farm j scales itea s6alje s imprevedsucjw cases udker drawers hntcuffgn am ikrcai aaoazsa raul c wfuom ft 6 o espum adej street east j torofstc 6rnf tuis casci e cry m t bofpua wrfi ke tam4 son ci cream mini purest 8 mowoest bi alum aumon e w gl lleit jtatlf iti no ujje pmosp katerialt jrocnsto03t tjtitcejuritiejiainisiciihii tkvvrhjovci ottja tua atoltttwlsstta wjuwrnm wmpcitsm asinitaj tf 6st rua kaks 8bt telrtteswwltw ttmrumtaand i fw twt aq wwimtaaim i mm i to amw ms fmt 3ltw mxml- taw os bmtftb uxtf m e xt 1 u w iq rtpttm a ct tka 8 bit onuxt k junnb baling pol thectjoclsistffiieffi t thcnsxu krrtnistnlll uk sxn11 kttojhir ei jfc bolnwtmhl iiww dunutthg xwy us rottlth- t mtjlrim bltrtw 4r fw ah ik mar imtntfvmf t bo fci fslhn lk a thjttlrrttvmii lm hk- m laarjratrt brti umiltinl 11 rirm tttiflt tt aatff fcf mwjm3 we have ran tbi proaty for eight years aud the longer we ran it the better ws llks it it i y to handle omtlflttflt or repafrs and i easy on th printer pooket xk w bsl it tu ffisar fe jay for the money some and see our press at work if you desire samples of work end rhift v ta sf mf we can giv your choice of a number ol different size sof pr tat u prio iexterwikatbif think o t a ne 8 f or 5 co1 qto power press for only 600 to 700 or am 8 col book press tor 800 full particulars from hpmqope 1 1 m sjssmm mmmmmm jil agent lor canada acton jdm il- mvarcure tiiimsqisi wurkbea plajnts bdittlbiln house peaier aslificjijatl rsmwjt pbswrtpi

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