Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1890, p. 3

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wm mv- w bkf kor utv the wife o coo borrili muton on hosofasoi hlliat horobv oi not utli the wile ol v 6 hall ot a son okmdmeuiol mr ales p pkt lowrj frwxh itku lu v lton election tfllau nor tad lljo rtte oc vvro nor toll tin life of suusjn aftltoo 01 blotn it of a no htxirrxn mtltor so haunant of a xcuirrrlnnltjim sot itlh to tilt ol watekaaterotison mcdefoilt to ufl no oa nov tad tbo vtlt adeoitr 0lrutm lit mill oo not ttiiuie wl o thaduilbnluioi t dsagtifec lkktlln iboq qsoonov isui lbs wifs of allan bowmen ft daughter hunitoktn nats uw 00 not rlta the trite of jfttbm ham itoo of daughter kiuat itonrox n iell oo ui mil november uio wife of c w a ii ot it daufhur wiqca bond r nor tad at ii uedlsoo evanoetoroota tie wife ot mot v a wal lace ild ot ft diu liter v rfiei lio aluiodiit i th tibpeo of nn v ifc clruens o this connt i kho ooriclndefi sjf m ibsr dis miesi i oil lbs petition sgetnil tblktarn of john nildle mp election hrtal t tew v wits ego the oo mly would bo allowed to tit lejitown to its i ormal wndltfjm tid hear io more abour protests and trials for a trio th or so at leasfj hive bow frustrated the i oers of tbo codtorvative party in tho ooan elaim that th dectaiou lu the ace of th endenbe adduced is unfair and haw instil itid anappir f rem tbo judgement of ci let justice axiieur the ueoeeaary depot it baa boon paid into court and tho apnea 1 h to the supreme court of couada com fiasloravat kramoia no the t h nov by rev h j fair ffdolplvto uln sarah e srin yfllan on uth no- router by her1lui iulhjutt french to ocelli aria diusl allot uodlu tor ot tlic late ooo ilea price ito ai tbo residence of the bridcl tiujw ou the 1kb xov b r kev qeotve wat jn ot detroit nolo ot the bridt air thoa mooeaii 1 1 ulnuie yonuscfti daurh- tcr ot wx boom abton xomj oibd hl fc the sou nor tufant mo of s hall agei jf dayi h ontpa on norerabir tadattera hor iuuob irotobor harrloit- ii- c la norfolk ttroet uetbodist hurth oseloh woiiunit bi late roaldeoce itanlealde bamlltou on the sith nor j it wullama usf n 2- apd r reart lather of alr3uli altei d u ardmore of torooto i ii thcrsdat ij rxcfcir fr irtss held the ihlcf jnetioe otj the supreme court anno incod on monday that when the que- becli it now before the eourt haa been con clude i die court will odjuni to sonic flay in i oeinber to bo ftiod hereafter for the purp aciof delivering judgmcutf and that the c otorio list would in cohaoquejioo be iver until after the chrutmas holi days ve uudentaud however that ai the j alwu caac will pe simply an argument on jieipointi of law no new evidence betn ptrmltted it till occupy the atten tion of he court or but a abort time and pres iurtwill be brought to bear to secure the locmon of tho court belore the holt- aav 1 kovember sr 1890 notes a com it isunderstood that tiie next session of the ontario lesjislature will open in the latter part of january the rule in lie cdvemment savings banb is steaiily ailing during the month of october the withdrawals amount ed to fuysi while the deposits were but f22os3l i the marriage bcense fee in quebec is f is a lower charge is made inthe united states many eouples living near tic boun- j dary line cross the border to get united in all probabliti- be quebec charge will be reduced to meet- tie foreign oompelilcon i the prosptcu of a canadiin egg uid poalirv trade in englaiid are described bj- ir simdfiit who was sent oxer by the government to look into tiem as being the gotniinent uia be commended for the efforts it is niaing to find nev map fcets for caaadiaii prodactc by consei t of tise medical facalty o the cciveraity w toronto and through tias liberaliiyol kr w italoct ilp vice- ancellor prof rameay wright k4- sc jeft oa xoetday for berlin ger many to learn all that to be learned fo regard to dr kochi great disoorery for the care of confnmption atofjbfreemanmp thb wekknowr liberal whip a victim of typhoid fever 6 hoit kor23 joha b freeman i p j foe vortir norfnlfc died at hu home bei s yesterday from typhoid er mr pr email m ipi hi the mot prominent oh i in the local uegilatare oataide of uu cabinet i toce ts33 he hu acted aa hipifor the liberal and in tin capac- it wajwell known he wu a rery genial g ltlemaii and a popdar with the coa- k vititet a with bis own party ifr f eemaa wu decenced from u e -loyal- stuck hi maternal grandfather having a driven from the united sutet by the ivolatipa ha was bora in the to wnabip windham norfolk county on aog22 lf3j aud wi edaoated at the coanty tx ichooi there in 1861 he married is daughter of lheiate thorn a scatchard t wyuin middlesex coanty by whom he saves small family foe yean heocca- ited a prominent position in the windham cownahip conncil and ia 1873 wa nomin itedbylhe libenji to ceatetckorth koc- folk he had aueuy victory aud wax agaia sabaeqaently returned at th ceneral wectiomofi893i8sgandlkw mr free man has been ill for the jiast few days with typhoid fererjfodhif death ru not aatx peeled they will both hang 11 at a me tins of the chamber of com merce last weet ia liverpool sir george badenpoi edj ilp said that the n united 6u tes tariff lawjiad given a greaj imtas io canadian iodastriea bj thonit o nada wai wise in developing bei oversea tn in speaking of her valaabli natnral n soexces he said that canadi ofiiered ma 3 j opportanlties for the inreat meat of bptiah capital because he belietet there would hot be the financial ragmrie there that had auiarteterized americai goversmeat and legislation about half ofot ladyreaderij parti calariy thk little glrk are wepresnme already mi ich preoccnpifiii with the snbjec of christiias presents and allsorfs pretty thix 5s re bezng qevised ttwf some a them are a ready being made the thingi that are 1 1 be boaght are nota a rale allnded to aite go soon bat the choice 11 already be lag made already the ahof windows re being studied with a new interest liid the advertising colnmni ficanned vd h more of purpose than usual those advrc rising are acting wisely who are already in he fieldand who are sowing the seed from 1 hicfa they hope to reap within a- month rtakes a little while for an ifw to gennina t and the id winch is planted first haatie best chance oicominglo inatarif jj witeu plan chard and lamontajrrie to go to the gajiowa in december ottihi not 17 the governor- gener al has caref oily renewed the evidence taken in the care of w w blanchard oow inisnerbrooke jail sentenced to be hanged on the 12th dec for thamarder ot one ciikinr as veil u the report of the judge who tried the case and the memor andum of sir john thompson to the council recommending that the law should be allowed to take its coarse and lord stanley has come to the conclusion that justice his been done and he cannot inter fere blanchard will be hanged 00 the 12th of dec within the precincts afrsberbroofce jail oa dec 19tlt kami lamontagne for the murder of bis brotheriniaw will be hanged in the same placs eisexcelleocy for the same reasons as in blanchardc case will not interfere with the sentence two other cases have yet to be disposed of dr mock ridges teetotal principles tonoyro nov 25 the monthly temper- anoe meeting of the church of the ascen sion was held in the schoolroom last night rev hg baldwin rector occupied the chair the address of the evening was de livered by eev lhockridgeiatof ham flion now assistant at holy trinity in this city for 20 years he said he had not tasted uqotpr even as a mfrfinm it wae only as such that liquor was any good at all and then only in rare cases the harm done by ifwas widespread he urged his hear ers to abstain from strong dnnk altogether suicide at co bourc this is ni t an off year in a national sense for it is the year of a congressixial el an the general interest was not less than i 1 a pressiental year although t was n jt so much pictnresque incident it is the yes r of reckoning with bepdblicaii abase of pbi er an abuse shown most fla grantly in t ie contemptuous treatment of the mfnorirj in the house in the monstrous excesses of the tariff and in the flagrant defiance of c encial honor and honestv in the iipublican political ha it has showi campaign in ferhisylvaiiia thfielectioi has demonstrated anew the titand vigor of the country that there isvpatriotic spirit coboom kov 20 w ataft aged 3f who was until recently employed as a bar tender by john f scboles yooge street toronto suicided here tuesday by taking rat poison which he tie with an apple he took the stuff in the morning bzt it did not- work quickly except to cau him terrille0ny4ndatmghthe told what he bad done a doctor was calledin but it was fed isle taft came here a few weeks ago to visit hi brother he baa been in poor health and had grown very despondent ng and going vhitort o andfrri acton nd vrlouiothrpironinota up ykting irimoa lu mm i mobrlne o otrltn idling irlemli bar ihe put vhn ffa ttoodou mr and liatro been wk mill kirk ol itoobnter n y bu ban tho rutat oi miu loltlt uemitrnt ihe pail wnk rev jobb b freeman of whitby hu accepted tt a call to tin bcoond biptlit chonh ot elph mr aud in w h denny nere guaau at the wed ling of mill minnie watton norral lu week mr ejvmnl b nloklin oi olovanville n v hu boealyiub very low with typhoid fever the put week mr win clcmtnli uetity sheriff hilton who hu been 111 sritli typhoid ever it itetdily improvinvt mr j mi williami regiitrar o bimit- ton lather i mr w d beardmore tor onto wellinovrs here died on toeeday mr and mri robert nlcklin of foruge la prairia man are ilowly recovering from their reoout attack o typhoid fever bev s f hocitii becreury ot the methodiit geueral conierenoe ii la tor onto bird it work ta preparing lliemiuatei oitbelateeonlerenoelor the pma mr i fllloua and miu l falloua who hat been tiiitiod riendi here or aome timu ltt or montreal on thoraday to attend the doatbbed o their brother mr and if n g c speight ire vititing rieudi iu markbim tbii week they usiited in an iutereetingeveot yeiterday tho particulan o which will ho given in next nine kev a cnuutugfaam oi gait hu accept ed the invitaliou to the putorate of the dabiiu 6trtet methodiit church guelpb next july iubjct to the action of the 6ta tiooine committee miu gertrude ltwlcr b a one of the teaehen in traiuiug at the gaelph cotleeiate institute uu accepted the poaitlon of eog liih miucrit the btratford collegiate in- itiluta at a lalary of 11000 mr a c campbell fonneily of the fb pax tt present ocoupiea a good poaitiou on one ot the vauoouver bc dailies h thinki vancouver a- very fine city aud ha c very great aith in iu fatnre the petirboro zxanlur of tuesday layi yi eterday at the reiidenoe of mr robert ei hand north moaaghao hil daughter mitt clara eutiind m married to dr john m shaw of elora formerly ed tot of ihe eiprtu the cere mony vu terfonued by kay 8 j 8horey the deal i of prof htrrihgtou formerly of g oeiph c t nnouooed in another column many of oix readers will remember the iplehdidcaitau the haymaken ren dered undei- the eupervitioa ot the pro fetaor in acton on the 23rd march 1880 ia which a larga number ot the young people participated what an outblipahtaays kivimimr mai ilhmo withlnt w y twacnoh m id ltiihtriu tfce mal tlhofj editor v it aetna oonpii if weeldiiamib4 dowlng ii lklut u acton bu i poptlat otj of ltoo u twelve njilee from ooelph m thlrtyflve from t tronto and eu bout ofaoveral important ajntorla y w h storey ij foi cauada qlote worki la oue of the pritolpal industries till firm manufactores all kinds ot gloves atdmilk irom the ooaramt stoga to lbs flbeit unllned kid they slso manufacture same forty lines of moocitlus from book- in set oow tntelopei cvj from iso to 3 persons are gives employment and this is evidence that i very large bmlueea ii done the preiint year hu been the best in the history of the bnilnesa beardmore i oo have bne of the most commodious sola leather tanneries in the ptotlnoe and turn out about 1300 sides of leather per week tbey employ a large staff of workmen oue item of uteres in connection with the establishment is the immense quantity of hemlock bark used i tinning pbrposei tills is principally shipped in from the georgian bay peuin- sola and the firm pays ihe qtr each year or freight on bark alone between 110000 and iu0oq i the acton tanning co ni established t boa of years ago and promisee to be a besiueu of considerable magnitude they have erected a floe and commodious gronp oc buildings the principal one being tix itcriee in height the promises are fitted w th numerous modern laborsaving machinery about fifty men are employed and thirty additional hindi will be put oh by spring harness and cordovan leather aos the products the buckskin tannery is engaged iu the the manufacture of buckskin and other leathers foe he canada glove works and mr l francis also has a tannery for supplying kid aod other fine leathers for trie same establishment mr h t arnold runs the excelsior gjovo works a small shop employing about ten hands i aofonhu slsoa si w mill shingle factory two pliniog mills two roder flour mills and the usual industries incident toaooentry toern ot abovo population the acton fexx panas not excelled if equalled u a local paper tin the domioion eiiber in excellence of matter meohanical laatfl and akill injmakeup or quality ot paper used wbile the jab vocfc executed ia not only equal bat superior to most city work consequently a friendly visit and codfldestial interview here could not fail to prove pleasant and profitable rhere are several fine charchesgood c tools a model town ball numeroul at recti ve private residences a commodious park and eood boating clean streets good sidewalks well lighted and expecting electric light shortly dot ihe town bu thn moil indifferent car r lkofthe day an epltorie of the worlds dotniji durins the week superior to r irty spirit a consemtive in- dependefice rong enongli to resist the dragooning o party and to stand fast for wise and lonest connctfoii harpt kltkly the cano lax iaaafccdrcr says we protest in the name of self respecting can adian manlic a against the whining in dulged in by t se empire anenl the ameri can owriershij of canadian nickel ruines to judge fron some of its utterances one might sappbs that the americans who hare become j assessed of these mines had obtained there in seme surreptitious and dishonorable n anner and that canada had nxn merrsaci ed anif cheated in the trans action xothi ig could be farther frpm the facf a we radersfand it the mineral regions of con da were open to whoever might desire to prospect them they were rsxepscied and if these deposits were not discovered and secured by canadians in stead of by am ricans if was not because the americans iad resorted to any illegal means to prevei t it the act upheld the manitoba legislature has ihe rgtitto abolish separate schools wdcxiteg kov ii the most ircport- int judgment erer given in manitoba was lelivered by etudge kiham today in the elebrated appeal of the homan catholics gainst ail act passed by the hst lcgisla- ure abolishing separate schools the act as sustained- the case will be appealed 1 3engiand as the catholics will not be i fisned until a decision is obtained there the departcient of agriculture has received advice i from the goernment sanitary bureau u washington hat cholera isepinemic jpipan to the province of kagasaki betw en september 12th and 21st there were l31 deaths making in af from ihe ootijrek of the epidemic 2171 deaths and 382 newcatea ia the prow idce of osaka doting the three weeks end log september l there were 8c deaths and 3833 new ttwts the oatbreak is represented to be of a very viral en t form- the disease is ah prevalent in the corean islands the deatt up to the end of 6eptem ber having reacbi 18000 thisiotelligeoce is of the gravest i loment to the people of canada in view f oaf iocreatiag trade ire lalions with the t mpireof span and it callr for constant rffritance on the part of oof quaraotlm i fficera on the pacific didnt know it waa loaded tquovto kof uon- saturday night j mes ailison the aiiteenjearold son of j mes allison the wellknown merchant ti hot 14 tonge street accidentally shot h nself at the family residence 52 morray st eet the bojwos examining a revolver e denfly thinking its chambers were er pty one cell however contained a ca tridge and in snapping it the mozzle wi s unfortunately pointed towards the lad an 1 the bullet was discharged info bis he d causing death in a few minutes iangfed in a threshing machine exswara nov 25 a fatal threshing math id e accident occurred about five miles fro a here last evening thomas smith a yot igmanaboat 24 years of age son- of mr bleaaney bmitb wis standing on the ci of the cylinder cleaning op as the n thing was aboat done when the cap bro e and let him into the cylinder- the poo fellow was raadfolly mangled and diee four boars afterwards wifemurderer days case w xlxxi nov 25 ti final heariuff in the ise of wifemarderer day fakes place at t rooto tomorrow and w moermio barr iter left this afternoon to argue the 1 day has strong hopes that he will be bona accne it of petitions circgfated in his favor l t ebu3iralrr a jr izl free failing in this piotiou ho to have his sentence commuted on the briti h parlounent opened on tues day the acinisapoiis mills last week turned out 185000 tarrela of flour mrs birciiau and her ffster left wood stock on ifoaday for england navigation on tht st lawrence it now practically closed for the season building were f acted ia winnipeg the past season to the value of kooooo thirty marble tablets are to be erected in afootreaijtojnark historic localities the famoi a dr jtcglynn of kewtork it to be reini tated ia the charch of rome all the iglish fanner delegates have nothing but he hicbesl praise for canada bamforderof silk mills at paterson k j were burned saturday loaa h00 000 ifr h if 6uniey lectured at rochester kyv on ifcaday to an audience of 2300 people the ontaro government has appointed mr 0 j eielps to tne vacant shrievalty of bimcoe two keeiewa ifan salconisu have each been fined 200 for selling liquor without a ho inse a new tram is to be put ou that will cover the d stance from new york to chicago in 1a hours aid andrews and his wife of winnipeg were drowned in the assinaboine while skating on ssiarday night an- effort u beim made fo induce the government to survey lake winnipeg and erect necessary lighthotues three flint glass factories buildings of the illinois gliaa works were burned san day morning loss 100000 the petitioa against the retard of hon g w roe in west sliddleaex was dis missed with o ts on lfonday five sons oi the late ftfatthew clark of collins bay ont are living and their united ages anouot to 03 years jfour sheep herders in the galhnar mountains of tfew merico have been killed by a hailstorm and 100 sheep are missing customs u beers seized the schooner walerfiy belo v quebec satarday night and found on board f 25000 worth of smuggled gin and whisky at lynn mass the first charch known as the mother of new engiand ism has voted by 211 to zi in favor of ad mitting women into tbe general conference a clerk named da base committed saicide at ofoute carlo itfonday after losing all his funds at the gambling tables this it the 92 suicide at monte carlo this season the 6fctt the home rale paper iu eag- and says it h a reliable information that parnell will re fre from the leadership of the irish nat onaiist party owing to the exposure ia tbi jate oshea divorce case the americtn hotel and tha general stores of a r bmith a stftcban and j 8 bkave at irnsseli were destroyed by fire sunday total loss 127000 insur ance 913000 j 3 tackscn a wealthy farmer of stroog township has been sentenced fo one months imprisonment and fined 100 ors months additional for making illicit whisky he will serve the four monthi a fan adjourned meeting of the creditors of maxwell fr sons of the st marys im plement works held oa thursday at for onto an extension of 12 18 and 21 months was granted subject to fnlereit tbe banks represented approved of this arrangement the firm is alleged to have a inrplai of 200000 j- the department of j a it foe ou monday received the report of sir mayhew begbie chief justice of ufitiili colombia aod notes of evidence in a murder case recently triad by him an indian named gamah is now lying quder sem eucs of death to be banged looking lot of msreantiia business places- li some thirty in all that are to be foand in any town of its pre teu tion r in the province d fferent kinds of people tn every com inanity j there are always discriminating people who invariably get the very beet value for their money whether it if ia household farniiare cloth injt or any other line tnese people will get tbi best goods at the same price as their neighbor gets inferior articles of coarse the results always prove tbe shrewdness and wisdom of the discriminating people referred to it it a moueymakiag dir- crimluatioo tu the same way people ol good judgement are readers of tbe famiif harold ad watty sur montreal the knowing ones are award of the great value of the familf flerad and fttdty slar in the family tbeyknoar it is reliable be cause in each department it is edited by the best men that money can secure and the result is they have a satisfactory psper a wellinformed papers a real authority upon all the questions j that interest the majority of mankind the fataug herald ai irttilf star montreal has a universal ctreaiafion another new periodical since the meeting of the general confer- eno in montreal in september the metho dist book and pubeshing house makes another stride forward in its popular peri odicals a new pap for yonng people with the progressive name onitard an eightpage wellill astra fed weekly is issueti atthe low price of go cents a year singly oter 5 copies 50 cents a year it is edited by the ker drj wifhrow whose management of the alctjitdut maqadat and sunday school periodical of the methodist charch has been so successful the popu lar ifttxodiif udqadnt is 00 per annum andjthe stndag school bdhir go cents per annum will be unaiderably enlarged andc uaproved the rev william briggs tor- onto it the publisher of these periodicals a 750 cottage ft or its equivalent in cash will be given fo the person detecting ihs creates number of errors rrordf wrongly ipelled or mis placed in the deoembecisae of our loaui in addition will be given two- cubinrizes of ibm each fsnr of j 100 eight of 950 ten of 2o twenlytve of 10 fifty of a one hundred of 12 and one hundred and fifty of ii distributed in the order mentioned in rales and retfulatioos which will be sent with a copy of december issue on noeipt of 15 cents in stamps special casta prizes given awsy almost every day during competition which closes february lit im j ailreas our homa publishing co brookrille canada j the last number af tbe bjmiithn lutu irated ooutsins as usual an excellent variety of engravings and letterpreas 4 charming series of landscape views of the rocky beantles o afaskota while a couple of fusing scenes n qaspe are of a similar character an admirable summary is given of the reoont visit to canada of the mem ben bf the iron and steel institute of great britain to which is added an excel lent engraving ot the whole party on the steps bf tba city hall hamilton alto- tbe n imber is an excellent one ahd should be in ihetiands af all patriotic canadians it is published by the sabiston lithe grspit and pnblishiog company montreal on january lotl ibrmarderingamemberof i iii i a i oomo boy websters international dlctknary this new book is tbe authen tic nabridged tlorongldy revised and enlart ed under tbe supervision of noah porti of yale university edito 111 work on the revisipn bat been in active progress for over teu yean and t horn red paid litenry worker hive been engsgi i open it the sum expended its precaution before the first copy wu prints exceeded 1800000 this work well o ed in a family nil be of more value to the members thereof thin many times its oos laid op in money st aonifaoe has just lurmed a 1 10000 ore memsitvi known aid yet there sm ftft ptvjjilc vrtio tsjvs mrfeeilr purs silt rheum or mlnonikkw nnbldsngrrlni siwl and lerms of dls- tbe air we the toed tbe water there ii more eon proven positive overall alsesses vwses tablr of scrofula or it wbleb eansa otherfainohi1 itpnunttona we also aocunralate ease from breathe we eat or we drink nothing clnilvelr than the power of hoodi bat of the blood this imsi tried doei espel evarjr i salt rheum removes the catarrh neutralises j hie acidity and eureai rheumatism drives out the germs of j malaria blond pom tailing etc it ako j vitalizes and on riches tbe blood uiul ovel eehug snd building up i tliouunds testify to the superiority of hoods fttnaparllla ss a blood pttrtter full infor mation and statements of hoods sarsaparilla soldbtilidreoruu l ill r si rnrcarad oaly br c i hood co avouwarua lewsu ataas ioo doses one dollar nlnf that tired he whole system j w dhrby veterinary finrgeon gvkbtos ontario carpets great clearing sale lqf- every carpet in the house reduced t heats ill disease ai demesticstedanimsla special ulanuon tt to dlseues of the loath sjidmoaui of horsefirirf cattle barpetu opersuoai ot i kinds petfermed veterinut medictnec lr oo bud idi prepared to order calli promptly attudjed to by dr or niglitorbr tolerpb j office ivd hxudckce gterton out to tell if public taction t die campbell hook auctiqnsale dwelliko amd lots ik the vil- laoz 0 aotok the understood has been instructed by mrs h mccann ontti- acton j on saturday dsc 6th 1890 irocixraftiixixoinxg raorcatt parcel tbctnc ici so fit block t on wu lov itreet on which li iltoattjd a larjc frame baudlntr tud u dwellinc tad shop coald ix changed to dobbin dwellutf oa tie pretniefl are a good liable two veils and a ctitern fahcel lbinrulafifl lot ko iiiajamea voogei sorrer acton a corner lot iltaated on uill ftreet ittorel bed fteadj i lot of carpet 1 tlovt boards 1 box trapa j tebus for proiwrt r made kaom on day of lale for artlclea ca4b wu heustreet aactioneer hemp carpets at ioc i2jc 15c and up tapestty carpets at 25c 27 jc 30c 35c and up union carpets at 33037 40c and up woolcarpets at 69c 80c and 90c brussels carpetsat 75c 90c and 100 brussels squares at the ridiculously lowprice of 1000 oil cloths from 25c per yard curtain poles from 25c up r v j d williamson co 6 and 7 wyn4barji st qnelpb 84 oswald st glasgow subscribe now scuscktptionb uken revtll dldyuidmk if nvripeii craarjonrnai or tfscsitns roa triie to ulie 1l urn dhcg btooe v kannirtn aeloo the biggest lot of watch wsrtghes sold 3n the- instalment plan come in when in guelph arid we will explain our new plan of selling watches by paying so much a month or week b sayaqe watchmaker cuelph fmll 1590 henderson mcrae co hcton staple and fancy dry goods boots- shoes and groceries the banner stock of the season great in assort ment pleasing in style honestn quality and reasonable in prices uto mtrrrtivnuruit bank of moirr ao 60 oa capital bist 1 a bavwos btttsenkiri fas been opened in oonoictka branch iiteical dtmrl as cuitt jahfjnla y- msiapr octtrttiiyp tn imilsastistfacsmu pttess wi sncrtbottss n7 aatrsas r 1 hwm 1 hntnpmmtotfij wanted wante vmklr outitlne sjtadal nm tne special attentvo 1 moir urs worsen tne all to mats at es writs me si one z 0 gtuhau ki tbii bona u rtllabl f foronta osi acton lodge lear r3ot 2 m bkt8 in th omitum hau flloelstty t bmtoso alvsra vslossse wn sf istion sod lavs ipplr to tbe mdmtfati oitb members w wtiillus bdvoboe m c i toniaif i wanpd i alesuen to mu nnrserr slock all ooeo rarrantod flntelass permanent us positions or tbo ribt xoe andapsasmjau reeklr liberal b snts tobaclimsn tfoynnminrfut sneosmsry ontei jreo writs m tonus ring 1 t m-tl-sois- fi v coables h cbabe korssttmss lleolioo tills paper so4besiavv1 s m cookp aiorobfown 4 lloensed auctlonoters avvntm tift hmtoonctoobmlmmtttts4tl osnsrsj lsukt aenti foihxtwrnso- halton petal wsmrurtnn bimoot yost aod onurio uooeyto loan from 100 op t iix per oesv zheapuclnmteirmimfxptbhnititmim ocr hiadk will 6re tbemmeprompurstkddist ltd it moenu chafe e il omen iikd tiuau etooia ion itvsvn or ladrtm box 186 8 m jbnetioahn bssajfchorrtcx iiqosmo bi tatoouj r a h- cook tt co anctloo l oaeugbtowii sd tarflntxir f j central meat maebubt hatioij imridiuued tbs bhtcbi btimnes iy csxtiedobbr j wakefield brqs if eparposelaspuisifl stoek food soppfr of cthoice meats fowl 1 l game in season etc i jim reonest a lair shareol tbe pnblie asjsretk ase and feel confident bf eftinc sarsifsction to aq who wfll isvor as vftbslrcitatom sbbixtjiiygi- dr a- wllford halls pixth pam disbase cored wluioutmwlcine i 7 jas matthews action has bm ipjioiiitod afenttor ihs eiretilathjncef drhall iwahtasorfealtll i1bj r heceepsonbabd tbe pamphlet e treatment it advises sn emnyot i ont mediciaa the pvf0eist tbsfi four douan and a guruantee is gl tboparehaoer is not satfatfled after l troaiment into r punpolet sbidl ihktelslmsb month to mfnnd tho moner on tbo resbro osibi pamphirt with a plodrvet acaia lo 5 treatment or allow it to be used la ms tamo shi wilted baq trestmsnt a4tbnt modlrino lor t valne received from tne ose of this troat- wjnt please enquire of snj of tbi fodowioj f w j 1 fov dr qiflovd svbaoooa laa metam vffi jam if tjm jobn harvey aim john harroy william henstreet l tc moore mm t o moore lamas hatlbewa mis jss mattbews wmumallen p bobertfioso i xoblouelam tbomas cameron ult t quntaron ldoraqcax jfmm martin lbs j martin n t- m wlane ouernmswfljboiliwtiit no room for argiiment give us chance and we will give you a benefit the world wants the best and the best goods at very best bottom prices is our bonus for their busi ness all coods guaranteed seasonable and warranted reasonable remember the old stand and our 50 cenjtters henderson mcrae co princljes gueliph americaii agrictilturist published 50 years consecutively of origin engrtlni andoauy maoiigbwuomatiandt atjctionsilxe hotel peopert tvt 8sj tn ttw vnhue of acton tbeexeentoisof the- late jatiies campbell w1u offer for bjebjpoblkutcuan on i tbe til daj of december aj1bs0 at tbx sjotm or oerx ottock sl villaipliihimbauamjjoj-thws- side of miu and south west hds otuani street v 2 thorpiwasisssirtba hvststohot4 int 1 ttorera contains siitesn nosss ilawxa w sitsatod on tbs leadlna sbrssat in si yw wsjatotftst ostat ava hitilor many reals bad an ezsejlens braoa per eeat oa day of aalo anb wentto make n siauoo janoio 1st lsl wb do tabs delivered baaospnrobaa msiej to beaeennd b iiiortsmihttto gneear witt bitereat at alperst7 l ffl nbmctto a loaat bfch fssp taiw pst bolicltota forbiocotora aiictioneertaaou mm ff- raiijnumssj omi i a ivnvssi vurvuuuu scriptlon priot el jo a fear opien b v uluon which now u over low our prelum offer l the farm aud household cyclopedia prion 1100 botmdta cloth and ant- a complete readv hrfertnte uhrarj- for lanners hanleners frnu gronr k lfuiuaalntevarfotiidq agrisnlture hortionitnre ikve stock balains ponl fertfliaots bona aithitsssat- oemestio aoairs oook7 oontautojo 644 pa9b8 with 340 rlltnrvmawvn ilalieljanals pipejplatdivisldk kotioe tq cont lebsaddrossed to uw andu- 5doried tender for the bt etentmolabarsaiid tbo deepenlnc and en 2m2fijp rat stbiork sppelflcauons of the resjmlfearorks7 can be en oa and after wdasj7b5 uto dav of verowntattboocssvttt itynni of tender an bepbtalnedr l w lathea to i jtatws of tbe toll mths natnrs of tbo occupation and rest vizt ynsinto ooattsst for tne worts ssrtjf thus seal in will bo 5 ilij doi ool kowevor blaa iutoaooswthslossrtorsnjtondsr v bjosilsr 1 hvunjixt pewtjuont ol hailwejs abavcslals mjallnls ualasesl rer jal erawber ii- i p frrjisr jlmipmbijij jspoww

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