Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1890, p. 4

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ww ipxwymvm p nroi ofmiu rtmup bowes- amt mile itao vsfc and ho bbcertetl al mrt5ll7lrt4 lmtrfklh naaafin sao visitors always aaastv ben at toor rjatttuaetsreoestrie apriljr to b p o soaaav mow ank of hamiltdn hubomol hahtltqh r i mars foroi atvsvjffattaw the news at home 1 ajsrtcitaijios dlwctorrpx gnsrurr rrvswelt a 0 tour hrr itatx faocroa caua ocmstobboctwooabrhlt ororobtownaqknct ke aixwi ud lium oaditria all niumtwreritit dum all pans w c- id v lie ohtas sratta 0ux uajtlp and the cwmxixt or era bowbt ud told oaujarnass mat on all eeesslbumote ou iobfcrnlnnt r sjtvufgs defabtoxxt dtkwti nmiradot m ud apwardi aurl hi tavttdnvltnmidua ol deport to d oj skamrasral special deposits am mil at rnttus ot ibtonttl no h xtvatspx nickelitajtea spoons x tm i- arelbrtfstoreid tlirurhout at lwssi4tiitstkota8nrabsn it mm with wr ud will sever tumor r to b bad only at oso htrtds acton oct a new stock fast ta moot from upn joi cptards give qt a call whoa you want tea ptmt jfae fhas thtl rsdat november j7 189 i uttle lo b wrsfcri cajusht the kywrwieai of ftprraportajthtsk jdoondl meeting siext mondiy a shooting galleryhat decs opened atam street- rat roada naw somewait taprcrtad tbepeatwe a social was bald in tb presbyteriui chorea osnrujf last erasiing mr- w hason nasopeneda blsoksm aha ia a part of johaaoathouj slaad ihabaswj council paidf 3tw toe lut cnheutqj tor abeep kusabtdogi st albans sabbath school children are ptattking tbeu chnatmaa hjmna id jtba aetoo toaaco- aimt doia yesfetd- to pake some repairs intjie boilet room saarkhanl council has bought electric light plant for f 1700 ini illnniina their itreeti ahoruy ill jga anderson ne dwrlling borer aranne is nfaring mmplfffinn qv intends motinjronto part of it this week the new metbodiit chareh at zn mwmiii araa opened on sunday bet john waiefitm and john p bell prtachi i the aermons jlr jh matthein hxi enlarged h s barnesi ahop to tvice it fonnef cixe ao i ha one of the beat thppa and largest ctod s in his line in the oonnty mr hk eolmes agent gu1- h i been appointed local agent tor the alia line of steamships and can supply ticke and berths for either odtaard or paatage the ponds are now partially frori over some tentnresome boys bare bad narrosr escapes the past fev days oae o them srent in ap so his wsist yesterdsy ticket invsm ftanley the afrvan expiorer ieciores in toronto tonight aboat 2000 ucfcei are sold stanley aqi likely pass thronjt acton tonigtjt by tne midnibt train roafe for detroit axzangementa hate bees made ij the eefornfcrs of gnelph and vicinity to bait sh- btchard cartsrright deliver an address in lie city hall at 2 oclock on toe after noon of saturday l5ec gth mr wm wutoojthby of ramosa took the good omfaaniooed any of remem bering his clergyman in a practical manner by putting a anhsuntial bad of nay in eer g b cookes barn on monday hrs hocann offers hex shop and residence and a tine corner bonding lot in youngs snrrey for sale at campbells hotel do saturday cth november the shop add dwelling eonld be remodelled so as krmake a doable dwelling s tb glaagow hooas pmbisei hare been rnraridaranly imptt mj appearance the past week lfiha present block were lifliam arid a fine new brick block with plate s0aaifront pot in its place congratulations would be in order heisspoor boameas man who can not get bis money back on a reasonable anwant of jadicoas advertising if be has aoyfbing fo advertise and adrertiaea it in a way to attract attentkn he is certain to reeeire benefit from the annoanceznent bev 3 w bae preached an excellent sermon last snndayrom song of solomon- b s15 the little foxes that spoil the noes the vsrioos little foxes sthicb onaernepa character and life were referred to and among the reit stress was laid npon the oae of intoxicants and narcotics heapeler is snbmltting a bylaw for electric lieht the bylaw eoacts that ten arc lighu will be taken by the nlige at 17t per light pernight each light to be of 100 candle power lamps to be lighted from dosk ufl midcight at least 280 nights in each jiear and contract for same to last- jaw the fac phim office is just potting r in s quantity of new styles of jobbing type ana borien raitaue for merchants areo lars bffl heads cards etc wo will of omne be very glad to pal them into quick sod constant ose in filling the orders of thou of our busiasa men who beiieve in mpportmhmiffndastry- irthe special eerviees in the ifelboditt cboreh have been cooiieoad thia week with inereasiog interest- iter dr giflbrd the ptstor hsa been assisted on different even- daring th pan week by bct h j ur ersmoss bed gee andlattou gm and eer j w of knox cboren qaile c number of persons havf giw then- desire for salvation 1 t jffts- u loadaof yiot which the bjgbjast inirhit 1 wpaid ta oshh hiflwj vests hit le toronto iteshj mail tbat w00o0 ffarastnr jwtpe 2j mk toiimbaa ahonlj dsi 2 vwiwia w pnr- jj rtiasi iiofthtsclaaiaraln- 3 fe insailj or twy florlb fnaesilbtiiajiltieaji re nrllncator rbubwttlal men copy before ot u 1 stands at the hsad ol the list ni m tiolor it a joornarj foe to ladies and lb igh auudard of hu eseelltuc it the result ot oaretul manage- mret and a dettrt on a part ol the pfb- lhihw to merit tb u moat oonflitno ol thepuwi kvtrylad lo uie isulshotld tubeoribe or tkt d tumlr address thelhlinealortob ahing co toronto fat winter errnui njoymtnt the latest fad lit the ins ot parties is an observation party t table isladenwith a miaoollanesas aator nenl ot article the goats ate allowed ii observe the tame for a abort lime and lieu are required to adjourn to auother roonj and write as near ecomrjlclo list at they c in trom memory the prise winners ot c arte are tiie ones with thetuost rtteulive m motie thopat- ttme has at least this to oommend it that tt serves a practical pur ae iu training the memory the wills ol the toll wing have uwn eutarpd in the orrojat 1 court for pro bate tjohn mcllillao i it of tho toiroakip oijxuengnstchnt apnjicatipnjoir probate of will by go s cmillan donald v mcmillan and mrgai t mcmillan the executor earned proper y devolving fs3j gj thomis mullio ite of the town- ship ot eiaesing fan irr application for probate of toll by gj goodwiuie aod daniel starret the execut rs named prop erty devolving 1103 1 tac cosgeovc famfjs incerr by securing the cosgro i fatmjj ior a concert in the town half fast wes ueiday eviftiing the a o u w lodge ot this place gave hie people ot acton an enler tainmeut of an uuatually ligh and enjoy ahlecliaracter a progn not of refined tone ot twcnlytoar natr ers with hslfj adozen eocote vras reudt ed to the delight of the aadiea tu- fam ly is mnsiat to a huihdugrcoand thej- ar to bring raosicot a merito any instrumedt known no thecolparojlip now itmtsuptflt1 1 thtmi pondenu arid exohinga- 3ton thhoiirsolelim i jade a good artjidyl t hoped will it aafuurest- lonisa protiabta ieaion i rvhtti klinsg a hoc on fi day last lr john cotter met with a pain ul imi anlaial anappada wm i s u laekiia i tw lmo ii utk u i if fui b ittbm barortjm roottf vhtjjikl to naamoountol tho band- i the ta jnmtlng inthsbo liigtoaeutl mauwistoteienwadm ay enulng waswiratuao4 hmnt arc tidadwert aslial cream tdjoved at was alas y ijotarotung f rogrmrie o autgliguid taiuirtfc george barns of this plli aatulant itatloomaasorlati mautue ago to t a better posltinei at i 5wt aplstvaiuajjnk lioarcfia tralnlhere lie slipped andliittoot u crashed being anxious to be at home he arrived hire on thursday eveiing it is nbl certain whether the loot vti 1 have to be- aoipntaml or up a bhglneer ouh his parents obori ktown monev 1 evidently able ous order oat 6t leu thia forty eiriittttftarnt nns brie- 1 sed tinrinj tfaeit u3 uldcoiktovm pcrfonnincc iu liditioo tre the uissef bcijc uid ibct rou vhbsa petforraiucejs adied ouv fttohji fro- raniae a second visit w add he apprtxi tied by the imacccen merabeacs ot uit company all ciaidin ind reside id si ilryi tbc laapliuhtcr rcsijiaj tbe manicipij lunpliil ter iiu pkced uie followicg letter in iht liadt ct the k i qr hkoraiitli50 to nx latevj ixt iizimuu acrax it 1vicxrll cocxctl i jmtvty titfatir igucslr my rittjr t lppijgllct icrthii man ciptjiiy a ux6 effect ruic rtiiinlioa oi the rcscot jtuontijfof aerxicc ssd ncr ihtre fad irorvi to faith- fall jiitefcsut t3t dnti with htmcttjr nmj disiweuj j uaqw often bei ig out bttcpur ad girfsc ww ttanketsiry tot iad tjroablo and act ptrftxt eilisfaciiou la ia j- i ad ttit i cia- ooiiatisjrfccie uajtisader i nd for mr on comfort of cilnd lad rt of bo ij lave decided opon this lotion f t the coaucil for ttc r kmd coiiuder- isa ta34jai as9 ituils talf 4avl i tf tticb ttliijt liuls tiiegoaacii wilt likzl eveninff rcdolkuoa otcoatrfalicw at the irt raeellcg of the kprortb leacfi ifce foliowid rtsola on referrio iklin one ol wis to the uie iliu anasti k the most highly esteemed ijiemfccra- pused tmuiiboiuly whcrctu oar hcatcajy ftihcr tod mrttieziocx disensatisu of li s t to reside trtsi c acast ut by dratir 0r ctlcczied ilsicr ktipu j vitiilia bo ia the ejiwiae lis trondcaci to t chixier cacaibcr of this e rortii ltaze m brcm ve desire to pvefcx nktiaa la ocr feeliass of fcrrav in d lyiapati r rhichrthe sad eret his to txfmenlj- ciied fort b it therefore resalred thu c r mxrctftrjf- w irsjxclgd to trite the farailj- c the ieeciuod expressing to them the fcii est em hi vkizh wiihsiaky irmheidijflu iif lad the oon- dene re lire- la the geaciae d irxdcr d lcr cbjtin lireilsoisiari th2 of osx itii- felt irtaplhj- fcr thun ia tbe h bcreireaicat icdott bopcvit the god cf i d coasoiiuon indcrtce taij ifaaadiailr bet tad eoirfort theai ia thii hocr of izlij a copy ol thi ajxvrefau bee 1 forwaxded to tiffi berexted fiailly wh thoroaghly appreciate til the kind ei ireasioni o toflbfi their the colored di eitrava- dellghted sympathy eitendei iffiictica a man of great wards eer solomon peter kile preacher who u notorious tor gant vocahalintic utterances amb of gneiphs triiirocril c and hjh- ij- edacated cititeca ia a lector kit thnr- ly auter eight oclock sbcns ickini was appoind chairmaa and im sdaced the orator of the evebio mr hale on comiug forward ehook ham i with the an an then prefaced his lecture ith a tm reaiiwfca on the dmertp- eniics attpoproitlidgh pople i ihiicwtryhe theauntlhea fortli the antagonistic character of la crippe hich laid iu hand on the tpmiied physi- ooniy of hugeoeoloty tndl with the nilicting cooipicnotuneu of itn omairer- embrjice solomon peter neatly sabja- g4led to ititmoiphencandcoptimjaatin poesi are bat thanks to the hyperb ean and st ndioas obserf utions of a medical hyiacian haearrrved the maladv and was i ow there to expediale and ejocidate on the patriotic seffibiliiies of the fine condom er ted and grerated exigeocies of the waatifoi penpte of tins fheuevolect city tic etc etc j coughed hmself to dea jr jrzzztbtzllz xor 2lan ipqteat was held bicoroner ilgie ou tl ie body of idavid wholey a iwarder at joeepb bo ledges who died widdealwhiji in a lit of ccugjiinea pie jxtfturuateni amio- atioti ebowttu ttwiamesitilc antfe of deaib vu the rapture of a blood v ssel at the base of t5e brain fndaced ijy e severe fitotcoaghiogand the jory broag it in a ct in accordance with this rep tl shot his eyes out lfxiaixi kov 2 1 some member of the ldn jon gan clob who have apoi ion of the oneijaaijiirrfkwty rant d r tot jjaatiog purposes wenf oat shoot in one of ffcerr fired at a bird and the whole charge occhot lodged- in tbe facd of an indim the ipdiaowill lose the f gbt of one iye and possibly of both freerlp aroundthe world vi ndlie bljrsroot or it eqo talent jnjjcldsivepvy bew utoadaeottbe urg t lilt of word constructed oul ot the 6tti mfazinr jum itsoi oram parlttr 6pitet gold w tches shr r iesv iiete piccor jstovi i eto tc ail powtivdy driven away jjvt ry one end dg dot leca iuan twenty wor la will iteij preeeflt send 12 ceute in s aropa ro wostrat4d ilnsdc of papt r to jkws mfafou toxontojo it rockvvood 1 roiiidwrd lclt tt mr wrn- mccarthy left today for tnp to british columbia mr john taylor l4st woek a ded to his already fiqe stock i wo thoroufil bred dur- hams and tlireq tboroaghbred clydesdale fillies mk brother george at tl ie same ile near peteboo increased his t ck by pur chasing thret shorthorns tax collector johnston ia i laking his annnal tour we have a rood sktool honse avjl kll iho latest ixtiprocmenta and a first cjopmulltof teachers buf it copes a little sleiip ion the few farmers and the larger property owners like the mtjssrx harris and farrish in the flection who have to foot most of the bill as the township tehool rate this year is five mills on be dollir coming from paephiisl wodnesday eening mrs jolm lavcrty atfcmpted to drive past a traction engine with ut signal ing the driver lo stop and the i d being narrow she was obliged to lake u tho ditch and was throwu oul of herwaou she was driven to her home here whn tl was found that beyond a slightshakij g up the had sustained no injury ciceptinj so far her reputation as a skillful bo sewomau was concerned 1 hear a lawsui i being talked of to settle the matter bannockburn f riclvardsou of toronto lias teen engaged to teach our school for tol he was up iatt week to tugu tiie agree oicut ahd the irastoes formed a very favorat e opinion of him- mr adam cook has erected bdnr cedar culvert on the fourth line of co tie it did not require the engioeerfng skill- iecesaarj to construct a forth bridge or a it clair tunnel but it answers the purpoe jast ar well it is of sufficient- size to all wall the surplas water on archie mann i farm to run on to johnnie gordons h it those rising voting men dont mind iitt e inoon vemences like tliat if we have fix d roads and the culveri trill be a wonderful im provement in this direction we might also sa that we hav road cart over here and that it reason whywc want to improve t ie roads as much as possible ififis jl a e gordoa attei ded the funeral of her niece at teeswaler 1 ist week alex gordon is spending a t cv hii old home gordou hall to fl ih up a bit sandy has hadrather a hard time of it lor the last six weeks he mist hire suffered very mnch for he does n- 1 weij much more thin 13 jjouadh haing lost i pounds while sick- miljon knor chun annivecscrj- terv hekf last sabbath the slilers finished the roof of t a main building of knox church on toescj y the bricklayers will finish tomorrow rnen the ivalance of the slate work will be la d on the tower and the building closed cp fc inter sir hunter the contractor will t leu hive fulfilled fail coqirsct with tbe build in coiri- miuee lo have the building roofed before dec 1st at a meeting of milton poultry and pet stock association held oc fridaj etening lut itr 1 w campbell wmacted honorary preeident mr con h iff presi dent mr jntice lioedler ice- resident and mrlxlematchell secretary t easurer the association is in good etarn ing and have icfficien coops on hand for 5 x birds dec 30 and 31 iw and january 11831 are the days decided for its next ex libit ion cliaiaptoa one of the saddest bights we bite wit- etsed for some time occured on ruesday litcrnooa ic was a dranken woman wallowing in the mudnuable to r se with joi aaaistanoe the person whi should leuliqaor to tbispoor womau deserves to be sfrong np chief constable lands bo roagh l large number of drunks and dt rderlies ately tbe town geu a portion af every ire cents that is spent for a drink i nd then cys a man fo arrest them when tl e liquor told by consent of tbe people his made hem drunk and disorderly thi rise and pound foolish system of ndofty will go oo as long astbepeo ile allow t htformcr new another dave at i r jailing penny making posi frabt i erilsf mr t e arthurs who was iu asacu iere for some years died at bran pton on he 16th inst at the age of 40 year the aillage school board have jjaged i he present staff of teachers for nett year diss dyer receives an advance on tent salary tbe board did not ce fit to tjoraply with miss thompsons req lest for i n advance as her salary has been ncreas- id twice dariog the foar years be has iaoghthere last week jas carbery left for camp- bellville where hebadsecuredemph yrneot vhis week we are sorry fo stale be was t roaght home vry ill with a seven attack c f fever mr chariesworth has resigned 1 t on as teacher of hillsbarg school jas dtlaney has purchased from hprrenrjot 15 cod u btjmg 100 ex rei for ibdotf a u- miss emma falconer of mono hi a been e ofiflged as teacher of s s no z riu miss mckefl of 6 s 11 erin has re- a gned mr- arthur torrid of hi libprg i m iveen eogaged aslier successor tozoohnoa ypaiig japanese tiov study- i tg at toronto university dellve red an a idrew in the disciples obarch i rio on onday at 3 pm and in tbe tow i hall i illabbrg at 7 ytaadwcale at the aonivenary concert oferh lodge o 07aouw iu thetemperant s hall 0 i monday oreniog measri fax an i dm- n ock miaaee eoblin pd wsdkerai d jfrs 1 r marstoti of ehnj inttibmd to the jogramme jur wood ht i n re- a ded i an addresi apon the- lobjt a pad films oltbe order w delivered y lit g iflwood fortoian o tbe jqrftdoj locjge o ontarip- presence for a weep have been too ptenll we dotld the nanje of mr will mccain on the the cotcmltj ieof maoagemout on the invitations jas issued by the royal dental society rfo tbeir siith aonual dioaer maritwimi blgni of the app oacb of old hibcrmui itzrjmrm nscrh bbi rohbu takes ou a mi replalouve touo the 6aaday behoouaxe auiug up the ool vendor rrtti you w lh bli blandeit itnlle aha r ind the lyoung man blows the fragrant o rirette gently tlirough an incipient hlrtat up pea digs called for dignitys uko a bu rfl llle mlioasi c tfch asvrriu gate a most orodiubje ootii er on tuesday 18th mill harrold o hi nil ion la her elccu uonary efforts gave c abounded satitfactioq ilov t goe and v ife andmrs h w kennedy and mln gulp irbm here also filled places in the pi gram ou the samo event ig oor town was visit- edbythe cosgrave i amily of st marys avfljkyeai nic4l oatnbiqitioa asaslfoagii id malhauditmce greeted them yet they reoeivi d fall valaoitor flieirf oioney we he peal for them a crowded house should they agi l visit ni tle 7erad of lent wek hints that a certain party from iie porth some weeks before claiming to liarvfive doer en route wore tiling sh tfttim it the htww had had his reporter il eyes and ears open to their fallett extent he woo id have learn ed that those fire dee did corns along f ally a week proviooi b he publication of his article at iu l the steam fire clgiiio question came to a saddeu held ou thursday even ing when a apeeial a elioj of the council was called and after ioraediactmfon it wat decided to purchase a steamer at once hours barclay and kahrs foraud messrs barber and moore i gain it the purchase wrttho lute of ihe poll when the reeve chipped hs say and settled the matter w allies webick down like actop onjtte ejitotric light hatineis we may expect oar stautr la the coerce of a few weeks tbe anniversary services of the methodist church are anoouood for saoday dec 211 th her j k bowall ma ex- president of the go slph conference will dv preach morniua and night and a teameeting till he hold ou the followioa evening fuller parti ruler later work on the new ioe of the northern dirision gtb is ieiog rapidly poshed toward completion 1 he first iron was laid oil wednesday ldih and if the goo weather only iiits a short titte longer the trains will soon be sliding alone their new roid- wy j the kev mr dramm preached otr capi tal puniihmcnt ou sundiy cvemng lie bciiefes in it j j a cquabblo over in orerooat last week resulted in a scene in police court ou mon day evening in which bill wilson of while cap fame claimed jalice for an iszatilt committed by one moody on moody paying the costs of the coart wilson threw up the sponge died bnnnrlv mr jsmei a arthur of braoiplou formerly a merchant- here died at his residence cu sandy morning of congestion of tbe lungs he had latter ly beeji travelling for a firm and on his last trip contracted a severe cold which resulted fatally miluu champion what a fine way of varnishing agly truths this champion has why did not the article read the poor feihrw wandered in drunken stupor from cue groa bole to an other refused even shelter by the very men men no persons who had taken his last cent for drink and badgirea him piecemeal he death he finally died until at last he laid himself down in the gutter and after fire hours exposure to the biting winds of a november nlgbt he rwii picked up and cut h6rne where he died this is the true statementroi tin case and while we would fain repress the terrible truth for the sake of those who ire jett jhind yet wfe feel we mast speak in warning to the scores of others who are on the same road tike whatever you like to swallow yourself friend bat for humanitys sake be honest and warn others ifcerei death in the pot j an evening with sliakeipere was the subject of monday evenings open meeting of the epworth league a long program was presented and a most enjoyable time spent by all these meetings are rapidly gaining in popularity pay dayon the 3uh on tbe new gtil line hi contraction and in the evening more drunks were seen on oar streets than at any other time in a year frequent brawls were tbe order if the ofght wasp qeeb ewttji i u up my pen lo lei yu that dad was sent fur in haisty las nlte en sod i wus to scud yi tha resst av the nens the weak hear goes thedeekid beertch bja bak what bis legs mr billy baddy fer wek bis ma hes gon our teecher srent b sandy en bed diner enlprechin en lot fan fer be joked lik it munaa jasnitethe the hom cirklcs had ther concert which wus la le fin en beet the farrislers powow all holler en it bet jak allengir me a preiarvid komplimetfy to go en reeport his ipeech but a feller wusealiu pe kuuts nea me en 1 couldnot ketch the speaih in iborthandographar i wish id badlhe forr stars phatagrophar tber tho to ketch hb smii jnos i mean my dtdnthe sling his if t bo the denser i iceen he mad tne hoi er en som wun els bollerd ya did com at las did yu v wen the littl stevenson staid bak sliorlly fo mak em yel jflorolmor mt it was a good kooertoojy i felt lik yellio broatha lirakedgedin wen mr rims a spoke his littl peace about the feller that wasnt hangd eo now i com to wer i oride wen mrs barr sang land tber lie o it wni swetso wnsmrs slevei son ei lberd a man ssyto his wif nex to ne en she ed she mite pal down her ilea aso no more nit presot from youn trnle johxxy wlfil j ii i got a lumbago in j laira then 7 fet in baffallolas get him ne to ins pati las auction sale persons ordering sale bills it the fdee pmtss office will retjei o a free notice like the folio wid op todat lof sale tbefaeb paxes hat the largest circulation in this vioioity touftsiuy 11th dbc sale o farm stock and implements the prover ybf irakoszoi idt 1 can 7 erin sale to v imouee at orio oclock wh rkwtbeirr aoeti tteer j p marshall mj sddb ldi dentlat wfill be at thi campbell house every friday 6pecil atientioqto the pteaertatlonofthenat iral teeth highest ftradea of artisdal teeti perfect fit guar anteed 7 register liof lo ihut dlaoibo ayors chorry total relleres co iigh- ting and iudujcea i refreshing rest i have used ayer cherry foctlml in rayiatnlly for thltty ycjuaoduaiv alwayt found it twhmt wfnwrjfor croup to which complaint tnvchlhlren hnve heou suhjoct copl u carley brooklyn ny- f from an experience of over lh rly yean in the k1q of proprietary uedl tines i feci jiutiflcil lu recommending ayera cherry pectoral ono of mhe best rcconimejidattons of the pectoral li the enduring quality of ite popularity it being moro salable now than it twentyfle years ago when its gi tucoeis was conslderod uorroloti k 8 drake m d bcllot kana my little slater four years of was so 111 from bronchitis that wo ahnatt given up hope of her rocovdtfer our family physician a skilful man dad of largo experience pronounced it ilne- lcs to giro her any more modlcije saying that he had done ell it was flo- alble to do and we must preiarefor ihef worst as a last resort xrp dctcrmlibdi to try aycra cherry pectoral and tan truly say with the most happv resiflts fpw r vh i map4nl loll jiforaiatlon wuuraiai ritta te orar any rou w manitoba tb north wmtwtbwaltra btata may tw had at tb otana trnk station acton after takias a lew doses slio seenil to sitr nnd wltlilu a week uras broatho casil out of ilaiirsr wo continued glrtnotlio puctural until adtlsflcd slio was ontlrelr uoll thislmsplvcniuounboundcfuarth in tlia prejaratloii nnd i rccomincncl it ronfldcuily lo m- caslomerc 10 loppcr utnggial fortavaiiciul for colds and coughs tako ayers oherry rupaxtk by r j c aycr u co lowell flafs l is bo cs wonh a book i l cauadas best family paper thi hamilton yteekky spectator evurgtd asd iuvr0ved contains all uu news i many speolal faaurret v i oilspacdfplnledcommsots the most enlenalnlng stones the choicest literary matter evorjihlng for xnrjoij si fifteen months 1 jthujlveat isinr from ow till juiuatv ljt ilpjli jic- of reading matar wcekjyaud ytmr choice of two groat picture or only uj jtltp jilcrurca an roproduclion ot thellwo toatcst paiuting f tho ifie christ before pilatb liy afunkacsy ibc original twld for tlooffto russian wedding peaejt dy makolliky the original old for eiooto prizes for agents bkaidca a liberal commiiafon tnta tor the krrctitou reccire rtluahlo iirixor ranstuc tn nili ftnrn ae uj s jpnh from j3 to a srtwt chance for 1 liuitlcrs sure monej for jtenbody j with the largest and bcit weekly paper in canada tocava for and liberal ttmniissian i8d viiaallo ifuw ageuu find it mfr aiurpro- ntablc work for term and particulars address j t5tectaton nilxtixo ooufaxii j namilton ate thankful for the redyrefrooeo oar annoancenieot ots ilsrcain ssla for november bss re- oored tve hsvo sold an iumence amdoot oj food we are going b continue the posh and wilh increased vinorior the balance of the month there is so reason why eterj body ihooldnt psrtjeipale in the fery extrordinsry cheap lines which we offer iu esch department we bare roods to tsit all wants we qaestion if youll fidd inch s vsritty of sll grades of msterisl syiherc in the city and we are anxious to push them oat ia every depsrtmeal we are catting specially low prices and as one pile cocs oat snother is pnt down to isie its place wo hive still about 300 r3 miantles and dolmans uoeqaslled intho city for vilne snd style we have already fold a larger number than all last witter put together the elegance sod beauty of the goods rell them every lime we snd really no competition in these good come rid see tbe low prices we quote them j at list week we opened up a line of embroidered costume ftom paris- which are really the- oost elegsnt goods vc have over shown make your selotiou and give our dressmaker kqu lennox a chance to show you what so elegant costume sbo can produce for f now you rosy eo into whstover bspart raent you may choose and jou yig jjnd fullnes of stock degsnoejot goodsatid lowness of price liave yuu seen our bssulifol line of bojtonion underwear in ltulius and childrens ajses made of a pea at if ul soft wcol with exoelleoi wash- ing and wearion ualities there is ooch ing in the trade to equal it we have tt in white fleahandqfjbj colors ve might say a great deal and tbeu not give yon a fair idea of the immensity of ooir stock you must come and see it remember wc never worry people to bay no runuing to the door aetotistonmrs and grabbing them by thai ctoolkr pr ictice characteristio of jsotnevbwiusi he uses you are shown ibe goosa wnb pleasure and if you dont bay tbarevisiio harm done aiko bear in miod wrefuae dit end only sell for cash jl e r bollert mi 25 27lower wyndham st gruelph ouelph markets ooelnh nor awtrlsw neuriboller kltoj fl lurlsteuol i gp ing wheat iiaj fi ii wheat m dr in uj u bl rley w ft ni i i jii 0 bibi iig pe t i o b hir st aw w lod per cord af pet dozen r dairy paasod tier rolls bl clsese chudnvi qry fi f htcheri cavia wis nr iu ale i wtn her caatorla watb aha was a cld saw erlsd or caawrla wap l a ssaythnuj to castoru wlsawltsdclitktaabsanuiemoaera armers and h ishers wo tlte wellkiiowd peeele3s0il 9vq0l1 medals r id ltdnhrllhfttbrmtm wauonaaiidbkrt power hese ofl luffitv rii otnittotjftn frm gae tw6fc trem li i samoelrohem co toronto 13 packages of new qcjods received at the- mt miry aprodtospr v i grey flannlpjanneletus colored canton flannels thsrs birds and woolleo tana and crbtnptoaa jaoket dolmangjobalajl 0ieculab8 t about half cot frlcfis ihb tjg must bl 1e8 ladies mani masked down bom tltvtv to lstofkohl 12 to it from it jo mu0to 73e from 1125 to maktlb clota8 etc at tttk b10h1 h01j3e bold off to maklhtoou fo bbbotll his 8 17 from 116 to lli fbom tv to 1060 fbom 116 1 circulars from 6sc0 to lo froni jlobo in i jrom 114 to m from 116 to i0 from i u to 18 from 1 fo 10 childrarllntletam to tnoxs v f avf h w clou vm to 12 from 13 to 1w from tt2s to j1j5 from 12 to it si srit j h p ltiin ftors from 90o to 65c from 15 to 90c wool clod l p u mo- coo to soc from 1190 to 111 1165 from 1178 to 1125 brocaded plushes from 1250 to ii 75 btriped velveteens from 75o to 25a bon 80c io50o from e to 25 from ij8o to 20c ladies gloves from toc to 25c aitracban olovts frotd and from ll00 just see ihe jeraoys tbey are very cheap many of theso goods ace this season veil kf the oarpet and general hoossfarniiblog goods tbe stock is enormous and comprises almost overt- aiti windows or farnitoro tls see that you entw the store ea6t of the carpet window many make m r into he blunt house corner of king and hogbson streets from 1200 to let bibbous from 1165 lo- 1100 les be sur to used on floors and do not hamilton nor 27th 1820 thomas c vrjtmxns minterf the ooider weather tpnehes you you draw tbejcurtaios earlier tho fire blazes 1 in tbe grate or upon the hearth yiu overhaul last vrinteiy wardrobe and tbirfk of 1 rieeded tbiors for oomforu if warm underwear br hosiery is defioient you mske note of it and you then need to add another note concerning g 1 run- cos as tbe head- 1 quarters for reliable winter goods v the large tjaanttties of both gonilemens and ladies heavy underwear and hosiery which we are selling this season indicate notonly tjacecssfat selling bat correct judgment in bayiog aod that means for you t assortment in sizes variety in styles j cheapness in prices am of whioh qnatitics are prominent in our tjrsderweirand hoiiety vo yoo know the comfort and luxnry of an eider down qailt wa pick one out for menliou from a mountain of lightness and softness covered with french sateen about dx feet square filled with clean white fluffy down and warranted to bold it eight dollar each we cannot paint in cold type the qaalttietot our dress good bat one or two ekeleton facts are eooogh in a case like this to head thrifty bayera our way half dollar dreas goods 1 save you aoy idea of tbe extent of our stock of thesegoodsia fall i 11 aod winter weights t much better stuff lhan youre been used to seeing at 50c finer to yu vi qualities choioer stylos richer colorings ask to hare them shown delighted with tbem i ysu you willbe we ba still on hand a few of those choice dress goods tfilh border to mjatch in all tbe latest shades and only 35c per yard doable width j oar dressmaking department is very busy and daily growing busier all work guaranteed strictly firstclass 0 b ryan- co guelph v nsnatfr goods i isrobbr gooqds cheap grooids ordered clothing department for the fall and winter trade- we hae uowiiiitoek the flu est range o suitings overcoatings and pgntings you overlaid your oyesoo wlistcvcr von wsut hi clothing it will nav vou to come to us as prices sre rkbsftlt right and style rlgut gents furnishings a new shirts collars cuffs tics and cuderwoar ia abundance readymade clothing in uant touths boj- and childrens softs and oicrcoau vo htevcry largo stock at terjrlow prices- v kelly beos acton canadian printers read v can fqrnish you with the best presses for country news and jojb work to be risnl in this m country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press i comb to hcton jcnd see oxfr improved country prbuty press ht work theifaeb press is printed on the abovt press afid the wotlflihastrates its merits tt ntf 11506 drum cylinder press can do better hewspaperir postemvork weitavernnttproutyforeiihtyeaiandthelonger werunitthebeuer welikeit liu smfpl easy to mri easy on type u tor wpatm aod is easy on the printer spooket book weosllit the best pressto be had in lh world am and oar pre work ii yon desire samples 61 work send tor them aodvre will gladly ftrrniib t we can veyot your ohoimol a number ol different aiatandstyles of pr lvhinkofjif j a iewl8 col folio or 5cc4vqtbrpowejrpiressfar only 600 ito fybo oran8colbokpressifprffe ri ip m l ihi gmr ijtjnidaracfoiyjbtn i i r

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