Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1890, p. 2

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gfefsfc- mttfk i pk- fc wiv lfirvj sl iojr mbfkamkmililt wit of onkovljththi 0ot ml 1 the munjoipja i governors emm lmpl js- thu mid talk jtakfiep rxuxautroarcb ths bev j 0wtmm xovtttfc r hot wma ot mwrigku to mlal martha baafcd oaatrmswa jgius wsura4jntaia aeeea at to immmkmi katsmeieihxfesateebtdsek71uv or fhflord mr jeha watkt oth btrltterd to mmtealydmliwo lotbtr lrmi i ia stariwisrctiinito th tsth novel bet at t rsstdwe ot the briae toother by the j b hut benjamin r brown to itbul laatlst mood son at john brown tea ef 0etsaoudltoottttk stated dea uteri dibd coming 8itrwihuon ijth no mrs wurbardvnefftaoi years end one iiouth c tbeh hovembi ramy hterwndwardcoos tm at bef it ft k tew to rears kleftvlah react ot th lete oliver lt by br haiti years end smooths elri s hw unel p d 2 esq netaon wsntai ot ths go mtr of jsate tkferare falls south en th lit bee s hvie lohn kr nd k jw br m alci btrtonjfricssi thubsdat december 1990 m notes a com i ill turned out that cenadii ns gat better prion lor their ears in i ojleud than they could to kew york the united 6tiee exclusion ict will io tiu be looked ijw aslo best think that every hi jpened uiaeonatryjrom p the st clair tunnel is unique fcu one particular it ia almost the oal great engineering work that irae built lit ii money then was expected the great hooeaetunoel in massachusetts wi i esti- mtd to eott j0p000b end coet i j0000 000 tbe8tclwrtaniel ni est mated fcws000000 end will be sniped it is supposed for is 500000 from the financial statement leic before the xorjhweet coandl k is leemei thet the beer uceneei collected for th veer emoonted to 18938 end liqoor pen ut to 6726 these licenseesnd permits ere issoed in direct defiencc of the xoj hest ait which providee thai no liquor tl ill be illowedmto the territories tbetolil exr pendihffe wis 116461 of which 1 1073 wis for pnblie works snd other obji cts in the serersl districts crown prosec ibank in liqaor ouesecct s98s end legs a rriei in cases ander the ordinances i36x tiie peril to which railwa employ es are exposed is well shown by a gorer ment retam of acadents on all the lines n the tjnited kingdom last rear oat of total- af j8126 persons employed iii wen killed and 10389 mjored by accident thsisto say one in every 86 was killed and ne in wry 36 was injored this is a u rrfhle record esprristly for a country in rhich the railwy are supposed to be opera ei as as is possible bat the inines cwse much greater low of life earing the same yeax of 62589 persons emi loyed about movlnt haoiljfthvd coanetl met oh mot day reuinj members all preset minnies of jut mt iting nta aad oon- ftrineu the letter f roin lot icr lyman published la last lseaeof the fa x pitbat tendertnl his resignation as lkmpughter for the municipality was readtby the cleric communication frim dorlald meoon- aldaavlng the council io bear part of the exponas in conntetlon aith ibe taking dowu and rebuilding ol a stole wall and oulung away the enbshkmen on his premises below the bridge on mo u street to make way tor the sidewalk then received the consideration of the coi ncil tho expenses were placed at 11600 mr mcdonald was asked to explain who her he had been promised assistance i the street and sidewalk committee tie replied in the negative and after com iderable discussion as to whether the corpo ation was respons ible or any expense incurred hy these improvements a comr ittee composed of councillors speight i mith and kenney was appointed to ins set the work and report aunext meeting a tho council the keen then read a letter from tho mayor of wingham as ing the opinion oi the council in rejsi 1 to s moement whereby towns and vi lages would apply to the government for larger portion of the money obtained fro n the liquor licenses to be applied towards the municipalities where they were collect sd the reeve stated uu ho was in lynv pathy with the movent lit add quoted for example that of the 1500 derived from the liquor licenses in this village 300 went to the goverumer t a motiou was passed concurring in the suggestion of wingham council a motion was passed accepting he rcsig nation of cutherlyms u lamplighter the street and side ralk committee re- ported that they had a cured the services of another lamplighter- mr w p camp- heuand had 4 lamr i in working order the reeve thought lhey should pay larger salary to the ian plighter and insist on having the duties pr iperly performed a delegation from t e park committee waited on the council i 3 know what had been done in referent to moving the drill shed to the park a d stated that they had obtained a rightoflway over the dif ferent properties to be e ossed if the build ing were removed this u 1l thecooncil replied t oat they had not vet obtained permission to remove it but a representative of the c anal would wail upon coh otter this abyiaw arranging jr the municipal elections was passed nil ling messrs t t moore and j c hill deputyreturning ofscers and fixing the town hall and c c speights store as polling places the sixteenth report of the finance committee recommended the payment of the following sums l cittnan laoiplishter balance on laurye 23 t8 thomas anhsn coatxact park i- bfd wa kenner lamp pnsts 1 90 fn t r i tx edward dynes vorfc on rtnets 140 win carroll work at parle s and going in them 1476 were mtlij and 5071 in ured the recent finti crisis in i ndoa may in the end be of the greatest adva itage to canada and the rest of the vntfm col onies british investors have never met with such disaster in the inlm with their investments as they have in the sooth amfflcanrepoblics and even ii the united states rnain anstrahan and cape securities have always held 1 tirly good positions in the money market and paid reasonable interest and are now hkeiy to be even stranger tm sta e af affairs will have a tendency more than we should think to dnert rngtth es atai from shady foreign countries to ca tada and the other britiah possessions whei i as prafitame retnrhs cube obtained and -ith- out the nmning of great risks the temperance people who appa r to be pretty wide awake these days shoo d be interested in the gothenberg systei of uqnpr hrrnw which prevails in sw tlefr aod korway it is stated that the sy tern yields to the government nearly four and a half mitlinrm of dollars annually the places where liqaor is bqm areash uch ander government control as the oaf office in the united states is da lets and employees receive a fixed salary rhe saloons are without seats or tables other inducement to haihg round r treat or be rested the receives percent on sales and out of profits orer and above is tax there large fund for purposes of instructioc parks and other i the of this system we are fold has been to dace druifcudesb and pauperismxand to improve the quality of the beverages sold visitor to id from aoton and vtthous otr ir prione1 nert mn h strut or of mutou it ipndin a aak or so anal rtns parsoul roof miss lily kali in risjtad her sitter at milton dutiuj thi weak miss maggie n json is spending a few days with itltndaln guslpb mr e b nick inof gkmrsvlln who was so 111 w h typhoid fever ii ooo valesoiug mr vf m orswaoa bu basu with him for neatly three weeki mr j fjrl bf barrie made frlndi hers a short visil yesterday lis was m rohlt lot home frctn ohlotgo where he had been uteuding thie funeral of his brother rev w w cauon hu iooepted the call the jefferson artnoe presbytensu churoh detroit laud hu resignation has been hauded to the 8ydenhsm street methodist churolj offloiar board kings ton to take effect on february 1 1891 h l leuoksrol clear lake dakota son inlsw o wm mocransy el mp hi been ejected jgovernor of sooth da kota he ran as a farmers alllanoe candidate deteatiug his opponent who ran ontbo ltepublioah tioket oakvllle star amoug those who stteuded the funeral of the late mrs ilsaby irom a distance were mr and mrs john luby and mrs and miss qansonj bowmanville mrs r flaunagau and mrs james nicklin low ell mich mrs swan and messrs levi sylvester and edgar lasby and chirles hioklin pilkiogtob the meafordttor in tiie report of a concert given by he teachers association of grey county says- although the programme u a whole proved a grand success ipecisl mmtion should be made ol mfts delay t corrigan the piece recited by this very excellent elocutionist was lengthy but the entire audieuos listened with breathless altealiou from the be ginning to the tragical conclusion miss corrigsn wss for some lime a teacher in acton public school rev dr smitb formerly pastor of knox church gait the largest presbyterian con- gregation in cauaeia has just resigned the pastorate of st i johns churcb san francisco under xstber peculiar circum- stajices the obugregatiou was deep in debt contracted before the doctor took charge and he was charged with preaching christ and him crucinoed too strongly to draw tbe people were not so saxiquf to learn the way tc heaven as4he wsy out of debt and they vould rather have their earruekled than their souls saved r- caaaof vth storey t sou freight on lamps wm jier work ou ctrti j report adopted i counal adjoamed at fto ptn talk opthe day an enltome of the worlds doings r during- the weak j acton public school result of the monthly examinations in three departments k the exunination of pupils in the public school for november took place last fri- da with tbe foqowuig result rst vltkxboxl cuae v bella steiaeno 250 lewis orr 240 milton henderson ho clustv snedwardfortane i lixxiemclam 220 ernest ebbige 218 cuss it jn fred eyder 240 boot sinclair 230 bollie smith 215 cuss m sdt- john mbgill 250 arthur jearaon 20 charles loistjr 250 wm lowry 245 frei boas 230 ed bjder245 marks possible 300 thos t moore teacher secoxii dep ixixext srxioes whlie swackhamer 178 mfn cue edwards 176 wilbert tovell 17 jennie matthews 170 marks possible 200 isisb mabel grant 186 james tovell 183 charlievccann 180 hottie mccann 175 marks possible 200 jcnol nniehynas 248 nellie mc- pherson215 bolue perrymsn 212 edna miller 242 ettie laird 242 marks possible 250 caasie mcpnail teacher r tzttu nzristxxxt ardeiassleona holmes 200 ella andeaoo 198 eddie moore 198 alice lowry 195 effie mckeown 195 tpasj h bbtedwii francis 195 nellie holmes 195 maude ryder 189 lome moore w5 s urr u ixtri edith edwards 197 flora mcnabb 193 kary zoreu 182 fur h jtx aime alarie 170 may prentice 108 j minnie harding 166 jmsrks possible 200 juha develsnd teacher the irish agitators win be in canada in february warden beuaou of the stony mountain penitentiary is dying the election of mr george campbell to the legislature from east durham nas bees voided the britiah farmer delegates who have returned home from canada are busy with their reporta a toronto man was sent fothe kingston penitentiary for three years for highwsy robbery ssd breaking his victims jaw e w boye the postmaster of baden ont hu been let out ou a suspended sen tence for tampering with the mail in his charge i three dakota farmers are in wiunipeg jmaking arrangements for ramoving 300 fsmjl from that state to the canadian northwest i j joe watson a man 30 years old was murderer in fort huron wedoesdsynight sad ballflsyer morrison hip been jcharged with thecrime n i fatal accident in berlin i botlcr nor 27 wm baymo respect ed citizen of waterloo met with an acci dent this afternoon that will probably ter minate his life before morning he wss drawing material from the gte station for the graybili mantifacturinf company about 2 oclock his horses tame borne c him and surmising an accideat had occurred parties went in search and found him lying insensible in the station yard he was taken home sna tnrremed- ical men summoned but little hope is held oat of his recovery how the sccideat happened no one knows he has a grown op family all of whom are well situated braxor nov 26 william laymo the man who was iniured at wuterloo the other day succumbed to his rounds isst evening forestry to the editor of ths baas paras sra as you paler has frequently done me the service ef iaaerting letters on fores try perhaps you wil allow me to lay these lines before your readers the country is fast awakening to a sense of the fsct that we must preserve and plant more forest in ontario than we have been in the habit of doing or else we shall injure the fertility of ourjcountry as other lauds have done in a number of journeys through part of ontario this spring i found that gratifying progress was being jnade many trees were being plants and portions of woodland preserved i have not been able this sum mer through ulnest to complete this tour sod would be glad of any farmers or others in any nsighborboou who take- an interest in the matter wt uld send me a letter answering suy or all of the following questions i 1 whether and o what extent lines of trees for wiodbre jcs or ornsment are being plan and how those planted are thriving f 2 whether phu tatioos of young trees have been set out u d how they succeed 3 whether eaiu are fenced out of any portions of forest a your neighborhood and bow if answers 4 any differenc i in climate rainfall drifting of mow an i so forth you may have observed sioo the clearing of the country 5j what measure if any would be likely to improve the exist ng stale of affairs the forestry reg rt from which these questions sre asked will be sent free to all who reply lw puni 251 j b chmond street west toronto nov 25 a novel ani ouncement the new victoria col ege tobosto nov 28 the buiiling com mittee of victoria board of rrenta met yesterday in tbe office of the secretary of education wesley buildings there were present revs dr carman dr potts dr dewart dr- burwaah messrs geo a coxvf w walker chas godderham dr w w ogden i n lake and w g storm the architect the leaders were opened for tbe various parts ojf the new college building and all the contracts awarded totalling abont l80fkx it is likely that bailding operations will be com menced very soon murderer days caas welivd nov 28 a petitioi circulated here preying for conmutation of tbe death sentence against wi e-murder- er day when informed of tl r judges decision in toronto not to inte fere with his sentence dsy remarked that as leave die as live and 1 ed anv other decision bad o it expect- free trip around the v orld via nellie blys route or its iquivalent in gold is given by edit mcujazi e for the isrgest list of words constructed rat of the words btitt hagaaat ala pianos jmr w h lsngwortby else sod tress- r fort arthur dappes yesterday apparently auadaad away whfla troca fllneas jli much u00 scorks baa been paid at torssogii iuitawu utvr kochs organs parlor suites gold patches silver uea bets parlor coal 8 vn eto eto all positively given away very one sesafog not less than twenty nit wfll get a present bend 11 owts ii stamps- meoiooitig the aokm fajx ft m fgr rales illustrated cawkfti and aper to udct tlvjamt toronto iswm lr 1 ittjtwwpas0bjsjbfswi is to be he would the publishers of the loa cbrapaaioa have sent us a bands rme souvenir with the announcements of it then and articles for the next years volo is it has seven ulo mioated pages one or each day in the week very quaint in ityle the whole form ing a book of d tys and each page htustrsting a line of he old rhyme uonday or health tuesday l wealth i wednesday tbe lest dsvof alt tbundsy for losses krideyloi crosses satordar ho la- jc st th sunday the day that is blest with heavenly leeee and best i this novel and uni ue calendar is sent free to all new sub bribers to the con panioa who send jl7i for a years subscrip tion and request it at the time they subscribe tiie companion vw also be bent to jsn- uary 1891 free and or a full year from that date including t le fire double holi day numbers and all the illustrated weekly supplements tht companion is already a favorite in 1 alf a million homes and old as well ss yot og enjoy ils weekly visits a 750 c jttage ontsequivslcntiu cash will be given to the person detecting he greatest number of errors words wroi gly spelled or mis placed inthe deoem bee issue of our homes in additioi will he given two caah prizes of 1200 eai h four of 100 eight of 150 ten of 125 twe ityfive of 110 fifty of 1 5 one hundred of 2 and one hundred and fifty of ii distr bated in the order mentioned io rales em i regulations whfoh will be sent with a coj y of december issue ohreceipt of 15 cents in stamps special cash prizes given awe f almost every day during competition wl ich closes february iayisdl address ora- honlfi publishing co brockville canada wisrrzi a few kr loads of choice potatoes for which le highest msrket prioo will be paid in ca bth bjunnto to invigorate both tbe body and the brain use ths reliable t mic mil bums aro matic quinine wine childrencry for pi chesgastoria when baby was sick we are her castorfa when she waia child sh cried for caatorla wh she became els o due to castorts wlmaielnicumrensh cave tbera caatorla w f auctio gala w peas ordering sal wusiith fak pan oftkn will rtoslre trtt jtotioi llks thai uowlng up todataofaat ltbtfai pa hsihi largmt olroolawoo in iwi vioui tyiiw s ti i i waoi tsnat tiie lothsals of farm- stock sua baiststtarattetlomar tntmitiartlth dictals ol ana sleek and eon t erin imtosoramsiimetouiooloek itaaarrmairr aneuoaeer sufferers ci om stomach ami liver -derangt- ncnto dyspepsia- bllloiisnnss sick- hejduchciand constlnt ion- find n safn ami iirtaln relief in ayert pills in nil incases vliero a ca thartic in needed these rillsnrerccom- mcnilcd by loading physlclann drtehaitingii of lialtlmoro says aycrs pills are tlia bo st cathartic anil laperlcut within ilia roach of my profes- slnn i john w brorvn of oceana w writes i hare prescribed aycrs i in my practice and find them cx- i urge their general use in number of years i was affllcteil with htllousneas which almost destroyed my health i tried various remcdjcd buti nothing afforded me any relief until i uejran to tako ayeri pulsg 6 tvouderllch bcranton pa i have used ayers pills for the post thirty years and ant satisfied i should not be alive today if it bad not been for them they cured me of dyspepsia when all other remedies failed and their occasional use has kept ins in a healthy condition ever since t p brown chiller pa having been subject for years to conatlpatlon without being able to find ma h relief at last tried ayers pills one deem it both a duty and a pleasure io t sstlfythat i have derived great ben- cut from their uso for over two years pal i have taken one of these pills eve ynlght before retiring i would not wlllngly be without them 0 v dowmnn 25 east main st carlisle fa ayers pills have been used in my family upwards of twenty years and have completely verified sil that is claimed for them in attacks of piles froai which i suffered many years they afforded me greater relief than any med icine lever tried thomas f adams holly springs texas ayers pills i nzruum t dr i j c ayer co lowell mass bold by all projrfau oad fccalcn la medicine 1891j harpers bazar illustrated eiijtase bxbjil u i joanisu for th lome- fwhlani in nimwnnii uliiitiatlonir hioo m8 yotir ptttcfiir iew platowtvod n4u9rnbtmt ttirmlaintaw rc lodlft- pqisuljifl tvlika to tho borne drimiir tnd the profeeiiontj modlite ko eipenm li pied la mildncjtss artistic aunetitenetf of tbe bifibrst order lu derertbort itories parlor fslari and thonsbtfal eattji ntisft all tmatea and lu lact pace it famoai u a budfet of wit and homer inlu reejllr in ererlntfli incjoded which u of ltjtereat to women daring lffi acoes b ornwtee wfll wrlu a terie of article on tbe hotjsecomfortable juliet corson will treat of y larlog and an intensfuns racccaalan i on woman in art ana history rur ulattrated will be fornisbed by tboo dore child thaierlal itorie will be by writer beonl and tbomtu hardy harpers periodicals i per year htrpat a baxix 84 oo hirpr wklr 4 oo huper magadna 4 oo harper i young people 2 oo fottxcc free to all labiteribcn in tbe laited gtatee jcanada and uexlco tbe yolmnea of the iujajj btin with tbe xatflbtsr for janaarr of meh year when no time it tpedned rabecrlption will bcfla with tbe xntnber enrrent at the time of receipt of order- bound volume of haipths bjia for three toan back la neat doth binding will be ent by mall pottpaid or by eipresa free of expense prorided the freight does not exceed one dollar per rolnmel for 700 per rolnme qota cases for traeb toiouc suitable for bfndinfi will be sent by mail postpaid on re ceipt o sioq each i rwtmittance should be made by tostofficc honey order or draft to aroid chance of i m sewspapen arc not to copy thu advertise- tnest wfthoat the trprcas order of rizrtm bothns addrtss k a b pek bhothebs sow york fotje special depaetitext8 fumis i tbe theme for our remarks today to note of them v space permit us to do ahytfaiog like justice but soy and all are deserving of your consideration at this porehs ling season tossy that they are crowded is to state the truth very uiildly and toy that you will find shem iunsur- pasaed icr value and stocked witlfspeoisl- ties meh under ordinary prices is only what you will see when you look through dress goods and silis 6och a profusion of materials and color ings 1 lall traahy goods are avoided in- trinsicjvajua and merit is always our test in rich material we ban received a num ber of elegant braided paris bobes which we vesture to say you oant match in the city for novelty and style do you want lowpriced goods than the special piles at 10c and 15c and upwards are in your way in silks blsck dress snd mantle goods colored failles surahs and pon gees or ordinary and evening wear abound in great variety of shades we import these goods direct and you will find our got ds the very lowest mantles and fan we v ant everybody to come and see our mantle i and jacketa bepeated importa- tions hive kept our stook well assorted oar large mantle room is still crowded with elegant garments a word as to furs every xly talks sbojit advanced prices our got ds dont show it tbe reason is we bouf ht them earlybefore theadvanoe beaver caper with mary stuart collar aetraet an capes sable cspes possom cspes saltlc seal capes snd storm col lars 1 bese are tbe goods everybody buys speoiel bargains in long bear boas and muffs i bout twothirds the ordinary price just re eived our third lot of astrachati jaokete bg i ar i our had a stylish trousers style usual made boys with getting mik girem v ills wrtpttsoco ill itirtdelusasoodln ilversalf vnolru land jrrt there rs verjrtew prmils who than perteelliiiure wood the taint of nemtula salt rfcernn or ether foulbumor ti herf itted and irarainlllfd for grneraoobs eauaul untold sobrmg and w also aeeumulate noli ut and germs of dls- esu fraht- brsstbs we eat or we drink nothing eluslrely then the power of hoods tarsal of the blood tills the air we the food the water there it mors eon proven positive ida over all diseases doc when fairly tried does etpel every trace of scrofula or salt rheum removes th taint which causes catarrh neutralizes the addlly and cures rhcumatom drives out the germs of riularla blood eol- sonlni he it also vitalises and en riches the blood thus feeling snd bulktiug uj thouundi tesufytotbe sarsaparilla as a blood matlon and statements rereomlttf that tired i the whole system lerlorltyof hoods her full lnfon k cures sent free hoods sarsaparilla soldbyalldruslbu sli k7cliioodaooaj 100 d0s9s krorsa rnparsaoalj lowsultua ne dollar bread akes -and- confectionery w l worden jr rat removed bis bakery and confectionary btdre to tbe shop next williams bbot and shoe btore where be always bas a rood stock of i i bread cakes buns and confectionery wedding cakes a specialty this the pliack tor christmasigandies w l wobdin jr j v kknnhitvin has been anticipating your annual bunt for new and attractive christmas presents his fine stock o t plush goods xmas cards books booklets bibles annuals ike call at bis drug stationary store autumn- 1890 the mammoth house georgetown cloths and clothing prdered clothing department has g run gentlemon in want of a nicelymade bait overooat or are finding oot that they can get material from us at less thau n erohant tailor prices in beady and overcoats for mens and we dont propose to compete trade but you can rely on first class reliable garment and price not undersold by anybody i- took s ilts s w isr i ah iddy i v ool and fancy goods after cateriug to the public of this vicinity for the last 27 yeais isjpst as lively jdst as yoadg jnstas anxious and is hotter pre pared now than ever to do busi ness and would respectfully solicit a continuation and enlarge ment of the generous patronage bestowed upon it j we have a complete stock ot dress goods including the latest novelties inplaidscombination robes silks satins plushes silk velvets etc iwe have been busy opening out large importa tions and consignments in all the different departments and we can suit and please both in price ivariety aud quality m dres3 goods dress silksjdress trim- ininm velveteens fiantles man tle cloths ulsteririgs millinery small wares ot all finds ladies underclothiiur iloisiery prints ginphiras qliecfced shirtings tickings deriimsj cottonades tweeds 8uitig overcoatings qeuts underwear gents sliirta ties gloves hats jcaps ladies 4nd gents footwear ready- rnade clothing keadyinuao overcoats ourpetn uilcloths linoleums kugs jlutts cor- tjnins etc it wonlt fill a netvs- paper to enumerate our stock ve will begin in dress goods find winrjej8 at 5c per yd we 1 ave ndri ed a n ow id apartment to duf ordered olotling that is funcy riapuel and 1 weed shirts made to idrder oir make np departme its are i ot excelled this ii eludes tjoderoiothing of whiob a lywherol namely millinery in tbefimous bajbriggan noods we are ress makiuir xibittle molin selling inmense quantities- tjooanfuru a t i i5r tab any i lember big or little of any family father mother son or daughter with the tnos oomfortable underwear to be foond in the trade hosiery in canadiarr caahmer i heavy wool in sproial grand vera lio is lined frostproof gloves and mfttans knitted bhawls and squares and oaal mere gloves 35 p lower wyndhaabfci a ir ordered clotbiig we get itlie best superintendents and h tiids for the sever il make up departments that uk ney aiid ex- p inehce cau procuri i yor can c me with conflden and pat- rqnizeusr wmcleob co li 1 eiius v- rtr- rv- j vjilss m cliristmas and afibpaotnif mmmssmi if 6 ore offering groat bargains in ladies nnd gedtlwaena fun i of nllkinds new silk handkorchiefs ladies nnd gouts arid wool glo4 in kid bee our big drivs in double fold dress goods at 25 cents it is the bast thing for the moosy in town we an selling a nios overooat as low u wm that oot osually told at 5x and also bstur ones at dose prloes be sure and as our mens fine and ileavy uudterwear as low as 85c each for the oold weather wears selling j mens felt boots over shoos at bottom prices ladies over sboet nnd rubbcfs in all bo best makes 1 a urge stock of fresh groceries just to hand suitable for the holiday twson remember thai our prioes are always away down henderson mcrae co hcton christmas is coming -but- th hardings fins new stock mltaale for tbe holiday trade has already come thou who have not inspected his stock have no idea of ths beautiful and useful novelties be nss in fancy hanging lamps in peat variety glassware china and crockery in all tbe latest patterns choice assobthestf of r- christmas groceries fruits nuts peels etc it ia well known that harding gives the best possible value for cash to every customer oysters ik season carpets carpets carpets great clearing sale -of- b very carpet in the house reduced hemp carpets at ioc i2jc 15c and up i tapestry carpets at 25c 270 30c 35c and lip union carpets at 33c 37jc 40c and up wool carpets at 69c 80c and 90c brussels carpets at 75c 90c and 100 brussels squares at the ridiculously low price ofiooo oil cloths from 25c per yard curtain poles from 25c up i j d williamson co 1 5 and 7 wyndiam 8tjalph 84 oswald st glasgow wmtches dm the- instalmehltiplan plan s corne in when in guelph and wevjli explain oar new- of selling watches by paying so mndimwih of wtjek v siggai3a intaotlm apjryor adtoas t umspbtt jog- wanted ssv loeal e mvalsm io sen my aavaatsssl gloes sajaryoceecnmlsstgnpald it free spaejalatteotlon trraslo ofksnjatvar ml to mala tool waass writsinsstmefpaxtleajars i r b o obab1h xarserymsa ftbiaioelsrauatila toronto out actonodgr5no2i4 tof vajtslauoufauows bait llaufesws jl tjoeasvrywadia4syvsnmf vlattfisi t sthrao always wakoniar totem tltarno t aoosoduwssrttotbanadriitnloiiby 0 thiimssobsrs r jj wvtlliilatls hhwoittuaf k o seerefary- wanted to sanatdnary stock allcaods- sdanseleas pstmaaeatiilaasi laasaat few to veffaoere ko prvvloos esmrl- ary oumt fm writ for terms charles h chase kursarytun 1 this paper t yefliiigton steam laundry- bhtelreioc collablfc cuffsie jyvtrsahlng without ftotdnm tie pn doai uvwasmns wtth irowagaie per dos us wsshmgaaj jtefairmg c par an iota guaranteed best u canada aidworiqoeterau left with kslly bsoa our acnt at i wfll be sent to tha laupdry and- returns rfe at above r srors trs of eharfa bhai pa at abo rajeas cssbt proprletot j 5m cooku1 okobobtowk u iettaad anftuvmoers aprxaiaara tain- a atora collaotota basu bauu and oaneral land afants i- roktwacocxrouoi i ajlonpel wentngtnn btmoo totk i and ontario 1 j y oorjw loan from sud up at sss per ebnt -f- f litis pladna then- salsa ar jtbar b u hands win ba the sanraprooipuy attended to 1 1 moderate charges 0 rrsoi ajro sslxs boowsjaun st oeona irj toa s or address box ix b m cook coi vt am tic users ig b u on oracs at qoeepfileaat taranta m tral meat mabeet x cook co a oeorgetown and toronto ha tn purebamcf the botcher bosineet latel eacriadonby wakefield brqs purpose keeplnf in stock a aoos supply of cjioice meats owls game in season- etc and reqoeat a fair share of tbe publie patrstt- i aod faal confidant at erruif ssrisfsuhai so rho wfll lavor us with their custom abelet aiaoti or a iwiford halls h fflalth pamphlet 1 1 pi disease cured withonthediolstf jas mlttheiyi actonj hacbeea apppintad afeat for the eireulaxaoa of dr laus eaknjtedbaalth pamphlet which- lonbaajl tba pamphlet claims bra at ttadvlsea sure enre for ihsslsu with- nwdlritie in price for the paaipbtesh faurdooara and a ebarante i atran hatit sbeburebaaariabotbausnsd alts aatttaf tha trts meat into conscientious praetlee for as- moi th to rstaid the maaer on tho return atxha pauphlat with a tdedn never araln t sswltha- tnamentorultlwttqbausedlahttlllmfiy ii wbjocd hah treaitmeat witboat medldna lorlhevaliie ya ma t pteaaa eaquire of lauy of the ttdjowjnc acrox bardrgiffard kavbb cook jaa tulmm mrs james uclm jobhanwasl 11 mrs john harvey v- taitl hratosioora james hattnews ibajaaaiattfaews wiaaiilod bomrt jsloon kabjeatcum f tbotaaa catneroo aatcsinaroa i i j uiaaocse james hartto mrs j martin hratflane i t ot ier names will be added waelj ajiictioysi hofcpbpmfyy lr6hmaymsofatoa tbekiaentorsos i thj lata james campbehi mb oner for sate by pnblie aaetjcst oa a therhdaybf december ajuj k sj v sttbasouavofosat oclock vultfelou aumbars uaad is on th north west r tidaafllfll and aostb west sida- us otatabratxmt on th tuc the premises la the weukuowa catopbauansa lnejsaatai contatna sixteen r aads attnhkl on tbe toaotflsr asraatltatha villa afswmhioaeswajket fta ossai aod has f i r many years had aa axeababttr tblatstoniweaszicaidayeca xoj aullntcebak orlwh iwtorstorkioaitora ai lawitisnce canalk m raplipi notice to coiitiactors tejidkbsartdri to ths cnafrv land endorsed itauoev for tbest i oaaalawiuhrej4lthlinace i arrival ot tha etara and western vodnssday tb 3rd day of deconib thecpostrocttou ol urt lock vrabf- 1 ctodaispoiilne sod ee- bllateanalttlilttak seetloos eaah aboot a s feeallty tcowther with plaas aad trsapacarw works eaaba wadaaiy th lath day at aithlaauwaiid at the best- oooajlonrtabprs when prlat- rnait edfoi cheqn laid morrtabpra aaabaehtalaeo i ol fttnts thanmuttbe sttaohed to fi th actual stanataras of the fall natur of sh oocapatlou and nsi- ebsfljoa on a chartered bank io chaytsradbanktacaoada lor th of tb other sootlobs a jndc muri be on- tha astwasotjullirays aadjj ttteiielss itraotfetswig 1 in the t thus seat to wfll be a parttsa whose tender ssstusts- lusjf far aate 1 or any t by oroor a- f bbaqlsv secretary abdcanau1 ftfcitwawrb

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