Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1890, p. 4

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mm fvm u toms oauthsah yw notes he an there itmt off qsaaral ihtorott to fr preti radra 15til the wjrrtily ttit uta m urn lu1v fur wi i ay ol in flriiiji coluntbu hu- int if how oil u known and vtlutil liighlj m t home i torotltn mua elttwior pope bf pott utocy bc ayi for tore ihrontv ooukik crimp lrtti etc htcytrdt velio v 0t u ihtt twulilui i ever uied xuiontf tihi rt ton 14 on the tlonuoi removing ijt outmctio- mild punt live i liver and bowcli jktott jfxcc ris thur6dlldeomber 4 1890 5ijr jjosng 3toiks hts wife ivliott in liw 6nt air flush of hippy yodiii jx looked rfui toring cn apon thy fee it soemfd to me t there could find la trtstu tuo perfect type of botaty m of prtee- koitm tht belli noc oat their elidome chiime tb dax hco irreted 1 did not dmm that ervr with the mcllovinc of time could thftt fvt ue at ibiat man lorcly mbxu yet u lc thoenov thy crorn of white the pjorr of thy njotherhood iheusec lloa thyjbrov tad check tnirt of uuioi fitfibt z the ninnr nrj taessrihy life eoinbfcoi mrthlaki tint la jny yooth my judgment eznxl dctpite thybeantjieemincso benign this beajrl of mint httb netfrbeca w itirrod ai by the loteliiieabu no ti thine harper4 ivetbtf kindness in a street car one warm tprittyisdniia k poorwotntn entered heavily liden dovntowa cbl car in oe of oar luge weifern atie beadot her luge market buket tht bid two email children hardly more uuo btbies a phuice at her careworn face and the ihohbr jklgjongh ciea attire of hereeif udchodrea told at a glance of many a alroie with poverty she was evidently on her way to market and bavin do one to leave the babies with at home lutdwn forced to take them with her perhaps this had been the cue before for with a glace at the rales and repola- tions all fares fire cents cash and only infants m irnu free ahe patdown ber basket on the floor in front of her and took both the children in her arms for that long and weary ridiv shortly afterward there entered the car two daintily dressed schoolprli ax fresh ai j the jane morning itself- their merry faces sent a thrill of pleasure to the hearts of the other passengers so moch of yoathi booyanqy nd happiness did they seem to bring- with them they lotmd seats next to the poorwomn and after aminnte or two the one nearest as id to her f let me hold the little boy for yon it the same time transferring the little handle of b annuity from the orer- crowded mothers lap to her own the words were spoken so ffenuy and accompanied by a sm3e to wiiraiog that the hjttle fellow made no objection hat su happy and contented all the ride especially when a rosy cheeked apple from the pretty lnnchbasket found its way to his tiny hafids- the womans gratefol tbaak yon as jthe left the car showed that hot only were the weary arms rested hat the heart cher- ed by that little set of thoaghtfalness what made yoa do out both tasked her companion see how he massed yoor nice dean dress it woold have been so moch easier to hate paid his fare and let him hare a seil tea said rath it wools haw been easier bat i dont think it woold hare been sojtiad god bless her f exclaimed an old gentleman with white hair and goli-rimm- ed spectacles as the corner was reached where the girls get off for school god bless her and may she long live to nuke the world brighter and better by her kind acts yoati4 companion here anil llirrr here and there aud olcrjwhorc miy be found persons who hive used aud now honestly praise uardoojt blood hitlers for its woadyrfal blood purifying cleansing and tonic effects in all ditetiet 0 the stomach hrer bowels and blood victoria carbolic ulvc is a treat s id to ioternal medicine ia the ireatmeutof scro falopi tores a leers aud slkccsms of all kinds vow free from pain mr frank paimerrof winona oat says t have been tronblod with lame back for shoal id moalhi thsu thoaht i oaid try halyards teljow oil which cared me am now free from all pains and reoqmmend velio oil very highly to invigorate- holli jtoc body and the brain ate the reliable oliic milbarui aro matic qainine wine rneecwjdkoous tears sunt i can highly recommend hag yards pectoral balsa 11 it cared my daughter of a coogu the had been troabled with tince childhood she it now twelve 5esrt old ilm alfubcium j i scoutad out first and foremost anions external cars tires olpain is dr thomas e doc trie oil kor is it less esteemed as a remedy for oooghs pains swellings corns banioos etc it it taecoqpmic as well u inexpensive article since the reialts prodaced- by it necessitate the ae only of a small quantity v kht ak by asing local tp- not s jocolhata to try to cart catarrh plications is bat a constitutional disease it it not disease of a mans nose bat of the man therefore tofcnect a cure requires a con stitational remedy like hoods serupariila which acting through be blood reaches every part of the system j expelling the taint which- cancel the disease and imparting health i the third page of the toronto paiif mali is noted for wano advertisements ifyoa want to bay or tell anything if yoa tint a litaitiona mechanic a btui- neat machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or found anything or if yoa want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily uait and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in aertioa address 7ifjitoroalo can- ada i iilorriblelfjinler a horrible murder in rolling the lots of one life attracts greater attention thh the thousands of deaths occurring annually from scrofula and bad blood we want to attract attention to barddek blood bitters the proved and popular remedy for these forms of disease it cares even old chronic obstinate cases which have defied all other treatment iv 1 3- fcr the art of giving wisely the secret of success in giftgiving is not in the expending bf large turns but in lor ing thought upon each gift provided eterything it asaally aaccesafal in pro portion to the amount of thought that hu been pet into it whether it be a baoqaet a costume a book or the making of a simple gift if you are cramped for money do not think yon need to spend much for christmas gifts the thought shown in a bring christmas letter a simple verse or a pen and ink sketch may give as gennine pleasure u a present of pearls benect well upon tbi peculiarities and needs of the friend whom yoa wish to please then choose your gill carefoily finsjly after it is chosen and delivered do not refer ia it again in the way of lelfcoogratolation j apon yoar cleverness i this was a peculiarity of a ceruin old lady who was not ungenerous she had an invariable habit of contemplating the gifts firhich she bad presented with great and ttodisguleed satisfaction i how glad i to she woold exclaim that i found jasf that chair for yoa i how much comfort too mast take in it and how nicely it acltayour room t or again t enpy looking at that pic- tore every time that i come here it is a- great pleasure to me to me to think thai i made such a good selection the receipients of her favors naturally feel rather overwhelmed by them the bighvaiae placed apon them it embarass- in one thinks how an i ever do anything for her which will seem lobe halt aretarnf lit is b good plan when a gift is bestowtd to let the matter as far as yoa are concern ed drop oat of mind the fountain of perpeto yoath was one of the dreamt of antiquity it has been wellnigh realized in aycrf sarsaparilla which partnes the blood gives vitality to til the bodily functions and thus restores to rge much of the- vigor and freshness of youth lt0o00o0 la oae day over ujoqojooo bushelj of wheat wete recently told in kew york city ins single day what a monument of magnificent bread this would make if properly redaced to floor and made into snowy sweet pal stable leaves with imperial cream tartar baking powder it it sold by all grocers mr thos- bell of messrs scott bell co propriefenof the win ham furniture factory writes for ove one year i was not free one day from bet dche i tried every medicine i thought 1 ould give relief hat did not derive any ttnefit i then procured a bottle of north op it lymans vegetable discovery and began taking it according to directions wh n soon found the headache leaving me and 1 am now completely cured rest and comfort to iht ixookhere i tio you feel blue and despondent do paras- rack od earaway at nerve and muscle and have you ben disappointed in finding a remedy that will sfford certain and speedy relief 1 if so go at once to any drag store and bay a bottle of poisons nerviiine poleons 3jervihne never fails to relieve oearalgia cramps headache fheamatism and all internal or external- pains j b carman druggist korrisburg writes all the parties i supply speak very favorable of kerviline and always parchaae a second tot dolsoos kefrf line i sold in bottles at 25 cents by alt druggists and country dealers everywhere i cfrt u not iloelbotoodititotiod- it dueoe od reqoira a eooititutioiuj remedy like hood buuftiuli to lesect a brovni hoomhold fsmccs hu no eqtxil for relieving pain botii internal and exiernil it cares pin in the tide btck or bowek bore throt tbeqmiciisni tooih tce lnrabaijo and anr kind of pain or ache it will most boreij- qaiefcen the blood and heal aa its acting power ia wonderfol browna hooaehold pan acea being acknowledged as the great fain believer and of doable the strength of any other elixir or iiiaiment in the world abould be in- every family handy forse when wanted as it really u the best remedyin the world or cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and it for tilt by all draggitta at so cents a bottle i sofferfiij abrrct to tfonaat am ou dulnrbcd tntsitmid jroktti of your raat hy atlok child iafferln i uct prying wiih tin ln el cotiliiatwtl uwniiirtiiiuinlirt a bottle 11i mi wlinm kiethloii byfiip forllhlldrai petblnk luvaliw is inulcdlab o it will tvliev tlir mur little aufferti jmmtdiakly depend uii ll moilirrii hrra u no niutake ibool ik ittmrs im itiryaml durrhom rmulatw la biumoli mil liuwtls cores wind colic tolteiis ilia c ami rtdiiom inflammation and gives ton i aud energy to thi whole system hi iwlmlow 8oothiugsyrop fur ohlldrtn t tilling la plesianl to the taste and la hie pn loripllon of one of the oldl uid best cm it phyilclaim and mines in thcunlted i utts aud is for sale by all drnfigista th oagliout tbe world prloe teoty bve outs a bottle do sure and ask fur tins wixsixwi boormxo sniur aad take no 4ber kind mother graves worm exterminator has no equal or rlsstroylins worms lu children and adalts i eo that you el tht genuloe when purchs ng tujulimie tickling in your throai which makes you oough once in a while and keeps you constantly clearing yoar throat i rises rora catarrh and u catarrh it a nsliiutiooal disease the ordi nary coagb 1 ledicinos all ail to bit the spot whit on need is a oonstitntional remedy like ilooda sarssparllfa many people who li ite takenthis medicine for scrofula dys epsla loss o appetite and and other tn ables bsve been lurpriwd that it ihoald core this troublesome cough but to know i le acfual cause o the oough if to solve the mystery manycaseso con sumption car be controlled in us early stages aud th i efltct of hoods ssnapa- rilla iu pnnly tig the blood building up the general health and expelling the scrofulous taint which s the cause ot catarrh and and coniumpt on has restored to perfect health many ersons on whom this dreaded disease to seerped to hare a firm bold c k livinj ston plattarille savs i have much plasore in recommending dr thomas ecle- tricoil rom having used it myself and 1 laving soldil for some time iu rot owuxaj s i will say or if that it is the best preps ration i have ever tried or rbeumatism copmnnuou cured an old phys cian retired from practice having had ph ced in his hands by an east india misaiom ry the formula of a simple vegetable remi dr or the speedy and per manect care if consumption bronchitis catarrh asthl ia and all throat and long aftections alic a positive and radical cure after having t sted its wonderf ol curative powers in thoc land of cases has felt it his duty to reiki if known to his suffering fellows acta ited by this active and a desire to reiievt human suffering i villseud free of charge to all who desire it this recipe ia gere ian french or english with fall directions for preparing land using bent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this aper w a- kotes 820 powers bloot rochester k v da icers in delay if we were a lowed tolookinto the future and see tbe fat j consequences that follow a neglected cole how differeatly would our course be cot id we realize our danger how speedily raid we seek a cure but with many it is only when tbe monster disease has fi stened its fangs upon our lungs that we a rakea to our folly what follows a neglr ted cold is it not dis eases of the thr at and lungs bronchitis asthma consu jption and many other diseases of like nature ii is worse than madness to neglect a cold and it is folly not to have sore a good remedy available for this frequent cc ziplaint one of the most efficacious medi nnes for all diseases of the throat aodlaogi 1sbickies anticonsnmp lire syrup xi is medicine is composed of several medial ai herbs wbfch exert a most- wonderfn influence in caring con- sumptioa and ol ber diseases of the lungs snd chest- it remotes a free and easy expectoration si oihes irritation and drives the disease from the system j ltyduwantti buy or sella jtann ad vertise in the tc ronto waily ifail that aper reaches 100000 farthers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of i omebne who wants to pur chase advertii imentc of this class are in serted in the toi onto wumy mali for five cents a word ei eh insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address tbe mail toronto canada sweet even fruit heartburn lain lights so fbst i sleep with thej mans vegetable ness has sll beea c c bicmem 4j likuiekt for lot 5 p e- j minjinrk ualmi mrsjl stephens of albsny ny writes us u folic ws my stomach wu to weak that coal not eat anything tour or teatime would cause or oppression of tbe chest short bri ath restlessness during sleep and fright ul dreams 6f disagreeable voald often dread to go to ok of nofthrop le ly jdisooverr this unpleasaut- iremoved and i now caa eat what suits m tast or fancy co gexts myhcrsc was so- afflicted with could oot driuk for four all food- simply apply lixofent outwardly cut hjaunn cixk distemper that ai days and refasedj ing minabds cared him feb 1887 c c iilcbuim si co gestsi hav used your minabd8 bronchitis and asthma and it has cured die- believe it the best mjujia llvcfgstox t or tate everywhere w3b- oreatrei rheumattlsm neuralgia sciatica laumbagos backache headache toothacho soretrrbat frost bites sprains bruise burn f tc bold tjf dnijjlsu and dealers ercrrii titwiitfimilu fiftcentitrjottte 11 languages iwchitlh maacojiiimm hi oanadiaadapot twto0nt irukaiixeisisakae where 1831 the cjtjltivatoe 1891 country gentleman th bcst or riix agrictilti ral weeklies ob own to farm crops ai d processes hortiotuttt e fruitarowing livesi ock and dairying wuuo it also include i til minor doihrtmcnu 0 baral iatemi such u the poultry ysrd en- todiolo dgroonoouseandorspery veterinary bpljes vtrta questions tod an- iwcn flretfde be ling douestio ecoootny and s lommsry of u e hewn of tbe week its market hfcporu ere tmoaaailr complete and maob attention is p d to tbe prospeots of tbe crops as browing li bt apon one at tbe most important of oil que ttom when to bay and wfien w sell it 1 berslly illnitratod and by recent enlargement outsins morerpsdiosmat- ts4rtasa over before the subscription price 1 1050 por year but wt ofiar a special iteduetiou in oar j cltjb sa e fob 1891 two sabscriptlons in one remittasco f 4 81x subscriptions do do 10 twelve babhcriptk as do- do 18 tsrto sll kew snbi ribrs for mi paying in advance now we irll send tbe paper weekly frow our moeipt of u 9 rfloiltuacd to jauaarr 1st im without ttbar to rjj8pecjineii coplo tree address i luther tuoee 3 ft son publlsosrs 1 iubafyny w feis the model husband a the bermuda cable now oorapete carry no truer tiding ban that birdook flood bitter exoelasli other remedies in oirlng diseases of the stomach liver t weli and blood known everywhere at tie perfect blood pariflor caring even tto vtprst cases when all elco ails i i mo ayera cherry pectoral rsely in niy practice and recommend it iu cases of mioopine cough among cbildrou having ounl it more certain to cure that trouble- some disease tbso snv other medieiue i know o so says dr barllem of coo ord mas i i waarda llatmeat tsr talc fcrerr jtliere a facij j knpwfu- ij that mood df cases which all other ruicuies fall to cure yield jo ayors samaparflia trcsl eodurinai tion ol this ofato- 1 ujent couica to 1 iiaaddahr brcaj audi docji9atcd andttubboruijuu- j plaiuts as niicn- i nulisiij rlitu ma de gyil aidio nkfqiu tioobi- 1 cradicalsi j hy thciiscufthbtroc- kriti alcatic irs h trvfux dodge 1 10 trlt 123t h mrcct kew yort ccriliiesi aboattwo jxir io niscr aultcrfn for nearly two yenr fraci iiuiiiific rant bclnpablcj to wall oah with gt cat tjweomfor ond iiivii trvl varnius cmodim ucttdii iritcral ivatcrx riuiout relief e su- hr an iklvcrlix satnt ill a ciiicaii atcr that a man lial oon relieve o tuu ditryiiiij wmi- flaint after ion- ruitcrin by takliij xjcrs saraiurilli i thei dccidcd to afcakcairial cf tlsi mcdlciac aad tout if regularly u17 ciiit tnonim i aia pleaded to saytlu ft citccted a com- jtlctccarc rril flat t lave since had ro liituru ol tin icir i mrs l- a sil kah k uj triton one year at i was taken fit ihtli rlieuariiji cumiil toiny lioasc fix iriitar 1 rar ntst of iho efclnca very iici dihliisaitj with no ajpisctfte aiirt my fyitcn disantrod in avcry4y lijjjjcucid iu ic ayrrs larsajonlla ra lnn to iinprovpj at paimuvijrttvnziii end nocri t epveri iy tisirt hcaltk i cannot tay to aicj in iritc ti thu cllkuoivii ttedidac f j ie iitvc trid1 i jtc1 deal of nou- cjuc hut iitliic lac done rnc jee isuch fvkul a v crs 8ar cporillaj i fill iu ikticlicrrcltcis uicn i t1 quite fiuwliwl 01 ixictc rid i can fkcly tost tiy iha i i v- u- lrod- cdicti j i innv of h w ward br yoojiabd texas j ayers sarsaparilla rvztutfd bt i df j c aycr li co lowoll mass ptice 1 lit imlu tttrti ti tula pins ttaatot tovcatanb u tho h bott easiest to cmoodcbeapat h catarrh fbold by drazstsu or km bynun inc e t eiiciuno wnrmi pa v a jl h tkijlt called tst dreatest mmmi eworld abioiately chrnaleii 11 dsicd c nzzvj rtfsadsd j pamphlets testlmonlih etc fzs bidiu nicnonc unirc co ua 120 ens st w toroato oat i la afanaiactaters lor the dominion 1 of knposjuonsi 8 our trmamarfc ib oil is thtooe who sometimes tlilnka ol bit trlfea plntnrt andoomfort aa well as fart own tht average botbaud it sol verjr much it home and what of oomlort tltganc rtnneotnt and onjoymtnt bs rtocivta here he owes to hi wife who spends her lime at heme her mijsom when a wife aska her huaband or new furulture greatly neeled be too often replies i oh its good enough for me 1 guen i oati ttand if oo to thou telbrh wretch have yon no thought beyond- roorself tutt think that your falthfu wkeapenda bar whole timeainongst rleketty furniture think how she brashes it up rearranges it and makes every abift to glra it a rcapeotablejook think bow the blushes through and through at aha sect bar calwrttlltlbslir oovh in cfltiwnrpi a tht antlqaatsd ihsbbidtaa yoo think feed enough or yoo bhatna on yonl haktl arosnds oat your fsdthfol harfworktesj patlsol wlfl lb ml of fornltur aba wrw and go to sntlgbl sont furultnra war roomi aotoii for it hit yofl win nl a good stsottineut of furniture oil svery dtt orlptlon and ttyis and allrf exoalltnt quality all mad from tboroohlysason- ed srood and flnlthtd la tht bttt ttylf now yt careless hdibandt makt yodr wit happy make your bom bright and chsar- ful iuroember thai speight v bone u tht bttt place and tht only pjeosy wbtre yoo can get anything yon want in the lint of furnitnrt and at rtaaooablairloea aot et crartd trunk rajiwayy footatiait aotowiti5g l ma m i eiprttum f- atteoftr am1 eiprijo5a ilalt hoi am i tbroexprstetai 10mpm aeoht ttmt orcloaiso nijit- wtt 030anaalidsa0iuir fbastlosoajdaddtaopiu t tlmtttblt want into ersei on oei s7s ten pounds is i two week8 wthihkofitj mm a flash prodneer then can ha ijuertion btrt that scotts emulsion of farexod lirer oh aed of lima and fiora tbcmt a rival many havo lined a pound a daw by tbe use consumption scmfula bronchitis co u0hs u0 1 c0l0s ak0 au forms of wastihq dis- eases as valataule as iulk1 genuine fnadebrscarl bcwnebdleiiiesalmortj i vytpper tt all 0mliu coc asif 100 j burdock legulates thcstomech liver and bowels anlbcks thjeseoretlonepurlfleathe 3lpod and remove ell im purities from a pimple to thp worst scrofulous sore ejlood i- biliousness py icorfefpatron hekrte dliz t heaoachet rheum scrofula t burn sour stomach iness dropsv 1 rhqua skin diseases bitters kfeiil 13 packages of new gtoods received at the right house thief week coktainino silk velreu velveteene tobogganing caps table napkin ladles fancy aprbnt otpray fsttbn and winge jet sprays dress steels bilk thread and twitt trimming braids ladies woollen cardigan jaokett woollenj yarns homemade flsnotia grey flannels flannelettes colored canton flannels embroidered collars good beat and cromptoni corsets smyrna hugs hair fins knitted shirts and drawers ladies kmltd woollen veals cortaio poles window shade notion and tieklogt watk1n8 18 giving away mantle8 jackets dolmans bp88l4n cibctjlab8 mantle cloth8 etc at thil right house at about half cost fklcetv the 060d8 must be bold off to make boom to rebuilu hit stores ladie8 mantles mabked down fbom i8m to 17 from 118 to iu fbom 19 to 1060 fbom 15 to 70o bu8slan oibculars fbom um to 1760 fbom 118 to 6 fhom 10 to 760 from 11550 to c jo circulars rom 860 to 5 rom tlcso to 18 ladiea dolmans rora h to 19 from 110 to 810 from lit to 18 rom 18 to 110 childrens mantles from 18 to 1160 from 13 to ii from hm to 1260 from h to 13 maule cloths from 1660 to 12 from 18 to 1160 rom 1295 to 1126 from 2 to ii from 110 to tx pattern millinery leas than naif prices ladiea fascinstors from 90o to85o from 1126 to 00c wool clouds from 1126 to 00c silk ploehea in the latest ebadea from 1100 to 80c from 85c to coc from 60c to 40o from 1100 to 1145 from 1300 to 1185 from 1176 to 1136 brocaded pjnjbes from 1360 to 1175 striped velveteens from 75c to 25c bonnet ribbons from 80c to 6kv from 60c to 36 from 128c to 30c ladies gloves from 0c to 26o attracban glovesfroro 1186 to 1100 and from 1100 to 76c just tee the jerseys they are very cheap many of these goodt are tnit teatont ttylea be tort to tee the carpets and general houtefurnlshing goods tbe stock is enormous and comprises almost every article used on floors windows or furniture pleaae bee that you enter the ttoret east of the carpet window many mate mistake and do not gel into the right boose corner of king and hugbton street tbqtvt as c watsilsrs teeth with orpif without a platfe lst juth on 4 nn l i ttullitstiliwbrlalnltis eitraeooa i c h ri9qsv dm rm ui oi tawif hamilton nov 27th 1890 the colder weather touches you you draw tbe curtains earlier the fire blazes in the grate or upoo tbe bearth yen overhaul last winters wardrobe and think of needed things for comfort if warm underwear or hosiery is deficient you make noto of it and you then need to add another note concerning g b rvix a cos si the head i quarters for reliable winter goods tbe large quantities of both gentlemens snd ladiea ibeavy underwear and hosiery which we are selling this teason indicate not only kncceksf ul belling but correct judgment iu buying and that mean for yoa assortment in sizes yarietj in styles cheapriess in prices all of wbich quslities arc prominent in our underwear and hosiery do you know the comfort and luxury of an eider down qailt 7 we pick one out for mention from amountain of lightness and softness covered with french 8afeec about six eet square filled with clean white rlaffy down aad warranted to bold it eight dollars esch we cannot paint in cold type tbe qualities of our dress goods but one or two skeleton facts are enough in a case like this to head thrifty bayers our way half dollar dress goods have you any idea of tbe extent of our stock of these goods in fall and winter weights 7 much better eiuff than youve been used to seeing at 60c finer qualities choicer atylei richer coloring ask to bave them abown to you you will be delighted with tbem f we have still on hands few of those choice dres goods with borderto matcb in all tbe latest shades and only 35c per yard double width our dressmaking department is very busy and daily growing bntier aji work guaranteed strictly firstclass g b ryan- co giielph istzetw gooids jsrobb3r goods cheap groobs ordered clothing department for tbe kill xad viatar tndo wc bsve uo la slock tbe fiaect raae o suitings overcoatings and pantings you ever laid jour eye on 1islcver you want in clothing it will pav you to come to u as prices are right fit risht andtyle rlghl gents furnishings kew shirts collar caffs tjcs and ludcrvear 1c abundaucl readymade clothing in ueni vouthf ioyt and chudreoi sulu aud overcoati wejliave a very larce itock at very low prices kellt bros kctdn canadian printers read r j i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to behad in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder prdss v come to ncton ttnd seb our j improved country prouty pess ht work jh we have run tbe frouty for eight years and the longer we run it the better we like it it u simple easy to r easy to handle costs little or repairs and is easy on tlieprinters pocket book we call it the best press to be today or the money come add tee oor press at work if you detire samples of vprk fend for them and we them we n give you your chaise of a dumber ot different eires and stylet of freneti at all pi 1 prices yp is4 in tbe world gladly furnish v will think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power bress for only 600 tt 700 jor an 8 col boot press lor 3j8oo full particulars from i h p gent for canada acton pht m- pisiprlip rtwkisqwncy summer tours paiact stumcm low rnvjfc- tttiatrppflwtmlc bctrtjtm 1 detfl6lt mackinac island j ljtusurjn pfi 1- t irfrjf xvfmlor btweefr detroit and cleveund st m our illostrated ptmphletfi b trfmtitwwinvi nlihwl j ei vhitcomb a p drtaorr uk r i8 octuit t clhiu10 stett ui c8 thecooicsbestfriend ft l a new book f from cover to cover poiij abreast with the times websters international dictionary a grandrilnvestment ior the family scjksorprwtevnooalxibraijt tat anthentlo wrhrtors vina of tko nadearltnuitt is s ib rartsod maii enlaite1 ad aa rustinwrhtblnt tiusvbmai tbe sums of tfebetert isttstrsa s jt4p editorial work upon tkia rehsissr i kaa boeua inactivojrrotjro iarsmur- taii tears kot less tkan oae hmm dred paid editorial 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