Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 11, 1890, p. 3

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methodist church aotok oa01 rrroo ilarud pwtok renontce bower avesoe uu6 iam and uo bandar tjme oueeeedaettd bytee aj1 cordially invited end twtoci 4ljrt welcome at- at ua door aereosalred ajttjlj w h p iloon bamk of laiidomce cipttii tint w ijtolsbcll t cuna hamilton ha1cjtoh ugoov hb8rtvbs in cumn jr8jox srfcwiat praasdant a it vicetree josnc paocrodvrgtue gro boacst a t wd a b lta qkorobtowniokkot xetaselieciniud in advancea made on ell tettabfe tweritiea oium kit niu ot cue ibklbcltnts 8tna qut butuutd the oovyixcxt oreclwrx bowhf and sold oatucskoyi made ou til aeceesfblt point oo atest faiereble terms tt i savdtas deraktjiknt daronie lu- sorest allowed from date ot denoeitjto date of withdrawal j stec1al deposits ato fmttd at current rates of latereit ko bocke otwhidrawarreoalred i hwatsox ajtat rteecsifol christinas let no oqc i octet beaakaul christmas med low no regret beaotaul roods in in stock la oat store oamf tad ita wonderful treusrva explore betqtitntbftxftiib yjp call will rery i beautitttl pfut for beautiful day ivsi seek for so ann your search will be vaiu boaakfal christmas is with asai tho- bet j ofcvrytliirig for christmas j i evevbody is delighted with our hjulay- display see it- geo fivnds i santakclaus headquarters for christmas presents ft ttm ftct fiwss- thubsdat december ii 1890 littie local brieflets which caught the ees or ears of free press reporters this week ir i itooi snow wanted tbemercory vent balot zero on sce- -tkj- night- for fcrery need on lind or set flo piess ut snpnliei the tej- thw christmas tje at the alamoislh hoasegeorpetotl haa obmrnenced thefaraal holiday entertaraeota are nqtrxnqer preparation in all the churchea for the verv finest aedding cardi to be had call ktthe-fui- fuss office and see tafhples the disciples sunday- school enters tainmen will be held on monday 2plh decenbi r ksei christmai night dear for the methodist sabbath school xtnu tree acd enteitainnienl the district council oi the boyal xecoplara of temperance will b held at oajcyiuetonicicrot sir eichard cartaright addressecl a large cashering of electora in gnelfih on satnrda fternoon wa mt1 fear car loadf of choice potatoes for which the highest market price ari be paid in cash t hflintf mrj joseph lasbyhas the fdaodatioo completed and hi m arrangementa for the erection of fine bank barn neit rprins a firm of grain bnyera frooi milton were bets itbis week prospecting they nay establish a boaineaa here bat hre hot arranged kbe matter yet- y themercbants were in ezcelleat form on sitorday- the sleighing broogbt in motulncof porchaaets aada fine days bntjots was tnimrtnl fooelof the steam pipes in the canada glare works sprang a leak on sunday afternoon- toe watchman and manager had a listly time for an hoar or so 4kaaght issso fine as a winter day when it dears and the snow it done fall- ingt the boys wiah it coald newr he ahorebud away bet all naed op ufsnowbahin the ancoal contention of the ontario branch ofthe dominion lif ior tlje total tnppresaion of the- liqoor traffic will be held at toronto tjcmlay and to morrow the loam for weddings has evidently opened earlier than usual this year seteral hatmg local interesrhate alreldy bees attnormcetfand it is reported there are mora to ieouow 4mr george scott of gnelpb was bitten inithe arm by a horse some ten days sga he waa taken to the general hospital where ht died last friday night from the enacts oi the bite i 4sew postofliees- were opened in on- ario tn the first mst at allen froititenaf- oatyj andrewsrilhv booth- lanark l t warina stonnont arims korth norfolk tain booth kor- j marsdaie it op to the times in point of jedncationsl interests a handsome and mbataofitl new poblic school building which has jnst been completed at a cost of l7j00yacion will require very sppo to rncje u the direction of farther school i seooroincdalioo james atekeece a wellknown farmer lot 27cbingaseoasy was pitched out of bii wagan while driving home last friday o momseqaence of the wheels linking into a rat in the road he rolled down an embankment itriking tie stone abotmenta ofthe alrert and dying in about two uri t obstordaythe property of mrs h offered for sale by auction tteabcj and residence failed to secure a p but the vacant lot on mill street tiaiibj mr thos t moore i joins it for w mr ko in a fine block cf fop r lots there wltil corner lots 7 -j- marshili atdsdd8 ivb hrwfll be at the dark hotel jw of lhbaturai teeth hlebest artificial keth perfect fit jznar- iw tw ld bdi dentist 2f to actoo it agnewf bdtd g m tnoauy of each month lod artificial tth auended to i guaranteed at reason- both the body and tin tnaattiatooic aatlbarbs aie- jlstto- the news at home mostly of a tooaucharaoter and every ftm4ntertjng a choppinn achtieat oolut thundfc mom top a joonp man dirtied mtllpr of tiw ttrtiut eiqactlng while choppiup tufpped on th c in the twmp which attniji bu mo to enter the tifiht foot timort oomjlelfiyicvardg the bout flf the rrttt tor an vatortnnnte full ooedftf lut wttt mr jos crippbf ktuuittt- while wiikiufi up main gt flipped on the itdmik ind ell iod wu o injored that the hadto beamiitikl into mrs adami ilort on examination the hip joint wai fonnd lo bo peverely injured and will require some wocki rut to ttpair the damage i rroprro scw oosatordayafternpoo uifl campbell hoa tbt property o the lale jamdt camphbll wus op al auction by aup uoiuexluciiutrcet and add to lit g c clatk thvletmqoi the premiiea foe the put year or ao foe i4w5 mr clark makes very atteotive landlord and under his management the campbell hoqm hai been in favor with the tn veiling pnolic knox church scramcn services the communion tervicem in kcox chnrch lut friday and bodiy were well aueni and of a very jntereating character rcvv a- hdromm of georgetown preach ed on friday and hia sennoa waa ver bfr fittinf to the occuioa on sonday mom ing ret j w hae preachedthe common- ton sermon and at ila close the sacrament of the lords samper wai administered to a large number of memben jtc brvkchis leg on wednesday aftemoou of laat week mr david ewackhamct ithl una esquos- iagmet with very severe accident while encaged with his team in drawing logs to his home foe- fire wood oa starting home with his load the fog which wu a peculiar shape suddenly tamed over and crushed the left leg of mr- swackhamer breaking both bones below the knee- the mishap seems rathet uofortauatc as mr swack hamer was about starting off upon a job of work which was to keep him fully em ployed all winter- jvo 2edrts thki beat as one a couple c former residents of acton were nailed in the bonds of holy mttririooy last areek andjlve since been the rccipienti of numerops crfcgratulauons coca acton friend on mouday 1st december mr g w cook of toroulo and miss minnie adams eldest daughter of mr wm e adams o drayton were joined in wed lock by rev dr hannoa guclphat he parsonage after the ceremony the happy couple weet en atrip to london returning to aetna onwedeesdiyjthcy spent a dty or two visiting friends here leaving on fri day etenicg for their home in toronto rtstifof rev d y cocas rev d vlacaj of honlreal recently returned from australia preached in the methodist church listsunday morcipg and in knci church in the eveuiag his ser- mocs were earnest and ccntiiced reach to encourage christians iq their eftorts todo gods will at the close of the evening service he spoke again his tub ject being the wines of the bible- oq jnday evening he delivered his leciarp queer thing r saw in australia in the- metho dist church to a very urge audience and on tuesday eveaiag he gave eis lecture on thambsxp er thurnbs down in the town hall itanicipal matters are evidetaly oegianicg to agitate the minds of acton ratepayers and the question wfco is to be our reeve and who our comcillcrstor 101 f is rapidly becoming a correct question two li least at our citizens have been giving the matter some thought and are apparently anxious that faxpeijii readers should know ujeirmin da keitber of the communications speak in the most complimentary terms of the present council nor do they say muchrfor the men they call croairs- their utters would have carried more weight had they append ed their every day names so that the public might know whe themenare who are inter esting themselves so much in their welfare however if their cammunations have he result of setting the ratepayers thinking some good will have been accomplished a worihr tnstiluiiqtt in september last mr a- f smite sent his little daughter maggie who impartially deaf and dumb to th oaiaria institution far tne deal tad dumb at belleville and her progress there h been both surprising and encouraging last thursday mr smith was delighted to receive a short letter from her own harni very legibly written a follows j jjcilfifiile dec 3rd 1330 dkut fi trttr j em well ud hxiipj- and i hojm joaafdaqat home are the sane best iorefo yon tul toorlotingdacsiiter itxccm fimtttfr the writing would be a credit to a child of her age possessing all- her faculties and exhibits marvelonsostress for so abort an attendance at the institution mr mathi- son the painlaalung-eiirjerintendentdeser- yes praise for the efficiency of hi much- neededschool it caused a flurry tlast wednesday afteruooa county con stable harley of georgetowu arrived in town witrf about half a quire of blue paper invitations to as many of our citizens to an at home in the ofece ofthe georgetown magistrates the following friday a tery rtrange thing indeed was the fact that these invitations were no more kindly received than those which were delivered during the scott act rtghac and numerous were the threats of what would he done with the informant if hands coald be tad- upon him- even some of those who a coo pie o yean ago used their votes and influence to soenre the crooks act didnt like this part of the crooks act programme bit more than the scott acts rata few days served to cool tho matter down a bit and the proprietor of the dofflioion hotel who wascharged with selling liquor contrary to law op sunday23rd nivenber sent an embassy to the magistrate and nettled the case lit is reported by paying the fine for such an offence t sertvaj scirlccs closed the special services which had been in progress fop tbreeweeks w the methodist cfiurch were brought to a close last friday evening the meetings though of a very qufetjcharacier were pervaded throughout with a strodgpiritnal influence and result ed in much good a reception service was beldpn friday evemogwhen twentyeight persons were received intdeburcb fellow ship on trials rev dr gifford addressed tbem io a very earnest practical end inter- eingmajitiertmplainfagtbrojes of the chnrch and exlttfrfing them to lead cbris- lufchvetrastmgcflniuntlyfn fiod for strength also to attend tho ordinances of qod wch mth pnphc worship of god itiajwnwry oihe word the ttramen ofitbe lords sapper family nd private prayer sod searehioff of ihe criptares the wtrrioe wu jnn od imprtwive oos aitiiktot hisrismarki pf gif ford referred to the ood orde which hd prevailed jhroasbotttiie sen of srr vices and the ioteroft maniifised in the prood ilryuw j ur flfasoiiabe ttraiief coai ne tlwwlntrr wmtbjtt itiat mtjto 1 it weak mt fait it it cootlotiaij to brinj t llvellw dhrbtlnu than hart had o a tiff reua baok thaanow uwltyi kdc i lo lh teat kith which chrutriaa anterpt sat ara indartalttn u well u tojthe txianl of por shaaaa mdtt by tha pobllo lu all depart ncoti ot trade then ii uolhlng i ka good aoiibl weather to rjromot abelthy tale ol bailout and genuine plisu ire i mrmorlam at the regular meeting of th boyal cemplan of ttmparauee on moudi y n ing the following memorial retenrto tolhe wh o the late mim augnita inioklln wu paased the brit crownod oufcltelaot fraternity lu been uroleu ood who ti too wis lo art and lou loving to be unkind bu uli it li noqgbcotno up higher r the griakor lore bu iirevatlod our sliter ihi taken her place b the ihlaiog circle almte her iweetacn of disposition bor truntwrout aoneity ot parpoao and her unlet anaalumlng planner won or her the affection the eaueui o couadenco o ui all the i ot har bfo aloae rcuialni with tu a silent vi ice sirs co ye alio readr while we uiborn oar lou wo would ft member hat there an other haarta that wl b han iortued another circle wfthln to oon and to hew- the meuben of tho berearod h pma we would offer this ucmorta with anaddi prajer for oods gaidaee and blasting for o b our only pies for thu claiming their i uantion being wo v bare lost a friend fllgnod on bob lit ot acton council n i joo b tott i i jiiru l wuursx 8oloct co incirior j da w h lownr secretary j the secretary wu initrucled to sngrou the momotiil on the minotesotlhe jooodl and send a copy to the family el d oeased iyrsooml mration ilr harry blake left on alondi y on a trip to glovenville ny reeve storey attended the meetin ol the county council on monday mr tbomu blair and miu afar visited friends here during the week miss jessie kicklin now occupies i place in the office of the canada glove fl irki mist mattie black who hu beel viiit- iig in toronto for some moothi a home ou a nsil miss llittie thuriton who hu been io grimsby fora oonple of months n turned home ou saturday her joseph edre of clinton ha i been iivilod to tho pufprate ot koi th 81 ethodamharch goderich i t l issae of the korth toronto ifcorrfrr has an excellent portrait f mr it humberstoue reeve of vork town- hip wellknown to a number ol fmx i hiss readers revleroy hooker of the metro wlilan lurch toronto hu decided to ace pt the invitation q the chatham church her jj wannis of chatham havioc at oepted l unanimous invllatiou ttf sl paols church toronto the resignation oi kffc a h i rumm o the charge of he georgetown andllime- hrjose congregations wu accepted by the toronto presbytery on tuesdiy the rev joseph aleiaodcr will be msderatoi when tic church is declared vacant- hiciuia biru thechristmatc amber of uariktc fiouir to be published lecem- btr 12th will be fairly redolent with the spirit of tha holidayr i the itons will include st gudules angel by muion hsiland a snowy christmas by rose hawthorne iathrop and how christ- nus came to frids by florence waiters saedeker all of which will be sqperbly illujtrated willcarleton will comribate apoem entitled chruunu seventytyears which will be illustrated by a fall e pictare drawn by alice barber tn escouncllors opinion tj my niqipal politics totlubdllotefkhiruu rai- a lolhat yaai ii jrad tally drawiod to a slot i ud ihi ritpaft i of thu mblllelpal ily rill ihortlyjao calls 1 upon lo elect an exu ullva to priilde ovi r ihi dellbaralloni ot a other yaai and to mdearor u poaalbli to i radical tha evlli that hare arisep throigh iba eironeooi admiolstrilion d thoai who poakeaaed t oonfldanoa and weneotruilodruarc the inleroata ofthe itoretbutwhomlh tjonh incompeteaoy and eitravaginbe aqaai dared the flnanoea 00 expenilvo roadways elevated ildtwalea empluymtnt of labor di ring ther period oi those auoallod improve nenti blout re- iuat to oonsolldite the variou municlpil ippdntmaoupoulbly afraid of dlipens ins with afitliul oi lervint resolv ing to fulfill tue tnlultii of mortgaging the town to the digut of every ratepayer betraying thai cmfflda ice they asaumed upon their ascension ip municipal govern- mant j hive wo not appro mhed a crisis in mnnlolpal aflatvsor nasi we oonllnna lo bear uie heaty yoke i f taxation 1 would it not be well i o make a election from some ot the chrot ic grumblers who ere oonaunlly croakit i eioepl al the period of an aleetlon- lo aaorifloe their person il interests and a ivince those ot the oommunlty by eftectin omeiyiftm of reform releasing us froi i such a deplorable condition and elevating the low standard of municipal politics f i irmly believe that re have competent men pomeaaing the ex lerlenoe and boil- neas qualincatiom lutficiently to represent us at the coupdl board aod every effort to induce them to enter lie field and it elected u no doubt the will be laboring harmoniously togsther post advance and promote the intereata octhe community thanking yoo mr editor for insertion 1 remain yours i actoadecoth mq a iutarivek children crylforfiteherscastoria i when bbj- ni sick far her ctoru- wiwq jit vu a oiild thi cried for caitoria wbta tha becama hiss sha ctuug to castoria when she had cbildran shi caro tbem oastorla purify to he editor of the actou fam titis rsiecteii sic will yoa kindly iverae space a say a few word to the ratepayers and those who are seeking to be our tillage represent tires there has been no time in the history of acton whenbe electors should be more careful in giving theiftotec men of ability and economy if possible should be oar choice and who ha e the nicest sense of honor so that it wo ild be impossible for hem to stoop to an irthing small or in lany way against ou r best interests municipal government m y well be said to be a government of he eopie by the people for he people aod i ji be fare the failure must be ascribe to he e themselves and not to a syste n that them complete control over hi ir own i look with a good deal of j aloasy si the mm j- suggestions made by utside interference in these matters the people mate and unmade their own goveroc rs and if they are dissatisfied with he goven men they have the remedy in their wn lands dont believe in making too much 1 alk in the stores aud on he street corner etc for relief when we can get it by chenging ocr own ciric parliament men will try every remedy but hi right one because he qghf one invokes i per sonal responsibility from which th y are only oo eager o divest themselves the duty of each member in any comi auuity ia to give to hat community thever best government it can get and his can c nly be dooe by getting be best men io tai e the government upon themselves ho r has tiis duty been attended to by th j very pie who complainof misgovernmn ut and afflicted with periodical fits of muui- ial reform i why these j are thj men o stand aloof when s municipal t lection rmeson what is the ose of fowling d grumbling ai the weight of taxa ion or railing at he ejuravagaace and u uy if en he opportunity u given to t lake a iange men shrk their duty and either er their own senices to carry u the jiirb of he village nor lend any active sipport id secure the services of tho e who mid be had to do the work if the were ojily encouraged by the sympathy si d sup- irtlheyhave a rightto eipect if the grumblers- suffer because of thai own leot then bey deserve to suffer i nd its ihortsightedpouey that would trj to set the machinery of legislation in motion to ue those who wont take the lightest trouble to save themseves what is the mplaini as far as acton is com erned eavy taiation a heavy civic debt road- that are in azperpetnal state o exca- tion the obraplaint is bad en ogh in conscience and yet it is not so b id but at it might be worse our civic rulers ve been charged with incompeten y bnt ve never been charged with disb nesy ur taxeahave been buried under tl e earth t do man can say that they have one in e way of corruption at all pventt not in jb criminal sense of the ord the f hae uptbseo pot to their betuje bnt th iy have fc sen used in the service d the people 1 hat oar taxm have been growin f eoor cioaaly ii iinforuinitely 6n toj tree rbelher the advteoe u in lb mm ument or in the rate of little ifflporh n to t le nntortatute rtepyr he foe i tt au t ie same ftnd be is not mncboonsoh 3 when is jtdowa tha hu property do not i lereaeo to ralne to him mft does to lbd i iilsgefor taxable imrposes f yoarfetc elcopxc bux tmmmm fttiortanee ot ucififfihe blood lu lire condition ts mlvcrrallr known tnd yet tlicre arc cryfcwpeoiilcwbo iaw porfcclifiiurc blood the taint of ttcroiuu tah rtieuiu or other foul humor is lierwll ted and transmitted or fenerations causing untold safferiup and we also accmnutate poisoii and genus ox dis ease from hie air ot breathe if j ibe food ore cat cr if me sir tbe water we drink w l there if clustvclr j wfuii proven than the i positive poacr o hoods sirparilti over all disease of tlit blood this medicine wlicn fatrir tried docs ciici every crace of wrofula cr salt rheura remiivcs the ail which causa catarrh ccutoliirs uicscidltrandciirw rhcanutlira drives oat the penni ot iiularia bld jjwf- fonlnj etc it rxo vitalizes aud en riches the hood thds oi jrconiiiir oiat t fccuu and btiilubj up the whole systciu thousands teftlfytolbe ftiierlorltroi hoods banaparilla as i blood irarincr full ihfor- mauon and statemeats of cures sent free hoocfs j sarsaparilla pomirliiirijiit iriiyoras prpirl oaly vl- c t hood t co ipothicarlet ijwtu mill 100 doses one dollar fob special debabtliws furnish tho theme for oar remarks today to none of them will space permit us to do anything like justice bus any and- all are deserving of ypur consideration at this purchuingbeasonitoiay that they are crowded ia to state the troth very mildly and lo say that you will find them unsur passed for value and stocked with special ties much under ordinary prices is only what yoa will see when roa look through and dress goods and silks i such a profusion of materials and color insil all trashy goods are avoided in trinlic value and merit is always our test in rich material we bavfc received a num ber f elegant braided paris robes which we venture lo say yoa cant match in the city fir novelty j and style do yoa want lownrioed goods then the special piles at 10c- and 15c and upwards are in your nay in bilks black dress and miotic goods colored raiilex j surahs and pon gees for ordinary and evening wear aboand in great variety of shades we import these goods direct and yoa will find our goods the very lowest mantles and furs we want everybody td come and see our mantles and jacked repeated imports tionl have kept our stock t well aasorted our large mantle iloooi is still crowded with elegant garment a word u to furs everybody talks about advanced prices our joods dont show it the reason ia we bought tbem early beforo the advance beaver capes with mry- stuart collar astcaohan capes sanle capes possum capes baltic seal capas and storm col- lara those are the goods everybody buys special bargains in long bear boas and mads about twplbirdsjthe ordinsry pries just received obr third lot ot astrachan jackets i j cloths and clothing our ordered clothing department has had a big mo gentlemen in want of a stylish nicelymade soil overcoat or trousers are fipding ot t that they can get style and material fro n ns at less than usoal merchant tailor prices in beady made suits and overoc its for mens and boys wear wo dont rpose to compete with shoddy trade bo yon can rely on getting a first cuts reli ible garment and at aj low price not undersold by anybody give o a look tho 08t ot every thing for brug m the sensation of the 8eaon i christmas will be fband at the store fail in lido all you pooplo who wish to see our display of plash cases oi all kinds mouth organs hyjnn books j annuals bibles toy books at any price i i photo and auto albums i scrap album8 at io cents each christmas cards and booklets i perfumesand toilet articles plenty of variety newest attractions gifts suitable for old and young the toeoavtoosevatrpody r h i i nam tk onrobbistiiak with a natntidrl asj ibex 8 of c 3 weeks for 10 cents vu mtautbj avt tba tenaj ambers contain ou loliowlna roajlni matter ii hn in york 1 loss jrrs new serial the heads pi turner jolsarui mend olivia- juhcoovmetaa i fwul write eielnsivelr tor tbekew yoralsoi 3 eon oeotu jlasorofts doserlptlon at the uaulo cgt ukc 3 margaret dawda latest itorr to what tair ispws pr hybrook- wrltlen oiyrouir ulustrstad by wilton de ussa and issued aa a tdvuvaq a kn liarr b the atrlbor of that ths cwrrvar bat bersaltat 41 fl 5 hit dr j ulfa holmes smith staru a urlerof irudos el young nsatuers stais 61 eobert oraijtl entertaining society novel ila harold 71 harriet preeiott spoflbrd manon harland marotaiso and saotte prederlo parsons contribute short itorles 8 fuses pgrtoa x w haxeltinb and ourer dyer antbor ides m tntereit i in addition m the above b sling editorials illaitrsted t cms inaaaiuonteuioadovc bparuing eoitorlals illaitntad t chatty column add a virietr of oeliatitlal reading of intorelt w all the tonmifa u a sarnnle of the matter which coca to mako family joornuerirr offered lotbeajnetiemtpeoplo send ten cetts for these throe oumben and judge for vourte a years snbscrlptai to pocket diaries for 1891 now readv at j v kannawins i t j s mill street acton carpets carpets gar pet 8 great clearing sale of- bvery carpet in the house reduced hemp carpets at ioc 2c 15c and up tapestry carpets at 25c 273c 30c 35c and up union carpets at 33c 37jc 40cand up wool carpets at 69c 80c and 90c brussels caipets at 75c 90c and 100 brussels squares at the ridiculously low price of iooo oil cloths from 25c per yard curtain pojes from 25c up j d williamson c co 5 and7 wyrrdham 8t quelphl 84 oswald st glasgow j municipal election wool ana faicyaoods this iooludes under lotting of which in tie famoni balbrigian goods we ara selling immense qnanti iea we can turn lab any member big or little of any family father mother son or dadgbter with the moat com ortable underwear to be fouid in the ttade oaiery in canadian cashmere ha vy wot 1 in speoial jrand value lift ii led fro iproof gloves and ulttenaj knitted shfwla and squares and caahmere 3ioves e ii ioilrt co 26 27 1 ower r7yndham st gueih nota all fhn hj trje qtsnis jiat i j b pearson am not a cjandidate for the rcjeveship neither dol covet mun icipal honors consequently shall hot seek your votes only your p7stronhgb t bitnnrar ia acton and vtcuiuy to call before xhas and add to i wantjevety ratepayer a bapptnesiof their wends by saleottng tor present- i tohhem soine of our many useful presougs contained hi our large and varied stock ot thb new tork ledger j eobert bonners seiis phblisheis 52 villiam stn y 0 w vis va ii- taieayi a interest of our beautifully any address k ycu tfaree donibfrf ifleltrtha r anooanmineot i or ttt srlo bennunu ujmtrtud hi for tb lkihjya beinttfully i vub very valuable ulonnation ta 1 rania hfonee thompson 1 i great senators oontrfbota r hlea vfanhalr sorthl nembers of uie booaebold ip the most perfect rational or bend only two dollars tot j- ii nlvl wktch6s sold on the instalment plan come in when in guelph and we wi plan of selling watches by paying so much b sayage watchmak er cuelph new winter overcoatings i ttd hand in english meltons naps i i elysiums and other choice makes orders respectfully solicited shaw crlindy merchant ta a larger shipment table covers table drapes mantle drapes wool felt and chenile in applique and embroidery opene d to at hibter3aiyns i explain our new a month or week r lor8 cuelph of these are beautiful goods and well wort i all who wish to make their home at a moderate cost these goods aie below regulir ohenile table coverfeversible wool table covers felt tame covers applique trimming beautifu table drape only hardware 3 d consisting of setts of silver knlvejr forks 8poons etc setts of carvera mrs potts 8ad irons jaotkuives skates whips knives and forks axes x oat jawi ornns eevolveri etc lamps and lamp ccods b beautiful hanging lamps in hall and i ibrefy parlor stand and hand j lamps bbaasj3obes wloka lanterns etc crockery and classware 3 3 3 tea 8tu plain and fancy fncyooi a int baooen vases porridge setts cake dishes glass setts goblets and n endleaa variety of usefol and orna nental olaaaware anaqobss ijiaauaaeaurfrsvlajlviry sv 3 croceries dome along ad are alhjible jaih and ma te yoor w pho v fijirs urs beaver muffand storm collar from bokarreii muff and storm collar astrachan muff and storm collar opossum muff and storm collar boas in kiw i aiains currants chujamrj i oouu t apdoitroopeelnioeaaridevety reqnisite forreal jjd faibl oneapto or paaalnft prope tyqaalifloaliona reqolred brim yoor laranted eemember we lead in floe teas wmmkm lamb coat and opossum 1 muffs in sal persian lamb astrachan opossum goatrand con a big lirip of gentlemens fur 0 tpsj cheap the very complete mil inery department is bcmii i m u uwki x the attention of beautiful prices o 85 to j55 50 j 1 00 up 2 25 upj a 35- si pairs 58 50 to 25 00 fi 50 5 50 and up y 25 and j up v- bqkarren beavet 4 anci the vtopkis t vjss

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