frbe prb8s calendar 1- r mo 1 1 i2iiiuvsni iwraiyasias ssatsjauii tjjjzi zs tsit ki0hi2ixhj won unit is i is naoiifcb e t rioiiu stttleiulmafl dlid 5 6 ti f fid llisrmmltr iswvjlcrsi liij i i st s houihii 11 invm ati t i bio ins 1111 inqirikii 351 ajuaaas -j- ii j s t i 1011 u1jhim rs irimwihs j 1 1 8 e liouituin itniuwaisr jjt i sj i i f i n ii u h isisitlwlfsl ijiterawsasr rg03l3lfll i qztsmfm firfss thuksdaytecfiibeu 11 1690 rjc aunjtollvs notes here and there- ttema of ooqeral intertst to free press raaden lfitvdii tcutiue ujikcufts md kxpel tlie nrmi by ttinj tad reliable lutlieiiaitilii tvorm rowur the nfc kud iroctnue liute dmiet ire golden pint to fasten the manila of gods lave tecc rely aboai us xslonal iiiu ire m id utxcaitve acting an the slacnich uwr andbowcli nmqvitm alt obt ruction t bat one llifncou ctrtli i tetter than the wife that is luc molhtr thof6bin of enlrn says i hareremovivt ton corns froa my feet wtih hollow tyt coru cute reader gothoa aad do likei rfva oct the bells for 4 uiti out the belle foe cfcrislnus the happy happy tiny- in winter wild th holy child within the cradle lay uei woaderf cl the saviour tsm tlie rnaiigcr loac- j iit palace is a stable and marys amis his tlirouc th hiuc out the bells for christ mas the tuerry tucm christmas hinc oat the belts for christmas the happy happy day 1st lulhlohvtuk nutvl hilumc in ics hiig jn by hi aiiil notes ilk tocy lltuts gitri to crodcul high vet tnkes the pan asioyouc as wheti the jonl vaihcmi aiul still he cotacs to prtvt ou uij every christmas morn whereer his sireet iatiu tut he r withit thie pontic fold flhe saviour dear is waiting neur a in the days of old lii each young hearty ou cv him in every uucicss face you e the holy jmtk who gcew in truth and price iu irauy a darkxjtic cotlu fn uwy a crowded street jn winter bleak uilhiivriiis chivl the honieless child you meet cjjlzs nn the pale win features the iet with wandering mcc vou see the souls he ioveth the christ child at the door thci licg yoar gladsome cairols chd lwil the new bom son for christmas light is pass bright it smiles on evry one lnd feast christs little children his poor the orpcaes call for he who cliose the mahgr he ioveth one and all half way vh one fumtner aftercooc when ifrt wax very bnsr her little dtaghter annie wax sotflewhat of a hindrance so ahe asid to her accie dear btippose roa go to yocr papat oscc atidslaywith him always promptly obedient axnie at once went bracdby ber equally- boxy papa i aaid to her annie i think yoix bad better run home to ciammf now annie felt with the unerring instinct of a chud that neither her mamma nqr her papa vraated her botn hart ajid perplexed ace lettled the difficulty in her ownmind by determiriicg npoo a halfway policy accordingly- ahe eted herself quietly iosthaif sray between her filherb office and the hoose presently tne old qrjndmother always on the lookout for the child toted- ber- eit- tinc there cat on- the ground loohng list- less and disaqusolate- ecrprised and wondering at so unwonted a proceeding on annies part ehe called to her annie child what in the world are yoa sitting there istt fiie pentup feeliogs of the little heart orcflowed u she sobbed tcell grgnrtmk maanma didnt want me and cent me to pap and papa didu t want me and sent me back to luact and i thought- 1 had better stay half way between tliec to im sitting here sfcoitfinfif a- poor toper ai a last resort for more drink took his bible- to pawn for lhuar bat the landlady refused to tale it well aaid he if she wont tats my word or gods wjjrd its tinje to pre cpy and he went and signed the pledge aud kept it oiihfollvv t jlr jn allen lpholsterer toronto sends as the following for six or seven years my wife lafiered with dytpepsia costitenese inward piles and kidney com plaint we- tried two physicians add any nam ber of medicines vithoal getting any relief until werot a bottle of xorthrop lymans vegetable discovery this was the ersttelief she got andhefore one bottle was used the benefit she derired from it was beyond our expectation ita somewhat remarkaijte low so many crooked men cet in to ftratlileneicircara it ante t lit tlie fur wct away wcit in ilriiish cwluinbia hag yards yellow oil i fcuovu and valued highly as al home in tprocun mi lieauocropeoc rortliaiia b ccajx for sore ihraxl coojihs roap brdisei etc kagyard yellow oil i the best thing i ever used lii order to stand up uude frcucnuy beconitt nccctsar oae friends hero ava then here and there and every found perfojs who have isci ana now honestly pric uurdyck uliod hitters fut its ivoiidrful ujod purifyiu clcitmug and uiuio cflccu iu all ihicuci of the cocaach liver bowels and blooi misfoctunc it to stand up vhere nuy be jyuare j a h the man im lajicg for the brickfuaaon said to the contractor victoria carbolic salve- if a great aid to internal medicine in the treatment of scro- faboi tort nlocrs and ibceses of all kindt- thcte are more pert id the wocldfwho have madccfg iu their methods than there are who hive methods iu their madness the third pie of the toronto dcuf malt is noted for want adrerttiements hyou want to boy or eell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a basi- nesx machinery lodgings if yoa have lost or foaad anything or if yoa want to find oai where anyone is advertise in the to- os a chrtstmah hottaxg gnu what is the soii bw colly siii uluit in the wui ouactitiilm both- oh twice ou sweetly ring oh ivice ou e on a christ mi cio oh hlcesl moci a baviourbor inters on the vv loavcs he he godandmanlo what a the hies on a christine iksv good will to 111 the ftugels sing ladly ting the anelb sing v moruiug cirtli it the ftugcu f ng ladly sing irlh the angels sfg i morning 1 0 wondrous king 1 the lords anointed nrksppoinlcd vtznly world a wjiilc ecouctla gtrj wimt is the hies tug angels bring gladly bring ruly bring ing angolk bring s morning the angel bring gladly bring rely briyg good will to mn he angels bring on a christ mr s morning cito ob toll me why sweetly sing j ladly sing oh tell me why on a christ mi bovk ill bethlehem w childrens kii ihould children sing fhould children ng s m5niing isbaru a king gaiiget king in bethlehem w is born a king on a christmis morning cim alt then lot us all ogthcr tiu sweetly siugkladly sing then let as alt together etng on this cliriamas morning glory to him whom love did bring sweetlv briiiq gladly bring glory toliim wham love did bring on n chrifitims maring cttu t atns igut uklnight gtkkljuight now to ull a kind goodnightl uul tlioimwnf icrtlksilv ti ik- hour gtrkluight gixxlnighl t good goodnigl aitgellike whi hurs above t iin 1kiu ih launiug waters sttvaniiitg ralm delight utnrlutghtl gixxluiht fright now to all a kind t earth t alecuing icir watch arc keeping goodmght 1 as the star of ijethlehem bright goodnight goodnight ronto dsvy hall and re4 the advertise- meats on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents t word each in sertion address the ltait toronto can ada yog hear of all the people who made a great man whac he ix wliat becomes of those who belpto make theicailares a iforrible harder a horrible murder invotiag the loss of ope iie- attract greater attention than the thcuahda of deaths occurring annually from scxcfulaand bad blood we want to attract attention tn bcrdocfcblood bitter the proved and popular remedy for these forme ol disease dt cures even old chronic obstinate caaea which have defed all other treatment it it an odd thing that aswit grows thin it becomes heavier- j the harsh drastic pnnjitivevonce deem ed eo- indispencible have given place to mijder and mare skilfally prepared iaxx tires hence theereat and growing demand for ayers pills physicians everywhere recoccniend them for costiieneas indiges tion and liver complaints success in the majority of instances de pends on knowing bow iooc takes to sac- cwd s et and comfort to the suffer iu browns household panacea hts no equal for relieving psin both internal and external it cures pain in he ride- back or bowels sore threat rheamathm tooth ache lumbago and any kind of piu or ache it will most eurely quicken the blsod and heal as it acucg power u wonderfal brawns household pah- acei being acknowledged j ax the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or dimment in the worid should be in every family handy for ase when wanted as it really it the beat remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and u for sale by all druggist at ij cents a bottle i it u extremely interesting toi visit some of the lehing manufacturing houses in toronto perhips the most interesting of them all are the extensive ornamental staineavjglass and decorative wcrfca of hccausiand tfr son it is from this estab- lithment that the finest windows have come jar the principal ch arches and dwellings our faults are at the bottom of out pains if yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad vertiaeln the toronto weekly stall that paoer reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par chue advert isementeof this clcs are in serted in the toronto weekg hail tar five centos word each insertion or twenty cento word for fire inwrtioax addxesi tbeiil toronto canada bermuda bottled you most- eo to bermuda if sou do not i will not be recjronst le tor the toneiaericev bat doctor i can cutortt neither the time nor tlie moner- wen if thai ulmpoaatble try- scotts emulsion of pure norwegian 1 cod uver oil i r sometimes call it vermada bot- r uecadmsji7 eases of consumption bronchitis cough 1- or severe cold r hare cubed with it sodtbe ftdtastave is tbat ttae mot mrn-i- fltesumaeh ean taic it another tfcing- wueh commendk ft is the angry thoughtx canker he mind and dispose ft to the worst temper in the world that of fixed malice and revenge advice io motitecs are yoa distarbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the pain of cutting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of sire windows soothing syrup for childrea teethmg its value ii incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrftosa regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colli softens the gums reduces innammatign and gives tone and energy to the whole system sirs winslows soothing syrup for children teething ispleassntto the taste and is the prescription of crieof the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the doited states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the worlat price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and askfornsias wikslows soothko srcup aad faki no other kind gtkxvnigbt gooduight xaw to all a kind goodnight s lumber ewectu till the morning till the sun tlie world adorning itises iu his glorious might goodnight goodnight good night 1 safest fitful alterative is ayers sar young ami iiol by j he for ln ttujitlve dii- cases peculiar mo children ncthlng ebc is so cccctlrc a thii raedkice vhile is agrt-ca- mr ilavtir mikes it cay to admin- iv j mr little iwy vid large -wrt-fu- icns ulcers on his neck and throat ffbm whkh he suffered terribly two fihysiciana attended him 1 m he ctcw conhntially vir iimit ihr t nre and everjuidy t-xitfi-illi- vtrhl ia- i had hrtnl tif tht-tcniarkalh- 1 uns ffietei by ayers 8aiilitiiii cujl ticriuiil to have my lioy nyji slujrtly ifur usn to take iin- nnxifiiiif tbc ulcers eom- iiifintd imtiiiijcntl jtfit x using feveral utllo lf vt utniiy iim lit- is munis a- any ixny t poughcrty tiiy yemrrjest child kisu tn hive sores iiahln t his rgc- naiijtni3a- fa mar la- fuuneeii mciiihs prat her dn iu lnjnl ami uxw we ap- n nicdfes without 1 iu ntimcr ician plied varimm suj avail the surfs iiiitettl iu numl anduistliiergn jojiluusly a physici vras callel lirtjlic fores continued imilliplf niiil in a few months lhry nearly mvicrd 1 1 e thildp head and itody at 1li atkah the xlk of ayers sar- apnrilli iu d ffw dpjs a marked change fur the bitter vras manifest the eoreammiul airc healthycjndition the tlithargcs were gradually dimin- isied and finally ccastil altogether the ehihl is liwticr its sliti is fresher and ii5 apjttnc served vt jann long ioiut teis the formula prcscnt forchr every kind the d the medical vq ji d wi afcajisas of ayers sarsaparilla nic liams df almost xst remedv knotrn to rldd ii wilson dr j c ayer irkcciitx it llirm vc have ob- fniiik griuin ayer sarsaparilla rexpaetd bt co lowell mas ej vnk fatotua jo orsc wa c c ricihei- gnsta 5iy hosc was eo afnicted- with distemper that he could not drink for foax days and refused ill food simply apply ing itikakds jlikiilekt outwardly cored him feh1657 c c klciuii a- gnxio i have filkisiekt for and it has cured t lot 5 p ii l cut iijnlcer cixk used your minahds bronchitis and asthma i believe it the best lies a livixostox couiuu tion cured an old physiciar retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary t le formula of simple vegetable remedy lor the speedy and per manent cureof g nsumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and inng affections also a positive and radical care after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases has felt it his duty to make it knowu to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive aad a desire to relieve hoi isu saffertng i will send free of charge to all who deiire it this recipe in german french or liuglish with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by id dressing with stamp naming this pape w a xotns 820 powers block be hester n y asthi pleasing may be songs of small birds arethe most so the words of stnall children he most cheering properties of the hy poplilfes whieh it eimitajn twpwfll fltml it for mle at yor grttct in telnon wmpper be sure fmu the keauincr- cett a bowark jwnmitr c a livingston plxttsvilfe sajs i have much pleasure in recommendiug dr tbpma eclectric oil from having used it myself and harinjioid it for some time iu my own case t will say fjr it tbat u is the beat f preparation i have ever tried for healati6m odd wavrs are preoicted with reliahle accuracy and people jitble to the pains and lchesof rhea- matism dread every- efnug to damp or- itocmr weather although hoods sarsa- parillaift- not claimed to be a positive specific jfor rheumsthm uii cures it has effected show hat it may be iaken for thu i complahiit with rexwnable certainly of benefit its action iu neorralinne the blood hich is the cause of rheumatism const it ol x the secret of hood a sareapanlla if yoa si ffer from rheamatmivc hoadv barsapaj ufa fair rii it will do you good castor i a for infants arj ctilldren cwtotlaltiovtuadaraeduiehadnothat t rrcotntnetid it as superior to acy prtscrlptioq ksoira to me h a aacura 11 d ill so oxfocd 6l crociiyu n tu- mr ays castoru cares ootfc omstlpauoe bour btomacu diarthosa erueutloa kills worms fire stop aad promotes u i without injurioui medlcauoa tux carrie oojtfaxt 77 murray et x t kdwfree fmiu pain tcink palmer of winona ool t have been troubled with lame backjfor ahoal six montln then thoughi i would try hsgyards yellow oil which arec a good couuudrum and recommend fellow oil very highly if daujrrs iu pelsy vo were allowed toiook into the me am now free febm all pains futtjro audiee the fatal comeqacuces- that follow inejjclodcoldhow differently would our coane b could we rciluo our daugur how iteedtly would we seek a euro bat with racuy it is only when tlie monsier disease has fatteued it ftugs upon our long l that we awaken to our folly what folia vs a neglected cold is it not dia- easeiof the ihroit and huge bronchitis uth na consumption and many other discs scs or likc nature it is wortc than midic to neglect- a cojand it is folly not lo hive come gojtrtticdyfcvairblcfor this frctucnt complaint out of the init cflici cious medictnes for all dimases of he thro it and lungs is uickles auti-cgutump- live iijrup this medicine is composed ot scve at medieiual herbs which exert a mos wonderful influence in curing con- ium itiou and other diseases of the ladgs and hest it promotes a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation and druca the iscifcsefrom the system mure childhood vt sos i can highly recommend illsc- yards pectoral halsim it cured my daughter of a couh she had hecu troubled will ye ire old since childhood she is now twelve mas 51 tynxiitu j scotlaud out iljs st stephens of albany kl writ is us as follows ily fctomach was so weal that i could hot cat anything sour or teven fruit ss tealime woald caase hear burn falnctt or oppretsion of the ches- short breath retlcssuess during slecj and frightfal dreams of disagreeable sigh s so that i would often dread lo goto sleeg with the use of northrop t ly- s vegetable discovery this unpleasant nesalhas all beca removed and i ho can eatwhat suits my taste or fancy i tlie ijertuuda cable tlje bermuda cable now complete could earn- no truer tidings than that burdock blocd bitters excels ill other remedies in curia g diseases of the stomach liver bow is and blood known everywhere as the ferftt blood parifier curing even die worst cases when all eke fails t invigorate both tlie body and the brain use the reliable tuic ifilburus atc- matic quinine wine if tour kouse is curirt vou put wateron the burning timbers not on the smoke and if yoa hive catarrh thould attack the dijeise in the blood in your nose bemove thfl impure cans snd the local effects subside to do ihnr take hoods sarsaparilla the great blood purhter which radically and perctanently cures catarrh it also streortheaa the ccrvea be scte to pet hoods sarsaparilla octj and deaki be warncl dont be a fool know what you want refuse to be imposed upon by greedy irs when they attempt to palm off sore prodacicg substitutes for putnams iain- com extractor the only safe sure jainless com cure putnams corn extractors the best the eafest and only paitlesaom remedy sold by all doclers in medicine i htaards liniment for kile lverjwucfe afr williams why iiadrum withoat a head like a model wife j mr cross a henpecked husband be came iheis mate mr williams right nowi tell me why a mufcuiar wife a dram wiihoal a bead a turnip a plumber and imperial cream tartar baking powder are lirailiar mr cross triumphantly because they caut ha beat j the pangs endured hy the early christian rasrtyrs were no doabl exemziating but not bo prolonged ur scarcely more dreadfal than those crperieuocl by he saffereri from inflammatory rheumatism a diseafc which is easily curable at the oatsel wiih dr thomaa kdectric oil a sovereign remedy for pain a reliable curative of kid ney liver and olhcr complaints and a medicine of the pureit aa well a hie most salutary kind your waited checks may have all the plump and bboni of health through your us- of ayers sarsaparilla this timehonored remedy still leads the van it improves digestion parities the blood and invigorates the system give it i trul i pringles 8anta claus willbr xt priujrles jewellery store in guelpli from now imtil after christmas with his choice lot of beautiful new things snitable for christmas presents watches and jewelry ot every cleicription silver thimbles plusli dressing cases and ever so many now kinds ofgoods which must be seen t be appreciated everything will be of theprettiest and newest designs geo d prinqle jeweller guelpli autumn 1890 mammoth house georgetown htojtrttic llataica for sale everr where remedy por tajn rheu neuralgi lumbago headache toothache sore its 3ia bbs tmmifu frost b bruises sold lir drogsf 1ift r cou 1 1 11 a thech1rljvcke canadian depct atism sciatica backache throat 8pralns sums etc ctnlocfa all he clonal avenues o ita bowels kidneys aad liver onyisg ogiadaallytrithout rekeain ihcsts cci ell the imparities cni foul fcamory oiha eccrelions ct ho srzia liric cof- wctlng aetdity of the stomaeli caring biliousness dyspepsia headaches dizziness hcaptburir wnstipatlon dryicis of the skin dropsr dimness of vision jaun- dfce salt rheum ervsipalis scro fula fluttering cf the heart her- viusneso aud general debility all time and cizny ojier eimikr complaiirij riild lo the happr kiiacacc ededock blood bitters i fa- eddy ctl dxlcn tkilbum a co eroprtefsrs toroeto ilk wa atelf quiraalecd zs diined cr njaej- nfiai fuapliltli ttatiroiili etc fbee- e1d1h miceoue killcs co us 120 king st w toronto 5nt j tfolfl hinalictarers fortsa dominion 4te rwara of impocifioni i 6ee our trtjjemrfc iqd kaleit evcrrwoere ulrectionj la laffei tcobitiwnt toronto ost du aking owder 1hec00icsbest friend after catcrihg u the public of this vicinity torthc last 27 yeais is just as lively just as young just as anxious and is better pre pared now than ever to do busi ness and would respectfully solicit a continuation and enlarge ment of the genprous j patronage bestowed upon it i we have a complete stock of dress goods includingthe latest novelties iu plaids combination robes silks satins plushes silk velvets etc wc have been busyopeiiing out large importa tions and consignments in all the different departments and wecati suit and please both iu price variety and quality iu dress goods dress silks dress trim mings velveteens mantles man tle cloths ulsterings millinery small wares ot all kincls lalies underclothing hosiery iriuts ginghams checked j shirtings tickings deninis cotionades tweeds suitings overcoatings gents dnderwenrj3euts shirts ties gloves hats caps ladies and gents footwear ready made clothing readymade overcoats carpets oilcloths linoleums rugs mutts cur tains etc it would fill a news paper to enumerate our stock we will begin jiu dress goods and winceys at 5c per yd we have added a new department to our ordered clothing that is faucy flannel and tweed shirts made to order ourimake up departments are not- excelled anywhere namely millinery dress making imantle making apd ordered clothing- wo get the best superintendents and hands for the several irnnko up departments that money and ex perience can procure jyoa can come with confidence and pat ronize us wmcleod co oeoroetown sept ifl m0 j christmas is coming but- thhhrtdinc im n tloek miulilo to th bolldij titde has altteady come ti100 who biro dot l lili itoci hir no id olth bnlliol nd ofa noell ho liaj 111 fancy hanging lampp la great vtrlctr- glassware china and crockery in all the latest pattern choice lassobtment op ctlristmas groceries fruits nuts peels etc it is well kuown that harding ges the best possible value for cash to every customer oysters in season n railway timi talbx cran trunk ballvvay ooivozait ooixoirxij- elpril v 7 uli h1i elprm i io ii ramiistr 9 14 am 1 etprf6 iouub mali 11 tm i tluo- kprtmiif pif throogheip- cojoln i uail j6 06j atoom 10 orpm accooa- 7 i6p tike or cloi1xo k1il8 ootog wcit9 30 am and 5 30 pm qolcf eaal losoam anil 5 paj thia umo lablo won inlo effect on oct j7th 1ss0 the oldest drug 8t6re stand lamps 1 piano lamps fairy lamps burners 8hades a wlok smiths drug stores we have a very choice assortmentof glassware for fniit and flowers come and see our stock best canadiaa arid american coal oil at lowest prices w g s5iite fc co coi- wyudliain i stacdonald stree cuglph r christmas and neiar year greif tings we are offering great bargains iu ladies and gentlemens f ofall kinds icew silk handkerchiefs ladies and gents gloves in ki and wool e see ocr lig drive fn double fold dress goods at 25 cents it is the best thing ior the money in town we are selling a nice overcoat as low aa f350 that eoe usually sold al 1500 tiso better ones st close prices be sure and see oar ileas fine and ileavv underwear aa low s35c each for the cold jweaiher we are selling xfeusfct baots over shoesjat bottom pnees ladies over sheet and rabbets in all ihe best makt k large etockol fresh groceries jast to hand suitable for the holiday seajpn remember thst our prices are always away dawn nd henderson mcrae co kgton x go to- thelshdinc store for christmas groceries i and christmas novelties l a matthews i j was never in ascood a position to supply the public with groceries fruits and cqnfec- ticeery ol the finest and purest quality as at present leave yoar orders here and your holiday fare will be of the best quality the pas tivo years i have led in fine hanging lamps crockery china and glassware for christmss presents aod my etock this season is if possible more attractive than lffat of previous years christmas sates arc already being made t am now dotng a strictly cash busiaesi and my prices are low cash prices splendid oeoraphic chromes in embossed gilt frames 22 x 28 are given away to each easterner when 15 worth of goods have been purchased a new thing m ghnstmas decorations verv cheap see them l g matthews- okts rre derr buy blankets instead -at- j h matthews llur bargains in single harness double harness halters whips bells trunks and valises big value in robes call and ask our prices j h matthews haroesa maker to farmers and threshers the ftuhot 1 leitgihej 9 gold medals hd it d he utthrwy wlfigod sand torso powri theneoilvo wdiar jjrhlrlij vn farmgaelph farmer ak tor them atluoxt wy reoo at thltod minufktarcdatqtueaoityollvtkiby samhelroqerscotoronto teeth with or without a plate best jitlh oh 4 ht 800 tlullnd air for palnlss eitrtrtlon c h riogs corner row and uflgjoroitd to mackinac summer tours placc stcimcks l0wrte j tocr trip p wt betwsa detroit mackinac istand ptosat tif oo kraatm si like baron pni 2rtrj etesiag btweea detroit and cleveland our illustrated pamphletp jtt tod rxsitwsa tickrutil f iaii bj7pur tcxcl icnt ce idi ets 6 vhitcoc g p a oitt hrcm the detroit cleveund stejul havc0 j d lows worm syrup destroys and removes worms or all kinds n chilori ob adults sweet as syrup amt cannotharm the most a new book from cover to cover s fallj- alirt with th time websters international dictionary a grand investment fct the tuaiiy school r frofei library th autkuitio webaters un- britleed diciionaxr comprisiilg iht issnu of 1864 79 k 84 copyrighted property of tb tmdersleiiei is norm thoroughly revised and enlrgd and as a dartinguiahigg title bean too uirnt o vebstps intmst- tional dictionary editorial wprk upon this revision has been in active progress for over ten year not less than one hun dred paid editorial laborers ban been engaged upon it oreti300000 expended n lt preparation before the first copy was printed criticaicotnparion with anyothez dictionar is invited got iht best g k c mekbiait si co publishers springfield mau c s a gcii ty i3i boijiiijrs juciirated lamphlet free pmv- powder purest stroncest best contains no alum ammonia limej phosphatts or vxj laiarioua mitehaii e w fill lftt toeqlsto0n knti ci tii mssuna bia nut cuu urdock pills a sure cure for biliousness constipation indigestion dizziness sick headache ahd 0scasraof thi stomach liver and bowels thcy archiloth0routh jlmo pk0m1t iu action andtorm valuablc a1p to bwr9oclo00 erttxfro ik tmt trcatmcnt ano cuflj pr ckhontc- and obstinate diseases 4 m l iiz m larcest scale works in canada over 100 styles hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cases honey drawers heat choppers and8itchebs sopputs anoaart niu w jx tenia c wilson 4 son l o esplanaoe street east i torontcont mamion mis nrerftr t ou wi hirsts pain exterminator wia positively cure ciiirilkiitillsihmij bowel compiaints diarrhoea summerqompuints keep- a bottle jn the house ijeriifaez mmti- i solo by all dealers i 1 1 1 it- tw