Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1890, p. 2

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ss ccnsx atcimosaoonienin dee mb tbsrfle ot morgan cnaonrrila deutliter fljt victim fm fjrtss thtlr8dat dkceelberw 16s0 the the laat county cc jnc1l the builhsit of the l v8lon- thie warden 8 notes and comments the petition iron ctaarlottetown pki asking tot a vote on the question ol repeal inn tte secttt act hu been fomid to be regular mi aooordincly a proclamation will be tssoed this stwk fiiioit january 8 u the day or lioldinj the election mr j lists cm tit sheriff ot qieeni county haa been appointed returning officer- thia it the thir attempt to repeal the lot the tflro former ones having been uneuooeasiul -4-v- pper coming am in accord rr ill i t irrotefforte arc being put forthust ttor among almost all the kuropoan nation having interests in africa to aynpten the odious shut trade tlie congo elate government has pot in force strict rules for the proper inspection of- all vessels jwigating tbi lper congo in order to prevent as much aa possible the transport ing of eura and alsa firearms and liquor these rules will be rigidly taiforced by a- properly conatitutcd marine police force aodjwill receive every- support andaldfrom air the nations of europe public- cjpuudji has at laat awakened and brought the scv eral governmencs toaicnsc of their dul in thejjremieca and ere long it 3s to be hoped the last vestige of slavery will be utterly stamped out and beyond recall not only in darkest alriet bat in e- part ot the known world star meeting of the i ouuty council for the yea r was held ou h today ob inst when the business ot 1890 ii finally closed up the council met at 108 anoe with adjourntrcnt the wawen in the chair member present buchjliiggcr fields fclan oraham httsbijvd hutcheon kennedy mcniies uicbawson uobinsou robcrtaon storey webster- the presentment of grand jury at the fall askiaes was read also a copy ot a memorial lo he county council ot middlsscx qtectiou and communicat tptis as follows from h blura torouu jon the drawing ot bylaws and johu mill t deputy min ister ot i education giving high school grants for first half ot wo as follows oakvilie isktf50 george 6wu ms077 ir robertson moved fcoudwi by mr hasbandj that the sum dollars ba granted to the tunil society payable tc tresurerot theaocicty- mr storey prescnleda ia read the ififth lieut governor from the ot midduscx rr muk in h 1 if one hundred laltou agricul wra clements carried mitteeoa finance the caaiamoa in taking a preview of the perwaik of the county council for next yestr has arrived at the following con clusions some of the ablest and most useful members of this- years county council will be missing at the opening meeting in january lefcl reeve and ex- warden henry robinson of trafalgar reeve and ex- warden wtl storey of acton reeve wm richardson of bur lington reeve wg kennedy of george town and deputy reeve fields ot kelson all talk of retiring while reeve rgrahanv and dpnfy reeve webster of esquesing will ran for the reevship of that township and only one ot them can be elected there wxllbe more new faces chan usual intnext years cooncil who the coming warden will be if is hard to say but the race will probably be between the reeves ot trafalgar esqoesingand milton the mrfcl for a taw lawtou days low or deacon tirf r and going visitors to arjd from aoton and vtulqui oth ir ptrsohkl notea miss kollisqraotreturnedlosltbomu outuesdiy mrs v tel and daughter hare remosed to rookwood of uarrltton is in town visited the schools herein monday j j t mrs jl m fernloy and sou are gqesu at the paletnai honje ot rookwood is report of the standing con the report was adoptee mr robinson present xl and read second rqport of the coun v buildings com mittee the report was adoptw mr stdrcymofld and sir fehn second ed that jhe thanks of th i council be and are hereby tendered to ui warden p d scott e6q for his uui arm courtesy to wards the members of th i council and for the gentlemanly and abl manner in wlych he has disposed of his du ice mr storey put the n dfion which was carried unanimously aid presented the thinks of the council w the warden who acknowledged in suitable terms the compll- ment paad him m mr graham presentka and read the second report o the siung committee on roads and bridges the report was adoptol dr robertson moved nod mr robinson secondc that thcslatuujvgrant of twcnty- five dollars be granted lo the teachers association of the countd model school for the year 18 payable tjk meade treas urerat the assodatienpicarricd mr ffclds moved afak hr kobial aeeondeil that the snm ol m be paid musjoslo heffernan visitlut acton frjends mrtigowdy jrot goelph visited friends hero vestorday 1 i mrs v j lee ot kaaaagawaya is visiting her acton friends v mr and mrs d henderson spent a few days this week in toronto mr wm stephenson ot gaefph paid a flying visit to balsam home laat week mr bonis at sl marji visited his sister iltiu misgifl bonis teaeher this week j mr p c maddockiefi on monday or london where ha has second a good aifa- ilion messes j l tvarren s c and h p moon p c attended the district council ot temperanoa at oak- being artist of the editors tablef in these days at sensallonal nswipapert whtn t mob which is unlit of family read ing lal netted beoaum it ii likely to attraol reader it is a pleasure or the fux- fusi to reco amend toronto sdlanlai night ai thoroughly olean wholesome ao improi inih the lllustratlonsarenuroeroui liumoroui and timely the aoo treat men and women of the deoadi 1 p vulc tujt fridiv mr hhfitoyftl niattaoe agent nod jortnerli- pulliiher o ih ooalemtc moant forest died laddenly at wett lvnaa railwayj itation manitoba ha wu in the but of beaith xtr frobert craig of brampton who list wctk reachjd hla elfihtietli year wai sarpriaed at the old hometiead fay hit tooi daabtrr thatr wirag baabada tod children to tb namber ot b2 they hcirnlj- coagrafalaled tbe old getitleinan trho ii i till in active baainecs aod hii kile and presented them with eaay chain mr craig it veil known throoghoni thii ooantyl retirement of reevetorey when pressed to reuin the office of reev of this mtmiaplityat the nominstiotlast year mr storev stated to the elect5 that if he accepted the poduon for 1390 his office would assnredir terminate with the year during the year he has reiterated this bterminalibn to ail who have ip- proacjied him upon the subject and tor citizens were not surprised on monday at seeing the following letter in circulation throughout the town k to the electoesof actox gcsthxhxx i bet to ret roa my caotre thakr far tbe trtut and ooufldeoce foubate reposed in ins during the manj ytajs i hte been yoor mrruit i ect of this urmicirclilr and to utun too t shall alva yi rem ember four fcfndaew and consideration actiie happiest reeonectioti ot a lifetime i also beg to advice roa that i asz ao longer a candidate for uoiriciril honors as iny aasoci- ilion ith orieaffairs will end with the present eax- l iui jour oujiiciit servant j whirroker aciou dcceuibcr 15th lot wliile none can gainsay his riht to retire from municipal office many tcgifet that mr storey has come to this decision for eighteen years he has been intimately associated wtta actons government and has with the exception of some four years occupied uie office of chief magistrate ever since inccrpcasiion- mr storey was the first keeve of the new corporation tocmed- in i73 with a population of 900 and had associated with him messrs the late john speight asa hall c t hfll and dr hc- garrin to his able administration acton owes much of its success and its tidy appearance and various attractive features bear eri- a of his superior taste and foresight it must be a satisfaction to him tor take a xetroepectiye viec and compare the muni cipality of today with its population of between 1400 and i50q and qnmerons public improremenfi with that oteighteen years ago when he assumed the reins of power itr storey has been a faithful servant of the public and has often given time to public matters which could liave been profitably spent in his own large and continually growing business in the county council there was nd more able representative than actons eeeve and ibis body did m tnd his town the honor trf electing ti to the highest office within its province that of warden of the county 1 mr storey has certainly earned retire- prcnt and we have no- doubt the entire community will unite in wishing him com fort and pleasure in his rest from munici- pal turmoil from our acquaintance of hi we feel safe in saying that whoever- may be the future occupant of the eaieves chair he may rely upon- receiving any advice or assistance which the lengthened experience of the retiring officer so web qualifies him to give talk of the day an epitome of the worlds doings burtng- the week the itwomotive rorfca at nonesicir- have enoogh oiiaers to keep them going fall tim umtu midsummer another industrial school ii to be erected in manitoba at east selkirk under the aufpices of the methodist body r chaleraisrampantingaatemala there are mare than 12000 cases and 1200 people have died in seven weeks th mercier government has declined the offer to taiffi over the new protestant hospital for the intine in- montreal albert seaton boo of eobert 8eaioo of london was found dead in bed in the ifc- cartnes- bouse ingerfloh yesterday -morn- ing jlayerrol poultry in eastern ontario are paying much lower prices than in former years on account of tbe mceinley uriel m h deveyea a rivetter at iloachs thipyafd philadelphia is one of the three who have become heirs to an estate worth 15000000 in staffordshire kngland a winnipeg despatch says 100 dakota farmers have selected homesteads in eastern aniniboia james whitfield a farmers son living near tforden man was nredpon by- the faired mas of another farmer recently tut escaped inary theliirednian has disap- paax the wnhe star steamer teatonic on the lothfas carried tiie larfjesi dumber of thai ier iett kew york on xme there were full saloon and second cauoustvand 1016 ateeragey in all liii mr grtnam dnuan bridge m to fray expenses of said rommiuee for cxi mining roads and bridges and attending tq carried mr relan mo aid mr huicheon seconded that this com ol adjourn the t ancil id joarne l at tli conclusion of the coancil the warden i nvited the men l jcts of the council and a fe c friends to be i iets hotel where the usuil wardens dianer was provided and tmi social endind of the cooncils labors for the year wasicllv enjoved if not for splunc of the road and pairs of same mr agnew was clilirueo with al lowing uquortci be drunk on 1 hisprertjse mr robert agnew i proprietor of the dominitin hotel called at the fete pchss office an monday qaoru a to interview the edilorl he stated that tjbefiaxpces had nolciyti the facts of the liqaor case in wnichiljewisconcemec last week correctly handing che editor lie summons eervbd upon hitn it was found 6 read as follows thai yoti did ce your lawi biis a place where iinar liiay be mid by etaij ulatuilr alljr lifior to lc drusfc e iuch vltcc during the tiiad rrotivilcd bj- jc uqzoz hcccsc act tor thcile of the tmmc t a roa ojicr than an occnjiact oc wmc nice tjrr of rocr ftm er alodfierujqur kozc taare said the proprietor of the do- minion house you a a i was not charged with selling liquor on nuday only with- ailowiniittnbe druni and how coald t help that when i was t k in bed the editor yes see that is the charge but as the fjx press man did not receive a sammonsj joa will not wonder that such an error wa made v mrjignew ko bet as i have oeter had a charge against ma for selling lienor iuegajiy in the eighteea yean i have been in business i dont warn to lie under lach affalnst locai option an error j j the editor then i snnpose yoa claim that yon never sell any liquor on sunday mr agnew of coane i dont sell any and yoi are arthe liberty lo tell the people so yoa see theyvegijc a ring against me becadse i stand in wim john bennett of tie thompson honsej djlton who went from here instead of tli other hotel there and somebody just for iptte had the men who were witnesses ia he case against me summoned of courid i sent the mrs down and she settled with mr kennedy the magistrate beca te i didnt want to have he boys humi iated by going into r j tbe editor yoa lire a good idea who laid the information ii u n i suppose mr agnew yes i ilveajid it was no tempefltnee man this i i ne either the jeditor that ic unlike the scott act cases we used to have then yoa think mr gnew yes fa id you see this slap he cftkmpuiit gies me the cftampiati was loaked apandread eobert agnew hotelfeieperaf acton also sppearid on a ipmftur chk ge vxseourictod aod as it was his first tffcnfej i as fined 23 hchad better te carefni ia f qtcn another cootfction tud hirui ooa be tui ei- loicl keeper- the i editor that teems bad coming from tne cfiampion which his stood by yoa throagfa thick and thip for so many yearsi mr agnew i nqceritarid all about that jhe ckampioti i pn to me too bat i hire it in for them assuring mr agnejr oat id this issue of error in the charge hast luthe gejlvu vux rr dec- 14 the bylaw to prohibit lhesi je of intoxicating drinks in the township of east luther submitted under the looai option act was voted on yesterday andj defeated the vote being a tie at 21u and a majority being required to cirry the byi iw another year mo mi eg and left after his departure find that the coani j that we would point t le feee ptte6s the isferred to he paid snbscripion bade as good had made the same ecrpr ia his papery he hkvpta which says bohcrtaguct ofacida kts ahso fiuod i25 and costs for wumghqc 3 on sunday we sincerely hope t b re will be no fat are selling on san day ia a y of the hotels here there as oertainlyevidjnce on the streets nearlyj every sanda liqaorj the hotels si c to ha ro it drunk on the a new niag we were surprised to license inspector orau dec ig railway company h application for an tc ontario sc kew yoi ie canadian ficinc ifo filed a notice of to incorporate the bridge company with power to cons r ict a bridge fpx a railway and ofher niagara river at or n a r niagara falls to socb other point a btatem for biiilifng a tbe rif ef tiie bridga io states ob equal termi collect tolls tod for 0 b sr purpose woapj w j jjbi f rkh mn elect and t amala a ate with aoy oom- peny daly iuoorpotiod ia the united wejreompaoiee in ca u d and tne united that people drink aid be careful not ir premises ra bridge orpoaes across tbe tbe company may ilway bridge acroai be open to all rail- and with power to a sinfjulab tragedy i 1 1 a father accldently hurt the son drops deed while colnfffor help itrrciuxl dec 12 thoa baker and hla a yoaor man went to tha baab in 11 kjimhip to chop coriwood ihmb ot a tree fell on tbe elder man rendering him amblo to walk home the yoalh aboot so years of ae was aent to get a aleigii to conray the injand man borne the boy started off aa fast u ha coald ran bat before readbiog the hoose be dropped dead j the yiarfg fellow was snbject lo heart disease and the excitement of tbe accident was loo macn for him the tocmded man pad to remain in the woods until be recovered sumcienl lo crawl home on the way he diecovered the dead body of his son and n prodnotiona of celebrated paintings being he reading pictorial features the article i on the questions of the day are admit edly of a high class while being ei oeedin jly entertaining and cent in to ettraoi and hild tho attention of young people ai well a i older readers musical matter the drami and everything socially requisite to tho en argement ot the mind and cultlvaj- lion oi the habile is made a foatare of thit excelliut publication two serial stories alway i ol absorbing interest bat pare in tone i nd by the best authors are to be found in salarja vijwend by the way they can be found nowhere else as they are oopyrlehti ot the best english publication which have not appeared in canada the independence and friendliness of tons so characteristic w this paper has made it la personal advisor of its readers and the strong attachment which seems to eiist between the readers ot the satttrjay yiv and 1 a editors is certainly unique tbe only xplanatlon which can be offered is that i 11 ita articles are signed and it has an indiv duality ot a very pleasant sort whiob makes the rcsder feel that he ia personally acqui luted with each writer subscribe for it price 200 per annum either at your newsdealcre or by sending your money direct to the sheppard publishing com aoy limited toronto j octa houra wo are in receipt of the first number of oar hmna a sjpage magi sine issued monthly by our loinu pobl ahlngco brockville out in their proaiectas the publishers itate that the magizine will be devoted to building house decoration house famishing house keep ng and choice fiction and the initial oumper ahows that the programme has been carefully carried out an especially valuable feature is the publication el origi nal architectural drawings with specifica tions for ihe construction of homes for wdrtiugmea and people o moderate means the magazine is handsomely printed on cod paper and should meet with success to increase their list of subscribers the publishers announce an error coolest jiu hith cash prizes sggregating 13030 will be given to tho parties discovering the largest namber of mistakes wrongly spel led word in their december issue j a copy of otr uoaut and the- rules for ihe competition will be sent to any address on receipt of 15 cents in stamps by addressing ocrr 7om publishing co brockville out rhit doom day awaiting- hi wauxk oft dec is arthur hoyt day irho is la be executed hertusn thurs day nixt for wife murder has keen visited by his mother from rochester thia being the first time i he haa seen hull since his arresl the p risoner doe not sppear lo fear his apprc aching doom and says he will walk firmly la the scaffold he yet holds a slight hope that be will escape lie gallows o interviewers are allowed to sec him sad he is kept strictly isolated by order ot tin i sheriff it ia not thought he will rsake i confession kadciive is to officialeraa haigman i execution of blanchard kiitiutjtti joe dec 15 william wallace buin bard wae htnged here this monug for toe mardef of chas a calk- ins eathe mtlt kovcmrxr lsw the drop fell at il071 jjid at 90 the jail surgeon stepped forwa d and pronounced him dead the execution was performed by radcliffe the nunwh hanged eirchail and the whole proceed nga were without a hitch chief constable iarrell ot cayuga out has arrested a young man supposed to be willim h pipe charged with embeoling ffioooo of the funds of the xooisville city national bait while holdinglhe position of teller th man is in cayuga jail he was caught b means of a photograph strirement receipt expenditures i irtmciriltiir or the yillige 0e acton ii feok jahtt 1st to dec 15th 1890 i i receipts balance onbind from 1683 taxes from ifcltlji taxes for 1691 cemetery cnarities m legislative g rant license town hall bovrbwed ile ney taxjarrears fines park i ipendituke 60 48 50 49 3900 00 207 u moo 114 00 239 00 100 00 990 40 28 88 7 00 78 00 idewalks cemetery coriingencie chariuea debentures board of health interest public bchocls streets and ii it insrxrance printing lowiihall salaries hefiind tai county hate borrowed mi uev public park bala ice assets catiii ou haul building an i ileal estate library 136 i volumes arrears of t jes cemetery gi rands uncollected raxes count- bate t t aclon d k225 59 84 8j 110 25 20 00 23 00 20 00 43784 1g99 00 1453 39 58 75 101 41 17 57 501 18 2 00 103 35 990 40 191 56 dm 04 0225 59 f 139 04 13648 00 682 60 57 47 1500 00 1126 67 117153 68 liabilities unpaid debenture oi i town hall debenture oi cemetery debenture p iblic park due school kmrd halo ice mooie wh tfeasnrer 10th 1890 the christmae star there is great disappointment thorough the dominion el the announcement oat the the publishers of ihe montreal star are too busy with their regular subscription and advertising businees lo allowot their completing a christmas star this yar these christmas start are sach gems that it is very generally hoped the publishers will see their way clear to continue their publication a uhnlstmas uymuu weu a grand reput tor the christmas trade bpioed with wmpung bargami and at tractive goods commsnoldg on monday deo 16th shall inaugarate a qpand chpflrtmas feast dating which we shall serve op the moat palatable and toothsome dishes specially preps red for tbe time ahd the occasion tui uu will find in the trade of quelph note the bill of fan bilks for evening weir in immense variety of shadings at lo prices dreb8 goods pile upon piles many of them only to band within tbe last few weeks at great oau in prices a special 25c pile in whloh are hues worth 40c to 60c lovely embroidered and braided bobee very choice nothing more useful for a christmas present 6ealette8 and fancy cloak- in08 at greatly reduced prioee a living of 88 per cent on some j not to maoh on others table linens and fine linen table cloths with doylies and napkins to match really beautiful goods and variety greet fur qoods all bought before tbe big advance in prices and sold cheaper than you can get goods ot equal quality fur capes with mary stuart collars storm collarettes bear bou and mnffs seal beaver persian lamb and aatrachen caps childrens for sets all in great variety q real clearing purchase of ladies aatrachen jackets at a straight discount of 25 per cent a perfect medley of small wares and fancy goods ladies and oenta silk and linen handkerohiefs collars ties scarfs q loves lined and ualined braces socks blockings mufflers shawls fanoy woollens and a thooaandi and one details in fancy articles beyond oar ability to mention all attractive and great bar gains full range of sizes and colors of onr noted josephine kid gloves each pair warranted underclothing the great boi- lonisn line in ladies and childrens all sizes especially low prices for christmas natural wool cashmere uocraes reliable heavy wooled and other makes for men women and children mantle room fall of goods some cable repeats just arrived all will be offered at redactions in price the choicest goods for ladies and childrens wear at tbe lowest prices thais it now coma and see if it aint ao warmth comfort health lnxury saving of money all represented in the quality and prices ot our wool blankets eider down quilts comforts cotton quilts and other red coverings they ire yours at a baraain overcoats men and boyi we want you to see them we have determined to make a clearing out of our beady mades the price must do it j we are not afraid to accomplish our purpose though it costs us money to do it come and see them you neednt buy unless yoa like the table is fall and yet there is more to serve yoa mast obme and help your- self come and pick up tbe tempting bar gains come and prepare for a real merry christmas come aod enjoy the christ mae feast at 25 and 27 wyndhim street guelph i b r b0lleetc0 25 4 27 lower wynclham st guelph qood evening do you wear williams shoes igorous grwlh prevent the formation cf tlantlrnff makes the imirsoct and silk iu and imparts a dtli- caie but lasting per- cmnc i serrcnii nxmlis ago mrjair oira- smenwl falling oiut jtvl in a few fcs ray head waialnmst bald i irkl many remedies but they did n cood ftrial- iv botichl a hotuc ot ayect hmr vignr iad after uainjr oiily a part of the n- lints ray head was covered vriti a irtavy prowih of hair i recommend toot prenaratioa aa the lx in ihe votld tmunday shaxoa grove kj j t hive used aycr hair vigorfar namber of years and it has always rivjea ine batisfaciion it is an esccllent dres lag prevents the hair from turuinir ray insures ita vicotoos prowtu and seeps the soilp white and clean sfuta jackson salem jfass j ji iiave used aycri hair vicr jfdr bromotiaj the growth ot the hair and lhlnk it uneqaaled for restoring tha lair to its oripinal color and for adress- fng it cannot be surpassed mrs geo ia fever eaton rapids mich j ayers hair vigor is a most erect lent preparatfou for the hair i speak qi it from my own srperience its use romota the growth of new hair and makes it glossy and soft the vigor ii 41m a cure for dandruff j w bowien editor enquirer mcarthur ohio i have used ayers hair vigor for yit past two yenrit and found it all ft is- mpresented to be it restores the nitn- w- color toeray hair causes the hair o grow freelv and keeps it soft and pliant mrsit v day cohocs k v mr father at about the age of fifty ost ail the hair from the top ot his head uter one months trial of ayers hair igoc the hair began coming and ja hree months he had a fine growth of lairof tile natural color p j cullen saratoga springs x y iyers hair vigor rxxfiezq st 5r j c ayer k oo lowa mf get a flag foe rot sohoolhousb tho morcractit for hoistifxr tlir canadian flijontbo kbooibouzes ca nnni versa rics of n stcd crctilb in our history ie sprcadinir rapidlj faronffhoat ihr da ml b ion asd evoking lite hfarty approval of all patriotic citizens al ready tefte empitt i u dom its sharu in hcininffon this moxttnent t f artardinn a hundsomo nag to one tchooi in c icb coantjr of ontario bat tiia number iof en- 1 oirios from ail psni of ihe dominion hs to ir ow fluffs enn be oblnlned by othrr schools has t etermined tho publishers of tne kflptkl ttu3tter a handsome j canadian flag joif best btinlidft 12 foci lortr ngular prico u tip a premium fur sourw ycftrly subscribers lo tlowebkirykiirieeni ia nr otjchl ncw jwrly fehtscrlbcre to thk plly tupike at ts per annum or a prppotbi qf cacliono ibecription to daily oountinz for ittll b uoeklik i kvcryicnocl ia ho dominion ought tn havo i national nas and tilts ottor presents sn op- ortnpitriorsmch oblaining ft vdlhoutcosi inft uith llulo trouble lal ihnsa who a rtlaterwtcd in retting a flw for their sliool- j oniuojn in getting np a clnu itnd whiln sub- i berrfet full value ortler money in tho ott hwpapcr in the dominion the ichoot c btnlfis iu twfbee of votft i tbo- weeiilt kxplfte iiai recently been alarkod to twelve pagea aod b now without aubtlho beat weekly nrwtpapln cffnadit i hllp ihi reputation ixt tib kult empire 1 1 tbe ieading morning journal of tho uomln- i in is well known bond for sample coptet and ipeeial clnbbfnir i it and o in ot nag forjrour schooli avumvw uirjb ttrohl- you want the best you want the neatest you want them durable you want the cheapest boots shoes lute zm s tttbixmttr i job qgtinftv ikcltdtno books famphlsts postwitb bsateolkblars te c axanmf taasa bast stria o tnaart at movants roim aasvaa bartstrl shortootim aasvaai apply or adctrsss h f kooisb raxstpaxuoidm aisi wanted men local or travallu to san mr fsaraattol- narsittsloclt fljapoiecttmlsslolipall bsszlm worlsrs oarer tall to mrfi jsoaa mklrvaas writs meat owe terawlctsrs e a okauim sanctjtusn tills boosi is rsllable1 torobtooh s aeton liodgeo 204 i lo07 ebtb in tbe oouallosn hall uattbna block eterrweonoadarrniilii mslvtm bratbrni alsrajs srelaonie poreopr o ooaatf tdtloattod lavs apply to tbe aodersfgaed or utj m of tbe tpembera wwilualg n o hh wokdeh tleereiarj trwroforoialways go to williams boot shoe store if pu want anything in rubbers overshoes slippers trunks or valises call at williams acton wanted salesmen lo self knrrerr sloe all gooo astaoted ftrstolaas pennadedtplaaaant ltrofitable positions or tbe rijht men ooott babiries and exvenaee paid wecur ubetal to doeemanta to beginners no prettoos expatl enoeneoeesaiy ontnt free writ for tettfts amniafe chamxs h chase nurserymen uenllonthls paper- boebesiei kt ft chriritmai euftriainment the disoipl11t bdhdas school v wui bold tbelr cbrlstmaa ltattallistent in the church on w- 1 monday evening 29th dec tbe proeramme vill consist of reeltatlosu and stnftna br tbe eblldran air donald monro of toronto tritl tbe resident ministers and others aninrltedtotaslitnlsddnsses acouttjioo rill be taken on rasnon bvnau of tbe school a conlitl lntttatkm li eiumded to ua pnblio to itumd i the cbalr will be taken at socljck i foe 8ale 71ttein niwi1hps of potatom new winter overcoatings to hand in english meltons naps ely8ium8 and other choice makes ordtrs respectfully solicited shaw grundy merchant tailors tuelrh twenty packages nev goods arrived this week at the right house cokbibttkg otclan tartan dress goods crelonucs qoilicd batins cambriij and silk handaxrehiefa checked moalins t bleached shoetino ladies underwear oitord shirtings diapers towelines collaraand cofls fancy apron coneta dress baltoos parses boston bs blankets wool and union sheetings dress serges shirts aod pants canton flannels pillow cottons laos collars 6ateena quilled skirts feather boaa and unffs camas curtain poles furnitnre trimmaigs wilton carpels wool carpets window shades etc a magnificent assortment of christmas presents comprising combs and brashes trays and bnsue17xancare sets whisk holders work boies paper knifes rose lars hatch sates easels hat backs school companions pin boies needle cases the carpets and housefdbnish- ing goods have ah enormous sale this 8easok cbossleys tapebtby bbus8el8 wilton and axmdxister carpets beat the world ik the beauty of their coloring the ciarain trothlulnes to nature in their designs and their superior ooelities the great sale atabout half prices 18 still going on so as to clear out the stock before reboildirat ribbons marked down from 80c to 60c 60c to sic 5oc to 15c 30c to lie 80c to 13lc aalrachaa gloves 1 50 to 85c 80c to 75c 75c to 50 aprons from 40c to 30c 30c to j5c 55c to 50c dresa goods trom 60c tog5c70c to 60c 10c to 25c feather trinning 40c to 15c a variety of window curtains from j13 50 to 10 from j850 to li boys glotes 87cto goc mens gloves 1j5 to 1 ilto 75c jersey mj0 to t 3 lo 12 mens wool undershirts 90c lo 50c 80c to 05 childrens underwear 50c to 35c fascinator 125 to 90c 90e togoc silkploshes 2 to 1165 jus to 145 165 lo 1125 ii to 80c 85c to gac vdc to 45c 1150 to 75c brocade plashes 1250 lo il75 velveteen 75 to 25c aigrettes tt25 to 75c 1135 to 50c hats 1150 to 25c beaver hats il50 to 5c birds 1185 to 00c ii to 75c 75 to 30c 32c to 20c wings 75c 10 50c 50c to 35c 35c to 0c 25c to 10c the mantles and manlie cloths art still selling off at about half prices please come east of the carpet window before entering the doors corner of king and huguson streets hamilton dec i8th 1890 thomas o watzinst holiday- goods 1 in the rash md harry jot the baaiet stsoa o the year advertiing ii pt to receive bat little itteatioa the merchants time ia vajaible lod more preuing datin than vritiog advertisement pcesa their claims upon him we feel however ts we filahce throafih oar btore and note the thoaauid and one attractive and beautiful articles displayed on every hand in anticipation of the require- menu of the christraai season that we ihoald be doing our itock of holiday goods an injustice if we nefilerted to make special ment too of them a casuil walk ihrooh the store will give yoa great pleasare k closer inspection willdelifihtyoo bargains for friday saturday we have decided to give oar customers something special in dress goods on friday and saturday next and with this in view we have cat off about 50 dress lengths of 7- and 7j yards each doable fold which will be marked at aboot onethird less than the regular price these dress lengths will be placed on a table so that they can be tnspocted by jroa yoa are thinking perhaps of making a christmas present of anew dress to mother or some one else if so this is yoar opportopity to do s at ba trifling cost 7 remember they will be ready oa friday aifd saturday j g b ryan fcco guelph istew goods istobbx ghoods oheap goods ordered clothing department suitings overcoatings and pantings yoorwdiouryeaon wlww taclou w w to co io u a rt 0l gents furnishings i new shirts collars cuffs ties and umlonrtmurluabuaclauoo readymade clothing in mans youths boys andoilldrtns sulu aisd orrooa ire have a tory large stock at yryo prloaa illt bros xctoiu crttwn enrd 5 early maine everett 4 earl j new zealand 6 green ifotnuin 8 queen of bosea f pnritan 8 morning btar 9 monroe seedling 10 1 wood 11 tjbtsim market u early tiem 13 prld of america h boebestn favorite 15 slpatriek v r fot particolars apply to wil gbui6 gaidar veterinary surgeon i bvebtos ostasio m t beats all disease of domotti snlm bpodau ftttestlan tirm to dlw of th teeth svndtnooth of boric na cattle bnrpal operations m all kinds ptrtarmta yetarim medicines always on hand and piwo tb order calls promptly attended to by day or nist or by teletsrspb ohticb isn bxsidctce etertaii obl totjb c13ristmas bijeii ashley lrvne i are arranfiing for one ol the most tempting cbristmas dispuys erer seen in acton and or the houdayi riu bare a fine stock ol meats fowls eucb ss till gladden tbe lieaxta otau costoniers leato your ctartstmaa orders early ashlxt aiarw bemember your mends special attention oiven to j photographs r and pertraili fob chhist1ub at ramsliaws photo studio fbocoatake and finiahed in anr stylo daatrsi aod tn time for th bspays t h rahshami the weekly times hav1ctos osflpi the best home flewspapjsj gitcs the most comprebensira tie ot us latest oommt erenbt ol the world kaa tba staff of local and prorineial co spares no expense to ctre all tub otw promptly succinctly trnsttarthily ita telesrraphie serrloe ts tutsurpsssed its fan and household departments alar ket beporta qean and wnoleaonie utscatni and iffsortlany make it rotniliicntly the jostr nalfotthetnadianbomea ii gets the beet winterer the cost two pafwrs f op one ppiotj 8abscriptionprieot the wsek2t ttsrsa ssh dollar a year for a limited time soosesjbae anofferadpietvtasxxitliiiiiaiid the aststst can fajucett a llrstlaas agricultural ioaraal for only stl a year v j butreribenow any one sendiiuj tour now lubsaiptions sot h acoompanylng itu reoelre tbe two paper atearrrae address 18 times printing hamilton ontario or a wllford halls h health pamphlet disease care wsaho jas matthews actou gas been appointed agent for tbe drenlatii drbatia celebrated health pamphlet he keeps on hand tbe pamphlet claims bttai tnatmentit adrisas sore enrafor djleasrisa oufmedlcioo the price for tjiafaeprdetsa nr dollars and a cnarantee itit that i lepiirctiaseruiiottbuisfibd artltrtpottlng ts lment into consclenttons jaretvoe tor o m nmuutui or auow is so oe cued ltftus ismuj i tbe wluord ball treabuanfintnonc usdtds for the talne received from the use ot una treat ment please cnqne ofnj- of tho followta parties y iter drqiflord ibl her bb cook it5 1 mrs janee vlcliiu john harrey ifjrs johh harvey wmiimhemslrect tauoon airstcuoon w james kuitbev mrs jsktuattbewi wmmnuen kobert uoare v tbontuoaiiiiirou uratcamerou wtoarlppa mmhousi jainoe martin mrs j martin wm lane aba w lane wfflw added weaktr i 11 other mluravs luostkl r sale eierjs iira

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