Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1890, p. 4

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fbsb prbbb calendar lit i h mi ii i t ii mioullllih ulcrimimii t to cljt xfmt m flwss thursday december i 1680 51jt oung jolkfi vvlut merry mlwhld hcs w ilhia 4 miidea s crt sw crtf o even hdc ind lac and whether ttix or two there ml hfill ho ca taaujk here ev u buci u tkvc r lllum f u nxr uiht euvy md in ihdt fdc tuercionltlbccud vhoc oreh4d uocki die mcautufca inot- tbcw cr ltrg foflaadcnr add lustxt lo lh dy tlcir glory 14 flil ot clad uiglt tnkc fond cajud umd 0- ugu iorcc oc ul ondcrrc tts of ij ue i andjiieu cemla hue ucflccu i fcio hctcalv bnclt it i a tnwtfal iiglt wtiok lastrc lhe u ware i true ho eta icto- dioose vbcn ejet u black u tlgcs or futhing rrw of clarions cnj a bright dcodlco d r tbcir vtxwnt lgut rad thides dclow hif laddec light ihhuc wllhji a mxidm s eyes tty ttrikc lie hgunrg roc bora or hit tbe ujlt of lore he soil ajsof emai k et gnr or bnnrn or bind let ox beherc lla true tbe ujiit of wall lo taoruu fa ix ljht of lovr dirinc ur i locetcr tioae to lxie home lere lite home ic besxtc crye it bcxgay stanley outgeneraled stuley old frrend the other div i story whick iuuslril ifae alncaa c qoicfc ness of retort i tu talking with one of the ugmgw md sunlev whije monkey the native had tamed wis jtimpu from umb to limb of a tree near by in a a spirit of fan i aud toa are not so terr much nnlikfl monkeys toa ugangu speak to each other after a fashion aad the mon kers make signs to each other and that c all yon can do when jourtalk iexther joa nor the monkeys fcno anything that is going on outside of these great forest the cganga man thoaght far a moment and then ran op to the monker that had perched on a law umb near us bending over the monkey the man hlesc on tbe monkey s bacfc separating the fcr as a far ner does in exhibiting the skin to a par chaser then hetorned to me xnd pointed with a tnamphant gfestare to the monkey saying honkei skin white uginga man s black givehtmtme overheard on a wagner car fassy old gentleman to a chance travelling lady companion hare yoa any children madtrae les or a son ah indeed does he smoke so or he has never as mochas touch ed a cigarette t 5a much the better madime the use of tobacco isa poisonoosr habit doe he freqaent the ciabs r j he has never pat his foot m one allow me to congratulate yoa uoefi he come home late 7 ierer he goes to bed directlr after dinner jl model yonog man madame a model young man hotv old is he two months- if yon want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto fthy jfaiif tht paper reaches 100 000 farmers ijomes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wanta to pur chase advertisements of this class arsui serted m the toronto wedf madloz five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada i aivice io sfothes are yoa diitarbed at night ao4 brokecof your rest by a sick child soffenog snd crying with the pain of catting teeth if so send at once and get a- bottle of mrs winsloscs soothing bvrap l for children teething its ralae i incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrliosa regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system- sfrs winalow s soothing syrup for children teething is pieftsan t to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest aad best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twenty five cents a bottle be eare and asfcforiles wcrslow s sooted g srecp and take no other kind- notes here and there it mi of qonerl toterest to free i press readers u oad litre uie and idhtv iou w hy you d to oii and id l too r ipctthc worms b uung the iate aird and rohab e atiuictmiuuc 1 ccemsii worm ppwdcn be fort joa give wsj lo auger try o find a rtaion tor uot beingaun jvslioosl ilu arc a mild pargtttre tottng oti the iloouch liver sod bowcli rercomng all obilrtiction th world it msdc up on shrps and flats the ihirps live on the flits hard aud soil corns cautiot wilhitaod hollows s com cure it it effectual ever j time get a bottle at once and be hsppj a man who goes through life with no other ambition than twug mouey is a mean man so tcnied or blood disorders can ioal ay i strsspinlla though conceulratcd and powerful this medicine is perfect sait and mt be taken at well as adults phytici ids recommend it m prefereqcu to any other trice u worth 5 a bottle tailor lou promieod me fulhfou jesterdaj oiorniug tbst yoa woald call in and fettle for thai eait ustnight if it raiacd pitchforks caslomer cs i know t bat it didn t rain pitchforks what brcals up aplnmbor nouijag breaks up a p amber eo badly as to have to buj sooiethiug at a retail drug tore otluog makes better or more beau tifui biscuit than imperial ctesm tartar baking powder sold i all grocers tnougq a man who wlu a driuk may get it aader prohibuao under license a thassand get it who do not want it a friend k face a frend c face often looks soar and gtam from the effects of miserj making bilious ness orhver complaint if we tell him to use burdock blood bitters and he does it the face scon brightens with returning health and hippuxe e bb never fails we thoald not sadden the harmless mirth o others byioffering osr own melancholy to be seen and this species of ttertion is like rut oe its own reward for liie good apinta which are at first etimolaled became at length real jqi why eo many peope seffer pain when tf remedy of knon and certain effect like hagyard s vo 01 may be had at everjcarog store is not very clear this peerless pain soothing remedy is a prompt and jpfeaaant core for sore throat croap colds rheumatism lame back etc price io cents r i thought yoa were going to marry kiss gomthwahe charley haven t yoa had some tspirasions in that line i had jbat it was no go her family were all opposed to it weil bnt if the girl herself i said all the family she was one of em thomas robinson faruham centre p q wntea i have been afflicted with rheumatism for the last tea years and have tried many remedies without any relief i got l bottle of dr thorns ecleetnc oil and looad it gave me instant relief and since jtbeq hare had co attack i would mend it to all thtre is nothing purer than honesty nothing iweeter than charity nothing warmer than lave nothing brighter than virtue and nothing mere steadfast than faith these united in one mind form the purest the sweetest the ncbest the brightest and the most steadfast happiness thelacgs luer kidneys bowels ic act a so many waste gates for the escape of effete matter and gases from tle body the aocorthrop lyman s vegetable discoi ery hep theca to discharge their duty lie w h isier h if customs toron l writes i have personally tested the health grnng properties of jvorthrop 6 lyrnair kegetable discovery and cm vas o its great vdae si in cams twat joe lo membihs wfaenlio nu s yeah ola i wirtireafyeaiu ob ag mat made me twenty times ol er xn him bet now he s ten ail i m only free imees ol er aa him feeaeepagaicin at dacratebegnaa terbemyfadder fo la hojierd yeah oie bet somehow or ruddeji9caict aplaur de flosfy ob it i i koutr and babe nnrc x have csed hagyarda fectoi tl ealsara for a bad coagb and tru iy one bottle 5ty bsbe only two a ad alw had a eocgb and on ginng it helped bim ery mncb 5ils k j goaiu florence ont cared mon it bim wall illyaj raiily caofht croap cxldk lorllirostud micjf paiti- iro tillv oiuiiht in uili ul iwlmcn olitnijeablo remd ii ji l etilly oblalued in hit ardi lolk tlio iwit of i w oil winch ii andoabtedty ii the mtny nmedici oltrd orthe cure o comior iiini wn bajoad ollmite the noior itltlok mr j 1 llcn uiholilcrr toroolo nudi ai the following for ii or uvq ycirt m rile t offered with djipeplll ootllveticti inward pile and kidney com plaint i tried two plijiiclim tod any number o nodlctoei without getting my nltet until re got a bottle ul northrop a ljnuni igetabio dlicorcrj tbli u the nrit rein ihe got aud beforeotie bottle wai aied i ia bonctit he dortvod from it ur ezpectttioo a feacrcuful lliu the mcdi kitten in mirkidly poimjsct eue w ai erj bottle of b without it m cd mtuion of burdock blcod uriog oouidpiliou tin been ii coefiful no other remedy ucfi peculiar power over bit dit ad with coattveoeii and one 9 b cured me would not be i ji l llmtl jn bobcajgeonoul people wonder whex hey find how fapidlj health u ri ocod bj taking ayets 8ai fui pari lilt prcpanuior and most tonics to rentable cl mrs joj powerful alteratives and thousands early it prorca a tiroflife lake brocktvaj ceutte commcncfc could we aj the reason is tbat tljls contains only the purest mtch writ lhcr awplalnt and nligcstlon male m life a burila und came near ending m existence for wore tl an four cars i suffered im- tol i aoov i wa reduettl almost to a skeleton ami liatdu had slrength lo drag iuvki about ll klmu of food tlir5td ne and onfj the uiost dell catc cocil i be tiuuil at all within tho line i cut a tied scleral ilijsiclaiis trcaeduo wtl out giving rlkf olh- u that i ltd eolilltil to clo on ixjr- iniueui cxd until i ucun tic use of vcra k t nianll t bilu duccd vrou icrful rtsultsj 1 as pro- soon alter tu take the sarsaponila i improvement in my cork lticn my appetite becaa o return and with it earoc the ability to digest all the food taken mv strength improved ench da and alter a tett montlis of faithful attention to your mrections i found tmvelf a well won an awe to attend to all household dul es ttjo midlane 1 as given me a cncw lease of life and 1 cannot thrnfc vvou toomu a we tl i pnderslpied citizens of brockwav centre mich hereby certify that the ajbove statement made h mrs lake is true n eerj particular and entitle to full crwlecce f o p chamberlaii g w faring c a wells drufst jfy ho j er in englanil was for a i jng time ujul le to at end to his occu pation lr iason cf sores on uu foot i peat i tu cs lliuanacond uietcs- timjuuv itj ecntameil induced him to try ajers mrkapanlla after using ic a little wulk le was cured and is nor a well luani working in a sugar mill ai ensban j queensland aus ralla a- aucwlii oharbot lake ouuno flyers s arsaparilla icnrxacd bt dr j c filzt l cc lowed toua price gl ti xjo rji 6- toue ments on the the charge is the third age of the toronto dauf tfail is noted or want advertisements if you want tc bay or sell snj thing if you want a sit xation a mechanic a bust ness machinei j lodgings if oa have lost or found anyli mg or if joawant to find outwhercanyi ne is advertise in the to ronto dady u ul and read the advertise third page of that paper 1 two centa a word each in sertion ada aiir ss 77 c mat toronto can ictona car olic internal medic fulocs soes kinds salve is a great aid to e ic the treatment of scro- t ices and abscesses of all k whar of the leriuture it i stte bijto gentlemc z in adiiuoo ernor of the member of the wm c harden dolphin t 30 dent by fallmgd denoe in the badly in my severely one jacobs oil com hiclev the testicjooy of the gov ifanlsnd u s a a maryland legislature hon testifies as follows ho sid v s a jan 18 i met with a severe acci own the hack of my reai- iarbiess and was bruised up and eide and suffered and a half bottles of st iletely cured me k c of state legislature ifenber gtrli and boys old fneod i s pose girls are a good deal more expensive to rear than bjys am t they old family man they is fer a while bat mov gener soon as a girl marries the expense is throi gh with but just as quiclcas a son gits mirrted he wants o borrer all jou ve got wih 4mq 000 kil in a iu of 70 tears he blood travels 000 0c0 miles if impure and unhealthy it carries disease with it panfy yoar blood wtttb b b i was up night aad dty with a bad arm and coo d end oo care from doctors medi ifoofctwoottleaocbbb which- silas gectte cacccs alymer oot ketaadc mfort totkcsafferliiff brown s hsasehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cores pain in the side back or bowels soreihroat rheumatism tooth ache lumbago ache it will ind any kind of pain or most sarely quicken the blood and hea as its acting power is wonderfcl browns household pan acea being ac cnowledged as the great pain believer s d of double the strength of any other e ixir or liniment in the world should e in every family handy for use wneu wa 3 ted as it really is the best remedy tn eie world for cramps in the stomach and pa ins and aches of all kinds and is for sale b all druggists at 13 cents adottje tjaaek advertisements v rheumatism neuralgia sciatica lumbago backache headache toothache j throat frost bites sprains bruise burn etc wd tj- crdarfcliod palci eremrbcre 1 tut cena atoule direcuoniln llinitiatei okcmbaa matt eobwn m oaoaiiaadqiot toronto out fwt assnt ss sksfi4 rlx r cotts ulsion of pure cod liver oil andj hyp0ph08phite8 of lime and i t scoffmemujsjonisri a uwfcferrw pu producer air to j tor oonsumpttoti scrofu aj broachitiffwaitiiv du- coughs and polds paljarable a mile iilmuonlf polapiaalmaa color area nuisance and we think it behooves publishers to e amrae into the merits of many articles pi fled up in their columns we do not dery that many meritorious remedies are p operly to be classed under this heading take tbe hundreds and thousands relies d from severe suffering by tbe use df potso is hemline would it not be snreasonable them to condemn that far famed remedy row we know for a fact that poison s he rvihne is without exception the mopt poweifol pleasaotjuid certain remedy m the vocli for paur it cannot tail for itgoes r ght to tbe bottom of pain penetrates to thi nenes sooths them into quietness and a lords prompt and permsn ent relief m couium tioa caret an old physic ao retired from practice having bad plso d in his hands by an east india missionar the formula of a simple vegetable remed for tbe speed and per- maneutcare of consamptioa bronchitis catarrh asthmi and all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical cure after having tea od iu wonderful curative powers in thousi nd of cases has felt tt his daty to make fc known to his suffering fellows actual 3d by this motive and a desire to relies o 1 amausaffenng i will send free of charge o all who desire it this recipe in germt o french of english with full directions jar preparing and using sent by mail b addressing with ilamp naming this paw w a notes 820 powers block chester n y f hfnardi llalmac fr wue eterrtrkerc j staisikffie castoria for infants and children cutorllihweliaapteiltocluldnouim i cutorla airea oollc oomupatioo iilbcoxordbl drookjb h t wltw sjurioustnedicaljoa tu ctmui ooiratrr tt muifty street n y danger in delnj if we wore allowed to look into h future md iw the fatal consequeuces tbati follow l neglected cold bow differently would our oune be coali wo realisa our danger iow pecdily would wo eeck a euro but vith many tt a only when the monster hieaso has fastened it fangs apon our angs thaluoawilten to oar foil what ollows a neglected cold is it not dis naieaotlhc throat and langt bronchitis nth ma consumption and minv other luscatexot like nature it is worse than nsdacss to neglect a cold and it fs folly ot to haft some good remed available for his frequent complaint one of tho most fllcacioas medicines for all diseases of the hroat andlungsjs dickie sauti cousump- iive 8 rap this medicine if composed of several mediciual herbs which exert a most wonderfal influence in curing con iamptioujiud other diseases of the laugs nd chest it promotes a free and eai expeotoratioa soothes irritation and drives the dfseaae from the s stc m the pangs endured hj ihcearu christian riartjrs were no doab cicruciattng bat ot so praouged or ecarcclj more dreidfal liisa those erperrcaoei b the ejficrers from icusmmalorj rheumatism a disease hich is easily cnrablc at the outset with dr thomaa lclectric 01 a sovereign remedy for pain a reliable curaitve of kid rwj liver and other complaints and a medicine of the purest as well as the most jutsry kind cold waves rc predicted with reliable accaracv and peopls liable to be pains and aches of rhcu malum dread every chingc to damp or stormy weather although hood s sam pinlla is not claimed to be a positive sjiecific for rheumatism the cures t has cfected show thtt it mi be taken for this mpiamt with reatonabe certaiulj of neat lis action m neulrxltrinc the bipod which is the dae o rhcaraattsm co qstilctes the secret of hood s sarsapinlla you suffer from cueamitum give hoods sjrsspanlla a ftir trial it will do 3 a j good h jests ly horse wis o idicted with ditecaper that he could not driuk for four 1 aad relcicd alt foot simplj tpplj hiviuds limjiest oatwirdiy cared him eb i37 cut hllcltr civ- dayi c ricaizv 4 co son i hare aed joor if imrd s ilieht for bronchitf and asthma and it baa cared me i believe it the best tot 5 p l f ite 1 lrnrrov niuat4t liniment far kate cierjuuerc jcnelson wants to see you fcr lie has what will suit 3011 is d goods boots shoes and groceries mm soucited ptioa bemedr forcnti rrtt if the j ftgiemfertlo ria and cheapest catarrh bold bj- dmcittu or icni br miji50c e t njlllnr wtrca p c b jl h burdock ihegufaus the stomach lilverandbowels unlocks thesecretlons purines the bloocf and removes all im purities from a pimpile to te worst scrofulous sore blood cures -c- dyspepsia biliousness constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heartburn sour stomach dizzine1ss dropsr rheuaatisa skin diseases bitters thtut cixled iee greatest midigine eworld abu atly gjmu i t c 1 er c itjr rjiji pl35hls s 7lacz 5 e t fei2- w nidi j h to u l 1ci ltd 130 ej st xtzc0 ost bale hiaoaotat- srtj dcsialoa itb wraro of impoil fsni geo ourtrade tairk chkistms nlmbers london news the graphic and the ladies piotorial with colored engravings arrived this woeji the canadian christmas papers kll tle vcvfiisipert aud tfacaz aes snliod and dcllvcrc john smith qnelph santa claus will i c lv priujrles jewellerj store in guelpb from now unfil after christmas with liia choice lot of bcatmful new thmg6 suitable for chriatmas presents watches andjetrelrj ot crer description silver thimbles plush dresaiup ca and eer so many nen lmds of goods which must be seen to be appreciated everything ill be of theprettiest and new est doiigus geo d pringle jeweller guelph christmas -skle- w the mammoth house georgetown of choice drj goods furs ilau- tle xllhuer dress good- clothing readymade clothing otercoats boots and shoes overshoe- ladies and misses caidigan orerehoeo we fe- peciall call attention to our rich assortment of drej goods aud dre- silks plendid all woo dre goods for loc per jard worth 30c pci j ard we have a choice assortment ot long man tles aud short jacket which will be old at greatly reduced pnce flue astrachau ilautles from 815 00lo20 00warlii25 00 to 830 00 a magnificent stock of mantling- including fawn beaver- sealettfc etc a mag- mhcent sealette ftt t 00 per yd our fur tock is laige lucluding ladies bear boas beaei setts alaska sable astrichau lynx fiue persian limb setts price 25 00 reduced to 812 30 ladies and mens far cap a big stock of overcoats bought at 50c on the j in boj s youths and mens mens overcoats from s 00 up our carpets ruga matts floor oil- cloth are well assorted aud at the right prues our ijressmaking mititlc- mak ng milliner and ordered clothmg departments are in tall swing bus turmug out good6 to suit our patrocs in make up fit and price now is the time to get bargains during the christ mas holidas christmas novelliea suitable foi presents sold cheap we further announce hat the ticket preseut 6 stem aliall close at the end of thia month so burr up and get lie bargains and the prcrents w mcleodco dec nth 1890 christmas is coming thhhrdincs fin now toe nluwofor on houday trad hjis alheady come tl wbo h net lupoct1 hi hh h no id t b boul ant olal om as hu tn r fancy hanging lampsi id great rarlalr glassware china and crockery ill all tho infest patterns choicb assobtmevt or christmas groceries fruit8 nutsf peels etc it is well known that hardinggives tho best possible volao for cash to every customer i oysters in season ourhomes be it eer so humble theres no place like home speight son hae a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen in man styles and prices excellent value always j a speight manager go to- ths l6hdinc store for christmas groceries and christmas novelties- lgmatthews- wt never in m good poution to lopplj- the public with groceries frtnu tod coofec lionerv ot th lineal tnd pareat qotlity n it preot itt yoar orden here md voot bohdxy last will be of the beat qothty tbe put two vein i hxre led in fmc hangiug lamps crockery china and glassware for chnitmu present tad my stock ibis setaon u if pouible more tttrtctire thtn tht of premoai eri cbrutmsj sties ire tlretdy being made i tm now doing t strictly cwh basinetd tod my prices tre low ctsh pnoes splendid oleocrtpbic chromos in emboesed gilt frtme 22 x 28 tre riven twty to etch easterner when f 15 worth of coeds btve been parchued l new thing in christmas decorations very cheap bee them l g matthews municipal election proclamation finofa all en rj ihrsr rrsrtrfs that i j b pearson am not a candidate for the reevesbip neither do i coet mun icipal honors consequently shall not seek jour otes only your phtronhce t unnf at apt pnfanot ap actoa iid ncimty to ctil before imaff md fcj to 1 aul tcl iaitipaer tliebaipiiimsofajcirlriencisbjmlectiiicfor predu tioa to uictn totnc of osr maoy awful preeat coutuaed m oar large tad titled stock of j hardware consiiting of betu of silver knives forks spoons etc setts of ctrvers mrs potts sa4 irons jick knives skttea whips knives tnd forks axs cat stws gans revolvers etc lamps and lamp goods 3 b beaatifal hjnriac lamps irr hiil tnd library parlor stand od hind lamps sfatdes globes wicks ltntermttc crockery and glassware j j j tet setts pltin aod fancy fancy caps tnd saucers vase porridge setu cake dishes gltss setts goblets tnd in endless variety of asefal tnd ornamental gltsswtce j j j groceries j j j new rsusms currtnts cmnamou orange tnd citron peel spices tnd every reqmsite for a real old fathiooed pie or padding come alone ail are eligible o property qaajifictlions required bnog your cash and mike yoar selections prices guaranteed remember we lead m fioe teat and coffee j b pehrson ohts rre derr buy blankets instead j h matthtfws big bnigain m single harness double harness halters whips bells truriks and valises sig alue in robes call and ask our prices j h matthews harness maker to farmers and threshers ubb on vour maotuneryonly the wellknown ipeehlessoil i 9 gold medals h power itamhwajfais farmooelph farmer aik or them nae noother rwromended at thaltod manamtareaatqtta01tyollvorjlby 8amuelrocer8 co tortonto ijijip ipy yi vlr ttslvwttittts rt grand trunk railway ooiioiait aranwm erprwa t 19a ur j fiprai lall 11 cm n to exmsj throoglielp ooupo 1 uall cjs aoeom lompm aeecnfjli- nuk orctoaiva mia oolni wmi9 k a m aodsupjo oologeaat 10l0aita aadskpni tbij tlau tabl wat into effect ta w uk teeth with qp without a platif titajliad ur fsr palnleti grt t c h riqas conw rnti ind ocrraswi m summer tours a pautcc sttaa low rant tout fcjpe per week 8teea detroitwackinac island pfflwijt th pw hurquttu aad detroit and cleveland- our illustrated pamphlets fti ai zxeoihon tiotrtj will h fanubad by jtux tide atai or addteti eb vhtcoms ap a- drrorr uc the detroit i cleyeurd shjuiiftc dunns bakino powder thecooicsbestfriend a new book from cover to cover t ullf tbrtat bit the timee websters international dictionary- a grand investment fell familtiool er mrofessloaa libta the anislc wewtari via bridged dlrfloautt eoi lametoi 1864 13 rt81 nropertx of tho nnderiicptetl la i tkortmgkly betiaed and eslargo and ml a dlatjagnlihlng title bean ihe aftjno of wtormters istorba iiosal dietlobarf 3 editorial vork upon tlua raialoh kas beoa la aetiije progre fbr ovar tela teara hot lem tban oae baa- drod paid editvrial laborers oar baea esarased npoa it orer 300000 expeadad ia ha preparation before tbe rwt oopy waa printed oritieal oonpariaon with any- othar imctioaar got tbe beat j g c meiri1m t bo pablilhcrj i j spriojfleldm g a i 6olhrrjibooksellft lhuujjed amlettie pure8t 8tr0hchstp8e8t contains ko k alum ivmmoma llmephosfhatesi or any lapirioui euleriala j t w gillett cmcaooror karitiilitlinnhjjjjiitmjyjiji pr a u treesks worm powders a3jleej2amotja cciall j pru all r r t 1 ficrc j matratcr or worm la cui l n er a ji 1 he largest scale w0bk3 in canada over 400 styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show gases uoney drawers heat stoppers aho butchers surftles iodtxes wnj a lenfl c wilson soi nu esplanade street east torontconf mrmon u i pi r t e ci hjrstwain exterminator t v i- i 1 5 m wiu positivilyicure cramps paiessifi tuestdmach bowel conpulnit dlvrboaa m summercomplaints keep a bottle 1m te house sold by ail 0ealers mmnsmus j jim iff f0 p ft w

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