Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1890, p. 2

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jror i it t s a tea- iidiuum wi m 0 iii dec u wife of william ualunof tlojujmtr etlu p a meddaeuot a too f lllmti llf w t gk jfxbried worauvtamu mux willow 84 acm an taeetev evening end december jx rumrlufcwordentaatla hannah ototer both x aeten coding and going visitors to and ftorri acton htt various other ptjraona1 mote mieaj onto mr j essle mckebii homo from- tor- d1b0 tojlthtomorjoti tb lath btrau- ber jane kennwty wife ot iter lachlaa cam efou formerly of acton cton trift frcss tmmanatdecember joieto 8mot1 it habits anf dies remet notes and comments the tinted bute end creruiany arc nikinc a new postal srrauruent by utiich ell mail matter aistirig between the two otxratriee will be awwted on board the steamships a considerable taring of time vill that be effcetoflal small expense at had been predicted the steamship companies haw decided that ocean raciug it a poor adrertisement and havearranged their schedules for next snniiuor on a mucli better- tesis the crack thips willncnr alternate with each other and ihc objective point will be the rapid delivery of the mails speakinsofhe probabilltr of aa earir uojninioo election an ottawa coneervatfve eaid we have won a bjtehslioa in eaeh province eioce the paatage of the itc- kinlej- bill- an election will take place in portneut one of then dart it we win that look out for a general election within au weeks theraafttr afacv england and france nave arranged for a- ajsknaanoe ofhhe newfooidlead modus j vfvendi the engliilt government under ukroj to teltle trie difficulty- daring the interval the exchange of france rijula t on he french shore or- the berin penin- tula ha been hinted at at a tolatiol of the uestion bnt it u hot at all likely lo be conatdered by england ibe execution of lamontigne and blaaohard at sherbrobla excited more than paanng6ouoe they recall the fact that thii iu a hangmans year the record it a long one smith at london davit at belleville daboit at quebec spencer at kamloops birchali at wood stock day at wetland and blanchard and lamontagne al sherbroke it is to be fruatecllhat the epidemic of crime preced ing these events will now be stared peraint of berlin il home for a few dtjjt 1 mitt i lonitlelt on tuesday for her homo at 61 m irya mrd tylotleft on toeidey to villi friendi li llipley mr u kannawin it the goat of hit brother hit week mitt jiuie hcnwlreet vntiled friendt in milton luring the week mr ajd met w v frisk and daughter are hem for the bolidayt mr arlliurbraylhvof midford matko ka it villting acton rcutivea mr tjiw akint ot etiu wn in town on a pleiaant laitaion tbil week hit julia cleveland left on friday ovn ing on a vitit 9 trieodt in chalham mr dtitii d wren of xattagaweya loft on monaay for chijelliurk to vitit friendt there mist i huey and miu m fofgtate of oeorgetjrrn were gnetta of mist dora wordeupvcr suodty mitt kik who hat been vitiling acton friendt for tome weeks bat returned to her homi iu rodiettcr kv mita ifiunie ocr who hat been in georgelown for some lime came home tliit wee k r mr j ill sliaw formerly of the elora soirrm hat bought oot be midland free prctr sad took possession on monday mr i arch campbell of kincardine who wai ip torouto hotpilal undergoing a surgical operation rpent a couple of dayi ut wedc wiik his gnndftther arch- ctmpbe 1 eq r roc for borne the fat poxsa eiteods congratultliont to mr w mn d henderson and wiahot theninaay happy returns of the day ihii cncittmat it their silver wedding day mr iirry blake and family removed last wtejt to johnstown kv mr blake 1 retidenl of acton for some eight v ri 1 a clwrcyrnmni suddtn 011 tba follow igariiolton bmot by pro feasor j h 1 inton of the onlarlo agri cultaral colle ooalph will ui doubt b of lulereitto or farmer readers- smut it id mae well known to farmers and though od remedies have been found to premjif et there are many ignorant of them if we judge from the number of questions ten to the college on the subject as there are 1 iveral vtrletiot ofamut we hall oonildei the lisblltol tome of the uoit common and then gtvomo remedleul v c de0 nvotlng on the pout puii dtonthe rev dr carjy dropped dead in the itrsetthu after nom he wai on hit way to edmlnjilir the lurtmeai to an aged parishioner it it r ppoeed he ruptured mood vessel the deceased waa a man o letters an able writ ir and wat regarded si one of the beat info tried- men in the church wbloh be dertjtedjy terrtd he wat fit lu 07ih year his been or nine tara and manyfriendly lies were formed albani we are informed that the license com- uiisisioners will make no exception to the rule tiieyhare hud- down to renew no hcenses for hotelkeepers who- hare been convicted of more than one ceteace against thecieense aci the rule is a good one and the qsojiuhox as an uncompromising opponent of prohihigon hopes that it will 4k carried out law breaking b- lioeneje holders had a great deal to jlo with ihe rncting of the scott act nere and though we have happbr got rid of that abomin ation similarlaw breaking in future wocld 7 be apt to bring about thcassage of anoliiflr prohibitory law we wanfnolawbreajdng hotelkeepers hcenaed in hsilon milion cltompioil the presbyterian churches in canada the general conference of the methodist church in canada and other churches hare taken action in the line of petitioning the house of commons and senate for a law prohibiting the manufacture importation and sale of all alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes in canada petitions to this end are already in circulation and all members and adherents of churches sixteen rears of age and upwards will be- at liberty to sign them tt is requested that public meetings be held in each congregation and cornmunify wbenthe question of the pro hibition of the liquor tzsific may be dis- cassed and information given- rev d l brethoor thoroldj general secretary of the standing committee on temperance of the methodist church and rev d stiles fraaer springvale upper btewiacie nova scotia convener of the permanent commit lee on temperance of the presbyterian church hare charge otthc work over thirty thousand petitions wili be sent out to ihe different denominations- this is the most extensive movement that has yet been inaugurated for taking he sense of the canadian people on thisvastly important question and will result in a closer estimate of a public wish than any thing yet done in the time direction the committee have everyj arrangement per fected fora thorough distribution andthe petitions will be presented io parliament in such shape flat it will be difficult to ignore them it is expected that upwards of a million names will be received interested parties not in receipt of petitions can secure them on application to either of the above his removal leaves a blsnk in st sunday school of which be wai the superintendent tbe secretary has tent in forpublicaton the following litt of guests who attended the essembh in the lown hill last friday from a distance the local list was not supplied oar readers will perhaps be iu teretledkn teeing who were there miss holmes goderich miss lawrie point edward dr brennsn peter- borougbl the misses mcfarltae and w buchahnau nerval w lament slew artlownl miss hume st thomas dr bintok buxuxq siift when wheal it affeotod by ihlt variety the gralnt are shorter end m jre swollen than uioal and preteut a gree ilth drab color sometimes they are ctliked these affected grains are campletelr filled with minute round black tporos i snug an unpleasant smell and presentii g under tbe microscope a tomewhtt ro igbeoed tppetranoe they see much urer thsn the spores of the common tmut when they roach favor able conditio 1 heat sod moisture gemln aiioa tsket pi ce and a series of productive bodies result rbich give rise lo the vegeta tive portioo 0 the fungus this la an el cecdingly lieu ler joinled thread that ulti malcly been rfecf tpores in the wheat pianl altcrrc eliing the seed these repro ductive bodiet called t porldea or iporales are produced outtide ihe wheat plant but when lli y come in contact with the young host noy ftud their way into khe iuues andrunning up the item telween tbo ccllt tboy finally reach fee eed si i bear tpores ou tiny jl it us been calculated that one gtaiu rat r contain oo0o0o0 ipores doted withl ithe thlu tkin and not ex posed as iu hi common imut of wheat and oats iouuox on loose siicr in- cases of attack from tl is form tbe affected plants are retdily ob erved as it thowi ilself very ditlinctly by overing the eartlrwith tmut the sporet bt ve no bad odor and are ex ceedingly minhtc being much smaller thsn ihote of d whenlhey reach favorable conditions gei ruination takes place and re productive ituctures retult these ai in j3anf give rits to the vegeuuve portion of the ungus wl ich ratchet the young plant and a course i 1 followed much the tame as in 13njd inv istigtlioulindieates that tbe rouble in pit its tltackid comes from the ground sud iravtls u iwards that the results or the itlackmaiifett themtelveriu ths headland especially in the grain that teed dusty frc m tmut lesuhs in much of the grain bcic tmutty coax sirrr iu this tun the tmut it not so local as in 1 he preceding the affected paruare not loofiued te ihe ear alooe but sometimes ire fotfna elsewhere the spores form inside of the threads of the vegetative structure and not apon little stalks as in the other tmut aad thut are i ocl option carrlectat eesex otntriv loo j option bylaw took place here to dsy the bylaw wu oarrled by a mijorlty of 101 no 1 ward 69 for al agalnit 1 no 3 weed of for so agtlntt no 8 ward 71 for fi agalnit total 103 for ft agalnit dont mice it new and attractive publication con taining miny useful interesting and in- itrotuve features hu just been istued by t milbufo a co of toronto under the utlejof burdock blood bitters almsnae for 1801 it it now in the hsuds ot druggitu andjmerahsou for free dittrlbotion and we would advise our leaden lo secure a copy before the topply 11 exhausted fre trip around the worry via nellie blys route or- iti equivalent in gild is given by odd iloyaziitc for the largest list of words constructed out of the words belt 1 magazine also pianos organs parlor suites gold watches silver tea beta parlor coal sieves etc eoall positively given away everyone sending not lea than twenty wordt will get 1 present scud ii cents in stamps meoioniog ihe actou fiuir pcrss for rule i illustrated cafalogoe and copy of papi r to b1w1 uaaunt toronto out a timely question are you going tti make anybody a christ mas present this year parent to child 7 child to parent brother lo sister sister 0 brother friend lo friend 1 hal can i give that trill be moul ap preciated is probably question that it purrfingyou may we give a suggestion what could be a more appreciated gift 0 anyone of these relatives or your friend than a years tubscrrptiou to a good weekly newi paper its- visits will be useful lo then will brighlen up their lives will re- mint them of you even- vveek gcanled you say then what paper tlull it be we venture to make another iuggea- aruowu iuss a fa m t m iu when ghent ieglewood mis thompson tndm g t- a of lubelike tiructure in which severs fatal accident at mllton a well known and respepted farm- er meets an awful death on tuesday morninjj about lofs a terrible accident occured at the cpe station milion which resulted in slinost instantaoeooa death of mr wjn harrison jr a prominent farmer iiring about half a mile from this town ifr harrison is engaged in shipping milk to toronto and had come lo the nation to deliver hit load there were tereral freight trains at the slaf ion shunting to as to make room for the passenger train which yii then due and mr harrison was obliged to carry his milk across the tracks lo get it to the shipi ping platform whilst he was recrossiog he did not observi a freight train which waa backing up past the station snd which struck him and knocked him down drag 1 ging him along the track about 20 feet and afterwards three ears passed over him before the train could be stopped when picked up by thebystandershewas tiiil breathing but as birhead was crushed and his body horribly mangled be died in a few ininutes the terribly tad occurrence canted a great shock to the community as mr harrison was well knows and highly respected he was a member of the methodist church in miltbn and was en upright and industrious man he leaves a wife and one child be sides a large circle of other relatives in this lown and neighborhood all of whom bare the profound sympathy of tbe entire com- ro unity an inquest was held in the even ing by coroner freeman day executed thompson erin mr mcdougal berlin t thompson salmoovillc dr heggie a- mckjbnie mr hull mr nssmsith mr cruso brampton mr snd mrs- ellis and miss ifraser limehouse dr sidmrs dryden mr and mrs j farrish mirs farrah mack fsrrilh m p barrj- bame dryden eockwood dr add mrs auld mrs j k barber frankbarber bert barber miss good- wflhe o ecid miss ansley mr gal- braith sir mceenrie mr and miss moore w mdjeodc c roe f rustoo hiss foole mr creelman georgetown 1 mr plinn dr etirton j mclean mr and mite stewart mr m jeffrey mr jeffry ij a clark w herod b arm strong mitt moore mr weid mr reid grange miss mcttgue mr r gtutby mr c strachan d jgueiph cgibbon d eobertaoo the m e milcbelirw john- doff 1 j zealand mr and miss hajdy e j wilson mils bewar h hendermn mr and mrs knees miu pearson c- while m j dewar mist little mfas shuerf jarvii dewar milion pr slieey miss ahem miss mahsffy arthur smith w bums mr keith mrs c demjtey e w mcinlyre mrraad mntrarers c c henderson hehder- mr gilau miasdryden j dewar i are formed and the lube is- at the up of these they genmiusle singly snd cross partiuoi divides into sporules form produce structures that may penetrate tbe tissues of the corn plants ill moat tender point the lowest joint of the stem when the plant is ypung during the growing periodof ihe fungus upto the time when spore formatidu takes 3lade its contitts ouly of hat portion irhicii necessarily begins iu growth near 1 he surface of the ground since t enters when the corn is very young 1 ihe plant increases the fungus grove u wirdf u the place where it formi tpores the fr liling lime of the corn marks tls the perixl when ipores are developed utut lly upon he young kernels about this limi ibetlireadiike structures branch where ipores aire to be formed the lips of lb branching threads swell toronto board of education j the iast meeting of the public soho il truetaas for the year 1 the bo irdof trustees ot acton public school m f onmondar evening 1 merabe f present mcsste a- e nicklin chaimxsn l francis james matthews snd george h nds the minutes of last meeting were read and confix ned moved it- george hynds seconded by isaac era fas hat the note of too held by mrs- gtiy against this board be liqui- dated clrried the seventh report of the committee on finance bus presented and the chairman instructed to issoe his cheques as follows koe sad i interest 1700 jlwsricilcqklsofrood 133 00 h p llootv sdvertisiaf rtaioccr- tniriorufie ssi j v ksnniwig b b crxyocs aad erasers g i t5 the fertrx was adopted moved bvgoj hynds seconded by i frands tuafcfhe secretary be insfrceled lo publish the annual meeting for he election of t rusfeel to fill ihe vacancies caused by the expiration of he terms of office of messrs w h klorcy a e nicklin and thhaiug h p moore secretarj- be apptntedretamingoffiocrfor the 1 moved by baines mauew6 seconded by g hynds that the secretarj be instructed lo secure a census of the school population carried jj the board then adjourned these finally d velop inlo ipores imbedded in the iubttan within the threads ihe cell walls beco ne gelatii 001 si ipore for mation proceet s and this gives a slimy character to the miss of smut bnt in ihe course of time uarther changes take place and very little remains but dry round dusty spores u is iujurioat lo feed cattle with smutty corn as it acts npon the animal economy much the same as ergot of rye iassinglhrough the animal lyttem does not destroy tlia germinating power al smul consequently ihe ipores in manure arc ill a condition toy spread the rouble as i is readily tees on affected parti and mar be picked off it should be gatheredaod destroyed by fire talk of the day wttuik oot dec arthur iloyt day was executed in the jail yard here st f oclock ibis morning for the murder of hit wife peeeriah in july last he walked calmly to tbe scaffold uttered a simple goodbye and died an apparently easy death by lirangulttioo there was no delay pr hitch of any kind prompuyat h odock or perhaps a minote or two before tbe f bxdsaid the last consoling words tbe haogmin had piuiooed dtyt arms and lie proeeasion started bom the cell to ti yard day walked with a swagger snd notwithstanding the constant praying and singingof tbe early morning was in out ward appearance the least affeoled meet jiintfof the party- i five iadiaa murderers were hanged at missoula mont friday mr schuyler sbibley ermp for ithe county of addington is dead tbe british columbia legialsture has been called to meet on january lb a peculiat disease is carrying off many horses iu parts of kansas and missouri very lie vicargeneral laurent of torouto did suddenly friday aiterooon baror we ssmanu accuses emio patha of disobeyini orders and has recalled biro the eslia stes of the toronto public school boa d for next year amount to i13t000 carl korti treasurer ot pierce county nebraska was arrested yesterday for em- beralingl3f 0 nearly tb ee hundred excursionists left wephipegfooutario last night tb spend fhecbrittmi a nohdays- sir jobrr repe heunessys majority in kdlcinny agi ipsl the parnellite candidate wasrli7i in i total vote of 3882 liegius arj uoosejaw despatches say that indian r lnners from dakota are stlr- iog op exciti meat among the sious re- fugees in ca iada and among piapota band of creel snd granules appear in the content or otherwise ii is not lufficient lo pick off the tmut and throw it upon the ground as the ipores wil itill continue to form rrarwes w lh inch acts before ns we are in a position o lugger some remedies which ire appliei bio lolbi ieveralviieliei ofimut i i 80w clean seed 2 steep seed are miauls in 1 solution of copper sulphite i 111 lo i gallon of waterj couiuntly stir to ai to wet the grain evenly ibi n ipread it on a floor to dry or add tome lime aad mix antii about enough for using a weaker longer lime cq land plaster or tlacked dry one gallon is 4 buthebr some prefer solution and allowing a i lb copper sulphate to i gallons ofwater andstecp2- hoors 1 li caustic potash iu g galloot of water let thit soik aday or take to lb hardwood ashes 10 10 galom water let this stand a day ttirriuf from time to time and tbe wat r poured off wjll be a solution about tie same strength as tbe preceeding i brine strong enough jo float an egg does very well if i je teed is kept in it for several bourt will occasional stirring immersing the grain in not water ia00 f ford minutes ir 18io fl for 16 minutes destroys tmut spojes without injury to the grain a lemperature so above or below this fails in its results by keeping tbe teed in sack made of coarse material if may be readily dipped into any of the solntiom recommended boca lot your present be a year s subscription to the acton fuee press w ly that paper particularly bocsuse people who ought lo be good judges say that it is the best local paper in the county becaise it does not make a special effort lo catch by issuing extra good numbers just before jhe beginning of the year when peopleareconsideringwhal paper they will lake bat keeps up a steady gait all the year round becajise lis writers arc always ou the alert lo secure all lheinlercsling news and generally manage to do it becajise it is assisted by 0 superior class of country correspondents it is brightly written it is not all scissors and paslojwl because ft is pure iu moral tone and to parent need have the slightest fear that its contents will ever harm the minds of his children beoifse it hat good stories andinlercsf- iug miscellaneous literary mat ter becatsc it stands by he residcu is of ill constituency every time it is controlled by no political party or other machine it paddles its own canoe its opinions are itt own and arc not purchased is that the kind of paper you like because it believes in fair play and in giving ever public man a chance to be heard whether it is opposed lo him otjfibt because every issue is complete iu itself no continued stories to catch subscribers and undqly influence hem to coutinue because it has oome to stay a paper that is building a reputation for the years to come is pretty sure to give its readers good value worth the price folki who read the fbee press regularly say dial it is with any il paper in the counlry then friends ace that yon do not i mistake but subscribe and ry the lctqnfree press for iw1 we v ill at least keen itnp to ils former standard we will lryfofmprove it a christmas puddin6 willmicid a grand repeal for ihe christmas trade bplced with temptiivj bargains and at tractive goods commencing on monday deo 1mb we shall inaugarate a grand chpirrtmas feast daring wuloh we ball serve tip tbe most palatable and toothsome duties ineoially prepared for the time and tin occasion ili uu will find in hi trade of ooelpb note the bill of fare bilks for evening wear in immense variety 0 ibedlogi at low prices drkh8 goods i piles upon piles many of them only lo hand within tbe last few weeks al gnat outs in prices a tpeclal sic pile in wbloh are lluee worth 0o to wo lofaly embroidered and braided bobes very choice nothing more useful for a cbrfttmaspraaent 8ealettkb andmfcy cloak- ingb at greatly reduced prioee a saving of s3 per oeuton some not so much on others table limen8 and fine linen table cloths with doylies sod napklnt to match really beastilul goods and variety great fur qood8 all bought before tbe big advance in prices and old cheaper than you can get goods ot equal quality fur capes with mary stuart collars btorm collarettes bear boat and mofft seal beaver persian lamb and astrachan caps childrens fur sets all in great variety great clearing purchase of ladies aatrschan jackets at a straight discount of si per cent a perfect medley of smsu wsres and fancy goods ladua and gents silk snd linen handkerchiefs collan ties scarfs gloves lined and unlioed braces socks stocking mufflers shawls fancy woollens and a ihoutandl and one delailt in fancy articles beyond oar ability to mention all attractive and great bar gains full range of sizes and colon of oar noted josephine kid gloves each pair warranted underclothing tbe great bol- ioniin line in ladies and childreni all tisei especially low prices for christmas natural wool cashmere mccraei reliable heavy wooled and other makes for men women and children mantle boom fall- of goods some cable repeats just arrived all will be offered at reductions to price the choicest goods for ladles snd children wear at ihe lowest prices thsll it now come and see if it- tint so wirmlh comfort health luxury saving of money all represented in the quality and prices of oar wool blankets eider down qullte comforts cotlpn quills and olher red coveringa they are yours al a bargain overcoats men and boys we want you lo tee them we have determined lo make a clearing out of our ready mades the price mutt do it we are not afraid 10 ecoomphth our purpose though it ooeta ut money to do it come and see them you neednt buy unless you like the table is full snd yet there is more lo serve yoa mutt come and help your- sell come and pick up the tempting bar gains come and prepare for a real merry chrittmas come and enjoy the christ- mat feast at 2j and 27 wyndham itreet goelph fcrflnd fitiv tbtttiumtsi grn woowant onsal waxtsd about tla eorda bedy wood full loaf feet lone terfi unlan enqolre of r t i h pawoaiv i li it j0b l tkclxtnso uooki 1amrbltu fasten 1 ibaakclrealari ae t eiteske la ttyuletbe art al inederata prtete m4 ee ims arad4risi v h p afoobe pass parti pfflce acts beet abort 30 days attraction hollinrake cfe son the live merchants of milton are booming business in the county town crowds of peo ple from rlifferent parts of the county are making their way to the grand holiday saje the public soon find outlwher the bargains are id dry goods millinery and clothing bkrgmins in groceries fancy goods boots and shoes waljted- mekloealortravelltokilliiiy isonervbtoek salary oteonn weealv ceffltfrm spedal atleutlob shrea besnoent vvortm never fall to make m weekly wem wrturaeatopnforpanaei o okauam kunerroaa mis boose itirahaual acton lmge no 2ty 100s meets in the aufellowt hall i tjs block every wedmeamevinlijwttai1 js brethren always weleejne for copy of enaetf g tutbm and laws apply lo tbe uaawgmdolaa jvp totbm and laws apply oftbememben v7 wnxuna h 0 bflwobdbh secretary christmas eutertainipent thkdlioitlis b0mdat will bold their christinas entertainment tatbe cburch on monday evening 29th dec the procrsmme will eeoatst of recitations aad ttoslnbrt ebildren mr donald hjnro tt toronte with u rent ministers aiiiotbeb arsvlledlotttabcaiureatai aeoumluea will be taken on behalf of ihe school a cordial invitation is eitancted to the publio attend tbechalrwfllbetakenatsoclmk fo sal fifteen new kinds ofpotatoes 1 crown jewel s early ualno i everett early new zealand 5 green mountain queen of beta t puritan 8 uoralng star 9 monroe seedhng i w woodnnll x 1 chleeeo market il early oem 13 pride ot america ii boebeatsr fsroriu 13 st patrick for particulars tlplrto wit gftlpps gardener e r b0llert co 25 it 27 lowar wyndham st guelph becac good goods at less than city prices at hollinrakes grand sale rv twenty packages nov goods arrived tliis week at the right house j carpels wool carpets window shades etc v a magnificent assortment of christmas presents comprising combs and brush- tray and brnhes manicure sets whisk holder worv boiee jgftg uiii il viirit hat racks school companions pin boies hoodie cases the caitrbto and houbrirukiubn- ingooods itvein erobmoub 81318 season crossley6 tape8tby bbcsrlels wilton and svmin1rteh carpets beat the world is the beaoty of their coloring the cbarmiiw trutbralneea to rrd1d the oreat bale at about half mces is still going onvsc pa i to clear oct the8tock before rebuildin itibboni marked down from 80e- to 60c 60a to o 66e to photograph i albums al reduction o twefoortb to ooehlf m cor- rent nte all ctxxxa mrkd lo jkvln fignre 80 bibles xroaj wicpt to 1d teh dnring the hoiiauji oidms redaction of tea per cent on all pbrcbucs op to 9400 and tvetrty per cent off uifer toau call early and gat tixft ebole john wyndham st smith quelph 5 guelpli bnsine8s collte gtjelph ontabio 25e30etoljc soctoujc astrachan gloves 1160 to sic 060 to 75c 76c to 60c aprons from toc to0e0b to jeltoloe uresvos irom 8cte to 66c 70c to mc 0c lo 26c feather trimming eoc to 16c a variety of window cvnttom 1850 to 16 from 1850 to boy glove 87jc to 00c men gloveell 1 jsjj 7 jmjmtom- 13 lo 11 heot wool undenhiru 90c to 50c 80c to 05 childreni underwear 50c to 84c fascinator 15 to 90o- 90c to 05c 8ukpluthet2toll85n5tou5llcjlo125 1 lo 80c 85e to ctte coc to c vm to 78c mr ar s it flf slf sm zj ii llc r tjv w t 11 iti 1 wtrt brocade sit com pa kow make go txowssosi cg f yes my dear madame why not provided the heavens bepropitions and furnish ithe snow and there it every prosp ct of plenty this winter snowihbeing is ai easy sjf sliding down hill after yon ki ow bow and yon wjll know bow and b w to fi rra a club and what to wear aud 1 11 about it after read lug the breezy arilcleon sooffsboein in bomcrctc vamu ucpjou it lot january and if you dont besome ent lusisstlo about the subject we arc mlstak in or if your tastes are artistic rt ther the l athletic you will be delighted w lh the noellent paper on modeliog foi sculpt irejiqoith its numerous and haotifnl atmtrationt inoladinfa tuperb f ill- page pfrtralt of tbe american sculptor hsrtle and if you have never modeled in day he suggestions for smateurs and be rlnuers rill be of greet assistance indeed for be tutyi variety and completeness i morrui family maga- wic mutt be awarde i the pa m of tuperior ify at the family if igazine tnd should be in every honsebole pnblibed by w jtvxixg dcjioeiaij 16 eait if th street new york michel dumont n n fxsmjsfmm able gabriel waa fai ally stslj bed stxeehe north dakota in at ruoken i iiirliirfiilhilljtg phew o tbe redoubt like ifoc the effect iitoducfi bjaycri cberry pbcloral uu cauglis croup aad bore throat arc lu most cases im- luediattly rdicvjcd by the use cl lliii wonfjerful- rvuiuly it ktrvuziucns tlie vocal rpius nliiva irritation aiul irc- tcnls tlia itiroatls of cori h urn p t iu ti a every stage of imt dread dihcasc aycrs cliciry puc t7ral rclcvt coiish- ioff and iininccb rcfrcsliiiiff rst i riave ned aycra cliciry iviciral in myjfomlly for thirty years ami imii alirayi fonntl it ilia bert rcmly for croitplto wiiich complaint jiiv clilhlrua fiavp been itnljiect uapt u corlcy tlrooklyn yej j frdm an sxperfencc of over uitrty r luctli- yizt n tiio ai 5 nerfet loof clnea ffd jaailflod iu rut-miiim- tilling nroricttry ajrerfj cherry lecioral- one of the belt recoiiitiienjittioui of the lliioral is tbe em aritig quaiuy of ils popularity k being noro ttalaue no it then it waa tweotjflve yean fls when t rruit ittcoesi was coiifildcrtid marvcloua e s i rake m ix bcliot kans my utile niutur four yearn of age won so iu from broncliittx that wo had aim out riven tip hope of her rocovtry our fat lily phyniciau a skilful man and ol iarjj i exporienco pronouncoi it nie- leas to rive her any more medicine saying fiat he had dona all it was pas- lible to do and we moat prcjiaro for the worst as a last resort mo determined to trj j ycrs cherry pectoral and i can trnly n y witii the most hnppy rcaulti after ti king a few doscx sho noftnixl q brebthe easier and within a wveu was ont of tl ingcr we continued gtrf no tlio fectora until aatisfiud site was entirely well t lis hasriven ine unbounded faith in tho reparation and 1 rocomuiend it confldo tly to my customers c oi lcppor drnggistport wayno iud for ridsond conrlw take flyer nuraud r dr j b ayr co lowell mass jtiwi inboiima wortbltabetue s cherry pectoral pluthes 2 50 to il75 velvetn75 to j5c abrrettes 1155 to 75c j1j5 to 50c hau 1150 to j5c beave hate l60 to 75c bird ills to w ii to 75c 75 to 50c mc to 20c winrt 75c 10 50c 50c to 85c 85c to 40o- 5c to 10c th ifantlei and afantle ololhs are till iseuine off at about half prices please come east of the cahpet window before entering the docri corner of king and hughaon i tree it thoma c watieijsrs hamillon dec 18lb 1890 hoi-idhy- goods in the ruh and harry of the baiimt season of the year advertiiing il apt to receive bat utile attention tbe merchants lioio is valuable aud more pressing dtuis than writiadadveriaeaienls press ibeir claims open him t we feel however u we glance throah oar store and note the thousand and one attractive and beaatifol articles displayed on every hand in anticipation of the require ments of the christmas season that we sboald be doing our stock of holiday goods an injaatioe if we neglected to make special mention of them a casual walk through the store will give you great pleasure a closer inspection will delight you bargains for friday saturday we have decided to ivit our easterners something specisliu dressgoods on 1riday and saturday next and with this in view we have cat off about 50 dress lengths of 7 and 74 yards each double fold which will be marked at about one- third less than the i regular price these dress length will be placed 00 a table so that they can be j inspected by yoa you are thinking perhaps of making a christmas present- of a new ttu to mother or so mo one else if 10 this is your opportunity to do so at but trifling j j iiemember they will be ready 6a friday and saturday g brvawbo guelph yooso men ajfd women footed for p eeasful busiueu uucbt boy to earo a lirinfc make niooer aad beeotoe ebterpiisuiciiterbl ettlxeiia i ictuairblsisesa botbia th tlce strlns dally espe to m banjoul and office work a feature of ouri 8hobthakp 1kd tvpbwwtiko tbeeeat held for sdneam jodtajidl- btadvtott wtlb- ios to tami fbonbefb wrtlan an tbocomhlr uruled la- beateat niote ubineloueom teoral rerbaato mnttas are tlrea special adrantat afottted ir ao otber acbool tn jlltl ooar pehmakearflor i oraamental west taasbttwo rai pesncsriianoijaae is earfefet br tbe lateet derelopnlant ot the xataral metued and with remarkable results for circulars and terms address u uiccoemickprincip or ajwiiford hulls health eaipfllet disease oared withoutmediaine j as matthew acton has been aptxlotd asatti for tbe cireialauoa ol drfialls eeletedqealui painhsei whkb hp ketpi 00 bevad tbe panphletclalbii in tbs treatment it adriaos xuv cure for dfseasa witb oot medicine the price set uw pamphlet is eour douara and a cnarantee is w that it tbe tmrchasar is not satisfied arwr pottiac tba treaiment lute eonscieatlotii prauee lor es month torefaad ui moqe cm tberaaxafllh pwnphlevlthapledcaneter acaia to ttsa tbe treatment or apov it to be used la his famllr tbe wllford ball czeatoiadt without medidam for tba ralt receired from tbe tua of thb treav tdent please enqolre of any of he followiag parties 3stev7 g003ds istobblt gooidb i j opdered clothing department for tbe iall aud winter trade we bavo uo lu itotk tbo fluost range o i suitings overcoatings and pantings i you ovor laid your eytwou whatever ou intiii clothing il will tvjou totoiue lousu lceeaxericiitat right and stylo rlglil qlefite flfpnishings new bhirti collan colli tie aud ludcrtcar fu abuudauco sctoib ber dr butord bet r r cook g atolbollasd mrsabnlholland john harrer mrs john harrer william hemstrect t c moore mrs t c moore lames mattntn mrs jas matthen ouier names till be added weekly wmalnjjn- robert moon kobleuelam tbomu cauectal mrs t cameron win grippe uxehovu- jimi utrtin mia j martin 1 airs vr leae do iron rwd the uoxtrxal tfmntss iiaqnestioo which thousands of men and women an iretag ii that the raloe of this paper u abenna all que- uon 11 u yell written 100 ii a ocanpeddltna ol all that is being done or ihoocbt in the world it detotee heelfioflfibung tor the rishr lutlier yoa an old or ysopg it will interest vyou and all vho tire in um aatne house hb jroo thit rr it oleremtsrel attractlre plans te increatlna lualniadr hrerrcalattaa oaao- tbeee is ue ijreo laadlne ubtarjplaavberabt ererr inbtcrlber br taijisthii paper mar be- come a member ot leadlai librarr irbjch aball bare fev or many iiod books for jilm te read according as the plan faai been enctmtkajry worked or not it iho oflen to iu actttq can- tusers and aemts cood cash eommlssians or raliiable yreuutuus which amplr prtefw all tbe labor and time put into working fortwhile v aanie uiao eonierriai abooeftl on altiubaeribin ebo mar be indueedto ickre le the f abouel to read h one tbe meat ttaoke leatsne of tbe wmixis irbjeh it j j peenllartoltaleae in canada batwblab bu been adopted nuie united states on ide seme lines aannt laid down bjr tbe montreal wrr- zee offered to tcholan ispabuo beet tnestory of life and adron from montbeal out and west to tbo atteutio and to tbe atfla- oceans inelodlni kewfonndlaad tbe kerulaod pf tbe golf bave come ttorlee tome of wbfeb bare been written in a llieranr style booutot profetalonal wrrtera and maar of i inable facta la cana kki is ibe prizes offered tcboolt or lae beet tn ture in canada rbm new and valuable facta i atirle of wilcb contain jcta la rw hbtorj auionctt tbe mnr titboritlee wbo w un ess to tho uoollosee oil tbew ttorlee are- tbo ludece in each pcpvfnce who awsieuhe leues and the intpoctort and teaben of schools in orery pos uon of the dominion and xewtoubdleiid as well as the newspapers wbo speak klfidlt of them and republish some of them in addition to the household and question aad answer dopart- menta the marm reports the 11t1t and iter ling bdltoruu aruolee tfaeberial btariea aad hi fact tbe whole bodr of tbepeper malie ii a nemberotthe family in erery boaee baldwherrrtle taken lakorembtbvven- lt wrrnss waa enlaned by more than a pace m enlarjemeot equal to two nacet a week within two yean adouns greatly toils raloe and iaterest tbe vrtusal wrnauoj is sift tn kihtcribenhi xaaada greet britain auathevlultedsiaaee for s100 e year a year aaofulin aanmenxaaaror90eeauayear thev i jj t g w ipbloii wbo 1 a sample copy or ar bt tobiiaherrare meeara john doors ii t bon to wb tm my mail yoor ttrbajrtptkiv or w 11 send you a sample copy pr answer aof m ready- made clothing j fu mens youths boys and cbildrent suiu and otereoets we have a very lares ttock at very low pdoes kelit bros aqth aooovsntioo to nominateji candidate to oooieetrirth norfolk in tba liaerai in terest focthe la tb local irjalatore reoderod tacant bj tba death ol jcti fretoanwlnbabiauiotbirn0t bia- ooemltqecuwlilwaljom auaac4s ualasettu sale eterywtkie i siv 1

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