Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1890, p. 4

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s l iv-1- wtes here and there ttens fffo 3ttgn jffit rcss ofoenral interest to free press readers why dont you eat mr gobbler v bccum i dont wili to bf td my tfi td art yon not ftwtw ilul chrumu uo miim i xpel ihc worm by fln th ufe tod utd roltbl milktiminuc freemtni wo m powdcrt is ild tu toothing sud heilta or si al cturjh remedy cu the wont omt pcrmuienuy no pfltimottnc itll oureliible twutflvo yfttrt of sqcocu xhur8patdecemberrs5 180 hje tjung jfalfcs chrstjuus ckeetl wnc tiw ioj- mil eitijy tofling irtuti reiolc let dq sound of forrot dull the jlddonin roicc tile ths ixiud vhu ijir abd thoa tludl not lack feed th old tad hnnfirr god all ptr ui b4ct- la thediily blotttac in the oijhtij test he ho cmtfe brclr erer ptcth iku light the cxmcjjiuc yulclae atiadiyi cjold im uoatedyaeiglabor pmhiatic cojd qirutnus eouies but cclctotu oojon 4 jtt letts biditelc6ws wiqiotirntelir uelcoma ill who need it so dull ifcoti be tod with the food that ttos not i with the dihy btdd tbcr my nerer pr thee tet their debt ihu be doablj- treblv rendered in eteniitj- a 750 cottage x of iti traivient in cuh will be giren to the penon detecting the greatest number of errors word wroogh spelled or mi- ptfbed in the december issne of oir rqwcl in addition will be given two cohjiriiea of 300 cichcorol tloeight of to ten oi jfio twentyfire of f 10 fifty of 5 one hundred of and ine hundred end fifty of tl distributed jaf the order mentioned in rales snd regnjstioas which win be eentwith t copy of december issue on receipt of is cents in stamps special cask prize given away almos every day daring campetitibn which closes fehrniry fat 189u j address oar sqs eablishing co brockrille ganads c c- rlcttizw t co i gests icy horse was so afflicted with distemper that he couh not driiik for four days and refused all food simply apply in mdvakds ltcbtekt ontwardly cored bim feb 1667 cite ttnujryr cixs c c fiimm drco gists i have used yotir sflxirds likiment for bronchitis and asthms and it has cored me i believe it the best lot 5 pel skalntsgstos a saecessfai jcssion- the medical mission of burdock bleed bitten in- caring constipation has been mirkadly successful xo other remedy possesses such pecnliarpower over this dis ease i was very bad with cbstivepesa and one bottle of b b b cored me would not be withoaf il says hcs witfrsizr je bobcaygeon ont rest and comfort to the suffering browns hoosehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both infernal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism tooth ache iambup ind any kind of pais r ache it vul most surely quicken the blood snd heal as its acting power is wonderfal brown fan- acea being acknowledged as the great fain believer and of double the strength of any other 5hi of liniment in- the world should be in every family bandy for sse when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents ibotthf personal libertr 1 w fyrical slavery y we are all free american cftizens enjoy ing oar personal liberty but most of us are in physiciii slavery sofferidg from scrof ula salt rheum or some other form of impure blood hoods sarsaparilla is the great blood purifier which disolves ihe bonds of disease gkes health and perfect nhyaical liberty those of the gentle eex who have exper- ienoed the pain and annoyaoce caused by excoriated nipples and uifiame breasts can well appreciate the value of a remedy which removes he trouble this is pre cisely what dr thomas edectric oil does besides coring when used internally asthma crbnp and other maladies mlmrdi lixtiueat tor taie eremtbere greafftmeot pain rheumatism neuralgia scjatica lumbago backache headache toothache sore throat j frost bites sprains bruise burn etc a bfvnaltu tad palen erajpam 11 uzfulfkl mouiutligcaa eambmnni caniiiuj sppot jowntoint by f rtili it experiment otlrettiur ijpbold lever longed immeniou of ihe pftlient in lm bu tried willi cntitjing tlie iloil it t 11 you w 0u vn dom or oand oat w ran to menu oc the lertion tdi wecis vonn denngc tlio whole ijilem mother grivet worm exterminator de- nnjei wormi and iiei reit to tha inffierer il only cot titenlyi eouu to try it md be oeotinced i oj the more thiu 000 itadenu who hive joined the volunteer movement or foreign miteiou ibout oneqairter are flronlen whit itatinj powder shall we tue imperial cream tartar baking powder it made from pore 99 cryttal cream tar tar and euglith soda hence it the beat that can be made s lonit hat a onelegged burglar who iopt around amobguwilumteriog night police at lively u t ericket kational pillt are a mild purgative acting on the itomach liver and bowelt removing all obttructiont a ucw telephooqliaa been broaghl out in england which itsaid not to iniringe npon anyjcxibtiug patent it is o the mott iimple conetruclioncqutitting o an elec troiugnet and celluloid diaphragm victoria carbolic aalve it a great aid to internal medicine in the treatment o tcro- olptt sores ulren and astcetht o all kinosr- a loading japanese newspaper the ifocii skimjvii deciiret that chriatianily it tlowly but steadily malting progreu in japan never retrograding tor an inttant the future of boddhiwm it aayt it indeed iaperfl- ta invigorate both the body and the brain use the rejiable toufc xttlbarnc aro matic qdinine wine aftrchant to editor of grasst0trn5irjfrj good morning colonel bheers and how do yott find ihiogt editor well sir- whenever i want to find anything i advertise in the btgtt many an otherwise handsome face is dis figured with pim pies and blotches caused by a htmor in the blood which may be thoroughly eradicated by the use of ayers ssxsapariua- it is the olfeit blood cine in the market beinff entirely re from arsenic or any deletious drug v lira smitem to her eon which would you rather have for christmas bobbie pair j of skates or a sled i bibbie cant i hava both v mrs smitem no i dpoit think santa claes would consent to that b- tbbie then- give me the skates ton my blimsoits got a aled and i can lick pirn a friends faee a friend face often looks sour and glum fron the effects of ntiserymaking bihous- oriiver complaint- if we tell him to use burdock blood bitten and he does it the ace soon brightens with returning health and happiness bb3 never fails taomas bohinson farnham centre f q writes i have been afflicted with rheumatism for the last ten years and have tried many remedies withoat any relief i- ppi a bottle of dr thomas edectric oil and ifoond it gave me instant relief and since then have bad no attack i would recommend it to all the lungs liver kidneys bowels t act as 6a many waste gales for the escape of effete matter and gases from the body the use of northrop i lymans vegetable discovery helps them to discharge their duty- mr w h lester h m catdmsy toronto writes i have personally tested the health giving propertiesof northrop lymans vegetable discovery and can testify as la its great value just as good perhaps but if just as good as putnams is that not a very high recommendation for the original and best corn cure putnams painless corn extractor bef use to accept any of the dangerous so re- producing sub stitutes offered by greedy dealers whamake larger profit and disregard the interests of consumers safe painless certain mrp- john mclean writesfrom barrie island oal march 1839 as follows i have been a great sufferer from neuralgia for thk last aine years bat beingadvised to tryj tj jacobs oil can now heartily en dorse it as being a most excellenf remedy for thus complaint as i have been greatly benefited by its use mri joab scales pf toronto writes a short time ago i was fiaffenng from kid complaint and dyspepsia a soar stomuh and lame back in fact i mis com plete y prostrated and suffering intense pain while in this state a friend reoom- mem ed me to try a bottle of northrop fc lyra ins vegetable discovery i used one bottl i and the permanent manner in which it ha cured and made a new man of me is such that cannot withold from he pro- rniettrs this expression of my gratltade mother and babe gtaiahxt t have used hagyards pectdral balsam for ihadeongh and was by one bottle my babe only two is old also had a coagh and on giving 3me it helped him very much mus e j gooitze fjorence onw thi plate glass trade has become an important feature in ctuidi no basiuess house wodd now dream of having the old sheet flair windows not only tbe design of the baildiofiis vastly improved but the goods displayed in tbe windows are inviting when he ptatfi glass u used mccaaslaod son tof toronto supply by far the largest quant ty in canada la a 4060 it cat blood lw and cine 1 cored wrw mqofiqo uua life of 0 vean the blood travels miles ifimpnre and unhealthy disease with it purify yoor rithbbb i up night and with a bad arm find no cure from doctors medi- i took two bouiet of bbb which le kra geltie cncncu alymcr ont i 00 eo dd katlly txniuu croup colds sore throat and many pain- tol ailnonu are easily otught in this ohangeal le cllmau- tbe uevejfalling nmedylijuttas mtlly obtained in hag- yards y illow oil which i undoubtedly the best tall the many ftmedlm bfferad orthecurtolooldior palm third page of the toronto dally oted for want advertisements mt to buy or tell anything it a tltuatiou a mschanlo a boii- mathlnory lodgings if you have lott anything or if you want to find anyone it advertise in tbe to mail and read the advertise- the third page of that paper it two cenla a word eaoh in addreu tae mail toronto can- her i dull i chargo many a life has xtu saved by the prompt luo of avers lllla trnvclcrs by land or srei nra liable to couatlputlon or other diranqnicuu of tho slomnch und bowels whlvli f licjloctcd i041i to serious and oicnriilconcqueuccs thonottnra mcaih it correctiag llicso cvllt is the use of ajors cotliartle puls the pru dent hiillugmastor would as soon go to sen without his chronometer at without u mppli- of tlniso pills though prompt uud cuergctlc in operation ayers pillt uavo no iuoileels lliey are purely vcgcuiblc and sitgnrcoatod the safest lnclidho for old and young at homo or nbroadj forcew vcars i was afflicted with coumfpitlon which at last became so bod tlmt the doctors could do no more for mc then ibcgan to take ayers filu and soon the bowels recovered their natural nud rcgulaxactiou so that now i aiu in v t excellent healtlulmrs c e clark tcwksbury mnssachusetis i rcpard ayers pills a one of the mot mliililc pcncrul remedies of our times jttcy havcuwu in use in- my family 11 traitoetion requiring a pqrgsu livcii5 liavepiveu un vising satiatiic- lioa vc tiavc found tlwm an excellent rvtttftutfnr colds and light fevers- v itwoodwa fort worth texas for rcrcral years i have relied more njvna aws pills than upon aoything else in the medicine chest to regulate mr howuu and lltosc of the f liip crew tfiere lilu are not severe in tlielr ac tion tuit da their work ihoroueuly i fiave uicd tlient with good effect for the curj- of rlieumalistn kidney trou bles and dvpcisia cant mueller btcamsliip felicia new york city e lave fonnd ayers cathartic pills to be a belter family medicine for com mon usmhaii any other pills within my fcnnwledge thoy are not only very cittitivi lut safe and pleasant to lake qaahtics which must make them valued liy the public jules bauel itrfumr philadelphia pa ayers pills dr j o ayer l co lowtlt mat saju br ell ijcierc fa uodlctaes- u coidwavm are predicted with reliable accuracy and people liable o the pains and aches of rheu matism dread every chtnge to damp or stormy weather although hoods sarsa parilla is j not claimed to be a positire specific for rheumatism the cures it has effected show that it may be taken for this complaint with reasonable certainty of benefit its action in neutralizing the blood which is the cause of rheumatism constitutes the secret of hoods sarsaparilla h you suffer from rheumatism give hoods sinaparilla a fair trial it will do you good i coosuarlioa cured an old physician retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the- speedy and per manent care of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections jalso a positive and radical cure after haviofi tested its wondcrfoi curative powers in thousand of cases has felt it his duty to 1 make it known to his suffering fellows actaatedby this motive and a desire to relieve haman saffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a notes 82q powers block rechester n x i l you want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wttkly mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every weeki and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase- advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto ifijr mail for five 6enfa a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada dangers in delay if we were allowed to tboktnto the future and see lhe fatal consequences that follow a neglectedjcold how differeotly woald our coarse bejcoaid we realize our danger how speedily would we seek a cure tut with many if is only when the monster disease has fastened it fangs upon our longs that we awaken to oar folly what follows a neglected cold is it not dis- easesof thethroat and langs bronchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to neglect a cold and it is folly not to have some good remedy available for this frequent complaint one of the most ecacioas medicines for all diseases of the throat and iaogsi is bickles anticonsump tive 8yrap j this medicine is composed of several medicinal herbs which exert most wonderfaf influence in curing con- sumption and other diseases of the lungs and chest it promotes- a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation and drives the disease from the system i christmas is r coming mmmwmmm i- t-but- cattorlalnowtllaaaptedtoclilldraithat i osatorla ram c i recommend ftas superior to any prescription i s 5i taowutome ttaaacnxmud i 111 so oxford st bropklya k y witfiouttajurlout c taa csmus wanted c ales11en to loll nursery buck all ooodt o warqtotod fltttlssi ponnaooutpletiaat ifofltebldlposltloaft for tbo right ineai good mdariet and exponiet paid weekly liberal im uueemouui to beglunen no provioui etpori- efaeeneeesssry outlt tree writ taitcrmi drlnjajoj ohakle8 k cuase nunerymcn ueuuoulhit paper itochcttor ny hinnrdi tuiment for sale everywhere stop tloat chronic cough now for if touiiio not ft mar become oon- sampue fur oontuuiptloil srrofuta gaurral ixhtuuj and wafting vufae taera is uotulns- like soott5 of pari cod lkeroii and hyp0ph0sphite8 or xjrfzno and spcto h is almai w imlaiableis jpllk far belter iljiiiij other ikxtiilod emulsions a trondorfat flcali jirotlacor scoffs ejnjl8iok u put ttpintnlmon color urapper dt hire nuatri fm qfuulne botdby all ikalmat spr mid 01oo t youe christmas beef picket wire fencing dosts frota 60 cents per rod 16i feet up for the farm or garden there is no fence 10 aurtbla tad luting seuduii zih ordaracd wc auurcyou utii- facuouvil be tbe retail dlieouutto the trada price ilttc aad rartfeu- lrioa tpplictfioa address j m dooley co i cueloh ont j itf drrby yetorlnary surgeon thfats all diieaaei of doraestfeatcd sninjal special attention giren to dlsouos of uio teth and moaih of hortct aa cattle gurcica operations of all undf iirfoniid veterinary niodlclnec alvayi on band tod ircparod tn drder calls promptly attended to by day or lilgiit or bj tcltjsrtpli ornce ixd bcaincya evrton 0q nelson i wants to see for ha has what willsuit 5ou i is dry goods boots shoes and groceries a teial soucited ashley lans arc arranging lor ooo of tbo niott tempting curiitmu displays evcuocn in acton k and for tuts holidayi will bavo a flae itocit of meats fowls i such ta will gladden tbe boarti of all customcri leave your chrutiuai orders early i ashley ft lake pringlev 3r the weekly times ujlitlltox ost lie best gome newspaper gfres ui moi cotnprenensive view of the latext eiirrait cvccl of tjje rorld bis tlic best un of local and provinaa corrcfipoodcct fpcrcs no trpcnic to give all the xewb jmptly saccinetly trastoruiijj- s tejegrtpuic serriee is ixiuurpaestxl finn and household dpartciciu ifar- ueporta clean and vuocsouie andlliseeiiaay maiolt procniiuecuy the jour nal for the canadian homes it gets the best whatever the cost two papers for one price jsabscripuoa pri o the wckelt tiues one dollarajear for a limited time laucribers art offered tbe weekly tikes apdilic aieai- cix fikxrx a fintcuss sffricuiiural journal for only i a year j subscribe now any one sending foar new tabicxiptionfi vith h accotnpanytng will receive the tiro papers oae year free addreu hamilton ontario pisos cure for i the best cough medicine b sou it drnoasrs i b consumption santa clau8 vxll be kz i prinjrles jewellery store in guelph from now until after chritmaa with hia choice lot of beantifal hew things amtnule for christmas prasenu batches andjcwelry of every description silver thimbles plush dressing cases and ever so many new kinds of goods which must be seen to be appreciated everything will be of theprettiest and newest designs i geo d pringle w jeweller gttelph christmas sftle- at- the mammoth house georgetown ttnlods oil he coiied avenues o the bowels kidneys and liver canjiaj oil gradually tritliofit vcnkming tliests- tfem all ihfi inipuxitics and foul huiflms dt the secretions at tb erce tac cor- wctlnjr acidity of tno stomach oaring biliousness dyspepsia headaches dizziness heartburn constipation dryness of the skin vousness and general debility all thesa and many other sunllcr compjalnls jfeld o lho kappy inhuenoo ol b ded0ck blood bittees itor sail if all dealer kqabtjair co proprietors toronfo world thi lately hiraotma u elaiced avmey rtaidsi famnuslt tertlmontalb etc fsee bldaa mcbode kilieb co lid 120 sig st w toronto ont i bziaotnrers for the donunlqa e of impositions so our tradomsrk mff d lows worm syrup d ctroy and rcmovestorms r au kinosin children or a 3ults bwectas syrup and of choice dry goods furs xlau- ties millinery dress goods clothing readymade clothing overcoats boots and shoes jovershoes ladies and jfisses caidigan overshoes we- es pecially call attention to our rich assortment of dress goods and dress silks splendid all woo dress goods for 15c per yard worth35c per yard ve have a choice assortment of long mau des and short jackets which will be sold at greatly reduced prices fine astrachan mantles from 81500 to 2000 worth 2500 to 3000 a magnificent stock of madtlings including fawn beavers sealettes etc a mag nificent sealette for 400 per yd our far stock is large including ladies bear boas beaver setts alaska sable astrachau lynx fine persiau lamb setts price 2500 reduced to 81250 ladies and mens fur caps a big stock of overcoats bought at 50c on the in boys youths and mens mens overcoats from 8300 up our carpets rugs matta floor oil cloths are well assorted aud at the right prices our dressmaking mantle- making millinery and ordered clothing departments are iu full swing busy tupuing outgoods to suit our patrdes in make tfp fit and price now is the time to get bargaius during tbe christ mas holidays christmas novelties suitable for prescuts sold cheap we further announce that the ticket present sywem shallclobe at the end of this month so hurry up aud gel the bargaiiib and the prorents r w mcleod co dec 0th 1800 tyvhkrdlncs jtlpt on slock mtablo for tbs bolmsrla4 has alb come bohatlllplmslcta1 k bt bai in fancy hanging lamps v in groat raristr glassware china and crockery in oil tbe latest patterns r- j choice asaobtuent of curi8tmas groceries fruits nutb peels etc it is well known that harding gives tbo best possible valao for cash to every customer oysters in season railway tim v grand truiik rajhfi espress t it mi epras35 tutatli lf 11 tab j bjprm r thtouill jiptovrmfl mau lt aoeom pml i aecoiot tpnotclillfomilu jjs oolnjwst36amkddjjoptoi r ootojemiiososibindsjoom i ys tbjstliseiabls vent into etfscl do pa wo i i the sensation of the season i the best oi every thing for christmas will be found at tbo j drudi store i jjllauwnt without a p la best teeth fh jf puts jfctevi wtlbaaaufoiipalnltisextrictks t 1 fall in liue all you people who wish to sec our duplay of plash cases of nil kinds i mouth organs i hymn books annuals bibles toy bocjks an p j photo and auto albums i t r he urgest scale kfcil i iiy canada vm over 00 styles ql hay scates tm grain scaleis farm scales i tea scales i impmeo show cases iioker bruwebs hutckoppers md biitcius svprvit addtsssiii rvil j wots it c wiuson son 6 o esplatiadjestrefeteast vs a i rarontcpniv simtoas wrer remi5votj wills j scrap albums at 10 cents each christmas cards and i booklets perfumes and toilet articles plenty of variety newest attractions gifts suitable for old and young t pocket diaries for 1891 now ready at j v kannawins mill street actonti good evening do you wear williams shoes you want the best you want the neatest you want them durable boots shoes you want tbe cheapest thevefore always go to williams boot shoe store if you want anything in vershi s or call at williams acton rubbers overshoes slippers trunks or valises go to- the l6kd1ncstorp for christmas groceries and christmas novtelties l g matthews 3 was never in as eood a position lo sapplj the public with groceries f raits and qooleo tionery of the finest andparest qaality as at present leave your orders here and your holiday lire will be of the beat quality the past twcj years i hate led ia fine ifangiug lamps crcekcry china and glassware for christmas presents and my stock th t season ia if ponibie more altraotive than that of previous years christinas sales i re already being made- i am now doing a strictly cuh business am my priom are low cash prioei splendid oleograpbic chromes in i mbossed gilt frames 22 x 28 are given awav to each oustsmer when tlo worth of goods h ive been purchased i a new thing iu christmas dc orations very cheap see thdm j l g matthews to farmers knd threshers uao ontonrmaohin the wellknown pbbelbsp pix 9 gold medals b mannaqturedatjm samuel rocers i cotoront i h idunn m baking powder thecooics best friend 1 a new book from covrifl to cover fnllj abiraststthjetljnes m ihiteriional dictionary a grand investmtfnt 33 tor uie fn school cr rrcfei ls tie antiontlo webttir vm j fazldcea imoilcmrt eoapriaise ti t situs of 1864 t9 84 cptttem i ii propprtx of thajnd isasi tboroughir revwd and emlaij rq ami at ntdlttltigrililiint fltle bat ti3 tae name of yebaa lntataa mi mi dictionary editorial work itpoa this revidt a bat been in aetiva progreca form r tan tears ktft less tkan one hmi drod paid editorial laborers kto iv leajansragedttponit 1 j over 300000 expanded in preparation becare the nrtt was prinaa critical comparison vita any i dictionar lsiavitcd got the csc hebbiam cotablllbe prlbefleld sola ly ll bookseller- luustrstcd tamvkwtbu urdock i pills 1 asurtycure i for blubufcness contstipatlow uiditsestion dizziness sick hcaoachc ahd oiscxti of twf stomach uvcr and bowels thct vnc mcbthorooon alio rnomrjf in actio 0 amid tdjtm a valuasix kuh to burdock blood brrms m ti ihcatmtnt ad9 rcurc of chrokicv axd obstinate diseases powder pure8t strohcest bett cont4ms ns alum ammonia lime phosprlatet oraovlojoriofibitcrials ewgillrrt gasa ttofi tf tit fnnsann sjtal nm ui r slimmer tour- psuct smttiti law bstksi detroit mackinac island ttimkty th boo mmatu ar l li httnja kru xrwy zreiiitg btvta detroit and clevelant sudjtrish jo iililrau i twp onlj oub illustraxeo iamphutt8 as sn tewiftdoa tttaurtli b f rollw by 700 ttokml ifvnt or tltticn e bwhpcoub a pa drt3i mictj the detrott i clevetmo shu lit 0 jopti m kv11 hirsts pain exterminator will positiyely mre gbimps finis ix mwm yjmmqqjfyfi rjjik l bowel coaplalats clarrbw i jamir i summercomplalntl fkfitpabottlr51ny fthe housed h isold by all dealep vnmm i

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